
Who is Maitreya and how does he return to earth? The savior of Buddhism 

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Maitreya, the Promised Saviour
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We try to answer these questions up to the end of this video:
- Who is the Maitreya?
- Where is the Maitreya?
- Who is the savoir of Buddhism?
- Who is the savior in Buddhism?
- What is Buddhism?
- Who is the savior of people?
- who is the nirvana?
- Who is the nirvana in Buddhism?
- Who is the human savior?
- According to Buddhism, who is the savior?
In a world full of oppression and corruption. Goodness has faded, and evil and darkness have penetrated into its corners. Lies and impurity have spread all over the earth, and anyone who avoids evil in his life will be thrown into a corner and will be rejected and abandoned by the people of this time.
No one alone has the ability to deal with this amount of oppression, corruption, and darkness, and to deal with it; it is necessary that all the forces of light unite together and go to war against the forces of darkness by a perfect leader.
But who is this perfect person? Who, under the shadow of his guidance, the army of good forces will unite and succeed in cleaning the world from darkness and corruption?
This apocalyptic savior has different names in different religions and teachings. Every religion and every ancient wisdom calls him by different names, but in the end, they all talk about the same person or, ultimately, about a single event.
In fact, the word Buddha also means an awakened person.
This word was first applied to a prince named Siddhartha. Someone who got tired of his aristocratic life and, in search of an answer for this life, suffered for years and finally reached an awakening.
According to Buddhists, he eventually returned to his people as a spiritual teacher, the Buddha, to help awaken all beings. According to his beliefs, all sentient beings are caught in a repeating cycle of suffering, reincarnation, and various karmas, and only by waking up from this cycle can they be saved from it.
He believed that man could reach nirvana, the main energy source of the world, by ending the cycle of suffering and getting rid of it. Nirvana is the ultimate goal of all beings who manage to get rid of various sufferings in this world with the help of consciousness.
As we said before, the Maitreya of the end of time is a Bodhisattva. It means a being who has managed to free himself from the cycles of suffering and has done all the necessary things to enter Nirvana, But he decides to postpone his reward to help other people so that they too can reach Nirvana.
In general, Buddha means any awakened person who succeeds in freeing himself from the cycle of suffering by reaching and migrating to Nirvana; he leaves this world forever. But for some people, the story is different.
Because of their love for people, they decide to become saviors and save many people from suffering and help them reach God or Nirvana.
According to Buddhists, Maitreya is the apocalyptic awakener Buddha who will appear on earth in the future, attain complete awakening and peace, and teach pure dharma. He succeeds Siddhartha, the original Buddha, and becomes the ruler of the world.
But what does dharma mean? What is Maitreya going to teach the people of the world?
Dharma is a concept in Indian and Buddhist religions that has several meanings.
According to Buddhists, the mission of every human being in life is to behave in harmony with dharma or cosmic laws. It means that every person should know the laws of the universe well and try to do constructive things in his life in line with them.
The movement against the cosmic laws, that is, activity in the path against dharma and such work in the cosmic system, is condemned to repeat eternally and remain in the cycle of suffering.
There is a concept similar to Dharma in Zoroastrian religion. According to Zoroaster, the duty of all humans and living beings is to not disrupt the order of the universe and live according to it.
We return to the apocalyptic savior of Buddhism. According to Buddhist beliefs, Maitreya Buddha is the fifth and last Buddha among the Buddhas of the planet Earth.
In Buddhist traditions, it is said that he will come to earth and give everyone the good news of the freedom of living beings and freedom from the iron cycle of continuous returns and repetitions.
He is the promised one, and the world will reach eternal happiness and perfection after him.
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10 июл 2024




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@mikesinnott8178 6 месяцев назад
Maitreya is working to transform our lives so we experience unconditional love of the Divine
@hiddensecretschannel 6 месяцев назад
Good to hear that
@pass179 6 месяцев назад
@peterfoenander6234 6 месяцев назад
For sure he will He will lead many to Satan . He is nothing but a fake
@bugzykek 5 месяцев назад
Maitreya has nothing to do with the divine. It is a Buddhist Bodhisattva.
@AACANE 4 месяца назад
@@pass179 get the hell out
@Nature_Lover-do7vf 6 месяцев назад
Well, atleast according to Theravada Buddhism, we don't consider Bodhisattva Maitreya as a special savior. All the Buddhas are same, only the person and their character are different. All buddhas preach same dhamma, four noble truth, noble eight fold path and so on. Buddhism encourages people to attain atleast the first stage of enlightenment immediately as possible, cuz samsara is full of miseries. Therefore, since we are born in a Buddha Sasana (of Gotama Buddha), it is adviced to work for the liberation in this life time, without wasting time. Maitreya Buddha will guide people in his era towards enlightenment, as the Buddha, Gotama.
@hiddensecretschannel 5 месяцев назад
Thanks for the information
@rorkirbabtista9429 Месяц назад
You're mixing up persons and the light within.
@philcerdorian6429 7 месяцев назад
We are the ones we have been waiting for. go deeper into yourself and find away to help others become the Bhoddisattva
@hiddensecretschannel 6 месяцев назад
thanks for the suggestion
@enriquevanakkeren59 7 месяцев назад
Maitreya will change the dharma , let people know how to live their lives on earth, to reach Nirwana , namaste 🙏🏻
@hiddensecretschannel 7 месяцев назад
Thanks for sharing
@Crackerbarrelkid56 4 месяца назад
I am the Bodhisattva Maitreya and yes you are correct. Mankind's fate is at hand
@enriquevanakkeren59 4 месяца назад
Maitreya isnt even knowing that he is maitreya stop lying @@Crackerbarrelkid56
@rajeshbarya9938 9 месяцев назад
According to Indian Mythological history, as it is written in the epics of Ramayana, Mahabharata, and other Puranas), on Earth along with a race of ordinary humans, there always existed the races or clans and the families of Rakshasas( Soul / pranic energy stealers ), Daityas (Monsters ), Danavas ( Giant Fiend ), Asuras ( Anti - Divine Beings), and Pishachas (Vampires) in ordinary human form. In Christianity, they are known as fallen angels. In Jainism and Buddhism, they are known as Vidyadhara (the ones who know dark/shadowy arts), who are born with paranormal powers as these powers are instinctual to them. That means they have human- bodies but demonic souls, ( like in these historical personalities - Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and Idi Amin ) anti - dharma energy within them and are born with some supernatural powers, of which they become even greater experts as they grow into adulthood. This is described in great detail in Indian Puranas (mythological history )- scriptures where the lives of all these Hostile Beings are narrated. And since these Anti-Divine Beings or hostile forces have these Magical Powers ( they also have great expertise in sex magic ), they attack humans on the Psychic planes and fight against the Gods- Angels who reside in heaven to have supremacy over the three realms of existence. These Hostile powers are always against the establishment of laws of spirituality on the earth, so humans may not be able to evolve themselves into higher beings of eternal light. In the epic of Mahabharata, the son ( Ghatotakacch) of warrior Bhima had these supernatural powers from birth itself. Even spiritually advanced beings like Sri Aurobindo and the Mother from Pondicherry, remain under attack from these hostile beings, as we know from their statements and Biographies. To save oneself and one's family reading and reciting of Bhagavad Gita, DurgaSaptashati(700 verses in the praise of goddess Durga) or any other mantra or holy scriptures would be of great help. This battle eternal is an ongoing thing that never stops, like The Day and The Night as this is the way this whole creation is structured. These anti-divine beings are given the job to create obstructions and obstacles in the journey of human spiritual evolution whether individual or collective. We, humans, are creatures of the Day and hostile beings are creatures of the Night. And that is the reason why Indian scriptures warn humans not to roam around unnecessarily after the Sun-Down as during those hours until the Dawn creatures of the Night remain magically powerful. ----- All other races of anti-divine beings are also here. They never disappeared. In Kaliyuga their numbers are higher than the other Yugas. They do not look any different from humans like Kansa, JarAsandha and Shishupal, etc. in Dwapar Yuga. They look like humans in shape and size but carry anti-divine Asurasic souls within them. Only a spiritual warrior would know the difference as he is battling against their anti-divine agendas. According to yogis these races of Daityas, Danavas, Rakshas, and Pishachas exist at all levels of society and in all nations. But these beings easily recognize each other as they are always involved in the dark arts of magical tantra. Many of these fake godmen and god women, false prophets, and members of the Illuminati, Freemasonry satanic cults, Heavy Metal music groups and deep states come from these races and always waylaying ordinary humans who follow them, from spiritual paths by making false promises. According to the yogis, by rough estimates half of the world, the population is made up of these anti-divine races. --- According to the Indian scriptures, Rishi Kashyap had 13 wives and it is through them different species of living beings came into existence. But these wives' races of hostile beings also came into existence. From Diti came Daityas (Titans/monsters), Danu gave birth to Danavas ( Giants /fiends) and his wife Krodhvas brought forth the Rakshas (soul-prana stealers) and Pishachas ( bloodsuckers). These are the different races of Hostile beings who have their original residence in the lower worlds but after taking boons from Lord Brahma or Shiva, they take birth on earth and overpopulate the earth, since they are Tamasic in nature and can not think of anything else except complete sensory enjoyment and since they are cruel in their minds, they take pleasure in tormenting humans and remains involved in anti divine actions and intentions -------------------------------------- According to the yogis, half of the world's population is made up of these hostile anti-divine Asuras beings and they exist at all levels of society, in all geographical areas. Many of these beings are projections or the emanations of the Asuras beings who live in the lower dark nether worlds. This information is only known to the yogis who have access to the esoteric and the occult realms. One-fourth of the human population is made up of these projected emanates. According to the Indian scriptures, these Asura beings become powerful after receiving the boons from the Lord Brahma or Lord Shiva, which is only after they have done severe penances and the austerities for thousands of years of astral/ subtle realities. Mostly since they are power-hungry, they always ask the boons for supremacy over three realms to enjoy the power and pleasures of all three worlds. And in the process of attaining such goals, they always end up tormenting and torturing both humans and the demigods.---Fallen angels in Hinduism are known as Asuras - the anti-divine beings. There are four major categories: Rakshas - stealers of souls and pranic - chi energy, Daityas - Giants, Danvas - Titans, and the Pisachas - bloodsuckers - stealers of life energy. All these races are considered to be different classes of humans as they have the same shape as humans but are born with some rudimentary knowledge of the supernatural and paranormal powers, which they use against ordinary, normal humans to harass them and stop their spiritual evolution.
@hiddensecretschannel 8 месяцев назад
Thanks for the comment
@Kosakosmic 8 месяцев назад
Maitreya is kalki the last avatar
@sixwingsram 5 месяцев назад
❤the Kalki Maitreya, with His sword Ratna Maru, will eradicate all evil from this planet riding on His horse Devadatta🕉🌟🕉❤🕉🌟🕉
@hiddensecretschannel 5 месяцев назад
@wildhumans8116 4 месяца назад
I heard a telepathic voice in my head in 2018. It asked me to look up Maitreya. So I did, and found similarities between the prophecy of maitreya and myself. They are as follows: I moved to 7 countries after I was born. Civil unrest or war after I left. "Lotus blooms" 32 marks on My body (moles) Tall with high cheek bones Has one brother and one sister Entered trance state while in meditation in my early 20's. I had stigmata in my hands in 2006 Jaw like a lion (I have a unique jaw line) Webbed toes (two of my toes are webbed) The emergence of 40 sages (I have made contact with sasquatch, some are sages) I wrote 5 treaties (stories) I don't know what to make of it, there are quite a few similarities, pretty wild.
@hiddensecretschannel 2 месяца назад
@phaitoonchan-iam29 5 дней назад
The Sri Ariya Maitriya Buddha's era the world must be at peace, all people are kind and nice,but look at the world today wars.Hence He hasn't come yet.
@kuntinagwekar6815 Месяц назад
Maitreya is already on Earth, type Maitreya Dadashriji and watch Him. He is Love incarnate, Prem Avatar. He is continuously talking about Transformation of human beings to usher in the Golden Age or Satya Yug.
@reginabaumgartner777 Месяц назад
@shwetapujari4751 Месяц назад
Absolutely true Maitreya is has come🙏
@rorkirbabtista9429 Месяц назад
Yes, but also no as it isn't a specific person.
@Drkomalvig 27 дней назад
Prem Avatar Maitreya Dadashreeji ❤
@user-sadun5940Usher 7 месяцев назад
We heard Jeases, and English dictionary has presented many words based on Jeases, On the other hand, when you see Muslims, they uses Allah as many times as they want, because they are believed if they are saying that word, it will give them a hope. So religions are made by humans except Buddhism. Buddhism is a different subject which you have to study and that religion will tell you that you have a computer on your mind, open it, and process those instructions which Buddha said on your mind, and see your past lives, present and future, understands Buddha's teachings using that computer of your mind. Buddha will tell you how to open your computer on your mind, he teachers to open it. But unfortunately nowadays, those teachings are gradually erased by many humans, colonization has to be the main reason to damage those ancient texts, and it will be cause to future people, and many resources are being faded away, so Nirvana is really hard to attain nowadays, and Jeasus or Allaa or other religion leaders are not Buddha, they are separate subjects. Example, when you take an Art book, there are many drawings inside the book, when you investigate those drawings, and you will see the difference between one another. So those leaders are different to each other. So do not compare and contrast. Art book is all the stories you heard from your life time. Thank you.
@hiddensecretschannel 7 месяцев назад
Thanks for sharing
@user-sadun5940Usher 7 месяцев назад
@@hiddensecretschannel no worries. cheers☺
@vassoulla1 5 месяцев назад
I believe he’s is our saviour, and waiting for his appearance patiently.
@hiddensecretschannel 5 месяцев назад
Thanks for the comment
@ajitacorp3503 5 месяцев назад
You're wrong, that's not a bad thing though. I cannot save you, nor anyone. I'm not here to do that. Nor am I here to "save" Buddhism. In fact I teach that Buddha-ism is something to be surpassed. What I teach surpasses all. It's radically different than you might be expecting. I understand your reaction is "obviously this guy isn't Maitreya". I expect at least that much. It's not that simple though. At this point what I can tell you is that Maitreya is not just a projection in your mind. Maitreya is a man who lives on Earth. I am the man, and not the projection in the mind. Your perception, your expectations, your idea and ideals about me are something called "Buddha Sambhogakaya". Projection in the mind. The thing sending you this message is a man. Which is called "Buddha Nirmanakaya". The living human man. My name is not Maitreya. Maitreya is a TITLE in a series of successions. My predecessor was called "Shakyamuni" or "Thich Ca". That means "Like singing". Which refers to the chanting of the monks, among other things, but chiefly the chanting of the monks being "like singing". In the context of titles, which are at times refereed to as "names of buddha", the word Maitreya means "Like friendship". In reality, I do not have a single name, as a man on Earth. I have a legal name, but it is not the name people call me. In my everyday, in my discourses or encounters with other people... I let them choose a name. I teach you; I have many names. You may call me as you wish. This statement "I have many names" is literally true. The number of names by which others know me by is many, not just one. Maitreya, is merely one of those names. It is not the 'highest' or that is to say truest "Satnam" (which means True Name, or Eternal Name). So I have no 'one name' to give you. All can tell you is to call me anything you'd like.... it doesn't change anything. Do know; Maitreya is the title. In fact, it is syntactically incorrect to say "I am Maitreya Buddha", when someone says this to you KNOW that it is a lie. The syntactically correct way is; I am BECOME The Maitreya Buddha. So, for many people, I become and have been Maitreya in their lives. When I lived on Earth, which is still true as I write this to you... I lived as MANY MANY figures in the minds of countless people. When I lived on Earth as a man, I lived as Amida Butsu, Waheguru Mahadev, Kalki Maitreya and many others. If you are unsatisfied with this, I can point you to any number of others who will tell you that they are The Maitreya and you can go have a discourse with those bodhisattva... if you want to go that way, I can maybe help. Like I said; I have many names, you may call me as you wish. That is to say... you may make contact with me if you so choose. Anytime. I am here for you. I do not want you to have to wait any longer than you needed to. I am here now. If I am not the one you want, you tell me which one you want. I will find him and turn him over to you.
@snehalaghate7786 5 месяцев назад
This last Buddha is Maitreya Dadashreeji of MaitriBodh Parivaar! ❤
@hiddensecretschannel 5 месяцев назад
Thanks for the comment
@reginabaumgartner777 Месяц назад
@@hiddensecretschannel Yes, Maitreya Dadashreeji is the one!
@spritual-1111 Месяц назад
Maitrya dadashree ji is Maitrya ❤
@rudramunihublimath96 14 дней назад
Maitreya is "Prem Avatar Maitreya Dadashreeji" from MaitriBodh ♥
@TheRaverent Месяц назад
Mine is to bring Abydhama as Samma-Sambodhi or Samma-sam-buddha, so sad 2 Awalokistsra`s, But it sin not time yet. Pray for the goodness of the heart. May love be your path of salvation, from the endless cycles of rebirth in samsara.
@marklaursen960 4 месяца назад
Already here, been here. Has many names but is one person incarnated and one Spirit. Timing....
@hiddensecretschannel 4 месяца назад
@RaghavKashyap-hs3sq Месяц назад
Maitreya is on Earth right now....
@SantoshPatil-hk7ng Месяц назад
Maitreya is already here, Not as person but as a energy form. Dhyanalinga at isha yoga centre is maitreya.
@jasonbatez2809 Месяц назад
Mithreee Buddha will be arriving in this Kalpa. A Kalpa in Buddhist Numbers is like 100 Billion Years Multiplied by another 100 Billion Years 100 Billion times and still the Kalpa is way too long to be count in numbers. In other words no savior will arrive anytime soon. He will arrive once the earth blows up into pieces and recreate itself and once the Humans are in their current form and intelligent enough to grasp and understand the Dhamma 😊 and it wont be a Technological Era as now.
@bugzykek 5 месяцев назад
There are no Apocalyptic doctrines in Buddhism. Maitreya is neither promised, nor is he a savior of mankind who will one day save everyone. He is a future Buddha, who will come to achieve final Nirvana and preach Dharma. Also, he is not the first nor the last Buddha on Earth, there were innumerable Buddhas before him and there will be innumerable Buddhas after him.
@hiddensecretschannel 5 месяцев назад
Thanks for the comment
@vinnysing1324 20 дней назад
@mrdelorc 4 месяца назад
Can you tell me i he didn't came now. Then the statue of?
@hiddensecretschannel 2 месяца назад
Thanks for the comment
@MrMk283 Месяц назад
According Encyclopaedia Book of India named as Mahabharata The Final Incarnation of The Lord Vishnu will be called as Kalki Avatar. Sanatan Dharma is only Dharma on earth
@alberttanner408 6 месяцев назад
Jesus is outside God Buddha is within God at his highest self realisation
@hiddensecretschannel 6 месяцев назад
@Crackerbarrelkid56 4 месяца назад
I am the Bodhisattva Maitreya .
@hiddensecretschannel 2 месяца назад
Good for you. Good luck.
@Crackerbarrelkid56 2 месяца назад
@@hiddensecretschannel thank you, - for the fortunence is kept by hand. 🙏❤️
@holdenbladerunner2150 7 месяцев назад
sol..........love its been done
@hiddensecretschannel 7 месяцев назад
@user-yf3rr6ob6r 2 месяца назад
Trust in Amitabha, desire to be born in His Pure Land, and recite His name in faith and thanksgiving (Namo Amita Bu) and you WILL be saved. Birth in His Pure Land at the end of this present incarnation is guaranteed! (The Larger Sutra on Suvhati, taught by Shakyamuni Buddha at Vulture's Peak)
@hiddensecretschannel 2 месяца назад
Thanks, good luck.
@user-yf3rr6ob6r 2 месяца назад
@@hiddensecretschannel you too
@Steven-mf7no Месяц назад
Basically the teachings of Amitabha and Jesus are the same. The difference is that Jesus is recorded as having lived in history, Amitabha according to Gautama's story.
@user-yf3rr6ob6r Месяц назад
@@Steven-mf7no Guatama said Amitabha is a real Buddha and lives beyond Samsara in a Buddha Field of His own creation. Namo Amitabha Buddha.
@Steven-mf7no Месяц назад
I mean Gautama and Jesus, recorded in history, as humans who ever existed, while Amitabha was not.
@Brujo2016 5 месяцев назад
It seems like every major religion has their own messiah waiting to return in the final days.
@hiddensecretschannel 4 месяца назад
Yes, Maybe
@mrdelorc 4 месяца назад
Yes he might be imam mehdi.
@hiddensecretschannel 2 месяца назад
Thanks for the visit.
@barnowl. 4 месяца назад
The Ageless Teachings Theosophy written by a Master of the Wisdom, Djwhal Khul, 'theTibetan', ascended, ( in service on the energy Radiation/Ray Two, of Love-Wisdom of the Christ and Buddha) through His amanuensis, Alice Bailey and in their books state/s the following - The Christ ( an office) belongs to all humanity irrespective of nation, race, religion, social or cultural background. He is the same great Identity which those of different ideologies recognise under different names. He is the Messiah of Old Testament prophecy, the Son of God ( manifested in the form of Jesus of Nazareth) of the New Testament, is the LORD MAITEYA or Bodhisattva in the East, the Imam Mahdi in the Middle East and Krishna in India. The AWTT states that He is to return soon, probably before the end of this century. This is based on the fact that a World Teacher ushers in a New Era. The last astrological Age of Pisces, that Christ ushered in, approximately 2,000 years ago, is near to ending. The next New Age of Aquarius, which will also last approximately 2,000 years is near to commencing. Next year, in 2025, there will be a meeting of the Masters of Wisdom (as they usually do so twice a century) to decide if the world is ready for the Christ to appear 50 years on, from around 2075. He may not come in the same role as before, but will choose a role suitable to the need of this planet. In the New Testament Christ, the fastest and first of humanity*, through reincarnation/rebirth under the spiritual Law of Cause and Effect aka Karma, to achieve the highest spiritual Initiation of humanity, promised His Second Coming. * The Buddha did not totally evolve on this planet. He is considered to be the 'elder spiritual brother' of Christ.
@hiddensecretschannel 2 месяца назад
Thanks for the comment and sharing.
@Faus4us_Official 2 месяца назад
This is already happening.
@tommychook4552 6 месяцев назад
@hiddensecretschannel 6 месяцев назад
Hello and welcome
@alberttanner408 6 месяцев назад
Its ME
@hiddensecretschannel 6 месяцев назад
@SuperZekethefreak 6 месяцев назад
Maitreya was undoubtedly Bhodidharma who created Zen Buddhism around 500 CE. He wasn't a savior or anything, he was just a very quiet Buddha.
@hiddensecretschannel 6 месяцев назад
Thanks for the comment
@acng8839 3 месяца назад
Is that Maitreya is "Messiah"...
@hiddensecretschannel 2 месяца назад
I don't think so
@Kosakosmic 8 месяцев назад
You are talking about the next celestial mass event that never happened in any history of life and universe. That is the awareness itself appear along with the final one. In all other avatars including Jesus, the source or the father never present on earth but contrary to it, to evolve the consciousness, the next mega event stills and shuns the whole universes and galaxies and every being. But a great destruction before than that as evils stop the process and hinder it. We may not know how many will be left but keep your life on dharma that is peace and harmony with other beings but never compromise with evils and falsities. This will keep you safe along the way if you are a true devote or bakt of truth. Nothing can harm you unless you harmed them before in the first place. The son of man will be glorified and transfigured on the day. The day the formless god descend from heaven and shadow the man he's chosen, is what the next event.
@hiddensecretschannel 7 месяцев назад
Thanks for sharing
@JesusLovesYouSoMuch1 5 месяцев назад
@hiddensecretschannel 5 месяцев назад
Thanks for the comment
@christo-chaney 4 месяца назад
Bible References to give Christians 1. One Person Cannot Die for the Sins of Another Exodus 32.30-35, Deuteronomy 24.16, Jeremiah 31.29-30, Ezekiel 18 (all), & Psalm 146.3 2. A Blood Sacrifice Isn’t Needed to Forgive Sins Exodus 22.3-14, 34.6-7, Leviticus 5.11-13, Numbers 5.6-7, 14.17-19, 16.47 & 31.50, 1st Samuel 15.22, 1st Kings 8.38-39, 41-43, & 46-50, 2nd Kings 12.16, Isaiah 6.6-7, 55.6-7, Jeremiah 7.22-23, Hosea 14.2, Jonah 3.5-10, Micah 6.6-8, Psalm 32.3-5, 34.14, 51.16-17, 86.5-7 & 15, 103.8, 111.4, 116.5, Proverbs 21.3, 28.13, Job 33.26, & 2nd Chronicles 7.14 3. God Will Never Accept a Human Sacrifice Deuteronomy 12.30-31, Jeremiah 19.4-6, Ezekiel 16.20, & Psalm 106.37-38 4. God is One & Indivisible (not a trinity) Exodus 20.3, Deuteronomy 6.4, Isaiah 43.11, 44.6, 45.5-7, & Psalm 16.4 See also the New Testament texts of Matthew 24.36, 26.42, Mark 13.32, Luke 18.19, 23.34, & John 14.28. 5. God Doesn't Become a Human, & Humans Don't Become God Numbers 23.19, Ezekiel 28.2, Hosea 11.9, & Malachi 3.6
@ttselha64 Месяц назад
Maitreya is not a savior or “creature” in Buddhism. The Buddhas show a path to enlightenment. It is up to the student to be his/her own savior. Should have a Buddhist practitioner giving this narrative..
@belkisstheartist9001 Месяц назад
*All The Religions are waiting for The Same Person : He is The Rightly Guided One (Al Mahdi)*
@beefyronin 6 месяцев назад
You are all following Heylel, the false light, the enemy. I pray that you haven't sunk a cost too high to pay that you can't see the truth. Jesus Christ wasn't an ascended master, Jesus is THE I AM, the only Master, YHWH, the Creator and unless you repent and allow Him to unshackle your chains of false light and allow Him to pay for your sins, you will be left with the only other alternative. You will pay for your sins yourself. Repent and live, repent and follow the only light, Jesus Christ!
@hiddensecretschannel 6 месяцев назад
Thanks for the comment
@miguelatkinson 5 месяцев назад
@beefyronin how do you know that he is the false light or the emey or heyle ?
@christo-chaney 4 месяца назад
Bible References to give Christians 1. One Person Cannot Die for the Sins of Another Exodus 32.30-35, Deuteronomy 24.16, Jeremiah 31.29-30, Ezekiel 18 (all), & Psalm 146.3 2. A Blood Sacrifice Isn’t Needed to Forgive Sins Exodus 22.3-14, 34.6-7, Leviticus 5.11-13, Numbers 5.6-7, 14.17-19, 16.47 & 31.50, 1st Samuel 15.22, 1st Kings 8.38-39, 41-43, & 46-50, 2nd Kings 12.16, Isaiah 6.6-7, 55.6-7, Jeremiah 7.22-23, Hosea 14.2, Jonah 3.5-10, Micah 6.6-8, Psalm 32.3-5, 34.14, 51.16-17, 86.5-7 & 15, 103.8, 111.4, 116.5, Proverbs 21.3, 28.13, Job 33.26, & 2nd Chronicles 7.14 3. God Will Never Accept a Human Sacrifice Deuteronomy 12.30-31, Jeremiah 19.4-6, Ezekiel 16.20, & Psalm 106.37-38 4. God is One & Indivisible (not a trinity) Exodus 20.3, Deuteronomy 6.4, Isaiah 43.11, 44.6, 45.5-7, & Psalm 16.4 See also the New Testament texts of Matthew 24.36, 26.42, Mark 13.32, Luke 18.19, 23.34, & John 14.28. 5. God Doesn't Become a Human, & Humans Don't Become God Numbers 23.19, Ezekiel 28.2, Hosea 11.9, & Malachi 3.6
@cool124 7 месяцев назад
Buddha and Jesus is not the same. Jesus is not a Buddha
@hiddensecretschannel 7 месяцев назад
Yes, Exactly
@ahyapchow2459 6 месяцев назад
@MsGatubela007 6 месяцев назад
They represent the same archetype
@wendyshoowaiching4161 6 месяцев назад
@wendyshoowaiching4161 6 месяцев назад
​@@MsGatubela007 Their level of attainment is different.
@charlie54966 9 месяцев назад
Jesus was a Buddha too.
@hiddensecretschannel 9 месяцев назад
Thanks for sharing
@saintsroow3699 7 месяцев назад
Thats right Charlie look at the name. Jesus - Christ
@Amitraghaata 7 месяцев назад
@ahyapchow2459 6 месяцев назад
@pass179 6 месяцев назад
Jesus is the Son of God.....our creator.
@user-yo2ki7vu7d 5 месяцев назад
The problem isnt Maitreya u Buddhists themselves. Do they ever accept a Maitreya ever? Also the the haters like Christians who think anything isn't Jesus is anti Jesus or demonic because their brainwash started off with hatred in hating the old belief and replacing it with a new one. So hatred became a tool there and never by love as they claim nor by changing the old man by repenting. Did da lai Lama accept Maitreya or acting as if not the time of era or waiting for 400 Years according to kalkin lineage, depicted wrong timelines current one is aniruddha but doesn't seem to be alive nor aged beyond 100 etc. Also his own brahminical ego not to accept what and who is sent from divine. They know their time ends with the final one as no more supremacy game will work and no more religious hatred and supremacy. Maitreya phase is after rudra cakrin however none of the kalkins are recognised nor liverd to prove the exact time line. They may either be hidden from public or spiritually dead due to the kali yuga mesmerism. The yuga ends already not after 2400 . History errored up to 2 or 3 centuries especially the modern one based on Christ has many amendments . We may have missed a few centuries assumably. Maitreya will start by rudra cakrin and he's the same kalki in Hindu scripts and Jesus in christian or messiah in Judaism. However so many claimants for one single post and let truth destroye the false men.
@hiddensecretschannel 5 месяцев назад
Thanks for the comment Good luck 🌹
@pass179 6 месяцев назад
Dont be fooled if a space ship (or many) lands and this person claims to be our creator. RUN. JESUS IS LORD.
@hiddensecretschannel 6 месяцев назад
@beefyronin 6 месяцев назад
​@@hiddensecretschannelJesus Christ is the only way and only light and the entire world, including you, are blinded by the god of this world. Repent and live
@miguelatkinson 5 месяцев назад
​@@beefyronin your insane
@christo-chaney 4 месяца назад
Bible References to give Christians 1. One Person Cannot Die for the Sins of Another Exodus 32.30-35, Deuteronomy 24.16, Jeremiah 31.29-30, Ezekiel 18 (all), & Psalm 146.3 2. A Blood Sacrifice Isn’t Needed to Forgive Sins Exodus 22.3-14, 34.6-7, Leviticus 5.11-13, Numbers 5.6-7, 14.17-19, 16.47 & 31.50, 1st Samuel 15.22, 1st Kings 8.38-39, 41-43, & 46-50, 2nd Kings 12.16, Isaiah 6.6-7, 55.6-7, Jeremiah 7.22-23, Hosea 14.2, Jonah 3.5-10, Micah 6.6-8, Psalm 32.3-5, 34.14, 51.16-17, 86.5-7 & 15, 103.8, 111.4, 116.5, Proverbs 21.3, 28.13, Job 33.26, & 2nd Chronicles 7.14 3. God Will Never Accept a Human Sacrifice Deuteronomy 12.30-31, Jeremiah 19.4-6, Ezekiel 16.20, & Psalm 106.37-38 4. God is One & Indivisible (not a trinity) Exodus 20.3, Deuteronomy 6.4, Isaiah 43.11, 44.6, 45.5-7, & Psalm 16.4 See also the New Testament texts of Matthew 24.36, 26.42, Mark 13.32, Luke 18.19, 23.34, & John 14.28. 5. God Doesn't Become a Human, & Humans Don't Become God Numbers 23.19, Ezekiel 28.2, Hosea 11.9, & Malachi 3.6
@AACANE 4 месяца назад
@@beefyronin fuck Jesus
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