
Why Did God Allow Polygamy In The Bible? 

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@christiancoats1 5 лет назад
2 Samuel 12:7-8 ..."Thus says the Lord God of Israel...I gave you your master's house and your master's wives into your keeping" God Himself gave him wives (plural) and would have given him more. You say God allowed this "sin". No. That would mean God put David in a sinful situation.
@spark300c 4 года назад
Also slavery is allow in bible yet we do not practice it. Ploygngy often leads to social chaos and pain of the wives. It like slavery that polygngy so often abused than it must be outlawed. also in the new testament rises the standards how treat your wife polygngy was not longer seen as something a christian can do even israel and be godly. It why paul put elder must of one wife. also the church provided a new way to care for widows where they not longer need to married to be supported.
@NA-oc7eq 3 года назад
@Bible Study Channel II there's chattel slavery there and it's agreed by bible scholars. What you're talking about is debt slavery, where people could sell themselves voluntarily.
@crystalmaltby3202 2 года назад
Exactly 💯
@jc2coming 2 года назад
His Law/Commandments forbid adultery NOT polygamy - big difference! As 2Sam.12:7-8 and as written in the Book of Law or Leviticus - having more than one wife is allowed and not a sin, and as demonstrated with Abraham, Ya'acov, King David, etc. But because of human sinful natures it is best that men should have one wife...
@ottom.3094 2 года назад
@@jc2coming no where in scripture does it say “it’s best to have one wife.” Samson had one wife and she tried to get him killed. Why? Because he married a pagan. The Lord says to marry women that know the Lord and follow the Lord. Also not to have “too many” wives. Solomon was an example of too many, but Solomon’s bigger sin was marrying pagan wives that tempted him to worship other gods.
@Robbyjhay88 2 года назад
These “pastors”are utterly clueless, it’s amazing to me how LITTLE they know the Bible they claim to preach. SMH!!!!
@Blessedly390 6 лет назад
Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her OWN husband. 1 Corinthians 7:2 KJV
@danieldeluca4936 5 лет назад
A text without a context,is a pretext.
@Mano.Mujica 3 года назад
This makes sense to me. Multiple wives makes no sense.
@toughbiblepassages9082 2 года назад
The verse right before it says “now concerning the things you wrote to me about”. What did the church write about??? Chapter 5 tells us- a man had his fathers wife. Chapter 6 - warning against prostitutes Paul was saying have your OWN wife (not the wife of another man, or your fathers wife. And a prostitute is still not YOUR OWN, rather she’s everyone else’s) Sleeping with your fathers wife or a prostitute was sexually immoral, and Paul says “to avoid sexual immorality” get your own women, not someone else’s woman.
@ottom.3094 2 года назад
@@toughbiblepassages9082 Law deals with a man being able to have more than one wife. Jesus even uses polygamy as a parable. It’s not a sin. Fornication, porn, cheating and divorce are sexual sins. Among other things ofc like rape and homosexuality.
@toughbiblepassages9082 2 года назад
@@ottom.3094 I know.. my entire channel is dedicated to proving that point
@conchobar 6 лет назад
"What makes you think God allowed it (Polygamy)." 2 Sam. 12:8 " I gave your master’s house to you, and YOUR MASTER'S WIVES INTO YOUR ARMS. I gave you all Israel and Judah. And if all this had been too little, I would have given you even more." Plus Abraham, Jacob, and Moses had multiple wives along with David, whom the passage above refers to.
@JayBolton 8 месяцев назад
Just because he gave him Sauls wife doesn't mean he gave them to him just so he could sleep with them. We gotta stop perverting everything. He gave David these possessions from doing good.
@nilson0415 4 года назад
Twisting the word a god is a major sin guys!
@paullaymon5133 6 лет назад
Notice how he leaves out the fact in II Sam 12:8 that GOD GAVE him Saul’s wives as a blessing!!!
@lupeavalos9342 5 лет назад
Paul Laymon why didn’t God Given Adam a second wife if God can make Adam into sandy and Eve into Kidney . Why didn’t God give Adam two wives . God said 1 in the Flesh. That not Christian like . Look at that . He said 1 in the flesh . If God truly allowed polygamy then why didn’t he given Adam 2 or 3 wives . If Adam asked .
@samuelnelson9010 5 лет назад
The most biblically upright people I know are people who agree with biblical polygyny.
@j-mshistorycorner6932 5 лет назад
@@lupeavalos9342 Polygamy was never mandatory. It was allowed, but not necessary.
@ryanehlis426 4 года назад
lupe avalos Adam had two wives, you don’t know your Bible, go read genesis again.
@j-mshistorycorner6932 4 года назад
@@ryanehlis426 No, Adam only had Eve.
@domini5807 6 лет назад
The main problem with people they like to turn their feeling and emotion into God rules or law. God ways are not our way just like the heaven is higher than earth so as God taught
@rcjr2633 5 лет назад
This is such a straw man argument guys.. Moses was triple married and David was a man AFTER GODS OWN HEART.. God NEVER allowed sin..Stop with your personal opinions and Eiesegesis.. It was ALL throughout the old testament and NT history..You're speculating and promoting self made ideas.. Moses wrote all the first books..MOSES DID and he was a polygamist..Jesus quotes moses. WHO WAS A POLYGAMIST..SORRY. Strawman here
@designedtocreate8974 5 лет назад
Well put.
@headlinenewsrant5134 8 лет назад
LOL what makes us think that "God" allowed it? Well, considering he gave David his masters wives and concubines might be a start. Oy. Then, the Creator as a picture marries TWO sisters, the House of Judah and the House of Israel. He also looks upon David and says "Because David did that which was right in the eyes of the LORD, and turned not aside from any thing that he commanded him all the days of his life, save only in the matter of Uriah the Hittite." 1 Kings 15:5 Having more than one wife is NOT sin. 1 john 3:4 says "sin is transgression of the Law". We look into Torah and find what? Nothing about polygamy. A woman can not have more than one husband, or it's adultery. Kings are not to "muliply" unto themselves (have TOO many) wives, but that's it.
@_808TLien_ 7 лет назад
Headline Newsrant I'm so glad someone brought up that verse about David always doing right in the eyes of the Lord. It's repeated soo many times and says nothing about the polygamy being wrong. That's exactly why it's assumed it's condoned. And even in the case of Solomon, or others the issue was more of a concern with marrying foreign women who would "lead the men astray" by worshipping other gods or following other practices. The polygamy - that namely, David and Solomon participated in is never spoken against. I'm a Christian btw, just thought that was interesting...
@smartwealthy2496 7 лет назад
Headline Newsrant EXACTLY..
@danieldeluca4936 7 лет назад
"Allowed" is such a loaded term. The real question is why when men practiced polygamy, there is not even a hint of condemnation for this action. We need to point out that this is a Straw Man. After all, if God did not condemn polygyny, why should we? What our opponents love to do, is shift the burden of proof, which is a Logical Fallacy. We are not the ones who should have to prove that Polygyny is an acceptable practice for Christians. If our opponents wish to claim that it is wrong, they need to point to the Scriptures that say so. The burden of proof is on them, because they are the ones making the claim.
@abdulkadirali96 5 лет назад
Best comment here! You are learned but many others will say things are sinful when they are not said to be sins And most of these people are the same that believe that there is nothing wrong with premarital sex, when the scriptures spoke highly against adultery/fornication EXPLICITLY but not polygamy. Some of them even say premarital sex is not a sin, yet they become outraged at LAWFUL marriage in Polygamy. Why can't they understand its all about principles and laws? Not their desires? Like the Torah (the LAW). Polygamy is marriage. Premarital sex, (BF & GFs) Polyamory is not. The End. Anyways I agree!
@ajlouviere202 5 лет назад
Show us the scripture where God marries Judah...
@Sam-ob4vg 5 лет назад
Jesus even has a parable about a bridegroom marrying 10 wives. If polygamy is prohibited, why Jesus want to have such a parable. I am sure He can find a better parable to describe His kingdom.
@designedtocreate8974 5 лет назад
...wow... good point, Good question.
@graceilos7862 4 года назад
I believe the old testament is the type or a shadow of the new testament.polygamy was a type of christ and the bride in the new testament.just like Davide was a rejected king a type of Jesus he was a rejected in the new testament.
@Peter-tg9zv Год назад
God also calls himself the husband of two wives (Jeremiah 31 I believe).
@BigThinkingTV Месяц назад
Do it say 10 wives or 10 virgins? Let’s not add to scripture or pervert it.
@Sam-ob4vg 5 лет назад
His own opinion not bible. About David, he is really twisted to meet his own argument. God NEVER SAY. Period. Monogamy is from Roman, not Jews.
@mauiblades 5 лет назад
I do not think Genesis 2:24 means what you think it means... Show me one time where Scripture uses Gen 2:24 to condemn polygyny. You can’t, because that verse is never used in condemnation of polygyny. It is, however, used to condemn divorce. The verse is not talking about the number of wives a man can have, it’s talking about the fact that a husband and wife should not be separated. That’s literally what God meant when He said it, because that is how Scripture defines it. Please stop adding your opinions to the Word of God.
@jc2coming 2 года назад
You are correct. And His Law/Commandments forbid adultery NOT polygamy - big difference! As 2Sam.12:7-8 and as written in the Book of Law or Leviticus - having more than one wife is allowed and not a sin, and as demonstrated with Abraham, Ya'acov, King David, etc. But because of human sinful natures it is best that men should have one wife...
@GingerGingercat 9 лет назад
Wow, speak of subterfuge; the question is about polygamy, but they completely dodge the question by focusing on the word 'allow' instead. Xtian jesters, these two. Davids' era prosperity equaled polygamy to bring increase upon the Israeli tribes, no?
@spanishfly7709 5 лет назад
Yes that's true 75 people going into Egypt coming out with hundreds of thousands look at the heads of houses and there sons that were 20 and older able to go out to war! It came out to about 27 sons per house hold
@nickc1010 6 лет назад
I can't believe people actually think it's okay and justify polygamy through God's Word. They'll twist scripture, use bad logic, and take things out of context to justify their sinful abominable desires. Wow. Jesus is coming very soon
@danieldeluca4936 6 лет назад
There is no need to justify that which is never called a sin in Scripture. Haven't you read it? The ones who are twisting Scripture and using bad logic, are not those of us defending the practice of polygyny, but rather those who try to argue that it is somehow wrong, or sinful (as you have done here) or immoral, or even adultery. Where in Scripture do you find support for the notion that polygyny is a sinful abomination?
@danieldeluca4936 6 лет назад
The silence is deafening.
@danieldeluca4936 6 лет назад
Chirp, Chirp, Chirp
@JamesYoderIII 5 лет назад
Then you and everyone will know the truth!!
@priscilladevakumar5664 4 года назад
@@danieldeluca4936 sir, I really think God just allowed polygamy and it is not in his will that children of God practice polygamy (not originally intended). As we know that the children of Adam and Eve married each other and multiplied, but God forbade that later on right? Since the first marriage that God has himself designed and blessed was Adam and eve's isn't it? And he did not bother to give him more wives Even though it was in his will that man multiplies and fill the earth. He could've easily designed a poligamc unit and blessed it if that was how he intended marriage to be. But I do agree that God did not particularly condemn polygamy except when God reduced to give Ishmael the blessing intended for Sara's issue, who was the actual wife. I'm not trying to argue with you on anything. But would like if you could give me some clarity on the above issues please. I know it has been over a year since u replied, but if u have the time please respond
@SolomonAD 6 лет назад
Yea look at Solomon, richest man in history debatably, defeated hundreds of spirits, built the temple of God and a caring king. God forbid anyone end up like him. Solomon was not struck down for multiple wives. He was struck down for allowing his foreign wives to erect idols to their old gods alluding equal standing to the Hebrew God. It’s pretty explicit about that. Can we trust a pastor who can’t get the facts straight?
@danieldeluca4936 6 лет назад
The sad thing is, these pastors do get a lot of things right, but by trying to get the Bible to say something that it does not say, as these men have done in this video, they discredit their own witness.
@acousticapisces24 4 года назад
why do we confuse ourselves with Christians? I think its time to observe Islam.
@abcdefu359 4 года назад
Many pastors are afraid to state the biblical truth about polygamy, because it is *incredibly* unpopular, especially among women.
@atari_hmb 4 года назад
Actually Solomon was not allowed to have multiple wives either, Nehemiah called him out for such as well as it goes against Deuteronomy which speaks of NO multiplying wives. This is why we take examples from Christ; not Solomon, he was also flawed as well. This is also why Christ promotes the marriage of "ONE" wife.
@daniapowell180 3 года назад
@@atari_hmb Exactly it's real easy to get twisted
@BibleSamurai 6 лет назад
1 Corinthians 17:17 "But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband." 1 Timothy 3:12 "Let deacons each be the husband of one wife, managing their children and their own households well." Ephesians 5:31 "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.”
@danieldeluca4936 6 лет назад
There is no Chapter 17 in I Cor. I Cor 7:1 which precedes I Cor 7:2, which is what you actually quoted, provides proper context, and shows that that verse is contrasting marriage with celibacy, not polygamy. I already pointed this out to you, but you could care less about the truth. If you don't want to select polygynous men as deacons, you had better not be selecting childless men either. Matt 19:6 So they are NO LONGER two, but one flesh.
@ea1878 2 года назад
The 1 timothy verse is talking to the deacons of the church
@toughbiblepassages9082 2 года назад
Look at the verse right before the 1 Corinthians 7 verse, it says “now concerning the things you wrote to me about..” Paul literally tells the the context that he’s addressing, and the things they wrote him were how they were taking other mens’ women and not their own (ch 5 and ch 6 address adultery/incest and prostitution) Have your OWN woman, as opposed to another man’s woman. Elders and Deacons are to be the husband of FIRST wife (look up the Greek) meaning they cannot be divorced. And 1 flesh is possible to attain with multiple women, this is proven in 1 Cor. 6 when Paul warns that prostitutes can be one flesh with all their clients. Nice try though.
@donaldbarnes3714 6 лет назад
If God is against polygamy why would most if not all the men he choose to lead have multiple wives?
@jc2coming 2 года назад
His Law/Commandments forbid adultery NOT polygamy - big difference! As 2Sam.12:7-8 and as written in the Book of Law or Leviticus - having more than one wife is allowed and not a sin, and as demonstrated with Abraham, Ya'acov, King David, etc. But because of human sinful natures it is best that men should have one wife...
@OchiiDinUmbraa 5 лет назад
It actually does say that you can have multiple wives : Exodus 21:10 If he marries another woman, he must not deprive the first one of her food, clothing and marital rights. Literally i googled "bible polygamy" and clicked the first link.
@danieldeluca4936 5 лет назад
You have only scratched the surface. It can be shown conclusively from Matt 5:32, that polygyny is still acceptable today.
@maunder01 3 года назад
And if he deprives can the other wife go and become another man's wife??
@tobehonest2234 6 лет назад
You're twisting scripture
@pauluskim2028 4 года назад
Just because God didnt punish it with death doesnt mean that he couldnt have used other means to oppose it, which he didnt.
@paullaymon5133 6 лет назад
“There’s never a blessing that comes with multiple wives” The twelve tribes comes from 4 women!
@jacob777jacob 6 лет назад
Lol. So, it's a "blessing" - when every person on earth is supposedly cursed (ALL generations) from what those tribes did? Is it a "blessing" - when those 12 tribes who supposedly are scattered in the four corners of the world still suffering (till this day)? Are those "blessings", you say? Multiples of anything comes with extra responsibilities, which causes more issues and concerns. Ask people with multiple children, multiple jobs, multiple cars, multiple houses etc.
@danieldeluca4936 6 лет назад
Do I detect anti-Semitism here? How exactly are people cursed by what those twelve tribes did? Please elaborate. Scripture teaches that mankind was cursed because of what the first monogamous couple did.
@David-ej1ps 6 лет назад
4 women , two of whom are sisters btw
@toughbiblepassages9082 2 года назад
@@David-ej1ps what’s wrong with that?
@eumeliovazquezjr1630 5 лет назад
polygamy is not a sin. No where in the Bible is it condemned. It’s our culture and current system that says it is not ok.
@sinistransgressionofthetor5449 3 года назад
Exactly. Even then, its still practiced Instead of a second, third, fourth wife..women are demoted to "side chicks" Men have no responsibility to additional women without marriage And with women outnumbering men, with monogamy..not every woman can get a husband
@toughbiblepassages9082 2 года назад
It’s called a blessing even
@KickingHairTarantulas 6 лет назад
Fail... Not one mention of one single scripture than condems multiple wives. Kings said David was righteous in every way, neither turning from the right to the left but did EVERYTHING Pleading to Yah EXCEPT for the matter of Uriah. No... 2Sam12:8 Yah gave David 6 wives and would of given him more had he only asked. Please stop saying something is sin without a scripture that says it is. The NT says sin is transgression of the law. Ps 119:142 says the Torah(Law) is truth. So beings there is no statute that says its a sin then its not a sin. You do not determine what is sin. Torah does. You are sloppy with your lack of exegesis.
@willempasterkamp862 6 лет назад
Polygamy is the natural thing, Monogamy is the cultural thing.
@Go-Getter 4 года назад
Polygamy is natural for men. It always has been and will always be. Our society, for whatever reason, acts as if it's a sin when the Bible permits it.
@Mano.Mujica 3 года назад
It makes no sense.
@toughbiblepassages9082 2 года назад
Wether it’s natural or not is inconsequential. Does the Bible allow it? That’s what matters (answer: yes, see my yet channel)
@samuelnelson9010 5 лет назад
What He actually allows is polygyny. The West doesn't license it, but the Bible allows it.
@shibboleth6159 7 лет назад
This is incredibly poor eisegesis, and is riddled with logical fallacies, such as strawmen and begging the question. Tell me: was the strife between Cain and Abel, or between Jacob and Esau, or between Ham and his Father, due to their parent's monogamy, therefore making monogamy bad? Or was it merely due to their having more than one child? In fact, every time you see siblings in the Bible, you see problems, it even says that a brother is born for adversity, so clearly the Bible teaches that we should only have one child. That's the level of argumentation on display here. God was allowing David to live in continual unrepentant sin... while also calling him a man after God's heart? How does that even make sense? May it never be! Have these two not read of King Abimelech, whom God explicitly said was acting in integrity when he took Sarah, thinking she was single, even though he was already married (Gen. 20)? Have they not read of the good priest Jehoiada who gave the young king Joash two wives (2 Chron. 24)? Have they not read that divinely-ordained romance, Song of Songs, in which the protagonist is said to have 60 queens and 80 concubines (Songs 6:8)? Have they not read how the priest Eli never criticized the priest Elkanah for living in polygamy, even though he was ready to criticize Hannah for being drunk in the temple (I Sam. 1)? Have they not read of the judges Gideon, Jair, and others, who were God's representatives to Israel, and are never condemned for having more than one wife? Or what about how God portrayed Himself in both Jeremiah and Ezekiel as a polygynous husband of two sisters, while simultaneously criticizing them for adultery?
@designedtocreate8974 5 лет назад
Wow... good points. When I heard their take on Gen 6 I stopped watching.
@therealcoachross 5 лет назад
Where does it say in the Bible that polygamy was a sin or illegal to the law? You need to go back and do your homework. It is clear that polygamy, (one husband multiple wives) was the order of the day. This was not just practiced and accepted in the Bible, but in most other religions cultures as well.
@mattmorehouse9685 4 года назад
So Christianity should follow other religions? I seem to recall Moses being quite pissed with the Israelites when they made an idol and worshiped it, like the majority of the Mid East at the time. And didn't God command the slaughter of not just the men of the Canaanite tribes, but the women and the children as well, because they had a religion that worshiped multiple gods and sacrificed humans? That's a very odd way to follow the rest of society.
@atari_hmb 4 года назад
Actually...no it isn't Deuteronomy goes against this
@danieldeluca4936 Год назад
@@atari_hmb Deut 17 only goes against EXCESSIVE polygyny.
@sexycomoespanol4361 5 лет назад
I am a christian. I believe in Christ the Lord. But, talking about polygamy, I can't tell that it is wrong because The Bible doesn't tell it so. I, my self, do a monogamy. But I can't say that polygamy is wrong. Do not put your arguments into Scripture.
@toughbiblepassages9082 2 года назад
You are wise for following scripture. Most of these made up rules are coming from prideful spirits of Gnosticism
@abcdefu359 4 года назад
"God was clearly allowing you this one area of sin!..." Wow - way to twist words. He's literally adding his own sentence into that scriptural passage that says nothing of the sort.
@spashdad 6 лет назад
JOB had multiple wives. GOD Gave him that
@blvdkng11 7 лет назад
You say, "Nowhere in the bible does it say: 'Go and get many wives.'" But you also failed to say, "Nowhere in the bible does it say (nor does it even imply): 'Having multiple wives displeases God.'"
@christiancowart8446 7 лет назад
It does say that God wants us to have only one wife. Anything other than what God wants is displeasing to him.
@blvdkng11 7 лет назад
Where does it say that?
@akindelebankole8080 7 лет назад
Christian Cowart Can you site the passage please. Thank you
@smartwealthy2496 7 лет назад
David Hopkins EXACTLY..
@whitneybrown9677 7 лет назад
Deuteronomy 17:17 The king must not take many wives for himself, because they will turn his heart away from the LORD. And he must not accumulate large amounts of wealth in silver and gold for himself.
@Lu-xt9dh 6 лет назад
Blah blah blah what a fail. Show me the scriptures.
@marriageofthelambassemblie1693 3 года назад
Right there are no scriptures that forbid polygyny
@ChristcentredNaturalgee 2 года назад
Just because it happened doesn't means God was happy with it.
@toughbiblepassages9082 2 года назад
See my channel for all the Bible verses
@crystalmaltby3202 2 года назад
Polygamy in not a sin rather a gift
@ritabrandow3750 6 лет назад
Peter was married. It even says Jesus healed his mother-in-law. Who had a fever. Paul was also married. It even says in the letters to the churches. The leaders were to be husbands of One wife. Also in the Old Testament when you see the men had several wives. All the trouble it caused. God our Father never said it was ok. You never see that in the word.
@danieldeluca4936 6 лет назад
Peter was married, indeed. Paul was not. The "one wife" provision was only for those church leaders that Timothy and Titus were to appoint. Most likely it had to do with men who were not running off to the temple prostitutes that were rampant in that culture. What trouble did David's wives cause? What trouble did Esau's wives cause? What trouble did Lamech's wives cause? What trouble did Caleb''s wives cause? What trouble did Moses''s wives cause? What trouble did Josiah''s wives cause? What trouble did Reheboam''s wives cause? What trouble did Abijah''s wives cause? What trouble did Saul's wives cause? What trouble did the wives of the sons of Izrahaiah cause? God did say it was OK. Read Gen 20:6. The real question is whether He ever called it a sin. The answer is a definitive "NO".
@JamesYoderIII 5 лет назад
Check the Greek! It is the husband of the FIRST wife.
@jeremiahasa8652 5 лет назад
Where in the Bible did it ever say polygyny is a sin? The men in Israel were NOT punished for it ever. Polyandry however wasn’t tolerated.
@jeremiahasa8652 5 лет назад
As long as u provide her food, clothes, and shelter than you can have another wife
@kevinkirkham2466 8 лет назад
To those questioning God's approval of polygamy, let's see what the Bible says. Abraham was a polygamist. Jacob, who later was renamed Israel (from whom the 12 tribes of Israel came) was a polygamist. These were hardly men who discounted God's will. The most telling evidence comes in 2 Sam. 12:7-12. Here we have the prophet Nathan quoting God in condemning David for his adultery with Bathsheba. In verse 8, God says that He (God) gave David his master's wives and then goes on to say that if he (David) wanted even more, God would have given him more. But because of his sin, verse 11 says that God is going to take away David's wives and give them to another individual man who will have his way with them. If God hates polygamy, why did God give David those wives? And why did God offer to give David even more? More importantly, why would God take those wives from David and give them to another INDIVIDUAL man rather than giving them to several men so that the women would have monogamous marriages? Regarding Paul stating that Christian leaders be restricted to having one wife, such restrictions indicate that polygamy was found in the early Christian church. If everyone was monogamous, why would Paul feel the need to include that restriction? It would be like prohibiting leaders from being idol worshipers or unbelievers. Since the church contained none such, such prohibitions would be silly. Specifically banning polygamy for leaders shows that polygamy WAS practiced in the early Christian church and that polygamist men might have been considered to be bishops if it weren't for this restriction. Such a ban wouldn't have been needed had there been no polygamy in the church. Having extra wives and the extra kids that they'd produce would require polygamist men to spend more time with family and less of their time on other matters than monogamist men. They'd have less time to dedicate to being a church leader and tending to the needs of the flock. Because of this, men with just one wife would be better suited to serve the Christian community as a leader. Paul wasn't condemning polygamy but rather simply making sure that church leaders had time to adequately deal with the responsibilities of being church leaders. Polygamy is in no way condemned by God in the Bible.
@kevinkirkham2466 8 лет назад
I don't want another wife. I'd like to get an extra husband for her. Let him go to the fabric store with her on Saturdays and hold her purse while she tries on clothes at the mall. Give me some time off. I'm just saying what the Bible says. In a lot of the cases, subsequent wives were recruited by the current wife/wives. They had been friends before and wanted to add her to the family. perhaps the new wife had a career and could allow an existing wife to stay home and take care of kids. Extra wives allow the wives to divy up the chores in a more favorable way making everyone's burden lighter. if people can pull it off, polygamy is a huge blessing, especially for the women who may not otherwise have a husband and kids.
@headlinenewsrant5134 8 лет назад
+Geoff Dick sounds like someones wife needs to be more submissive
@headlinenewsrant5134 8 лет назад
Geoff Dick Sadly enough, men shouldn't have to "have the balls" to tell their wife something. It's a sad comment on our society and the Christian church that wives are so unsubmissive. I too, have an unsubmissive wife.
@headlinenewsrant5134 8 лет назад
Geoff Dick jealousy, like most women.
@headlinenewsrant5134 8 лет назад
Geoff Dick sarcasm? Jealousy is not a "godly" attribute in a woman, only in a man.
@fjschneider 5 лет назад
Going to need more depth of content than that with actual proof of Yahuah's will. Fail.
@kayob6863 7 лет назад
1 kings 15 :5 Because David did that which was right in the eyes of the Most High , and turned not aside from any thing that he commanded him all the days of his life, save only in the matter of Uriah the Hittite. Clearly this is telling us loudly that polygamy is not a sin
@danieldeluca4936 7 лет назад
You can add Gen 20:6 and 17. Clearly Abimelech the King of Gerar already had a wife, yet when he attempted to take Sarah, God said that he did this in the integrity of his heart.
@TruthTalkRadio144 6 лет назад
Dont believe this blasphemy
@torimoretz522 8 лет назад
You didn't list a single verse that specifically speaks against polygamy.
@anaschowdhury6059 8 лет назад
+Tori Moretz Because the bible DOES allow polygamy. Most prophets of god had multiple wives. We are supposed to follow those prophets.
@user-tr1xk4lw7b 8 лет назад
I am sorry to disagree. The bible inform the events that happened with people that were on God´s service, but that does not mean that God promoted to all of us. He deal wich each person from the old testament, before Christ´s coming to this world. What I wonder is that most people want to look back at what the old testament said, but when we say to be followers of Christ, which is the reason of this denomination, they barely take Christ words into this subject in our present. Old testament - Moises allow divorce and remarriage, but never multiple marriages, one at the time, wich is also poligamy. Our current society allows consecutive poligamy by having as many spouses you may want but one at the time, while Islamic culture, allows you to have simultaneously poligamy, many wifes as you want at the same time. So, having a background about what happened before it may be interesting but irrelevant in our present when Jesus himself places the same law in order. One man to One Woman - Moises allow Divorce and remarriage. Jesus did not. Actually after first weedings, to ANYONE, whether your are christian, apostolic, budisth whatever, that if you divorce and marry some else are commiting adultery. Meaning that if adultery is the sin only married people may do. That means that divorce in God´s sight does not disolve the marriage. Your are still married to your first or fomer spouse, therefore when you remarried, you are commiting adultery. Is not allowing poligamy, same reason why an elder should be a man of one wife only. So dont try to even differ from the one ultimately is the supreme authority among us. Jesus himself for the ones we declare we are followers of him. Otherwise would it be irrelevant for those who do not believe on him.
@torimoretz522 8 лет назад
First of all, I never clearly said whether I was for or against polygamy. The only reason why I said what I said in my earlier comment is because I thought if they wanted to provide a good argument they needed better evidence than what they provided. And second, I am sorry to disagree with you as well with what you believe about the Old Testament.
@user-tr1xk4lw7b 8 лет назад
Thanks for your fast reply, just to be clear on a subject I did not want to sound like against your comments, sorry if it sounded like that. I am just tired of looking at churches themselves remaind silent and carry on with things that should be talking now, before it is too late. But one of the main.... how to put it.... discussion? to justify something when Jesus himself put it clear, is by us going back to a temporary law as it was the Mosaic law, which was temporal and they basicaly addressing ignorance to keep and a damaging act. By saying this, is not my intention to bring dow the old testament. Actually, is like reading the same history to avoid the same errors, yet for some reason we still on them. They have a great value for learning hich prevent and aware us to avoid this problem as many others, and this we should avoid or be aware with the consequences that will come with them. But most of us... dont, we want proves or texts, and we do the "right" thing because the bible said so.... rather finding the answer in our reading with the bible as a whole view of God and not getting our texts our of their context to create a pretext. The valid argument I my say is Jesus and he did not dismished the law as well, he actually fulfilled it, and our aim is to life our lifes His way. But being legalistics rather than a clear concience in the way we act and we are supossed to represent to others... I donr see it in our present. But anyways, that the what I think a solid argument when if we are confused we may ask Jesus directly on what he said so doubst are left. Blessings.
@torimoretz522 8 лет назад
I'm sorry, but because of your grammar I'm having a hard time understanding you point. I encourage you to read the Apostle Paul's writings. His love for the Torah is quite evident.
@KazamaNoMishima 6 лет назад
This guy hasn't actually read scripture, just parroting doctrine.
@Papasquatch73 5 лет назад
Everytime nothing good comes from poly. How about Jesus? His ancestor was one of 4 wives
@danieldeluca4936 5 лет назад
He had several polygamous ancestors. Abraham, Jacob, David, Solomon, Reheboam, Abijah, and Joash.
@ovigada 6 лет назад
According to his understanding God put a limit of 1 marriage covenant per man. But without a law of God to say so there's no condemnation. 2 Samuel 12. God giving David his masters kingdom and his masters wives also willing to give him more if that wasn't enough; this is after David got a man killed to get his wife also after they had an affair. So is God immoral for giving David multiple wives & willing to give him even more? David repented of the affair with the married woman and the blood that was on his hands. Where does it say David apologized for having multiple wives? A man and a woman have a major covenant. But because God's law only mentioned Adultery as having an affair with a married woman or a man divorcing his wife for reasons other than her cheating (Matt 5:32) it leaves the mans marriage status freely available to marry as he sees fit. Is God immoral for showing laws of adultery based on whether or not the woman is married? Also by your understanding Jesus can't be moral because each of us has a covenant with Him yet we are all one family married to him. The Lord has a parable about Himself having 2 wives, Ezekiel 23, Ohola & Oholibah. They gave Him sons & daughters. A covenant mentioned again in Jer 31:31 Isreal & Judah. Jesus using the 10 virgins parable in to articulate how we all need to be ready for His return. If polygyny was unlawful or sin He wouldn't use it as an example of why the 10 virgins should be ready for Him the groom. Why would God present such ideas and why was the law written by men of God who had a marriage covenant with her, another covenant with her and her and her? That might be why it is NOT written that it is foolish for a man to have more than 1 wife, no law written to punish a man who married more than 1 wife, no holiness code written to say it's an abomination to God for a man to have more than 1 wife. We need those written in for it to be wrong so it's a condemnation. Like being gay, sleeping with close family, sleeping with a women who is already married, etc.
@welovehugs1037 4 года назад
every man should marry at least two wives
@shayemoore 4 года назад
No woman will ever allow it. But every woman should marry at least two husbands. One man can't satisfy all of a woman's needs.
@Evld 6 лет назад
It actually said in the bible that God blessed David with many wives. How about that?
@danieldeluca4936 6 лет назад
Oh! These anti-polygynists have a ready answer for that. They like to throw Deut 17:17 at you. What they don't realize is that the word translated "multiply" in many transliterations, is also used in Genesis where God said to "multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it." If they did, they would see that it is ludicrous to think that when God said to multiply, that He meant to have more than one, yet that is exactly how they like to interpret Deut 17:17.
@ricardodelarosa428 6 лет назад
Sin. an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law. "a sin in the eyes of God" There's no law in the scriptures against polygamy yet, Deuteronomy 21:15 instruct of what to do if a man has two wives. So what is this so call pastor talking about but lies.
@designedtocreate8974 5 лет назад
...good point
@JamesYoderIII 5 лет назад
Lets see. . . .How do you explain this: Law of Captives. And seest among the captives a beautiful woman, and hast a desire unto her, that thou wouldest have her to thy wife; Deuteronomy 21:11 This is if the man is married or not. And she shall put the raiment of her captivity from off her, and shall remain in thine house, and bewail her father and her mother a full month: and after that thou shalt go in unto her, and be her husband, and she shall be thy wife. Deuteronomy 21:13 Or this: The Leverite Marriage: If brethren dwell together, and one of them die, and have no child, the wife of the dead shall not marry without unto a stranger: her husband's brother shall go in unto her, and take her to him to wife, and perform the duty of an husband's brother unto her. Deuteronomy 25:5 King James Version (KJV) This is whether the Brother is married or not. And Jesus said nothing against this: 23 The same day came to him the Sadducees, which say that there is no resurrection, and asked him, 24 Saying, Master, Moses said, If a man die, having no children, his brother shall marry his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother. 25 Now there were with us seven brethren: and the first, when he had married a wife, deceased, and, having no issue, left his wife unto his brother: 26 Likewise the second also, and the third, unto the seventh. 27 And last of all the woman died also. 28 Therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven? for they all had her. 29 Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. 30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven. 31 But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying, 32 I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. 33 And when the multitude heard this, they were astonished at his doctrine. Matthew 22:23-33 King James Version (KJV) Jesus did not say this was sin. As for King David his downfall was murder and committing adultery. As for King Solomon his downfall was the marrying of wives that worshiped Strange gods. Not the number of wives he married. Just show me anywhere in the Bible where GOD or anyone said anything against having more than one wife! Or where the Bible says it is a sin. . . . You can not. Do not speak lies. Do the research please! There were many marriages that had one man and several wives. Even GOD identifies as marrying ten wives with the oil lanterns. Wake up!! Truth is truth in the Bible. 5 Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. 6 Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar. Proverbs 30:5-6 King James Version (KJV) 18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. Revelation 22:18-19 Are you keeping the Sabbath?? Sunday is not the Sabbath. You cannot show anywhere in the Bible where Sunday is the Sabbath. Nor can you show anywhere in the Bible where it "allows" man to choose whatever day to be your sabbath. This is a commandment. A strong rule by GOD to keep it holy.
@danieldeluca4936 5 лет назад
I was about to give you a like, until I read that last blurb about keeping the Sabbath.
@justshmoove 5 лет назад
Nonsense, there is no such "decree". Isaiah 4:1 sounds like today's nonsense with feminists & simps.
@ottom.3094 2 года назад
God still allows it today. No where in the new or Old Testament is polygamy ever considered a sin. It’s only the churches who banned it.
@lacthree1 5 лет назад
Poly is not a sin.
@randalwdeese 8 лет назад
This answer is very anecdotal and anachronistic. Theologically it is very weak. Everything that was brought up is easily answerable by consistently applying sound conservative hermeneutics.
@iloveemmandgreat 5 лет назад
So you try to answer it
@MetabolicMuscle 5 лет назад
Scripture bender, SMH
@richmondabredu 5 лет назад
Is a big shame that anytime a pastor or a polygamy critics wants to condemn it they state that polygamists in the Bible faced challenges. If that is the basis to condemn polygamy then what do we say about monogamy marriages that face challenges as well? God gave the Israelites a clear guideline in Exodus 21:10 to follow if a man wishes to take a second wife - "If a man who has married a slave wife takes another wife for himself, he must not neglect the rights of the first wife to food, clothing, and sexual intimacy." Those who speak against polygamy don't know what they are talking about
@clemongoodrich 9 лет назад
2nd Samuel 12-8 King James Bible And I gave thee thy master's house, and thy master's wives into thy bosom, and gave thee the house of Israel and of Judah; and if that had been too little, I would moreover have given unto thee such and such things.
@truthexposed839 6 лет назад
Clemon GoodRich a.K.a. BLACK ICE Who gave?? lol 😂 God?? What God?? The Bible has been influenced by the Greek Jesus,so that’s who gave it to you! Satan!
@danieldeluca4936 6 лет назад
Justice OK, so you don't even believe in God. Your opinion is irrelevant for this forum.
@hoi-polloi1863 Год назад
I always figured that back when 75% of men were slain in battle or eaten by bears, polygamy made a lot more sense.
@paparayg 9 лет назад
(To Beautifulwhitecat) Adultery is someone having sex with someone not your spouse. When you have two wives, how is that adultery when you are married to both?
@lesyoung6910 9 лет назад
Z hAW Ã\ω'6|
@lesyoung6910 9 лет назад
@danieldeluca4936 7 лет назад
(To Ray Grant) You are giving a modern day interpretation of adultery, rather than a Biblical interpretation, which is what we should be doing. Adultery is actually having sex with another man's wife.
@shubhajitchkraborty4018 6 лет назад
a man should marry more than 10-13 woman
@danieldeluca4936 6 лет назад
Only if he can handle that many women.
@DJ80s 8 лет назад
I feel it's important to point out that the scripture used in this video has been completely reworded from it's original source, which also leaves it open to different interpretations because of this manipulation.
@tonyburgessful 5 лет назад
child molestation isn't condemned either.
@mikhite5711 4 года назад
I learned more from the comments than the video.
@danieldeluca4936 Год назад
What did you learn? How can you learn from a video where the Scripture gets twisted like a pretzel?
@candiceguevarra6954 5 лет назад
u didnt answer d question
@danieldeluca4936 5 лет назад
Well they, like so many others, have been misled on this particular topic, and if they had answered this question truthfully, they would have gotten kicked out of their own churches.
@smartwealthy2496 7 лет назад
Do NOT put any OPINION man... Answer it based on bible. If you didn't find the answer in bible, well just let it be.. You don't make your own words as the words of God. Man.. we are the same, you and me we are the same everything and the same nothing. So, do not teach others based on your opinion. Use bible please, unless you just shut that mouth up.
@mensbest6532 4 года назад
The Bible never explicitly states a woman and man may not have sexual intercourse prior to marriage; therefore, no sanction was imposed for premarital sex, but it was considered a violation of custom
@mrjts1984part2 8 лет назад
id like to see a better argument backed up by scripture and not personal opinion. use the scripture please
@danieldeluca4936 7 лет назад
Good luck with that!
@elaraby.mirati613 6 лет назад
Yeah, Todd is just commenting.
@collinsa8909 6 лет назад
There's no direct scripture on smoking and gambling and doing drugs either. Not everything is in the bible. But the mind of God can be known to christian through the Holy Spirit.
@danieldeluca4936 6 лет назад
Or you can just make things up, as you seem to be doing in this instance. There are no recorded instances of anybody doing drugs or smoking in the Scriptures, and gambling is spoken of in Proverbs. If you knew your Bible well enough, you wouldn't make such a ridiculous claim.
@rebeccafrost5542 6 лет назад
Obviously, u didn't listen or U didn't accept the scriptures quoted. Real proof is this, Dear Jesus Christ, I would like to be only wife to ONE HUSBAND. Thank U Lord. Amen. If 1:Corinthians 7:2. Don't work then it's useless conversation with a lustful Christian. Sorry, I'm not worth sharing neither r men. Don't market yourselves so cheaply.
@cad99th 3 года назад
Polygamy is wickedness Polygyny is supported by GOD
@the_danz 10 лет назад
it seemed on the genesis 6 part you assumed that the world became corrupt because of intermingling with those in rebellion against God. if thats what you were saying than i would definitely have to disagree. i know thats not the topic of this video but that statement is far from truth. not to get into too much detail, but the reason God picked noah was not because he was righteous, though he may have very well been, it was because he was "righteous in his generations" in other words his genes had not been altered throughout his line by fallen angels. he and his family were the only genetically uncorrupted humans left. this view of genesis 6 was held by jews and Christians alike until the 3rd century ad. when people like augustine of hippo said it was too bizarre to believe, the view was conveniently dropped by christians
@designedtocreate8974 5 лет назад
Exactly. I stopped watching as soon as he said that, it's so sad how these lies are taught, how can I trust anything else they say!? Even worse some are misled.
@doughensley6202 3 года назад
But Scripture states "Noah found Grace in the sight of the Lord" you can't deny the fact he was chosen because he WAS righteous. Did it include the DNA thing as you described yes. But you can't dismiss the favor of the Lord and being righteous and having found Grace that Scripture states.
@sadieblue9345 7 лет назад
People who practiced polygamy in the bible paid for it. Name one who was blessed for it? God intended for marriage to be between one man and one woman.
@akindelebankole8080 7 лет назад
Sadie Blue Can you give examples of how no wife was paid for, and/or how only additional wives above the first wife was paid for. For example, Jacob paid for his fist, and then paid for his second also.
@akindelebankole8080 7 лет назад
beautiful JESUS I think you have arrived at a critical juncture. The question I have for you is: What is the difference between the believer and the belief he professes? Please take time to think about your experience with how believers engage their belief, then answer the question. Hope to read your answer soon. I'm very curious as to what you think is the right answer. Thank you
@akindelebankole8080 7 лет назад
beautiful JESUS The real answer is, there is no difference between the believer and his God concept. This is proven over and over again. When the believer's God concept is criticised, condemned or belittled, the believer gets upset, goes into a rage verbally and sometimes physically. He threatens his criticizer with hell and often incites violence against others under the pretext of avenging his God, as though his God were defenseless. The believer is thus incapable of separating himself from the belief, because the believer is also the belief and the exact God concept he professes. There is no difference between them. The non believer and none adherents to his belief often waste their time by asking the believer for the proof of his God concept. However, as long as the believer knows he (the believer) exists, then surely his God exists. They are after all, One and the Same. Now, that is the answer. See how easy that is? If you wish, you can test this theory. Say something really horrible about a believer's God concept, and watch him go into the mental deep end. Then you will come to realize the believer himself is the exact belief he professes. He is caught within his own delusion. Once he enters into this delusional mental realm, the vicious cycle of his mental state is increasingly revved up over his lifetime. If he does not catch himself every so often, he can become an unstoppable extremist the causes mayhem on his targets people and places. Hope you get to relax and enjoy this discussion day celebrating the amazing person of Jesus. Blessing you with discernment.
@akindelebankole8080 7 лет назад
beautiful JESUS You know what. we should all show empathy to our fellow human beings. How do you do it? Perhaps your meaning of empathy is different from my meaning. Can you please explain how you do it. Thanks
@sadieblue9345 7 лет назад
Akindele Bankole I wasn't saying they paid for them literally such as with money but spiritually. Look what happened to those who practiced polygamy in the bible. They definitely were not blessed for it. The bible tells us multiple times in the old and new testament how God wants marriage to be. Christians should be living by the new testament and jesus taught us marriage is between one man and one woman. Can anyone give one scripture in the new testament that tells us to have polygamous marriages?
@jeanclaudemalengret 10 лет назад
Do not go beyond what is written. There is not a single condemnation in the bible of polygamy. If you testify before the world that God condemns hit then you testify that every single patriachs family was an abomination. What do you think will come of you on that day when Christ judges the world with all the patriachs at his side. Do you think your condemnation of these men's families will go unnoticed. It is clear from scripture that polygamy was allowed. It was Jewish law that a man was to marry his brothers wife if he died and she had no one to look after her. That went for married men as well. What fearful judgement awaits men who call what God has commanded sin. David after stealing another man's wife was confronted with God. The first thing God said was I would have given you more wives if you had asked, why did you take another man's wife. Clearly God has no problem with polygamy. If you do, keep it to yourself. You have zero scriptural backing and your careless words will be judged on that day in the midst of all the families you have called an abomination.
@jeanclaudemalengret 10 лет назад
What gives you the right to judge the families of the patriachs? Go take 2 husbands, that is your business and between you and God. Don't call me a pig for defending the family structure of our ancestors. Tell me, who is more intolerant? You or I?
@jeanclaudemalengret 10 лет назад
According to my religion only men can have multiple partners. I do not impose this on you. I have no right to tell you how to live. I do however have a right to challenge Christians that defy the clear teachings of the bible and make up their own new rules to suit their western ideals.
@marysunshine2027 10 лет назад
***** Its true..but ya..It cxompletely sucks for us Christian women.. We cant impregnate men and be fruitful and multiply.... Thats why the Muslims are winning..They actually know what the torah says.
@jeanclaudemalengret 10 лет назад
No one is saying anyone has to marry more than one woman. The only point I am making is that if a man says he follows the bible and takes a 2nd wife he is not in contradiction. If a man says he follows the bible but condemns his brother for taking a 2nd wife then he has gone beyond what is written.
@jeanclaudemalengret 10 лет назад
BTW, Hannah. I totally agree with you about Islam and the West needing to grow a spine. Islam is going to bury us while we try be politically correct about everything they do and demand.
@ikennaobasi6631 9 лет назад
False prophets!
@DillonLoomis 6 лет назад
Just because the bible does not explicitly give teaching for or against a certain topic does not mean sed topic is without consequences. The bible bible does not say that heroine abuse is bad and displeasing to the Lord, but through scripture as a whole (and common sense/the Spirit), we know (should know) that it is bad and not pleasing before the Lord. Having multiple wives, while not being explicitly condemned in the word, is very obviously not a wise thing to do.
@danieldeluca4936 6 лет назад
Heroin use is another apples to oranges comparison, because it is never mentioned in the Bible. Monogamy had negative consequences back then, and still does today. With Polygamy we have this practice mentioned several times in the Old Testament without a hint of condemnation, whereas there is not one mention of heroin use in the Bible, simply because heroin didn't ever exist until the 19th century. We can infer from what the Bible has to say about other harmful substances that heroin use (not just abuse) is also displeasing to the Lord; we do not have to read between the lines or make stuff up as we go along. If you want to look at this silly consequences argument, look no further than the strife between Jacob and Esau. Judah lost two sons and his wife, and he was monogamous. The consequence of Elkanah's polygyny, was that a powerful prophet of God was born, and we never hear of any more strife between his two wives after this. This consequences argument is so weak, it is laughable!
@DillonLoomis 6 лет назад
Just because there aren't visible temporal consequences does not mean there will not be eternal consequences. If you in your heart believe that having multiple wives is pleasing to the Lord, you do you my friend. I just don't see how that would yield positive results for anyone involved.
@danieldeluca4936 6 лет назад
OK, well I see no indication in Scripture that the number of wives a man has will have any bearing on what his eternal consequences will be. You are employing the Argument from Personal Ignorance Logical Fallacy when you say that you don't see how [polygyny] would yield positive results. All you have to do is read your Bible to find positive results. I Sam 1:2 for starters. Keep exploring this topic; you may reach a very different conclusion than you thought you would reach. You are not the first to point out that the Bible does not explicitly teach against polygyny.
@danieldeluca4936 6 лет назад
Dillon Loomis please keep us updated on what you have discovered so far with regard to this topic. Have you found any new insights, either for or against your original position? A good healthy honest dialogue could go one of three ways: You inform me of something I was not aware of, which could persuade me to reconsider my views; I might inform you of something that will ultimately lead you to reconsidering your views; or we simply agree to disagree. Ideally, one of the first two directions will occur, but I wouldn't be surprised if you stuck to your guns, and I am sure you wouldn't be surprised if I stuck to mine. The only thing I ask, is that we keep the dialogue respectful. If I post something that you find personally objectionable, feel free to call me out on it, and I will do the same.
@DillonLoomis 6 лет назад
Hey! I would simply add that you should not take all of the OT literally. Jesus coming to earth totally changed everything about rules/regulations and the law because He IS the law and the prophecies fulfilled. I believe it is a risky game to pick out one or two verses and to take them at face value - if you do that then we should still be stoning all people who engage in homosexual acts. My question to you would be have you prayed to the Lord specifically about this topic? If you came to that conclusion on your own, that's one thing. If you have genuinely with an open heart asked the Lord for wisdom and discernment regarding this matter, that's another. Matthew 19:5 also says the TWO shall become one flesh. Not the three or four...
@ritabrandow3750 6 лет назад
I will look it up and verify it. All throught the new test. It says to only have one wife. Also it says to abstain from those who forbid to marry and not eat meat
@danieldeluca4936 6 лет назад
Nowhere in the NT does it say to only have one wife, unless you desire to be a deacon, bishop, or elder!
@israelsprince 6 лет назад
This is straight BS
@Xyusernameee 2 года назад
God allows this in the beggining to multiply nations/people…
@mrmonay Год назад
False. God made no mention of allowing it or disallowing it, or giving it any specific reason, you and other people have DECIDED that. God frankly didn't speak much at all on it, he did say in Ex 21:10 if you take a second, you have to treat them both fairly. God speak on MARRIAGE quite a bit. Everything he says about the 1st marriage applies to the 2nd, 3rd, and beyond if you feel so driven to. This is why he likely didn't have much to say about polygyny, because it's ALL 1 marriage. A man with 2 wives, has 2 (1 man 1 woman) covenants with God. No need to be redundant in scripture when God lays out exactly how marriage is supposed to be, apply that same scripture to the 2nd marriage, and you're good to go.
@thrushman 6 лет назад
God never allowed Polygamy. No where in the bible was it acceptable for a women to have more than one husband. The correct term is "Polygyny" which is specific to a man having more than one wife at one time. God blessed Israel and from his two wives and their two handmaids (Israel's concubines) came his 12 son's. So God must not have had as much of a problem with Polygyny that most modern people seem to have with it.
@richmondabredu 5 лет назад
What you are referring to is 'polyandry' a woman having more husbands which is not allowed anywhere in Scripture like you rightly said. People misspell polygyny with polygamy which has become a norm.
@hentbust4204 5 лет назад
Are u trying to say that fornication is ok? Having sex with concubines is a sin wtf😭😭😭 that’s fornication sir. And the polygyny is a sin that let to fornication (bringing in concubines) both his wives battled for his love & were jealous of each other. Goodbye
@hentbust4204 5 лет назад
Richmond Gabby A Polyandry relationship actually was mentioned once in the bible and it was very frowned upon.
@danieldeluca4936 Год назад
@@hentbust4204 Polygyny is not a sin, and it does not lead to fornication. Jehoida brought two wives to King Joash, and there is no record of him ever having concubines. A wife does not win her husband's love by battling it out with her sister wife; she does so by bringing him cheer, and if two wives are both trying to bring their husband cheer, it is a good thing! Jealousy occurs in monogamy as well, and it is just as sinful in monogamy as it is in polygyny.
@Peter-tg9zv Год назад
Kinda wild that some Christians can claim to believe the Bible and also claim that polygamy is a sin. Cognitive dissonance is very interesting.
@stevewinkle101 8 лет назад
Deuteronomy 17:17 teaches against polygamy.
@vickib.6704 8 лет назад
This verse applies to Kings specifically. However, with that said, Polygamy was not condemned by YHWH, as it was "allowed," but it definitely wasn't commanded nor encouraged. It's presence in Torah as statutes and right-rulings had more to do with the fact that the "mix-multitude" coming out of Egypt surely included the Israelite children having more than one wife. We would all do well to remember the words of Yahushuah when he said, "...but in the beginning it was not so." (referring to the marriage/divorce issue). We need to desire YHWH's PERFECT will and not his PERMISSIVE will. :)
@vickib.6704 8 лет назад
+michael evanson So are you saying that YHWH would have said yes to David if he had just asked Him for Uriah's wife??? That goes against יהוה's own commandments and makes Him a liar. Deuteronomy 17.17 specifically says that Kings are NOT to multiply wives. This is יהוה's ordinance. Man cannot remake His laws.
@whitneybrown9677 7 лет назад
The king must not take many wives for himself, because they will turn his heart away from the LORD. And he must not accumulate large amounts of wealth in silver and gold for himself.
@danieldeluca4936 7 лет назад
Vicki B. Desiring God's perfect will has nothing to do with polygyny or monogamy, but has to do with nonconformity to the world, and renewing one's mind, which one does by hiding God's Word in their hearts. You make a gross presumption if you think that God's Perfect will has anything to do with how many wives are in a given marriage.
@danieldeluca4936 7 лет назад
stevewinkle101 A text without a context is a pretext.
@mohammadsaeed3494 3 года назад
If one can’t express himself/herself in simple words than he/she is only bluffing & deceiving. The fact is that the only book on the face of earth which put limit to the number of wives is Quran where Allah says “ Marry women of your choice, Two or three or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one “
@NoOneButJesus 3 года назад
The Quran also says to beat them senseless if they disobey their husbands, so clearly the Quran is NOT the word of God.
@eavesdropswhispers2598 6 лет назад
The act of polygamy doesn't seem to be a problem, it's rather what you do with it and how it came to being. The amount of relationships you have seems arbitrary. A relationship is not just a thing when you put words to it, it's the way you interact with someone, let's say someone that you are close to(sex is not a necessity). Is it wrong to be close to multiple people if you can provide each one of them with the attention they deserve, need and that you are able to give, without giving God the time He deserves. It's up to each individual to be truthful to him/herself and God. That seems to me the only right way, but please tell me if I'm wrong.
@danieldeluca4936 6 лет назад
Nope! You are not wrong at all. Thanks for your contribution!
@PCWcaretta 6 лет назад
your only picking and choosing scriptures read it as a whole God didn't strike any of them dead for having wife's and concubines.. also adultery only applied to the women not the men Gods holy people had more then one wife..smh
@zacharytatum-edwards9953 6 лет назад
I laughed so hard when he said i cant even keep up with 1 ... Bruh i feel u .. 😂... 2 united equals 3 . more wives means more childern more responsibility... Not necessarily more happiness ... But i do believe u would be in more Favor ... If intention and ❤ r pure of thought thru Christ in his understanding ... Sometimes less is more
@danieldeluca4936 6 лет назад
So this guy can only keep up with one. I don't believe God wants every man to have multiple wives. Certainly not someone who cannot keep up with one. Perhaps he should not have gotten married in the first place, if he cannot keep up with the one he has. Clearly not all men are required to get married. Jesus spoke of some men who are eunuchs. He never spoke of women who never marry. Paul only spoke of women remaining unmarried who were divorced from their husbands, and he never said that the divorced husband cannot remarry. Some men can handle one wife. Some cannot. Some men can handle multiple wives. God has given different men different gifts.
@maunder01 3 года назад
@@danieldeluca4936 are you saying the wife divorced can not remarry for any reason?
@danieldeluca4936 3 года назад
@@maunder01 I will refer you to some NT Scriptures: Matt 5:32, I Cor 7:10-11, 39 and Rom 7:2-3
@stargirl3459 3 года назад
It breaks my heart when i see beautiful women made in the images of God, beautiful soul , wasting their potential and worth by marrying a polygamous man. I am not that cute but a polygamous relationship is too cheap for me . Your are too pretty to be with a polygamous man , thats it
@ivanpanic63 7 лет назад
In Genssis 6 Talks about Nephilims which is the mix betwen fallen angels and people,which book of Enoch celary sad!
@danieldeluca4936 7 лет назад
@designedtocreate8974 5 лет назад
False teachers.
@NoOneButJesus 3 года назад
Polygamy is a form of adultery, and God condemned adultery way back in the 10 Commandments. It's as simple as that.
@paparayg 9 лет назад
This is a very weak explanation. Rom 7:7 What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet. There was no law that prohibited polygamy therefore polygamy was not a sin in God's sight. To quote troubles in a polygamous marriage is ridiculous because monogamous marriages also have their share of problems: How about the current divorce rate in the USA. The "one wife" mandates in the Bible only apply to church leadership and is misused when applied to everyone else. These two guys are just expressing their bias against polygamy taught to them their whole lives. They are NOT expressing biblical truth!
@headlinenewsrant5134 8 лет назад
+Ray Grant amein
@smartwealthy2496 7 лет назад
Ray Grant EXACTLY. They did not talk based on bible.
@danieldeluca4936 7 лет назад
Escorpion Venenoso where is your Biblical support for this position? Without Biblical support, it is safe to assume that you are just spouting personal opinion.
@epinoob22 6 лет назад
Ray Grant my question is why would a man want multiple wives anyway? Wouldn't he want to pour all his love and affection into 1 special person? I can't understand how he can love both if not more the same way he loves the 1. Nor do I understand why God would allow an anomaly like that to happen?
@danieldeluca4936 6 лет назад
Epinoob22 There are a variety of reasons why a man might want multiple wives, and Scripture spells many of them out for us: Abraham wanted a child and his wife gave Hagar to him as a wife. He did not love Sarah any less because he had a second wife. Sarah was special enough to him to be promised to bear the child of promise. Jacob found himself married to the wrong woman through no fault of his own. He simply wanted to be married to a different woman, and yet he kept the woman he did not truly desire to have as a wife. For obvious reasons, Jacob did not want to pour all of his love and affection into Leah, as he certainly did not see her as one special person. He also took Bilhah and Zllpah, simply because his wives wanted them to bear more children for Jacob. He did this to please them. Esau married two different women, and we are not told why, but we are told why he married Basemath. He saw that his parents were displeased with his choice when they sent Jacob back to Padan Arram to find a wife there, and he wanted to please his parents. Lamech and Elkanah, likewise do not have any reasons given for their polygyny, but Elkanah is not said to love both his wives in the same way that he loved the one. Abimelech took Sarah, and although he never consummated with her, we are told his reasons for wanting her, namely that she was beautiful. David took Abigail because she was beautiful and had just recently been widowed, in addition to the fact that she had shown kindness to David and his men. The rest of his wives, he took as a symbol of God establishing him as king, with exception of course to Bathsheba, whom he took because he saw that she was beautiful. In that instance, he lusted after another man's wife, which Jesus said was considered to be committing adultery in one's heart. Joash took two wives simply because Jehoiada, the priest, procured them for him. We are not told why Asher Simeon, Caleb Reheboam, Abijah, or many of the judges took multiple wives, but we are told that Reheboam favored Maacah, the daughter of Absalom, so as in the case of Jacob, he did not love them all the same as he loved the one. The only fallout, was that Rachel was barren until Jacob was 98, but we don't see that happening with Maacah. The reason God would allow, what you refer to as an anomaly, which was not so much of an anomaly in that culture, is because the women were all unmarried, Bathsheba notwithstanding. So long as these men did not take a woman who belonged to another man, they were not committing adultery. This was the dilemma that the Sadducees hoped to trap Jesus in. If those men all had the same wife, and she did not bear children for any of them, which of those brothers had the right to claim her as his own? Jesus' answer was simple: none of them can claim her, and then he explained why before elaborating about the resurrection. I hope this is as comprehensive of an answer to all your questions as you are looking for. If not, let me know, and if you have further questions, please feel free to ask.
@qetoun 4 года назад
If you believe that Christians are under the Torah, then yes, polygamy is lawful.
@calligraphyqueen 9 лет назад
How is there so much argument by men, for the ability to have sex and make multiple children with multiple women? How is a woman completely loved if her husband's time and attention is divided amongst whichever woman can best feed His lust that night? Do not be deceived, this particular and peculiar behavior benefits ONLY the man, and then ONLY his sexual appetite-not his soul. A woman deserves to be loved entirely, in all the definitions that the Greek has for the word love. As Christ loved us. Completely. No man is capable of such selflessness divided amongst many women and children. A good man struggles to love even one person other than self, it is a battle against his flesh. No man is omnipresent like God. Woman does not deserve to have her love divided amongst many women to share like a pie. Her kids deserve a full time father, not one splintered amongst the pettiness and jealousy that will naturally happen when something this precious is debased to mere sexual interaction for the man. This is no different than the man with many mistresses in different places, or the man with identities that he uses to marry in various states. All adultery, all insult to any woman who risks her heart loving him. Add to this so many cults tell the woman that she is so inferior that her only way to heaven is through a man's sexual approval of how well she subjugated herself to him,and his mistresses-which is all they are. This benefits no woman, of that we are clear. So to know this and support it anyway is a clear violation of dying to self, which all men are called to do. The original church did not teach this, the apostles themselves as bishops were unmarried.. What may have been tolerated then culturally, meaning you didn't get struck dead, does not make it Ideal. What is ideal, what is selfless in marriage? Certain not plural marriage. For any man to argue for such shows a depth of depravity wherein only his needs and wants are paramount. We are merely pushing the boundaries of Gods grace, not honoring Him.
@ryanehlis426 9 лет назад
Sounds like a self centered feminist? I dont care who you are, Gods word clearly shows many times where God caused men to have more than one wife. The wives in plural marriage form strong bonds and love and support one another, they thrive on having a girlfriend in the house! I am not talking about cults, i am talking about christian, biblical, plural marriage!
@calligraphyqueen 9 лет назад
No Ryan, I am not now, nor have I ever been a feminist. The very ideas are revolting. Yet that is but one extreme of many. You can't go around calling people "feminist"simply because they know about being the feminine more so than you. Women do most assuredly NOT benefit from sharing their families most intimate details, and most intimate partner with other women. That is entirely ludicrous! And no, GOD did not give men many wives, men in their foolish selfish lusts TOOK many wives unto themselves. Historically, especially in OT times, wives were legally taken as political bargaining chips-and were not actively involved with the person in question. Abraham was pushed into taking his wife's handmaiden as an extension of his wife-as things worked back then. He did not describe joy at having done so. Difference in using OT examples that were not true Jewish marriage, as opposed to promised betrothal. Not ONE of Christ's apostles had multiple wives at once, nor did any of their successors. And those were the closest to the living fleshly embodiment of God. It benefits no one in the current understanding, which is naught but multiple sex partners. And multiple sex partners in the every day world has consequences not altered by a hand-fasting ceremony. Its wrong, not ideal, and disrespectful to the soul of a real God fearing woman.
@ryanehlis426 9 лет назад
calligraphyqueen 2 SAMUEL 12:8 CLEARLY! God gave David his wives unless you want to deny scripture? You need to quit cherry picking Gods word to fit our corrupt westernized world view. Biblical plural marriage is not an "orgie" The husband has a magnanimous relationship with each wife. And yes plural marriage was still practiced in the Jewish community when Jesus walked the earth and he never called it sin! I am not encouraging anyone to have multiple wives but at the same time if God calls a man to have more than one wife no one has any business discriminating against them, or calling them sinners! Jesus family line was full of polygamist! Abraham, Jacob, Boaz, Gideon ect. Truth is most often it is women who organize into plural families! Not the man! It is an act of love and charity for a husband and wife to take in a sister wife! Forced monogamy came from the Roman empire and roman catholic church, so it is a pagan custom not from our Lord. Jacob and his 4 wives gave birth to the Nation of Israel, without which there be no Jesus! Even Jesus in the parable of the wise and foolish virgins depicts himself as a polygamist. I be happy to see one of my daughters be a 2nd wife to a good godly man, She have a husband and a BFF sister wife :)
@infoguy1978 8 лет назад
+calligraphyqueen men are lusting now and watching porn and commiting adultery behind your back. polygamy would greatly reduce these urges and strengthen the family unit. men do have lust. so what? we are sexual creatures. if you prefer to live i a fairy tale land where one guys will only have eyes for you forever go ahead. by the way when a man sleeps with one of his few wives she receives pleasure as well. you make it sound like only he gets something out of it.
@gisellekateerteatime 8 лет назад
These men will NEVER connect with that pain, it will always be about themselves, their wants and needs.....
@smartwealthy2496 7 лет назад
I am christian and for sure i disagree if polygamy is prohibited. I am pretty sure that I'll not end up with polygamy. I just wanna tell you guys; dont put your words on God's mouth. Anything that He never mention, dont you ever try to mention it. Shut your mouth up, if you dont have the right answer. Just dont you ever answering something by your guts.
@thebeanpatch2280 5 лет назад
You have to remember that Christian pastors do not normally teach from the Bible they normally teach from whatever school that they attended I’ve met mini mini Christian pastors who have never even read most of the scriptures in context that they preach on. I’m not even sure if they know they’re talking about polygyny instead of polygamy
@j-mshistorycorner6932 5 лет назад
I see just about everyone else has explained to you why your video is utterly bogus.
@theresawebb8064 Год назад
God said if David had wanted more wives, hed of gave them to him, the issue was. Taking another's wife and murder, if God wanted just one wife from the beginning, why'd he say he'd of given David more? The bible says God changes not
@robertdavidson9674 Год назад
In Ezekiel 23 God declares Himself to have two wives: Ohalah and Ohalibah. So based on this man's logic, God is a sinner. Is God going to model something sinful for us? Not very likely. He said: "every time there is multiple marriage...every time...without exception...there is chaos, there is a lack of blessing...there is always trouble that comes with it." So without exception would include Rachel and Leah, right? No blessing there, right? Here's how God evaluated all that chaos, and trouble and lack of blessing in Ruth 4:11 -- "May the Lord make the woman (Ruth) who is cominig into our home like Rachel and Leah, both of whom built the house of Israel...." All these multiple wives did was "build the house of Israel" -- no blessing there, right pastor. In any topical or doctrinal study we're supposed to collect all the relevant passages into one basket and then integrate them. Instead you read two passages -- Genesis 2 and Matthew 19 and commit the informal fallacy of Hasty Generalization: One man for one woman. Then based on that faulty conclusion you have to explain away all the rest of the Biblical data that contradicts your Hasty Generalization. So what's the purpose? Is it just so men can have a big harem? God gives at least three reasons: 1) As noted, God did it (Ez 23) and we're supposed to imitate God. 2) Hebrews 3 uses Moses taking a 2nd wife (Num 12:1,7) as a type or illustratin of Jesus' care for all the individuals in his body/bride. 3) Isaiah 4:1,2 shows it as God's means of washing "away the filthiness of the daughters of Zion" and ensuring that they all have a canopy of "protection from the storm and the rain." The human means (Is 4:1) is exegetically bound to the Divine means (Is 4:2) of accomplishing this purpose.
@mrmonay Год назад
It always cracks me up to hear the argument "well look at all the examples of how it CAUSED problems" ... i'm sorry but did monogamy cause the fall of man? They were the first monogamous couple, in PERFECT conditions, with zero issues between them, and they led us to the fall. Do we blame monogamy? Of course not, that would be monumentally stupid. Yet these PASTORS are out here making moronic claims like this and there's no one ever on these shows or talks to push back on them. Hope that changes soon, certainly seems like this topic is picking up momentum these days. Good to see other men/women out there who have actually done the work getting into the debate.
@healthenations4221 6 лет назад
Thank you :) tje example about the lifes of this guys is really clarifying
@danieldeluca4936 6 лет назад
They left out so many men who had multiple wives, who did not have any problems whatsoever, it is not even funny.
@toughbiblepassages9082 2 года назад
See my channel for actual scripture
@mrmonay Год назад
@@danieldeluca4936 just 35+ or so ... no big deal :)
@jaymichaelmichaels 8 лет назад
thank you for this, it really helped me in my search for understanding God fully.
@danieldeluca4936 7 лет назад
How so...confirming your biased preconceived notions? If anything, you should learn something by reading the comments myself and others have made.
@damianwhite504 Год назад
Codswallop, you speak CODSWALLOP
@PolyPride3 9 лет назад
For those Christians who like to claim that the OT rules no longer apply, please explain where you get the idea of monogamous marriage from. Best argument I've heard against polygamy was Matthew 19 in which Jesus got the idea from the OLD Testament. But there he was trying to restrict serial monogamy which is far different than polygamy with NO divorce involved. Otherwise, why didn't Jesus have to include "divorce" into the equation rather than also saying if you REMAIN married and marry a SECOND wife?
@danieldeluca4936 7 лет назад
The Lord has revealed to me that these people who are trying to use Matthew 19, are conveniently ignoring one of the verses in that passage. It jumped right out at me: "So then they are NO LONGER two, but ONE". If that is true, then there is no third entity. You would have to separate what God joined together in order to return to "two", which Jesus clearly said not to do, in order to come up with three. Keep in mind that we know, not only from Josephus, but also from the challenge from the Sadducees, that there were people in the audience whom Jesus spoke to, who had multiple wives. Jesus' statement on divorce applied to both monogamous and polygamous men. Let's do a thought experiment. Suppose Jesus had said, "..the three become one." Would that not make divorce acceptable for a man with only one wife? Would that not make all monogamous marriages invalid? Of course Jesus said, "...the two become one flesh." To say otherwise, would have been preposterous! However, the way Jesus spoke of this, ensured that putting away any of a man's wives, should he have multiple wives, would also be considered separating what God joined together.
@twhite6692 6 лет назад
Nothing wrong with it never was (from a biblical perspective) can be chaotic as one can imagine, and 1 wife in priest service in the bible is strongly suggested as it should to be
@JamesYoderIII 5 лет назад
If you look at the Greek it actually says the husband of the FIRST wife. Study man!
@danieldeluca4936 5 лет назад
@@JamesYoderIII It's still a good idea. We don't want to be like the FLDS, where the leader gets all the women.
@bryansolano8703 6 лет назад
I have a question is marrying your cousin a sin ?????????
@danieldeluca4936 6 лет назад
I have an answer, "No"! Why? Do you have a cousin that you fancy?
@glorious6779 6 лет назад
This was great. Always wondered why women couldn't have more than one husband 😂👌
@danieldeluca4936 6 лет назад
This was not great, but it is typical of our Christian leaders when it comes to this topic. Your comment makes me scratch my head a bit. You really want to have multiple husbands. Did not Paul say that the husband is the head? So if you have two heads, and they disagree with each other, to whom do you submit?
@glorious6779 6 лет назад
Daniel DeLuca lLol, just relax legalist.
@danieldeluca4936 6 лет назад
OK, if you want to claim that I am a legalist, you have to point out where I added requirements to godly living not found in Scripture. Paul clearly said that a woman who is married to a second man while her husband is still living is an adulteress woman.
@danieldeluca4936 6 лет назад
Read Rom 7:2 and I Cor 7:39. It is not legalistic to uphold what Scripture clearly teaches.
@gideonmlewa9819 Год назад
Polygamy is allowed even in the New Testament.Only Bishops and Deacons should have one wife(1 Timothy 3:2-12)
@gideonmlewa9819 Год назад
The rest of us Christians can marry more than one wife as only Bishops and Deacons are the ones prohibited from polygamy
What does the bible say about Polygamy?
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