
Why are women excluded from the draft? 

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The draft and women's exclusion from selective service is an often used talking point for misogynists.
But it ignores that women have a long history of serving in combat and that it has been the long legal fight by Women's rights groups and veteran servicewomen pushing for equality that has opened once excluded combat roles to women.



18 сен 2024




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@Bird_in_a_Trenchcoat 2 месяца назад
so what if, crazy idea, we got rid of the draft all together. maybe we shouldn't send ANYONE to fight and die in wars who doesn't want to
@The-Khatalyst 2 месяца назад
You can absolutely can. Until you need it. Then it will be back.
@jaxondumo 2 месяца назад
Just because you go to war doesnt mean you'll die, and just because youre drafted doesnt mean you'll go to war.
@Emptytopfloor 21 день назад
Send bots instead
@JCArules13 12 дней назад
@@The-KhatalystUh huh, and when was the last time that happened?
@The-Khatalyst 12 дней назад
@@JCArules13 WWII...? Kind of a big one...
@kristophermichaud4467 2 месяца назад
Fun fact: There was a day where I and my classroom were able to ask veterans multiple questions about the wars they fought in. After many questions, I finally got enough courage to ask if there were any last words that the fallen had given, expecting something like what youd see in the movies. One vet respectfully spoke for the others and stated his experience. "I knew him as my best friend all of my adult life. When we were in battle, he got ripped apart by shrapnel after an explosive hit our vehicle, losing blood fast. I tried carrying him over to safety, and when i did, he was shaking, rattled. He choked on his blood and tears, crying out for his mother that died 3 years prior. That moment stuck with me and helped me realize that we are all helpless children in the face of war and death."
@swagyolo8602 Месяц назад
Good. Now let’s make women share the exact same experiences in the name of equality. Let’s do this.
@JCArules13 12 дней назад
@@swagyolo8602Ok, then do what the video said, YOU guys pressure politicians to do something since you seem to care so much!
@swagyolo8602 12 дней назад
@@JCArules13 The fact that these issues are being brought to the surface and discussed is already a significant achievement. It's slowly but surely coming after yall. Thank feminists.
@amandasunshine2 2 дня назад
​@@swagyolo8602 right, the system y'all made and y'all uphold is the fault of those trying to tear down that system. 🤦‍♀️ display your ignorance more, please.
@swagyolo8602 2 дня назад
@@amandasunshine2 Triggered much? It's the system that weak men, who pandered to your kind, created-not hard-working, straight men. But there will be no more pandering. Men are slowly but surely waking up. The talk of drafting women, restigmatizing abortion and single mothers, the repeal of the no-fault divorce law and exposing the vile nature of feminism-things will return to the way they should be. It's coming for yall. Just cope and seethe.
@ebonyblack7272 Месяц назад
If you're a country and you can't get enough of your own citizens to volunteer in a time of war. Then you probably shouldn't be fighting that ear to begin with. Because that indicates that the people themselves don't want war.
@amandasunshine2 2 дня назад
If you can't be mature enough to solve problems without war, you shouldn't be running a country. Maybe that's why women should be in charge.
@ryanlegros2049 2 месяца назад
Appealing to ppl to not argue or harass ppl in comments is like screaming into the night and demanding the sunrise early. :/
@GeorgeyTheApe 2 месяца назад
This comment section looks pretty decent.
@GeorgeyTheApe 2 месяца назад
This comment section looks pretty decent.
@ryanlegros2049 2 месяца назад
@@GeorgeyTheApe I was thinking in more of a broad spectrum, but they seem relatively calm. If the algorithm picked you up and this blew up from just 43 comments, I'm sure you'd get the usual anonymous shenanigans that you were referring to in the video.
@GeorgeyTheApe 2 месяца назад
@@ryanlegros2049 Just to clarify I'm not the guy in the video.
@DulcePetaura 8 дней назад
MRAs lose me with this conversation. The tragedy is that men die in war. That thing can't be fixed by throwing the "equality" buzzword, if you have an 50/50 army or more women participating in war, that doesn't fix the initial problem at all. Also, it is weird that the same guys that are all about "men and women are different" bit then make claims about the "unfairness" of not drafting women. It is really unfair making men (who are stronger than most women) figh other men? I see more unfairness in making women fight men, honestly. It would be more logical to make women participate in other roles, but women are already doing that and they complain anyways. It just seems that it is a "gotcha" point to feminists, not real concern about men.
@onestarabove7027 25 дней назад
It’s amazing just how much stronger men are than women. I had no idea they were that much stronger. Until men can become pregnant, the reality is that women have to procreate and tend to the children. I remember watching a young man jogging down the road. It hit me that he may be running to be in good enough shape to defend this country. The fact remains that the lion’s share of child upbringing rests on the woman. Until men do their fair share (Mr. Mom’s excluded) there should not be a call for women to be drafted. At any rate, WWIII won’t leave enough people to worry about anything like the draft.
@nilsjohnson2636 2 месяца назад
I remember when the suggestion of women joining men in the draft was met with outrage from feminists, citing the fact that women still couldn’t get justice for SA and the like (though of course, neither can men). I found it rather telling that THAT was what it took to see the draft as a gender issue. I don’t think that it’s “harassing” to point out this double standard. What men (certainly the ones like me) want is to have the whole thing abolished and not continue male disposability.
@DulcePetaura 8 дней назад
Why you all want feminists to fight for things you see as unfair? It is so easy to just sit and push people to do the job. And everything just for what? Only for having a "true egalitarian" pin that doesn't have value nor make people fight, nor even the people that push feminists will do something.
@bogregz 2 месяца назад
there shouldn't be a draft in the first place
@The-Khatalyst 2 месяца назад
There won't be... until it is needed.
@m136dalie 2 месяца назад
Women being weaker than men isn't something "society has taught us", it's a fact of human physiology. Whether it should be a justification to exclude women from military roles is a seperate question.
@yessum15 2 месяца назад
You're wrong because you've misunderstood the phrase. When they're referring to "women being weaker" they're not referring to physical strength. The argument was for their exclusion from the military as a whole (and later from combat roles) not because they simply lacked physical strength. But because they were considered weaker in every sense: constitutionally, emotionally, intellectually, etc. That their "nature" was antithetical to combat and in general to engagement in the public sphere.
@yessum15 2 месяца назад
I should note that once the biased notion of women's "weaker nature" started waning in popularity, actual studies focusing on their *physical* ability to serve productively have firmly established that they are indeed a valuable asset for the military. In other words, the military essentially reduced its combat effectiveness for decades primarily due to an unfounded bias.
@imperiumoccidentis7351 2 месяца назад
@@yessum15 This reasoning can be equally applied to child soldiers, dogs and horses. You can argue than anything and anyone can be useful for military functions so long as they serve some purpose. But generally when people talk about women in the military, we're specifically talking about combat, not in some cushy non-combat role, in which case the vast majority of women are completely inappropriate for combat roles. We're struggling to fill the ranks with non-obese, fit, healthy and not mentally ill men, let alone women.
@yessum15 2 месяца назад
@@imperiumoccidentis7351 *_"We're specifically talking about combat"_* Women are a valuable asset to the military *specifically in combat.* Does that help? I'm not sure how to state it more clearly. At this point the issue has been researched fairly extensively. Women improve the military's combat readiness in almost every role. *Both combat and non-combat roles.* However, I should note that the notion that you're only willing to discuss combat roles is bizarre given that the vast majority of the military is non-combat roles, and the effectiveness of the military as a whole will generally be determined by the quality of its non-combat staff primarily.
@imperiumoccidentis7351 2 месяца назад
​@@yessum15 If you think women can carry 40kg of arms, food and ammunition through the afghan hills - something even the fittest men struggle to do without life-altering injuries to their spinal column - let alone engage in actual combat with hostile forces afterward...then you suffer from acutely sub-normal intelligence, and so do your "researchers" (whoever they may be) who concluded otherwise. This is while suffering from periods every month which can cripple their effectiveness lol.
@jessicaharris1608 День назад
I don't want to be drafted as a woman. I don't want the men in my life drafted either. Regardless, the military wouldn't take me even if I was of drafting age. Why would anyone in a foxhole or the trenches really want to count on the person next to them defending them if they didn't VOLUNTEER to be a soldier?! There's plenty of poor folks that cannot afford college any other way that the draft is unnecessary. I graduated high school 20 years ago with less than 100 students. There was at least a handful of my classmates that opted for the military because they couldn't afford college otherwise. It's in the Declaration of Independence; LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. How is being drafted not flying in the face of the "LIFE" part of our founding documents?
@YouKnowMeDuh 21 день назад
Women have and still can serve pivotal roles in the military without being on the front lines. If a woman, for whatever reason, wants to be on the front lines, then that's up to her. But pushing for women to be on the draft? I believe I have to agree with others and say that there shouldn't be a draft to begin with. It should be up to the American people to decide whether they want to fight, not up to the whims of our government. I think there's a very clear issue here, though. They didn't push for women to be in the draft because it was a bluff. They themselves knew that they wanted their women at home taking care of the kids if they themselves were ever drafted, seeing as war is gruesome, violent, and traumatizing. A significant amount of soldiers that came home from WWI and WWII were in no condition to be around their families, and those were some of the worst wars because on top of all of the new chemical weaponry, there was also the issue of drug testing on soldiers to "improve their performance" which just led to them being hopeless addicts. Soldiers aren't treated the best, and we know from the whole burn pit debacle that even in modern day the lives of those in the military just don't matter from the standpoint of how the government treats them. But I digress. While there's a lack of equality there, there is just no denying that most men wouldn't willingly reverse the roles, and at least one parent needs to be present at home because kids can't care for themselves. Not every source of "inequality" needs to be overturned when it's a matter of practicality. The way you approached the issue wasn't nearly as powerful as it could've been.
@Tyler-ob4qp 2 месяца назад
Imagine living in a country with a draft oh no no no no nononono HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
@alexmcd378 2 месяца назад
I didn't know about the 2016 and later infirmary. Thanks.
@jaxondumo 2 месяца назад
the draft doesnt need a change, i would bet that the reason the mens rights coalition didnt push for a full change is because unlike SOME people, they arent stupid. Women are weaker than men, not always, but in almost all case-scenarios, they are, making men better soldiers with less casualties and better recoveries in case of serious injury. Second, if we draft the women too, whom are we defending but the very politicians who put the war in place? It may sound sexist when you say "stay in the kitchen" or "raise my kids", but children need a emotional lifeline for when they get volatile, or someone who knows how to cook when they get hungry but are picky.
@Bash70 2 месяца назад
Of course, just deflect all blame to conservatives while ignoring all of the hypocritical feminist activists that are just now fighting the requirement to sign up for SS because it could affect them.
@KoboldGamer 2 месяца назад
I want the draft tied to voter registration. Want to vote? register for the draft. Yes that includes women. Yes women should be in combat roles. However, I also want not being in the draft to be decriminalized. Signing up for the draft (and by extension, to vote), would be a choice. Only those with skin in the game should have a voice. Obviously there is people with disabilities, blah blah, yeah there can be special cases. But you having a vagina is not one of them.
@yessum15 2 месяца назад
So in other words you're advocating for fascism. You do understand that the Starship Troopers movie was meant to be satirical criticism, not aspirational, right?
@SussyBaka-nx4ge 2 месяца назад
@@yessum15 you realize it's already the case that men lose the right to vote if they don't sign up for the draft in the US?
@Jake23115 2 месяца назад
@yessum15 So they get the same rights as Men without the consequences? Not fair.
@yessum15 2 месяца назад
@@Jake23115 Yes genius, that's the entire point of a right. It doesn't have to be earned.
@Jake23115 2 месяца назад
@yessum15 Ah, so I see... so they don't have to earn anything they just get it for free? Sounds like special treatment genius.
@thejoker9201 2 месяца назад
As A former 11bravo Infantryman and Iraq Veteran. How many women can carry a 95 lbs ruck sack wearing full gear and full weapon's load And if That happens to be a M240 light machine gun That weapon unloaded weighs 30lbs add another 30 lbs with Ammo. Infantryman are expected to be able to carry or drag 200 lb man out of harms way.. As we have seen across the services since they allowed women into combat roles the physical standards have been lowered to accommodate them and with the women came new problems of sensitivity training and and other types of training that have absolutely nothing to do with war fighting and combat training In fact mixed units that include women under perform continuously against their all male counterparts in training exercises And now we have problems with fraternization between the sexes. This is all an experiment that follows the same logic as forced diversity like we see in the whole DEI and equity initiatives and has no place in the business of war fighting No Grunts I never served with gives a rats ass about hurting someones feelings or anything that reeks of PC. Let's get back to what we already know works
@MrProsat 2 месяца назад
We all know what happens in those units. The guys help out the female carry their crap in hopes of getting foxhole attention. Come on, lets be freakin honest, we are dealing with 20 year old guys vying for field sex. Anyone who thinks otherwise has not served.
@kk-sg8lj Месяц назад
idc about anything if men are forced to have to sign the paper soshouldwomen all theydo is complain yet we have it way harder 😤
@mrbaab5932 2 месяца назад
We need a new equal rights ammendment.
@Sean-n7j 2 месяца назад
Very funny.
@AnvilSword 2 месяца назад
This video completely missess the point. The draft is used as an example to showcase the hypocrisy of the "equal rights" movement. Since you champion equality, you would have to fight to attain equal outcomes even in cases where its not favorable for women aka draft. Otherwise you'd be a hypocrite. The men who comment about the draft are not necessarily advocating for women to be included in draft, but they. Are pointing out the hypocrisy and double standards in the equality movement. Saying that the mens right activist should push for draft equality doesn't work since they are not the one claiming the fight for equality. You (feminist) are. So the burden of responsibility is on the movement that made the claim, and offloading it to others would only prove that the movement hypocrisy
@ex.patriarch Месяц назад
You mean like how servicewomen and the ACLU dragged the DoJ into allowing women into all combat roles, then represented a men's rights group to open up the draft as well only to be shut down by a small group of male conservative policitians? It's almost like you didn't even watch the video.
@AnvilSword Месяц назад
@@ex.patriarch Dude how about developing some comprehension skills for a change? My critique was on the feminist movement in general, those 4 women donot represent the entirety of the feminist movement. They stood true to thier claims and fought for equality for both sides, for that they should be admired. However, that is not what majority of feminists are doing, is it? I see little to no push on the matter of draft from them (except a small minority). Also i find it very wierd that they stopped after getting turned down once. . If this was a matter of concern for women, like equal pay, women in higher position or anything else, you guys wouldn't shut up about it. There would be protests, twitter hashtags and movements about it. Isn't it convenient for you to try once and be like "well..we tried..hard luck i guess" ? So my question is, why the descrepency? You believe in equality right? Why are your efforts unequal? Instead of accepting an area you guys lack in, you actually tried deflecting fault to the mens movement LMAO.
@AnvilSword Месяц назад
@@ex.patriarch BTW, none of my critique would be valid if you claimed that the women's right movement is about women empowerment. But you keep making a false claim that you stand for equality, yet keep failing to uphold the principles of it. I would have no issues with someone focusing on women's issues only, however, making false claims makes you all look pathetic
@DulcePetaura 8 дней назад
So, it is just a gotcha to feminists, not a real concern about men. And to think that for a moment I believed you cared about men lmao
@DulcePetaura 8 дней назад
@@AnvilSword "those 4 women donot represent the entirety of the feminist movement" Then who represents it? Most feminists didn't write about war, and most feminists are not pro war nor pro draft to begin with. You want people to be "fair" and even when they are "fair" by your standards you complain. No one is interested in gaining points to be seen as "true egalitarian" by you. You do nothing to help men, you didn't stood up by those women (and ACLU) side fighting for the "fairness" you want to exist, you didn't protest against those conservative politicians. Why we all have to acommodate you then? So you can still sit there and do sh*t for the cause you are allegedly worried for? Nah.
@MrProsat 2 месяца назад
Women in combat doesnt work. Read about their role in the Great Patriotic War. Except for a few oultliers, they were only good for rear echelon services or soldier's wives while at the front. Women should be allowed to compete for positions but without changing the tests just so they can pass. But women being drafted is absurd.
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