
Why are we still talking about High Guardian Spice? 

Guardian HQ
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Lets not lie we all know we’re still here for slimeboy




15 июл 2022




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@DeathlyLight 2 года назад
Amaryllis McMoneybags. Simple as.
@guardianHQ 2 года назад
@jimmy2dumb105 2 года назад
@anintrovertonyoutube5271 2 года назад
@Brimtoine 2 года назад
and parsley
@sugarlove5472 2 года назад
And Slimeboy
@lupinsredjacket3191 2 года назад
High Guardian Spice holds a special place in my heart both as a writer & as a fellow human being. This show has helped me improve my own writing skills by showcasing how *NOT* to do things like bad characterization, bad world building, bad/error-filled plot, etc. And, I appreciate this show's ability to bridge gaps between groups of people who may have never seen eye to eye otherwise. It doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman, gay or straight, trans or non-trans, liberal or conservative, good writer or bad writer. *EVERYONE* united under hating the cringe that is High Guardian Spice & we all came together to pick apart this show, using our different perspectives and creativity to figure out how this show could have been better.
@Brimtoine 2 года назад
yep, me too
@realdragon 2 года назад
Yeah, Hihg Guardian Spice might as well be huge episode of bad writing advice
@littlebabyman8494 2 года назад
@@realdragon Terrible writing advice, if JP had to make a summary of the plot of this show it would be hilarious.
@seyspectra 2 года назад
I‘m just saying. There is an adjective to refer to non-transgender people. It’s called cisgender. Trans is Latin and meant „to the other side“, while cis meant „on the same side“.
@lupinsredjacket3191 2 года назад
@@seyspectra I'm well aware. I just prefer to say "non-trans".
@TomLostWave 2 года назад
To be honest i think a soft-"reeboot" would work really well, like another season but with the show being self aware of how bad it is, embracing the "adult" content even more (blood, swears, etc...), heck even having amarillys and snapdragon (maybe with parsley and thyme) being the main characters and joking about how awfull rosemary and sage were as characters even having slime boy, neppy or other fan favorite characters join the group, i think this parody of hgs that is so self aware but at the same time actually trys to follow a story would be great as a show in adult swim or even crunchy
@Polomance862 2 года назад
It's possible to make something so bad that it's good. I don't think Ghost Stories was a lightning in a bottle move, it just hasn't been given more oppertunities to occur again. HGS already got a shit reputation, why not embrace it and just make a mockery of it all? Have fun with the problems and slowly, but surely correct it.
@georgethompson1460 2 года назад
@@Polomance862 That requires an injection of funny.
@pumkin610 2 года назад
That probably won't happen though, not sure the writers would want to sign off on a mockery of their project, even if it fixes all the problems and makes the show widely loved, it would not be the original writing team's brilliance or vision and we'd know that, so I don't see a point in it. It would basically be fanfiction when good writers could create their own story/anime. They could even make fun of fantasy tropes seen in the show, or poke fun at the show slightly more directly by poking fun at the idea of american anime in general by having some character be a parody or opposite. Like hgs characters casually have pink and blue hair despite clearly being way too simple to be anime characters lol Edit: oh i guess crunchy roll owns the ip now so nobody has to sign off on it
@faith-kj4pg 2 года назад
Personally I'm still obsessed over the show because, the solutions to HGS problems are so easy to solve. It literally takes 5 minutes of extra thinking to make the show better. Example: Sage and Rosemary should have missed their train to the school. Not only would this give us more time with the main characters. What they do in this situation tells us about themselves and their priorities. The final train is gone, they can't turn back. Missing the train would give their parents the idea they arent ready to leave home yet and be responsible. Therefore they have to press forward. This gives us great shots of the countryside and possible magical creatures that live in their world. If something attacks them, we get to see how quick rosemary is with her sword. Just how far has she gotten in her training? Is she a natural talent. What spells does Sage already know off hand? By the time they reach the city, we're more familar with Rosemary and Sages personality and skillset and how they handle new situations underpressure. Writings is hard but its not that people🙄
@anintrovertonyoutube5271 2 года назад
But aren't we like a hatedom? Also it is a train wreck which is fun to watch. Plus the abridged series is soooo amazing! Like the fact that the abridged series has such good voice acting and writing. Sad there won't be a season 2 for us to make fun of it even more and get more abridged. For me I like to watch your video essays because I like overanlyzing and pointing small details. This show is like a dumpster fire, it's bad but you can't look away
@nepfain8932 2 года назад
It would be funny if crunchy roll hire the abridge team to make season two.
@tomasmisek5598 2 года назад
Theres like 5 abridged series of this show , and several are all right
@cosmicspacething3474 2 года назад
There’s an official abridged version?
@tomasmisek5598 2 года назад
@@cosmicspacething3474 no official one, but a few unofficial ones
@DespairDoctor 2 года назад
@@cosmicspacething3474 I technically think of this one as it, most of the other abridgers doing High Guardian Spice aren't as clever.
@JustAnArrogantAlien 2 года назад
I still watch reviews tearing this show apart to this day because _High Guardian Spice_ is one of the grandest trash fires I’ve ever seen. It is so gloriously _wrong_ in every way possible that it may qualify as some form of miracle. It’s like watching an alien trying to produce entertainment for humans: it tries to imitate human dialogue, but doesn’t truly understand human behavior, resulting in this uncanny nightmare that is morbidly fascinating to study. It’s fun to watch people bludgeon a bad show, and there’s always more nonsense to uncover with _High Guardian Spice._
@KitsuneYojimbo Год назад
In a way, High Guardian Spice is basically the modern day version of The Room.
@crispychips7161 2 года назад
At first I laughed at this show. Then I got mad at it. Now, now I feel sad for it. Hearing the development of HGS put things into perspective for me how the writers and artists where essentially thrown into a waterfall and expected to swim upwards it honestly reminds me of the development behind new vegas realizing that made me think about what could have been. If there where just more time or if the people had a bit more talent or if there where more forethought how much better would this show have been.
@pt_saurio6261 2 года назад
Amarillys saying "Out of the way whores" is actually one of the funniest thing I ever heard.
@KikiCatMeow 2 года назад
As bad as it is, I kinda really want them to make a second season. Partly for laughing at it, but also partly because there’s the slimmest, most unlikely chance that a second season could actually be okay. Honestly it’d be kinda cool if in a couple years time, this show got picked up by actually competent writers and got a reboot or something. None of that will happen, but it’d be neat
@sarafontanini7051 2 года назад
yah I want a second seasons to give them a chance to improve, and at the very least if it'sstill bad i wanna see whre they were going with everything
@aprilvaiarella435 2 года назад
I don't want a second season, I want a full reboot with a proper 20 episodes to work with and veted talent helming it. There was so much potential for this to be a fun, even if generic, little fantasy series for middle school and up. It didn't have to be Tolkien or Martin, it just had to be fun. There were things in HGS that a good writer could have really run with to make a good story. I just want stories to live up to their potential. I just want to be entertained. I shouldn't watch a show and immediately think 'I've read fanfictions that were better written than this'.
@yuri-sama.questionmark 2 года назад
If you want to see missed potential, I suggest you type "Treasure Hunt, High Guardian Spice" in RU-vid search bar. There's a cute yet simple cartoon that Raye made about Rosemary treasure hunting, and it's honestly animated with great use of "show not tell" that the current High Guardian Spice we got fails at. And I wish High Guardian Spice was written that way.
@aprilvaiarella435 2 года назад
@@yuri-sama.questionmark So, I looked up the video you suggested and while it reminded me a bit too much of early Adventure Time it was also cute and funny and now, I'm even more disappointed in the final product.
@georgethompson1460 2 года назад
@@aprilvaiarella435 I know, a show with that little spark of rosemary the adventurer meeting friends as she completed strange quests with a little bit of dark humour. Then only later introducing the hook to a larger adventure based on an easily overlooked detail planted in the first season as the hook.
@quib5777 2 года назад
Just the litany of thought/writing exercises we can do with thinking of how this show could have gone vs how it did go makes me desperately hope for a second season. My morbid curiosity DEMANDS IT
@ZelphTheWebmancer 2 года назад
@PTSayoriD 2 года назад
Your abridged series is gold. I actually wish Crunchyroll renewed the show for a second season just so we can get more abridged episodes.
@DatJaneDoeArchive 2 года назад
Honestly I dont think a season 2 is impossible, even with all the writers gone. Theres a huge push for "diverse" content in media right now and its not like hiring completely different writers will make the show any worse
@derpfluidvariant0916 2 года назад
What if they brought in Guardian HQ to do it? Same VAs, Same Writing, and Same ideas as HGSA, but with new content and better animation teamwork. Because, for all the dumb animation bugs and complete lack of second passes over what had been written, it still has some decent setpieces and the character designs aren't atrocious. Add a timeskip so that some basic redesigns can occur, minor cast changes, and you can do all the building off of story beats and putting out the fires through a "Canadian Dub" of season 1.(Literally just putting HGSA on Crunchyroll as an official project to let them save face and grant Guardian HQ a better budget, allowing them to do the same thing and actually get paid for it.)
@PTSayoriD 2 года назад
@@derpfluidvariant0916 I would love to see them go full on Ghost Stories with HGS and end up making something that's leagues better than the original.
@Lord_Numpty 2 года назад
I maintain hope they renew it just so there's more of this absolute shit. And the reviews tearing it apart, of course.
@OK-me7er 2 года назад
How bout they get the fan favorite characters and have them make fun of the other characters and make them have better animation
@Cardinal_Skull 2 года назад
As one of the many other people in the comments who is writing their own story, especially a fantasy dnd inspired one, I can't help but to thank how bad this show is. It helps show what never to do when writing a story, whether it be your main characters, side characters, world building, or just making a well written story in general. I also think your Sage video is so popular is because it also shows what you should never do with one of your main characters, make a bit*hy crybaby who fights with everyone and almost always gets away with it. So thank you HGS, for being horrendous. But not as horrendous as Exarm amiright?
@pokuhmoo9415 2 года назад
High guardian spice is utleast.... kinda pleasant in the eye Exarm on the other hand (no pun intended) not so much
@citcoin-official2681 2 года назад
If we don't get another season, we'll never find out what the Hell a Guardian actually is.
@guardianHQ 2 года назад
Maybe the real guardians are the friends we made along the way
@omegalettexyphonophore3111 2 года назад
its just like another show involving four main girls with differing colored styles...
@Mylesledragon 2 года назад
@@guardianHQ I hear this shit on My Little Pony XD
@citcoin-official2681 2 года назад
@@guardianHQ I think we actually Lost friends along the way.
@adararelgnel2695 2 года назад
I love a great example of what NOT TO DO. When it comes to writing a story. I'm still fascinated how yall keep finding more and more that is just so broken about the show
@cosmicspacething3474 2 года назад
Many people have already pointed out that it’s a great example of what not to do, but I also love it when people examine, discuss, and fix media like you’re doing as an example of how to IMPROVE.
@TuskaiTheKid 2 года назад
It's like YIIK: A Post Modern RPG. There is something there, that is unique, and it had so much potential. But then the writers fucked everything up. At least YIIK might pull a No Man's Sky and turn good with the next update.
@grantmortensonva 2 года назад
@insulttothehumanrace3807 2 года назад
I'm among the many who find the show fascinatingly bad, and have fun trying to find ways to improve on the terrible writing. It provides great material for thought exercises. I guess it's also just fascinating to me in context of the controversy as well. Like some who have covered HGS have pointed out, if not for the Crunchyroll fiasco this show would have probably come and gone largely unnoticed. But, here we are, with a show that just keeps on giving despite being pretty much dead in the water at this point. But speaking of gifts that keep on giving, thank you Guardian HQ for providing so much entertainment with this show. Your work is much appreciated.
@itsmesc123 2 года назад
I’m not too sure why I have started watching detailed analysis videos on high guardian spice religiously. Personally I have a lot of writing ideas in my head that I want to pursue and a lot of what I watch on RU-vid is writing advice. High guardian spice is kinda like a perfect example on how not to write a story. Another type of thing I watch is videos of people reviewing bad movies and shows, not just high guardian spice. I can only guess that since these two things appeal to me I find myself drawn to videos about high guardian spice. I watch people rewriting it, redesigning it, and analyzing it. It’s pretty fun to see so many people share their thoughts and opinions on the same thing. High guardian spice is kind of funny and inspiring. What I mean by this is that it is funny that some dude’s self insert bland story was able to come to life and it is inspiring because if they can do it why can’t I? I feel like this show has kinda brought people together through hating it. If I were to say why I religiously watch people hating on high guardian spice religiously I would have to say for these reasons.
@henrymcbark7337 2 года назад
Why do I watch this channel, because I have no intention to watch the true show yet finding your abridge series has got me into your channel. Also I enjoy your video essays of the characters.
@sprixiesomeoneswifeandgirl3617 2 года назад
I always figured it was similar to how people used to write hours of video essays dedicated to Yiik, and now it's almost like a thing random people out there poke fun at on the side. Both are kind of examples as to what NOT to do for different mediums and for different kinds of stories. Though a part me also keeps comin' back to both in hopes of seeing it improve? Whether it be from aspiring writers who want to fix those stories or the creators themselves, seeing people build something on the ashes of the broken and show how a story can change as it's retold is just interesting. Eh, I'm spoutin' nonsense again. Don't mind me.
@Brimtoine 2 года назад
The fact that the show presented itself as a different story from the others, knowing that this was an idea already used to exhaustion, it was to be expected that nothing good was going to happen
@sprixiesomeoneswifeandgirl3617 2 года назад
@@Brimtoine Oh yeah, that trailer was pure stupidity. I don't know why they'd claim to "tell a story never told before" when they just stole some guy off of tumblr or whatever and told him to make an anime.
@marcuscarana9240 2 года назад
Why? Cause it's suckiness is eternal and transcends through the multiverse always being a reference for writers on how NOT to make a show.
@galgamethcl 2 года назад
I'm amazed about how you have transmuted this abject trainwreck into something enjoyable. The creators and their hateful spawn deserve to be laughed at, so please keep doing your abridged. Perhaps your critics could learn a thing or two about being funny and talented.
@emilysclone 2 года назад
I wish someone would make a video series going over all the mistakes in every single episode one by one. And I mean EVERYTHING, from art errors to script problems. Episode one alone would likely be two hours long or more but I'd watch it. Love your abridged series BTW.
@RealTrishUna 2 года назад
LobsterHero has made a TON of deep analysis essays like that, going through each episode one by one. I find the videos outrageously amusing and his accent is fun to listen to.
@zanir2387 2 года назад
I'll be honest: i liked the design and(Little characterization) olive had, my propósition: to move her into a better written show...
@kaai_9362 2 года назад
This show inspired me to try and rewrite my 3rd grade fantasy story “Jackpot” which was basically my trans gay outlet because I just couldn’t be who I wanted to be, but now that I’m looking back on it and looking at all of these videos on it I’m seeing how much it resembles high guardian spice , and I want to try to improve apon it and see how much I’ve improved since 3rd grade (Quick summary of the story if y’all are interested: pink haired ftm gay guy named Jackpot sucks at school and finds a crystal that has the handsome dragon prince guy named Xeno or something in it, and there are these bad guys that hate dragon people and they have to hide around and learn more about the past of dragons n stuff and get Xeno back to his rightful throne. And also find out where all the dragon people went yada yada yada) I’m actually hoping to make my own comic with it by the same name and see how far I can get!
@OK-me7er 2 года назад
I’m very interested in this story so good luck on it
@kaai_9362 2 года назад
@@OK-me7er Ty! Working hard to try and make it into something I’m proud of
@mariahs6 2 года назад
That sounds really awesome! I’m currently working on a book for a series of ideas I had since 11 that I’ve tweaked over the years and HGS gave me more motivation to continue (in the sense of what NOT to do, lol). Best of luck to you!
@kaai_9362 2 года назад
@@mariahs6 ooooo best of luck to you too!!!!
@mariahs6 2 года назад
@@kaai_9362 Thanks! :D
@pigeonleader 2 года назад
It's funny how the only thing I like about this show (i never watched it) is how it shows me what and what not to do when story writing.
@dizzpenzerr5367 2 года назад
I honestly feel bad for Raye at this point. They were passionate about this show and to see it be basically the case study people go to on what not to do on animation must suck for them. They were clearly passionate about this as they've been pitching this thing for the longest time and when someone decided to take a chance on a relatively new bright eyed person with barely any experience, it sucks when that company ended up giving them only a token amount of money to get the show going off the ground and use their project as a way to push for gender politics. I can also see this as why crunchyroll got away with changing so much of the show. Yes, they greenlit your animation to be made into a show and yes they are basically funding the whole thing. But experience will tell someone when to listen to what changes to make and when to put their foot down and say that this change would ruin what they have vissioned for the show. Experience that Raye clearly lacks. Yes there are times when you listen to others on your ideas but there are also times where you need to stick to your guns and not change something vital. And for them to blame it all in the end on the meager budget they've been given rather than own up to some of the mistakes they made as basically the director of this show is... sad.
@Roukle 2 года назад
If they cared so much they should've tried.
@artistanthony1007 2 года назад
Raye was hypocritical, they made it clear it is an anime then just outright say on Twitter it is a cartoon. Why should you feel bad if they do this? Plus they had time and money to make an amazing show then you can do better with the same amount, hundreds of artists already have done what they think is impossible especially with no money at all, it can easily become a masterpiece but this show is not it.
@cyberdance4578 Год назад
@@artistanthony1007 also they put 0 effort into the show by own admission they only had the original concept designs of the characters, no story or anything and only started on a story once they got the green light
@Meriamfunlandagain Год назад
The higher ups at crunchyroll also put raye in a team of like. THE worst people. Kate leth sucks absolute shit in every capacity and I can definitely see raye just throwing their hands in the air and completely giving up when their team is comprised of pink haired morons whos only priority is putting the most barebones tokenistic "representation" ever seen. Raye is still doing the HGS comics which are MILES better than the show, still pretty basic but decent enough. I just hope Raye learns from this experience, kate leth has been writing comics for years and theyre all shit and shes too up her own ass to improve. Raye is fairly new on the scene however, they have time to improve and make better content. Snapdragon was a character with legitimate potential, Amaryllis was funny, the catgirl Olive had a cute design. Raye is not a horrible writer, they have some good ideas but need experience and a good team to back them up.
@improvedcrust6333 2 года назад
As much as High Guardian spice is easy to hate , I can't help , but feel it could've been so much better.
@littlebabyman8494 2 года назад
And that the beauty of it.
@buzzrockwell5151 2 года назад
Me before watching the video: Is it because of you and your team's glorious abridged series of the show? It sits perfectly in my memories next to the 'Ghost Stories English Dub' and 'SAO Abridged', I'm so glad that crunchyroll didn't throw the show in the abyss, I and so many of us would've never seen the masterpiece that is 'High Guardian Spice Abridged'. Keep up the glorious work Dave *Me After: I knew it, also I hope rewatching the show for our sake doesn't strangle your sanity too much. I still refuse to watch the original again. Have a Good One Y'all.*
@Dolando17 2 года назад
you know what they say dave. never say never
@2killmaster 2 года назад
I have always loved Fantasy stories HGS was interesting but sadly it was drowned by controversy that they never made an effort to handle. Watching videos like yours have shown me how this series could have been and your abridged series is another perspective on how good it woud've become.
@zanyzantx 2 года назад
Honestly, you’re just very funny. Hearing you specifically talk about something you hate is just very entertaining, and I could literally watch your videos for hours.
@omegalettexyphonophore3111 2 года назад
If anything, I just hope that your abridged series gets all the love and praise that it deserves since it is definitely more well taken cared off than the show (can't wait for the episode with the dragon and the finale). I haven't watched the show, but because of channels like this, I can spend my time better now so thank you really. Now that I think about it, I will make a story inspired by this... but it'll be better. Thanks Dave.
@ExtremeWreck 2 года назад
Doesn't compare to Akazukin ChaCha, which despite its obscurity is STILL being talked about 17 years after the anime ended & just 2 years after the especially forgotten spinoff Akazukin ChaCha N ended.
@head_snapss7587 2 года назад
Show is salvageable imo. It's terrible but I'm surprisingly surprised about some of its world building is at least decent and some of the ideas laid out are lacking in depth but still manageable. The show has inspired some people to pick up their pens and write and I think that's neat.
@nukiradio 2 года назад
It takes everything wrong with rwby and steven universe and rolls it into a Little Witch academia
@littlebabyman8494 2 года назад
And that’s saying something
@innomi4343 2 года назад
Me: only watching your videos while making chapters in my High Guardian Spice fanfiction.
@maggier4806 2 года назад
Never stop making these videos Dave I live for your content
@jimmy2dumb105 2 года назад
I love making fun of things, that's my reason.
@SourceMaster 2 года назад
High Guardian Spice is Tommy Wiseau's The Room of animated shows. Its so infamously bad that people will continue to watch and talk about it for decades to come.
@tultsi93 4 месяца назад
@ohohothisrocks 2 года назад
You're telling me this is no longer Raye Rodriguez's property, then what is CR waiting for? Make a new team and reboot this show!
@sarafontanini7051 2 года назад
for me I find discussion of this show just interestig as well as my dsire to see things not be wasted so I like hearing about where it fails and how it could improved.
@dreeza5170 2 года назад
The reason why I was even hooked onto this show is just how bad it is. I don’t want it to continue to be bad, but actually improve. So remember how the Sonic movie narrowly avoided disaster? The reason I watched the Sonic movie isn’t because it was Sonic, but because of the situation of how disturbing Sonic looked and how everyone hated it.
@grantmortensonva 2 года назад
As far as "bad shows inspiring people", I think there is MUCH WORSE greenlit shows that would give off the message that some stations WILL make anything. I think the biggest "these guys will throw money at any dumb idea" show I have ever seen was "12oz. Mouse" from [adult swim].
@335chr 2 года назад
Honestly it is a good case study on many aspects of how not to do a story
@ysffff 2 года назад
I like this show because it is basically a step-by-step guide on what NOT to do when it comes to writing. The sheer amount of critique and analysis videos it spawned is amazing, and those provide a nice example to study for novice writers like myself. I am also fascinated with any kind of media that has a more or less workable premise, but lots of wasted potential. Because that makes it easier to imagine "how would *I* do this?" or "Can we salvage this?" and rebuilding a whole world like that is really fun. Watching other people redesign HGS is also quite enjoyable, and this includes the abridged series too.
@Silver-hk7gq 2 года назад
New upload lets gooooo
@arronskull662 2 года назад
I watch videos on HGS like your Essays, because it interesting to see people dissect the show and the things wrong with it. It's like pulling a thread the more you or someone picks at it the more things unravel. I've seen three other essays than yours and each essay I see new stuff in each one that was wrong with the show. It really is a perfect case study on what not to do and what to watch out for.
@jackprutsman821 2 года назад
Amaryllis. That’s my answer.
@undertaker9991 Год назад
Good question, when something leaves an impression on you (For good or worse.) it also tends to well ....stick.
@Mylesledragon 2 года назад
Honestly High Guardian Spice is like Miraculous Ladybug but worse, the writing sucks. There's a bunch of animation errors and the characters are cliche But there's a pack of characters who are actually fun to watch Parsley Amaryllis Snapdragon Olive Parnelle Slime Boy Neppy Cat
@SweetOrangeGirl 2 года назад
I’d rather watch Miraculous Ladybug over this hot mess.
@littlebabyman8494 2 года назад
Basically everyone that matters that aren’t the main four?
@Mylesledragon 2 года назад
@@littlebabyman8494 yes basically, Rosemary and Sage are so forgettable. Thyme is alright because if I was stuck in a bad show I'd act like her
@littlebabyman8494 2 года назад
@@Mylesledragon wasn’t there a fourth?
@Mylesledragon 2 года назад
@@littlebabyman8494 Parsley is on my list of my favorites from the show
@GretgorPooper 2 года назад
I'd watch a new season just for Amaryllis and Snapdragon. I'd also cross my fingers for Sage suffering an untimely death.
@Im_Not_Here57 2 года назад
Where others saw an incoming train wreck I saw potential. I mean Friendship is magic meets DND? Yes please! But where HGS squandered it's potential High Guardian HQ soared I loved your High Guardian Abridged because it felt like a group of teenagers in their basement joking and laughing at the stupid cotton candy people and their edible REM states that I found easy to love. Ya got heart kid.
@fizzycat3506 2 года назад
To be honest, I just unironically love this show because of you
@behurastudio 2 года назад
It's just endlessly fascinating in how it turned out ya know? People still talk about Pompeii and how to learn from it... Obviously an extreme comparison but it's that classic human nature to just observe stuff like that. Plus Slime Boy ofc
@desil30stm Год назад
I've never watched the show but your commentaries is so funny and I love it lmao
@bardssinisterstories2607 2 года назад
I do hope you make some other video essays on other series, but I do enjoy your videos on HGS. Godspeed
@HPD7D Год назад
I keep watching because this show is such an interesting subject on what not to do when producing an animated show. I'm currently working on my student film so yeah these are great to watch for me right now.
@jaxolon333 2 года назад
More like Low Guardian Spice
@DatJaneDoeArchive 2 года назад
Low Budget Spice
@ballcockfiend 2 года назад
Low Budget Scheiße
@DummyWasting 2 года назад
Is why a food?
@SpikedKirby 2 года назад
I love You
@oldstyle5114 2 года назад
You know, I was thinking about taking this show and recreate it into a new form, since I (weirdly enough) liked the world and its characters and was frustrated at its wasted potential
@WildArmACF 2 года назад
the abridged show brings me joy. thanks for making this
@DiegoGaimer69 2 года назад
I really appreciate the sacrifice you need to do to give us the abridge serie, i saw it a few days ago, i tough i lost the rest or maybe you erased it, but im glad you still gona make it :D
@Vandreand 2 года назад
I subscribed for the essays you might not read my mind but you can read my essay. I watch them because I like the the analysis and the fact that you watched the show makes me take your opinion really good. I also liked your essays about topics other than high guardian spice so it is nice to ride along with you in this journey :3
@Habijob 2 года назад
I just like listening to videos essays about shows, games and whatnot while I draw. And a show that is so bad it gets a lot of these videos, means I can listen to a lot xD So this is why I am watching your videos xD
@BarricadeSkywalker 2 года назад
High Guardian Spice isn't really flawed. It IS a flaw, like some kind of fractal flaw where at every magnification you see more flaws. Love your content, keep up the good work!
@Rangerj04 2 года назад
At this point, we should all just get together and make a season 2 out of spite
@realdragon 2 года назад
When HGS is so bad you can talk about it for literal hours
@agnesleuenberger3713 2 года назад
Why do I still enjoy watching videos about HGS? I learned about it only one or two weeks ago! It's still new for me! XD This show is a wasted potential, it's bad but bad in such a way I'm amongst those who want a season two! Even if it's a comic, even if it's a fan-series, even if it's you who make it by reusing season 1's episodes. After all, shit might be ugly and stinky, but it can also help beautiful plants grow! Let's not get rid of our favourite fertilizer too quickly! ^^
@kewajdf 2 года назад
Never let it die
@izzyj.1079 2 года назад
'It's fun to hate' can confirm. I have a sub-200 sub channel that uploaded once in the last two years. A podcast on the first episode still pulled 60+ views, which for the subject and timing, isn't bad to my knowledge
@SpikedKirby 2 года назад
I want more HGS because its so fun to critisize
@lobaoguara2332 2 года назад
Please turn on subtitles
@AgrestisAnima 2 года назад
I really enjoy you talking about it. I wouldn't watch it? I would be super interested for a season 2 just for you to have more content :D. I'll watch the abridge series later, promisted, you are great!
@zodiacuniverse4663 2 года назад
I would feel more sorry for Ray if he wasn’t acting so immature about the whole situation. It must suck to spend so many years on a show you’re excited about, only for people to ruthlessly bash on it. Normally I would just leave it alone, but Ray’s reaction to everything is making me stay on the hate train. I mean, he keeps blaming literally everything else other than his poor writing skills and staff choice. He keeps hiding all the critics on his twitter feed and argues back at anyone that’s just stating facts 😂
@jimothyworldbuilding3664 2 года назад
4:55 Hey it's literally me.. or more accurately I gave up on something that I at least think is good because I thought it wasn't good enough, and then seeing that HGS got made caused me to un-give-up.
@gilbertotabares8196 2 года назад
Y'know it is a fair question. Granted hearing guys like you and Lobster *SHIT* all over this show is just the sweetest opium for someone like me but, it's gotta end some time. The entire writing staff has been scattered to the four F**King winds. Raye Raye, who dreamt up this trash fire took off with his tail between his legs. That second season is never gonna friggin happen, so why dwell on this unmitigated failure? The memes obviously. That's why I keep coming back.
@omegalettexyphonophore3111 2 года назад
Guardian HQ meme review will probably be a thing some months or a year from now.
@xiao._.3327 Год назад
HGS has some funny abridged content and while the show isn’t great, I do love the colorful art style… that’s about it. :3 Content like this keeps me invested into their weird and bizarre world!
@zeldaprincessgirl100 2 года назад
Again, this show is an example on what not to do, this will make lots of people improve their writing and art, since they know how much backlash the show got. I'm an artist, but i am practicing on how to write, and i already have a little bit of a story for Aster, i hope to turn it into an animatic.
@emeraldgreenz 2 года назад
“You guys not have [Crunchy roll subscriptions]?”
@lemeres2478 2 года назад
Because autopsies and dissections are an important procedure as part of education in the medical community.
@badoomching Год назад
Idk why but I looooooove video essays like retrospectives, reviews, analysis', etc. Mostly on fnaf, hgs, minecraft and The Owl House and I really wanna see a big video essay comparing HGS to The Owl House
@Demolitiondude 2 года назад
In the front office. Technology vs hgs Philosophy vs hgs The Cardamom Spark Crisis an hgs cold war prelude Ray's pointing the way vs Bruce's heavenly glory, debunking diversity in hgs My submissions
@DrMitharos 2 года назад
Your videos are the only reason I'm watching this show. I have knowingly chosen the path of pain.
@fruity4820 2 года назад
There is that Disney movie that came out in 2005 that probably nobody remembers now, it was actually pretty good, but it has this charming feature of 2d animations from the early 2000s where if you pause it while watching, you'll get a really wonky and hilarious image. So naturally, it got memed to oblivion by the time image memes became popular, so much so I'm 100% that most people who get those memes nowadays don't even know the origin of the image. There are plenty of other pieces of media in a similar state, I would imagine the HGS will settle down to something like this in a few years
@Nukestarmaster 2 года назад
You are making an abridged series of HGS, huh. I came just to watch critiques of the show, I find it _fascinating._
@catst9927 2 года назад
I like video essays about High Guardian spice, because you can get really longform video essays out of it. Some videos go up to two hours or more, and that’s good to put in the background while you do something else. Not to say that I have an actively watched them. My point is, for me it’s a good time killer.
@TF2Fan101 2 года назад
About Batwoman, I think the reason it got three seasons is solely because of the network it was on. At least until David Zaslav took over as the new CEO of WB.
@IronKore 2 года назад
At this point, this show is educational material
@Telawin Год назад
honestly... I feel like learning and analyzing why something doesn't work is just as useful (if not more) than analyzing why something works. for me personally it's the magic system... I absolutely love magic systems, and magic systems done well are something I love to think about for hours (Fullmetal Alchemist, Dresden Files, Etc.)... which is why I actually like talking about bad magic systems like this... trying to theorize about how much would actually have to change in order to make a magic system actually work you did a lot of this in your other videos talking about the magic... things like "either put restrictions on portals or just remove them" yeah that's a good one. "make the terra spheres be the things causing the rot" I really like that too because it actually gives a reason for a conflict between old and new magic.
@GerardoSantana 2 года назад
don't worry. HGS may not get a season 2. but you can always dunk on Reclaim Gloria whenever it shows up
@0Doves0 2 года назад
I stick around due to the fact that it's a big sign of what not to do when it comes to story telling, character design, world building, etc. Also, I'm more so hoping for Reclaim Gloria to be released. It's by Raye Rodriguez and the character designs are already out there.
@Matt-zu2lu Год назад
I like watching videos about bad shows like High Guardian Spice and She-Hulk because not only is it funny to see people roast them but also because I like to use them as a learning experience on what not to do when writing a show
@MattNotFat Год назад
Personally I like that people are still talking about it. It's fun to string it up and roast it like the butter ball it is, but I also feel inspired to try and make a good story out of it.
@Surf456 2 года назад
A Season 2 would FUN to hate on, no doubt.
@rudigolfpupmann1495 Год назад
Its like an Amy Schumer comedy Special... You laugh at it and even take enjoyment out of it! But most likly not the way the creators would want you too
@artistanthony1007 2 года назад
Because, it's fun for people to roast & call it out and people need to know it exists.
@nicholase82 2 года назад
The show will live on in infamy.
@Xiaoussys 2 года назад
personally i just like watching video essays
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