
When Gaddafi and the West Were Sort of Friends 

Journeyman Pictures
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Gaddafi's Gamble (2004): Looking back on Gaddafi's rapprochement with the West, it may have been solely to strengthen his own regime. But at the time, what did people think were the implications of his policy for Libya?
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"Nothing has changed." complains Libyan dissident Ashur Shamis. "Gaddafi and his cronies want to keep things as they were before." For ordinary Libyans, Gaddafi's marriage of convenience with the West is no cause for celebration. They see it purely as a means of strengthening his despotic regime and avoiding having to make any real reforms. Libyan expert George Jaffe agrees. "Colonel Gaddafi's fundamental concern is to keep his regime in being." Years of economic sanctions had left Libya's economy in ruins. Trapped between the rising anger of his own people and a more aggressive United States, Gaddafi was forced to act. "All of us agreed that Libya should adopt several reforms," explains his son and heir, Seif Gaddafi. So Libya renounced terrorism, dismantled its nuclear programme and accepted responsibility for Lockerbie. But has anything really changed? It's still illegal to form political parties and criticise the regime. In fact, critics fear that as the economy starts benefiting from this new relationship with the West, things will only get worse. "Gaddafi will become more repressive, he will become more autocratic because he feels he has nobody to account to."
ABC Australia - Ref. 2390
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@ccc771 12 лет назад
if Gaddafi was torturing and murdering his own people he stayed in power a very long time if this is the case then the Media should show us these places where these atrocities were taking place and the families effected i want to hear their stories and have them independently verified to make sure we are getting the truth... Id say this article touched very briefly on why NATO got involved and that is of course the Oil very similar situation to Iraq.
@timinbisbee 10 лет назад
Educate yourself and live life simply. That is happiness.
@vanessanda 11 лет назад
There are plenty more docs besides! Far as I'm concerned, Libya's no place to live for anyone anymore. US humanitarian intervention has made it a hell hole! Are u aware the first thing done was to create a private bank? Gone are all the benefits ordinary Libyans were receiving. Ghaddafi was cleaning up his act & making a lot of progress! Whether the west admits it or not, the majority of people loved him. About time the US/RAEL cleaned up its own act & left people, their land & resources alone
@hunterhunting8864 5 лет назад
Lier, gaddafi did not funded abu sayaf. He funded MNLF. A freedom fighter. Lier
@thomasmackelly7685 10 лет назад
gaddafi was destined to die a terrible death.
@MosesElidresi 10 лет назад
@JoseSilva-oi5qu 10 лет назад
Caine Able No, idiot, It did not, Emerson
@cnnbg 11 лет назад
thank for the information but I am Libyan from Libya, and Libya wasn't a nice place during Gadafi and isnt a nice place now.
@Sum3a_ish 4 года назад
Shut up traitor. It was beautiful when gaddafi was in power
@danieltesema9869 12 лет назад
my brother, we all know that the colonel both arose during the treaturous cold war and survived it. of course he must insure that very family image! but death by a knife in such a respect? I don't think even the security council saw the jihadists as so perverse. By the way, now who will protect the Gold and the oil? The NTC?
@SkullKing11841 12 лет назад
Sounds like your being an apologist for totalitarianism.
@KJ1452 12 лет назад
Maybe you can direct this to all the millions of people who have risked their lives to get to America. There are people who have swam across shark-infested waters. Millions of people have paid thousands to have a chance to board a one-way plane ticket to JFK Airport etc. So maybe you should be telling them about how horrible America is.
@youssefslm3542 11 лет назад
did you live in libya?
@Jus4ya 12 лет назад
just try to make sure everyone gets a say in Libya this time become active and scream when the emperor has no clothes
@Jus4ya 4 года назад
water Boy yeah turns out everyone has to be aware of it or doesn’t work
@PlebScrubber 12 лет назад
who cares, no one reads the credits anyway fuck copyright, share the knowledge freely
@cnnbg 11 лет назад
watch?v=UCBCAMvmbTA this links shows you how would someone be executed if he/she was accused of treason
@cnnbg 11 лет назад
oh by the way I never liked Gadafi.
@BATT1819 3 года назад
Good...go and fly kite kid
@hurt4curt 11 лет назад
I love this man and cried when I saw them beating him. Every blow they landed killed what hope I had left that much more. He took the poorest AFR country to the 4th richest in the world. Everything we as Americans slave our lives working for such as a home, electricity, healthcare, and interest rates cost Libyans absolutely nothing. His only short coming was not expanding his military. And of course media was censored so people like us and NATO etc would abuse it with propaganda.
@davidhat2446 5 лет назад
hurt you mean the media was not censored for 40 years under your " leader "? Every word was and you know it ....
@dbsk06 4 года назад
hurt4curt your comment is prophetic. Right now Americas biggest problems: housing crisis 2017, no universal healthcare, and student debt
@bookbeing 2 года назад
Yes! Truly tragic abuse of yet another sovereign Nation and its people. The exiled dissident living in the uk sounds like a Mosad agent.
@englishrose5483 4 года назад
How do you know these people are being made to say they are happy with their lives? They may genuinely be happy.
@adityathakar4072 4 года назад
English Rose please read Gaddafi ‘s Hareem , its a book ,
@englishrose5483 4 года назад
@@adityathakar4072 Thank you for the suggestion but I would not trust anything written about Gadaffi from a White French woman or any westerner for that matter. I think the reasons would be obvious. We all know about French Colonialism in Africa and what Gadaffi thought of this.
@adrianafamilymember6427 11 месяцев назад
@englishrose5483 is that sexaul, what he said?
@aniketroxx 10 лет назад
Any Libyan here , I just want to know the real truth why Gaddafi was killed ? I read much stuff on internet . Some was against him and some in favor.If any Libyan citizen here to tell me truth , reply please
@DuartMaclean 5 лет назад
@africansnowqueen You said it right!! The USA owes him. Those who killed him will experience what hell is like in the Afterlife. It will not be Gaddafi who suffers; he will be at peace. God bless him.
@jaylm4112 5 лет назад
Hey bud... I'm an American and if possible and your still interested I could correspond with you fill you in and suggest many reading materials and shows to help you understand you might've been a little younger when it happened so you didn't know. These guys underneath here even the one who said he's from America they are just Russian trolls paid to do stuff like this they should've left you alone but again their paid to say they are from here or there and leave comments like this one said he was from Libya on a different comment somewhere else they always start with I'm from USA or whatever ignore them, they're on portion Putins payroll. But if your interested I could help you understand and then you could make the decision for yourself
@davidhat2446 5 лет назад
@africansnowqueen yawn
@BATT1819 3 года назад
@@davidhat2446 go and fly kite kid... koh koh koh 😝😝
@Jus4ya 12 лет назад
Libya the gem of Africa now just ruins
@WiseSilverWolf 12 лет назад
Where were the weapons of mass destruction? and how did they produce these "plans" for weapons of mass destruction that they never had?
@eetaq1940 12 лет назад
As a Libyan, we did feel that Libya might be getting better. But, as time went on we started to see that it was all a fraud. The wikileaks article showed that the reason all of our shops have the same products is because the Gaddafi family was only encouraging a relationship with the west to allow themselves to monopolize major industries, like media, agriculture, etc. Then, he became very erratic with his programs. One day saying he will dist. oil wealth, the next day free houses, but never any
@hunterhunting8864 4 года назад
This doc is intend to ruin whats left
@TheYemenight 11 лет назад
lol anyone notice at 5:46 he hits someone in the crowd and then at 5:53 he hits one of his guards.
@chateytung 9 лет назад
Gaddafi biggest mistake is he choose the wrong enemy and choose the wrong friend
@vanessanda 11 лет назад
Ghaddafi for whatever reason was making progress & improving Libya AND life for Lybians. Everyone had income from oil.Does the west do anything like that? NEVER, quite the opposite.They could learn a lesson! He tried to improve relations with Bush&Blair but that wasn't enough 4them.He had plans to sell oil in gold&help other african nations. The US couldn't allow that! No, I believe enough evidence has come to light on Lockerbie which proves otherwise. Do u think Libya is better off without him?
@antoniobrandao1 12 лет назад
I'm sure I didn't get everything you said, but this video is still American Propaganda Machine at work.
@tubebellator 11 лет назад
lol Gaddafi, instead of buying favor with the west he should have bought more T72s and S300s.
@tranxss 12 лет назад
@AndrewG975 12 лет назад
Yes the American propaganda machene at work on a channel that gets about 2k views per vid
@Videotubelord 12 лет назад
Journeyman is just a uploader.
@DoniusBelgius 8 месяцев назад
📹📺JUN /\ JUL - 1004 AD/\CE NO-T 2004
@Crazybenjiwoo 12 лет назад
fail troll.
@Videotubelord 12 лет назад
Those videos was aired on TV many times. Journeman is not making them.
@t4705mb6 12 лет назад
Troll alert.
@Videotubelord 12 лет назад
No wonder you are from USA...
@jj10523 12 лет назад
He has the right to do that within his borders. If you have a problem with it why don't you talk about Saudi Arabia which is an complete monarchy.
@davidhat2446 5 лет назад
Jacob your wrong...
@BATT1819 3 года назад
@@davidhat2446 then what is right with the European monarchy? 😝😝
@t4705mb6 12 лет назад
Did I say Gaddafi was innocent? I'M not "innocent". Are you? "Throw the first stone."
@antoniobrandao1 12 лет назад
you fail
@theghostofhumankindness4312 11 лет назад
That documentary provided some insights, yes but it was very unprofessional and could have been made by anyone - especially the bit at the end with him in the car. Of course people cheered him on but people used to do that with dictators like Ceausescu because they HAD to.
@filozovs 12 лет назад
No it isnt, look up their page and read what they are about. Fucking look at their videos! I hate these ignorant who spam propaganda withouth even watching the video, let alone who uploaded it or made it.
@claytoam01 12 лет назад
Your Joking Right ? If that's your motif why are you called 'whitechristian'.
@antoniobrandao1 12 лет назад
right on the spot
@theghostofhumankindness4312 11 лет назад
Well from what I can see, it looks much worse off without him. But a prison is better than a torture chamber but that doesn't mean a prison should be defended. If he wasn't responsible for Lockerbee, then why did he apologise for it?
@davidhat2446 5 лет назад
The G he apologized for it because the compensation was a small price to pay in order to get back in favour.Seif himself said this on YT.He said its just a game.
@P_RoC45 5 лет назад
David Hat No that’s false gadadfi has always been a sponsor of terror from the IRA to Lockerbee, to Jeff fort and street gangs in Chicago (black p stones) he’s always been a sponsor of terror.
@BATT1819 3 года назад
Too many Western cytros lately on the Libyan topics who accused everyone else as Putin paid trollers. By right why now bother to defend the West illegal military intervention in Libya?
@Adam-kr1bb Месяц назад
He appologised and sent money to victims because he wanted to open relations with the west. The west believes he did it (I'm personally not sure if he did it) so he just appeased them by taking responsibility even if he did or didn't do it.
@Videotubelord 12 лет назад
22 minutes 27 seconds on the /watch?v=H3yARlNeA-0
@partymariner 11 лет назад
I wonder if the Libyan people will enjoy their new American backed Wahhabi government? Sure Gadhafi might have been bad, but something tells me it is about to get worse!
@filozovs 12 лет назад
AND it makes it own documentaries, read their site, not Wikipedia. WTF has 22:27 to do with anything?
@ccc771 11 лет назад
its called negotiation lets talk Al Qaida
@theghostofhumankindness4312 11 лет назад
I completely agree with all of that but being against military intervention isn't a reason to praise Gaddafi. He initially portrayed himself as this figure of anti-imperialism but when it looked like he was going to go the same way as Saddam Hussein, he jumped into bed with Bush and Blair. He used to also invite neo-nazis like Griffin to stay round his palaces. Do you think he was responsible for the Lockerbie bombings?
@karlokater 12 лет назад
Did you find all this out by yourself while sitting on your couch in Chicago?
@fdantheman 11 лет назад
You SAW a documentary, Forrest.
@RoadsidePicnic 5 лет назад
That band sounds sad af lol
@TheRautib 12 лет назад
Hell yeah you r so right. Thanks 4 posting some true Wisdom. I really respect that. Please keep the Wisdom flowin' cuz that's what we need. Peace
@Krushtak 11 лет назад
Thanks Captain Obvious.
@youssefslm3542 11 лет назад
did you live in libya?
@youssefslm3542 11 лет назад
did you live in libya?
@theghostofhumankindness4312 11 лет назад
Why do you love him? I keep hearing so many conflicting things
@abubardewa939 4 года назад
Libya under him was better than some of the western countries .
@Gheriani 12 лет назад
I learned how to speak English by Travelling abroad, and once the government found out that we could afford to travel, all of our money was taken away from us, and we had to leave the country. After Gaddafi died it was safe for us to return.
@Gheriani 12 лет назад
I live in Libya...it was only a gem for the Gaddafi family, as everyone else struggled to live. Now is a transitional phase, its only normal for there to be problems.
@MEGIDIOT 12 лет назад
I'm embarrassed that his family is hiding in my country (Algeria)
@MEGIDIOT 4 года назад
Sahil C i have no idea now
@MEGIDIOT 4 года назад
Sahil C i have no idea actually, his daughter probably still is because she doesn’t have an arrest warrant if I’m not mistaken.
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