
Why Antidepressants Don’t Fix Depression | Guest: Dr. Roger McFillin | Ep 821 

Allie Beth Stuckey
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21 сен 2024




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@JosKosmos Год назад
As a person who has been institutionalized for mental health issues and put on various prescriptions, I would like to say that I am off medication and the happiest I've ever been thanks to my relationship with Christ!
@Yesica1993 Год назад
That's how it SHOULD be! Good for you!
@MarinaPier77 Год назад
Same here!!!
@dianafrancisco9689 Год назад
@lathanf-5432 Год назад
Praise God!!!🙌🏼
@Franquie Год назад
While I was never institutionalized, I agree with you 100% as I was on multiple anti-depression medications in my younger years and none of them helped me either. My anxiety was cured when I began reading my Bible and becoming sincere in my faith. These are not mental issues people are dealing with, they are spiritual issues!
@beths999 Год назад
I was on Lexapro for 10 years because of childhood trauma. I’m a christian too. I’ve been married now for 39 years and we raised 3 kids. Once I came to grips with my childhood trauma and realized my worth in Christ and the love my husband had towards me was then that I was able to get off Lexapro. I’m not depressed anymore. I’m of value. So many people don’t feel loved or valued . I believe that’s what is at the heart of this.
@elizabethAbbott-q6m Год назад
wonderful. From my experience with meds and that of a good friend, I think they are over used; at least they sure were in his case; his doc prescribed two anti depressants together despite warnings from the pharmaceutical company not to combine them and he had a frightful reaction.
@Shesblessed2114 Год назад
@bcc7777 Год назад
I'm weaning off Lexapro now. Any advice? I've been on a half dose(10mg) for 5 months. Now I'm doing 10mg one day and 5mg next day. Then I'll go down to 5mg. This is all on my own. No advice from doctors about panic attacks, except "maybe you should go back up?" 🤦
@cynthiaramsey0819 Год назад
I agree! I have a similar testimony!
@nicokl5593 Год назад
@@bcc7777 Hi! I know you posted this a month ago but just in case you see this I wanted to give you some information. Get on the site surviving antidepressants and learn about the Bead Method of withdrawals. It basically consists of opening your capsule, taking 1 bead out for about 3 weeks, after that start removing 2 beads.
@compulsivehonesty Год назад
I was thrust into the mental health system after I was raped at 12 years old. After being put on meds, the suicidal ideation started. After every "episode," new meds were added. I got up to about 8 meds at a time by age 15. I somehow decided to get off this train at that age and stopped acting out by sheer willpower even though the meds made me feel insane. After a few months without any episodes, I convinced the doctors and my parents I didn't need meds anymore. I am 34 now and no one ever addressed the trauma I experienced to help me work through it until I found Jesus.
@eurekahope5310 Год назад
I am so sorry for your experiences but thankful you found Jesus. I can see feeling pressured to give your child meds after such a traumatic event. Sadly, it sounds like the true pain wasn't addressed and the meds just contributed to a cascade of issues. Praise God you came through it!
@mjmh7050 Год назад
Heartbreaking ❤️ so glad you have found healing in Christ I can't imagine!
@iacoponefurio1915 Год назад
​@@eurekahope5310just take in the story instead of rewritng it fake know it all internet expert. God keyboard warriors are the fakest space cadet parasites yo7 are talking to strangers where are your kids? Clown 🤡🤣🤣🤣🤣
@emilymyers Год назад
Praise God!
@sarahko2014 Год назад
I'm so sorry for the abuse that you endured. Thank you for being honest about your story. Drugs/meds are not the answer. Jesus is.
@mandy3429 Год назад
My husband was a pastor at a reformed baptist church, and I have a very solid relationship with Christ. I’ve tried to unalive myself multiple times in my life. I finally was diagnosed with bipolar disorder a couple of years ago and started taking medications. While it hasn’t been easy at all these two years (I was hospitalized a couple months ago), the times when my mood is stable thanks to the medications are the happiest times in my life. I truly have never felt like that before. It’s not just happiness either, it’s mental clarity, the ability to make decisions, the ability to sleep well, not having my mood fluctuate constantly, not being irritable, so many things changed. Medications, while not perfect and require some adjustments, have given me a life. I would not be here without them. So while I understand they are WAY overprescribed, some people with mental illnesses truly need them.
@ProR2D2 Год назад
If you depend on an addictive external drug to be well, particularly SSRIs, then you're not doing well. Psychiarty goes against the concept of the spirit. How can you call yourself a cristian when you believe in those conjectures? Absolute hypocrisy. Anything that is addictive is not meant to be taken. A person in a good place does not constantly depend on outside forces to be in mental clarity, but rather on the spirit.
@Mtnmamma5251 Год назад
I am sorry you have had such a difficult journey but very thankful you found help with medication. I was shocked to read the headline of this vlog because it totally over simplifies and broadly categorizes people. We are so individualized and have such very individualized lives from childhood on. Allie really doesn’t know what she is talking about. This Dr has a huge bias against all these drug and seems to have a story relating to many of these drugs that are very negative. There are many people like you, I am one of them. I was finally diagnosed in my forties with major clinical depression recurrent. It was a shock. I just never knew why I was tired all of the time. There is a huge physiological component to depression. It’s a whole body illness. My story is very long and involved. It started with me as “a failure to thrive infant” and has affected my whole life. I won’t get into everything except to say it wasn’t until I was diagnosed and prescribed an SSRI that I suddenly had a life. I could function , was joyful, was a much better wife and parent…….etc. There is so much still unknown about the human brain. But our brain controls everything. It only makes sense that an unhealthy brain has huge effects on our lives. Thank you for sharing your story. Those of us who have been helped by medication when nothing else helped are very fortunate. I am 72 now and able to enjoy my grandchildren and life in a very different way than my first 45 years.
@ProR2D2 Год назад
@@Mtnmamma5251 72 year old people do not write like that, do not say things like "......etc" and do not use that punctuation. And all of these "I had a life" stories sound suspiciously the same. Be carefull if you're reading these stories. It wouldn't be hard at all for big pharma to make bots and sent them here. I have met real people who took these drugs and all of them had negative experiences.
@ProR2D2 Год назад
@@Jolynn777 not sure who are you talking to.
@howlingwaters2741 Год назад
@lilyw1390 Год назад
Anti-depressants/anti-anxiety meds saved my life when I was postpartum with my daughter. I was constantly anxious, unable to sleep, and dealing with thoughts of suicide and self harm every waking moment. I am a strong believer in Christ and constantly prayed for Him to show me a way out of the darkness of this post partum period. It was through Christ’s work on my heart and pride, that I had the strength to get over myself and ask for help which led to me being medicated. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with taking antidepressant medication and being a Christian, especially if it is a matter of life and death. But they definitely are not right for everyone and cannot fix your heart or mind the way Christ is able to.
@AlA-fi3vl Год назад
I was there too. Thank you for sharing ♥️
@beths999 Год назад
I agree, there is a time and place for these meds. Postpartum depression can feel like dark quicksand.
@emilymyers Год назад
Amen! I am a faithful follower of Christ and have benefited from antidepressants during very specifics times in my life... ESPECIALLY post pardom! Thank God for good doctors and good medicine and HOPE!
@Momofukudoodoowindu Год назад
I want to say I validate your experience as an adult, while pointing out this doctor is talking about how these drugs are negatively effecting CHILDREN, for the most part.
@ProR2D2 Год назад
Psychiatry goes against the concept of the human spirit. How can you call yourself a cristian when you do not believe in humans as spiritual human beings? Absolute hypocrisy. If you only talk about yourself, you'll never be in a good place with Christ. This topic is not about you, is about helping others, specially children who do not benefit from these drugs.
@sarakessler8516 Год назад
I have always been an “anxious” person, even as a kid. I remember being 8 and afraid my parents would forget about me and never pick me up from school. I’ve dealt with stupid phobias, stages of depression… after my first child was born I was so afraid she would somehow die that I couldn’t leave my house. I oddly have managed to have never taken psychiatric medication. One thing I do when I feel an anxious or depressive state coming upon me is I remove all social media, limit screen time and get my butt outside. I know this isn’t a solution for everyone and it’s anecdotal to my situation. However the world is so full of noise and information. Sometimes it just needs to be silenced…..Also time in the word, reading good wholesome fiction, and eating well.
@sarah1957 Год назад
I totally relate to your message, sounds exactly like me. One thing that has greatly helped me is reading the DARE anxiety book and using that method.
@cate796 Год назад
It's amazing how much calmer I feel when I don't use social media! There may be societal benefits to it but I think the damages far outweigh them.
@lydiabouts8572 Год назад
I have an adult daughter who deals with the feelings you're describing, and from that young age, as well...this comment was helpful to me. I've been thinking so much about this topic in regards to her...thank you for chiming in!
@sharoncrawford7192 10 месяцев назад
I heard that going outside and seeing the green grass was good for that. Just spending time outdoors. I know I need to be outside more. I'm just not an outdoor kind of person, but I know I'm in the house to much.
@DBlanco48 Год назад
I spent years on antidepressants and xanax and when I finally spoke to a loving Christian counselor, he explained a few things that made so much sense. He wanted me to evaluate what I was depressed about, what made me panic, I wrote them out, and one by one he got to the root of those items. 99% of them were things out of my control or I was not getting my way. Those are very sinful selfish heart attitudes. When I began earnestly repenting of each one I became free of depression and panic attacks, I weaned off meds and now deal with hear attitudes biblically, like it is supposed to be.
@sharoncrawford7192 10 месяцев назад
That's interesting.
@Titus-2-Mom 5 месяцев назад
Yes, getting to the root of what's going on instead of just medicating. Praise God!
@jonettecornelius5422 5 месяцев назад
I pray all the other commentors who suffer from depression here would consider your comment wholheartedly
@maiahobx7375 Год назад
Hey ladies. I have ADHD, depression, and OCD. I take Zoloft and it has helped me tremendously. Medication is not for everyone. But it is the right option for some people.
@michele0333 Год назад
@maiahobx7375 Amen!
@yeshalloween Год назад
How long have you been taking it? These prescriptions are dangerously over-prescribed. I lost my dad to suicide after being prescribed anti-psychotics that exacerbated his anxiety and pushed him to the brink. I tried a dozen antidepressants over the past 20 years. A crappy bandaid at best. Prescribed without a second thought to my nutrition, physical activity or circumstances.
@marshavoiers327 Год назад
You need to give it to the Lord and trust Him.
@gracebarragan8400 Месяц назад
If you started as an adult and not a child than it probably doesnt apply to yoy
@janedoe6704 12 дней назад
It might seem like its working short term, but long term you might find they are slowly make you worse its a very hard thing to see when you are drugged up on these pills so please be careful. Awesome for you if they really are working. Please dont hurt people that that are trying to speak out against the dangers these pills hold for someone who isn't like you.
@jacquelinekdover Год назад
I had a downfall of my own last winter. I was unable to sleep. Insomnia for 2 weeks. I was always against medication. What I realized was I suffering from fear/ anxiety from past trauma. It was a hard time. I was given many drugs in a 3 week period. I saw many people who just threw anything at me. I wasnt myself. I then by God's will was placed on Lexapro by someone who actually could tell what was going on. I took it for only a month. I was able to through counseling and church to let go of issues I was battling mentally and since then never looked back. I have a heart for anyone whos been hurt or broken by upbringing and trauma. It's not easy and I can speak that life does get better. I had the fear once I stopped taking Lexapro that I would go back to the bad time I had. I didnt! Praise God.
@benmcfarren6337 Год назад
YESHUA love you love you renptenecs sin
@Yesica1993 Год назад
I'm glad you're doing well! This is what I am trying to get at. Maybe some meds are helpful. Fine. But it can't be JUST meds. There's always a reason for why people are experiencing whatever emotions/issues. The personal and family issues have to be addressed. But people don't want to do that part because it's HARD. It's easy to swallow a pill. It's brutal to deal with emotional and relationship issues. I'm glad you got some genuine help and I hope you continue to stay well.
@jessman8597 Год назад
As someone who who has battled PTSD from emergency services, this is something I'm passionate about. There's some great therapies out there. Meds are not the answer. My conclusion is simple "therapy helps (a lot), but Christ heals. I love helping others with their own battles with anxiety, depression, and PTSD. It's time Christians get in the game and help those who are struggling.
@Mtnmamma5251 Год назад
@@Yesica1993 Absolutely. No one should just take a pill for depression. Major clinical depression will not be helped at all by that. The idea of medication should come from a therapist/counselor. A Christian counselor trained to diagnose as well as counsel is great. Psychologists cannot prescribe medication but can connect you to someone they know and trust to prescribe. With medication to alleviate some of the heaviness of the depression, then serious therapy can begin and be so much more successful. It’s a tandem treatment. For some people depression is a one time event but for many it is either chronic or cyclical. In my own case I never knew I was depressed and was shocked to be told I was. It was a fight to convince me to even see anyone for medication as was suggested after a couple of months in therapy. I can be very stubborn like that. But nothing was getting better and I talked to my primary Dr about it. He said I should consider trying it since I had given in and seen the psychiatrist who prescribed an SSRI and I had the RX. I held off some more but finally did fill the RX and start the med. Within 10 days I felt completely different/better/happy like I had never been in my life. Through more counseling we determined that I had been very depressed since a young child. I find that very sad because the first 45 years of my life were so hard and I thought everyone felt like I did. So wrong. Do I feel cheated? Yes. But I feel very thankful that God opened doors for me to find out the truth, be helped and set on a new path of healing. Today I am 72, a grandmother, retired and enjoying life with my husband. God has been so good to us.
@sharoncrawford7192 10 месяцев назад
Awesome. Please pray that the Lord will help me so I don't need the meds either. Thankyou. I'm 67 and have been on them for 22 yrs. Before I got in my 40s, I only had alittle depression in my late 30s, but after a yr, I know the Lord took it away. But in my 40s it was different. It was anxiety and depression. But I believe as a christian, things happen for a reason. I know God can heal.
@brandyboyd4579 Год назад
I appreciate the conversation. I think it’s important to talk about things we rarely talk about. However, I want to say an SSRI saved my life. As they do with many many people.
@ProR2D2 Год назад
Oh thanks for sharing absolutely nothing about 'how' it saved your life. But continue living your life with addictive drugs. I'm sure that's how life was meant to be lived. Dropping additive anti-psychotic drugs into your brain. I'm sure that's exactly how Christ envisioned it.
@marleenabock2930 Год назад
@SavannahBakly 10 месяцев назад
I agree with this. It helped me a lot too. I was doing everything I could to feel better, such as healthy eating, exercising regularly, performing relaxation techniques, going to therapy, surrounding myself with loving people, and devoting my life to Christ. It wasn’t until I finally took the step of getting on an SSRI that I finally felt like I could breathe again, I was able to overcome the lingering sense of dread that I experienced daily, and I could finally relax and enjoy all of the things that I love about life ❤
@sharoncrawford7192 10 месяцев назад
@alessiaamanda9435 8 месяцев назад
​@@SavannahBaklyhow long have you been on it
@eternalperspective4136 Год назад
Overprescription is the key to avoid. Thank God for meds that alleviate symptoms that make life seemingly unbearable. I have inherited OCD and struggled from severe post partum ocd ( made my usual ocd way worse) and depression. I tried to pray my way out of it, but sought help once I became afraid I would harm myself. Only those who have experienced the suffering truly understand the desperation one goes through. The low dose SSRI I have taken for 22 years did not " cure" me, but has made life bearable again. I will do whatever it takes to take positive measures to be the healthiest wife and mom/ woman I can be. The suffering has helped me to rely on God's strength in my weakness and cling to Him, but sometimes it it chemical/biological, sometimes counseling/therapy, nutrition etc is enough. True though many are very overmedicated or medicated when they should not be.
@RachelPritchett-bl2un Год назад
Came here to say the EXACT same thing! My story is so similar to yours.
@eternalperspective4136 Год назад
@@RachelPritchett-bl2un 🌷
@smalltownmomma8024 Год назад
When I was 25 I told my doctor I was exhausted constantly despite getting good sleep, and I’d struggled with this since I was a teen. He immediately offered me anti-depressants as the only solution. I was diagnosed in 2020 at 36 having Hashimotos and sought out practitioners to help and finally at almost 40 I feel better than I did in my 20’s. No thanks to regular doctors
@Momofukudoodoowindu Год назад
Is that something that's genetic or environmental?
@coachwork Год назад
​@@Momofukudoodoowindu Look up Izabella Wentz the thyroid pharmacist
@smalltownmomma8024 Год назад
@@Momofukudoodoowindu I’m not sure I think it can be both? I’m adopted so I have limited medical history- but I know my grandmother had her thyroid removed because of a lot of nodules, I had a ton of nodules after I had my first baby (I had horrible postpartum thyroiditis so that’s why I had an ultrasound and they saw them) so I’m guessing I was predisposed to developing it but I’m sure the increased processed foods and increased shot schedule probably didn’t help. I went carnivore for a while before starting at the clinic and they disappeared
@Momofukudoodoowindu Год назад
@@smalltownmomma8024 wow... amazing testimony there. I've been toying with the idea of a carnivore diet... I eat a LOT of vegetables and I think I would struggle with only eating meat. I already have given up starches. Im glad that you saw such success by changing your diet 👏🏻
@mbwilson8592 Год назад
Wow, praise God you're doing better! I have a similar story. I had severe post partum depression after my 2nd child and it turns out, I had a "thyroid storm" after giving birth. Many of those symptoms mimic "traditional" anxiety and depression. It was my thyroid. I have hashimotos as well and sought help from a natural path doc. I'm now off all pharmaceuticals and my thyroid antibodies went from 167 to 17 from diet and supplements alone.
@ShelbyEdwards-s9q Год назад
After having my first baby, I started to really struggle with depressive moods and invasive thoughts. I send a message to my OBGYN and explained that I was having some really disturbing thoughts and crying const. She never even called or asked any follow up questions about our home life, how nursing was going, sleep/diet. She just sent me a message back stating that they ordered me a prescription for an SSRI. Being a physically/emotionally vulnerable new mom, I trusted my doctor and started taking the meds. All they did was numb me out entirely. I physically could not cry, or really feel anything at all. Wasn’t exactly the help that I needed or had hoped for. It took me forever to be able to come off of the medication and had horrible symptoms when I did. I saw a holistic provider who treated me with a single dose of natural, plant based progesterone (because nursing moms can often become deficient) and was significantly relieved and feeling much more like myself (at least no long sobbing uncontrollably and having unsafe thoughts) WITHOUT drugs/medications. But even now, 2.5 years after coming off the medication, I STILL experience emotional numbing. I struggle to feel emotions and even to cry, where this was never a problem for me before being prescribed an SSRI. It is very discouraging to think that I could have prevented that had I seen a holistically minded care provider (who actually looked deeper than surface level) first.
@MrSilence99 5 месяцев назад
I'm a guy but I also feel permanently numbed from taking Lexapro. I only took it for less than a year but 4 years later I still feel messed up. I mainly took it for fibro symptoms but if I had known what it would do to me I would have never have taken it.
@zacharylauinger Год назад
I've had panic attacks and anxiety for years and have been on and off Paxil. I can definitely say the anxiety/panic is significantly reduced on the medication. I used to feel like there was something I was doing wrong as a Christian because of the anxiety, but after praying about it and talking with other Christians in my life, I made the decision to get back on the medication and it's helped tremendously. I can't say the same for how SSRIs work for depression as I haven't struggled with that much, thank God.
@mystrength5640 Год назад
Try to see an Endocrinologist.. to see if your Thyroid needs looking at.. or your Hormone levels… And read my top comment… You may need minerals, Or other nutrients.. 🎉
@ProR2D2 Год назад
If you depend on an addictive external drug to be well, particularly SSRIs, then you're not doing well. Psychiarty goes against the concept of the spirit. How can you call yourself a cristian when you believe in those conjectures? Absolute hypocrisy. Anything that is addictive is not meant to be taken. A person in a good place does not constantly depend on outside forces to be in mental clarity, but rather on the spirit.
@sharoncrawford7192 10 месяцев назад
I didn't want to take meds. My pastor talked to me and that helped me to try it. I was bedridden because I couldn't sleep or eat. I went to 97 pounds. I was just trying to wait on God and trust Him to heal me. It took 4 weeks. But eventually I became myself. I was never suicidal. I just wanted to be normal again. I think in many cases it is a chemical imbalance. If it wasn't that, then the meds would not work. But I still pray for healing and wait on God.
@zacharylauinger 10 месяцев назад
@@sharoncrawford7192 God can also heal through medicine.
@OUpsychChick 8 месяцев назад
Look at drug withdrawal symptoms. You can develop dependencies to these medications that manifest as a worsening of symptoms when you try and come off of them. A lot of people come to believe their withdrawal symptoms are a sign of a true mental health condition that is being "treated." To ome off of these drugs most people need to taper slowly over many months or possibly years.
@lauratownsend2040 Год назад
Basically SSRIs have been overprescribed and used as a crutch. But we need to be careful to not leave people feeling guilty for using them. Times when I had them prescribed, I was in a very low, desperate, and vulnerable place. A person in need will cling to what help they can get. Better help is needed, especially from biblically sound churches.
@Momofukudoodoowindu Год назад
But then we get a bunch of SSRI apologists who give an experience we can't quantify, especially now that the science we had previously originated our understanding in for SSRI success has been withdrawn. What measure of well-being are we using for the people that claim it helped them, and how?
@jamiev7165 7 месяцев назад
Exactly. I'm not ashamed of taking medication and I don't think anyone should be. Most people in church aren't equipped to understand mental illness. It's sad.
@simfimpim 5 месяцев назад
​@@Momofukudoodoowindu The science hasn't been withdrawn. The marketing around "a chemical imbalance" has been withdrawn.
@ginaharris801 Год назад
This is so timely as I have been praying for clarity and resolutions to help me with both chronic physical and mental symptoms. I am now learning about rewiring our lymbic systems and how to seek God in all things rather than labeling myself sick and I need the next detox, meds, diet. Our emotions and thoughts are so powerful. God is good
@WCove99 Год назад
Sister in Christ, please...how can I find such resources? My insurance doesn't cover homeopathic stuff and I am in relative poverty. But I am intrigued. God bless you.
@brittybee6615 Год назад
How do you rewire your limbic system?
@l.c.8798 Год назад
​@brittybee6615 changing your thought patterns, more or less. To put in very simply.
@ChristyG72 Год назад
I was a Medical Assistant in the 90s. I would check in the patients and was concerned over the amount of SSRI’s back then. I would speak against them. And was demonized. Then I went through a rough season and was told I had generalized anxiety disorder. The doctor said Lexipro would help. For 3 weeks I thought I was dying. The anxiety increased and then I began to have dark spots appear on my abdomen. No thanks. Keep that poison away from me.
@amyhenningsgard8618 Год назад
This is such a needed conversation. There needs to be more research about the long term effects of these drugs on patients. Also, doctors need more education on how to monitor their patients who are taking the medications, and warn their patients about the negative and very dangerous withdrawal symptoms, when they need to be tapered off of them. My longtime friend killed her self of couple of months ago, when not properly tapered off of a high dosage anxiety medication. She suffered from a withdrawal syndrome for several months, and was hopeless about ever getting better. 💔😭
@saraz9017 Год назад
So sorry 😢
@WCove99 Год назад
So sorry. Xanax withdrawal can be deadly. I would know. It was terrifying. I am so sorry. I hate pills, but know I need them. Wait, why wasn't she tapered off?
@amyhenningsgard8618 Год назад
@@saraz9017 Thank you.🙏🏻
@amyhenningsgard8618 Год назад
@@WCove99 Because she couldn’t or didn’t go through her physician, and went to a detox center. Her insurance only paid for short term treatment, so they tapered her off in only a couple of weeks instead of doing it slowly over several months.💔
@Yesica1993 Год назад
@@amyhenningsgard8618 I am so sorry!
@WCove99 Год назад
It keeps me healthy. I am a Christian and hate them. But I need them, and I refuse to be shamed for it. No, there's no medical tests for mental illness and there should be. However, some studies, though iffy, show differences in how the brain of a person with depression works versus a "neuro typical" person. So I guess we may hopefully be getting somewhere. Also, it helps with thinking processes, so that helps with behavior. No one ever said it solves anything. Just that it helps people cope. Only Jesus can cure it, IF He so wills. End the stigma! God bless you all.
@kimreed5160 Год назад
Thank you for this ❤
@beequeen626 Год назад
Totally agree! I am bipolar and need my medication. We will all be made whole in the next life.
@amymackenzie8507 Год назад
Thank you ❤
@WCove99 Год назад
You're both welcome. No one "is" bipolar. People just have it, like any other kind of condition. Don't let it define ypu! Be blessed!
@kimberlyhovis5864 Год назад
Well said! 👏
@mmommo-hx4dx Год назад
some said my son needed meds due to ADHD. even if he was, I felt he needs to live with it, deal with it and learn to manage it which he did beautifully and he is grateful I never drugged him. His a nurse now, married his high school sweetheart who is a teacher, they own a home nearby and have 2 children.
@yeshalloween Год назад
My dad was prescribed some serious anti-psychotics in the early 2000’s by his doctor for some mild anxiety he was feeling due to job loss and career stress. These medications exacerbated his anxiety so quickly. He spiraled, and had to be put on disability, which only added fuel to his anxiety. He ended up committing suicide. It’s a loss that shouldn’t have happened. As for myself, I have tried every anti-depressant under the sun during the decade after coping with my dad‘s death. All they ever did for me was numb my emotions, hurt my libido, make me gain weight, or give me night terrors. They were a mere Band-Aid to the real problem which was my grieving and trauma. My children’s pediatrician has been so quick to recommend SSRIs to my 10 year old daughter, based off of nothing except for me mentioning that she sometimes has trouble falling asleep quickly. He was that willing to put my child on an antidepressant based on that short statement alone. During another wellness visit, I mentioned that my four-year-old had a little bit of trouble controlling his emotions sometimes. He recommended Ritalin straight out of the gate! No dietary or physical activity recommendations. No questions about his sleeping habits. No comments about natural tendencies with little kids, learning how to regulate their emotions. Nope let’s just put him on medication right away. Everyone here saying that these types of medication saved your life, I’m not going to even attempt to argue that. But these medications are definitely over prescribed and they’re handed out willy-nilly and it’s a serious problem with serious consequences.
@MisaelCastilloBrenes Год назад
I was waiting for him to answer if there are cases where SSRI is recommended. He implicitly said that from the studies he trust (*), he could conclude that placebo can help a patience with clinical depression as good as an SSRI, so give the secondary effects, why take it? (That's what I understood from him). I have a counter argument for that. I fell into depression when I was 16. I thought it was something spiritual so we sought for help, counsel, praying, but as Allie described "there wasn't a reason for feeling that way". I've been sad in the past, but never felt something like that before. That feeling never stopped for around 13 years (I didn't take any medication). It was painful but I learned to endure it. A friend of mine recommended me to visit a Psychologist. I had a lot of distrust to Psychologists and psychiatrist, but since I suffered for long time and even when I had some improvement, I still was depressed, anxious, etc. By the time I was having psychotherapy I entered into what you could say was a "Panic attack". The event reprised after a week when I was trying to play piano. I felt I couldn't coordinate both hands at the same time, as if my brain was split in a half and I could use one part at a time. I called the Psychologist and asked if she considered proper to visit a Neurologist. It was found that I have a brain injury that caused me seizures, depression and migraine. The Neurologist gave me a SSRI and in 2 years I felt I improved a lot from how I fell 13 years ago. My point is, even when sometimes these medicines are overprescribed, there are cases where you can't do anything just by handling your feelings. I never took an antidepressant like that before, and I tried 13 years to solve it by myself. So, there is also a danger with this topic, to underestimate someone's diagnose because of the reasons discussed here, but that person was really struggling with a biochemical imbalance. And no, those cases aren't cured with placebo. You can have endless Psychoterapy sessions and you may find a way to endure the problem, but it won't be cured with a positive and optimistic attitude alone. Even my faith, it was important because God has been with me during all this process, but I learned to trust him even when I didn't feel better. It was something totally different from what I experienced prior to that.
@tanyabaker4809 Год назад
Thank you so much for sharing. I just personally find this kind of content by non-medical professionals very very irresponsible and believe it can be potentially very damaging to people. I'm so glad you found the help that you needed. I have a similar story. I find it infuriating that people who have never dealt with any of these issues think that they have a place to tell people they don't need medication. Honestly, it's cruel.
@JerynToney Год назад
When I was 17 (1995), a doctor that I had just met gave me a single piece of paper with a series of 6 yes or no questions, and then prescribed me prozac. I refused to take the pills, I would not submit to the idea that I was depressed. I was going through a difficult time, in my 10th home in 6 years after being taken from my mother by social services and dropped into foster care. I knew that prozac wasn't going to give me a home with a loving family where I didnt feel like a guest, I suspected it would just make me docile. Fortunately, no one could force me to take the pills, which in retrospect was am upside to my situation. I wonder how many kids are pressured into this.
@steveguti6452 Год назад
Jesus Christ died for our Sins According to the scriptures and that he was Buried and that he rose again the third day praying for everyone everyday God bless you all 🙏🙏🙌
@britanykunzler632 Год назад
Amen brother, praying for you and your family!!
@meggo6673 Год назад
I had an idyllic childhood until I was 12 years old and my parents got divorced. The divorce was not amicable and my mom and dad both began taking anti depressants. Over the next 5 years, my dad attempted suicide and my mom died of liver failure. My dad (an anesthesiologist) said he felt completely devoid of emotion, felt we would be better off with his insurance money than him, said that he just did not care about anything, couldn’t care, wasn’t physically able to care about anything. I think this was from the SSRIs. He took a lethal dose of some kind of pharmaceutical and laid down in the woods of a local park. By some miracle, he woke up the next morning with frost bite but otherwise okay. My mom, struggled with unresolved trauma from her childhood and started drinking alcohol while taking the SSRIs after their divorce. She died with the liver of an alcoholic who had drank round the clock for decades (only she hadn’t). Her death certificate lists “non alcoholic liver failure.” I think this was from the SSRIs. She was not saved. These experiences were foundational to who I am and how I live. I saw the destruction firsthand of believing lies and living outside of God’s order. God has blessed my husband and I with five kids (four of whom have never had a pharmaceutical of any kind in their bodies). My oldest had antibiotics at 1 year old before I knew how to avoid them. I am so thankful the Lord opened my eyes to his truth and has led me down this path. My dad is still alive and I pray for his salvation daily. He has never known the peace of relationship with Jesus and I pray someday he comes to know the One who knit him together in his mother’s womb. These drugs are so powerful and so damaging. “And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.” (Rev 18:23) sorceries=pharmakeia
@rosannejimenez1756 Год назад
So heartbreaking. So sorry😫💕😭
@rosannejimenez1756 Год назад
You are right on! Keep praying! Just prayed for him!
@meggo6673 Год назад
@@rosannejimenez1756 thank you for praying for my dad 💗
@Megan-1234 Год назад
I work in a medical office and I can’t believe the short 8 question form we give our young pts and adults alike, to decide if they are depressed or have anxiety. It’s a joke!
@texasvictorygarden7024 Год назад
I have been on numerous antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds. SSRI, SNRI, Welbutrin, benzodiazapines. All of them made my depression worse except Welbutrin. Everyone is an individual and some people will never find a med that works for them. I no longer take meds and I have found that cognitive therapy, exercise (weightlifting), and dry sauna work to eliminate my depression. If anyone asks me what to do if they have depression I would say start with 15 minutes of dry sauna every day. Then go onto therapy and exercise.
@orborn3580 Год назад
I’m currently seeing a functional medicine doctor. She says the gut is the root cause of many physical and mental conditions….heal the gut…heal the body. The gut is often referred to as the body’s second brain. I’ve been on Lexapro for years and lorazepam for 4 yrs. I also have a lot of stomach problems. My goal is to get off everything, Lord willing.
@juliem8603 Год назад
I have been taking an SSRI for 18 years, and I refused to be shamed for it. I do think people are overprescribed drugs. But until you have experienced benefits, you have no business making blanket statements, and that every single person who is helped is just making up the benefits in their heads. SMH.
@kimberlyhovis5864 Год назад
Agreed, I knew someone who committed suicide because she didn't seek the help that she needed. She left a husband and two very young children behind. 😥
@gorgo4910 Год назад
This is not shaming people for being prescribed SSRIs.
@juliem8603 Год назад
@@gorgo4910 Not directly, but he did essentially say that any relief that comes from medication is essentially an illusion, and I find that incredibly callous and insulting.
@katierucker2870 5 месяцев назад
You should never be shamed for it. If it helps you, then it helps. I think it’s wrong to tell someone it’s all in their head if it makes them feel better. If that’s their logic, then depression is also just an illusion. It’s not. It’s a serious issue that has to be addressed. If someone told me it’s all in my head, then I would’ve told them every emotion they go through must be all an illusion as well. Of course that’s not true, but I would be very sassy back.
@lmartinez7534 Год назад
I do appreciate this conversation. It’s very complex though. My daughter was drug exposed in utero and medications have saved her life. And for myself having struggling with depression a few times during my life, the medication ( one of the two I tried) helped me a lot. I do however believe 100% that most people don’t need them.
@critter4004 Год назад
Im only a couple of months away from being totally weaned off my antidepressant. Feel better and more like my true self than I have ever before. I was on AD's for over 20 years. Celebrating LIFE free from big pharma!! I got off a literal bagful of meds by clean keto diet and healthy choices for the past 5 years. 🎉
@candyluna2929 Год назад
@awakeosleeper3930 Год назад
Curious to know how long it took you to taper off your meds?
@steveguti6452 Год назад
Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God praise God praying for everyone everyday God bless you all 🙏🙏🙏
@emmbarber Год назад
My relationship with antidepressants is complicated. For me, they acted as a bridge so I could begin accessing help to build my mental wellness toolbox. They weren’t a quick fix, but rather a life jacket that kept me afloat so that I could do the hard work. In my case, I believe they were lifesaving. That being said, this was me as a 28 year old grown woman. The 12-year-old version of me that was put on an SSRI felt quite differently. It took away the low lows, but also the high highs, and left me feeling like a zombie - more disconnected, withdrawn, and su***dal than ever. It was dangerous and left me more unwell than I was before. The real solution isn’t a magic happy pill, it’s hard work, building relationships with trusted council and a supportive community, and brutal internal honestly. It’s building a toolbox of skills to navigate the inevitable tough times, and fostering relationships that help to carry you through. It’s your relationship with God, and finding ways to build resiliance. Like anything else worth having, it’s hard but it allows you to take on challenges, to be brave, to really reach for the big goals you have - whether that be for your family, your role in your church, your career, your community, whatever. It’s hard. But it’s so good.
@phAntasyluvr_04 Год назад
I was placed under anti-depressants for the first time 6 years ago after losing a job, and started a year long stint of therapy. I took prozac first for two years, having that upped because I didn't feel anything, as well as an anti anxiety med for 4 weeks (didn't do squat). 4 years ago I changed to lexapro. Yeah, all of this was prescribed by my primary. He's a pretty good judge of things. I will say, the pills definitely aren't a fix-it, and I feel sad/like crying more recently. However, one plus is that they seem to dampen my outbursts of anger.
@kristastrong Год назад
I've been on Zoloft since 2016 and have been wanting to wean off for a while. I think this episode is the motivation I needed to move forward. Thank you!
@rosannejimenez1756 Год назад
Asking God to guide you🙏💕
@kristastrong Год назад
@@rosannejimenez1756 Thank you 💕
@ambers4524 Год назад
Get someone to be your person. I was on 25mg for over a year after coming down from 50mg and I had a lot of mood swings, anger and anxiety. But it passed. Just have someone who can be there for you and knows the possible coming side effects.
@kellybarclay32 Год назад
If I didn’t have antidepressants, I would be dead right now. It would be interesting to hear a rebuttal.
@solochristo65 Год назад
Listen, not everyone needs to give up their meds. Yes, the business is a racket and a money maker AND corrupt OVERALL. But meds do help some people and I am one. Plus, I have been walking diligently with our LORD for many years and taking some meds, I would like to try and wean off someday (to see if I do not need them anymore) BUT I will not do it untill my parents pass on since I am the one taking care of them.
@tanyabaker4809 Год назад
@@solochristo65 same with me except that I'm taking care of my young kids. I don't take antidepressants just for me, I take them for all that are in relationship with me.
@judybooth110 Год назад
If you think the drugs helped you then it probably did. The mind is very powerful.
@tanyabaker4809 Год назад
@@judybooth110 or maybe medical science works and they're just helping.
@ProR2D2 Год назад
@@tanyabaker4809 There is no science in psychiatry you fool. These people who said "saved my life", they explain themselves in very abstact ways and never really go in detail because they don't even know how these drugs work. They're only looking to justify their actions and don't want to believe they made a bad decision, telling themselves the same lie over and over.
@kconnolly9464 Год назад
Thank you for this. My teenage daughter has been suffering, and her new pediatrician on the first checkup was ready to prescribe an SSRI on the spot. To her credit (I guess), the doctor did encourage me to do my own research if I wasn't sure, but honestly it shocked me how ready she was to just launch my daughter down that path. I had serious misgivings. So glad I found this episode for balanced perspective--and that there will be a part 2. It felt like you were just getting started!
@ambers4524 Год назад
Placebo effect is said to be real. But when you’re in psychosis, there’s no placebo effect. We really need to differentiate between having mental health issues and pushing drugs on all people for all things or for not being responsible with drug disposal.
@faythemiller4837 Год назад
Great subject and interview. I struggled up and down depression most of my life as early as 9. I became a Christian around that time as well. As I grew older I had bouts of horrible depression. There were so many factors: as I got older, I learned how important it was to not stay in bed reading first thing in the morning- that was a recipe for sluggish body and depressed state all day. Puberty aggravated my moods, I was pretty shy and an introvert. Was in a family of 5 kids who were my best friends so I struggled socially in school. In my 30’s, I had two family members die along with adjusting to being a mom of preschoolers and turned away from God for various reasons. Recycled old memories through my mind constantly which only made me feel worse. Was put on Effexor but also went to Christian therapist who helped me quite a bit. Unexpected pregnancy age 41, so went off Effexor too fast which was like going off street drugs. Even though ate healthier than most of my friends, in my 40’s and 50’s became arthritic, and prediabetic. In the meantime I was drawn back to God in a miraculous way and I believe it wasn’t a coincidence that somehow I began finding the right professionals that figured out what the root cause of health issues including severe mood swings. I began seeing a functional nutritionist who did tests like 3 days of stool samples, gluten test, hypersensitivity tests, etc. I went to him for a problem with extreme hunger in middle of night. Hunger so bad I couldn’t sleep. He found I had a huge yeast overgrowth in the gut (from lots of antibiotics and taking Aleve) two gluten sensitive genes, etc. I didn’t go for the mood problem but discovered 18 months later that because we healed my gut and changed my diet (not what gov’t says is healthy) I was happiest I had ever been, felt what I think normal people felt! My food was poisoning me but now my food is my medicine. Used to be on thyroid meds but no prescriptions now!
@cominghomewithsusanne Год назад
I started having an anxiety/panic disorder about 4 years ago and was placed on an anti-depressant. I realized after overcoming the disorder through techniques in Claire Weekes' book, the medicine had done nothing for me. I was able to get off of the anti-depressant with a couple of months, trying to be careful how I cycled off. I use those same techniques whenever I get anxiety and they still work today.
@kerinac1909 Год назад
I’ve had panic attacks for over 30 years. Dr Claire Weekes philosophy makes the most sense and has helped more than any other treatment. It hasn’t helped me completely I think bc I’ve had panic for so long but I’m hoping one day.
@bonniesammons2348 Год назад
YES!!!!! Dr Claire Weekes is a genius! My mother introduced her to me 30 years ago. I have all her books.🥲
@RickEvelyn-jj8nl Год назад
Doing microdosing therapy with the psychedelics 🍄🍫🌱 for a while now and no doubt that it has improved me immensely. Before I suffered Anxiety and severe PTSD but I'm much more better since I started microdosing. I get along well with people, I feel happy, I'm creative, focused and energetic.
@RickEvelyn-jj8nl Год назад
all thanks to @Aladintrip he's the best and widely known for his quality mushrooms.
@RickEvelyn-jj8nl Год назад
He's on ig
@danielholiphant Год назад
“First, I don’t think that when somebody experiences depression that it’s inexplicable. 🙏💯
@kellycase4212 Год назад
I’m a counselor and agree with all of this! It has been my exact experience over the past 20 years.
@ruthmariestiegler6044 Год назад
I loved this episode! He does such a great time explaining his points. I've been particularly struck in my own life that most mentally medicated people I know are overweight, sedentary, and have other health problems besides mental health. It could be a chicken and egg question but I know the most mentally distressing times in my own life were during struggles with physical health. It doesn't make sense to treat mental health with drugs alone.
@flowerpower3618 Год назад
They don’t fix it but they let you eat up and learn things that will help you deal with it. Have you ever been suicidal or had such bad anxiety that you weigh 90 pounds due to rolling panic attacks? Don’t blame depressed people , don’t blame them for wanting to try whatever works. Because anti depressants allowed me to function and get stable
@ellenpereira9521 Год назад
I've had the same experience. I was underweight due to constant panic and anxiety attacks (I couldn't eat, sleep or leave the house properly), had battled depression and suicidal ideation for over 10 years. Had PTSD and body dysphoria. Throughout all of that time I had treatment with therapists, psychiatrists, was put on different meds. Until I really couldn't handle living and thought to "unalive" my self once and for all. Right before I actually did it, I asked for Jesus' help and asked that He would heal my mind and body and heart and that I'd REALLY live for Him from then on. I was a Christian since my childhood but that's the moment I realized that no matter how many meds I take, how many therapy sessions I go to, how much 'mindfulness' I practiced, I would always want to die at the end of the day... only He could permanently save me from this. And so I prayed. From that moment on, my entire life was different. Have never had a depressive episode, an anxiety or panic attack, anorexia, body dysphoria (I actually really like my body now), suicidal ideation ever since. Since then, I've never ever needed therapy and meds or anything of that sort. So, in my point of view, they're not trying to blame the people who are battling mental health issues, but the medical/pharmaceutical system that capitalizes on that and offers no real cure. I'm really sorry that you are going through a similar experience, I know how heartbreaking, confusing, exhausting and lonely it is. It's like you have to kill a giant everyday. The thing is that the meds will just give you a little more strength to try fight the next giant (the next day) and the cycle goes on. Jesus will literally kill the giants for you. You'll no longer feel alone or left to fight for yourself. At least I never did. I pray that you can also be fully healed and experience the peace, joy and clarity of mind that comes along in the walk with Christ 🙏
@flowerpower3618 Год назад
@@ellenpereira9521 thank you.
@ellenpereira9521 Год назад
@@flowerpower3618 and if you ever need to hear this, come back to this comment and remember that you are not only loved, but that God has planned every strand of hair on your head, every fiber of your being. You are here for a purpose and I pray that He reveals that purpose in your life soon. I wish I could just reach through the screen and give you a hug because it's rare that we find people that understands our experiences/struggles, somehow your comment has reminded me of that in a positive light :)
@kimberlyrutledge1740 Год назад
Antidepressants have totally affected my sex drive. Praying God will heal what these drugs have destroyed.
@awakeosleeper3930 Год назад
WARNING: DO NOT EVER STOP TAKING EVEN THE LOWEST DOSAGE OF ANTIDEPRESSANTS. This needs to be done gradually over a period of YEARS, not weeks for those who have been on these meds for any significant amount of time. Anything more than a 10 percent taper at a time can be medically dangerous for some people. There is an online community supported website called “surviving antidepressants” that you should explore before ever considering coming off of these medications.
@karenrader2160 Год назад
Yes!! Years!
@dmdjones1595 Год назад
The "throw a pill at it" culture/mentality just seems so lazy and corrupt. Looking forward to hearing more as this episode continues.
@pmartin6086 Год назад
This is incredibly unkind. Major Depressive Disorder is a serious illness. People really suffer.
@michaeldickerson670 Год назад
That is not only unkind, but an extraordinarily unfair judgment. I am a follower of Christ who used to be skeptical of using medicine to treat depression, until I developed sudden onset tinnitus (cause unknown) and, as a result, became severely depressed to the point of having suicidal thoughts (which my relationship with the Lord prevented me from going through with). It’s a long story, but I ended up seeing a doctor, who is also a follower of Christ, who explained that I had undergone such a severe and extended period of stress leading up to that (again, long story), that my serotonin levels - which help regulate stress - had been depleted to the point where my body was no longer able to cope with the tinnitus. She suggested medication, but I resisted. I was seeing a Christian counselor, but was not improving. Eventually, even the counselor suggested that I try the medication. So I agreed. My doctor prescribed an SSRI, and within 4 weeks, I was improving. I have now been on the medicine over a year, and it has helped tremendously. I am now weening off the medicine and hope to be off completely by the end of the year. I know that every experience is different, but could I just ask you to be careful about making such blanket condemnations? It’s incredibly unfair and lacking empathy to say something like that unless you have personal experience. And if you do, the more loving thing to do would be to share how you overcame it.
@pmartin6086 Год назад
@Michael Dickerson Thank you for sharing that. I know how difficult it is too. I hope you've been taught really solid coping skills and take time every day to do something you truly enjoy, a passion for something, that God has given you. Live who He made you to be. ✝️❤️🙏
@RickEvelyn-jj8nl Год назад
psychedelics 🍄🍫🌱 for a while now and no doubt that it has improved me immensely. Before I suffered Anxiety and severe PTSD but I'm much more better since I started microdosing. I get along well with people, I feel happy, I'm creative, focused and energetic. all thanks to @Aladintrip he's the best and widely known for his quality mushrooms.
@RickEvelyn-jj8nl Год назад
He's on Ig
@sandridgelibby Год назад
We are definitely an over medicated society and the pharmaceutical world is crazy, so I understand what he is saying. Our country has gone overboard with the drugs . However, I was always a person that did not really believe in medication for depression. That is until I got severe postpartum depression. I turned to my doctor and he prescribed me wellbutrin. I could tell a huge difference within two weeks and it literally saved my life. I was on it for a total of six months, and I completely changed my mind set on how if we take medication to help other parts of our body why would we not take a medication to help our brain? Just like everything else in life… Everything in moderation.
@beequeen626 Год назад
I have a bottle of Wellbutrin sitting on my dresser that my dr prescribed but I'm just too scared to take it. Did your depression come back when you got off of it? My son is 2 months and I'm just trying to make it through. God had kept me through it all, but I'm struggling
@sandridgelibby Год назад
@@beequeen626 my depression did not come back. Wellbutrin helped me tremendously. I am thankful for the medication and the guidance of doctors that God works through. I am also a teenage terminal cancer survivor and God used chemotherapy and surgery to save my life. We need to take everything with a grain of salt and use everything in moderation but please don’t let this particular podcast. Keep you from taking your medicine. You will be so glad that you did. I always thank God for medication, and I pray over it before I take it.
@obeedoo Год назад
Anti-depressants saved the life of my mother and myself. We are very strong Christians. I have real issues with people bashing anti-depressants.
@yeshalloween Год назад
It’s less about “bashing” and more of an honest and open discourse about the very serious reality that these drugs are in fact, grossly over-prescribed. They’re basically handed out like candy at this point and it’s a serious problem. Surely you can understand how every situation doesn’t call for serious mind altering medications with nary a second thought.
@obeedoo Год назад
@@yeshalloween that I can understand. But I would also suggest that that there is still bashing, and conservatives have crossed the line into out-right bashing, if not discrediting what are valid medical resources for valid medical issues. I do not like the tone the conservative narrative has taken, and I stand by what I said.
@olivedoves Год назад
Thank you for this brilliant interview. I don’t think many Americans know how scientific studies can be easily be skewed or set up in a way to show the results you want. It depends on the participants in the study, the statistics that are run, and how the reports are worded. Pharmaceutical companies regularly give large amounts of money (hundreds of thousands of dollars) to statistical researchers to prove that certain drugs are effective. Also, medical school is entirely sponsored by the pharmaceutical and many doctors don’t even receive a class in nutrition. As someone in the healthcare field I really appreciate all that was said and look forward to hearing more!
@AA-iy4gm 5 месяцев назад
It's comforting to see comments that are basically advocating for a balanced, moderate approach rather than a black and white one. I recently read a few comments on a different video from a different channel where a parent was complaining that their child wasn't in touch that much anymore but the parent didn't seem to self reflect as to why that is, and while it's so helpful that there are a lot of valid resources today, even some pastors who are also therapists that acknowledge all the different ways that inadequate parenting can have lasting effects on children well into adulthood, it was odd to see a few comments that wanted to pin all of it on the pandemic, the government and demons. That's the the risk of black and white thinking, as if anything and everything can be pinned on that and relieve people of responsibility to do better and to admit to past faults and make amends. It also makes it seem like people have no free will and when they make mistakes, it's simply pinned on outward sources and nothing to do with them. As much as God tells us what's right and wrong in the world, God also tells us how we should behave, how we take personal accountability et cetera, but people in general seem to like nice excuses and easy ways out, and that creates tension in relationships due to dishonesty.
@katierucker2870 5 месяцев назад
So true!
@sparkletrek7086 Год назад
Allie, I hope you address the very real and authentic comments that some people have given about how this medication has saved their life or shown and helped them to function. They were intended to be used short term with therapy. There is no shame in being a Christian and taking them for a short time. This man is trained in emotional issues but most people don’t even know where to start with labeling their emotions and what is “normal” and what is not. I took an ssri for a short time. And it helped me function and helped me calm down enough for my brain to learn how to cope with life’s struggles. Then I weaned off. But I cannot imagine what I could have done or would have been like if I had not had the courage to get help and try a medication that many Christian people shamed me for trying.
@katierucker2870 5 месяцев назад
I think most people shame another Christian for it is usually because they’ve never gone through the same thing. That’s awful. Though I personally took antidepressants and they did not help me, I would never shame you for it. If it’s helped you, then praise the Lord! I’m sorry you went through that. Just know the Lord doesn’t condemn you for it. He can use it to help some. People need to be more self aware and check their own issues before they point the finger at someone else in this sort of situation.
@lukedornon7799 Год назад
Not defending big pharma completely, but some of their products are truly medically helpful. Additionally, if we weren't a people that preferred to solve lifestyle-related ailments with drugs rather than lifestyle changes they wouldn't be nearly as powerful as they are.
@tanyabaker4809 Год назад
If you are on a medication I beg of you do not go off of your medication based upon this interview. Seek the care of a qualified medical professional, preferably a psychiatrist, before discontinuing your medication. I speak from experience.
@awakeosleeper3930 Год назад
I am very concerned that some people after watching this will try to abruptly stop taking their antidepressants. THIS CAN BE INCREDIBLY DANGEROUS!
@staceyseymour9297 Год назад
Yes! People need to research how to do a harm reduction taper. It can take months to years to safely taper. Most physicians do not know this. There are Facebook groups of people trying to get off of psychiatric meds who try to support one another with lived experience.
@awakeosleeper3930 Год назад
@@staceyseymour9297 I am one of those people. I cold turkeyed on my meds two years ago and have been through indescribable, unspeakable horror ever since.
@staceyseymour9297 Год назад
@@awakeosleeper3930 I didn't realize that this level of suffering for such a long time existed. I have to cling to God in order to survive this medication injury.
@awakeosleeper3930 Год назад
@@staceyseymour9297 So you’re at two years and how many months?? Have you seen any improvements?
@staceyseymour9297 Год назад
@@awakeosleeper3930 Yes. I'm recovering bit by bit. I've come a long way, but I still have quite a way to go. I rapidly tapered 3 meds--one after the other. I didn't know not to do that. I'm still on two meds and am tapering one of them slowly.
@Lightning613 Год назад
Kinda interesting that the label warnings include: “may increase suicidal thoughts”
@Twalzz Год назад
That's the part that didn't make sense to me, and looking back I Hated taking them. I started taking turmeric tea instead, as well as adjusted my diet. I'm still not where I want to be but I generally discourage antidepressants, from my experience.
@ChristyG72 Год назад
I was a Medical Assistant during the 90s Over half of the patients I’d check in were taking antidepressants, anti-anxiety and sleep meds. They were still Depressed Anxious And couldn’t sleep I would tell them about Jesus and risk being fired.
@tach9663 Год назад
So glad you covered this, Allie! Thank you 💛
@crispicritters827 Год назад
Children who have an almost overnight change with OCD, anxiety, depression, headaches, etc may have PANS/PANDAS from a virus, lyme, strep, etc. SSRIs make that worse and there are specific treatments that can treat the root cause of the disease. The key is getting to the physical root of what is allowing the virus to cross the blood brain barrier and change the brain.
@sherinavijayan3248 Год назад
Thank you Allie & team and Dr Rogers for this. Really mind-blowing. Cant wait for part 2
@Jillousa Год назад
I overcame depression by cupping to a point where I needed to reject every lie and embrace truth of God's word anytime a thought that could lead me into depression came across my mind. It was hard work. Also I went to celebrate Recovery where I learned how to vocalize my feelings. I'm thankful I've been given tools to overcome when some thought I should have been on meds. My mom definitely needed meds for some psychiatric disorders but I never felt like she was over drugged. Having my mom had a lot of health issues. The key is to your research which I did research SSRIs and trust your gut and pray about it. Then you're making the informal choice.
@katierucker2870 5 месяцев назад
I basically had to do the same with my depression. Meds can help if used for the right reasons, but I 100% agree to pray on it. Beautiful testimony!
@howdythere3121 Год назад
Thanks for this topic. I was on an SSRI for years. I am so glad God helped me wean off of it. I am convinced in my own mind that it did not actually alleviate the depression but suppressed it. It flattens all emotions really. Hypothyroidism was a large part of my issue, but until I pushed and discovered that I would not have ever known. I know they seem to help some and that’s a good thing. But they are not appropriate for everyone.
@SammytheStampede Год назад
Depression is typically a sign of objective guilt. I used to suffer from it myself especially when I just gave up smoking pot. I found that the best way to treat it and it did take time, was frequent use of the sacraments: confession, communion, and living a virtuous life. If you tried everything else why not try this? And it doesn’t cost you anything anyway.
@lpiapia8632 4 месяца назад
My dad kill himself after years under antidepressants, the mother of my best friend too… (and both with therapy too) I promess myself that I would never take those pills and I don’t believe in therapy… I pray, I garden, I spend time with good people, and I live a simple but happy life, regardless of all the trauma 🙂🌸🙏🏻
@betsybosak9367 Год назад
This is one of my favorite episodes in a while; so interesting!
My husband and I have been having this discussion now weeks. Medical doctors do not have our best interest in mind. All they know how to do is give us drugs. They do not suggest that we change our diet. They don’t suggest we change our environment. They rarely suggest that we should exercise. They don’t suggest we should get toxins out of our life. They don’t do anything to help us except give medicine. My husband had a high triglyceride test and the first thing you did was go to another lab and have it tested again. And then he spent hours and hours of research on how to lower triglycerides. The doctor solution was, here take this medicine.
@katierucker2870 5 месяцев назад
Geez, it must be frustrating to be tested again when your husband was already tested for it the first time. And they should have suggested how to naturally help his triglycerides instead of, “Here’s a pill”. Our healthcare system really fails us at times.
@Yesica1993 Год назад
I have never understood how swallowing a pill is supposed to help you fix your personal/family problems. Nor have I ever been explained what blood or hormone tests or brain scans are done to demonstrate something is wrong with the person's brain and therefore needs these drugs.
@WCove99 Год назад
It keeps me sane and stable. I am a Christian and hate them. But I need them, and I refuse to be shamed for it. No, there's no medical tests for mental illness and there should be. However,some studies, though iffy, show differences in how the brain of a person with bipolar works versus a "neuro typical" person. So I guess we may hopefully be getting somewhere. Also, it helps with thinking processes, so that helps with behavior. No one ever said it solves anything. Just that it helps people cope. Only Jesus can cure it, IF He so wills. God bless you.
@cathynuytten798 Год назад
@@WCove99I’ve only watched a small portion of this program but I am already having issues with what this man is saying. He is not a medical doctor so he is going to be a bit biased about medications. Your comment was brilliant. I think the word I especially picked up on was when you said medications keep you stable. No matter what mental health issues a person has, they will not be able to learn coping skills to overcome the challenges the issue is causing. Whether it is anxiety, depression or even ADHD, medication will control the symptoms well enough so the patient can approach their challenges intelligently and systematically to help with their everyday life. This man as a clinical psychologist can council and help people develop a plan for their life to be mentally healthy. Some people need someone like him. Others can do it on their own. I am a psychologist too and a Christian. It is irresponsible of him to discount medication when it is needed. Don’t let anyone make you feel less than because you take medication.
@Yesica1993 Год назад
@@WCove99 First of all, do not lecture me and do not try to shame me. I am not one that gives a free pass to "mental illness" meaning you can treat others like crap. Is that clear? Your cancer comparison is a good one. So let's go with it. How do people learn they have cancer? Depending on the type of cancer/where it's located in the body, Xrays/scans are done. Blood tests/bone marrow tests for leukemia. Exploratory surgery to locate the mass and a biopsy to see if it is malignant. Etc. What blood / hormone tests or type of brain scan was done on you to diagnose your depression? What was explained to you about the medication they prescribed to you, as far how they work to address that depression? Answer me.
@WCove99 Год назад
@Cathy Nuytten Thank you very much. I was probably too harsh. She really got ticked off and said I was using my illness as an excuse to shame her. Smh Stigma is real. Pray for her. I redid my initial comment. I guess in my just anger I went too far.
@WCove99 Год назад
@Yesica1993 I don't use it as an excuse and I was justly angry. I am so sorry you took it that way. I reworded my first comment. Meds work by producing serotonin in the brain, which I suppose balances out the chemicals causing the issue. No, I don't understand it all. But does everyone that takes Tylenol know exactly how it works? I am so sorry. Have a blessed night.
@kayladekraker8917 5 месяцев назад
I tried an SSRI (Lexapro) once and it was horrible. Made the anxiety I was dealing with 1000x worse. However a doctor did prescribe me Atarax which is an antihistamine like Benadryl, but it can treat anxiety. It worked wonders!!! It’s also non addictive with no major side effects. There are better and safer options besides SSRIs if medication is truly needed.
@twoods3480 Год назад
After years on antidepressants caused from child hood trauma and abuse, I decided I was going to go off the meds and just seek God for healing. I prayed and cried out to God everyday for a year as my depression and crying and insomnia continued. There was nothing in my life that should have caused me to me depressed. Without meds I could barely function. I finally gave up and went back on lexapro and finally felt like a normal person again. I have to disagree with the doctor’s view point in my case.
@JohnLoughlinPreachOrDie Год назад
Been on psych meds for almost 40 years. Am almost finished with my long journey to free myself from them. Feel so much better, and am discovering some real character issues that I need to work on, issues that I believe were masked by the meds. No excuses, I am responsible for myself, but the meds definitely masked these issues. In some ways, I have been numbed for four decades. Sad. But it is time to recapture what life I can.
@Born_From_Above Год назад
Had a friend who was making suicidal threats. Never was that period of his life worse than when he was on certain medications.
@Catturtlelover3000 5 месяцев назад
So my PCP prescribed some prescription recently for post partum anxiety. I was hesitant but tried it and it literally made me feel drunk! I said screw that and found an integrative, holistic psychiatrist who recommended herbs, supplements, acupuncture instead. The pharmacist from Walgreens called me to ask how I was doing on the Rx. I firmly told her I wasn’t taking it and was seeing an integrative, holistic psychiatrist to try a “more natural approach.” This lady yelled at me and kept saying “don’t stop taking it. What prescription med are you going on now?” I literally said it’s none of her business and I am getting doctor’s guidance. I feel absolutely incredible with the holistic approach!! No way am I going on psych meds. There’s literally no reason.
@katierucker2870 5 месяцев назад
Good for you for standing up for yourself!
@Windsweptzariel Год назад
The biggest problem is our healthcare system is awful. Insurance rather pay for a pill than therapy. You can get pills for a $5 or $10 copay. Some insurance will pay for therapy with a $30 copay a visit and limit you to 10 visits. That may work for people with minor issues but if you have anything that needs more time you’re often stuck paying for additional visits out of pocket. Plus it’s difficult sometimes to find a therapist you click with and people will give up. Finally, people struggling with mental health also are often struggling with working so they don’t have the money to pay for therapy. We need to find better solutions for all of this.
@sharoncrawford7192 10 месяцев назад
I'm 67. I had to go on antidepressants when I was in my mid 40s. I Think it might have been because of menopause. When a womans Estrogen falls, it causes your Seritonin to fall. After going on the antidepressants I came out of it. I was in bed and couldn't function when the depression was there. I still take them, but I'm praying and trusting that at some point I won't need them. Please pray for me. Also, for sleep problems. I heard that antidepressants only work for 40% of people that take them.
@Emily_Rudolph Год назад
Wow! So interesting and informative. I knew they were overprescribed, but hearing what it actually does to you, I had no idea! Thank you both!
@aaronlevitt6820 Год назад
Very good interview, Allie. The truth of the dangers of prescribed psychotropic drugs must be brought to light. It's very sad to hear about those children who were harmed. It makes me angry.
@steveguti6452 Год назад
Urgent emergency Please join me in prayer for all those affected children families animals out of control wildfires in Canada Australia millions affected by smoke they desperately need your prayers please pray for them God bless you all
@charvankerck9617 Год назад
wow. what timing. I was about to give into my docs recommendation . THANK YOU for this session. bless you .
@sharonpizarro_ Год назад
What an excellent topic ! Would love to see more on this
@graysonbr Год назад
Was on Prozac for a year in my 20s. It doesn't make you happy but it takes some of the edge off. Processing out what the problems are and brainstorming ways to resolve them are the key!
@ItsGroundhogDay Год назад
I had to take these when I was young. Decades later, I'm still suffering from multiple physical changes that are never going away and only create more mental problems than anything actually going on in my life. If I didn't stand up to my doctor and say take me off these, they would have gladly pumped me full of them and more for life.
@solochristo65 Год назад
I would be very careful in telling people in general that anti-depressants do not work and especially telling them that if you are saved then that is all you need....... PLUS, Many times what we have is a chemical imbalance which doctors call depression......but still some meds are helpful. I can testify to that. Chemical imbalances run in my family. Some have turned to alcohol while I went to a doctor. I am not sure I would do it nowadays, But at the time, I needed something.......................................................................................................................
@kimreed5160 Год назад
I agree. I am saved, i pray for The Lord to help me daily but I do need my SSRI, I truly know I have a chemical imbalance where my neuropathways cling to negative thoughts causing anxiety and problems in my marriage. I notice a difference when I’ve tried to wean off. Even my Christian counselor suggested I start on them because when you try everything and it’s not working, he said sometimes you just need a little help and that’s ok. We are all wired so differently, sure some people probably don’t NEED it with therapy and what not but I do…I’ve been so stubborn for so many years thinking I didn’t need it and tried to rely on my faith but I honestly needed the help ❤
@dhvh6580 Год назад
Another amazing interview that gives me lots of food for thought!
@Jbird-sx4zk Год назад
Important discussion...I'm sensitive to especially the Anxiety debate because I've struggled with it (sometimes due to Chronic Pain), but if honest I can almost always trace it deep down to something spiritual, personal, a circumstance, situation going on in my life, not an "Anxiety Disorder." I think what is concerning too is you're seeing worldly/secular thinking on Anxiety/Depression/Mental Health creep into Christian discussion, Christian podcasts, etc. Even using the term "Mental Health" I think more often is a subtle way Satan is getting his foot in the door in these areas to desensitize people to the reality that what they are generally dealing with is Spiritual in nature, and not some Brain/Chemical issue of Anxiety/Depression that is disconnected from the Spiritual and normal struggles of life.
@Aladintrip Год назад
mushrooms are very rich and help reduces the risk of developing serious health conditions, such as Alzheimer's, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes also reduces anxiety, depression and PTSD. Search the name above ☝️☝️and Send a Dm let's help and guide you through the process 😊😊 You will be glad u did ☺️
@megz55 Год назад
This is an amazing, informative video. I’ve worked in healthcare for a long time and left because of the same reasonings mentioned here. Pharmaceutical companies are horrific.
@godislove1602 Год назад
Thanks Allie, another great episode 👏🏽
@tylerpierce544 5 месяцев назад
I appreciate these conversations brings understanding for others God bless you two!
@jonathonstrefling6541 Год назад
This may be the most important episode you've ever done - wow. This is big.
@ISing4Jesus6353 5 месяцев назад
My daughter is about to graduate TX A&M University with a BA in Neuroscience. She believes these patients are being over medicated when it’s not necessary and can often make them worse.
@GodsGurl24 Год назад
Wow, fantastic information. By far one of my favorite episodes you’ve done so far, Allie. Thanks for having Dr McFillin on the show to explain and expose all of the corruption. So good. 10/10! Excited for part 2!
@cheddarboxp Год назад
Please cut down on the commercials. Watching this episode was interrupted multiple times...
@colanihoman2640 Год назад
I loved this interview, so informative 🎉
@brookestorrs9153 Год назад
In regard to "chemical imbalances"....I'm curious what the guest would say about thyroid disfunction? I had a lot of anxiety after the birth of my first child, which was finally found to be a thyroid problem. What about B12 deficiency? What about the gut biome / brain connection? It seems over broad to say that "chemical imbalances" aren't real, even if I do agree that we shouldn't be looking to medicate first when there is an issue.
@awakeosleeper3930 Год назад
Allie! YOU NEED TO DO AN ENTIRE EPISODE ON THE DANGERS OF TRAUMATIC SEVERE PROTRACTED WITHDRAWAL OF ANTIDEPRESSANTS! Trying to come off of these drugs for some people can be devastating and the withdrawal can last for YEARS. I am at two years of severe, post acute withdrawal with minimal improvement. There is an online community with thousands of people who are unable to get off of these medications because the withdrawal is so severe. Please look into this. More awareness and attention needs to be brought to this subject. Blessings
@iloveamerica64 Год назад
Yes it can be very hard. Here's what I did if anyone is interested. Instead of weaning off lexapro by cutting it or shaving it, I started a natural mood supplement. After about a week I stopped the lexapro. It was about a week of more intense anxiety, I felt better as the supplement kicked in. I later switched to a less strong supplement. Them I tried to wean off that. Didnt work since I was postpartum so I waited longer. Then later I went on a trip and forgot it for a week, and I felt fine! Off it ever since except when I'm feeling more intensely anxious than usual, I take as needed
@staceyseymour9297 Год назад
I agree that Allie should do an episode on protracted withdrawal. I am also experiencing it. Over two years ago I rapidly tapered off of three psychiatric meds, one after the other. I ended up shocking my nervous system. Physicians aren't trained on how to safely taper patients off of these meds. I have never been so unwell in my entire life. Daily I pray to God to bring me to heaven because this suffering feels unsustainable.
@marleenabock2930 Год назад
i appreciate all of the comments who have experienced positive results with meds because- i am a strong believer, vigil in my walk with the lord. i’ve done everything i could before even going on meds. i now feel like i’m wrong for being on meds and that for some reason i shouldn’t need them. i don’t know. it’s a difficult thing to navigate. i would love to ween off but i am terrified because i’ve tried before and i got worse. (i also exercise and am doing different things so i’m not just depending on meds)
@carolyncox7694 Год назад
This is a very important video & I agree 💯 w/ Dr Roger McMillan!! I know numerous friends who lost their loved ones who were taking psych prescribed drugs for depression 🥲. Several were in therapy which was obviously ineffective as they all committed suicide. One 21 year old brother of a friend tried 3 times & finally succeeded by eating a poisonous oleander leaf. Drugs have their place, but I was raised to turn to nutrition & prayer for systemic problems...worked for our family. My dad was 99 & mother 93 when they went on to meet Jesus 😇
@chasidydimauro1588 Год назад
Totally support having more people on like this! Amazing!
@karhart6663 Год назад
My uncle is bipolar and absolutely needs medication. The meds he took for 20 years ended up destroying his kidneys and his dialysis has messed with how his body processes his newer prescription. This last time he was been admitted to the hospital to sort out his meds, the laws surrounding mental health causes the drs to listen to him and not his wife who has special proxy. They were going to let my uncle starve (he was refusing meds and nutrition) and my aunt had to wait for a court order so she could make sure he was fed and could get back on track. 5 weeks in the psyche ward, it took 4 days for him to recalibrate and get back to himself and be discharge. My aunt said the ward is absolutely no place to heal and be human. What happens to ppl who have no family support??
@mejantillon Год назад
I homeschool my children, and this information was so valuable and I wish I could articulate or pass this on to them as well.
@Swarvoski Год назад
I just want you to know that the reason why I am on an anti anxiety and anti depressant Allie Beth is because the sexual harassment, verbal and emotional abuse I went through at a prior job made me passively suicidal. My serotonin and dopamine receptors were permanently broken. I went to the doctor and had them put me on buspirone and citalopram. Since then my personality has been what it was prior to that job. Sometimes our brains are permanently broken because our wires are overstretched.
@Swarvoski Год назад
I also want you to know that I am currently at a different place of employment and I love where I am right now. My current work has helped me immensely. However even though I haven't worked for that one specific place in several years my brain will never fully recover.
@idreamofparis7233 Год назад
I agree the medication should be used in certain situations like yours. I had to take medication after a horrific incident. My doctor was very responsible though. He said we want you off this as soon as you can, no longer than a yr. He gave me access to some great information to help cope and be able to move forward. Most doctors though just throw medicine at situations and hope it helps. They don’t get down to the root cause. With situations like yours medicine is needed. I’m very glad you were able to get proper help. The mental health aspect of peoples lives isn’t black and white. It’s shades of grey.
@bonniesammons2348 Год назад
Not true. God made our bodies such that they can recover when given the right food and when protected from further toxins, which pharma medications are.
@Ashley-WatchmanStudios2.0 Год назад
I used to feel that way too, (as I went through massive trauma) until I realized that they never once did anything to make such determinations. Blood work only indicated that my "base" levels were normal. But no bloodwork that tested for serotonin, or dopamine levels, etc. No MRI, no brain scan. Just a therapy session in the presence of clinical psychologists/psychiatrists. God alone, set me free from all of those medications that I never truly needed. I just needed Jesus. God Bless you 🙏🙏
@Swarvoski Год назад
@ashleywatchmanstudios2.0 I'm Christian too. I need this medicine or I won't continue to be alive. Thanks for your concern.
HA-HA-HA 👊  #countryball
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