
Who was Jesus, Really? Searching for the Historical Jesus | William Lane Craig at Columbia 

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Dr. William Lane Craig unpacks questions surrounding Jesus' resurrection and the historical accuracy of the biblical claims. | Columbia University, 2009 | Explore more at www.veritas.org.
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Комментарии : 1 тыс.   
@HandleYoself 2 года назад
For our convenient reference: 1:00 - Introduction: Jesus Continues to Fascinate the World 4:53 - Ancient Sources for Jesus & New Testament origins 12:12 - Assuming the Gospels Are Unreliable vs. Reliable, 5 parts: 13:25 - 1/5) Time Gap between Event and Account 15:46 - 2/5) The Gospels are not Analogousl to Folk Tales 16:32 - 3/5) The Highly Developed Jewish Tramsission of Sacred Traditions 17:30 - 4/5) Significant Restraints on the Embellishment of the Story of Jesus 18:09 - 5/5) The Proven Historical Reliability Track Record of the Gospel Writers 25:34 - Historical Credibility of 4 Important Facets of Jesus in the Gospels: 26:27 - 1/2) Jesus' Self Concept 33:07 - 2/4) Jesus' Miracles 35:15 - 3/4) Jesus' Trial and Crucifixion 38:26 - 4/4) Jesus' Resurrection: 4 Facts Best Explained Thereby: 38:50 - 1/4) Jesus Buried In A Tomb After His Crucifixion 39:34 - 2/4) Tomb Found Empty by Jesus' Women Followers 40:20 - 3/4) Appearances of Jesus Alive From The Dead 41:08 - 4/4) Disciples Predisposed to Believe The Opposite 42:33 - How Then Do We Deal With These Facts? 44:33 - Summary: God Has Acted in History, and We Can Know It 45:12 - Q&A
@firingallcylinders2949 2 года назад
Thanks man
@wonderwhen 2 года назад
How do you explain how he goes from being the Son of God to being God? And did he appoint himself God , when he said God and I are one?
@firingallcylinders2949 2 года назад
@@wonderwhen He was is and will be. He doesn't go from being the Son of God to being God, it's 3 person in one. He never stopped being the Trinity. He doesn't switch back and forth.
@HqrvqrdDropOut 2 года назад
@@wonderwhen Jesus is the WORD of GOD that always existed "Son of God" is a title that is Equal to God. Mark 2:7-10 Jesus can forgive sin just as The Father (Only God can forgive sin), John 18:36 Jesus says the Kingdom of God is his, John 10:30-33 "I and The Father are ONE", John 8:58-59 Before Abraham "I AM" (Exodus 3:14), John 14:7-9 Jesus says "If you have seen me you have seen The Father", John 20:28-29 Jesus accepts being called God and Lord, Mathew 4:6-7 Jesus tells the Devil himself he is God. "You shall not tempt The Lord YOUR God."
@ianpaul5637 2 года назад
thank u
@ianpaul5637 2 года назад
wow! Thank you Dr Craig.. Glory be to God.. I learned a lot..
@soloman9151 2 года назад
I had to stop your presentation at 31:40 approximately in order to correct a common misconception about Jesus' so called, 'second' coming i.e. that Matthew 36 is assumed by many in Evangelical Christendom to be referring to the time of Jesus final return to this Earth, where Matthew 27-44 is clearly covering the final coming of Jesus - or what is generally called the second coming: "36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." I.e. Matthew 24:26 is assumed to be saying that no man can know the day or the hour of Jesus' return - but it is the previous verse 25 that is the qualifier - showing that this is a reference to not knowing the day or the hour of the Heaven and Earth passing away - not the time of Jesus' final coming - which can indeed be known - as it is recorded in both Zechariah 14 and Revelation 11. We are even given in Revelation 11:14 a specific time-frame reference that pinpoints Jesus' final coming to be when Zechariah 14:3-9 comes to pass - which includes the Earthquake depicted in Zechariah 4-5 "35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." So it is not referring to the time of Jesus' final coming not being able to be discerned - but what the apostle Peter shows in 2 Peter 2-13 to be another 'Day of the Lord' that will occur approximately 1000+ years after Jesus' return when the Earth current Earth is burnt up and the melting Elements used to form a New Heavens and New Earth - That the prophet Isaiah first prophesied about. Isaiah 65:17 & 66:22 Some have also assumed that The Earth is going to be burned up at Jesus' final coming - by misunderstanding Malachi 4:1-3 which is showing what the apostle Peter does in his second letter/epistle. There is simply no way that the resurrected saints and Christ could live and reign ON this earth from mount Zion [Micah 4:8-9, Joel 3:14-21, Revelation 14:1] for 1000 years - IF the Earth was burnt up at Christ's final coming. [Revelation 20:1-8] The truth is Jesus never numbered His comings and goings on Earth as Human beings have done and, clearly, the apostle Paul was alluding to Jesus actually being the King and High priest Melchizedek in Hebrews 5:1-6 & 7:1 clear through to 9:28 - which is prety much what the apostle John was also stating in John 8:56-58 below: "Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad. Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham? Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am." It matters not - how many arguments are used either for or against the Historicity of Jesus - what Matters is what will unfold in biblical prophecy in our day and age - because it was in the past and will be - fulfilled prophecy - from the past and in our future that is The ultimate proof of the Historicity of Jesus as the angel told the apostle John in Revelation 19:10. "And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." That Jesus was the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob [Exodus 3:13-15] that spoke to and whose rear was seen By Moses.- is not generally known [Exodus 33:21-23] but Zechariah 11:10-13 shows that Zechariah's 'Lord God' was to be 'valued' at thirty pieces of Silver and this prophecy was given to Zechariah approximately 500 years before Jesus was even born: "And I took my staff, even Beauty, and cut it asunder, that I might break my covenant which I had made with all the people. And it was broken in that day: and so the poor of the flock that waited upon me knew that it was the word of the Lord. And I said unto them, If ye think good, give me my price; and if not, forbear. So they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver. And the Lord said unto me, Cast it unto the potter: a goodly price that I was prised at of them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them to the potter in the house of the Lord." Matthew shows that prophecy written and recorded around 500 years before Christ was even born - was fulfilled by by Jesus' betrayal for exactly that amount of thirty pieces of silver in Matthew 26:15, 27-3-10 as below: "And said unto them, What will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you? And they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver. Then Judas, which had betrayed him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself, and brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, Saying, I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood. And they said, What is that to us? see thou to that. And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himself. And the chief priests took the silver pieces, and said, It is not lawful for to put them into the treasury, because it is the price of blood. And they took counsel, and bought with them the potter's field, to bury strangers in. Wherefore that field was called, The field of blood, unto this day. Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet, saying, And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of him that was valued, whom they of the children of Israel did value; And gave them for the potter's field, as the Lord appointed me. Is there any Doubt that Jesus was Who He claimed to be, i.e. the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? I.e. the ONE who is cited by Ezekiel 43:1-7 to be coming from the way of the East to mount Zion in the West - exactly as Jesus said He would do a final time: "For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together. Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other." The apostle Paul shows Jesus will descend from Heaven [ to the mount of Olives, Acts 1:1-12] with a Shout - at the Last or seventh trump [1 Thessalonians 4:15-17, Revelation 11:13] when the Dead would be raised to Immortality. [ 1 Corinthians 15:52-53, Zechariah 14:4-5, Revelation 11:13, 15 &18] The time-frame given for Jesus' final return and descent to the mount of Olives - to Live and reign ON EARTH from that point on MOUNT ZION in His Kingdom [Daniel 2:34-35 & 44-45, Isaiah 2:1-4 & Micah 4:1-3,6-8, Joel 3:14-21] is as follows and takes place the 'same hour' the two witnesses of Revelation 11:3-13 have been resurrected: "The second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly." Revelation 11:14 And what it shows is that the two witnesses that Zechariah 4:1-5 &11-14 also prophesied about - would be alive During the modern day siege of Jerusalem by the Entire World's Gentile armies [Zechariah 12:1-9] that are foretold to Capture 2/3rds of the holy lands and Half of Modern Day Jerusalem. [Zechariah 13:8-9 & 14:2 inclusively] but it does indeed give us the exact timing of Jesus' final coming to be 1/2 hour after the second woe ends - just before the earthquake that splits the mount of Olives into two halves and bringing the resurrected saints with Him: "And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south. And ye shall flee to the valley of the mountains; for the valley of the mountains shall reach unto Azal: yea, ye shall flee, like as ye fled from before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah: and the Lord my God shall come, and all the saints with thee." [Zechariah 14:6]
@robertomarquez9493 2 года назад
If the personal experience is valuable, How can we deny the experience 🤔 of others believers to other faith different to Christianity?
@bigjebus4424 2 года назад
That's a question that is usually dismissed with a hand wave because, you know, all other religions are clearly bogus (sarcasm). You're right though. If personal experience is valid, then ALL personal experience should be valid. Christians tend to only accept personal experience that correlates with their own beliefs. Like, if some Swede had a near death experience and claimed that Odin appeared to them, Christians would not accept that. In fact, they sometimes won't even accept a claim about their own god appearing to someone if the claim bumps with their beliefs. I watched none other than William Lane Craig himself, dismiss a claim from a person that said "god appeared to me in a dream and told me that homosexuality is every bit as beautiful as heterosexuality". William Lane Craig immediately scoffed at him and, as I said before, hand waved it away as though it was obviously someone attacking Christianity. That was the moment that I lost all respect for this man. He could have engaged the guy and tried to pick the claim apart, but instead, typical Christian dismissal of anything that goes against what they believe. If anyone would like to see what I'm talking about, I believe it was during the Q&A portion of a debate with Christopher Hitchens. In my opinion, personal experience is worthless to anyone other than the person who experienced it. I can't see a world where someone else's supernatural experience should convince me of anything, and I can't name a single rational person who would expect me to be convinced by supernatural experiences that aren't my own. Until I personally have the experience myself, I'm not altering my understanding of reality to better suit what someone else thinks.
@jackfrosty4674 2 года назад
Because the bible says. That is only on door to eternal life named JESUS CHRIST. It says others will come other ways and not be admitted as do not have the key called Jesus Christ in their hearts.
@joelstephenson8017 2 года назад
@richardmosqueirahurtado4656 9 лет назад
@worfoz 2 года назад
+ t genital
@Famous-Potatoes 2 года назад
Friendly towards someone or a group.
@gregferrone8724 2 года назад
Listening to what the gentleman says is incorrect carbon dating they have marriage certificates before Christ Gospel of Thomas is 100% correct
@bilbobaggins4403 2 года назад
Where did He go?
@silvesterreid5337 2 года назад
Jesus is God in the flesh has a natural man the spirit in you is you, but Jesus that spirit that were in him was God ,that is why he said all power given to me in heaven and in earth If he has all power then he must be God ,, john 1v10 KJV he was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not, God is a spirit on they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth ,it don't matter if u r the most educated person in the world if you don't have the spirit of God which is the holy ghost u will never know the mystery of God he will not reveal it to you.
@MarcusBarnabassisSystersSonne 2 года назад
just clicked on here to answer the question in the video title: He is God
@EazyBee2010 2 года назад
He is most definitely God.
@justarshad8354 2 года назад
God is neither a man nor any thing you can think of.. So jesus cant be god..simple basic logic..
@jimmock1155 2 года назад
@@justarshad8354 …you need to do a thorough Bible study on that subject…unless we are all to take your word on the matter.
@angelatyler6113 2 года назад
Agreed Yes HE IS GOD!!!!!
@justarshad8354 2 года назад
@@jimmock1155wait,what?😅 Do more study & take my word etc..?its me who lack bible understanding?really?bruh..😂😀😂😂 I swear christians are so so funny when they talk about jesus,their beliefs,and how many gods are there 😅🤣🤣 Everytime i got shocked to the amount of stu**dity involved in their slow brain 😭😭😭🤭🤭🤭 You're one of those blind christian who'll read the scriptures in english yet understand gibberish..exact opposite!
@HqrvqrdDropOut 2 года назад
John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. John 5:23 That all should honor the Son just as they honor the Father. He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father. Mark 2:7-10 Jesus can forgive sin just as The Father (Only God can forgive sin), John 18:36 Jesus says the Kingdom of God is his, John 10:30-33 "I and The Father are ONE", John 8:58-59 Before Abraham "I AM" (Exodus 3:14), John 14:7-9 Jesus says "If you have seen me you have seen The Father", John 20:28-29 Jesus accepts being called God and Lord, Mathew 4:6-7 Jesus tells the Devil himself he is God. "You shall not tempt The Lord YOUR God."
@georgefofiu8448 2 года назад
Wrong title. Not "Who Was Jesus ?" Correct title Who Is Jesus? Hebrews 13:8. Jesus Christ IS the same, Yesterday, Today and Forever!!! Amen!!!
@js1817 10 месяцев назад
It's written that way to appeal to non-Christians.
@kevinrobb8367 Год назад
Sometimes Dr Craig is hard to understand in this case you was very well spoken and anyone could understand well done
@charles13773 11 месяцев назад
I felt Dr. Craig is always easy to understand. He explains things very well. He is also well spoken.
@OvercomeEverythingJosh 9 месяцев назад
You have to actually be read on the material an everything is completely logical. That’s literally his philosophy of God. Reasonable and Understandable.
@pescatoralpursuit1726 3 года назад
I don't think Jesus taught that the opposite of death is resurrection. I believe He, and certainly Paul taught that the superior, or conquerer of death is resurrection.
@HegelsOwl 2 года назад
...Okay. So what?
@ekenosen5087 2 года назад
@@HegelsOwl I think the point was that the opposite of death is life, and that resurrection is the act of super naturally defying death as to say “I am God and I have the final say in this Universe” Hopefully that makes sense.
@hannannah1uk 2 года назад
Why care what Paul said? Jesus already answered you.
@charliejohn1 2 года назад
@@hannannah1uk Paul is very important in the truth of what we believe today, especially for Gentiles because he got the message to give to us from our Lord Jesus Himself.
@hannannah1uk 2 года назад
@@charliejohn1 So he said. And if you believe that you believe anything. Jesus said: "I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through ME." No room - or need - for Paul there. A self styled apostle (there were already twelve)? Or the only begotten Son of God. I know which I prefer to follow. #JesusWordsOnly
@kellyhill4613 2 года назад
Jesus Christ is 💯% man, and 💯% God, what He did that you can do, HE did that on His Mother's side, what He did that you couldn't do He did that on His Father's side, Jesus walked by the sea on His Mother's side, walked on the Sea on His Father's side, Jesus became hungry on His Mother's side, fed the five thousand on His Father's side, Jesus preached the word on His Mother's side, He was the Word on His Father's side, Jesus died on a cross on His Mother's side,rose from the dead on His Father's side, Jesus historians say He was about six feet tall on His Mother's side,filled all space on His Father's side
@marcgottlieb9579 2 года назад
I only needed 2 things to prove he is who he said he was....It took 2 thousand years to solve the Star Of Bethelahem....The light shined over his place of birth for 42 weeks...People in general do not know this scenario is feature in the Great Pyrimid of Giza...The other thing is the Revevalatin 12 sigb also featured in the Grat Pyramid of Giza built long before Christ by the gods...When I ask a Christian the name of Jesus's father I never get a reply...When I do receive a reply it is wrong...
@Chirhopher 2 года назад
HE Is The HOLY HOLY HOLY YaHWeH, LORD GOD ALMIGHTY; Not the molinist god
@TalariaeMotoAZ 2 года назад
GOD IS JESUS 1 Timothy 3:16 King James Version 16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.
@HotLava5150 2 года назад
Wrong. Look up the definition of ‘manifest’. God is Jesus Father and His God. Jesus Christ is The Son Of God and His Word.
@TalariaeMotoAZ 2 года назад
@@HotLava5150 what do you think it means in this verse then? it says it very clearly and without controversy that God came down in the flesh, He was manifested in the flesh. It says all over the Bible that Jesus and God are as one. You cannot argue this verse or any one of them, they are clear and they are meant for everybody to understand. So again what do you think that verse means?
@HotLava5150 2 года назад
@@TalariaeMotoAZ hello dire wolf. So first and foremost I want to start by saying that it doesn’t matter what I think a verse means or what you think a verse means or what anyone else thinks. What matters is what scripture says and I choose to go with what The Bible says rather than what men say. John 7:38 makes it clear we should believe on Him as scripture hath said and revelation 22:19 makes it clear we shall not add or take away from The Word of God. Manifest means to be made known. To show or display; not to become. It’s actually all over the Bible that Jesus is The Son of God. The trinity is a very confusing doctrine and I choose to stick with The Word. The Father did not send Him self. He sent His Son. 1 Corinthians 14:33 says God is not the author of confusion. Here are some other verses to help you. The Bible teaches that Jesus prayed to His Father and His God. (Yes the Bible teaches that Jesus has a God) Deuteronomy 6:4, 1 Corinthians 8:6, Ephesians 4:6, John 20:17, 1 John 4:14, Hebrews chapter 1, 1Timothy 2:5, 1 John1-3, 1 Peter1:3, 2 John 1:3 just to name a few. The Bible says when a man Marrys a woman they become one but that does not mean the man becomes the woman. God The Father, Jesus Christ His Son, and The Holy Spirit are one meaning they are in harmony with one another. Not that God is triune. I can not read that anywhere. I hope this helps my brother.
@TalariaeMotoAZ 2 года назад
@@HotLava5150 you just said at the beginning that you don't care what a verse says yet you quote a verse, after verse after verse. The reason that it is appropriate to ask a brother or sister what they think of a verse or what it means to them is because we are to help each other reprove each other and walk through this as the body of Christ, remember the eyes need the ears like the head needs the feet, it's very important to me that I understand what you take from the verse I sent you instead of diverting from that and sending me other verses.
@HotLava5150 2 года назад
@@TalariaeMotoAZ it truly blows my mind that you can sit here and say what you just said. You’re lying and anyone who reads our dialogue will clearly see that I said scripture is the ONLY thing that matters. Not what you or I think it means or what we interpret it to be (2Peter 1:20-21). That’s what I said. Not that it doesn’t matter what a verse says. Quite the opposite. In light of what I just said maybe you should actually read what I sent you. In light of what you said referring to help each other out, that’s why I sent those verses which I said at the end of the last message. In Romans ch ten it tells us how can we hear without a preacher. To answer your question I believe that it is talking about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. That verse. But I don’t think it means God is triune. I can’t read that anywhere in the Bible.
@TheGuiltsOfUs 2 года назад
Why should we care whether Jesus was real or not? There is not one record of him saying anything that would indicate that he was anything other than a mad rabbi who was a political threat to the Roman occupation.
@marcandrebighetti9882 4 года назад
Jésus est mon Chemin et jamais je ne le quitterai Allelouiah
@Seven_1865 2 года назад
Amen brother!
@ronniebuchanan6575 2 года назад
You were wrong about Jesus being without power. Unless you don't believe Jesus performed the miracles that he performed.
@acarpentersson8271 2 года назад
The reason why they say these later writings are valid is because they think the gospels were written and edited by social groups of believers to describe their challenges and sufferings rather than being eye witness accounts about Jesus, written at the time of Jesus or the apostles. The other gospels are, to them, a competing faction who was relegated to the past because of the dominance of the Matthew faction.
@barbsyorkies 2 года назад
Can u tell me this...what do mean by the Veritas- Form....do u knw?????????? I will tell you NOWWWWWWW
@paulafields3711 2 года назад
There is at least one that I know of who worshiped God, but didn't know His name till a missionary came and he immediately recognized his God in the message of Christ.
@addmeuperfil 2 года назад
wow that’s so beautiful. Could you go into more detail?
@CriticalThinker02 2 года назад
Yes, I’d like to hear more too.
@ryanmozert 2 года назад
Jesus IS GOD. Period. Isaiah 9
@sergiocruz5849 2 года назад
The whole thing its way easier, love your fellow humans as you want to be loved and all the problems in the world will go away.
@dorothysalomons6136 2 года назад
Spot on!!!
@kevinzeller4153 2 года назад
It would only take one day. If everyone in the world would follow that do onto others as you would have done to you. 1 day everyone in the world and in that day the world would instantly be a new place
@leftykiller8344 2 года назад
I don’t think that this is a true statement. Jesus loved in a more true and complete way than anybody else, and he was still despised by many and ultimately crucified (literally). If everybody in the world showed the love of God, yes, problems would go away. But we are not God and much of humanity doesn’t even believe in God. We are but human, and as such, our love is imperfect. We should also remember that loving isn’t agreeing either. I can love my brother without agreeing with his addictions, and I can love him enough to speak truth about that into his life, in a kind, non-judgmental way.
@js1817 10 месяцев назад
Is that supposed to be an argument against religion. It's a bad one.
@BK-rk2gm 2 года назад
For those of us who know Jesus, we know who He is.
@forgiven36511 2 года назад
@Grape Juice if you believe that, you are ignorant of history. There is no doubt that He existed, there are just many who deny that He is God. If they do not repent, they will learn their mistake, as will you when they kneel before Him.
@ichoozjc 2 года назад
@@forgiven36511 Did Jesus ever talk to people like you do? "You'll know who I am eventually when you BOW BEFORE ME!!". If no, why do you talk like this?
@doctauglyd9861 2 года назад
Who I'd he I dont know him
@Huelogy 2 года назад
@@ichoozjc yes. Romans 14:11 For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God. Philippians 2:10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; Isaiah 45:23 By myself I have sworn, my mouth has uttered in all integrity a word that will not be revoked: Before me every knee will bow; by me every tongue will swear. Psalms 72:11 Yea, all kings shall fall down before him: all nations shall serve him. James4:10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up. Romans1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Yes the gospel offends many, as it should. We are flesh and in a fallen state of nature. God says many times that every knee will bow and confess before him. He sent his only begotten son down to die for YOUR sins, as well as mine and everybody else's. Everything in the Bible is true and the living word of God. Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Today is the day of Salvation, come to christ brother.
@Huelogy 2 года назад
Amen man 1peter 3:15 “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:”
@ChiefCedricJohnson 2 года назад
Matthew 17:27 King James Version 27 Notwithstanding, lest we should offend them, go thou to the sea, and cast an hook, and take up the fish that first cometh up; and when thou hast opened his mouth, thou shalt find a piece of money: that take, and give unto them for me and thee. Luke 11:28 But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it. Luke 14:20 And another said, I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come. 1 Corinthians 11:13 Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered? KJV
@margaritajulietafernandez5959 2 года назад
Why would you [give), or write verses That have nothing to do with this statement. This it's how most so called preachers fool the public. The BIBLE, AS JESUS IS A Jewish book and JESUS IS jewish.
@ChiefCedricJohnson 2 года назад
@@margaritajulietafernandez5959 It's the Gospel.
@ValerieJean757 2 года назад
Acts 16 30 And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? 31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. Acts 2 37 Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do? 38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins
@margaritajulietafernandez5959 2 года назад
@@kinglistosas5010 How many tribes did GOD SAY would be left after king Salomon and can you name them.
@margaritajulietafernandez5959 2 года назад
@@kinglistosas5010 How many tribes were remaining after King Solomon relinquished the throne and can you name them.
@michaelbabbitt3837 7 лет назад
A great talk by Dr.Craig and the questions following give him the opportunity to provide nuance and more details. I especially love when Dr. Craig talks about the profound implications of the Resurrection - our human nature is uplifted (around 1:11). So glad to see this kind of presentation.
@zwcephas 2 года назад
@basslinetnt4430 2 года назад
@basslinetnt4430 2 года назад
@gurujikasevak3910 2 года назад
Jesus has come in india.He will lead whole world.To Know Who is Lord Jesus Christ. 1.Universe creation ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-dzAeLpPd91A.html 2.Nastradamas phophecy ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-1Nu1a9thBkw.html please watch videos.Know who is jesus on earth.Saint rampal ji is true saint in world and will lead whole world and establish peace. Dont ignore.King of bible is already in India.
@compassion3595 2 года назад
@@zwcephas vvvcbbn.
@ValerieJean757 2 года назад
They knew the Lord Jesus was coming. John 8 Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad. 57 Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham? 58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. Job 19:25 For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth Job 1 5 And it was so, when the days of their feasting were gone about, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all: for Job said, It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually. Isaiah 60 and thou shalt know that I the Lord am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob
@gurujikasevak3910 2 года назад
Jesus has come in india.He will lead whole world.To Know Who is Lord Jesus Christ. 1.Universe creation ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-dzAeLpPd91A.html 2.Nastradamas phophecy ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-1Nu1a9thBkw.html please watch videos.Know who is jesus on earth.Saint rampal ji is true saint in world and will lead whole world and establish peace. Dont ignore.King of bible is already in India.
@matth9359 2 года назад
"for life's hardest questions." This is not a hard question, it's just stuck around 1000s of years longer than it should have because people are ridiculous.
@jakemay637 2 года назад
@Matt H. You have a Gospel of Matthew named after you. It and the other gospels have withstood the hammers of skeptics over centuries, and those hammers have been shattered. William Golding said that Marx, Darwin and Freud are the crashing bores of Western Union thought..they destroyed critical thinking facilities if generations. Sad.🧠
@matth9359 2 года назад
@@jakemay637 The gospels and my name are irrelevant. Length of time gullible people have believed them is irrelevant. Critical thinking does not lead you to believe in magic. You have it all backwards.
@jakemay637 2 года назад
@Matt H. 1/ I was making humorous irony on your name, like ppl may say it's all Jake..sorry if you were offended 2/ I was not referring to length of time, but that all skeptics have been refuted and that the historicty of Bible has to be explained to each new generation ... scholars get headaches in explaining it he facts. 3/ On magic ppl believe the magic of Darwin yet a basic flaw is deemed irrelevant: no one can prove simple life (no such thing) emerged from non living matter. As Kerkut, evolutionist noted, spontaneous generation must be assumed. Two that sg occurred only once. From math probability alone this is impossible. Btw even if it he first living cell self generated it would need to develop cell division, otherwise no second cell! Humans have 100 trillion cells. Each cell has 100 trillion molecules. Just ONE molecule is impossible to self create, yet the faithful accept that rather than Intelligence. If SETI received six numbers in a row, repeatedly that would be accepted of an intelligent broadcaster. Yet an amino acid chain of 100 in perfect sequence (odds of 1 in 10^130) is an accident. That's magical thinks ny
@emeraldcave5441 2 года назад
Jesus Christ is 1 John 5:20 true God, 2 Peter 1:1Jesus is God and savior, John 20:28 Jesus Christ is Lord and God, Roman 9:5 Jesus is God over all that incarnate became man John 1:1 in the beginning was the Word(Jesus) and the Word(Jesus) was with God the Father and Jesus(Word) was God. John 1:14 And Jesus(Word) became man.
@briankehew579 2 года назад
@Alex Saint Eaxctly. It's like using a Disney movie as evidence that Pinnochio actually existed.
@AccentYouLovingheart 2 года назад
@Alex Saint Exactly! Christian’s always try to use the Bible to prove the Bible. Ridiculousness!!!!
@brentmathie3271 2 года назад
@Alex Saint if you can’t find 👀the open door 🚪❤️to your CROWN which is also a Gate then one will never find the Morning Star 💫 🙌 heads up ⬆️ you need to be able to hear 👂 the Voice the SOUND 🎵of the one calling you, heard with the ear 👂 of a KING . To find the Throne Room Of God 💫 ⬇️ 🕳 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵🔥😇🌪🎵 ❤️ 🚪 🎵 🎵 🎵 PHILLIPS ... these are God’s words: ‘Therefore if your enemy hungers, feed him; if he thirsts, give him a drink; for in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head’. Don’t allow yourself to be overpowered with evil. Take the offensive-overpower evil by good See you at the Wedding repent before Job 19:8,9 8 He has blocked my way so I cannot pass; he has shrouded my paths in darkness. 9 He has stripped me of my honour and 🔥😇🌪 (removed the CROWN from my head) 🥵 🔥 Accompanying the KING through the Open Door 🚪❤️of the heart Ascend the hidden inner pathway to the Crown 🔥😇🌪Gate to the Throne Room Throne Room of God the Eternal Uncaused Morning Star That the Almighty give each of us for not allowing someone to take YOUR Crown from you. ..🔥✝️🌪 because he with his Authority is coming Through the Word Lead by Spirit taught by many about The Holy Lamb Jesus Christ of Nazareth 1st an only Son of The Father prophecy to come 600 years before born My understanding he is the One ☝🏼 who walk in the garden 🪴 the 1st and only Son of God that provided the blue print for Adams manifest flesh, for all of us. The One who sit on The Throne in Daniel with hair like wool and white as snow The One known as The First ☝🏼 One of his names title “The Ancient Of Days “ The father sent him the 1st and only Son Jesus Christ who died for our sin, Risen Triumphant because the father love us
@masonschaar3423 2 года назад
You dont need to understand anything about God..to know that Life without God is meaningless.
@brentmathie3271 2 года назад
John 10:27 ESV My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.🎵 John 10:1-42 ESV “Truly, truly, I say to you, (he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door) 🚪♥️ but climbs in by another way, that man is a thief and a robber. 🕳 But he who enters by the door🚪♥️ is the shepherd of the sheep. (To him the gatekeeper opens.)🔥😇🌪 The sheep hear his voice, and he calls🎵 his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, (he goes before them, and the sheep follow him,) for they know his voice. 🎵 A stranger they will not follow, but they will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers.” Ephesians 1:4 ESV Even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love The ALMIGHTY KING Of GLORY send the pestilence against the ( servants of ) powers an Principalities spiritual wickedness in high places the children of disobedience. Revelation 18:23, KJV: "And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived COVID name meaning corona, sun, CROWN 🔥😇🌪 THE KINGS Wroth His Cup hand of he who wear the CROWN Jeremiah 7:34 ESV / And I will silence in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem (the voice of mirth and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom) and the voice of the bride, for the land shall become a waste. Loving is The Lords Mercy 🥰 Revelation 2:28, KJV: "And I will give him the morning star." Revelation 2:28, NASB: "and I will give him the morning star." Revelation 2:28, NLT: "They will have the same authority I received from my Father, and I will also give them the morning star!" Revelation 2:28, CSB: "just as I have received this from my Father. I will also give him the morning star ✝️………..✍️❤️🚿🔥🌪✅ revelation 2:28 And I will give him the morning star. ... I will also give that one the morning star. They ... have the same authority I received from my Father, and I ... also give them the morning star! And I will give him .. ‭‭John‬ ‭15:1-13, 15-17‬ ‭NLT‬‬ “I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more. You have already been pruned and purified by the message I have given you. Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me. “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. Anyone who does not remain in me is thrown away like a useless branch and withers. Such branches are gathered into a pile to be burned. But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted! When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples. This brings great glory to my Father. “I have loved you even as the Father has loved me. Remain in my love. When you obey my commandments, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father’s commandments and remain in his love. I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow! This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you. There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. I no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn’t confide in his slaves. Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me. You didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name. This is my command: Love each other.” ‭‭ Revelation 22:16 “I , Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and stem of David, “The Bright Morning Star." " 🎵✝️🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🌀😇🔥 The Bride Has Her Good Clothes On, for when the Lord comes like a thief in the night, and the Morning Star rises in the Heart ♥️ Yes and the Truth He The Holy Lamb shared, in reward being given for staying true to the faith. “The Morning Star “ All that is caused has a beginning and an end, there for finite God is Uncaused eternal limitless without a beginning or end . The Caused Universe exits within the Uncaused Eternal Mind of God... one aligns with the one doing the flowing..align with God because God is the Uncaused one doing the flowing within the boundless caused dream of finite experiences within the Eternal mind of God I am we are each a Mirror for God to look upon, in the presence of an within the Throne Room the secret hidden place that ALL of Caused Creation exists within an flows forth from. The Gate of Gods KINGDOM is the open door 🚪 of the heart ❤️ with spirits eyes 👀 ascending the internal pathway leading to the Gate of his holy Kingdom the Eternal Uncaused Morning Star 💫⭕️🌀beyond the still silent boundless Black Sea that one crosses with The Holy Spirit to The Godhead Christ Crown and Gate to, The Throne Room of the Most High Gate to the limitless boundless Uncaused flaming whirlwind Ocean(s) of The Lord Almighty’s Eternal living light... where no darkness exists, beyond and above the darkness of ( the deep ). The caused Canvas All of Caused creation is manifest upon. Jesus delighted in teaching the fear of the lord, ( the fear of the lord has layers of meaning, this is a title, code a hiding place for the full arsenal of a Christian King in service, to the Will Of God) for it is clean enduring forever Come gather round little children and let me teach you about the FEAR Of The LORD because it is The Lords hidden secret treasure The Earth Is The Lords And In The Fullness There Of Trumpeting BOOM of the (silent) Drum ringing like a Bell 🎵 Holy Voice that Calls sacred Sound of the Most Highs breathed Voice🎵 the physically felt Presence of Gods breathed BOOMING voice 🎵 The HOLY SOUND of God The sacred silent sound that descends booming from above heard with spirits ear that is larger than the sky above and Physically felt externally The breathed voice of God booming descending from above 🎵 Felt On the top of and above the head booming down through the body “O” be lifted Up “Ancient of Gate “ 🔥✝️🌀 Two Paths Curse an Blessing from The Most High are the rules of the board. I You have a Crown 💫🌀⭕️ that is a Glorious Gate. My father give it to YOU and promises everyone with Faith in the Holy Christ Lord Jesus . “The Everlasting Crown of Life”. Psalm 24 :8 David asks for the Ancient of Gate to be lifted up So that the King of Glory can come in. The Lord mighty in battle The Lord Almighty... “O” Be lifted up Ancient of Gate. Be lifted up !!! 🔥😇🌀 So the King of Glory can come in ... I believe ☝️💯% Jesus wanted the water baptism from John to fore fill Prophecy I also see a comparison between Jesus washing the feet 🦶 of his closest. Then saying if you love me, you will wash 🧽 🦶 The feet of each other as I have done for you This is what I ask of you if you follow me. Another similarly comparative story where man prepares a type of holy ark sanctioned by God, to carry life a cross water 💦 “the deluge “ Noah and all aboard given All of the Lords blessings Through the washing and drying of the ark By God Noah prepared the ark for 120 yrs through the baptism “man” and animals escaped a demonic angelic manipulated environment And was given a new beginning along with all the accompanying blessings... John a man, who prepared for Jesus by water baptism. Also there is the baptism by cloud and ark that carried the Jews a cross the desert for 40 yrs a supernatural 🖐 a covering, with all of the blessings. Man prepare through water 💦 and walking with God towards his Will The Holy Spirit he the King of Glory Come and breath his Holy Spirit into you.. “O” Be Lifted Up “O” Be LiftedUp “Ancient of Gate” Be lifted up So that the King of Glory can come in Who is the King of Glory The Lord Mighty In Battle THE LORD ALMIGHTY Ambassadors of Christ are truly Kings of the Lord Almighty serving Jesus Christ the One ☝️ who sit on the Throne of David, right hand 🖐 of God ... Holy Kings of The LORD ALMIGHTY . King’s of Christ Jesus, with Lord Jesus Covering and Authority God The King Of Glory blesses the heart of His Children with His Holy Spirits discerning Eyes 👀 to See and Ears👂 🎵. to Hear 💫⭕️🌀......🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🌀😇🔥 🔥🌪🌬💨✝️☁️ ☁️ ☁️🔔⛅️ 🌬✝️🎵🌨🌨 🌨⛈🌨 🔥😇🌀🌍🌩💙🌈💦 King James Bible Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children two paths one is the kings highway 🔥✝️🌪 John 3:29 ESV The one who has the bride is the bridegroom . (The friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly at the bridegroom's voice) Therefore this joy of mine is now complete God bless
@markcyphus3292 2 года назад
In the subsequent interview, the questioner cannot ask a simple question. This enables Craig to say anything he wants, because no precise question has been asked.
@briankehew579 2 года назад
@dinathedisciple5882 2 года назад
Superlative discussion, gentlemen, blessings and thanks, Thinkers
@tinkercooper1332 2 года назад
@Hiddenone00 2 года назад
That was so called Jesus speaking not the father
@sircorn4248 2 года назад
I am just curious what Santa’s opinion on who Jesus was
@soslothful 2 года назад
Why would Santa have an opinion about Jesus?
@lepidoptera9337 2 года назад
@@soslothful Why would Harry Potter not have an opinion about the Great Gatsby?
@js1817 10 месяцев назад
The experts agree that Jesus probably existed. Asking who he was is a valid question.
@BRNRDNCK 4 года назад
What terrible questions in the QnA. Just a bunch of people trying to make the Bible say what they wish it said.
@pastorbillyromines273 2 года назад
@js1817 10 месяцев назад
The full head of God? The fk does that mean?
@vhawk1951kl 6 месяцев назад
Those that abuse capital letters not only emphasise nothing but the hysteria of the abuser, they also declare the abuser to be a lunatic and one wonders who or what else the abuser is abusing? That remains to be seen or prosecuted.
@vhawk1951kl 5 месяцев назад
Those that abuse capital letters not only emphasise nothing but the hysteria of the abuser, they also declare the abuser to be a lunatic Abusers abuse all sorts, who or what remains to be seen or prosecuted.
@CutItOff 2 года назад
The man known today as Jesus was one Yeshua bar Nagara, the son of a craftsman or carpenter. He was an Israelite political rebel who claimed descent from the Davidic line. He made the move to Palestine some 2,000 years ago with his family from Arabia in the hope of overthrowing the Herodian Dynasty and re-establishing the Kingdom of David in Judea in accordance with Jewish ideas about a personality called Messiah. Yeshua travelled from village to village, gathering supporters around him. Gradually, the Pharisees became aware of his activities and, in time, had him killed. The followers of Yeshua (Jesus), led by his brother James, multiplied after his death and were persecuted by the Pharisee clergy. The Yeshua Movement was entirely Jewish in nature, observing the Sabbath and remaining attached to the Temple. Saul (or Paul) - himself a Pharisee - was active in the persecution of the young Church. In Damascus, Paul received instruction from Hannania (Annanias), a Jewish rabbi, on how best to rid the world of what he regarded as a deviant movement. Annanias directed Saul to revive the story of ʿĪsā extant in Arabia and to conflate it with Greek notions of a man-God saviour. The goal was to corrupt the teachings of the new movement, to turn adherents away from the Torah, and create a gnostic, salvation-based theology This is clear as Rev 22:16 is quoting him supposedly; "I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star." I see this as a contradiction to the gospel of Luke as well, clearly stating a fatherless birth, nowhere does maryam happen to be related to David either. Paul tells us of his going in to Arabia in Galatians 1:17: "Neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me; but I went into Arabia, and returned again unto Damascus. then at 1:19 confirms Yeshua as THE LORD and him having a brother James, contradicting the gospel of luke. In the event, Paul conflated three personalities to form his new theology: ʿĪ�sā (the original prophet of God who had lived in Arabia and about whom some residual knowledge was held by Arabian Jews), Jesus (Yeshua), a political rebel recently killed at Jerusalem, and the Christ of Paul’s own imagination - one which owed much to pagan concepts taken from Greek and Roman thought. At first, the followers of Jesus - whose master had died barely ten years previous - attacked Paul’s manipulations. But some three centuries later Paul’s religion received the backing of Rome and his invention became the foundation for the orthodoxy of the Roman Church.
@HotLava5150 2 года назад
You gonna have to do better than that.
@CutItOff 2 года назад
@@HotLava5150 to achieve what, The messiahs miracles are being attributed to yeshua thats all the new testament is pretty much, and some OT themes re-written with Jesus plastered everywhere
@raymondsciara 2 года назад
These days it seems to be the norm for people to claim knowing god, yet hate those who do not agree with them. Ask all the right questions and you may eventually get the right answers
@jonathanhall593 2 года назад
I can only say , are you a white man? Because if you are you are a racist , bigoted, hateful, self righteous person. Now just because some white people are what I just said about you 100% does that make you the same despicable person? No of course not. So don't put all those who claim to be a Christian in the same boat either
@raymondsciara 2 года назад
@@jonathanhall593 Your reply is racist and full oo hate. Whether you like it, or not you just proved my point. Learn to love others and respect their opinion. You should watch the video again and pay attention. The topic is whether Jesus existed, or not. Nowhere in the video the issue of racism was mentioned. Also Jonathen; why are you a racist?
@natmanprime4295 2 года назад
@samperry9507 2 года назад
1 Timothy 3.16 Jesus Christ is God manifest in the flesh, enough said.
@js1817 10 месяцев назад
No. It's not enough for many people. That's why it helps to listen to Craig on this topic.
@richardottum1 4 года назад
People are picky about what car they drive, the food they eat, and many other things besides their soul which might actually is eternal supposedly. At least believe in JESUS CHRIST FOR SOUL INSURANCE. What if is a dangerous question to be armed with. People argue who is right and who is wrong in so much I'm putting it in a song soon to your ears.
@vhawk1951kl 5 месяцев назад
Those that abuse capital letters not only emphasise nothing but the hysteria of the abuser, they also declare the abuser to be a lunatic Abusers abuse all sorts, who or what remains to be seen or prosecuted. Abusing capital letters merely tells the world what is onbious , namely that you are not well.
@Vic2point0 7 лет назад
+kevinod771 "and the lies begin! This is a ridiculous statement! Plato knew Socrates and was his student. NONE of Jesus' apostles wrote about Jesus! It took decades for Jesus to be written about!!" I'm seeing quite the non sequitur here! How does it follow from that that Jesus wasn't the most influential person in history? That's like saying "The Beatles aren't considered a very good rock band because some of the people in the clubs they played in didn't like their music". Take a class in logic first, and *then* come back to try and refute someone like William Lane Craig.
@Vic2point0 7 лет назад
+kevinod771 You seem to have forgotten the point of your own original comment. You sought to argue with Craig about whether or not Jesus Christ was the most *influential* person in history, on the grounds that people in his generation didn't write about him. And now after I've pointed out that this is a non sequitur, you're changing the argument to "Well you haven't proven god exists" or some such. You anti-theists cannot even *commit* to an argument, much less defend one successfully.
@anthonylewis5782 4 года назад
@whatroads4x4 4 года назад
Idk i saw a vid of this professor claiming that its claims were being written down a few years after his death
@RogersMgmtGroup 3 года назад
Matthew and John were direct followers of Jesus. Luke wrote for Paul who personally investigated the stories about Jesus with thise who knew Jesus personally. Mark wrote for Peter writing down his stories and sermons. If you accept the traditions and witness of many early Christians who believed that the named authors wrote this is unassailable. Internal and external evidence shows the gospels were early creations.
@ZeeHilal 2 года назад
Did gi Joseph have a baby GI Jesus?
@melanieevans4143 11 лет назад
@ time stamp 55:00, the scripture is quoted about "let the dead bury their own dead." I turned my back on a close family member addicted to drugs after being sucked dry trying to help her. The Holy Spirit corrected me and healed her. I know of God's compassion. There must have been no hope for those in context that Jesus referenced and He knew it because He was Divine. Apples and oranges.
@spirrocarydis7465 2 года назад
Emulating Jesus precisely isn't possible if He's on another level of insight I'd say.
@P.H.888 2 года назад
@@spirrocarydis7465 HE said You will do greater things!
@johnlord8337 2 года назад
The real fact that can't be denied by catholics (biblical verse showing) that the Pharisees stated that Jesus was a Rabbi. By their terms, not yours - jewish religion has that a Rabbi must be seminary trained and accredited (he was), he MUST BE MARRIED (he was to Countess Miriam of Midgal Edar - Madgalene), and that he SIRE AT LEAST 1 son (Jesus and Mary have 2 sons Joseph and Jesus Jr, and daughters Thecla [Thea Cleoopatra] and Sarah the Black) before he can be an officiated Rabbi and have a ministry.
@grrsss8335 2 года назад
28:10 which skeptical scholars? from where I am standing most of them have a hard time agreeing if there was a historical Jesus.
@jackfrosty4674 2 года назад
Jesus is Gods son. He is alive and sits at right hand of God.
@terryulmer969 2 года назад
The Christain's Bible is just a very badly mistranslated and corrupted version of the Torah and the Tanach with a lot changed including names, a lot added, and a whole lot taken out. Every thing that G_d said not to do Christianity did. No Hebrew/Jew was ever named Jesus nor John nor especially James. There is no letter J in the Hebrew Alephbet nor does any of the Hebrew letters even make a J sound. You have been deceived from all directions. Try actually reading the scriptures where G_d gives the Torah and the 10 Utterances to Mosche and the Hebrews/Jews on Mount Sinai. G_d specifically told them in no uncertain terms that neither they nor any of their descendents all through time are to never veer to the right nor left of the Torah/Tanach. Never! G_d also told them in no uncertain terms that neither they nor any of their descendents all through time are to never accept anybody else's religion. Never! G_d warned us about Christianity thousands of years ago.
@4teen88 2 года назад
The name of The God of Israel isn’t even in the King James Version of the Bible. Nor is it in most Latin translations. In Hebrew it’s mentioned thousands of times. This alone should point to the reason why it’s so hard to pinpoint historical references. In the original Hebrew and Greek the Bible makes much more sense.
@grrsss8335 2 года назад
@@4teen88 And I am sure that Actual Scholars who work on this stuff for a living have taken that into account if it is true.
@jennifersiagian 2 года назад
BS DETECTOR: *Scripture twisting* !! 2 Pt 2: 2 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, .That having been said If your still asking Who is Jesus... Jn 14:9 *Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me,* Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?
@Jesus_Saves777_ 2 года назад
Hallelujah! Amen 🙏🏼
@edwardvechot2309 2 года назад
what you do with Jesus depends on where you will spend eternity? Jesus is called Emmanuel " God with us " Matthews 1:23; Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 19:2 ; Jesus never said He was God, He always said He was the Son of God" John 14:7; Matthew 16: 15,16; Luke 3:22; John 3:16; Jesus is the Only Begotten Son of God" Jesus was made Fleshy when born on earth Mary's fertilized egg had only God's DNA [ genetic-cosmoses' characteristics | that is shared by God and Jesus making Jesus an Identical Twin or Clone of His Father God in Heaven. Mary His mother was only a Sarragut-Host, Mary did not share any Blood with Jesus because Jesus would be Imperfect because Adam's Sin. John 14:7; John 10:30-33; John 14:1; Matthe 16:16; Luke 9:20; John 14:7-14; John 14:9; Matthew 1:23; John5:18;
@martinbutler7835 2 года назад
"Who was Jesus". Wrong question. "Who IS Jesus" is what should be asked. Jesus is not a 'Was', Jesus is an 'Is' and an 'Am'. He is not a past tense, He is alive today and forevermore
@JesusChristusistdasLicht 2 года назад
Exactly! I just wanted to write the same. *HE IS !*
@Huelogy 2 года назад
Amen! John1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
@agaveboy 2 года назад
I can't help but agree with you, even though i'm not particularly inclined to any religion. Christianity is the largest religion, Jesus is the most influential person to ever live
@yahshamayim 2 года назад
AMEN. also never listen to mens Home work as they SHALL BOAST
@JesusChristusistdasLicht 2 года назад
@@agaveboy Religions are the search of man for God. JESUS CHRIST is the search of God for man.
@patbickmonty6900 5 месяцев назад
William Lane Craig's entire rhetorical roadshow relies on establishing the gospels as reliable texts, which he does with fallacious sleight of hand. If you bring up the major authenticity issues of the new testament, his entire case falls apart. And I mean the entire thing. He refuses to acknowledge biblical realities that are becoming increasingly apparent in the scholarly community, like the anonymity of the gospels and the greekness of their authors, the pseudo-origins of six of the pauline texts and all of the general epistles, the poor manuscript evidence from the first three centuries, etc... The act of spreading the christian faith is one of using tricks, manipulation and sophistry.
@jessejones3423 2 года назад
Brilliant job, we need more of this presentation because it is true .well done
@spirrocarydis7465 2 года назад
What an inciteful way of explaining how Jesus Christ is the most influential persona/power throughout history. Miraculous and timely I'd say!
@786humaira1 2 года назад
Yes , Jesus son of Mary was very beloved to God , and his followers and is still to all of us . His message of truth shall continue to shine
@angelamalas8627 2 года назад
@@spirrocarydis7465 oo
@angelamalas8627 2 года назад
@@spirrocarydis7465 o
@angelamalas8627 2 года назад
@@spirrocarydis7465 oooo
@benjaminfalzon4622 2 года назад
Jesus is the Son of God, therefore Jesus is God the Son. In fact, Jesus was God of the Old Testament, God who spoke to Moses was God the Son, not God the Father.1Cor 4:10 "KJV"...Jesus also said that no one has ever seen God or his image. John 1:18...John 5:37 "KJV"...Those two scriptures compliment 1Cor 4:10 perfectly.
@samsonbabayan6894 2 года назад
Was? You know the status of a person's relationship with Jesus or a lack thereof when they refer to Jesus in the past tense.Jesus is! Sitting at the right hand of All mighty God.
@HotLava5150 2 года назад
@lauraphillips6366 2 года назад
❤️yes in deed
@feliciavale4279 2 года назад
@user-ix1lw3fo5v 2 года назад
Jesus is God. So God kn the old testament is Jesus and in the new he's still Jesus
@HotLava5150 2 года назад
@@user-ix1lw3fo5v Jesus is the Son of God the Father.
@Shytot-1 10 месяцев назад
Every religion is called a 'faith', why? because there is no evidence supporting any of them, if there was they would not be called 'faiths'. People today seem to need evidence before they will believe, that's why there are people like WLC around trying to manufacture "evidence".
@thereseclaire9806 2 года назад
Thank Dr. Craig for your detailed explanation of Jesus. You helped me so much to counter my doubting questions. I needed to know him again by mind and heart of who He truly is. Who are You, Jesus? Thank you again, Dr.!
@a.lavernefilan1888 2 года назад
There are a lot of ways to deny Christ. Watch RU-vid video's, 'Warfare Over the Matter - Judgement Hour' and 'The Future of Unity and the Trail of the Serpent - Judgement Hour' and 'But Whom Say Ye That I Am? (Part 1 and 2) - Judgement Hour'.
@joemeehan2056 2 года назад
Todays universities and the professors in them should take a look at how this is presented. This man gives facts and allows each of us to ask ourselves questions then come to our own conclusion. Great job!
@lillianstcyr8782 2 года назад
Hi, Joe. I truly enjoyed this presentation until the sitdown occurred. The "questioner" asked a question in such high browed language that, although I understood, enraged me. I wanted to shake him until all the pomposity dropped out.
@soslothful 2 года назад
@@lillianstcyr8782 Violence toward another for expressing asking a question is rarely a way to engage in constructive debate. Seems like a pompous threat.
@greenhouse2645 2 года назад
Obadiah 1:18 [18] And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be ANY REMAINING of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it.
@jaybird74 2 года назад
Seems like the those who express ‘free speech’, given the political implications of such comments, are expressing / and enjoying - true liberty.
@AccentYouLovingheart 2 года назад
Protecting their funds from their indoctrinated ignorant non thinkers.🙄
@jope2123 2 года назад
He sounds like Tucker Carlson 🤔
@PONTIANGOD 2 года назад
Why Don't You Read From The Beginning Of Peter And See Who God's Elect And Chosen Are We Are Here Today Living In Drosato And Pontos And Is Throughout The World. We Have 12 God's And The One Unknown Period.
@grrsss8335 2 года назад
33:15 there is no actual evidence for any of the miracles. If I were to accept the claims made in the bible about what it says for Jesus and his miracles, then by the same level of evidence I would have to say that Wotan, Heracles, Osiris and others also did miracles.
@spirrocarydis7465 2 года назад
Logic sure can get in the way.
@martinwagner7361 2 года назад
That's why Christian apologetics prefer usually to stay in there neat cosy echo chambers where they can be certain the audience would never challenge any of their dubious claims, logical fallacies, historically unproven claims or even downright falsehood.
@davidhawley1132 2 года назад
Ok, I'll bite. Where were any of those luminaries born, and when, and who witnessed their miracles? Answers: they are mythic figures, existing outside time and space. How irrational of you to conflate a historical figure with mythic ones.
@grrsss8335 2 года назад
@@davidhawley1132 There is no more evidence for Jesus than there is for Wotan.
@jonathanhall593 2 года назад
There is no actual 100% factual evidence of anything that happened and not in your or my presence . That's where faith happens and I believe it with all my heart just like it would be if I had actually witnessed them
@Hidari.kiki.Numero.1 2 года назад
Why If jesus was a singular historical being is there No Roman Documentation of a crucifixion of a criminal named jesus,(and the romans documented everything of importance in their occupation of lands within their empire) or is it a fact that someone named 'Yeshua ben joseph' was so unimportant as to be Ignored, with barely a mention until The Roman historian and senator Tacitus referred to Jesus, his execution by Pontius Pilate, and the existence of early Christians in Rome in his final work, Annals (written ca. AD 116), book 15, chapter 44.🙃
@brucefetter 12 лет назад
An excellent overview of this is also found in the books by John Meier in his "Marginal Jew" series. They are certainly among the best documented and researched analyses of "the historical Jesus". Some of Meier's lectures are also on youtube and very much worth a listen adn consideration. Check him out.
@danguilanlorelei81 3 года назад
Thanks a lot for the scholarly explanation. It diminished my doubts. Had to listen many times to grasp what you mean. May God bless you richly in return for your unselfish efforts to share to the public about the real Jesus from the earliest sources rather than fantasy secondary sources.
@dahomosapien 2 года назад
@@danguilanlorelei81 b NG,)1-6)
@yuccafrita9583 2 года назад
If we think or say KING....The light of this world is the SUN/SON...The Majestic light of this world. If we say who was Jesus....We each living thing is Jesus that what lives is the sacrificed lamb. If we peel away the vale, that what falls and rises in Aries, the lamb of GOD the SUN that gives life to everything and which creates of resurrects life. This is the story of the now the story of what was and will always be in this world.
@zalinabrooks1198 2 года назад
God is able to keep His promises ❣
@Hiddenone00 2 года назад
Who does his promises go to?
@trustinjesuschrist6933 2 года назад
@@Hiddenone00 really good question praise God for giving us the answer by His grace in His word, read ephesians 2! alleluia! revelation 19
@Hiddenone00 2 года назад
@@trustinjesuschrist6933 okay cool I see Ephesians 1 saying this letter was to the saints in Ephesus living like Gentiles. Who are the saints? Psalms 148:14 Israelites are the the saints. All praise to 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 the god of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
@angiedixon8017 2 года назад
@petyrkowalski9887 2 года назад
Such as?
@Locke7778 12 лет назад
Either way you're intellectually dishonest and your rebuttal is incoherent. The entire context, of the swine being drowned, was that demons went inside them. If that's not the cause then your argument is totally unsound (it is either way). Do you think through what you type? Likewise, who are you to say what is JUSTIFIED or not? All i see, at this point, is personal pontification. Any fool can do that. Make sure your arguments make sense in the future. Thank you :)
@mrniceguy3750 2 года назад
Jesus Christ is the one true Almighty, invisible God manifested in the flesh. He is both 100% man and 100% God… Flesh and divinity all in one. He is the lamb slain, he is the conquering King. He is my redeemer…
@jackfrosty4674 2 года назад
Tell the world about JESUS. We are also working to help save the worlds people. Billions of us Christians. God bless.
@Synistercrayon 2 года назад
The problem is that people worship the MAN, Yeshua as God. The bible specifically states this as a no no. Christianities(?) biggest misleading doctrine. We are to worship the spiritual Father ONLY. Hence the separation of Father and son
@mrniceguy3750 2 года назад
@@Synistercrayon Amen.. The worship of Jesus is biblical, as long as you understand who Jesus is. Jesus is the manifestation of God the Father in the flesh. Jesus is not 1/2, or 1/3 of God. Jesus is not a separate deity from God the Father. When I worship Jesus, I know who I worship. I worship the alpha and omega, the almighty.
@tsi940 2 года назад
@nicholassmith3608 2 года назад
Who the he'll does this guy think he is.
@jamesmorse8329 2 года назад
This is great and very informative giving a foundation reference and a solid foundation rooted in the word of God very scholary I have highly enjoyed it
@brotherchrisrco1125 2 года назад
This is what you get, when you listen to a PhD in Theology compared to a Pastor, Teacher or Sunday School Teacher on RU-vid. Knowing the Source makes the difference...
@colinroach7815 2 года назад
@@brotherchrisrco1125, so no Pastor has a Phd ? that is the problem, you would like someone to believe you absent your Phd, but you hail only Phds who are not Pastors. You funny.
@brotherchrisrco1125 2 года назад
@@colinroach7815 I agree, I am funny. Tim Mackie is a Pastor with a PhD in Old Testament Theology. Most Pastors on RU-vid simply say things that just aren't true. I researched this and discovered by PhD's, the problem is how Little Bible they learn and they seem to think they don't need to learn anything new. They also always have the same Theology they always had. In other words, they only learn what they want to learn. Their are many exceptions but unless you know them, be careful in what they teach. I'm not talking about the Gospel but most outrageous claims. Before I teach something I usually check my work with a PhD or someone with a Master's that I've researched. How, you may ask? By reading peer review articles and papers. A Pasters best gift is application. I'm sorry if this offended you but it is what it is and many Christians today are discovering this.
@colinroach7815 2 года назад
@@brotherchrisrco1125, thank you for the reply, and the respectful scholarship manner. I am not offended, this is well articulated, and i certainly agree that many in this respect, carefully choose and isolate, just like the goodly Doctor here. If i had to re-establish myself with Christianity, i won't fit in with the rest because, what God, the OT and Jesus speaks adds up, BUT, what God, the OT, Jesus and the Letters speak, Don't.......i.e: God and Jesus say don't break the Commandments or Laws, some letters say the Laws are not important.....another critical one is the 2nd coming.....Matt 24, when you read it, it shows that Jesus came 3 times, 1st at birth, 2nd resurrections and 3rd after the generation had past Matthew 24: 34.....that generation has surely passed, this is 2022. Your thoughts.
@robinhoodstfrancis 2 года назад
@@brotherchrisrco1125 So, I note that here you talk about PhD´s and their knowledge of the Bible, and of "learning anything new." And so you check your work with a PhD, or Masters, etc. Thank you for your response to CR, which helps me reflect on my own insights and innovative philosophical and theological thinking. In fact, with regards to Craig, his own personal theology is conservative, which fits into my own analysis of progressive and modernizing theological and philosophical issues. Craig´s statement disagreeing with the role or assessment of Aquinas´ statement, that faith and reason are two wings allowing a "reasonable faith" two soar, is itself profound. I advanced in my combination of education, interfaith seeking, and personal growth efforts with eco-social justice activism before I engaged with Christianity formally. I´ve noted that the implications of work like Fritjof Capra´s Systems View of Life, JB Cobb´s Process Theology and ecological civilization, with transdisciplinary education, Karen Armstrong´s transpersonal comparative history of religion, and Mark Vernon´s introspective Christianity, perhaps along with Diane B Bass´s People´s History of Christianity. What I´ve noticed is that Jesus´ crucial role doesn´t equate to absolute restrictions of love. Jesus said in Matthew about divorce that "those that can accept it, should." Matt 19. Thus, while Thomas Aquinas is affirmed by Craig, we see that Luther´s legacy reaches a broad significance, all captured by reason. Rev Jim Wallis has become a progressive evangelical focused on the Good News for the poor, not least of all, in addition to those above. Rev MLK was concerned with that. I also like to refer to Gandhi, the law degreed leader who oriented himself as an interfaith Christian Hindu an after some brief exposure to theosophists in London. Craig refers only to "mission work." Craig´s work itself, however, is brilliantly focused in its own right.
@manuhonkanen2111 2 года назад
Jesus Christ lives!
@vermontaviator1248 2 года назад
The Gospel proves reliable every single day…
@MeAndTheBoys_ 2 года назад
Except for those who see the "evidence" and say no. ✌
@petyrkowalski9887 2 года назад
Its purely you looking for biblical meaning in mundane and explicable things.
@vhawk1951kl 4 месяца назад
What is the difference between the “ historical” jesus and any other kind of jesus? What is the magic in “ historical”?
@Locke7778 12 лет назад
Spinoza was prior to the Enlightenment, and Voltaire had nothing to do with the concept of universal rights. Voltaire, when mentioning "rights," got the concept from Locke. Spinoza was a pantheist, so universal rights makes no sense in his view of reality. I've mentioned the sources, from where this idea derived from. You can educate yourself or remain in ignorance.
@ASh-zz6gi 2 года назад
Ur God is the only one God. He’s one ☝️ not two. Jesus is not God . Respect the guy , follow his teachings and worship the same God he worshiped. What’s so complex about that 🤦‍♂️
@Nkosi766 2 года назад
This dude gives me a headache. What nonsense he’s spewing
@markaraujo06 2 года назад
Dios, si honestamente tienes un corazón bondadoso, ¿qué tal si me apoyas con cincuenta millones de dólares? verdad completamente ¿realmente te preocupas por mí? aceptaste ayudarme? Pruébalo.
@victoriahokelane 2 года назад
Such brilliance and yet the humility of his personal relationship with the Son of God is concurrently apparent. Thank you for sharing this
@vhawk1951kl 5 месяцев назад
What does the"*really*"addtothequestion which of a number of csndidtes was jesus Really" for whom?
@carlloeber 2 года назад
The fact is that he did not call himself God.. he called himself the son of God... It is rare to find references in the scriptures that Jesus said he was God or implied it..
@donwhitmire978 2 года назад
He did in fact indirectly call himself God. The N.T. is a beautiful story yet contradicts and back peddles just like a politician. Seems a true Christian is ultimately in hiding, in prison, or hanging on a cross. Even so I would bend a knee for what they gave America.
@thecrucible2353 2 года назад
When His disciples asked to see God, Jesus then said have you not seen Me? He indirectly said He was God.
@carlloeber 2 года назад
see my latest post above giving an example from the gospel of John.. Sure you can find references that imply that Jesus and God the Father are the same person but for every two or three of those you will find 100 that imply that he is a separate person .. the son of God sent by God and doing God's will ..
@thecrucible2353 2 года назад
@@carlloeber Can Elohim not embodie Yahusha and the Holy Spirit at once? Is He not an infinite being that is unexplainable to the creation?
@carlloeber 2 года назад
@@thecrucible2353I enumerate examples from the gospel of John in my latest post above.. of course anything is possible Kameron .. but that's not what the scriptures say.. they say very clearly in many ways hundreds of ways that Jesus is the son of God and he was sent by God and he does only what God wants him to do.. and he is not God the Father.. for every hundred statements like that you might find one or two that say they are could be the same person.. if you want details I can show you the details verse by verse in the book of John for instance.. The idea of the Trinity is in no way scriptural... It is bologna.. if you want I will show you exactly from the Book of John .. from the same book that all the churches like to say says that Jesus and God the Father are the same person
@gloriacato7761 Год назад
Atheism is true... this a personal choice NOT TO BELUEVE..Religion, since there are many, is debatable
@starwonder8324 2 года назад
@kgp4death 2 года назад
Walter veith is one of the few that knows what is going on in this world his total onslaught series was right on the money.
@paulgross5672 2 года назад
So I guess you guys can’t read your Bible it says of that day what was it just previously talking about the heavens and the earth is passing away but of that day no man knows not even the Angels so I’m not quite sure if you guys can comprehend by rightly dividing the word of truth in context so please please expand on why you think it’s talking about the coming of Christ when it’s not even talking about the coming of Christ it is talking about the new heavens and the new earth
@tatie7604 2 года назад
This is a good lecture. Some people are stupid, appreciate nothing and are base in their non-thinking.
@maxsinnapah5754 2 года назад
Absolutely right ✅ 👏
@jackfrosty4674 2 года назад
Jesus is a statement of Faith in God his father. Faith in JESUS is the door to eternal life.
@doctauglyd9861 2 года назад
He'll yea
@AccentYouLovingheart 2 года назад
@@jackfrosty4674 Indoctrination.
@MrTwinlord 10 месяцев назад
The belittling of the twin theory is not fair. Ethiopian orthodoxy does think of Jesus having a twin brother in Thomas, as his name in greek apparently reflects that. Not saying it is right, but not being fair to the theory.
@ngngdlnald9657 2 года назад
Dr. William Lane Craig is truly a highly objective and meticulous researcher. Wow!
@vhawk1951kl 5 месяцев назад
Is a " historical" jesus somehow different from any old common all garden jesus? What is the " historical" opposed to add? Why do the loons keep flogging that dead horse?
@leftykiller8344 2 года назад
Masterful delivery of the evidence. Really glad I clicked on this one.
@monkeyman-t8n 10 месяцев назад
im not sure if Jesus was crazy. I dont think he ever actually said he was the son of god. perhaps as Jesus became more famous he came to believe that he would become the king of Israel.
@reghartt 2 года назад
Matthew 13:33 Another parable spoke He unto them: “The Kingdom of Heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till the whole was leavened.” I did not understand this until I baked bread though I had watched my mother do it often. When we put leaven in the meal it rises. However it is filled with air bubbles. The bread must be pounded down. We do this again, again and again until the bread has the proper density. Then it goes into the oven. In terms of our life (and I speak here from experience) when we take in the leaven of Christ we get pounded down. The parable of the sower (Matthew 13) gives us a key. Some suffer persecution and lose faith. I have experienced a level of personal persecution that has been unceasing and continues to this moment. What it has done has been to make me stronger in my trust. My bread has been pounded down again, again, again and again. Each time I have risen stronger. I am now actually grateful to my persecutors. We are called to pray for them who persecute us. We are not called to sue them in court. In fact, if we do we have failed the course. I think often of the man from whom the legion of demons was expelled. Naturally he begged Jesus that he might go with him. Jesus asks him to stay where he is and bear witness to the good that was done for him. This he is called to do to people more concerned over their lost swine than with his or their salvation. So it is with us.
@ibperson7765 2 года назад
Thank you for writing that. ✝️🙏🏻
@richardkoster4096 2 года назад
@@ibperson7765 you have
@spirrocarydis7465 2 года назад
Brilliant overview which at 71 rings so true with me. Appreciated.
@ibperson7765 2 года назад
@@spirrocarydis7465 Im a scientist who has been looking for two years at the latest, and the sheer number and exactitude of just the various constants of physics... plus the creation. And of life. (Btw evolution is falling apart, even among top mainstream evolutionary biologists who are proposing ridiculous “extended synthesis” models to salvage any kind of naturalistic explanation. And the challenges from info theorists about it are impossible to dispute. It’s a scam. Never thought that. Was misled massively about the evidence. Can tell more if interested. Natural selection occurs. Evolution as creation or speciation is literally absolutely impossible, even mathematically impossible). Pondering the intellectual prowess of an intellect capable of doing that is like pondering the size of the universe. Can’t be done. So to think He cannot manage it now, or to think that He cannot reconstitute us at the end, or to think He cannot judge and save... Is just silly
@matthewmoore3947 2 года назад
Very informative! Well done! God bless you and your family!
@rossanderson5243 2 года назад
I think it would be confusing to ask a historical question of a spiritual man and situation. I also think it had to be done the way it was done so that all can find our weaknesses by His divine nature. If we do look at history, then we find we are truely weak accordingly.
@robinhoodstfrancis 2 года назад
Great point and reflection! Thank you! I´m a little more dedicated to knowledge through Jesus´ legacy in philosophy, and have been appreciating how philosophical truth itself is based on an original Christian spiritual practice that transformed ancient Greek philosophy. Thus, in appreciating Jesus´ specific legacy, the importance of God´s love in non-Judeo-Christian created/evolved/material reality is just as important, as is the problem of Christian hypocrisy and ideological materialism. Gandhi and Mohammed Yunus the Muslim with his pro-poor, pro-women Grameen Bank in and from Bangladesh are both amazing examples. I´d encourage you to go beyond being weak, and take it into the importance of expressing loving understanding. FD Roosevelt is a favorite example of mine there, also, since he was influenced by the Social Gospel of Washington Gladden. We need to respond to the problem of ideological materialism by grasping the bull by the horns in this, the material world. "Thy kingdom come ... on Earth as it is in Heaven...."
@nuggetoftruth-ericking7489 2 года назад
I found this interesting.
@paulgross5672 2 года назад
CS Lewis is not even in heaven you guys better get it right I’m telling you I’m warning you to see this is a warning to those men out there who a steam CS Lewis as a guy that was saved the man was not saved I’m sorry guys I’m sorry if you actually believe that he was a Save The man I don’t know how you could come to that conclusion even eat Billy Graham isn’t saved you should know that the gospel he preached wasn’t another gospel
@gr3g3t 2 года назад
Jesus prophesied long before, and long after.. Jesus is alfa and omega.. Jesus is not trying to give instruction how to do things (eat, sleep, clothing, etc) but teaching by answering questions and doing real things to inspired others, there should be no purpose for jesus to write..
@feluxjohn3236 2 года назад
You don't have to search to far for Him for He is right there in between the pages of Genesis and Revelation, the true Jesus that is!
@why7020 8 месяцев назад
Just so everyone knows to not be steered in the wrong direction he is a neo-apollinarian. Which is heretical. It ascribes that Jesus was powered by God to be God and not that he was God and truly God.
@mutabazimichael8404 2 года назад
I'm not a Christian but agnostic and I got to say that this was a very interesting and vast amount of information, thanks to the uploader of the video and Dr. Craig 👍🏾
@ProfYaffle 2 года назад
That's great you have listened to this with an open mind. Can I suggest you read the Gospel and as you do so, imagine you are there, experiencing it all. Also, pray that God, if true, would reveal Himself to you and grant you the gift of faith
@mutabazimichael8404 2 года назад
@@ProfYaffle Thanks for wishing me the best from a Christian to another soul but I was originally a Christian and it is by going in open-mindedness and trying to circumvent the dogmas that I came up to be agnostic, I still have my Bible, there are times when I even read it, but the premise of the supernatural behind the scripture is no longer something that I feel, If Jehovah may he be the one true God is also the to whom all the righteous knowledge point to, I'm sure that he who loves me such that he gave his only son as John 3:16 says will make sure that I find the right path where upon I may have reignite the will to believe. On that note, I wish you well and a nice day wherever you are.
@ProfYaffle 2 года назад
@@mutabazimichael8404 thanks for sharing. I don't know how you came to be Christian, but I suspect many believe without critical thought. And their faith might not stand scrutiny. I think to use the brain God gave us is important. So called "Doubting Thomas" is a favourite of mine cos he is our first apologist, looking for evidence. So I think it is not bad to question. Have you come across the "Unbelievable" RU-vid channel. There are some great discussions between atheists and Christians and Others too. I find it helps in my search for truth. gBY
@mutabazimichael8404 2 года назад
@@ProfYaffle oooh yeah I have watched some of their content including one with Dr Craig and Roger Penrose the physicist ; for me I like a lot most of Christian principles on love & forgiveness for example , the only major thing that I dislike but encapsu2 is dogmas as a premise for a theory but apart from that I have nothing against Christianity as a way of life. Which is even the reason why I have a great number of Christians friends.
@ProfYaffle 2 года назад
@@mutabazimichael8404 the WLC and Roger Penrose was wonderful wasn't it? I could have listened to Roger for hours. Makes me smile just thinking about it 🙂
@starwonder8324 2 года назад
@pirategamer6630 2 года назад
I can answer your question. The Lord Jesus Christ is God Himself, Amen!
@jessejones3423 2 года назад
It is not that, there's no evidence for historicity of Jesus Christ and the existence of God but suppression of the evidence because of our Unbelief. Seek me and you will find Me, and those who find me are like a tree planted by the water and it roots goes deep into the water which is the source of life. God is our source of life. The evidence is all around us if anyone cares to look for.
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