
Why Does God Choose Some and Not Others? 

Desiring God
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Ask Pastor John
Episode: 1320
Transcript: www.desiringgo...



29 сен 2024




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@desiringGod 2 года назад
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@theonetrueking2685 2 года назад
God chooses everyone - and they have to choose Him back. Not too complicated, really. Bible says it's His wish that NONE should perish and all should come to repentance. Choosing Him back means being born again first, receiving the Holy Spirit as the second impartation of God's spirit - most of the church doesn't understand this including famous pastors - and third we must be obedient. He doesn't change - the wages of sin is death. Usually when I start hearing the sovereignty of God junk I am ready for the next bunch of lies. He IS sovereign and as such He decided to put His word above His name and keep covenants with man. He says "You do this and I'll do this" and He also says "You don't do this and I won't do this" and He also says "Do wrong and be destroyed." The end.
@James_no_hell Год назад
Bunch of Bologna! God does not reject anyone!
@James_no_hell Год назад
@@theonetrueking2685 "Born again" is" belief"
@biblesverses8228 Год назад
​@@theonetrueking2685😮😮😮😮😮😮😮look😅😮😅😅😅😮😮😅😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮look look look over loop🔁🔁🔁🔁🔁🔁
@AlexisLeffew 5 лет назад
All I can say is, I don't make the rules, but thank the LORD that He chose to save me out of my wickedness!
@abisamraj4408 5 лет назад
One of the lucky bitches
Faith is not luck, it is not by chance, it’s from a merciful and graceful GOD.
@MrBazinthenow 5 лет назад
@@thetruthtrumpsallliesfromt4399 Eternal life is the Gift , not faith. We can all exercise faith.
MrBazinthenow I don’t believe what you said pertains to anything I’ve said. Yes, Eternal Life is from GOD The Father through the sacrificial death of His Begotten Son. Love GOD with all your heart, mind, body and soul and continue to walk humbly with our Father. Love mercy and do justly.
@MrBazinthenow 5 лет назад
@@thetruthtrumpsallliesfromt4399The Faith ( trust ) for salvation is something we do , then that is acceptable to God and Eternal life is given.
@PeacefulPresence777 4 года назад
He who has EAR, let him hear what the spirit says.
@Hommo_Cosmicus 3 года назад
You mean wheat.
@Hommo_Cosmicus 3 года назад
I cant see your response here in this thread tho
@underwaves75 3 года назад
We need faith in Gods incorruptible word to hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church. These two lessons by John Doerr on what it means to truly be born again are very liberating! The Trueth of the real Jesus Christ’s gospel of grace toward the sinner has been hidden by Rome’s Jesuits and scholars, who work tirelessly to cast doubt on the Word of God. The devil has deceived the whole world. (Rev 12:9) ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-E5TDOs_tLpQ.html - born again basics pt1 ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-lwj78N080cw.html - born again basics pt2 Romans 8:2 “For the law of the spirit of life, in Christ Iesus, hath made me free from the law of sinne and death.” The fundamental problem is the corruption of Gods word. In this link you can find a lesson on the unbroken testimony of Jesus Christ in the English language which is found in the authorized version of 1611. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-C9lIWdQ0rc0.html 2 Corinthians 2:17 “For wee are not as many which corrupt the word of God: but as of sinceritie, but as of God, in the sight of God speake we in Christ.”
@edijares1543 4 года назад
For those who believe that we have free will; God is sovereign. We cannot twist God’s arm and change His mind. His plan and purpose will happen no matter how much “free will” you have. We are depraved and we cannot discern salvation unless God draws us to Jesus (John 6:44). We only have human will (the will to sin).
@coreyfriend1 4 года назад
I disagree with the claim that God doesn't choose to give life to all. "You have given him authority over all flesh, to give eternal life to all whom you have given him." - John 17:2 "God is the Savior of all men, especially of those that believe." - 1 Tim 4:10
@robertbalogh9898 4 года назад
Corey Friend ...to all, WHOM YOU HAVE GIVEN TO ME....and NOT all, who live on earth!
@coreyfriend1 4 года назад
Robert Balogh The context of “all you have given me” 17:2b appears to be “authority over all flesh,” 17:2a which would be universal authority (Matt 28:18). Elsewhere, we likewise find that the “Father” has “given all things to Jesus.” “Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he had come from God and was going back to God,” (John 13:3). “The Father loves the Son and has given all things into his hand,” (John 3:35). God bless!
@robertbalogh9898 4 года назад
Corey Friend there is difference between authority and grace...if Jesus died for the sins of all men on earth, why is it that still many go to hell?
@mikerutkowski7265 4 года назад
Corey Friend Ask yourself why you are believing that a particular person is anointed to preach the Good News of the Gospel? If you believe that they are anointed to preach the Good News this then means that you believe Jesus appointed them to do so? Do you really believe that Jesus gave them His authority to do this? Do you understand that every Messenger that was appointed by Jesus could cast the sickness out of EVERYONE who needed healing? So if you believe that Jesus gave this person His authority and appointed them to explain scripture, do you believe that they now possess the same power that Jesus and His apostles did? “Then He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases. He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. And He said to them, “Take nothing for the journey, neither staffs nor bag nor bread nor money; and do not have two tunics apiece. “Whatever house you enter, stay there, and from there depart. And whoever will not receive you, when you go out of that city, shake off the very dust from your feet as a testimony against them.” So they departed and went through the towns, preaching the gospel and healing everywhere.” ‭‭Luke‬ ‭9:1-6‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ “And through the hands of the apostles many signs and wonders were done among the people. And they were all with one accord in Solomon’s Porch. Yet none of the rest dared join them, but the people esteemed them highly. And believers were increasingly added to the Lord, multitudes of both men and women, so that they brought the sick out into the streets and laid them on beds and couches, that at least the shadow of Peter passing by might fall on some of them. Also a multitude gathered from the surrounding cities to Jerusalem, bringing sick people and those who were tormented by unclean spirits, and they were all healed.” ‭‭Acts‬ ‭5:12-16‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ Next, do you understand that when Jesus forgave a persons sins that the person was then healed of their sickness or disability? So do you understand that this means that if you are someone who can get sick then you are a sinner who has been deceived by the devil and you are not following God and His commands? Do you understand this also means that you are following the teachings of some deceived soul who has given you their misguided interpretations of scripture and that you are not following Jesus as He commanded? If you are having trouble trying to understand what I am relating to you then look here: Psalm 107:17. “Fools, because of their transgression, And because of their iniquities, were afflicted.” Know what this means? First transgressions, it means an act that goes against a rule, a law or a code of conduct. Next iniquity, it means a wicked act or thing, sin. Finally, affliction, it means something that causes persistent pain or suffering. Translated it is saying that you are a fool if you do not follow God’s laws and commands and you go and sin because you will then have pain, suffering and sickness. So this means that if you are someone who can get sick or someone who is currently suffering then you are a sinner who is not following God and you are simply following the devil lies. ‬ Next, do you understand that the devil is very deceptive and that he will use a person who lacks true knowledge of scripture and he will have them try and explain their misguided interpretations of scripture in order to lead others astray? Do you understand that it may seem like this person is very knowledgeable about scripture but the reality and truth is that the message that they are preaching is simply a lie? And finally, do you understand that if you believe this false message that you are then condemning yourself to an eternity in hell? I am writing these things because I am a disciple who has been sanctified in God’s truth directly by Jesus Himself and I am warning deceived believers of the error of their ways. If you are not living a life that is free of sickness, fears, worries and stress then you do not even know God or the peace that He truly brings. You are simply a misguided believer who is following the devil and one of his many false teachers here on the Internet or at some local church that you probably attend. Understand that the majority of people who talk about Jesus and the gospel are simply deceived souls or motivational speakers and most are using the gospel to benefit financially. Run as fast as you can from any person who is asking you to either like or subscribe to their videos and run from any person who says they believe this is what the Holy Spirit is relating to them in a vision or a dream. Run also from any person who states that they think or believe that this is what a particular scripture means. Any person who has been sanctified in God’s truth would never say such things since they would know without a doubt what the Holy Spirit has taught and related to them. Now does the person that is explaining scripture or their dreams to you ever get sick? Have you seen any of their family members ever get sick? Understand that any person that has been sanctified in God’s truth can never get sick ever again since they have faced all of the devils lies and deceptions and they have overcome sin. If you believe that a person is being guided by the Holy Spirit simply because they are talking about Jesus, their dreams or the gospel, then you are clearly a fool who lacks knowledge of scripture and you are someone who the devil can easily deceive. Any true disciple of God will always relate that a believer needs to learn God’s truth directly from Jesus Himself and so they will instruct you to follow Jesus and not to follow them. They will also relate how you need to surrender your will to the Holy Spirit so that the Spirit can teach you how to overcome sin. They will explain that if you do not overcome sin then you cannot live a sick free sinless life in this evil world nor will you inherit the eternal blessings of God. Now any true apostle of God on the other hand will possess the same power as Jesus did and he will then be able to cast the sickness out of everyone who comes to him. Not just some here or there but everyone. So now ask yourself once again if you really believe that the person that you are following is qualified to talk about God and scripture or are you simply being deceived by a minister for the devil? “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.” ‭‭II Corinthians‬ ‭11:13-15‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ “Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness. And you know that He was manifested to take away our sins, and in Him there is no sin. Whoever abides in Him does not sin. Whoever sins has neither seen Him nor known Him. Little children, let no one deceive you. He who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous. He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God.” ‭‭I John‬ ‭3:4-9‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ “We know that whoever is born of God does not sin; but he who has been born of God keeps himself, and the wicked one does not touch him.” ‭‭I John‬ ‭5:18‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ “To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.” ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭3:21‬ ‭NKJV “And He said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts. He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son. But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭21:6-8‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
@coreyfriend1 4 года назад
Robert Balogh I believe people experience postmortem punishment from God for not trusting in Jesus. This in no way contradicts the fact that He is the Savior of all men especially of those who believe (1 Tim 4:10) nor His mission to reconcile all things to Himself (Col 1:15-20, Eph 1:10-11). So did Jesus die to make all righteous? According to Romans 5:18-19, the same group that received condemnation from Adam receives righteousness by Christ. Likewise, according to John 3:17 and 12:47, Christ came to save the world. In conclusion, Jesus truly is the Savior of the world (John 4:42, 1 John 4:14). God bless!
@chrisdean6700 2 года назад
The Bible says, "Whosoever may come & drink of the waters of life freely." Jesus said, "He that believeth on Me as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water." God doesn't should who He'll save & who He won't. We choose that by faith & obedience. Obey Acts 2:38 & be saved!@
@MrPatdeeee Год назад
"Why Does God Choose Some and Not Others?" Kind Sir, you're using the word "Choice" is not the way, God meant them. IE: 1. Every Born Again IS "chosen". And every NON Born Again is NOT a choice of God. Unless they become Born Again's, before their death.. 2. So how dose any one become Born Again? Well Jesus said this in... John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave of his self (and it's called) "Begotten" Son; that whosoever believes in Him; should not perish (in hell); but have everlasting life. Thus, IF any person (from Creation) believes IN the true God Almighty*; they immediately become Born Again forever. But NOT a 2nd fleshly Birth. Rather; a Heavenly, Spiritual Birth. Praise Jesus! * The first name of the true God was "YHWH" (Or "Jehovah") for 2,000 yrs (of 4,000 yrs ago). But those names were destroyed; when God created the "2nd Covenant"; because of the "Abominable Sins" of the Jews. And He said to Mary (pregnant), "Ye shall name Him Yeshua (in Hebrew)". And that's "Jesus" (in English). This makes Jesus; the ONLY true God Almighty; for the last 2,000 yrs. End of Story and I rest me case... ...In any case kind Sir, Please Pray OFTEN and Praise Jesus OFTEN; for He is the ONLY true "God Almighty"; there will ever have been. And may Jesus bless you and yours always. AMEN!
@davidcruz8057 2 года назад
The question should be, why does God create human beings rejected, destined from day one to be tortured in hell for eternity? Why would a supposedly good God have such desires that could only be fulfilled by the eternal suffering of humans that He never gave the choice to do good?
@adamberry5378 5 лет назад
Many are called = conviction Few are chosen = those who accept the calling. No-one is predestined to hell. Conviction will come upon all men but few will accept the calling.
@archangel0564 4 года назад
Adam Berry- That's the best explanation that I've ever heard on this topic. Thank you
@thanamesny7807 4 года назад
Wow thanks for the breakdown.
@TheJpep2424 4 года назад
Most are never convicted
@codymathews2998 4 года назад
But isn't that a condition for election? I thought Calvinism taught that election is unconditional and not based on what we do?
@Dafighter23 4 года назад
I kindly disagree. Read Romans 6 or 2 Corinthians 4:6. You were spiritually dead. Any quickening or spiritual awakening you get comes by the mercy and grace of God. Your flesh could never fully desire to want a relationship with our Creator and the law proved that.
@trippbomshell5590 3 года назад
I'm definitely more than grateful that He chose to save me from years of drugs, alcohol and so many other addictions as well as so many potential serious accidents!! Praise God 4 all eternity
@lb7625 2 года назад
Please change your profile picture, Abstain from all apearance of evil, please Honestly Confess Jesus As Lord with your mouth And Believe He Died And That God Rose Him From The Dead,turn away from swearing, using God's Name in vain, making and having images that are supposed to be Them, using electronics too much, decieving, Praying to statues,Mary,Saints,Angels...,lying, over eating and over drinking, magic, negative music, selfish ambitions, laziness, pride,lust,hate,gossip,cigars,drugs,video games,movies,anime,idolatry(obssesions,un healthy connections to something,someone,addictions..) and that kind of stuff, Be Baptised, Dedicate yourself To God Fully,Obey Him And Trust In Him And Jesus
@lb7625 2 года назад
@@Alexander-ss3su don't joke like that, do you believe In God at all?
@luxyluz2442 2 года назад
@paulpatriot1776 2 года назад
@@Alexander-ss3su I pray you will be free from your bondage, addiction and slavery of substance abuse (worship) Turn in repentance to Jesus whom he sets free is indeed. Today is the day of salvation, you are not promised tomorrow.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@paulpatriot1776 2 года назад
Amen! The Son also set me free from addiction. Praise be the Name of Jesus forever!🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙏
@haydenmark4662 Год назад
I lost my family because of my addiction.. I am presently alive.. Healthy and not incarcerated. For that I give God the glory. 🙏🏽
@reneeroth4045 Год назад
God's Blessings Always, my Brother.. Indeed, praise the Lord.
@deechamberlain2327 Год назад
Jesus is o😅ur savior the bible is our life book ❤❤😅😅
@jennifermallard465 5 лет назад
i'm so thankful to God for opening my eyes and saving me
@darcie7773 4 года назад
@annaapostolidis2684 4 года назад
Me too praise the Lord sister in Christ 🙏🏼💓💕😘
@jerimow8400 4 года назад
Me, too! I was a wretch but He washed me and changed my life totally. Can’t wait to see Him and worship in person!
@bigplayz4596 4 года назад
Amen! 💛🙏🏽
@underwaves75 3 года назад
These two lessons by John Doerr on what it means to truly be born again are very liberating! The Trueth of the real Jesus Christ’s gospel of grace toward the sinner has been hidden by Rome’s Jesuits and scholars, who work tirelessly to cast doubt on the Word of God. The devil has deceived the whole world. (Rev 12:9) ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-E5TDOs_tLpQ.html - born again basics pt1 ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-lwj78N080cw.html - born again basics pt2 Romans 8:2 “For the law of the spirit of life, in Christ Iesus, hath made me free from the law of sinne and death.” The fundamental problem is the corruption of Gods word. In this link you can find a lesson on the unbroken testimony of Jesus Christ in the English language which is found in the authorized version of 1611. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-C9lIWdQ0rc0.html 2 Corinthians 2:17 “For wee are not as many which corrupt the word of God: but as of sinceritie, but as of God, in the sight of God speake we in Christ.”
@JustKate43 5 лет назад
This made me think of Apostle Peter, he kept leaving Jesus, left to go back fishing, then denied knowing Jesus, yet Jesus kept after him until he got Peter for good finally. God must see something in our hearts that even we don’t see. Just my thoughts on this..... 💞
@patrickmuchiri7480 2 года назад
@felipekennedy3135 2 года назад
Blessed Thoughts.
@elimarc3891 2 года назад
Something He himself put there.
@dude9318 2 года назад
@@elimarc3891 No
@lacyfrasier5353 2 года назад
He has to.... thanks for sharing that
@kimsleygatakata5314 4 года назад
I don’t know why he chose me but I’m more than happy and grateful!!!
@missk6295 3 года назад
@jodowsett6938 3 года назад
Same as me Thank u our creator for seeing my true heart ❤️
@chrissymatondo9549 3 года назад
Same me that was the question I have been asking myself
@ThatgirlMargo 3 года назад
Ephesians 1:4, ESV: "even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love"
@ThatgirlMargo 3 года назад
@@missk6295 Ephesians 1:4, ESV: "even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love"
@himekaze4740 4 года назад
To those people who commented, "He didn't choose me," I really felt that. But you know, just want to tell you that God loves you very much. He even sacrificed His only begotten Son to die for you- for us! So don't even think about that again. God wants all of us to be with Him in Heaven in eternity. Yes, God knows His "chosen one" but that doesn't mean that you're not one of them. Believe me, you can be one of them. Just have faith in Him and obey Him, that's just He wants you to do. Have faith in Him. Trust Him with all your heart. And no, God doesn't play favoritism. He listens to those who need Him. So, if you need Him, cry out to Him, He will listen to you. Yes, following God is not easy but it will be worth it until the end. Just always remember, God loves you and He's waiting for you to run back to Him. Just trust Him. God bless, Child of God.
@pgm960 4 года назад
😢😢😢 I sinned too much and too long
@chrisabraham5551 4 года назад
@@pgm960 God will forgive your sins, all you have to do is believe in Jesus Christ that He came to earth to die for our sins and admit your sins honestly to God and repent that is turn away from your sins. God bless you brother. God loves you so much all we have to do is accept that love.
@starskyarsky8374 4 года назад
God really loves me, he gave my only daughter terminal cancer at 3. But let Mr Fritzl live for decades to rape his own daughter. Praise be to God fukwits.
@fleminglim9122 4 года назад
@Jens Johansson God chooses people with reason. refer 2thessalonians2:10&12 "bec they REFUSED to love the truth and SO BE SAVED" and "but HAD PLEASURE in unrighteousness". from this verse we can say that if a person goes to hell its bec they choose too and not as God wanted to.
@MegaMommaUlman 4 года назад
@@starskyarsky8374 so sorry for you loss... this world is a nasty place...
@friendyadvice2238 5 лет назад
Please have mercy on my soul Lord Jesus when I stand before you on judgement day
@donkeymonkey6535 4 года назад
And so it shall be😄
@KatieAJ 4 года назад
plz pray this in your closet...it's better.
@johnhoffman8203 4 года назад
This is the bottom line whether we are received into the Kingdom of God at the JSOC where all believers will face judgement. This is what scripture is all about not being justified/born again/called but being sanctified/chosen/soul saved/inheritance/hope. So work out your salvation (soul) with fear to be sure of your entrance per 2 Pt 1.9-11. My hope is that you see this and act.
@friendyadvice2238 4 года назад
@@johnhoffman8203 thank you. The Judgement seat of Christ is where true believers give account of lives before Christ, and this is where we receive rewards or not. It is not a salvation judgement seat. That is the White Throne Judgement.
@johnhoffman8203 4 года назад
@@friendyadvice2238 Your are correct in that only believers stand before Christ at the JSOC but the reward (glorified body/entrance into the KOG) is based on the salvation of the soul (vice spirit) per 1 Pt 1.9, Heb 10.39, James 1.21. This salvation is our sanctification that Paul preached as his gospel/gospel of the glory of Christ to the gentiles per Acts 20.32/26.18. The inheritance is reign and rule with Christ in the millennium or be cast out to outer darkness/2nd death for 1K years. Our glorified body is at stake here or 1K years later IAW 1 Cor 15.51&52.
@terryhenderson3424 5 лет назад
I am thankful to God the Father to giving me faith to believe upon his Son for salvation
@MothManFAKE 5 лет назад
Hey Carl, hows master shake treating you?
@gregjay9933 5 лет назад
Terry Henderson If you have not placed your personal faith in Christ then you are not saved. The Bible never teaches we are saved by the faith of another. We are saved by grace through faith. Faith is not the gift, eternal life is the gift. Throughout the Scriptures, both old and new testaments, individuals are exhorted to repent and believe. Josh 24:15 CHOOSE FOR YOURSELVES TODAY whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers served which were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” V 22 Joshua said to the people, “You are witnesses against yourselves that you have CHOSEN FOR YOURSELVES THE LORD, to serve Him. Heb 3:7 Therefore, just as the Holy Spirit says,“TODAY IF YOU HEAR HIS VOICE, DO NOT HARDEN YOUR HEARTS Heb 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for HE WHO COMES TO GOD MUST BELIEVE THAT HE IS and that He is a rewarder of THOSE WHO SEEK HIM. We are living in the last days where they will no longer endure sound doctrine. If you have not placed your personal faith in Christ then you are not saved.
@gregjay9933 5 лет назад
@Karen Porter You sound like an angry little Calvinist. In case you failed to comprehend what I was saying, Non-Calvinists refute the Calvinistic teaching that the faith to believe is a gift from God; eternal life is the gift. To receive this free gift the sinner must place his personal faith in Christ. Sticks and stones ..........
@gregjay9933 5 лет назад
@Spacecoastz I read the post and I don't understand the point you are making.
@riverpc5755 5 лет назад
@@gregjay9933 i don't think anyone is disagreeing with you when you say that a person must choose to put there full faith and trust in Jesus ALONE. What we ( calvinist) are saying is it is by grace that GOD has given us the desire to do that.
@theunkownslave4547 4 года назад
I believe in Jesus Christ, and His death, burial and resurrection!
@theunkownslave4547 4 года назад
@ What fiction?
4 года назад
@Amon Ra I copied your channel post from 2 days ago: "When the true God told me the truth, I lost my mind I even became unable to relate to this dark reality controlled by demonic forces and the religious institutes of Satanic agendas and satanic governments. I even became unable to relate to my family and even my wife and children and twenty year plus "friends", divorce followed and loss of everything except the clothes on my back and a few items at best. I found refuge in my fathers home for awhile, and after his death and my mothers death I was homeless for awhile living out of my Van, when I spoke the truth concerning the demonic monsters online that run this world they attacked and were not kind hearten in their natures online." I hope you seek help. You've had a rough road.
@saurabhjohnson 4 года назад
@ Sir, why r you so bothered if, we Christians are discussing here some Grace stuff. Hater of God, taking pain to search Christian videos and going to their forum and hunting Christians, really?
@saurabhjohnson 4 года назад
@ Be civil, brother.
@saurabhjohnson 4 года назад
@ So, millions of people experiencing super - natural stuff around their lives, we should forget that and listen to your feelings as if it is cosmic in nature.
@jmitch9269 Год назад
If you haven’t experienced God’s Regenerating of the heart you can’t understand it. When it does happen you know it was by His work on you alone. Only those that have experienced this will know what you mean when you try and explain it. 🙏😇
@jorgemoreno5007 8 месяцев назад
Run from Calvanism! Run!!!
@lyec355 Год назад
I pray for salvation day and night for my husband for more than44 years I am at times discouraged anguished that my unbelieving hubby iam despaired that God has shut His ears to my cries, forgotten my prayers for help I don't hide my faith, I go to church brought up my2 sons in the faith thank God So please pray with me that me and my house shall serve the Lord
@jaysonb.6669 7 месяцев назад
By God's grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ everlasting bloodshed sacrifice alone. present him with this (The Gospel) and ask him if he wishes to truly accept this truth. He will become sealed with the Holy Spirit for eternity regardless of the outward changes in his life. Salvation is a free gift but ongoing discipleship/sanctification through the Holy Spirit will carry a cost in this world (and possibly a reward in Heaven).
@FranciscoFelix-t7v 7 месяцев назад
Just be patient beloved sister keep praying and believing and the Lord will hear your prayers
@SanctifiedLady 4 месяца назад
@@jaysonb.6669in 44yrs am sure she’s done everything she knows to do. She is enough for her family, her salvation covers her husband and herself. All she can do is what the Bible says and that’s to teach her children and her children’s children about repentance and the kingdom and all it in tells. Her husband is her leader, the Bible says for women not to teach men. I commend her for keeping her marriage as holy as she can all these years. God bless her! In God’s time he chose he wants when he wants.
@timsmith530 2 года назад
Whosoever shall call on the Name of the Lord shall be saved
@anthonylowder6687 Год назад
That means everyone in the whole world…….not the so-called elect
@quantumpotential7639 Год назад
The path is narrow for a reason. Not everyone needs to be up there. Look around you. The world is full of snakes. God probably didn't die for most of the them. Their hearts have waxed so cold that it'll take the gates of he!! just to thaw them out for Satan to torment. Seriously. God's in the separation business. Most won't make it.
@talesfromburma2320 Год назад
​@@quantumpotential7639 Dude but will God still accept anybody who comes to him in repentence?
@quantumpotential7639 Год назад
@@talesfromburma2320 I think so. But He probably doesn't want any pretenders just so they avoid going to hel)l. But you'll have to consult His Word to be sure.
@Ritalove Год назад
The vessels of wrath fitted to destruction will not call on His name.
@George-ie1si 4 года назад
This is the age of grace, "for by grace are you saved through faith... it is the gift of God".
@George-ie1si 3 года назад
@@imsaltylit3101 Romans 4:3 For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. All people through time were saved by grace through faith, but they all believed something different. For us today it's that Christ died for our sins and that He was buried and rose again according to the scriptures 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 Everyone is saved by faith and had to put their faith in what God instructed them to do. Abraham believed God. Noah built an ark. The children of Israel had to keep the law. Israel had to believe that Jesus Christ was their Messiah. We believe that Jesus Christ paid for our sins on a cross that He died in our place and shed His blood for the forgiveness of our sins and rose again for our justification.
@bycracky22 2 года назад
Adam and hava also lived in the period of grace
@George-ie1si 2 года назад
@@bycracky22 Gods grace has always been the means by which man can be reconciled to Himself. At different times He gave different instructions on what men are to believe to be right with Him. In these last days God is not willing that any should perish but to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth, which is by Grace alone through faith alone and not of any works.
@timclark2925 2 года назад
Saved by grace in OT too......Genesis 6:8 "Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord." In the OT they were looking by faith forward to the Cross.....you and I look with faith back to the Cross....All saved by grace through faith in Christ.....Only one savior....
@George-ie1si 2 года назад
@@timclark2925 Noah believed God and built an ark while he was preaching the coming judgment that was to come. If he didn't do that (works) he wouldn't have been saved. He didn't know that Jesus Christ would die on a cross be buried and be resurrected, nor did anyone else until Paul revealed that today we are saved by grace through faith and not by any works of the law.
@lovekesiashani 2 года назад
I think it’s about your heart. Many are called, few are chosen. He knows the people who will choose Him through thick and thin since we ultimately have free will, but when you are chosen, God knows your heart and faithfulness. He knew Peter would deny Him three times before he even did. Peter even said he wouldn’t deny Jesus, but Jesus still knew before it happened. This is my personal belief. God knows who will choose Him and that’s why I believe He also chose us. ❤❤❤ As disappointed and heartbroken as I have been in my life, I still know the truth. I know who my savior is no matter what.
@harriedsloth4399 Год назад
This makes more sense to me in light of Scripture, and in light of who God is. Thank you for sharing your insight. I have been struggling with this topic, and it His been getting in the way of my relationship with God.
@arryonastrong5343 Год назад
this isnt true. The Bible says none desire God, none want to follow Him and etc. God chooses who to save off of His desires. There's nothing about us. Its all about Him.
@harriedsloth4399 Год назад
@@arryonastrong5343 God's desire is not ambivalent. While He is certainly the one who initiates the relationship, there is a point where His will meets our will. If it were not true, then we would be robots, involuntary programmed and void of moral responsibility. And if that is the case, He would choose everybody for salvation. For "God is not willing that ANY should perish, but that ALL would come to repentance.". Otherwise, it would be unjust of Him to consign billions of souls to eternal conscious torment for their parents' waywardness satanic programming. The point where God's will "ends" and our will "begins" is impossible for us to define precisely. Because we are created in His image, our will is involved. If our will was not involved in establishing a relationship with Him, then we are just robots, programmed to believe what He puts into our CPU. We are no better than an Artificial Intelligence that is designed to gather data and and act according to "if, then" binary logic. There is much more to be said in the subject. I am familiar with John Calvin's T.U.L.I.P. and disagree with the fundamental ideas, as they are directly contrary to God's Name and Nature.
@anthonylowder6687 Год назад
@@harriedsloth4399 They are contradicting Scripture…..despite what guys such as this pastor and his guest says Calvinism and such like it are condemning millions to hell if they follow the Calvinistic Reformation doctrine and beliefs
@juiceloose2462 Год назад
@@arryonastrong5343 so we have no free will ? CAP
@melvisbrown4501 4 года назад
Amen many are called but few are chosen, Father God searches ours Hearts first and if we got his Love in ours Hearts he will Protect that because he know it will grow and grow, a Righteous Man will fall 7 times but he will get back up and keep moving closer and closer to Father God, nothing but the Blood Of Jesus can set me Free Father God we Thank you for Grace and your Mercy in the Mighty Name Of Jesus Amen Amen And Amen.
@trudysaunders5253 3 года назад
@dude9318 2 года назад
Doesn't the Bible say we did nothing to deserve to be saved? Our hearts are corrupted also .So why are only certain people chosen then
@MICROSCOPICgiant7 2 года назад
@@dude9318 because even our faith is a gift of God. He does it ALL. None search after him but the Holy Spirit. EVERYTHING God has done for his children. ALL glory is his, nothing of ourselves. It is a gift.
@CBALLEN Год назад
Notice it says,MANY ARE CALLED BUT FEW ARE CHOSEN.It doesn't say,ALL ARE CALLED.JESUS died for many of all men,meaning not only many jews,but many OUT of,every tribe,tongue,nation and people.( gentiles) but not all jews and Gentiles.
@philipbaglini2361 Год назад
Bless God, for his compassion
@imaidiot1997 5 лет назад
I stand at the door and knock if ANY man answers i will come in and sup ( share) with him
@camjones5787 5 лет назад
Burt Burty amen
@davidochieng2975 5 лет назад
This anyone is an elect who is lost in the world but to be taken home, heavenly home.he need to open his heart through the conviction of the Holy Spirit(2Thess.2:13-17)
@imaidiot1997 5 лет назад
@@davidochieng2975 no it is any man or woman ,he knocks but it has to be by freewill a choice jesus died for that freewill God created us with freewill out of love knowing by giving his creation freewill we would rejects him then planned to pay the price for that freewill through his own sweet son. He loves the world but the wonderful gift of freewill can destroy his loved creation sit and think about it for awhile such love such love he made you so you could reject him and provided a way back through his own sons death .Jesus did it out of love for his father and us and the father did it out of love for his creation and the Holy sprite lives in those who have accepted jesus even though we fail and fail all day long
@davidochieng2975 5 лет назад
@@imaidiot1997 Exactly but bible always refer both male and female as man(Genesis 5:1-2)
@gabriellerunnells398 5 лет назад
@@imaidiot1997 God has been too good to us. We are so undeserving of his Grace. It makes no sense at all why he continues to love us. I just can't wrap my mind around that kind of love and yet I am so gratefully appreciative of his mercy. I long for the day that I meet Jesus and fall at his feet with praise and thanks. My sins forgiven. The evils of the world shaken off of me. Nothing but the sweet paradise of Heaven. Finally free from the blasphemous thoughts! I will collapse at the throne in complete awe of my King.
@markchavez738 5 лет назад
I’m so confused. This is very tough for me. I’m going to have to listen to this again.
@hanneloretepper6445 5 лет назад
Once you understand it...its very simple.
@joycetotheworld4682 5 лет назад
I had a really hard time understanding it too. Took me a long while but I kept asking God to help me understand it and He did. It's good to read and listen to stuff related to this (I did it a lot and still doing it) but most importantly, we should always always come to God and seek the truth from His word because He's the ultimate source of all the answers. 😊
@hanneloretepper6445 5 лет назад
@@joycetotheworld4682 amen
@garouuchiha4041 5 лет назад
Basically its for those of what God chooses, so God chooses some to be and some to not to be, not in a threatening way to hurt a human but to hide His glory from those that dont deserve it unless they come but in this of Pharoh is harden of his heart cuz of God using Moses to harden the Pharohs heart. God chooses to those that he knows that are His and loves them cuz they are meant to be with Him cuz God loves them. And yes some others live a good life and godly life and have everything vut God loves us all vut God is willing to show and use a person that is weak and less and to use this person for power and to show God's glory through a person like this just like Moses, just like St.Paul, etc., its just how it is, but to be able to avoid this of not getting and seeing God's blessing and glory...just give in, surrender all, dont be like Pharoh even though God made Pharoh to harden of the heart, but back then is back then and now its new testament so choose now of surrender to God cuz the scriptures has been fulfilled. This is the reason why.
@garouuchiha4041 5 лет назад
I hope this helps to clear your mind of wondering.
@Drillbitayler 2 года назад
He chooses us all. "For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son so that WHOEVER shall believe in him will not die but have everlasting peace." Just because God knew who would answer the call doesn't mean all are not invited. Don't like this twisted doctrine as it makes God look like Hitler who chooses some and casts aside others. He does not. He simply knows everything. Present. Past. Future.
@MOON-zo3ik 4 года назад
I didn’t choose the holy life, the holy life chose me
@defcon1africa676 3 года назад
Good for you
@ricoparadiso 3 года назад
Exactly. Its the case for all the elect. And Romans 9 only supports this.
@Glasstable2011 3 года назад
What do you mean?
@justanormalartist801 3 года назад
@@Glasstable2011 I think God chooses who he will save
@Glasstable2011 3 года назад
@@justanormalartist801 why do you believe that?
@InJesusName3783 Год назад
“This is the will of the Father who sent Me, that of all He has given Me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last day. And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day.”” ‭‭John‬ ‭6‬:‭39‬-‭40‬ ‭
@James_no_hell Год назад
Everyone will see Him and all will believe.
@c.a.g.3130 Год назад
@@James_no_hell All who are ordained to eternal life. Acts 13:48.
@James_no_hell Год назад
@@c.a.g.3130 The Bible says "all shall know Him from the least to the greatest"....which would mean "all" are ordained". unless you don't believe that the scripture I sited is true? It's a repeated verse in both the Old and New Testaments.
@James_no_hell Год назад
@@c.a.g.3130 Acts 13:48 “And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord: and as many as were ordained to eternal life; believed.” So you're saying that their belief was pre ordained? But when the Bible says that; "all shall know Him from the least to the greatest".it only .means "all of a few which are ordained?? No "all shall know Him means all will eventually believe. No; The.truth is: all are forgiven... but just a relative few find out about forgiveness through Christ during this lifetime. "Forgiveness" and "saved" are two different things...."saved' is finding out about Christ during our earthly life. Forgiven is what happened to all because of what Christ did for us ALL. It doesn't change anything whether YOU believe it or not. Believing in an exclusive Gospel is not believing in "good news" but is mostly believing in bad news.
@James_no_hell Год назад
@@c.a.g.3130 Repentance is a "death to self". Therefore when we do actually physically die it is also "repentance". All will be raised in a new life. Why would any suffer eternally in the spirit? Our body is the " wicked"......and because of that; our bodies die and rot to nothing. Our spirit goes to God; living forever.
@ronnycarney4719 5 лет назад
A man can only receive what has been given to him from a above 🍷🍞
@wonderfilled33 5 лет назад
Jn 6:33 "For the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world." Was the True bread which came down from heaven given only for a few people or for the whole world?
@bartleon 5 лет назад
John 3: 25 Therefore there arose a discussion on the part of John’s disciples with a Jew about purification. 26 And they came to John and said to him, “Rabbi, He who was with you beyond the Jordan, to whom you have testified, behold, He is baptizing and all are coming to Him.” 27 John answered and said, “A man can receive nothing unless it has been given him from heaven. 28 You yourselves [g]are my witnesses that I said, ‘I am not the [h]Christ,’ but, ‘I have been sent ahead of Him.’ 29 He who has the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom’s voice. So this joy of mine has been made full. 30 He must increase, but I must decrease.
@2ndPigeon 4 года назад
Soooo... rain?
@TrueLifeAdventures 4 года назад
Thank God that He sent Jesus from above then who is the true light that lighteth all men who come into the world. Please rethink where you're headed with this.
@ronnycarney4719 4 года назад
The Spirit of God have to testify in that man and if not that man is dead spiritually dead the sanctification works must be done in a person by the spirit of the living God Jesus came that we may have eternal life peace be with you🍷🍞
@grantcrowie2030 3 года назад
Please GOD save me in Jesus name... Thank you for the gift of mercy, grace, love and patience
@Yesica1993 5 лет назад
I've never understood why this is such a confusing or troubling thing for so many people. The Bible shows us who and what we are. Reading that book is like looking into a mirror. (And it even uses that analogy in places.) It shows us we are sinners, through and through, to the core of our being. And we know that, deep inside. If we're honest - even just with ourselves - we KNOW we are sinners. So we need to start there. We must start with the fact that we are all sinners who ONLY deserve eternal punishment. It's a miracle He chooses to grant mercy to any of us!
@konijnkidm6869 5 лет назад
Personally, it makes me uncomfortable because it implies that God created certain people for destruction(i.e. some people never had the "ability" to turn to Christ. I am not disagree with the doctrine, but it is hard to wrap my head around it.
@thebestdothereis 5 лет назад
@@konijnkidm6869 is it possible that you may be worshipping or believing in an idol of your own imagination and not biblical GOD of SCRIPTURE? (Proverbs 16:4 MSTC) The LORD doth all things for HIS own sake; yea, and when he keepeth the ungodly for the day of wrath. (Proverbs 16:4 GNB) Everything the LORD has made has its destiny; and the destiny of the wicked is destruction. (Proverbs 16:4 NAS77) The LORD has made everything for its own purpose, Even the wicked for the day of evil. (Job 25:5-6 HCSB) If even the moon does not shine and the stars are not pure in HIS sight, (6) how much less man, who is a maggot, and the son of man, who is a worm! (Job 25:6 GW) How much less pure is a mortal-who is only a maggot- a descendant of Adam-who is only a worm!" (Job 25:6 JPS) How much less man, that is a worm! and the son of man, that is a maggot! (Job 25:6 ABP+) But alas, man is rottenness, and the son of man a worm. (Job 25:6 LEB) How much less for a human being who is a maggot, and a human who is a worm?" (Job 25:6 ISV) How much less is man, who is only a maggot, or a man's children, who are only worms!" (Isaiah 40:17 BBE) All the nations are as nothing before HIM; even less than nothing, a thing of no value. (Isaiah 40:17 CEV) GOD thinks of the nations as far less than nothing. (Isaiah 40:17 HCSB) All the nations are as nothing before HIM; they are considered by HIM as nothingness and emptiness. (Isaiah 40:17 NLT) The nations of the world are worth nothing to HIM. In HIS eyes they count for less than nothing-mere emptiness and froth. (Daniel 4:35 BSB) All the peoples of the earth are counted as nothing, and HE does as HE pleases with the army of heaven and the peoples of the earth. There is no one who can restrain HIS hand or say to HIM, ‘What have YOU done?’” (Daniel 4:35 CEV) To HIM the nations are far less than nothing; GOD controls the stars in the sky and everyone on this earth. When GOD does something, we cannot change it or even ask why." (Daniel 4:35 HCSB) All the inhabitants of the earth are counted as nothing, and HE does what HE wants with the army of heaven and the inhabitants of the earth. There is no one who can hold back HIS hand or say to HIM, "What have YOU done?" (Daniel 4:35 UST) HE regards all the people in the world as insignificant. HE has the power to do whatever HE wants to do. HE does whatever HE wants with the angel armies in heaven and with us who live on the earth. So no one can correct HIM; no one can challenge HIM; no one can say to HIM, "Why are YOU doing these things?"
@52RGD 5 лет назад
@@thebestdothereis, This problem of 'Election and Predestination of the Calvinists' can NEVER be Resolved because John Calvin missed one VERY IMPORTANT Ingredient of this Doctrine of 'Election and Predestination'...... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 'Election and Predestination' is indeed a biblical doctrine because it is in the scriptures... However John Calvin failed to understand the entirety of this doctrine.... He had known half of it only and added his own understanding to this doctrine of 'Election and Predestination'.... So, Calvinism is '''''TRUTH MIXED WITH LIES''''' and it is more dangerous than lies alone.... I have asked several Calvinists this question, which NONE of them were able to answer, because it was not taught by John Calvin who himself did not know the answer.... My Question : How did God Choose those whom He will save? Surely God have some basis for His choice.... He did not just pick them at random.... The Answer is: OF COURSE GOD CHOSE HIS OWN CHILDREN.... It is in the scriptures that there are two groups of people in this world, 'The Sheep and the goats' or 'The Wheat and the Tares'.... In the Parable of 'The wheat and Tares', Jesus Himself explained who are these two groups of people, and where did they come from... The 'Sheep or Wheat' are the true children of God, and they will be saved... The 'goats or tares' are of the devil and they are damned..... The Sheep or Wheat are the True children of God not only by creation but by HEREDITY.... I CAN PROVE THIS TO YOU IF YOU ARE INTERESTED.... The Sheep inherited the character of God, The goats inherited the character of the devil..... After the Fall of Adam and Eve, All the children of God are affected and inherited the fallen nature of Adam and Eve, they did not inherit the sin but the sinful nature.... That's why Jesus came to give His life for ransom to save the Elect.... (hope this clarifies you) The elects were fallen and they need to be saved.... There is no OSAS in the scriptures, it is the wrong understanding of John Calvin... All the elect will definitely be saved, not one will be lost.... John 17:12(KJV) ''While I was with them in the world, I kept them in your name: those that you gave me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the '''son of perdition'''; that the scripture might be fulfilled.'' (the son of perdition is Judas, he is not the child of God, but the son of perdition, a goat) Example of Goats : Cain, Judas, some of the pharisees, pharaoh in the time of Moses. Example of Sheep : Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, The apostles except Judas.... NOTE : The difference between the Sheep and the goats.... The Sheep though they are in the fallen state, they still love God and desire to please God, Not the goats, they don't love God but only their selves... (all of us are in fallen state; in sinful nature... but some love God and desire to please God, while others don't love God and don't desire to please God) Calvin's TOTAL DEPRAVITY is a false teaching..... The elect are NOT totally evil, but totally HELPLESS to overcome sin.... That's why we need Jesus Christ to save us, and we need to hear the true gospel because even though we are chosen, we are not aware of the gospel of Jesus Christ, unless we hear it from those who were sent to preach.... Look at Cain, he has no respect to God, he faced God with anger and blamed God for his sin of killing Abel.... How about John 3:16 ? John 3:16(NIV) ''For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.'' ''Whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life''==>>Only the Elect will believe because they are the True Children of God and Have the character of God.... The goats are of the devil, they hate God and don't have the ability to repent... Look at Judas, he prefer to hang himself than to repent of what he has done.... ''Go unto all the world and preach the gospel to all creatures''==>>Only the Sheep will believe the gospel and repent..... Thanks for reading....
@52RGD 5 лет назад
@@konijnkidm6869, This problem of 'Election and Predestination of the Calvinists' can NEVER be Resolved because John Calvin missed one VERY IMPORTANT Ingredient of this Doctrine of 'Election and Predestination'...... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 'Election and Predestination' is indeed a biblical doctrine because it is in the scriptures... However John Calvin failed to understand the entirety of this doctrine.... He had known half of it only and added his own understanding to this doctrine of 'Election and Predestination'.... So, Calvinism is '''''TRUTH MIXED WITH LIES''''' and it is more dangerous than lies alone.... I have asked several Calvinists this question, which NONE of them were able to answer, because it was not taught by John Calvin who himself did not know the answer.... My Question : How did God Choose those whom He will save? Surely God have some basis for His choice.... He did not just pick them at random.... The Answer is: OF COURSE GOD CHOSE HIS OWN CHILDREN.... It is in the scriptures that there are two groups of people in this world, 'The Sheep and the goats' or 'The Wheat and the Tares'.... In the Parable of 'The wheat and Tares', Jesus Himself explained who are these two groups of people, and where did they come from... The 'Sheep or Wheat' are the true children of God, and they will be saved... The 'goats or tares' are of the devil and they are damned..... The Sheep or Wheat are the True children of God not only by creation but by HEREDITY.... I CAN PROVE THIS TO YOU IF YOU ARE INTERESTED.... The Sheep inherited the character of God, The goats inherited the character of the devil..... After the Fall of Adam and Eve, All the children of God are affected and inherited the fallen nature of Adam and Eve, they did not inherit the sin but the sinful nature.... That's why Jesus came to give His life for ransom to save the Elect.... (hope this clarifies you) The elects were fallen and they need to be saved.... There is no OSAS in the scriptures, it is the wrong understanding of John Calvin... All the elect will definitely be saved, not one will be lost.... John 17:12(KJV) ''While I was with them in the world, I kept them in your name: those that you gave me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the '''son of perdition'''; that the scripture might be fulfilled.'' (the son of perdition is Judas, he is not the child of God, but the son of perdition, a goat) Example of Goats : Cain, Judas, some of the pharisees, pharaoh in the time of Moses. Example of Sheep : Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, The apostles except Judas.... NOTE : The difference between the Sheep and the goats.... The Sheep though they are in the fallen state, they still love God and desire to please God, Not the goats, they don't love God but only their selves... (all of us are in fallen state; in sinful nature... but some love God and desire to please God, while others don't love God and don't desire to please God) Calvin's TOTAL DEPRAVITY is a false teaching..... The elect are NOT totally evil, but totally HELPLESS to overcome sin.... That's why we need Jesus Christ to save us, and we need to hear the true gospel because even though we are chosen, we are not aware of the gospel of Jesus Christ, unless we hear it from those who were sent to preach.... Look at Cain, he has no respect to God, he faced God with anger and blamed God for his sin of killing Abel.... How about John 3:16 ? John 3:16(NIV) ''For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.'' ''Whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life''==>>Only the Elect will believe because they are the True Children of God and Have the character of God.... The goats are of the devil, they hate God and don't have the ability to repent... Look at Judas, he prefer to hang himself than to repent of what he has done.... ''Go unto all the world and preach the gospel to all creatures''==>>Only the Sheep will believe the gospel and repent..... Thanks for reading....
@Yesica1993 5 лет назад
@@konijnkidm6869 There are a lot of things about God that I don't think we'll ever fully understand in this life. What is 100% clear, though, is that I'm a sinner. And so is everyone else. We ALL deserve judgement!
@Moverka Год назад
I was saved in 05. Stepped away from from the Bible and praying, 18 years later God touched my heart through the Holy Spirit. Now I feel bad when I sin. I want to be free of sin one day. Please Lord help me to hate all sins.
@c.a.g.3130 Год назад
You weren't 'saved' in 05. New creations do not 'fall away.' Whoever told you you were saved in 05 was some kind of 'choose Jesus' fraud who just lied to you. I pray you have finally received the gift of saving faith.
@JesseMongia 10 месяцев назад
​@@c.a.g.3130yer right .nobody can jump out of his hand nor can anyone or anything take you out of his hand .All that are in his hand have salvation.
@1861olesamule 6 месяцев назад
He doesn't. Titus 2:11
@lynngalyon5687 Год назад
Saved for 36 years...since 1987. Pastored for 30 years and I find myself often asking why does HE choose anyone?
@alphabravo3566 Год назад
Love. His plan is perfect. So is His love.
@Movie-Collectibles Год назад
Purpose and counsel of his WILL and he does ALL his Good pleasure.
@James_no_hell Год назад
All are eventually in Heaven because all are forgiven. All will rise and all will be in Heaven because of Jesus.!!
@xavierthomas5835 Год назад
​@@James_no_hellGod forbid that we should partake with sinners who place no faith in Jesus on the earth. For this is where he died, so we must also die to self here.
@James_no_hell Год назад
@@xavierthomas5835 (????) .Jesus partook with sinners on earth. Jesus died for sinners on earth; all sinners; for all time. WE are sinners on earth. Because we all are sinners; this body (this shiell) will corrode away to nothing in the grave; all flesh will; (everybody!). We are no better than anyone else. The only better that we have is that we know the Lord and we look beyond the grave to eternal life with Jesus. The many who do not know Jesus only perceive the grave. Although there will be more for them also because Jesus died for the entire world.
@tess1544 5 лет назад
“I know now why Can’t reach God because I am one the damned the non elect”. Breaks my heart I just read that in one of responses. I want to tell you with all my heart and in my spirit God Loves you. He loves you so much that He gave His only begotten Son to die so that WHOSEVER believes on Him should not perish but have everlasting life. He died for you. He loves you. God said He wishes no one to perish. This predestination from before time to heaven or hell. It is a stumbling block. It hurts people and it’s not God pleasing. Jesus died for “the Whole WORLD” as He said. Believe and experience the absolute beauty of His love. OH my Soul can not contain the LOVE of the Lord. BELIEVE
@savedbychristsavedbygrace2049 4 года назад
@@Mymimemei Amen
@dianeanderson7419 4 года назад
My take: "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God" We are saved by faith, and the grace of God. Begin reading the Bible and choose to believe it. "If you seek me you will find me if you search for me with all your heart." Just begin the journey towards Him and like the prodigal's father at some point he will run to embrace you. Faith comes by reading His word, saturating yourself in its truths. It is alive as Christ is alive. He says He will turn no one away who comes to him.
@ballaratboy1 4 года назад
@virgildolph8823 4 года назад
How many scriptures does Satan twist and send people of supposed biblical understanding out to repeat?! TULIP (today's Calvinist) all hinges on the error of their supposed understanding of God's Total Sovereignty. They fail to understand that "God's desiring that none should perish. . . . ." (what do they do with this?) yet the majority will go to hell, is not at odds with God's total sovereignty. Only one way to the Father - Jesus. The Father's requirement is "we believe in He whom He has sent". God's total sovereignty does desire that "none should perish" but if they do not "believe", it is His total sovereign will that they spend eternity in the lake of fire. Our Free Will is exactly what it is. Free to believe, trust, follow, obey or reject His Son, the Christ. Our choice. God's sovereign will is not challenged or affected by our choice.
@brandedforchrist 4 года назад
Diane Anderson Remember, the natural man doesn’t receive the things of the spirit , they are foolishness to him neither can they understand it because they are spiritually discerned-1Cor 2:14..You’re not born of your own will only by God’s will John 1:13..if God doesn’t draw you to Christ you’ll never understand or believe the gospel no matter how much you read it..the prodigal son was about the sheep that was lost but found not about people of the world who were never part of His flock..And remember also that none is good , none is righteous and none seeks after God-Rom 3.. so those who will seek after God with all their heart and might are those whom He has chosen..Don’t twist the words to win people to Christ , that’s why there are many false converts in the world today..tell them the truth of the gospel and if the believe , glory to God and if they don’t let them be, if they are part of the flock of Christ they will eventually believe when God says it’s time for them to believe..No one can pluck anyone whom God has give Christ out of His hand-John 10:28-29 ❤️
@fingerzfrienemy2226 3 года назад
It seems to me that Calvinism is a cop out when it hurts so bad to see a loved one die not knowing the Lord. God DOES NOT predestine people for hell. Some choose hell.
@Matt-tj9pi 3 года назад
I would caution you to study further. God is Sovereign. That means he makes the call. As difficult as this is to absorb it helps to locate scripture and contextually wrestle with it. I strongly recommend you search for John MacArthur sermon on Election. It’s about an hour but rich and he presents the Bible’s clear positions around this. I read many of these for years and it never registered. Who am I? He is the potter.
@fingerzfrienemy2226 3 года назад
@@Matt-tj9pi I don't believe in the Calvin club. I believe that Christ died for all humans. I study my bible every day. I see many verses that can be twisted to mean whatever you want. I see Calvinism as elitism. Sorry, you won't change my mind. I have free will ordained by a sovereign God. God bless you.
@regandanielle 3 года назад
@marcusrose8971 3 года назад
@@Matt-tj9pi So how do you fit that in with ....... Ro 10:21 But to Israel he saith, All day long I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people. and .... And From our Lord Himself .... Mt 23:37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, [thou] that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under [her] wings, and ye would not!
@troywright359 3 года назад
@@fingerzfrienemy2226 that's fine. I look at time travel. People only act the way they act, if you could go back in time and observe it again, you would see the exact same events play out again. Going back in time to watch things wouldn't result in things happening differently, unless you interfered with them. Kinda points towards a sovereign outcome
@mrnoedahl 2 года назад
Calvinism says that God chooses who will be saved arbitrarily. Definition of arbitrarily, “existing or coming about seemingly at random or by chance or as a capricious and unreasonable act of will.” Now does an Almighty loving God (for God is defined by love), (He is the highest form of love)do anything arbitrarily? Especially towards His highest form of creation, created in His image? I think not. Intellectuals like Piper and Calvin think they can figure it all out in our little perverted fallin minds. But we are incapable of fully understanding salvation down here. Just accept ALL OF WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS and move on to preaching the gospel. “Whosoever will” is the greatest news, but Calvinism destroys it. What a shame.
@isaacjesus3453 3 года назад
Pastor, stop using dramatic tones when speaking. We’re trying to learn and its very distracting and annoying.
@obehi526 3 года назад
He’s trying to get the message in your brain, love. Some people just can’t help it. My dad reads the Bible very dramatically and sometimes I find it annoying but one day he told me that he reads like that so i have a better understanding. Also, it’s just something he does with or without knowing.❤️
@underwaves75 3 года назад
They all use vocal inflections. It’s not without purpose. Piper and those like him are hirelings and ecumenists. These two lessons by John Doerr on what it means to truly be born again are very liberating! The Trueth of the real Jesus Christ’s gospel of grace toward the sinner has been hidden by Rome’s Jesuits and scholars, who work tirelessly to cast doubt on the Word of God. The devil has deceived the whole world. (Rev 12:9) ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-E5TDOs_tLpQ.html - born again basics pt1 ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-lwj78N080cw.html - born again basics pt2 Romans 8:2 “For the law of the spirit of life, in Christ Iesus, hath made me free from the law of sinne and death.” The fundamental problem is the corruption of Gods word. In this link you can find a lesson on the unbroken testimony of Jesus Christ in the English language which is found in the authorized version of 1611. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-C9lIWdQ0rc0.html 2 Corinthians 2:17 “For wee are not as many which corrupt the word of God: but as of sinceritie, but as of God, in the sight of God speake we in Christ.”
@ourtimeiscome3092 3 года назад
@AnHebrewChild 2 года назад
@Billy-Brown 4 месяца назад
Christ died for everyone who would ever exist Salvation is to the whole world Pipers faith is in Calvin not scripture
@MyDiscountsNow 2 года назад
He desires and calls all (not some) to repentance. It is up to us to reject or accept His gift of salvation. God just know whom will or will not.
@carlhill847 Год назад
1) "He desires and calls all to repentance." Not quite. Although God's Moral will is for all to achieve salvation (which does not happen), his effectual will, as outlined in Romans 8: 29-30 paints a very different picture; only those who are presdestined are also called. 2) "It's up to us to reject or accept his gift of salvation." Using the aforementioned passage, a predestined believer cannot reject salvation. It is not up to you or me to accept the gift. God's plan does not hindge on our self-induced choice to believe in Christ's safrifice for our sins. When we come to realize that we believe it's because God willed it to happen. In similar fashion, God also wills people to not believe, Romans 9:11, 9:22. "God just know whom will or will not." Your last part seems to imply that that a person God desperately wants to save can reject the calling. The only people who reject the calling are those who are not predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, and it is not their choice to reject anymore than it is a predestined believer's choice to believe.
@anthonylowder6687 Год назад
​@@carlhill847 If that’s the case that God chose some for heaven and all others to hell and we have no ability to change that then why did Christ die on the cross in the first place? If this is true (and it is absolutely not true in any way, shape or form) then Christs death is absolutely meaningless!!!
@jzlove5088 Год назад
@@carlhill847, if what you say is truth(I don’t believe it to be truth), please stop preaching the gospel to people God DID NOT choose then. Which means you need to stop preaching the gospel, because you cannot know who God chooses or rejects. You are lying to millions of people with your logic. Also with your(calvinists) logic, the majority of this earths population is doomed with no hope at all. And this is simply not what I get from studying the holy Bible. I have the real Good News for you my friend……… Jesus died for every single human on this planet and for ALL sins! He is the personal savior to ANYONE who places their faith in Him. Clearly taught throughout scripture. Faith alone through grace alone. It’s that simple.
@jesusfollower247 Год назад
​​@@anthonylowder6687 Well said🙏❤
@vladgor4099 Год назад
@@carlhill847 I dont think its that black and white. Its a mix of predestination and free will.
@robcreek3683 5 лет назад
Calvinism is ruining the point of Christ's salvation. You only use one verse to counter it. That's very sad.
@madisonwilloughby9525 4 года назад
Please pass along this link to someone who might benefit! Thanks, so much, Madison Willoughby. www.madisonwilloughby.com/individual-predestination-rom-9.html
@Israesther777 Год назад
Praises be to God who is sovereign.
@marshachesbro5969 3 года назад
He knew you before the foundation of the world. He already knew you would accept him or not.
@douglasmcnay644 3 года назад
Romans 3:10-17. Nobody ever chooses God in their natural state of being. We are hostile towards God. Only when He regenerates our hearts can we love Him.
@emilyvezz8801 3 года назад
@@douglasmcnay644 he draws us in. Doesn’t mean he forces us to trust him. And he wants everyone to be saved. Everyone has the opportunity through Christ to seek more
@Yahshuaismyeverything 2 года назад
@Yahshuaismyeverything 2 года назад
@@douglasmcnay644 bruh no he chose me cus I love him
@wellactually21 2 года назад
@@Yahshuaismyeverything not how it works buddy
@jackshadow325 5 месяцев назад
Thankfully Calvinism is wrong. If you’re caught up in it, and listen to guys like Piper, it can be hard to see any other explanation for passages like Romans 9. But if you seek, you will find. Firstly, Romans 9 cannot be read alone - it must any least be read with chapters 10&11. Paul answers his “what if” in chapter 11. Also, in Romans 9 verses 24 and following, Paul quotes passages from Hosea, which are referring to the exiled northern tribes of Israel, but applies those passages to Gentiles. If you can figure out why Paul takes passages originally referring to Israelites but then Paul applies them to Gentiles, you are well on your way to understanding Romans 9-11.
@kookysis2741 5 лет назад
i love bible questions.
@Amelia.B-12 3 года назад
Really? Here’s a question: what is the blessed mystery of Daniel 12:12??
@troywright359 3 года назад
@@Amelia.B-12 he doesn't like answering questions though
@melvinhunt6976 4 года назад
The HOLY SPIRIT convicts us and invites us. It's FREE! We have to accept the gift. John 3:16-18
@hesavedawretchlikeme6902 2 года назад
Exactly. People need to dig into the word of God for themselves. The Holy Spirit is the teacher, and the word will bring it to light if one would learn the method of the witness of scripture (Isaiah 28:9-11), and others. Men too often obscure God's Word by getting the focus upon themselves, their views, their books. The Lord is willing that none perish. God chooses us all, the majority reject the wooing and grace of the Holy Spirit. See John 3:17-18 as well.
@wellactually21 2 года назад
It's not free
@melvinhunt6976 2 года назад
@@wellactually21 salvation is Free ! Can Beni other way . It’s a Gift !
@williammcintyre1054 2 года назад
Thank you for this teaching. I am so amazed at no matter how many I have read the Bible and how much I learned there is more. Sometimes I believe The Lord withholds our understanding of His words to individuals until they can perceive its true meaning fully into their hearts.
@atienomkubwa8545 2 года назад
Why he said lean not in your own understanding.
@lorettaharris4377 Год назад
So true! We're not all at the same place in our walk with God!
@TheBibleSays 2 года назад
As if God chooses some and not others. "God is no respecter of persons" (Acts 10:34). ■ "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, *_not willing that any should perish,_* but that *_all_* should come to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9) ■ "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that *_whosoever_* believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)
@DillonLoomis 5 лет назад
God is sovereign. He owes us nothing. We are created FOR Him and BY Him. Faith is a gift of mercy that some of us receive and His power will be on display in not only us believers but also in the objects of wrath. God is perfectly just, this is HIS story, not ours. A hard truth for new Christians for sure but once you come to know the love and goodness of our Lord it becomes much easier to understand His sovereignty and our place as small, highly valued, but small parts of His large family of believers. May I see you all in heaven one day!
@kamilar9873 5 лет назад
do u mean we are created for him to be his family?
@kamilar9873 5 лет назад
what do you think what is God's story about? Can you explain me your point of view
@abisamraj4408 5 лет назад
Yes but you are the vessel of rat you are going to hell
@mauricioacosta3020 2 года назад
How sad is this. You can give all the turns you want, but this nonesense literally pushes nonbelievers further away. Your doctrine is tribal and selfish, how can you sleep knowing that there are billions of people that already have hell as destiny and can´t do anything about it. Pray for God´s wisdom come to you, stop feeling as the good ones or the chosen ones and try to bring His love to Earth, to everysingle soul you have contact with, be light so that his love is experienced in this existance. I hope God will save us all, He loves us, not only a group of lucky individuals. I can´t understand how you can be happy about yourself when your sibling, parent, spouse, friend was created to be left behind. Open your eyes, pray.
@stanley7286 Год назад
Yes this really troubles me. It actually caused me to stop doing the work I did when Christ first saved me. I was telling everyone how Jesus set me free from my sinful addictions and so forth but Christians are like no you did that on your own stop telling people God wants to change them like he changed you. I got confused and stopped sharing the things God did for me because apparently "everything that happens is God's will" I was trying to get people to stop doing God's will. What's the point of telling someone in error to repent if what they're doing is God's will. I am so confused.
@philipdragan9190 4 года назад
Calvinism is a doctrine from the pit of hell which has brought nothing good to Christianity. Calvinists exegete Romans 9 so horribly, completely ignoring Romans 1-8.
@zacbartolomeo9123 4 года назад
If this is so bad can you share your take? This seems like you would have a better more in-depth response.
@loganreeves8533 4 года назад
Neither attacking nor defending Calvinism, but all I’m saying is that we shouldn’t say something is from the pit of hell. It can support ideas which are not of Christ, but they aren’t coming from hell. I know a lot of people just come from the idea that Satan runs hell, but it’s not true. Hell is a place designed for Satan, the fallen angels, and those who are not saved or refused to accept the calling to go to after the day of judgement, once they’ve been judged by the Lord.
@awakeandalive4248 3 года назад
I agree with you 100% ,can't handle listening to Machartur or any calvinist, why can't they just answer a simple question with a simple answer, the Gospel is not so complicated but this calvinist pastors make it very difficult to understand. Just say that God created some to go to heaven and some to go the hell, no free will needed for salvation, save us the headache of hearing you. Of course I don't believe none of his mumble jumble blahs.
@troywright359 3 года назад
@@awakeandalive4248 well it's not 'calvinist' but it's what the Word teaches
@awakeandalive4248 3 года назад
@@troywright359 . Every one has their own interpretation according to what they want to believe, MacArthur teaches absolutely nothing just like Catholics but with a different doctrine.
@thunderstorm6616 Год назад
Many are called but few are chosen
@timeisatrial 2 года назад
Calvinists... Anyone has the FREE WILL to choose God or not! It is his free gift! stop warping it! Revelation 3:20 - Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.
@robertlulek1634 4 года назад
Everybody should watch Leighton flowers and he will explain this beautifully
@douglasmcnay644 3 года назад
Leighton Flowers = "analogesis"
@Mind_of_MATT 7 месяцев назад
I'll listen to Paul instead.
@robertlulek1634 7 месяцев назад
@@Mind_of_MATT as you should, and then you might understand better
@all4christ52 5 лет назад
Amen! What hope we have in Jesus Christ! Praise God for His mercy and kindness. Seek Jesus Christ above all else
@EsntlAbstrctn 2 года назад
I do not believe Piper addressed the question in his response. Piper ends with saying that "and those vessels of mercy are prepared beforehand, by God, for glory. But in this very moment the vessels of mercy are everyone and anyone who calls on the name of the Lord." This statement seems to imply that the choice is in the hands of the listeners, yet he spent the last 12 minutes talking about Gods sovereignty, the results of which mean the "eternal destiny's of people" are predestined, and therefore predetermined. If there is no injustice on Gods part, then we are saying Gods decision to choose some and not others, IS JUST. God's choosing is not based on works, we know that. So how does God choose? Who does he show mercy too? As someone who believes that Jesus is who he says he is, I know that "If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Yet Piper teaches that even our FAITH and BELIEF in God is a gift of grace. In Pipers eyes, we cannot take even partial credit for pursuing the calling to Christ. To return to Pipers final comments, "everyone and anyone who calls on the name of the Lord" is predestined. Even if you are a listener, and the result of listening to this video is you calling to the Lord, it was predestined. Which is great, for those of us who are chosen. What about those who are not? Does their existence amount to unavoidable suffering and eternal damnation for the sake of adding to and revealing Gods glory to those that are chosen? And to make matters more complicated, did not Jesus say " “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ So how can even the believers rest with peace? Is it possible that any one of us who believes we have been chosen will actually be told "away from me you evil doer!" I write this not to cause conflict or controversy, I write this as someone who has called on the name of Christ to be my lord and savior, and I am seeking him, through his word. But I do not believe John Piper's response answers the problems mentioned above.
@highstrangeness3869 4 года назад
It's a dangerous thing to teach condemnation without representation. Oh what damage that has been done by man's mishandling of God's Word. The Church was never intended to be segregated by speculative doctrines.
@defcon1africa676 3 года назад
Some people believe because they are saved and born again they can say anything...forgetting that whatever they have now was not by their own works bit Gods grace. The average heart of a human is wicked and selfish.
@leonynovita3864 4 года назад
guess I'll add some, man is damned, GOD already knows because He created man with free will and the risk is sin (Genesis). so God isn't the one who made a mess / created sin. Adam and Eve were in the trial over their free will and they failed
@leonynovita3864 4 года назад
@arfer minute Don't forget to pray and seek Jesus everyday. We can't think wisely if we only depend on our self, we need Holy Spirit to guide. Glory to be God
@zacharykenniston748 4 года назад
Than Adam and Eve should be punished but they are in heaven and we are all going to hell for someone else’s sin!
@zacharykenniston748 4 года назад
I believe in Jesus And I’ve accepted him just think god is very cruel and unfair for sending 99% of his children to eternal torture and I’m not strong enough to be a martyr So I’m lost.
@imago7525 4 года назад
God isnt the one who made a mess or sin? God still sovereignly decided to include sin in his list of creations so yes the devil, hell, sin are all created by God which is very strange
@leonynovita3864 4 года назад
@@zacharykenniston748 Bible id not really stated about the faith or the life of Adam after he disoebeyed, not even we know how he is saved. If you read the bible hopefully you understand about Adam being the 1st man and he failed, so that's why Jesus came as the last Adam (the 2nd Man)
@joshualloyd2915 Год назад
Oh the nonsensical, duplicitous, and arbitrary odiousness of the unjust shallowness of the Calvinist god!
@_p_5764 5 лет назад
I respectfully disagree on how the specific context of Romans 9 is presented, and its interpretation. In any case, as to salvation (as distinguished from God's appointed role for every individual), 1 Timothy 2:3-6 tells us clearly that God wants all people to be saved. God's sovereign will to choose one's role in His plans and purposes (Romans 9) is not the same as God's sovereign will that all people be saved (1 Timothy 2).
@Mimu1983 5 лет назад
I do understand what you are saying, therefore, I would like to respectfully point out the truth. Not everyone is saved. Indeed God wants all people to be saved because of His loving nature, yet it is evident that not everyone is saved since it is of God's Righteousness to judge those who rejected the Way of Salvation that He Himself provided.
@_p_5764 5 лет назад
@@Mimu1983 Exactly, though God wants all people to be saved (1 Tim. 2), not everyone will be saved (Matt. 7:21, John 3:18 etc). HOWEVER, the Bible does not clearly and categorically state the actual interplay between God's sovereign will and man's choice on accepting or rejecting the Lord Jesus. At this point in time, we know only in part (1 Cor. 13). Thus, we cannot categorically jump into man-made doctrines such as Calvinism or Predestination. I would humbly say that as of now I cannot yet explain the specifics of how man chooses to accept or reject Jesus, amidst God's sovereign will, authority and purpose; rather than strain or stretch God's Word.
@Mimu1983 5 лет назад
@@_p_5764 I understand the point you try to make. However, though the Scripture does not explicitly state about the interplay between the sovereignty of God and the freewill of man in making choices, we can see how would saved people choose and what the lost people would do. Note that the saving faith is gift from God - it would be nothing short of the grace of God that will convert a person. For the lost, they are darkened in their understanding and stubborn by their nature - in their freest of freewilled choice they reject Jesus Christ. Predestination is in the Scripture; it is not a man-made idea. Calvinism, on the other hands, is NOT the truth per se but it is of most accurate 'observation' of the Scripture. I do not think 'man-made' description is best suited here.
@_p_5764 5 лет назад
@@Mimu1983 "Calvinism" or "Predestination" insofar as it pertains to the eternal "destiny", or APPOINTED salvation or damnation of a specific individual is unbiblical and not supported by scripture. It's a man-made interpretation that is contradicted by: 1 Timothy 2:3‭-‬6 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who WANTS ALL PEOPLE TO BE SAVED and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom FOR ALL PEOPLE. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time. Titus 2:11 For the grace of God has appeared that OFFERS SALVATION TO ALL PEOPLE . 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, NOT WANTING ANYONE to perish, but EVERYONE TO COME TO REPENTANCE. Ezekiel 18:23 Do I take any pleasure in the death of the wicked? declares the Sovereign Lord. Rather, am I not pleased when they turn from their ways and live?
@Mimu1983 5 лет назад
@@_p_5764 Perhaps those are the most misunderstood verses in critiquing 'Calvinism'. The simple reality is this - not everyone is saved. Even now, there are people screaming curses to God and going to hell. Yes, God is love. In His love, He wants all people to be saved. Jesus Christ gave Himself as a ransom for all people, and Salvation offered to all people - yet people reject Him and mock anyone who accepts Him. Therefore, they shall face the full wrath of God who is Righteous. God, in His love, does not want anyone to perish indeed, but very few come to repentance - thus they shall be sent to hell by God, in His righteousness. Salvation is for ANYONE who comes to Christ Jesus and believes, not for EVERYONE. I think I have been using this analogy too much but here it goes; God gave the Salvation freely and the faith is indeed the gift from God - but God did not institute some sort of social welfare program that everyone gets the benefit. I cannot contradict the Scripture. Please read the first Chapter of the Book of Ephesians. I cannot deny the reality either. People are dying and going to hell.
@jameskkeith 4 года назад
Read the story of Cain and Abel. Also Christ died for our sins. They have been removed.
@yeshuahamashiach1645 5 лет назад
Amen 💖. . the Holy Spirit is "given to those who obey Him"
@Mymimemei 4 года назад
I though it was giving at conversion
@rudyferrell1887 3 года назад
It was given to me in the middle of a suicide attempt..........
@SerendipitousProvidence 3 года назад
Yes, to those who obey him by confessing their sins and repenting. Then they will obey him in the fullest sense.
@michaelalbertson7457 3 года назад
@@Mymimemei It was, but also in obedience. Because that's what Acts 5:32b reads. Believing God at conversion is also an act of obedience. I take the Bible as all true, and let God show me, which our fallible minds cannot comprehend. It's always trying to figure the Bible out rather than asking God, who had it written, what it means. We don't know all, but if we obey Him in truth, He can show us more truth.
@michaelalbertson7457 3 года назад
@@rudyferrell1887 It is good that God is so good. Good to see you here, brother.
@abc-flower 3 года назад
This is a teaching called calvinism. There is the other belief too that everyone has free will and therefore you decide if you believe in God and follow his words or not. If you don't follow or believe his word then youll go to hell but if you believe and follow you will go to heaven. For everyone: Always pray to God first for your answers and pray for protection against false beliefs. THEN READ THE BIBLE for answers. Because there are many false beliefs out there
@Carvegirl 2 года назад
Thank you Lord for choosing me and not giving up on me. ❤️ Have mercy on my soul. 😞❤️🙏
@timothyseals3791 2 года назад
He will only choose you if you choose Him.
@faith5731 2 года назад
@Carvegirl 2 года назад
@@timothyseals3791 that's not biblical. We are not saved because we chose Him. He chooses us. God has chosen CERTAIN people to be saved: Ephesians 1:4, 5, 9, 11 "According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: 5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, 9 Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself: 11 In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will.
@anthonylowder6687 Год назад
@@Carvegirl If that’s the case then how do you know for certain that you’re one of the so-called “chosen”? According to Calvinism and the satanic doctrine of T.U.L.I.P you can’t know until you die….so how can you be sure of your final destination? Very simply you can’t know according to Calvinism and the twisted satanic unbiblical doctrine of T.U.L.I.P.
@robertjordan4183 Год назад
@JefferyEargle 2 года назад
Simple, some are obedient, but most aren’t. He has foreknowledge of all things, and moves all things for the sake of those who will love Him above all else.
@difidon 3 года назад
I remember reading Romans 9 the first time, then reading it again, and again, and again. I finally moved on because I concluded I just couldn't wrap my mind around it. It's truly terrifying to think that had I not been chosen there is nothing I could do to spend eternity with the Lord.
@Sting79 3 года назад
The full counsel of scripture will put it in perspective. Though we can’t fully grasp how God makes His choices, His Word gives us many indications as to how we can know we’re chosen. Namely if we seek God, we’ve been given a new heart. The natural unredeemed man rebels against God and does not love His commandments.
@ricoparadiso 3 года назад
Due to the Fall of man in the garden. Sin/Death entered by way of Adam our patriarch. Because of this sin man inherently is born into the world in bondage, spiritually dead. Meaning although our will is free in desire & action, it is perpetually led towards rebellion against God, favoring the sins of the world. Because of this bondage we are “lost” unable to save ourselves without the Grace of God. In Gods sovereignty He freely bestows His grace upon those He deems fit before the foundation of the world.(Eph 1:4) This is important because it is not based on mans desire/will, or exertion while on earth(Rom9:16) but rather on Gods Will & Mercy. It is mercy as by the Law all men are deserving of judgement. So we can rest assured that everyone who is “chosen/elected” are so according to Gods purpose that is always pure & righteous due to every further action of God being Just as it was not of obligation to save anyone to begin with.
@jacobbrownfield5753 3 года назад
I feel the same exact way. If I wasn't drawn in, I would be living like everyone else , and wake up in hell. Absolutely horrifying. The fear of the Lord is on me hard.
@Carvegirl 2 года назад
@@jacobbrownfield5753 the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom..Proverbs 9:10. ❤️
@atienomkubwa8545 2 года назад
Better go on your knees and praise God everyday for the rest of your life. Trust me..some are not so fortunate. Imagine suffering on earth, dying and sent straight to hell.
@foolishdrunk2181 4 года назад
No, it's: "why do some choose God while others don't?"
@TheJpep2424 4 года назад
No it's not. No one seeks after God. No one chooses God, God chooses man.
@gokartbob6478 4 года назад
I'd say it like this.. God for-knows who will choose him and who won't.
@foolishdrunk2181 4 года назад
@@TheJpep2424 If that were true, nobody would end up in hell.
@michaelburns8883 4 года назад
You either believe or you don't!!
@aprilholton1150 4 года назад
@@TheJpep2424 Exactly, God chooses US. We don't seek after God unless we are born again-regenerated. Which is an act of God when He draws us to His son Jesus Christ. My spiritual testimony is proof of this..........
@FartCoffin 7 месяцев назад
Terrible and dangerous view to believe that certain people are born condemned. The Father didn’t make a single person to be destined for damnation. He gave us the power to choose Him or not. That is the crux.
@abuelb 4 месяца назад
You got no power my dude. 26 But you do not believe because you are not of My sheep. 27 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; 28 and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand. (John 10:26-28, NASB)
@leonardogarcia9651 4 года назад
Thank you JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!! I heard this message loud and clear!!! Brought a lot of tears of joy to my eyes!! I barley came across romans 9 today for the first time and I read it. As I was reading it, I asked God; Lord please help me fully understand this chapter. So I read it and I thought to myself, there has to be more to this chapter that I’m not understanding cause something deep inside told me, God loves us all. We are all his children and I can’t fully understand why would my God turn someone away who is seeking him... So 2 hours later I come across this video and now it all made perfect sense! Brought me to many tears cause I instantly thought about my whole family and everyone who I’m trying to talk to about God in these last hours! 🙏🏻♥️♥️♥️
@truthseeker5698 Год назад
Hopefully you are aware of Roman’s 9-11 in its fullness. Calvinism /Reformed theology are nothing like Jesus the Messiah.
@sandyjuntunen4088 Год назад
God will NEVER turn anyone away who is truly seeking Him. He said when we seek Him with all our heart we WILL find Him.
@elizabethhartley8987 Год назад
@@sandyjuntunen4088no one seeks after God Romans 3
@joe_zeay Год назад
Romans 9 refers to Jacob(Israel) Esau(Edom) Not individuals. Calvinism is based on unbiblical books murderer john calvin wrote not inspired by the holy spirit in the 1600. T.U.L.I.P is demonic and unbiblical cult who keeps this a secret.
@JD-ye2pw 5 лет назад
I will NOT try to think I can know or understand "everything" about the Almighty or try to instruct him as to what to do. I'm not saying I'm right, but let me speak my mind for a sec. So to think that HE creates millions of vessels just for destruction is just crazy, doesn't line up with His nature. I just can't see it the more I read scripture. And trust me I'm a genuine believer, with a true heart for the Father and His creation So I think anyone who holds to that "thinking" knows what I'm saying makes a lil sense if you are honest with yourself, but if you don't that's ok. Possible Explanation for Rom 9. What if Paul was referring to the children of the Fallen angels - Nephilims etc, so their descendants COULD be the vessels of destruction spoken about - who knows, maybe Anyone in the Nephilims blood line is not a candidate for salvation because they were never in the original plan of Elohim. That would make Biblical sense. Bc they are an abomination to Yahweh. Wouldn't it? I think so, but then again what do I know Anyway, I'll keep reaching out to everyone as if they ALL can be saved and let Yahweh handle what I'm not sure about. Have a bless day folks
@davidochieng2975 5 лет назад
Take for example, Pharaoh of Egypt, God said he created him for destruction and not for salvation(Exodus 4:21)
5 лет назад
@@davidochieng2975 all gods are myths made by men in the image and likeness of men. The bible is ancient fiction. Think - for a change.
@aprilholton1150 4 года назад
@@davidochieng2975 Yes! I use Pharaoh of Egypt as an example of God the creator building someone up to show His power. God has a lump of clay, he molds some of it into a beautiful vase. He then molds a trashcan to discard garbage with the same clay...........some are chosen and some for destruction. We look at it through human eyes and try to understand it, that is the problem. One day everything will be revealed to us............God bless you
@aprilholton1150 4 года назад
@ I think you made a wrong turn, aren't you looking for the atheist comments?!? The bible is NOT fiction, and I resent you saying we should think-for a change. Do you know what I think? I think I love our heavenly father more than anything else!!!
4 года назад
Every person is born atheistic (without believe in gods). Childhood indoctrination blinds people to the fact the god they worship is as much a fiction as all gods. We are all atheists on the millions of gods others worshiped; I just go one god further.
@batmansummer9236 3 года назад
The tone of this guy talking like he is crying is kinda repulsive. Trying my best to listen through.
@jimkraft9445 5 лет назад
Limited Atonement is not biblical. John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, Jesus, that WHOSOEVER. BELEIVETH in Him, should not perish, but HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE. John 3:17 God did not send His son to condemn the world, but that the word through Him might be saved. John 3:18. Believers are not condemned, but unbelievers are condemned already, because they have not BELIEVED on the name of the Son of God. First John 2:2 And He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but for the sins of the whole world. But, only those who believe He did it for them are saved. First Timothy 2:4 Who would have all men to be saved and come unto the knowledge of the truth. What is the truth. Romans 3:23 All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. There is none righteous, no not one. We all deserve to go to hell. All have sinned. Not some, but all. One sin, you go to hell for ever to pay for one sin. It makes no difference if you do a thousand sins, or just one. For God to be a righteous judge, he has to judge sin. The punishment for sin is death. Spiritual death. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, and we all sin, and we all die. But the GIFT of God is eternal life just by believing on His name. John 1:12 But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the children of God, EVEN TO THEM THAT BELEIVE ON HIS NAME. John 6:37 All that the Father giveth me, will come to me, and ALL that cometh to me, I will in no wise cast out. God will save the worst of sinners, Just by believing on His name plus nothing. Jesus paid our sin debt in full so that no matter how much we sin, they are all paid. When Jesus said on the cross "IT IS FINISHED" He paid the sin debt for everyone in the world, but only those who believe it are saved. Once we believe it, we are sealed by the Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption. Ephesians 1:13 In whom ye also trusted after ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; (First Corinthians 15:1-4) in whom also AFTER ye believed ye were sealed by that Holy Spirit of promise. We are not regenerated by the Holy Spirit until we believe. First John 5:13 These things have written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God, that ye may know ye have eternal life.
@Norman-Bates-60 3 года назад
I cant wait to give Jesus a hug.
@Banishedsoulsofficial 5 лет назад
The call of salvation goes out to every person at some point in their life. Read your bibles
@marryjane1684 6 месяцев назад
Did he ever answer the question??? 😂😂😂😂
@deemisquadis9437 Год назад
Chosen ones, are chosen ones, before they come to earth. We are the chosen ones. We have a great purpose. 😇🤗❤️
@bernardnickson1783 Год назад
No, the choosen are the Isrealities, and non- else. God only made a covenant with the Israelites by animal sacrifice and no OTHER people. Note: Jesus did NOT change a damn thing.
@ShamelesslyRed Год назад
​@@bernardnickson1783read scripture and believe. Jesus was the final sacrifice for all sin, only to be rejected by the Jews, who still reject Him to this day
@bernardnickson1783 Год назад
@ShamelesslyRed NOT true. Give the book, chapter and verse.
@bernardnickson1783 Год назад
@ShamelesslyRed If rejected , Hebrews 8:8 kjv. I do not see any other Nation of people in this scripture.
@ShamelesslyRed Год назад
@@bernardnickson1783 Romans 11: 16-24 depicts Israel as distinct from the Church: the “natural branches” are the Jews, and the “wild branches” are the Gentiles. The “olive tree” is the collective people of God. The “natural branches” (Jews) are “cut off” the tree for unbelief, and the “wild branches” (believing Gentiles) are grafted in. This has the effect of making the Jews “jealous” and then drawing them to faith in Christ, so they might be “grafted in” again and receive their promised inheritance. The “natural branches” are still distinct from the “wild branches,” so that God’s covenant with His people is literally fulfilled at the summation of time when the full number of Gentiles are brought in. In Romans 9:3, Paul is in deep sorrow for his Jewish kinsmen for the very reason of the Jews rejection of the Messiah; ie., their "cutting off" from the true vine. There will be a remnant that's restored, so there's good news.
@mr.tomatohead5648 4 года назад
So God saves according to his will? Good, God's will is for everyone to be saved.
@tommihail6564 4 года назад
I agree I'm a Christian universalist
@lindajohnson4204 4 года назад
The Bible doesn't teach universalism, so the only conclusion left, is that we are free to receive the light God sends our way, or reject it.
@m.d.d4250 4 года назад
But we already know everyone is not saved. Read that entire chapter, in context, you will see it means ALL KINDS OF MEN , as in from all walks of life including kings and all who are in high positions.
@lindajohnson4204 4 года назад
@@m.d.d4250 The chapter itself does not imply that _all men_ means "all types of men". That is just not there in the Bible. The "context" you are borrowing that from is Augustinian/Calvinist theology, insinuating itself into people's understanding. Draw a Venn diagram, allowing "all men" to be the big circle, the Universal set = U. "Kings" and "all that are in authority" are subsets of U, not identical to U. They are one circle, "kings", inside the circle, "those who are in authority," inside of the larger circle of "all men"; the Bible has not changed the meaning of _all men_ to conform to some need that it mean only the those in authority, including kings. That is not how context works. Words have meaning; they are not just clay, to be shaped into anything the writer or interpreter desires. Some words shift meaning according to context, but some stay the same. "God our Saviour" would have all men be saved. "All men", at face value, means more than "some men". There is no purpose in saying "all", when you just mean it as some sort of code for "some". The fact that we know that all men are not saved, doesn't mean that it isn't true that God would have all men be saved, in the sense of desiring it. The context of the chapter really serves that it is saying that God desires the salvation of all men. Ask yourself: Did Jesus only "give Himself a ransom" (verse 6) for kings and all that are in authority? You can't say that _context demands_ that "all men" only be kings and those in authority in verse 4, then hurry and add back in _all the Calvinists_ for verse 6. If the context truly demands that _all_ means _only some,_ then it will continue to mean that, as long as the subject remains the same. To insert the meaning of "all Calvinists" into a phrase that you have said that the context limits to "kings, and those in authority", is called a _switcheroo._ In Bible interpretation, we are supposed to watch out for switcheroos, which can be very harmful. So, reading it meaningfully, rejecting the demands of a theology of mere men to insert itself into the interpretation, in 2, "kings, and all that are in authority" are a _subset_ of men that is _part of,_ but smaller than, the group of "all men": part of those for whom we should pray, all men, who are those whom God desires to be saved. It does not make all men _identical_ to kings and those in authority. And ask yourself this, too, and you are welcome to bring Calvinist doctrine along for this one: if the Bible is truly saying that God would have, not all men without exception, but all kings and all that are in authority, saved, and, borrowing from Calvinist doctrine, God only wants to save those He _actually saves,_ and the rest, He never even wanted to save in the first place, why make that statement about kings and politicians? They are about as unlikely a group to be saved as exists. Very, very few of the people who are obsessed with power in this world, get saved, so why would God have Paul say that He wants them all saved? As Calvinists like to say about our God, that makes Him kind of weak and puny, doesn't it? He can force _regular_ people to be saved, but when it comes to _strong-willed_ men, like kings and hard-bitten politicians, the ones He _really_ would have saved, He's batting almost zero: "pining away," because He's "too weak" to save _those_ He _really wants_ to save, the _strong-willed_ man of this world, and this world, only. He _wanted to save_ Hitler and Stalin, but they were _just too tough_ for Him. Not many Nebuchadnezzars in the whole, legs-of-iron, feet-of-clay, bunch of them. Thankfully, some do get saved out of politics, but not many at all. 1 Timothy 2:7 1¶I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 2For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. 3For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; 4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. 5For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; 6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. 7Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity.
@ronnycarney4719 4 года назад
casheesed yes what you say is quite true but you have to follow the rules and God makes the rules we don’t🍷🍞
@MrPatdeeee 2 года назад
"Why Does God Choose Some and Not Others?" (Sorry kind Sir; for the VERY long "comment". But I believe it NEEDS to be espoused) I believe the word "chosen" (throughout bibles); was an "euphemism"; used by "olden" bible writers; that sadly makes many think things; that it did not mean. Please follow along... After the "Great Flood" settled; the population of persons grew exponentially over the 400 yrs after the flood. And...the scenario of the "Tower of Babel" caused Jesus; who IS God; to creat languages, national, ethnic, race, gender, age, etc, galore; that are still being spawned; all over the world today. Thus, I believe that Jesus (who reduced this earth down to 8 people (Noah, his wife, and their 3 sons and their wives during the Great Flood); was trying to have another population that WOULD obey His 613 "Commandments". So He tested ONE man from ONE ethnic group; AKA: "Abram" (later Abraham) who was a "Hebrew". And behold, Abram passed the test with flying colors. Hallelujah! And Jesus (God) was very pleased. So He blessed Abram and all of his "descendants" to the end of the world; AND...they would "grow like the sands of the sea and the stars in the sky". However...Jesus also made it clear that IF they did not obey His Commandments; He would punish them like no others would ever experience. He was adamant for sure! Now the greatest of all...Jesus told "Jacob" and His 12 "sons" that they MUST allow ANY one; into the blessings AND of course the punishments. That means that NO body would EVER be left out of the "Chosen" (Children of Jesus). Until the end of the world. Sadly, that did NOT happen. Because of the jealous, arrogant, stiff-necked and selfishness of 10 of the 12 Sons of Jacob; was NOT going to let that happen. And they proved it in a terrorist killing of every man, woman and child; of a NEW group; who wanted to be "Chosen", like the Israelites. Totally disobeying what Jesus commanded. "Damned" idiots! Thus to this day; that Heavenly "chosen" offer; is STILL in vogue; all over the world. Only it has a NEW name. And that name is "Born Again" Christians. And ANY one that does not become Born Again; they are NOT "chosen". For they are satan's. Worse: If they never accept the FREE gift, and they die, they WILL be the ONLY persons on this planet; that are cast into the "Burning Lake of Fire" (hell). End of Story and I rest me case... ...In any case kind Sir, Please Pray OFTEN and Praise Jesus OFTEN; for He is the ONLY true "God Almighty"; there will ever have been. And may Jesus bless you and yours always. AMEN!
@AMFugo 2 года назад
GREAT comment .
@MrPatdeeee 2 года назад
@@AMFugo Thank you kind person. And may Jesus bless you and yours, always
@AMFugo 2 года назад
@@MrPatdeeee Thank You 🙏 Prayers are needed as we are homeless. CORRUPT local government stole our home and EVERYTHING in it .PROPERTY TAXES ARE EXTORTION. When Jesus said to give to Ceasar what is Ceasars , He did NOT mean ones own home and belongings. Read Micah as it was revealed to me while in jail . Those who do this to people are living demons in human form. Greed is one of the seven deadly sins . If you want specifics on Micah , chapter and verse explains their unholy rule.
@MrPatdeeee 2 года назад
@@AMFugo My prayers begin when I hit "Send".
@heungsokcha2318 2 года назад
Calvinism is a false teaching, I reckon. Whoever belives in HIM will be saved.
@lonecrusaider 5 лет назад
God chose all of us... its up to us to answer.
@fayehelms507 5 лет назад
Thank you.. YES
@Yahshuaismyeverything 6 месяцев назад
For many are called but a FEW arw chosen
@williamorr9203 5 лет назад
Ask God,what can man tell you about the potter,were the clay,remember.?
@deemisquadis9437 Год назад
Because we listen to his calling. ❤😊
@janejohnstone5795 2 года назад
It does not have to be complicated, if you follow the ten commandments, by staying on the straight and narrow path ,then you will be blessed...and keep your life simple ..all this deep discussion just makes people confused...just make life simple.
@ricks7469 Год назад
It is by grace alone that any are chosen. None are worthy.
@dominic5520 5 лет назад
@sallymcmurray949 5 лет назад
Did you forget the part in John? For God so loved the world, let me restate the world, that he gave his only begotten son and whosoever let me repeat whosoever, Shall Believe in him shall not perish but have everlasting life
@davidochieng2975 5 лет назад
@@sallymcmurray949 The world used here refers to the chosen ones who were foreknown beforehand predestined, called by the gospel ,believe in the gospel and then justified and glorified
@godschild6417 5 лет назад
Dominic funny how these verse don’t speak about Jesus dying for the world? Try re-reading the Bible for what it says and no cherry picking verses to suite your evil doctrine
@AshePBlack 5 лет назад
Is this not still going on now? People are still deciding if want to convert or not. God knew beforehand who would be christian when via how free will is used. We were all spirit before being born in a earthly body and certain ppl had certain jobs I think when Jesus returns and stuff is restored it's what all humanity lost. Only reason fallen Angel's had power is cuz when they fell they kept what had. So if God promised humanity something, we cant lose it, he does not give then take
@bartleon 5 лет назад
"let the hatred begin"?
@cindypollard7972 Год назад
God gave me Romans 9 just after my gay brother died in his sins without Christ. Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated. My brother being the older, me being the younger. God wrote this chapter on my heart as I wrestled with my grief for over a year and a half.
@mikebrown9850 Год назад
You’ll see your brother again, he’s not lost. He just wasn’t called in this the Church age. Every man in his own order(1 Corinthians 15:22-23). He’s just asleep for now.
@usmcvet0313 Год назад
​@@mikebrown9850nope, no second chances. This life is it, and if you haven't placed your trust in Christ as savior when death seizes upon you, you will be found guilty by God. That earns a one way ticket to hell. "And inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment," - Hebrews 9:27
@mikebrown9850 Год назад
@@usmcvet0313 That’s correct, everyone will be judged for what they did in this life. And all have earned death. What you’re confused on is the time order. It is appointed men to die once. Everyone dies once, except the very few that will be changed at Christ’s return. Only God’s Church is being judged now. The overwhelming mass of civilization that has ever lived from Adam until Christ return will be judged( not condemned) in the Great White Throne Judgment (Revelation 20:11-15). That’s when the overwhelming majority of them will hear of Jesus Christ for the 1st time and be given their chance to accept Him as their personal Savior. They will then be given Gods Holy Spirit which will then enable them to have a personal relationship with Him . If God hasn’t specifically called a person to come out of this world, hasn’t repented of their sins and received the gift of God’s Holy Spirit, and placed into the very Body of Christ, this person is not being judged eternally. They will simply die in this life and be resurrected to physical life in the 2nd resurrection. Stop believing men, read your Bible and believe the scriptures.
@vladgor4099 Год назад
@@mikebrown9850 I dont think you understood what the throne room Judgment is. That isnt an opportunity to accept or reject Christ. That is the end. Those who didn't put their faith in Christ will be judged by their works. But i also believe that every person has had an opportunity to accept or reject Christ before death. Through preaching, hearing the gospel somewhere, dream etc
@mikebrown9850 Год назад
@@vladgor4099 God’s perfect master plan for man is pictured by His 7 annual Holy Days given to ancient Israel (by Christ, the God of the OT) through Moses. God added much revelation about the fulfillment of these days through His OT prophets. Christ then spoke in detail about the fulfillment of these days, including the Great White Throne Judgement. Christ then revealed much deeper understanding of the details of which these days picture to His Church. The Old Covenant was physical. The New Covenant is spiritual. The 1st step in God’s master plan to redeem mankind from eternal death is the Passover, but it is not a Holy Day. The Holy Days begin with the Days of Unleavened Bread which picture true Christians utterly putting sin out of their lives. That process is still underway until Christ returns. The fulfillment of the Passover happened at Golgotha. The fulfillment of the next 5 Holy Days after the Days of Unleavened Bread(Pentecost, the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, the Feast of Tabernacles, and the Last Great Day) can’t happen until Christ’s return. The majority of humankind who have ever lived will be redeemed. Then His plan will really expand beyond our comprehension!
@tianabrea1181 2 года назад
God chooses all, not all choose him.
@hazael1945 5 лет назад
The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil. [Prov:16:4] In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight. [Lk:10:21]
@wjckc79 5 лет назад
Well done. Scripture is sufficient to study scripture. Scripture alone speaks authoritatively, and it speaks to all believers, independently of church leaders and councils, human interpreters and so-called spokesmen for God.
@himynameisjohnwumsh7631 5 лет назад
William Cornelius : amen
@susiedyck4914 4 года назад
Look up the day of evil in scripture. It's only mentioned 2 other times. In Jeremiah 17:17 and 17:18 there is explains what the day of evil is. The day of evil clearly talks about a temple destruction. Those prosecuting Jeremiah are God chosen ppl, the ppl of Judea. For rebelling against God they are getting the double destruction Jeremiah 17:1-4 the ppl of Judea the warning they will serve their enemies because they have kindled Gods anger with their behaviour. We know the rest of the story that the ppl of Judea didn't repent. They will be serving their enemy after Nebuchadnezzer wipes them out. The wicked mention in proverbs 16:4 is Nebuchadnezzer. The Bible does not contradict. Also the Bible is it's own dictionary
@SerendipitousProvidence 3 года назад
@@susiedyck4914 God calls Nebuchadnezzar “my servant” three times in the book of Jeremiah (Jeremiah 25:9; 27:6; 43:10). He's saved and not wicked
@Mobutelu 4 года назад
Hi my friend.Because this is will of GOD,because it is the work of GOD, and HE has mercy on whom He wills, and on those who are pleasing to Him, people must be silent before GOD.I love you all.GOD bless you all with wisdom,but dont forget,the begining of wisdom is fear to LORD.
@rorylondon1752 4 года назад
I have faith. I lose it. I have faith. I lose it. Why can’t I keep my faith reveal yourself unto me lord, please I beg you I will serve you please let me have faith in you.
@deborahgonzalezknight168 4 года назад
Listen to Jackie Pullinger, she just got in with it and says she never really had any particular experience s.
@rorylondon1752 4 года назад
Jadapple I have renounced my belief in god
@deborahgonzalezknight168 4 года назад
@@rorylondon1752 Don't be silly. Get a grip.
@deborahgonzalezknight168 4 года назад
@Barry Midikiner 😂
@Why.am.I.here... 4 года назад
I once was struggling with this until I heard this message by Renee Roland: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-URl9-L_TjJg.html I was instantly released of that burden!! I hope it will lead you to the same freedom!!
@WellManNerd 2 года назад
Beware the leaven of the Pharisees.
@aaronmacias1033 5 лет назад
THAT WAS MY QUESTION! WONDERFUL. Thank you for answering Pastor John.
@Stanzi18 5 лет назад
Hey, brother. Did you feel like his answer gave you a clearer understanding of the passage? I'd be happy to share any information on reformed theology as well. John Piper is a great teacher on the matter. Professor Ryan Reeves has a RU-vid channel that goes into the history of these types of ideas as well. Here if you need any help, brother. God bless.
@johnnyg7743 5 лет назад
@@Stanzi18 what is the name of the channel?!
@Stanzi18 5 лет назад
@@johnnyg7743 Ryan Reeves is the channel name. Very in depth.
@marymorris6897 4 года назад
Matt 5:7, "Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy."
@AnHebrewChild 2 года назад
AMEN. Yes!! I love how Jesus says things. So simple and slices right thru our confusion. I had a hard day and your simple comment of posting this on this video cheered me up a little. Be blessed
@marymorris6897 2 года назад
@@AnHebrewChild I hope the rest of your week will be better. I've learned that we can live in love, or not. We can live in forgiveness, or not. We can live, being merciful, or not. Whatever we choose to live in either connects with God or not. One of the mistakes theologians make is to try to fill in all the spaces between things God has shown us. The spaces (gaps of our understanding) are there, I believe because we are incapable of understanding some things. But we try to fill in those gaps, and in doing so we are always wrong. No offense to reformed theology, but it's a extreme in trying to fill in the gaps. It's important for us to say, "We don't know; God hasn't revealed it to us." hugs, Mary
@luaiwilson9765 4 года назад
they dont want to hear his name "Jesus" because criminals and sinners will always hate the judge
@colleeninprayer1498 3 года назад
That’s it in a Nutshell.
@underwaves75 3 года назад
Jesus came for the criminals and sinners. It was the self righteous He took the harsher issues with. They were them who rejected and ultimately killed Him. These two lessons by John Doerr on what it means to truly be born again are very liberating! The Trueth of the real Jesus Christ’s gospel of grace toward the sinner has been hidden by Rome’s Jesuits and scholars, who work tirelessly to cast doubt on the Word of God. The devil has deceived the whole world. (Rev 12:9) ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-E5TDOs_tLpQ.html - born again basics pt1 ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-lwj78N080cw.html - born again basics pt2 Romans 8:2 “For the law of the spirit of life, in Christ Iesus, hath made me free from the law of sinne and death.” The fundamental problem is the corruption of Gods word. In this link you can find a lesson on the unbroken testimony of Jesus Christ in the English language which is found in the authorized version of 1611. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-C9lIWdQ0rc0.html 2 Corinthians 2:17 “For wee are not as many which corrupt the word of God: but as of sinceritie, but as of God, in the sight of God speake we in Christ.”
@ndjarnag 3 года назад
Actually the name is not Jesus. The name is Yeshua. But who cares about being accurate .
@franklee7943 Год назад
According to The Inspired Words of The LORD Himself in The Bible, "many are called, but few are chosen"(Matthew 22:14), and the few who are chosen (Romans 9:11-23), were already individually chosen in The Lord by name (Romans 16:13), according to His foreknowledge (1 Peter 1:2, Acts 2:23, 15:18), before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4-11), which was before time began (2 Timothy 1:9-10). _______________________________________________ Election : 7 quick-reference Questions & Answers with exact Scripture references - 1. Does God choose everyone? No : many are called, but few are chosen (Matthew 22:14, cf. Deuteronomy 7:6-8, 10:15, Acts 10:41, Romans 9:11-23). 2. Does God choose anyone? Yes : certain angels (1 Timothy 5:21), and specific individual people by name (Jeremiah 1:5, Acts 1:24, 9:15, 22:14, Romans 9:11-23, 16:13, Galatians 1:15, cf. Luke 10:20, Philippians 4:3, Revelation 3:5, 13:8, 17:8, 20:12-15, 21:27). 3. Why does God choose specific individual people by name? Because He loves them (Deuteronomy 7:6-8, cf. 4:37, 10:15, Romans 9:11-23, 1 John 4:19). 4. Where does God choose specific individual people by name? In The Lord (Romans 16:13, Ephesians 1:4). 5. When does God choose specific individual people by name? Before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4-11), which was before time began (2 Timothy 1:9). 6. How does God choose specific individual people by name? According to His foreknowledge (1 Peter 1:2, cf. Jeremiah 1:5, John 6:64, Acts 2:23, 15:18, Romans 8:29, 11:2). 7. What does God choose specific individual people by name for? Salvation (2 Thessalonians 2:13-14, cf. 2 Timothy 2:10), and holiness (Ephesians 1:4, cf. 2 Timothy 1:9).
@DoNotLetThemStealYourJoy 2 года назад
I've had spiritual battles ALL MY LIFE. I've backslid and back over and over and I dont deserve this calling, He always picks me up from my lowest point and I've always wondered why He chose to save me, His unfaithful servant, but does not seem to save the others? Now I know the answer. Because He got assignments for you. Through you, He wants to give some people a chance at repentance and only you can get through to them. He also wants to teach you to identify adversity and how to overcome it.
@kromoser44 Год назад
I feel the same.
@BrotherDave80 5 лет назад
Piper is nuts... Romans 9 has nothing to do with pre selected for salvation
@AshePBlack 5 лет назад
No1 is preselected for salvation but who we were as spirit before being born kinda affects behavior but we have free will and God knows how we will use it. But that is not predestination
Brother Dave Are you referring to John Viper?
@andrewstidham7950 Год назад
I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy God does as he pleases
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