
Why Anti-Zionists are on the wrong side of history 

Joe Nucci
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20 сен 2024




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@mmbah543 Месяц назад
"I'm an ally to all who are an ally to me." Wow an actual correct usage of the word. I haven't heard it used two-way in over a decade, I swear.
@GlobalAtlantis101 Месяц назад
Thank you for an excelent video. "In my view, it is crucial to highlight that most protesters consider only the socio-political aspects of the issue. They often lack a comprehensive understanding of Islam, having neither read the Quran nor studied the Hadith or the various Islamic schools of thought. Ignoring the religious dimension of this conflict significantly weakens any argument or perspective on the matter."
@DickTator6969 Месяц назад
true , but even if you just look at the nationalistic and territorial part of the conflict you could find out that the arab palastinians have been the aggressors every single time of course islam has a large influence over it and it's history regarding the bad treatment for jews , but also for christians and other minorities goes back 1400 years , the pan arabic nationalist part of the conflict is around 100 + years and they are not as innocents as these protesters precive them to be , and speaking of nazism and antisemetism the grand mufti of jerusalem Haj Amin Al Hussein has a really interesting ties with Adolf Hitler Himself, they even presented him as "arayan" and gave him a memebership of (dis)honor in The SS and it was in a time that the arabs in mandetory palastine didn't even call themselves palestinians . and he was responsible amoung other things for the hebron massacre in 1929 , the nabi musa riots in jerusalem , the farhud in iraq and have specifically been responsible for at least one shipment of jews for an extermination camp (if not more)
@cosmo9508 Месяц назад
Joe you always speak the truth, which is so rare these days.Thank you
@massoudbagheri5673 Месяц назад
Great video!
@Abu_Shimshi Месяц назад
Thank you
@Glimbofan Месяц назад
I love your videos, they’re always so well thought out and easy to understand. Thank you!
@JeffLance-df9sx Месяц назад
Joe, you are right on target. There is a cognitive dissonance between reality and perception.
@Bruce-ph9nq 28 дней назад
If truth and objectivity are based on subjective interpretations, as they are taught in post modernism, then I would expect to see post modernist philosophers scattered on both sides of the political spectrum however, they are all positioned on the Left. The old Left thought they could prove the superiority of socialism through science but when empirical evidence showed the brutality of socialism and the improvement in the quality of human life under capitalism, they realized they needed a new philosophy that exalted feelings over reason and skepticism toward logic and evidence. Kant’s philosophy created a bifurcated universe where humans are cut off from perceiving an objective reality due to the distorting lens of consciousness. His epistemology shifted human knowledge away from objectivity to a collective subjectivism. The only way to grasp any knowledge about real reality was through a special intuition that pierced the veil of human consciousness. Kant along with Rousseau, Kierkegaard and others exemplified the counter-enlightenment ideals of the postmoderns.
@SuperKripke Месяц назад
The argument is not that students are always on the right side of history. The argument is that they are on the right side of history on the moral evil of the genocide in Gaza.
@gaebren9021 Месяц назад
The Genocide in Gaza as it is being committed by Hamas. As the Hamas militants say "OMG the IDF are heading towards, quick, throw some more Gazan citizens in the firing line so we don't get hit!" Or Hamas in regards to their own citizens dying. "Better them than us!"
@ryan_the_overlord Месяц назад
I like your channel
@jamessheffield4173 Месяц назад
1930's Deja vu.
@jameswilkerson4412 18 дней назад
Yes, the IDF is dehumanizing and eradicating Palestinians
@booooo-urns 25 дней назад
Glory to the resistance
@maniac79410 Месяц назад
Zionism was stirring shit up in the region since the early 1900s, it was a bad idea from the start and the escalation since 1948 was easily foreseeable. The local Arabs were ripped off and if you open any news almanac from the 1930’s you’ll read about how the locals were warning about the danger of Zionism in the region. Sure it’s too late now and if you’re anti Zionism it now means you’re calling for a genocide but it doesn’t mean that Israel has any moral superiority or that Zionism was a good idea or something that had to be done by right. I’m right wing, I find that people on the right who support Israel do it mostly because they hate Muslims more than Jews, or because they’re hammered by the likes of Ben Shapiro into believing the Zionist lies
@SuperKripke Месяц назад
Anti Zionists are responding against the real genocide in Gaza right now. They're making the reasonable point that the current genocide against Gaza is worse than the possible genocide against the Israelis in the future.
@DickTator6969 Месяц назад
correction , it's islamic antisemetism that was stiring things up in the region even before , look for haj amin al hussein or shiek az adin al quassam (yes the same person that hamas named their military wing after) go learn the real history of islam's views on the jews and where the yellow star of david came from (umar ibn hatib the 3rd chaliph) and the nationalistic invention of the term "palastinians" to describe a group of arabs or muslims (there is no "P" in arabic ) go learn the real history before writing nonsense on a youtbue comment
@alexchertin3 Месяц назад
Why pals didnt create a state when ottomans ruled there? Are you a 🤡?
@maniac79410 Месяц назад
@@alexchertin3shit idk. Ottoman Empire dominating the region? More cultural affinities with the dominating empire? Are you that stupid to think that every people on earth that ever slightly wanted their independance just got it by asking? 😂
@SuperKripke Месяц назад
@@alexchertin3 Are you asking why the Palestinian independence movement didn't start earlier? Most of these movements started in the periods of WW1 and WW2 when the colonial empires were both financially and morally bankrupt in the eyes of their subjects. Are you upset that Gandhi didn't free India when he was a baby in diapers?
@andrewpauley4418 Месяц назад
I feel that this video simplifies what anti-Zionists believe. There are those who've unfortunately decided that they agree with HAMAS, and I think this video could explain that phenomenon. For me, after October 7th, I was shocked and devastated. It is absolutely terrible what happened. But I also knew that the IDF's reaponse would be even worse. I feel like there is good evidence that Israel is an apartheid state. I won't make my case here, but I can point to some sources that explain where I'm coming from. Ilan Pappe an Israeli Jewish historian seems to think so. Noura Erakat a Palestinian legal scholar has done interviews where she talks about how Palestinans are targeted by the IDF. Finally there is Rashid Khalidi. He is a Palestinian historian who has written a few books on Palestine. The one I've read is called "The Hundred Years War on Palestine." I think he does a good job starting from the Palestinian Mandate, to the Nakba, and finally through to today. It's possible that you know of and have read these scholars. Maybe you've even read Benny Morris for all I know. But I feel like this video is not enough to convince me that anti-Zionism is equal to anti-Semitism. There is one curiosity I have though. I am aware that during WWII, Palestinians were propagandized and supported by the Nazis. I haven't read much about this, though I know of at least two books on the subject, but it is something that gives me some pause. If you could either comment or do a video explaining why Israel is not an apartheid state, and that the Nazi propaganda from the 40s carried over down to present day, that would be helpful. At the moment, though, I feel like this video not only simplifies anti-Zionism but also oversimplifies postmodernism. That segement felt the weakest. The segment that talked about purity was enlightening. I've listened to Jonathan Haidt talk before, so this wasn't completely new. I've also been reading some things about medieval European town and city regulations against disease and uncleanliness, so I'm not too surprised by the connection to disgust. All this is to say, I hope I remain open toward being wrong, but I'm unconvinced.
@SuperKripke Месяц назад
I'm glad to hear you have read perspectives highlighting the Palestinian perspective. Khalidi, Said, Pappe and Erakat are treasures that we must pass on to future generations. The one point I disagree with you is the talking point about Nazi collaboration with Palestinians. It's a popular argument to bring up the Mufti (most famously by Netanyahu who claimed the Mufti gave the Nazis the idea to burn them) as much as they bring up one provision of the Hamas charter from the 80s. It is a point that continues to hammer some connection between the Palestinian cause and Nazism. Another example is the claim that Oct 7 was the largest murder of Jews since the Holocaust, which is false. The argument works on people who have not read the history like you. In truth, there were closer alliances between Nazism and Zionism though I still do not believe this justifies equating the two. For example, Leihi, a Jewish paramilitary group was allied with the Nazis under their previous incarnation Stern Gang. Many of their members went on to become prominent Israeli politicians. It also makes sense for Nazis to ally with Zionists as this provided a solution to the Jewish Question that would remove Jews from Europe. The Palestinians however had no incentive to align with the Nazis and were more interested in securing their liberation from the English and the incoming Zionists.
@andrewpauley4418 Месяц назад
@@SuperKripke Thanks for the reply. I remember Khalidi saying something similar to that in his book, "The Hundred Years War on Palestine." He mentioned the Mufti, but I remember getting a sense that he was trying to down play the role. I probably wasn't paying close enough attention. Your comment clears things up. Could you point me to some resources specifically about the Mufti, Zionists, and Nazis?
@DickTator6969 Месяц назад
the IDF response wasn't even close to what they did !, do you really think that "people" who chopp of organs of people while they are still alive , and burn babies ,rapes , or shoot genetilias of dead soldiers (both female and male ) are something that you can come close too ? and i's only a fraction of their crimes they did so much more! now as for "targeting palastinians" it's not accurate , the IDF , Shabak and To some extent Mossad (typically outside of israel's or judea and smaraia and gaza borders) are fighting against terrorsits not just random people without reason (although I personally can't see much difference between the people who actually carry out terrorist attacks and those that are celebrating and giving away candies , or spitting on the bodies of israeli women and hitting them with a stick , in my eyes they are both barbarian terrosits , or even those who are spreading their propaganda ) now as for an aparthied state , arabs in israel have the same rights as jews they can vote , they can be elected ,and they can work in almost every field a jew can . yes there are problems like in any other country but it's far from apartheid and there are reasons why some positions are limited (for example engenieering because it something that can potentialy be a security risk) altough it's still possible and as for the judea and samaria and gaza you can't for example only look at the check points while also ignoring years of terrorist attacks (even before october 7th) you can't just say that israel should give them rights when they attacked it in the past(when judea and smaraia or the west bank was part of jordan and gaza a part of egypt) and are continueing to doing so or the fact that they should for example have a citizenship when many of them declined it and are holding onto an ideology that's opposing israel and justify jihad\terrorism against it's citizens and security force. and not to mention the demographic issues or the right of return and all the other issues . and there is also a problem with some arab israelis who are also sharing the same ideology so it's really not as simple as just saying "give them rights and it will solve the issue" I don't know if there is a peaceful solution but as I see it as long as the palastinians won't adopt a different ideology that doesn't revolved around opposing zionism , commiting terrorism , antisemtism or even against homosexuality , women rights and freedom of speech or democracy in general than it wouldn't be solved even if you take israel out of the equation and only look at how the palastinians treat each other you will see alot of vioelnce and intorlernce the same as most other countries surrounding israel , even amoung the israeli arabs there is a huge problem of crime and really high murdere rates . not that it's comparable but it's also something deeply flawed in their culture now it's kind of similar to what's going on in the us amoung the black community in that regard .
@SuperKripke Месяц назад
@@andrewpauley4418 Glad I could be of help. I usually seek out primary sources for a lot of info. For example, when Netanyahu said that the Mufti gave Hitler the idea to burn the Jews, it sounded false so I checked out what sources there were. Turns out the entire meeting was recorded and is available online in a Times of Israel article. There's also a Time article that fact checks Netanyahu Spoiler alert: Hitler had already crafted the final solution before this meeting and the Mufti lived out the rest of his life doing absolutely nothing for the Palestinian cause in exile. As for Zionism in general a really good place to start is The Jewish State by Theodor Herzl. It was eye opening to me and any time you have a friend argue that Palestine was an invention of Arafat or the English, point them to the chapter entitled "Palestine or Argentine". That book alone outlines the germ and the morally bankrupt core of Zionism.
@SuperKripke Месяц назад
@@andrewpauley4418 There's a Times of Israel article that records the meeting between Hitler and the Mufti in full. The problem with reading too much into the Mufti argument is that it's a red herring. The man was largely in exile and was forgotten by the time the PLO was formed and the official rep for the Palestinians. The only reasons Zionists use the argument is to make the weird link between a people who demonized Jews for centuries and a people who had lived with and welcomed Jews for centuries.
@IlIlIIlIlIlIlIlIl Месяц назад
So cringe
@TheViktorofgilead Месяц назад
“What about the Jews? What about Israel?” That’s anti-semitic. You are identifying all Jews with a nation state. Zionism is an ideology, most Zionists are evangelical Christians and many Jews are not Zionist. It’s honestly sad if you truly thought long and hard about this topic before making this video.
@תמראפרתי-ע7ר Месяц назад
This is not true, do you mean the ultra-orthodox Jews who do not identify with the Zionist movement? They still pray three prayers a day towards Jerusalem/Zion, what is more Zionist than that? They are Zionists in their own way. There is no such thing as Judaism without Zion and Jerusalem
@neological9 Месяц назад
The vast majority (90+%) of Jews are Zionists because the history, religion, and traditions of our people are rooted in that land (even neturei karta and satmar jews believe God promised them the land and will one day return them to it), and because existing as a scattered minority - whether traditional or assimilated - became catastrophically untenable in the 20th century. Your glib, self-righteous accusation of antisemitism shows you haven't thought deeply on the topic either.
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