
When Living in Costa Rica is HELL - Just Be AWARE 

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#livingincostarica #expat #grateful 'Living in Costa Rica - No one seems to ever talk about the dark side of living in Costa Rica. What do I mean by dark side? The dark side is suffering from an addiction that you are not in control of. Costa Rica gives a great backdrop to change one's life. Live a simple life or a life of adventure. But if you have some struggles, Costa Rica can also be just as difficult on your difficulties. I (michael alan) have lived in Costa Rica for 18 years. My 'struggles' are documented. I do these type of videos from time to time because no one else does and folks need to know that Costa Rica is not always 'paradise' it can also be a black hole that you can't find your way out of. This is just a heads up video so you don't forget what you might be in store for. I hope it helps a bit.
'And when nobody wakes you up in the morning
And when nobody waits for you at night
And when you can do whatever you want
What do you call it? Freedom or Loneliness?'
Is Costa Rica Right For You? 7 Day Event'
ALL INFO/DATES and SIGN UP for the Retreat HERE-www.lasarahele...
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The Relocation Retreat will be held in La Fortuna (my town), the top tourist destination in Costa Rica and home of the Arenal Volcano, at the only 'ALL INCLUSIVE Hotel' in Fortuna, Montaña de Fuego. And we are super EXCITED to have them host our relocation event.
First, my 2 promises to YOU. 1) There will be no, 'blowing smoke' about the good, the bad and the ugly about moving and living in Costa Rica... and especially by me ;) 2) By the end of the 'Relocation Retreat', you will absolutely, 100% know if Costa Rica is right for you.
START HERE to find out if Costa Rica is right for you or not, so if you really want to get a good idea if Costa Rica is right for you- Check OUT these videos and you will know within the hour if you should pursue a life in Costa Rica or NOT. If you decide Costa Rica might be a good fit, maybe now is the time to contact us at- info@travelcostaricanow.com
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Living in Costa Rica The Top 10 Things You May Hate • ❌ Living in Costa Ric...
Oldy but a goody. Still relevant Living in Costa Rica Culture Shock- • Living in Costa Rica C... Costa Rica 10 Reasons You Shouldn't Move There • ❌ Costa Rica -Ten Reas...
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Comments/Questions, thinking about moving to Costa Rica- info@travelcostaricanow.com Hope to hear from you very soon. pura vida.
I hope you ENjoYed this video, 'When Living in Costa Rica is HELL - Just Be AWARE' and found it somewhat helpful in your ongoing research and homework to whether Costa Rica is right for you. From all of us at Travel Costa Rica NOW- Pura Vida.



10 сен 2024




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@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
If you STOP your addiction and deal and eventually work out the 'trauma' that caused the addiction in the first place, are you able to eat a Twinkie from time to time, have a glass of wine, watch some porn or even have sex , take some E, walk into a casino and play a hand of blackjack or are these things you may have enjoyed at one time, forever dead to you? I seriously would like to hear your opinion. Thanx.
@christineh9600 3 месяца назад
My brother was a functioning alcoholic back in the 80s and 90s. He would be sober Sunday through Thursday (for work) but on Fridays and Saturdays, he would drink until he'd pass out. When my brother was drunk the last thing you could do was touch him, he'd go off, usually by busting something or punching holes in a wall (he never hit anyone). What changed him was meeting a woman who didn't tolerate his drinking. He, somehow, stopped drinking (no AA, no counseling). He didn't drink for years... then in 2015 I noticed he would have a drink, or two at family functions without him drinking until getting drunk. I believe he's now able to have a few drinks on occasion without relapse, but again always depends on the person.
@matthewmorris8070 3 месяца назад
IT'S ALL ABOUT CONTROL!!!!!!!! ALWAYS BE IN CONTROL!!!!! Are YOU in CONTROL or do the people and things you allow to participate in YOUR LIFE in CONTROL? YOU are the PILOT! If you allow anyone or anything to take the wheel You LOSE CONTROL! Hold On Tight. It's a bumpy ride. If you let go or lose your grip and don't apply the brakes fast enough you WILL Crash. BE SAFE!
@Kattywagon29 3 месяца назад
I think anything is possible and all people and circumstances are different, therefore yes, it is possible to be able to enjoy the things you were once addicted to from time to time. I believe that self-control IS a very powerful thing, but so is physiology. When we are specifically talking about drugs and alcohol as addiction, then I think you have to be cautious because long-term use can affect our bodies. Removing that thing can help your body return to balance and/or allow your body to repair the damage that was done. However, re-introducing things into your system, even after a long time, can have some unexpected results. People just need to listen to their bodies and not be ashamed or embarrassed to go to their doctors with any questions or concerns.
@JayRedden28 3 месяца назад
I can't talk for other people, just myself. First Step for recovery in AA is 1. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol - that our lives had become unmanageable. I will always be powerless over alcohol to my dying day. There is no recovery from the substance, at least not for me. Recovery refers to our thoughts and behaviors, not our physical addiction/toxicity to alcohol. I haven't had a drink in 33 years come June 7. I equate alcohol to drinking Drano. Why would I do that when I know its poison to me? I believe I'm genetically predisposed to alcoholism and there are a lot of studies that show that apes species, humans being one of them, develop physical dependence to alcohol across ape species. Its genetic. Science has identified some of the genes. My father died of alcoholism and my mother was alergic to alcohol. I inherited both genes apparently as I would almost always drink and throw up. I was not a fun drunk and I almost suffocated in my own vomit while blacked out and passed out, at least twice. Im even alergic to Balsamic vinegar Ive discovered recently.
@lynnc1382 2 месяца назад
I struggle with the concept of addiction. I used to drink pretty heavily every night in my teens and twenties but I was working in nightclubs in S. Fl and it just seemed like part of my life. I was having a blast, also hitting the gym every day and being otherwise responsible. I’m a happy drunk and wasn’t hurting anyone. Was I addicted? I don’t know. I also drank (and then some) like a champ through college while earning a math degree and eventually my doctorate with a 4.0 gpa. I always partied socially. Is that addiction? Was there underlying trauma? Frankly I didn’t know or care because I was having a grand time. Hangovers started in my 30s which sucked. I was pregnant at 35 and 39 so the drinking stopped during pregnancy but picked up again after. What a relief. Pregnancy also sucked. I’m 53 now and don’t drink (or then some) very much because the hangovers are brutal. I miss partying and rarely engage in social activities anymore. In that sense, I think I was better off when I could drink more. Now I try to drink a little to maintain a social life but realize I’ll pay with a hangover. For me the human experience is worth it. It’s a balance. Every yin has a yang or something like that. So my answer is to do whatever brings you the most happiness. If partying with your son was an awesome experience, then there’s your answer. Follow that up with some clean healthy living to balance it all out.
@TF-mw4sy 3 месяца назад
I started watching you in February 2020. My husband and I decided to try Costa Rica, packed every up including 2 pets, and started our adventure. You have been like a friend to us, some videos good, some bad. But always comforting and interesting, the videos like a short visit with a Costa Rica friend. Thank you for all of the videos ❤ You are a wise man, and authentic.
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
Well, that comment of nice words totally made my day. muchas gracias.
@alessandromorelli9412 3 месяца назад
Same here, Mike. I actually ended up living there for 1 year. Next time I'll make sure to come say hi and buy you lunch!
@athenachloewoodrow6356 3 месяца назад
I think making yourself vulnerable is a gift to yourself and everyone else. Thanks for sharing - sending you good wishes for continued happiness ❤️
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
ahhhh..... thanx so much. That was sweet of you to say... and reminding me. muchas gracias :)
@shelleysquires7225 3 месяца назад
Being willing to be vulnerable is what makes artists great and can also bring healing💕
@twojags88 3 месяца назад
I always knew I was an alcoholic. I started drinking in 6th grade and by the time I was in college, totally off the rails. I drank differently than my friends. See, I loved it. I never wanted one drink and couldn’t understand how people could only have one drink. I wanted to be drunk all the time and I thought about it all the time. In my 20’s it was somewhat manageable. In my 30’s I stopped for a few years, but went back. Then in my 40’s I drank everyday for about 5 years and my life went to shit. I’ve been going to AA for over 6 years and haven’t had a drink since 2017. I really enjoy my sober life and I’ve been working through my stuff. I hope I never drink again. To each their own…but I have no control once I start. I’m glad you were able to work through your stuff and reconnected with your son. Peace
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
YOur story sounds oddly familiar ;) Congrats on the sobriety and the ongoing work you're doing. Thanx for sharing, I think it really helps..... me included.
@johnmasson3277 3 месяца назад
Lots to unpack in this video Michael 🙃 …From my perspective on alcohol, it’s always been something that made me more depressed when I drank too much. I’ve had a couple periods in my life where I drank to the point of memory loss ( wake up in the morning and look outside to see if my car is in the driveway bc I don’t remember driving home ) 😳. I know I had allot of fun with my friends but I never felt good about it bc there was always some trouble that it caused on many different levels. Looking at it from a health perspective, it’s definitely not good for the body and will kill you if you drink in excess continually. More importantly, it’s a depressant and a double whammy when combined with other depressants. You’re drinking to change the way you feel, just like all other addictions. I drank for this reason. Childhood stuff that wasn’t resolved and carried into my adult life. Being honest with myself, I was the life of the party when I was drinking with my friends, we laughed and said and did stupid stuff and got in trouble, almost died a couple times 😂… but the next day, my reason for drinking in the first place was still there. So I stopped for awhile, not completely but never in excess, I could just have a drink or 2 and be good. I found that the first drink would make me feel good, I think there’s a study or 2 that shows a little alcohol raises seratonin but more alcohol has the opposite effect. In my late 30’s up to my 40th birthday I partied with some friends with E. That was amazing and something we did every weekend for about 2 years! 🤪. It’s something great when you have the clean product that just removes ego and makes you all lovey and happy with your friends but again I was taking it to change the way I was feeling.. I feel that it jump started a change in me though, a change that was positive, a lasting effect from those nights where I could tap into the happy, loving no ego feeling the next day and beyond. I started doing breathing exercises and meditations focused on gratitude and positive affirmations, which helped allot and still does. I haven’t stopped meditating and doing breath holding exercises and gratitude exercises, staying more present and appreciating the moment. I’ve always had the gerbil running on the wheel in my brain so staying present stops the gerbil and brings me to a happy place. Having a schedule or routine is important for me and helps a lot. Getting up in the morning and exercising first thing, not at a gym but at home where it’s quiet and I can stay more present. I’ve always worked out and used to be very much into lifting heavy weights, actually competed in a couple bodybuilding events lol. I used to make fun of the guys doing yoga and stretching and now I’m that guy! 😂 I found the heavy lifting became too hard on my body and made the shift when I was in my late 40’s. I still lift a bit but mostly do push ups and chins for resistance training, yoga, Pilates, stretching… I find there’s more balance in my life this way. I still have a drink once in awhile with friends but it’s only social and I never look to change the way I feel anymore 🎉 Keep digging into it, I know you’ll find the happy place without the substances. Thanks for sharing your feelings so openly, it’s unusual for men to do so 🙏💫💛
@joebloggs339 3 месяца назад
I can relate to this and it's refreshing to hear someone else talk about their experience in an honest way. I had significant childhood trauma and one of the only ways that very young kids have to deal with that (because their brain is still pretty undeveloped) is to dissociate and to go numb - to escape into their mind and pretend that what is happening to them or in front of them is not really happening. If the same bad conditions are present throughout your childhood, I think it leads to complex PTSD and becomes a fairly rigid part of your personality and coping mechanisms. It's hard to develop social skills and feel like you belong with that as a foundation. In my case, loneliness resulted from that tendency to live inside my head rather than engage with people. And the only way to cover up that impoverishment of real personality-development was with a shell of invincibility, or else have to face the void of numbness and emptiness. I was either a perfect Superman, or a total nothing - never had that happy, secure middle-ground. Solution: alcohol. Once you start to get tipsy, those rigid walls become fluid and things start to come to the surface. The playful experimentation seen in childhood is given a voice. I noticed this with a few GF's. I felt rather numb around them and then after 2 drinks, the numbness would abate and actual FEELINGS would come to the surface - and they were just as likely to be feelings of love or hate, because both got repressed. My dad was a drinker and I know that he was made to feel very ashamed by his mother for having any feelings. I remember I hadn't seen him for a long time and I went to give him a hug (I was about 16) and he pushed me away, thinking that it was overly effeminate to give your Dad a hug. So if alcohol is being used on a regular basis to reach that tipsy state, it is almost certainly to break through the numbness and the thick walls of trauma. I think if you were lucky enough to be raised in a family and a community where you felt loved and valued, you probably feel OK abut yourself at baseline and don't need to rely on alcohol or drugs too much bc the happy endorphins you get from just experiencing the wonderful mystery that life is are enough to sustain you.
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
Hey Joe, very well said and I couldn't agree more.... It's interesting how you explain it because there was a time I thought I was more 'bi-polar'. Although to be honest, I wouldn't have accepted that label (my control thing again). We have a similar story, probably the only difference is the worst thing happened to me... I could handle a great deal of alcohol without a hangover. This did me NO favors. Anyway, I appreciate you sharing your story and perspective. I know I learned something and I"m sure others will too. muchas gracias
@cayetanocanales7662 3 месяца назад
Saludos from Texas. Thank you for the video. Let the haters hate. Sending love and good vibes. Those people that complain about you opening up are wrong. It’s your channel open up or not.
Месяц назад
Great video, Mike. Glad that you are doing better. Addiction is a lifelong struggle to overcome. Being in a new country, with a language barrier, can make it even worse of a struggle. Thanks for making this video!!!
@lauriejackson2958 3 месяца назад
Great video❤ I can 100% relate to you on this one. I too let alcohol take me to the dark side. I went to AA ( which becomes another addiction) and quit for over 3 years. I worked on my issues and now drink again. Sometimes too much but in a safe environment. I’m done feeling guilty about it. I now control it (most of the time) and there is nothing wrong with partying and letting loose occasionally as long as you have your responsibilities in check. For those that can’t get to a place where they control the addiction rather than let the addiction control them, they should stay away from the controlling substance until they can control it. We need to stop feeling guilty about having fun. We need to start feeling proud that we are back in control. Self-discipline should be celebrated. 🎉🥂
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
I totally appreciate this comment because it is EXACTLY how I feel these days. I had a great time partying these last few months. Now it's over for awhile. That said, I know others deal with it differently... and it's all good. Thanx for taking the time to share, I really appreciate it.
@denicagilmer7951 3 месяца назад
Great video Michael! I’m glad to hear that you’re feeling/doing better 😊
@korymalone6591 3 месяца назад
Great vid Micheal. I only lived there for three years (1997-2000) but I saw it all in terms of people going off the deep end with booze and drugs. Basically, no one will tell you no so if you're a person without a lot of self discipline the country can be ruinous. Anyway, good luck with your "mental health issues" and thanks for sharing because we all need to know we aren't alone in that … everybody's got something going on up there. As for the partying thing - I'll always do it too but it has to be a break from the routine not become the routine.
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
" I'll always do it too but it has to be a break from the routine not become the routine." YES. Exactly that. Thanx for sharing and the wise words, much appreciated
@jeromecherisselezama-wagne206 3 месяца назад
Love the video Michael! I think your point is very interesting. Avoiding the tempation does mean it still kinda control you. But i know for some people, the physical response to the chemical changes cause by an addiction, is impossible to overcome. So the only semblence of control is to stay away from the problem. Either way, I'm like you, I need to be in control. And if I sense I am losing that control, I will shut it down immediately. To each his own. But very good point!
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
Thanx, I appreciate you saying. I just think it's interesting.. sex addiction means never having sex again? Overeating means never eating cake again? Never watch porn again? Never bet on a football game again.... but alcohol, never again? The control thing definitely helps me work this crap out. thanx again for taking the time.
@dallasbarkman1261 3 месяца назад
Man its all.fun & games until the end . . I was diagnosed w a tumor 2.months ago & all my addictions ended on the spot ( though it may be too late ) Now the sins i deal w/ are occasional anger, some.self pity & occasional over eating . If im able to clear this , via treatment , i dont ever see myself going back to the past drinking, formication, etc . I pray you can kick the poor habits & therefore live an extended life * i do remember your 2017 video by.the way
@icysurfer1 3 месяца назад
Second worst thing is not being wealthy or having money coming in. CR will eat You up and quick.
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
Well, I don't think you necessarily have to be wealthy... but yeah, if you have no money you will need money coming in... and yes, the wrong decisions, CR can eat you up. And it does
@karenferd1 3 месяца назад
I've been watching you since 2018 and always appreciated your honesty and humor. I love this video!! I moved to CR in October 2020. I struggled with alcohol since 2004 and can relate to your story 100%. There was a time when I had no control over alcohol and I sought help with AA but like another person commented I think AA is an addiction too. Every time I relapsed I felt like s**t and a failure. I was covering up a lot of childhood and adult trauma. I went to a plant medicine retreat here in Costa Rica consisting of peyote, mushrooms and LSD and talked about my issues and now I can drink again safely. Sometimes to excess but I am in control. I don't like the term alcoholic and I don't think you are an alcoholic. I had a "spiritual awakening", got rid of my shame, guilt and remorse and FEAR, I no longer fear ANYTHING. I meditate a lot, not excessively but it gives me clarity and I have found out who I am.... an incredible human being. So are you. Salute!! 🍺🍺
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
Thanx so much for this perspective. Our stories sound very similar and it appears we have reached similar conclusions as well. Thanx for the comment... very much appreciated.😊🍻
@davidgarnettmarlow 3 месяца назад
I agree. If you have the control and tame your demons (not religious demons, but things that haunt you or negatively impact you…), I think you can drink. But you have to always keep in mind that demons can come back or new ones appear. So always check yourself.
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
Yup. exactly that. And to check yourself, you got to be honest with yourself, which most in my opinion, aren't. IN my case, I am way too self-reflective... it often hurts, a lot. Thanx for the wise, practical words. Muchas gracias.
@richardwilkinson72 3 месяца назад
One thing people cannot criticize you for is a lack of transparency. It is this transparency that makes you genuine. That is why people trust what you have to say. As regards your addiction to alcohol, I understand what you were saying even though I have never had this particular addiction myself. We all have temptations Which can control our lives if we surrender to them. Once you surrender, you give up the control. Having a spiritual component has helped me. It is about pleasing God not myself.
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
True. Although I do not quite a bit about CR.. authenticity is really all I can bring to the table. Great comment, the 'god hole' has to be filled. I think as you get older and hopefully wiser, this becomes apparent. Thanx for the comment and nice words.
@sgsl9458 2 месяца назад
Main issue with addictive behaviors is how rapidly and without notice they progress from pastime, to I can stop anytime I just need to feel better today, to I am slave to addiction. So primary danger lies in inability to identify when this process starts and once it does individual is unable to stop it without outside intervention. It is important to remember that people do not just randomly start some behavior - it is a response to some event in their life, as was correctly pointed out - it is coping mechanism. When things are ok and going well and life is interesting, individual has no reason to cope, however when things go wrong and stress comes out - that is when they automatically seek coping methods. This tends to create illusions like - I did not drink for X months or years so that means I have control - but when things so sideways and stress emerged - people go back to drinking. Circumstances then control use and not ones own will. It is very hard for people to create these links in the moment. This is why psychological training for addiction focuses on dealing with stress and recognizing how it is the time when people return to their habits. Your descriptions show very emotion driven view of use, so one may guess that the worse you feel - the more you cope. Abuse always makes it harder to tackle the problem, it removes the problem - hides it under the carpet. Some of the videos you make really work for you to unload some of the issues you have - talking to people is the best way to heal - nothing wrong with that. Just do not make the mistake of thinking you can do what noone can - stop use anytime you want - when use is always caused by circumstances, things going wrong - this type of thinking is what gets people in to full blown addiction . I think biggest issue with alcohol and especially other drugs is the massive damage it does to the body, after a while even stopping it will leave you much lower than your previous baseline - aside from functional damage to tissues - there is always noticeable effect on how enjoyable life is. When people stop they just do not feel as happy as they used to be from same activities and this is because of chemical changes in the brain - this may take years to recover, but for long term users it never comes back - they loose enjoyment. So good advise is be honest about damage use has and keep body healthy to be able to enjoy life.
@restaurantequipmentguy 3 месяца назад
I find that it’s a very difficult place to resist temptation as somebody who has fought addiction for many years
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
totally agree 💯
@michellefruendt6658 3 месяца назад
Thank you for keeping it real. ❤❤❤
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
That's about all I know how to do. thanx. appreciate you saying. :)
@danielbowers4326 3 месяца назад
Michael no dark side, simple pleasures is what you enjoy Obviously, by appearance you are a highly disciplined guy who values good health. You know what makes you tick. I agree with you 100% that alcohol is not a disease, but a weakness. Keep within your structure, simple pleasures are not a band aid from past life experiences. You say you work hard and play hard great; you do owe it to yourself to relax, unwind and have some fun. I view a guy like you who has cut himself off from simple pleasures as nuts. You have proven you are a master of your destiny just remember bend don't break. By some standards everything we eat, or drink is bad for us, I would hate to visit Costa Rica and view the food and drink as poison as some people may do. Life is not perfect, and neither are we! I do like your podcasts, you are fair, accurate, entertaining and do give informative information to people who are considering visiting or move there.
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
Well Daniel, I couldn't agree more with your perspective. Thanx for sharing that. And double thanx for the nice words and comments, totally appreciated. muchas gracias.
@paulstolk2605 3 месяца назад
Thanks Michael, your videos are always interesting and honest.
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
Thanx Paul, I appreciate that.
@YourBuddyRob 3 месяца назад
When I stopped drinking 4 1/2 years ago I never really "quit" drinking. I've come to realize now in my fifth year of sobriety is that there is a huge difference between being motivated to stop vs having the self-discipline to stop. Being motivated is doing something when you feel like doing it. Being disciplined is doing something when you DON'T feel like doing it. You may say that counting your time sober gives the addiction control over you. That may be true if you must exercise discipline to stop. but if you are motivated to stop, every sober day is a celebration. It's like the difference between dodging a bullet and shooting a bullseye.
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
I see what you''re saying and mostly agree. I stop pretty much as a reset. And that reset can last quite a long time. I suppose we have all learned ways which work for us individually. But I like your perspective. Thanx for sharing, I think it helps.
@paulvta761 3 месяца назад
Great video Mike, I am 100% disabled veteran and drink whiskey to help control the physical pain. Breakfast tomorrow?
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
I know that feeling. yes, regular time.
@visualflair 3 месяца назад
Great revealing video. For sure that question is tough. I think it depends on whether you're an alcoholic or a heavy drinker. An alcoholic is seemingly always under the control of that urge to drink knowing where it leads because they can't control it. My father is an alcoholic and among other things that controls him. I wish we could have seen you while we were there to talk more about this type of stuff lol. Keep moving forward.
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
Yes, you are absolutely right. The difference is real. **yeah, me too, I don't get to talk about these things too often. And forward is all I know. If I dwelled on the past, I would have put a bullet in my head a long time ago.
@barco581 3 месяца назад
I would agree. For people who are physically dependent on alcohol it is a disease. Physical withdrawal for addicts can be very dangerous.
@timgreener4961 3 месяца назад
Thanks for the story brother, I have been watching you for a few years now as I prepare my move... and I struggle with the sauce here myself. So I get every.single.word. you just said and i appreciate you sharing, it definitely helps. I think I'm on the same field as you, I'll never stop as hard I want too, but i stay out of trouble and function so there's that... thanks Mike, can't wait for the next video
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
Thanx for sharing Tim, I appreciate you taking the time. I still have to work on 'staying out of trouble'.... my nature seems to lean that way lol. Thanx man, keep on keeping on.
@davedaniels356 3 месяца назад
If you can let lose once in awhile and fight back to normalcy all the power to you. If you can’t fight back then it might be a problem. It’s a huge struggle and people have to know limits. When I was younger I used to drink with my sports teams. 3 or 4 nights a week sometimes going to work on a couple of hours sleep. Got married had kids and realized I couldn’t run the risk of getting hurt or hurting others, losing my license and hangovers were a bitch. 30 years later I can have a few drinks and everything is good. Having special friends around is a blessing. Only a couple of hours away from Fortuna. Love to hang out next time I’m there.
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
Thanx for sharing dave, much appreciated. By all means... give me a day or 2 heads up as to when you will be in the area and for sure. :)
@Hooped1 3 месяца назад
Great video. I am thankful that I never got addicted to alcohol or anything else. I certainly can overindulge from time to time, but reality kicks in and I need to take charge of my life again and get back on track. Some self discipline is definitely required. To answer your question I see NO reason why you can't have a drink or two if you enjoy it, if you are drinking with purpose or for a reason then that's something different entirely, at least to me. Hopefully that makes sense. Either way, I appreciate your opinions and what you have to say about life. Keep doing what you do so well!
@barco581 3 месяца назад
Yep, we have seen homeless North Americans in San Jose. They got sucked into the seedy side of that city. The crazy thing with alcohol is it affects people so differently. Some people can drink heavy for a long time and just stop with no physical issues. While others have severe withdrawal and can even go into the DTs and need emergency care. In the latter alcoholism is a disease. And like you said while there are often other issues in one’s life, alcohol can sometimes be just a physical addiction. Usually genetic and people need that high and can’t stop drinking. It doesn’t make them weak or low willpower, it’s how alcohol physically impacts their bodies. This is one the reasons why a therapist/CBT by itself is not that effective in helping one to stop drinking. One can work on issues with a therapist and feel better but while walking home past the bar their body is screaming physically for alcohol.
@kandyman2705 3 месяца назад
Michael, admittedly since my wife and I moved to CR going on 18 months now, I haven’t checked in with you as often as I should. But I’m commenting now to those of you who are checking out CR. No matter what you decide, you cannot go wrong following this guy. Without question, the most sincere, honest guy on RU-vid. Whatever you decide, Michael is the real deal. No BS. Just the truth. Good luck.
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
Totally understandable. How's it going? HOpe all is going to plan. :) Thanx for the nice words and comments and for especially for taking the time to say. Very much appreciated. I would love to 'catch up' at some point.. but I suppose that will happen when it's supposed to, muchas gracias.
@kandyman2705 3 месяца назад
@@TravelCostaRicaNOW absolutely. Actually looking at properties in Central Valley. Have to pay more attention to your real estate podcasts
@sandrabedard7848 3 месяца назад
Hola Michael. I always respect your honesty and i always liked that about you. I am an addictive person. I started drinking heavy at age 12 getting into my fathers bar in our house. My Dad was an alcoholic. I loved the feeling it gave me and i didn't have to FEEL realty and the pain of my toxic and disfunctual childhood. My drinking contined through out my life and my life ended up being from having fun partying to miserable. I quit drinking 20 years ago and i am the person that can't have 1 beer, 1 drink,1 hit off a joint, 1 potatoe chip, 1 cookie. I am not a moderator. God knows i tried for years!! I quit smoking cigarettes 24 years ago and if i pick 1 up i will be smoking again. I can't smoke pot anymore either. I have a lot of fun and my life is good and im definitely blessed to be living in Costa Rica for 3 years now. I agree with moving to another Country with your problems will just create new problems in a different place. Especially when i use to be the problem and i can't run from ME. IM GRATEFUL to be clean and sober and I definitely don't judge people that drink and drug because to each their own. I don't have to drink or drug to LET LOOSE 😂 I do that anyway!!! Good to see you and take care of yourself my friend!! PURA VIDA and many Blessings ❤ pS. I have been strict Carnivore lifestyle for 5 months now and having amazing results!! I loose control when i drink, drug or carbs and sugar. I loose every time!
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
Hey Sandra, thanx so much for sharing a little of your story. I sometimes wish I could do it like that but I have control issues and I just can't have a potato chip controlling my life. But yes, we are all different and have learned ways that work for us individually. I got to say, although my life is interesting and I love it.... it can go to extremes but I think I have to accept it is how I am. But I feel so much better. Anyway, again, thanx for sharing, I think it helps a lot. AND WHEN ARE WE GOING TO DO ANOTHER VIDEO? lol jajajaj
@carlosluischavarriarivera9271 3 месяца назад
Have you ever heard anything about being an Alcoholic or Drug addict? You are not an alcoholic cause you consume alcohol, you consume alcohol cause you are an alcoholic. You are not a Drug addict cause you use drugs, you use drugs cause you are an Addict. Some people don't have the same traumas as an addict or an alcoholic has, and in a way, you can use sustain (drugs, alcohol, people, and things) without issues. I never heard about anyone working on his Traumas and going back to using drugs with success, to be honest, there may be people, maybe. Say that you don't have control over something, is not wrong at all, or bad, or makes you weak. Pretend that you have control but deep inside you know you can control it is just Ego and ignorance. We all are ignorant and have egos for sure. I do. I'm just commenting and giving my opinion. I think others have been given a good idea of what they think and it is great to see that. Welcome to Costa Rica you all
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
I asked for comments and opinions and I appreciate yours as well. Thanx for taking the time to share your thoughts.
@deltamagnet 3 месяца назад
Thank you for posting this! As you may remember from our conversations in CR, I've been sober since 1992 BUT I didn't get there with 12-step/AA. I got there though Harm Reduction which is similar to your approach. I said to myself, "I can have a glass or wine with dinner or smoke pot on a special occasion," and the whole idea was to keep myself in balance, to recognize that I was driving the ship and was responsible for correcting course. I did do some therapy and improved my fitness bc as you suggest when we feel bad that is often how we rationalize altering our state. I finally got to a place where I wanted to be sober full time. I did the same thing with vegetarian/vegan. I went back and forth and elected to be vegan full time. That doesn't have to be the goal. I do probably spend less time in drunken conversations and going to BBQs - it makes me less relatable esp with Conservative friends who don't know as many sober/vegan people. I think that's a legit social fear. I think you are good enough! I totally stan you and am glad you are still doing your thing. Hope I get back to La Fortuna soon it has been too long!
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
Yes, I very much remember our conversation... I can say, living in La Fortuna can be somewhat difficult since it's a tourist town and very vacation minded. Which means, a lot of people are partying. Not an excuse, just saying. I think what has helped me navigate this journey is working out the 'trauma' (not a fan of that word really). Now, I'm not numbing anything, just partying when I feel like it. I think it's a big difference from my younger days, which were filled with bad decisions and rude behavior. *I was vegan for a little over a year and loved it... but I love trying new things as well. I am just learning to be me a little better. YES< you should come to Fortuna, how cool would that be, since it's been about 16-17 years or so. Thanx for taking the time to comment, I think it helps.
@tpxrp6244 3 месяца назад
You have guts for sharing and what a perspective. Vicky and I was in Jaco 2 weeks ago and in La Fortuna 2 months and met ya, we drank and she doesnt really drink. It's vacation. So what? Come home and nothing for a week or 2 and then drink a few days and then nothing again. Today building my pergola, having a cold beer here in Ft laud area heat. My doc says your so healthy, but dont drink. Who the hell knows. I do get anxiety when I drink too much. Screw it. Just Keep on Livin as Mathew McConaughey says. Thanks and cheers!
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
Yeah, I think that is my attitude now. I feel pretty good about myself these days and seem to be a little better at making better decisions, not always great but much better than before. I suppose if I was younger I would feel different... but being older now, I don't really care as much. thanx for commenting.
@Francis.x.e.D 2 месяца назад
@Kattywagon29 3 месяца назад
Everyone is different. I have a family member who is an addict. Drugs, alcohol, smoking, gambling, hoarding. He is one of those people like Michael who could just stop on a dime whatever thing he was doing for days, weeks and years. Some things he never went back to, some things he never left fully and other things he switched for something else. He was/is always high functioning. If you didn't know about his predilection, you could never tell - it has always impressed me. That said, he has never once tried to get to the source of why he does the things that he does and therefore I believe that he will never actually stop - no matter the deterioration of his body, the drag on his funds or the harm to his family.
@82ndairborne53 3 месяца назад
Based on my own experiences, what I hear is that you either have not completely forgiven or fully recovered from something that someone did to you at some point in your life or you haven't truly forgiven yourself for something that you did to someone else. I was much like you in my addictive life of the past - "if you're already drunk, you might as well get shit faced". I abused everything to the max. But of all the bad things I did to myself and others, the worst ones were always under the influence of alcohol. I'm not trying to get "religious" on you, but my experience was that while I could accept God's forgiveness for the things I'd done, it took me years to finally forgive and love myself. I did finally manage to learn to drink like an adult and have a beer or two, or glass of wine or nightcap. But then I found out I was in the early stages of cirrhosis a while back and had to quit for good. I don't miss it at all, but I do used weed because it has been proven to help with the pain of neuropathy in my feet and hands. My advice is don't try to reason out why you can or can't drink but just look at the evidence of whether or not you are the person you want to be when you're drinking, or not. I think you have a very balanced approach to life and are a good person in spite of yourself sometimes, just like most people.
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
I can totally relate to your first paragraph. I think we are all, 'ongoing work' or at least we should be. Both are true...... but the 'not good enough' has been a bitch to battle. Anyway, we all got our shit. Thanx so much for sharing... your words of wisdom are noticed.
@Vandivervida 3 месяца назад
Been watching you for years. Always enjoy your perspectives. We have a small hotel in Dominical that’s been here for 30 years called Pacific Edge Eco Lodge. Message us next time you’re down. We’d love to host you 😊
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
damn, we were just there.... but I'm sure we'll be back, so thanx for the offer. And thanx for watching, it's very much appreciated.
@fosterbrower4116 3 месяца назад
Yeah, i feel you brother, I've stopped for years, changed my habits, mixed various products with the drink to find a happy place, AA, self help, read, blamed, so forth and so on. Is it trama, or do i just like getting fucked up? Don't know the answer, have moderated to a level that I can deal with as well as the people I really care about, your not alone and alot of people care about you brother, all the best, PEACE!!!
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
yeah, seems the entire ride is a ride of hopefully learning and getting a bit better. Thanx so much for the nice words and support. much appreciated.
@shelleysquires7225 3 месяца назад
The call of the wild...In my case, I've been up and down almost 100 lbs. more than once. There was a time when I couldn't eat a cookie without it leading to a binge 🙃 Now, for 5 years now, I can. I didn't know if this day would ever come. However, in my case, I've spent my life utilizing expressive art therapy, dance therapy, massage therapy, and talk therapy because I feel first, think second. I constantly need to process my emotions so they don't eat me up. That's just me, but it's how I have survived and how I will continue to live my life. 🌺 ...and the loneliness , im going to do something abiut that...
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
ahhh Shelley, thanx for sharing. Those are all good options for people dealing with whatever or just want to take up a hobby. We will survive.
@robertrivera5092 3 месяца назад
God bless you Michael. You are loved and are a work in progress like everyone else. Thanks for sharing your story.
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
thanx robert, I really appreciate that. and you are very welcome :)
@brucek4484 3 месяца назад
Hang in there buddy. You got this!
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
Thanx. I think so. ;) vamos a ver
@ChristineGriffith-ju2uc 3 месяца назад
Another good video !
@keywestcatlady 3 месяца назад
Impressive Take on Alcohol. I think You’re right, if it still controls you, no Bueno. I never understood it as a disease, befalling someone. You wouldn’t believe the people who come to Key West to stop drinking, it’s like a syndrome! It seems as Tho’ you’ve grown into a Good Guy with a conscience and that’s all that matters. So throw in a few drinks, no problem. Glad you had a Great Adventure, with your loved ones! I enjoy my peace & quiet & projects. If I need some craziness, I know where it’s at. Peace is underrated! Hey, Remember what Ricardo Montalban said, “ It’s Not how you Feeeel, it’s How Good You Look!
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
and what did Fernando Lamas say made popular by Billy Crystal back in the day.... and you look MAHVELOUS.. lol. Thanks for sharing and the nice words, much appreciated. Yeah, I know where craziness is as well, 8 beers away haha. muchas gracias
@edgar-j6h 3 месяца назад
we are here for you mike, please go slow and live your life, love always, bev and mary
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
That means a lot mary, thank you.
@DcArmy9015 3 месяца назад
disclaimer: I did not read all 68 comments so i may be repeating thoughts. I believe Michael the main issue is labels, Alcoholic and Drinker, both used interchangeably, I would say a Drinker is not an Alcoholic and an Alcoholic is not a Drinker, difference being an Alcoholic has to have the Alcohol and plans on having it regardless of situations, a drinker can be decisive, social and pick and choose when or when not to have that drink. Also a drinker can be satisfied with 1 or 2 beers or spirits, and be social and an Alcoholic will be as well but would likely continue drinking after socializing and be on a quest to be intoxicated(chasing the rush as it is said). I believe someone who is an Alcoholic is one for life, if they chose to drink "socially" that's fine, but if they can not stop at 2( or before the buzz kicks in) and be satisfied, then they know they should not drink anymore regardless. (yes some have control as you state you do, but its one bad day or event during this period that the rails could fall). and it will likely save a lifetime of regrets. People need to honestly reflect on themselves and understand the difference between the 2 "drinkers, foodies, drugs etc. one is definitely better and we all should honestly know which is.
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
No disclaimer needed. YOU said a lot better what I was trying to say, so I'm glad you posted this. Yes, the rails have fallen off,,,, way too many times to count, bad decisions, overwhelming shame and guilt but I got to say, once I started working the the issues at hand, things got a lot better. Anyway, thanx so much, glad you decided to go ahead and comment, VERY helpful.
@febsign6110 3 месяца назад
Mike I stopped drinking in 1992 and I went to a 30 day clinic and the meetings and did not have a drink for 30 years. I did go back to having the odd beer and have it under control where I have no intention of the days of drunkenness and hangovers. I believe you can control it and drink responsibly and if not stop,you did it already and you know it.
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
Thanx for sharing, I knew there were people like you about...... and yes, right now, no intention of drinking anytime soon. I can't say that for other substances but even those are a once/twice a year thing. muchas gracias.
@boatman909 3 месяца назад
Now i am on my own, its both freedom and loneliness. The loneliness is the worst. But living here in Costa Rica its mostly bearable.
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
I hear you. Maybe it's time for you to go on a new adventure of sorts. But yeah, the loneliness can be crushing.... if you ever need to talk.
@llewen123 2 месяца назад
People drink just to get the self validation of the person they re drinking with. Alchol is simply a form of validation. Most people dont drink alone unless they re truly self harming
@nycpennypowell 3 месяца назад
Love your videos❤ alcoholism is genetic some people can have a drink when they’re having a bad day and they’re done others can’t stop because they have that gene It’s a disease. Thank goodness for 12 step programs.❤🧘🏽‍♂️💫👏🏽👏🏽
@Poplicola08 3 месяца назад
Nice video, Michael. Thanks for sharing.
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
You are very welcome :)
@ryanoakes4629 3 месяца назад
I love this video 😂. Should I’ve been me in your video 😂. I totally relate..your cool man🎉..working on coming down to La fortuna..and we’re having beer together..
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
For sure!!, I'll be here. * JUst give me a day or 2 heads up.... and it's on. :)
@ryanoakes4629 3 месяца назад
@@TravelCostaRicaNOW It was actually few years back. I was in Costa Rica this time.
@christineh9600 3 месяца назад
We all have vices, whether it's alcohol, drugs, food, sex... whatever. We are all human and experience things differently. Even between me and my siblings, we have varied versions of our childhood...living in the same house, living with the same parents. So no two people view something the same way even though they experienced or seen the same thing. Just my two cents. 😊
@robbielumpkin7935 3 месяца назад
Addiction can be any where go any where Costa Rica isn’t the only place that has a Dark side.
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
true that.
@surfsiren1026 3 месяца назад
The difference is that if you have moved to Costa Rica, you more than likely don't have structure, a job, many responsibilities, etc., and drugs, prostitution, laziness, are all in your face.
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
@@surfsiren1026 haha... I suppose I would be mad if this wasn't so funny. But I see what you're saying. 😉
@fredthompson8219 3 месяца назад
I surfed alot there in early 90's through early 2000s.The party scene was big.Jaco ,Tamirindo but havent been back since like 2007.I defidently saw the dark side of Costa.Keep safe ive been checking Panama have you been ?
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
Trust me, Jaco still has a BIG scene, even during low season, I just lived it ;) Yes, I have been to Panama and a lot of folks like it.
@oo7574 3 месяца назад
That's a good point
@JayRedden28 3 месяца назад
Although chdhood trauma and maladation is ceratainly a huge route cause for addiction, I believe there is also a very large genetic component which has been studied in twins separated in birth and children adopted out from addicted mothers. Working for CPS Intake for 13 years, I get a few calls every year from afoptive normy parents who cant expain why their children at about age 15 gor girls and nay 17 for boys fall hard into certan drugs and certain behaviors when they never experienced trauma and were sepated from parents near birth. When I look at their parents case records, its like looking at the exact same person, same drugs of choice and exact same behaviors. Only genetics or some invitro factors or combination of the two can explaine that. Even how we deal with trauma has been proven to be genetically predisposed.
@stokes111100 3 месяца назад
Fascinating questions put forth in a scientific manner. Thanks for the video
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
Yeah, I kinda think so. And you are very welcome.
@dianacastro8444 2 месяца назад
Loneliness 😢😊
@davidboyles 3 месяца назад
💯Great Video..
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
Thanx, I appreciate you taking the time to say.
@shroommcfanta2020 3 месяца назад
One is too much.. and one million are not enough 😂
@FLAKO1982 3 месяца назад
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
pura vida.
@shellijohnson3043 3 месяца назад
Thank You!
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
@shraddashradda 3 месяца назад
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
@shraddashradda 3 месяца назад
La Vida no es facil verdad !
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
@@shraddashradda si, verdad😉
@michelinecousineau8497 3 месяца назад
Thanks for sharing 💙
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
You are very welcome.
@luisarce2081 3 месяца назад
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
@erichertzen3251 3 месяца назад
You never got to the point other then you missing alcohol.
@mariacyou9265 3 месяца назад
Find out your way in life, keep away from farma cartel… sending love from corrupted 🇨🇦 There is so much more info but here…
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
I'll take the love but you can keep CAnada... lol. Thanx for commenting much appreciated.
@pigspigs76 3 месяца назад
There’s this YT uncommon sense he does body building, was telling him that he ought to be doing a workshop with ya
@pigspigs76 3 месяца назад
Swedish guy, anyhow he and Paul Saladino put out competent protein shake recipes yesterday and I was half expecting you to drop something in the same vein
@pigspigs76 3 месяца назад
Worked at this place called Mike Weir estate winery, he beat tiger woods during his rising peak for a green jacket as an under dog opponent, made a wine in its namesake. Anyhow $1 cnd samples and 5$ ice wine samples .. but two bottles of wine waved the accrued sample fees of any amount 😅 the whole thing was kinda 🥜 .. the co-company which was useful for tax purposes ran events like fire pits Fridays with live music and food trucks, power gays were a problem with the rule bending
@pigspigs76 3 месяца назад
The place would get swamped way over capacity with a crowd of flying monkeys that would all work in concert with the leadership to undermine the staff 🤣 I seen some pretty wild tips flying around to run cover for things .. there was like a dozen fire pits, in my eyes it was a battlefield, glass filled to the brim to avoid return trips into a way over capacity old world estate building, its cheese from around the world in overly generous sampling practices that set the place apart
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
nope, no protein shake ;)
@shawnsteinman2001 3 месяца назад
Awesome Video. And yes I agree with you that if you can't have 1 glass of Wine. Yes the Alcohol does still control you. You have to fix "You" problems. How is that Joe Rogan can be so successful and smoke weed live on RU-vid? He knows self control and never lets the drugs control him. He fixed his issues and moved way past them.
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
Yup. Exactly. I do appreciate Rogan- curious, does his own thing, doesn't engage in negativity and lives his life as he sees fit. Thanx for taking the time Shawn, appreciate it.
@bartholomew1768 3 месяца назад
too hot to drink
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
;) lol. 🫠😉
@stonecol9 3 месяца назад
I'm drinking for about a year and a half everyday now. Cheers 🥂
@MG-lw8pq 3 месяца назад
Good luck Michael. Toxic alcohol definitely can take over your life. I just lost another friend from alcohol related health issues. Diet, working out, etc will not make that go away. There are no positives from drinking toxic alcohol. Unfortunately alcohol was always glamorized as cool, great marketing to the masses. I would not drink toxic paint and I would not drink toxic alcohol. I just don't need it. I know the negatives. Why would I do something I know has no positive effects to any part of my life. Smoke weed people and chill. 😆🫠🤭✌️
@shelleysquires7225 3 месяца назад
😢Well, red wine has resveratrol, which is a powerful antioxidant. Smoking weed can cause high blood pressure, so if that's an issue, it's better to ingest it. Just sayin...
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
I hear you............ I've smoked pot a thousand times and although almost all my CR friends do, it just doesn't fit with my biology. I wish that wasn't so because obviously I know it's better for you. I know it's a poison and if I was my younger self, I would probably care more but since death doesn't bother me, I'm good... and besides, just about everything we put in our body these days is toxic..... let's talk plastic, processed foods, overly sprayed vegetables etc. But thanx for taking the time to comment, I totally appreciate it.
@robbiePlanetaSano 3 месяца назад
I have years without alcohol and I don’t touch it for the same reason. I am 69, too old to do stuff with no health benefit. It just sends me to an early grave 😊 I use cannabis for everything . It is the most complete medicine with many options for using it. I use the pain creams, the anti anxiety strains, and I sleep like a baby with gummy bears 😂😂
@denicagilmer7951 3 месяца назад
Great video Michael! I’m glad to hear that you’re feeling/doing better 😊
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 3 месяца назад
Thanx, I really am. And it does feel good I must say........... but it is in my nature to go south every now and then, I suppose it's the rebel in me. Thanx, appreciate you taking the time to say.
@nycpennypowell 3 месяца назад
Love your videos❤ alcoholism is genetic some people can have a drink when they’re having a bad day and they’re done others can’t stop because they have that gene It’s a disease. Thank goodness for 12 step programs.❤🧘🏽‍♂️💫👏🏽👏🏽
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