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Why Everyone is (Still) Complaining About Wild Assault in Guilty Gear Strive 

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@LankyJ777 5 месяцев назад
Great breakdown. My takeaway, my character should have WA but no one else's
@notmyfullname598 5 месяцев назад
When I hear people complaining about white wild assault on nago, pot, and goldlewis, I think, as a bedman player: "nooooooooo please don't take this away from meeee, I'm just a widdle low tier"
@user-zf3yo1if6v 5 месяцев назад
@@notmyfullname598don’t worry…characters like Bedman needs a Wild Assault(White WA), due to Bedman’s bad conversions. But Pot & GOLDLEWIS…they’re the main villains of White Wild Assault. Nago too, but Pot & Gold have bigger hit frames that’s near impossible to react💯
@notmyfullname598 5 месяцев назад
@@user-zf3yo1if6v yeah, I just fear that white wild assault will be nerfed for that lot and then bedman gets worse too
@blp9182 5 месяцев назад
Complaining about pot when hes low tier is funny asfk
@rare9242 5 месяцев назад
@Jiroche 5 месяцев назад
homogenizing mid-screen conversion potential across the cast is my biggest gripe with WA. on the same note, it definitely seems like a mechanic that sort of negates what are supposed to be the intentional flaws of some characters. it's nice to have a new tool and also nice that the burst gauge is more of a resource, but it is a little cringe that pretty much any character can wall-to-wall you off of a poke now. even if the damage is scaled, a wall break with any level of meter on deck is pretty much a win condition for much of the cast
@ggmasterguiltygear6315 5 месяцев назад
With just one counter hit a single red wild assault guarantees a meterless wall to wallsplat, i only disagree, with the variations of it. either make everyones red or blue and prevent it from removing the opponents burst.
@shadowfire1500 5 месяцев назад
You’ve had plenty of experience with it, that’s for certain.
@ggmasterguiltygear6315 5 месяцев назад
@@shadowfire1500 It's You!😲
@cheshi_smile 5 месяцев назад
I really like how WA makes me think about characters I've been playing for years in completely new ways. BWA is really fun to use for Zato and Millia, and surprisingly satisfying to implement. I'm almost tempted to ask for more from it, but I know it's one of those things that's one change away from being the next mechanic that's popular to hate
@sgtpancakes450 5 месяцев назад
I personally disagree with characters being balanced around WA. In a game where a lot of previous mechanics were reworked, simplified or homogenized, WA feels like one that should have had character specific balancing. Even with the three color system we have now, it's difficult to balance the mechanic in a way that doesn't let certain characters take advantage of it better than others. While that's true of every system mechanic, it feels odd putting the same type of move on characters with two different kits and game plans. For example, RWA feels right for Testament because it helps them get better conversions off of their longer range pokes which helps them close the gap in certain situations since they're a lower damage, more neutral based character. The speed and range of RWA makes sense because (at least as of writing) it works well with their kit and while it covers for one of their weaknesses, it doesn't do so much heavy lifting that it feels OP. Sol on the other hand, has good conversions and damage potential but is hindered by his effective range since he's more of a close range brawler. So giving Sol something that lets him convert better off of his longer range buttons or keep a combo from dropping due to blowback feels excessive since it's covering too much for one of his inherent flaws. The issue that now arises is if ASW rebalances Sol specifically to compensate for WA, they might remove some of his identity in his kit and change how he feels too much; but if they rebalance RWA because of Sol, characters where it's fine like Testament lose out on a tool that was very good for them even if it felt more balanced for their kit. Instead they can give Testament a RWA that fits their kit and Sol could get one that fits his kit. This would let ASW balance the mechanic more around the characters than they currently can without compromising on each character's personality in their gameplay. The colored WA system could still stay to help indicate what each character might use their WA for and also as means of limiting options for characters (ie the slow startup of BWA or the noncancelable nature of WWA). Idk that to me feels like a better solution in the long run even if it makes WA a little more work to understand from MU to MU. While I certainly want the game to be balanced, I don't want it to be at the cost of a character's identity. The last thing I want for the game is for characters to feel too similar. That would ruin a lot of the fun.
@claytonbutall713 5 месяцев назад
I think different wild assaults for each character would be sick.
@justinsaunders110 5 месяцев назад
The thing with this is that roman cancels already allow conversion on pretty much anything sol has. It allows you to choose which bar to use instead which is what I think they’re going for.
@Supershadow7890 5 месяцев назад
I like WA's ability to make bad characters better but it feels too overtuned at present for a variety of reasons. There should be less options to cancel into a WA or some kind of punish on block imo
@frendweeb7089 5 месяцев назад
I generally like wild assault even if it feels a little strong. I'd be nice if they made charged wild assault the one that hard knock downs on wallbreaks and costs slightly more burst gauge (idk how they would do that) but as it stands wild assault really just breaks offense for some characters
@ncollasw 5 месяцев назад
Not the first time they tried to do something with burst, burst supers in XRD ignore some of the scaling + blitz shield takes away some of opponent's burst meter. I think WA looks like an evolution to blitz shield
@burningled 5 месяцев назад
I think something like Wild Assault was good for the game, I'm not sure if this is the best implementation of it (I agree with the "it invalidates the majority of defensive options" and "anyone can get an easy conversion off of anything" points made earlier in the video) but I do want the offense in this game to feel more anime than it did in season 2. If I had to change something, I think I'd actually want to mess with the resource expenditure somehow--make wild assaults invoke tension cooldown or make them cost more but refund on block or something along those lines.
@spicyluvsyou 5 месяцев назад
Because it turns everyone into pre nerfed happy chaos. You get clipped by some random move, get comboed for half your health and ends in knockdown that turns into a guess for your life situation.
@zxt5148 5 месяцев назад
Unless they have white wild assault
@jamesk2325 5 месяцев назад
I like WA in theory but WWA kind of removes the primary weaknesses of potemkin and goldlewis almost entirely and a few other characters have something similar. maybe wwa should cost 100 burst?
@UncleMerlin 4 месяца назад
Just give us red wild assault at this point.
@nekopath2879 5 месяцев назад
I think if you start the round with only 40% burst and getting burst meter would take longer it wouldn't be so frustrating and the semi instant kill situations would be more rare
@doin10hitcombos 5 месяцев назад
Wild assault is like almost cool I wish the charged orange WA was more applicable cause that's where all the cool combos are at, the regular WA combos are wack as fuck
@plastichair115 5 месяцев назад
I feel like White WA should either be more minus on block (maybe 0 on block?) Or add some super flash to make it reactable but still allow it to blow through those long range pokes
@Djarnor 5 месяцев назад
In my scrub opinion the Hard Knockdown after wallsplat is just unfun for everyone. The rest can be adjusted in the numbers, like making white wild assult a bit slower
@bartekkko 5 месяцев назад
The designed purpose of wallbreak seems to have been to make the corner less suffocating and force a return to midscreen neutral. The fact that you can turn basically any hit into a positive bonus+HKD Oki is just baffling, and wild assault makes it even easier from even roundstart???
@notimeforcreativenamesjust3034 5 месяцев назад
​​@@bartekkkoIt's funny because since season 2, wall break has been more oppressive that a regular wall.
@PinePizza 5 месяцев назад
Yesss oh my God. I don't care about being against the wall but anything after a wall break knockdown is just gambling against high or low mixup stuff or grab setups and most of the time you just continue to get destroyed and if you're lucky the next WA combo leads to another wall break :) yay.
@bartekkko 5 месяцев назад
@@PinePizza I would have loved to have the player who got wallsplatted have to make the decision to either stay in the corner and hope to turn the tables on the next mixup, or take the damage of the wallbreak and return to neutral. Fighting games have long had the problem of the disadvantaged player not having enough agency, and this would be like a secondary burst, costing health instead of the separate meter.
@KidArkx 5 месяцев назад
Make wild counter or whatever completely break wild assault and give you wall dust combos. So basically it becomes drive impact counters
@SQuirrel147 5 месяцев назад
Just a heads up that the next Guilty Gear character is being revealed tonight! I'm currently streaming on Twitch waiting for the reveal if you wanna come hang with me and the SQuad! Thanks for watching the video and appreciate all the comments and likes >>> www.twitch.tv/squirrel147
@Llama985 5 месяцев назад
The only consistent punish I know of for White WA is to try and react to it by throwing them. It is strike and projectile invul but not throw invul. As an Axl, player, it feels that is my only tool to try and get a White WA happy Goldlewis player to stop for a moment at least.
@notarealspy4090 5 месяцев назад
WA probably needs more of a risk factor to using it, Ramlethal gaining Rushdown levels of Aggression is Fun, but it feels like it goes against her Footsies playstyle since she can opt to just skip Neutral with WA It might be a hot take to say that everyone should have a Unique WA, but i think making it benefit each character specifically would be easier to Balance in the sense that its unique to the character and not a group of characters
@M0HAK0 5 месяцев назад
And to answer your last question, i think it is very fun when your doing it, but when on the recieving end it is not fun no natter which version is used. Characters like Sol who are already strong just get even crazier and destroy you idmf you make 1 mistake for crazy corner carry and of course hard knockdown off wall break. Sucks because it does help out most of the cast who were lacking in conversions but kinda breaks the ones already on top further.
@ladyscribe21 5 месяцев назад
Only thing I’ve been able to do against WWA is to throw it, but just like jumping, it’s on a hard read.
@beatrix4519 5 месяцев назад
Blue WA is so character dependent Bridget makes really good use of it, setting up yoyo setplay, and extending some specific combos which lets you do some nice damage Baiken can use it well to set up S Kabari, but she can't really use it too well in combos and Elphelt struggles to use it well setting up rekka is good but she has other meterless routes into rekka on block overall, I don't think it's valuable assessing how healthy WA is for the game, given that it's likely not going anywhere White WA definitely needs some tweaking and counterplay, but I think overall WA is pretty okay in my eyes definitely better for some characters than others, but really helps some of the lower end of the roster execute their gameplans
@fujinwillx640 5 месяцев назад
I main bedman. And omgggggg WA hurtsssss. This character already has really bad defensive options, and the hard knockdown just leaves him with literally zero options depending on who he’s fighting. A good amount of Characters were already able to just push buttons against him, and now they can do so taking away the one good defensive option he has (burst). Not to mention he doesn’t get a lot off of his WA anyhow aside from the invincibility occasionally fucking people over.
@enhasiac4153 5 месяцев назад
I think this applies to new moves as well, or to anything you're adding to an already complete character or system, but I see two angles you can design Wild Assault. you can use it to double down on characters strengths to make sure they excel at what they're good at or you can use it to round out their weaknesses so they're less at risk of bad matchups. It's easy to see with OWA and WWA: OWA is generally making conversions better for characters with already good conversions, making it the first method and WWA is giving the heavyweights an anti-zoning tool, something they historically struggle with. Ignoring some exceptions like Testaments OWA rounding out their lackluster conversion ability or Pot and Nago already having pretty good anti-zoning options where their roles are reversed. BWA feels the most character specific if it's enhancing a strength or rounding out a weakness and I think that contributes to its perception as the more balanced WA. For the other two though I think this is where the mechanic fails, because both are causing opposite problems. OWA is pushing what the reasonable limit for "has good conversions" is and WWA is smoothing over a rough edge to the point where it doesn't feel like a weakness anymore. It feels like they were made in isolation and in isolation neither approach to adding something inherently makes the game more interesting because the game was already complete without them. It makes me think of what they did with May where in order to fit her new move cleanly into her kit they had to change a lot about how her kit worked and I think more of that mindset was needed for WA to truly improve the game. The changes to Burst were cool in that regard but they should have looked at the characters more. So overall I think WA didn't improve the game. I don't think it's a huge problem and if they never touched it I'd accept that this is just what the game is now, it's a bit much to deal with sometimes and sometimes it's fun to bulldoze through someone off of a roundstart fS into wallbreak into wincon. They could have done a lot better.
@enhasiac4153 5 месяцев назад
Anyway give Pot BWA, he deserves the funniest option
@neotokioboi5152 5 месяцев назад
"Everyone" who? Notice how nobody you've ever met in real life ever has complained about wild assault. But every RU-vidr is telling you that people are complaining about it. WHO? Where are these people!?
@mutantmangoman 5 месяцев назад
I think it’s good overall right with the way that it complicates meter usage and combo strategy. White wild assault could use some rebalancing though. I think it works perfectly with Bedman’s kit but it’s a little too much with the other characters.
@nanashi-gaming 4 месяца назад
An honestly brilliant summary of why I stopped playing strive at season 3.
@NovaSlimedragon 5 месяцев назад
i think wild assault is... a Conflicting Mechanic, ive been a Warm Wild Assault Enjoyer (orange or red or whatever color you see it as) and i think the nerfs it got are extremely justified, because i think chipp shouldnt get an entirely unburstable combo off of a 2K mix in the corner, but its still extremely strong and game changing. i do agree that blue wild assault is probably the most balanced, and frankly maybe more characters should have blue over orange, but i also dont think chipp needs more plus frames. the universal wild assault wallbreak situation letting every character immediately enter a game winning situation with potentially even more resources before positive bonus helps, is Pretty Polarizing. but i dont think it is a bad thing either, because not every character has the best post wallbreak knockdown situation anyways, even if it is still a Scary Spot to be in. i like wild assault but it really is a snowball-y and... Notably Jump Scare-y mechanic. new mechanics warping the game isnt the worst thing but i think that combined with how cheap burst is in this patch makes wild assault a really scary force to be reckoned woth... that maybe requires Too much reckoning.
@NovaSlimedragon 5 месяцев назад
I Prefer every character having a wild assault to every character having a sol far slash, at the very least. i think the distinctions between the wild assaults is cool and frankly, i wanna see More New Wild Assaults in the future. give chipp a green wild assault and have it do who fucking knows
@roarkviolet1912 5 месяцев назад
One thing I've thought about is removing wall break oki from red and white wild assault and introducing a tension gain penalty (similar to the super tension gain penalty but not as long) after using wild assault to reduce the snowball effect which comes from wild assault into wall break and positive bonus. The reason why I dont include blue wild assault in regards to losing the walkbreak hard knockdown is that its worse as a hitconfirm into wallbreak oki and that the characters that do have it are generally more reliant on burst as a defensive option due to having lower health/guts and have worse defensive options.
@F1ng0riginal 5 месяцев назад
Burst gauge more than just a bursting gauge? What do you call rev 2's changes?
@monumin4115 5 месяцев назад
Yeah, WA is def very strong and I think burst comes back too quickly.
@sKinCollector 5 месяцев назад
Hi monu
@monumin4115 5 месяцев назад
@@sKinCollectorHi sKin
@salty1355 5 месяцев назад
I'd say wild assault is fine, don't agree with it hard knockdowning when done on a WS at all tho; imo when that happens it's even worse than being combo'd into oblivion in a corner, because they are actively gaining a bonus and extra tension gauge to continue kick my ass instead of depleting their resources and giving me a chance to escape.
@aganaom1712 5 месяцев назад
OWA has largely been relegated to HKD on wallbreak when you don't have/ want to use meter though the ability to get wallsplat from anywhere because of it can be a point of complaint for some BWA has guard crush which feeds strongly into the belief that guard crush in general is over utilized in the game WWA is just suffocating with it's extreme amount of invuln and has very little consistent counterplay while also feeding into the guard crush problem out of all of them, BWA is probably the least complained about but that could be more because of how few characters have it as opposed to it being outright weak
@SansToast1 5 месяцев назад
I think WA is pretty fun but there are definitely some changes that need to be done. I think taking burst guage on block is pretty silly but i think WA should be more tuned for each character instead of it being more of categorically thing. Some lower tier characters need WA while other characters who were already really good only got better
@YaBoiBigSmoke147 5 месяцев назад
I think the combos are cool but I would have rather it be something like a 25 meter option rather than allowing you to use burst on it. It feels incredibly demoralizing to try to make a comeback against someone with full tension and two WA on deck
@yoshitoes6129 5 месяцев назад
I think WA has been a mixed bag but it kind of feels like letting the genie out of the bottle. The introduction of the mechanic has fundamentally shifted what Strive values in terms of risk/reward. And that's not something you can simply balance to make the neutral feel the same as late season 2 even if I prefer the current game overall in a lot of ways. But there are some things that might help it a little. We still are much better than the start of season 3, and Wild Assault isn't at the top of my complaint list anymore. That would be how DP RC has just turned into a significantly better version of YRC. But the game is still really high damage. Risc builds up very fast. And Hard Knockdown on wallbreak is something that is still incredibly strong. That might be something that has to go. I think one of my complaints about wild assault is I wish it would be more easily throwable/interruptible in pressure. In the case of WWA, trying to throw it but being too far away feels so bad. I think overall if you lower damage, make FD more affordable, and maybe reduce the impact of RISC, we'd be in a better spot. Maybe you make a short burst gain cooldown penalty when you use WA, and have positive bonus ignore it?
@derjahgalgion 5 месяцев назад
Will ABA come with Wild assault?
@greedsin555 5 месяцев назад
season 2.5 best season
@colepatterson6408 4 месяца назад
*Does a Rekka Cancel combo into Super to explain building burst* "That was a very basic combo" As someone 70 hours into Ram who has never played a fighting game before this, I'm afraid of the execution of a non-basic combo XD Even the basic combo is impressive to me. Love the videos btw
@Snoozy570 5 месяцев назад
Hey Squirrel if you know they are going to do white wa you can grab them out of it but you have to be expecting it
@GrzegorzSobkowicz 5 месяцев назад
If they go for charged WA, then I don't think you even need to expect it, as long as you're not doing a move, since it's 32 frame startup.
@agreatoldone8902 5 месяцев назад
You can combo off white wild assault if you hold the button
@noahdtdog9082 5 месяцев назад
Buff ram
@UrsaMinor-69 5 месяцев назад
In my humble opinion her big useless heavy sword slam 214H that you can't combo into or out of should be a true overhead
@ricehack 5 месяцев назад
as soon as this mechanic was revealed, i dropped strive. (johnny reveal was the cherry on top as someone who comes from rev2.) just seemed too aggressive in a n offense-oriented game and now everyone can "just do it". hoping the game shapes up better to come back to. or release jam. :)
@NeverduskX 5 месяцев назад
On one side, giving everyone blue WA and removing the hard knockdown on wall-break would probably be really balanced. It would turn the mechanic primarily into a mixup / setplay tool and negate a decent amount of snowballing. On the other side, I feel like it would also much less interesting. Honestly I'm not sure what a better balance patch would even look like.
@Bruh-bi6yi 5 месяцев назад
Towards the end of the vid. I don't really like the idea of increasing conversion rate off of random hits. I like it when fighting games have you think about that more carefully about what you can convert off and when. I like the added meter management aspect, but even when WA costs resource, It's a win wether it lands on block or hit, especially in a game like Strive. It helps the weaker cast but as you've also pointed out, rich get richer. I like it taking a bit of burst off of defender though and I'm glad they didn't fully take that away, adds to strategy. They're actually just trolling with WWA though, I think you nailed the explanation there so nothing to add to that and the point about DP>RC.
@ShellShocks14 Месяц назад
personally i dont like Wild Assault because it extends blockstrings too long. its okay to take turns if fighting games. the “i didnt pay $60 to block” feels real when they bust all their burst on a 20 second blockstring only for it to regen absurdly quickly when blocking.
@ShellShocks14 Месяц назад
i also entirely agree with your positive takes on the way it uses resources. i catch many Ws from players who are used to catching wins off of their opponent failing to block/abare their Avengers 3 length block string and conversions.
@ItsMeLilyV 5 месяцев назад
I think Red and Blue WA is a blast - getting to cancel from a blockstring into a special and back into a normal feels like cheating (positive). That said, it rarely feels like a "decision" because WA is almost always the correct decision, unless you are forced to burst. Especially because of how fast Burst comes back, it feels like so many rounds often just start with two Wild Assaults, because most of the time that'll get you positive bonus anyway.
@excaliburzx1134 5 месяцев назад
Personally, I really hate Wild Assault for a few reasons. Every character utilizes Wild Assault in a somewhat different way but some characters being able to combo into or out of it is something I really hate and I hate that this mechanic just adds even more snowballing to the game when snowballing is already kinda an issue and an issue that I also had with Dragon Ball FighterZ to a strong degree. Strive isn’t in as bad of a place as FighterZ is to me but the snowballing I think needs to be toned down. But back on topic, another thing I do hate about Wild Assault is it granting a hard knockdown after wall break, I think hard knockdowns after wall breaks should only be something obtainable with Supers, not Wild Assault.
@Sleeper_6875 5 месяцев назад
Im not good enough to judge the intricacies of it but I do hate the round start wall break, it just feels wrong
@akasajian 5 месяцев назад
I wonder if wild assault should either not give positive bonus or not give a hard knock down after a Wall break.
@shellularity 5 месяцев назад
i like white WA because it moved bedman from incredibly low tier to somewhat low tier which. as a bedman player i approve
@AliasAnimates 5 месяцев назад
i will say that ive actually havent felt that negative about WA, mostly possitive. for me it was always just another option that helped me think about my resources more than ever
@baka_telas4266 5 месяцев назад
You can also grab white wild assault
@M0HAK0 5 месяцев назад
My main dislike is all the heavy characters version of wild assault. I highly disagree with the distance they cover with that crazy amount of hit invul. Imagine destroying a gold lewis player and then losing a match because you ate 1 damn wild assault from him?
@helkhat_ 5 месяцев назад
I understand some characters needed the edge with conversations and getting in, but I just do not find using WA fun at all. its pushed me from the game honestly
@damienlee4992 5 месяцев назад
I like wild assault very cool combos and scary for whiff punish but you throw them if you expect it coming defense a side not fun lol only thing i don't like they made burst stronger i know you still bait punish it then again need it pretty much double edge sword.
@1337Sess 5 месяцев назад
I haven't played very much since WA came out, but that is more due to me being bored of the game. I wasn't super excited after trying it out for a bit when season 3 dropped. I'm not a fan of WA overall as a universal offensive mechanic. It would be more interesting if characters had their own unique move to spend burst meter on rather than a universal mechanic. I don't absolutely hate it either though, kind of a "meh" feeling from me.
@thegoose8663 5 месяцев назад
Your turn? No. My turn :D - signed Goldlewis player with an improved zero commitment neutral skip option*
@hardcoreheinrich7049 5 месяцев назад
You forgot to mention that you can just grab the WWA, makes me afraid spamming it on round start :D dislike Wild Assault in general btw.
@Nice_Boy_555 5 месяцев назад
True but reacting to a 20 frame advancing move is really difficult
@DANCERcow 5 месяцев назад
My precious neutral is gone! 😭 I can't even, I need my neutch!
@Vegnagun451 5 месяцев назад
I hate Wild Assault. Game didn’t need more offense options. I was Celestial every month for a while but quit after the patch because of how messy and snowbally it feels now.
@humblegamer7876 5 месяцев назад
Love the way you break down concepts and actually wait for the games meta to develop before you just fire off any old opinion on it You and lord knight basically on the same tier for me as far as commentary on the state of the game
@fergusfisher1315 5 месяцев назад
I’ve found that white wild assault can be countered with grab
@sirnarwhal9911 5 месяцев назад
Good luck reacting to it in neutral. You have to expect it's gonna happen.
@notimeforcreativenamesjust3034 5 месяцев назад
You gotta guess that shit lmao
@Chocolatebeeef 5 месяцев назад
Why should there be a punish to white wild assult when everyone else’s wild assault isn’t punishable???!???
@pank3245 2 месяца назад
Wild Assault gave Sol dust loops back lmao
@Gokuboy2002 5 месяцев назад
I like wild assault.. what they should do is buff ibfd and make it easier.
@Kanrararaa 5 месяцев назад
it's fun but i think they need to take away the oki on it when used for wallbreak. the rich just get richer. the mechanic that was introduced to stop snowballing has been turned into the exact thing it was trying to prevent. win more mechanics suck.
@nomnom9477 5 месяцев назад
WA is for sure a real game changer but the mechanic feels nice to have yknow, once again thnx for the uploads!
@Christian_Crab 5 месяцев назад
I will drop a like and a comment but I'm not happy about it due to you knowledge checking me with rock a bunch during some TNS top 48
@nirvana1986 5 месяцев назад
WA was a mistake …
@sKinCollector 5 месяцев назад
Hi Nirvana
@nirvana1986 5 месяцев назад
@@sKinCollector 🥹
@pkstarstorm2426 5 месяцев назад
I think the game is more fun with it. Season 2 was a snooze fest by the end. Having more resource to play with is fun and I like having the option to get HKD from wallbreak most of the time.
@notimeforcreativenamesjust3034 5 месяцев назад
​@pkstarstorm2426 the problem is that there's 3 versions. Really all characters should have either Orange or Blue and nerf the range in Orange Wild Assault.
@user-fy1fs1cu2x 5 месяцев назад
strive was mistake..
@imtiaze642 5 месяцев назад
WA, 2k>2D,grab or close slash, profit
@feelingfuzzied9942 5 месяцев назад
you can throw them out of white wild assault...
@Gooshieooshie5000 5 месяцев назад
I think Wild Assault is great, Goldlewis should simply not have one
@steamconnected6671 5 месяцев назад
wild assault is cursed.Whan it released it felt like another stolen cursed mechanic from street fighter like drive impact.And it is now.
@myzisco229 5 месяцев назад
uh oh
@cas6546 5 месяцев назад
@Jayceiscool 5 месяцев назад
sq my fave streemer
@shunpo5394 5 месяцев назад
@doyouknowkeplertwentytwob4032 4 месяца назад
Bro change the hair
@HellecticMojo 5 месяцев назад
I like it.
@byejimmy8645 5 месяцев назад
@GFClocked 5 месяцев назад
@mushmak 4 месяца назад
I don't compete but I don't find these new mechanics very fun So I don't play the video game anymore 👍
@forcommentingpurposesonly2918 5 месяцев назад
respectfully, this is wrong. you're not properly taking into account the symmetricallity of the mechanic.
@joobsthedude8441 5 месяцев назад
because its boring
@Verne105 5 месяцев назад
you can grab white wild assault though. Its actually quite easy if you anticipate it.
@Okami_HD 5 месяцев назад
At the cost of you not being able to focus on any other options in neutral, it's 20 frames which is barely reactable (high level players often get hit by 5D which is also 20 frames and they don't even have to react until frame 19 and the animation is very obvious with the dust effect, WWA is 20 frames and to throw it you must react in 18 frames, but the character nor gauge (not that you should even be looking at the gauge) isn't obviously visually different until frame 4 meaning its closer to 15 frames on reaction) in normal neutral you are not catching that unless you are praying they go for that and not any other options. Also to put it into perspective RedDitto, Slash, Hotashi and a lot of other top players consider it unreactable.
@thgrimreaper9341 5 месяцев назад
​@@Okami_HDyou're supposed to react to the audio cue which iirc is frame 1 aural reactions are generally faster than visual ones but this is negated by the fact that they're saying you can react to it on a read which is true generally id say reacting to something you're not expecting is feasible within 24-28 frames if you're not autopiloting but if you're looking for something specific it *can* be 14 frames
@Okami_HD 5 месяцев назад
@@thgrimreaper9341 Oh yeah I agree that it's reactable if you're looking for it (not sure if the audio cue is frame one, I have it in my head that the sounds comes out when the disc thing appears which is also frame 4 but I am probably wrong) , but that's what makes it so powerful, you constantly have to worry about it in neutral, if you don't they either convert into oki or they get free plus frames to abuse, so for a character that already has really good tools in neutral like goldlewis, it becomes nightmarish.
@ThatFatGuy6969 5 месяцев назад
It seems like Wild Assault is their own interpretation of the Drive Rush mechanic from SF6. Acting as a combo extender and allowing conversions from stray hits in neutral that wouldn't normally be possible.
@Reny_I-No 5 месяцев назад
Wild assault is the only thing makin Ino playable rn stop 🥹
@The_letter_N 5 месяцев назад
just don't get hit 🤷‍♂
@ggmasterguiltygear6315 5 месяцев назад
why didnt i think of that?
@dariang4725 5 месяцев назад
Because it's an extremely shitty mechanic in an extremely shitty fighting game. 😝🫡🫡
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