
Why has the Right-Wing AfD become so Popular in Germany? 

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28 сен 2024




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Комментарии : 6 тыс.   
@Pyriphlegeton Год назад
For basically all AfD supporters I've personally asked about it, migration seemed to be their primary reason.
@deshistoiresdesombres1936 Год назад
Well that should be a lesson to other parties. Immigrations has been used for propaganda by every party and now people are buying it. Most europe countries lack workers, retirement age is already raised so this is collective madness. But It's very easy to blame problems on immigration instead of fixing them. And in Germany crime rate is literally at a historic low. Regarding cultural issues, immigrants usually live in bigger cities and those are never traditional
@c.b.twenty9127 Год назад
Can’t blame them, some german cities already look like middle east
@quintu5 Год назад
​@@deshistoiresdesombres1936crime rate on an historical low? What are you smoking mate?
@llVIU Год назад
and what does that mean exactly? Thanks to the widespead global leftist censorship agenda, nobody is allowed to be racist/nationalistic so I assume they're just frustrated racists who are silenced? Who knows I'm not saying I'm condemning or promoting their beliefs, I just want to learn the truth that the left censors
@bennymuller3379 Год назад
​@c.b.twenty9127 Give one example, where this is actually true. And why it is a bad thing?
@theinvincibleone0136 Год назад
This is something that can be also seen in Poland. Generally, more and more people feel disappointed with the current political landscape which caused Confederation to raise from 6%-8% to 12%-14%.
@spino7962 Год назад
in France, it's far more accentuated, we Have the RN at 30% and Reconquete which are both quite similar at 7% so yeah.
@starhalv2427 Год назад
I hate it. Going from bad to worse. I'm fine with any party ousting PiS, but confederation is the exception.
@mohhie Год назад
and similarly the polish far right Konfederacja has two wings, one nationalistic and focused on societal issues and the other one that paints itself as fiscally responsible, libertarian etc.
@georgewright4285 Год назад
The same happened in Italy. They just were first to it
@ermin2248 Год назад
​@@mohhie and AFD and Confederation are actually really close allies and often send their politicians to each other
@andreaswaadt Год назад
I think you summarize German issues way better than our German media do.
@Ost-ek2wh Год назад
Because you don't get much opposition in European mainstream anymore.
@1425363878 Год назад
German media are the absolute worst in journalism in the entire western world.
@cubix015 Год назад
Exactly, the fact that the german media cant even describe the reasons why so many people vote for the afd makes me wonder if the german media is even trustable anymore... the media is left-wing orientated without a doubt but I think its getting too far.
@Platzhalterxy Год назад
there are several wrong information in it. the greens are not a pro climate party. they are anti freedom. they shut down the nuclear and replaced it with coal and than want to force the people to change their heating and want to reduce car usage so they can still get the climate goals which are only in danger at first place because of shutdown of nuclears. over 80% of germans were against those green decisions and now people pay back. also the idea of taking more debt is against german verfassung and german schuldenbremse
@Dar2Jee Год назад
well depends on what kinda of media or sources you consume ^^
@IGotBoergs Год назад
As a German who knows a lot of young men on the right, one thing I hear a lot is: „I don’t have a problem with immigration or foreigners in my country, I have a problem with foreigners building vibrant parallel societies in our country all the while our own culture, population and value system is dying in front of our eyes and we aren‘t even permitted to complain about it“
@dasagondova4544 Год назад
Very well said.
@DerdiedasBlue Год назад
I don't think that's necessarily an invalid sentiment, but if that translates into a vote for the AfD, you're not ending up with Canadian immigration policies, but with ultranationalism.
@IGotBoergs Год назад
@@DerdiedasBlue problem is if center parties don’t dare to talk about this they‘ll leave valid points to nationalist parties which are by nature outcasts. Besides that the media tends to label people who go against the norm as right wing not matter their political background.
@NayibBukelePortugal Год назад
@theBogi Год назад
The thing is that they are most popular in regions with low immigration to begin with. I agree though that we need better immigration policies, but the thing is that the AfD is very nationalistic, neoliberal and practice populism. They want to reduce immigration instead of improving it and garner people through pointless culture-wars, all while also appealing to the ultra-rich (which funnily enough, they don't publicly advertise, which isn't surprising, considering how many of their voters are low-earners). And their plans for retirement are absolutely garbage. It's basically "if we remove every left/green policy, then the problem solves itself", which isn't a real plan at all. I wish we had something like a substitute vote, which would give people the option to vote for smaller parties and as a result make our government less stagnant (all while still being stable thanks to the 5% hurdle). People are so afraid of losing their well-fair and parties are as a result afraid of actually taking action, which makes populism like this so, well, popular again. Do we really always need a world war to improve our government? Why is it so difficult to make it more democratic organically?
@privatebandana Год назад
Put yourselves into an energy crisis Put yourselves into an inflation crisis Put yourselves into an immigration crisis Etc etc etc.. German establishment: "Why are we becoming so unpopular? This doesn't make sense"
@junaubomber6977 Год назад
Exactly. It's so evident that it's stupid to ask yourself why all this is happening.
@greyghost2492 Год назад
Liberals are an extremely self-righteous bunch, so they never engage in any meaningful introspection. They look at the rise of the far right in Europe and scratch their heads in confusion before concluding "well I guess the people who used to vote for us just suddenly became racist!" instead of admitting that their terrible migration policies, far left culture war nonsense and the gaslighting surrounding those policies are what singlehandedly caused the far right's rise in the first place. lol
@Xarx42 Год назад
@@greyghost2492 You're calling those 16 years of CDU in Germany liberal? xD
@ssnaut1871 Год назад
​@@Xarx42it's definitely liberal from afd perspective and for them that's what matters
@tobiasbauer198 Год назад
​@@Xarx42 how left leaning should your government become?
@jesperrasksuldrup1541 Год назад
In Denmark, we have been open to immigrants since 1967 and what is the result, not many are integrated and their unemployment rate is over 50%, despite employers clamoring for workers. This has led to a shrill right-wing tone in Danish politics. I guess other western countries experience the same
@ethandouro4334 Год назад
As a Brazilian, I can see the same happening in States with a ton of Venezuelan people tbh
@7shinta7 Год назад
Yes, but you were smart enough to adapt your policies in time. We Germans apparently have the urge to see stuff through to the bitter end, even the nonsense.
@jesperrasksuldrup1541 Год назад
@@7shinta7 For many years we got a nod from the Swedish government, but now they are basing their immigration policy on Denmark's. :0) It is true that we start legislated on the subject back in the 80s
@7shinta7 Год назад
@@jesperrasksuldrup1541 That's good to know. Ah, one question: How's your immigration policy regarding your southern neighbors? Asking for a friend... 😏
@jesperrasksuldrup1541 Год назад
@@7shinta7 As part of the Schengen agreement are the borders open but monitored :0)
@TheMrDavid2 Год назад
The primary reason is migration. In Germany migrants are getting very high standards in terms of support, housing and medical care. As a consequence for the natives it’s harder to get doctor’s appointments, health insurance is getting more expensive, for childcare, migrants are prioritised since the goal is to integrate their children. The housing and renting market is very difficult since Germany is lacking flats. A minimum wage worker has hardly more money than somebody who doesn’t work since they get support from the state for rent and healthcare (which they get at the same standards). This makes working very unattractive. The main parties such as CDU and SPD are not addressing these problems.
@Intel-i7-9700k Год назад
Same in the Netherlands. But we are also getting billboard advertisements from the governments that are portraying a scenario in which a native couple is preferred by a landlord over an immigrant couple. Effectively shaming natives over a questionable scenario.
@Pigeon094 Год назад
All of those issues you listed, are in fact very real, you're right. But the reason, for that is not migration. It's mostly the product of capitalist-greed. I can understand your frustration, but you won't solve those issues with trying to disenfranchise the already disenfranchised. We, as the working-class, have to stop playing the blame game. Instead of pointing fingers at each other we have to start to look upwards and realize that the capitalist class, only benefits from those stupid infights among the working class. Which is why a lot of, especially right wingers, who are, despite of what they're propagate, highly capitalist, try to push forward a narrative of culture war, anti immigration and so on.
@broccoli_jaeger Год назад
Don't forget that the children don't get integrated. Most of them don't even speak German. Why would they want to be integrated, though? They are already feeling like kings because they get everything they want.
@kokonut5491 Год назад
@@Pigeon094try saying that in eastern Germany and see how fast you get laughed out
@betelgeux6010 Год назад
@@Pigeon094 you have 10 houses for 10 people. you then invite 2 more people and priorise them for housing. 2 of the original 10 will be left in the streets but iTs NoT MigrATioN
@toby9999 Год назад
Greens closing nuclear power stations makes no sense to me. I thought they were in favour of zero emmisions?
@Kyrana4102 Год назад
This is because they are historically anti atom nuclear power stations since the 90s, and also they aren't the smartest of the bunch, looking at the lack of strategy in there current politics. Idealism seems to harm politic discurs
@rivenoak Год назад
zero emissions but nuclear waste; germany lacks a final depot for the latter
@GoodmanEldwin Год назад
@@rivenoak Doesn't Finland have a ton of nuclear disposal sites?
@waltlock8805 Год назад
@@rivenoak They're not hard to build. Every ship in the US Navy is powered by a nuclear reactor. Realistically, nuclear is the only option for getting the electrical grids off fossil fuels. They don't have to last forever - they just have to buy us the fifty years or so for battery tech and renewables to be feasible on a large scale.
@agamejunky7428 Год назад
nuclear power in germany is in a tricky spot, its been on a decline since a decade with the former Merkel Goverment promising that nuclear power would be shutdown by 2022 (iirc) and renewable energy on top of that has become economicly way more efficient to the point where its actually way more expensive paying for nuclear power so its especially hard to break a political promise that has been in the making for well over a decade since that alone would shake the Authenticity of the Goverment
@doktorquanton4069 Год назад
Things that need to be mentioned: The motives of AfD voters are 1. immigration and 2. climate and Energie policies according to polls. I feel like immigration problem has not been addressed properly in this video. Immigration for much needed workers and asylum are to completely different things but are treated as one and the same. Germany has become the largest migration destination after the US but is much smaller and has a drastically different welfare system. 40% of immigrants live of welfare. The infrastructure just isn’t there to take up hundreds of thousands of refugees every year, a shortage of teachers, housing and medical facilities made drastically worse by asylum seekers which most of the time (over 90%) are not even allowed to be granted asylum according to the Dublin agreement and GG Articel 16a (2) which have been ignored since Merkel opened the borders in 2015. Immigrants from North Africa, the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa are according to the BKA over represented in violent crimes and the justice system has been way to soft in general in the last decades. Not only that but 2nd or 3rd Generation migrants even tho there parents are fairly well integrated like Turks or maroccans that came in the 1960-70 (although some of them still don’t even speak German) are more likely to commit crimes then European 3rd generation immigrants, this is due to the forming of subcultures due to cultural differences. This has become a problem in every country in Europe that has been open to multiculturalism. On top of all of this the current government decided to lower the years of living in Germany to apply for a citizenship from 8 years to 4 and in some cases even 3. These problems are not addressed or made worse with every passing year and are seem to be boiling over.
@DerZerSchlachterator Год назад
Hey do you have a source for "40% of Immigrants live of Welfare" ? because that sound quiet insane + who even counts as an immigrant ? the number I found was ~24 miilion people who migrated or have parents who migrated to germany, assuming 40% live of welfare that would be almost 10million people. There are only like 3-4 million people who receive "Bürgergeld" (unemployment subsidies), and that's the total, not only immigrants. So a source for that claim would be nice
@pedropalotes7638 Год назад
Until now for Germany and Northern Europe things with inmigration were too well, as was "the limes" (Spain, Italy, Greece) Who has the problem, was really funny see Sweden or Danmark get mad for 30.000 inmigrants when we easily have to deal with 60-70.000 each year and they blamed us 😂😂😂
@Mark-xd5up Год назад
Multiculturalism has simply failed, every country needs a dominant culture. The people who come here need to assimilate, if they don’t migration will lead to bad things.
@RaimoHöft Год назад
It's +90% welfare... and not just the new migrants. Same with crime. >90% crimes in Germany are commited by non Germans, most of them not eating pork and claiming not to drink alcohol! 😑
@Keksdich Год назад
40 percent of welfare receivers are immigrants with No German Passport. There. Fixed it for ya 🎉😊
@518UN4 Год назад
I honestly don't think the AfDs rise has anything to do with the infighting of the coalition. The AfD gets big because of migration, heatpumps and people gluing themselves on streets.
@Andrew-ob5ij Год назад
Easy to be popular in opposition when it’s all going wrong, Labour in the uk have done nothing but still massively popular
@chinguunerdenebadrakh7022 Год назад
Pretty stark contrast to Japan tho, which the "Liberal Democratic Party" has ruled for like 68 of 70 years.
@TheOmegaXicor Год назад
who are you and where did you get that information??? Labour do well in polls because of the way the questions are asked, Labour are doing terribly because Starmer is just a Tory and not in opposition to anything the Tories have suggested, except that he didn't suggest it first.
@NayibBukelePortugal Год назад
​@@TheOmegaXicor CHEGA PORTUGAL rigth-wing CHEGA PORTUGAL right-wing CHEGA PORTUGAL ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@JollyOldCanuck Год назад
@@TheOmegaXicor Starmer at least wears his corporatist views on his sleeve, in Canada our major left wing parties preach about social programs and affordable housing while providing billions in corporate welfare to large multinational entities and hiring slumlords and property investors to run the housing ministry.
@TheOmegaXicor Год назад
@@JollyOldCanuck that sucks, it should be illegal but they make the rules so it benefits them :(
@emperorclaudius5499 Год назад
Germany is a sovereign nation whose people have a right to chart whatever coarse they see fit regardless if it's right or left.
@heinzletzte.6385 Год назад
Our established "Altparteien" seem to think otherwise.
@narva5440 Год назад
What a meaningless statement. Obviously.. yes. Who said anything different?
@52Encinoman Год назад
​@narva5440 Germany is everything but a sovereign nation. Just look at how this country reacted to the Nord Stream blow-up. This is painful to watch
@narva5440 Год назад
@@52Encinoman so you think we should have had a stronger response against russia? I agree.
@emperorclaudius5499 Год назад
@@narva5440 this channel clearly pushes the presupposition that right wing politics are inherently wrong.
@xxdomixx1085 9 месяцев назад
I have a migration background and I am a member of the AfD. My parents came from Eastern Europe and built up their life in Germany, all by themselves. Me and my sister went to school and now I am in nursing-education while my sister is in becoming a physiotherapist. We do NOT want to pay for the illegal bad behaving muslims. And the AfD does not hate all non-ethnicallly Germans. In my city there are a few Chinese-origin German citizens members of the party and everything is great. They also saw the problem with the muslim immigration.
@theconqueringram5295 Год назад
Everyone supports the opposition until they become the establishment.
@jamesabestos2800 Год назад
That’s why you stay the course no matter what
@andy.8444 Год назад
@@jamesabestos2800 yes, let‘s vote support the same parties even tough they completely ignore what the majority thinks!
@Minyeti18 Год назад
​@@andy.8444the biggest problem is, parties like the Afd cannot and will never be able to enforce everything the majority wants, especially because the majority opinion changes quickly which is why the Afd was quite confused on how to deal with Corona because their "Government bad, we good" policies were not able to comprehend quickly changing opinions which is why they went from pro lockdown to anti lockdown in a matter of weeks.
@RandomGuy9 Год назад
They said they would vote them but a lot won't. They want the established parties to change their policy. I agree with AfD about migration but I oppose their friendship towards Russia. Right now the most important issue for me is support for Ukraine. Them winning the war has the highest priority to me personally right now.
@chaosinfernoid9008 Год назад
​@@RandomGuy9 It's not actually the Ukraine fighting it's all in interest of the US. Ya'all are blind. Also what did the Foreigners do to you?
@Adidas_der_schwanger_war Год назад
For us germans the migration problems, stupid gourvernment laws regarding covid, climate etc. and the overall hated gouvernment are more than enough reasons to vote for the only opposition in the whole parliament which is the alternative for germany
@slavianalbanovich9025 Год назад
It reminds me of that story about the guy who took a tiger to chase away the wolves, but then found himself in a situation where he didn't know how to chase the Tiger away.
@Adidas_der_schwanger_war Год назад
@@slavianalbanovich9025 metaphorically correct version of your story, I would be a Tiger and taking other tigers to shase away the wolfs, then live in peace with my tigers
@yeetjohny Год назад
@CD-kg9by Год назад
Please don't talk about "us germans" when, in reality, you just mean a small, uneducated mass of people, who really think that a right wing extremist propaganda party can somehow be the saviour of Germany... once again.
@slavianalbanovich9025 Год назад
@@Adidas_der_schwanger_war only in your fantasy,
@klugerhans8569 Год назад
A main reason that is not mentioned appropriately here is the surge in immigration by asylum seekers. Most Germans, like most Europeans, desire much fewer, if any, immigration by asylum seekers. Yet the government has continued to lure MORE asylum seekers into Germany, for instance, by raising social benefits to them. There is strong evidence suggesting that immigration by asylum seekers leads to more far-right voting in all of Europe. By the way, because I think many people do not understand why anyone would be against immigration by asylum seekers: immigration by this group has been found to increase crime rates and strain social security.
@xXFe_LixXx Год назад
So if people are e.g. threatened by their government, they should not get asylum elsewhere? It's more about enforcing the law in helping countries, in case there're subjects not obeying. Not to prevent shelter for refugees or asylum seekers.
@8MunchenBayern8 Год назад
I am not understanding why they think, bringing in millions of people from the Third World who will bring in nothing but problems, I have completely opposite cultures, and will want to implement their religions in daily life of German people. Anyone with a brain knows this will be a disaster. Is this truly just because they still feel guilty?
@Klongu_Da_Bongu Год назад
@@xXFe_LixXx LMAo they aren't getting asylum, they're not political dissidents. They are foreigners who see the wealth of Europe and want that for themselves. They come here to live, not to hide, no idea where you got this info from.
@Luis-ps6ek Год назад
It also helps Germany fight the shrinking of its population (Demographic changes) and therefore provides economic growth and stability in the long run
@8MunchenBayern8 Год назад
How does bringing in third worlders that have conflicting cultures, most with zero skills, and many potential sleeper cells help Germany? Believe me it’s a massive negative and they will be a complete dump of a country by end of century if they don’t stop
@Saucisse_Praxis Год назад
Well the 20s and Germany really don't mix well together
@NayibBukelePortugal Год назад
@danieldelaney1377 Год назад
Can't wait for the 2030s
@kasetoast8354 Год назад
@@danieldelaney1377 civil war
@posticusmaximus1739 Год назад
@@danieldelaney1377 2030s will be the decade of the AfD
@inconnu4961 Год назад
When has ANYTHING mixed well with Germany? They have been fairly quarrelsome since the inception of a United Germany.
@eiranobuachail6919 Год назад
people are waking up to the great replacement...
@Minyeti18 Год назад
Problem is there is no great replacement and extremists only repeat the same lie they repeated in '33 but now instead of a jewish replacement, the fascists talk about islamic replacement.
@captainschaschlik9444 Год назад
@@Minyeti18 Statistics in all European countries say something different, and the street scene confirms this.
@Minyeti18 Год назад
@@captainschaschlik9444 No Statistics do not confirm conspiracy theories like that. The Islamic religion is still a minority in western Europe and e.g. in Germany the number of immigrants still has not exceeded towards being a majority of the population. Of course Europe has accepted refugees but it still is nothing special, there have always been refugee crises, Germany caused atleast 3 of them within history for example.
@gtr5860 Год назад
​@@Minyeti18islam hates the jews too apparently.. this is proved when the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem meeting with Hitler.. so i wonder where is those hatred on jews coming from + 600k muslim joining the Nazi 💁
@miraj5569 Год назад
@@Minyeti18 not in the sense that some mastermind made up a great scheme to replace all Europeans, but that doesn't change the fact that, if we continue like this, there won't be any western European countries left where the majority of people were raised with the culture and values currently still associated with it. I don't like the whole replacement-rhetoric either, but I think it's a valid concern that people want to keep the place they call home one that actually resembles it. It's easy to forget that immigrants still have their home countries to return to if they miss home, but people in the receiving countries won't have that luxury if they change for good.
@Anonymousperson_123 Год назад
Have you seen the countrywide arab clan war? 😂 I can fully understand why a native German would vote for the populist right wing! If I was one, maybe I’d vote the same
@Crshcourse-qy9zo Год назад
So you say that you are actually stupid and have no clue what you are talking about
@Crshcourse-qy9zo Год назад
So you say that you are actually stupid and have no clue what you are talking about
@MJMilano7 Год назад
Ignorant and racist m 🤡
@pablito4762 Год назад
It's not the only issue. Since 2015 rape crimes and mass rape crimes are very high because many refugees are involved.
@hjjjoooo4425 Год назад
@@pablito4762also murderers are about 50% immigrants
@rationallyright4626 Год назад
Finally, a video that avoided the term " Far-right ".
@parrotconservative Год назад
@user-ve9tu5rv6e Год назад
do you prefer fascist, reactionary or miserable divorced dad?
@useodyseeorbitchute9450 Год назад
​@@user-ve9tu5rv6e I'd like to hear word like far-right, when they start to live up to expectations.
@multivitaminsaft1997 Год назад
They want to gas refugees to death! At least, that´s what AfD-politicians say about themselfes, when they think the mike is muted. So in this case the term "Far-right" would have been justified in my oppinion.
@vidyagaems4063 Год назад
It's the "if they aren't literally uganda, they aren't right-wing" episode again...
@ptitepompe469 Год назад
As a french person it's seem to be similar to here, the center right became too centrist without a real identity so right wing voters switched to the more populistic and nationalist right wing party particularly on the ground of non governement trust and immigration
@appetizzer Год назад
If I were a French I would vote for Le Pen.
@NayibBukelePortugal Год назад
@Newleaf09 10 месяцев назад
Hi, can you tell me when your next elections will be?
@ptitepompe469 10 месяцев назад
@@Newleaf09 every 5 years so in 2027
@Newleaf09 10 месяцев назад
@@ptitepompe469 ok! Thanks 🥰
@dlyrious13 9 месяцев назад
One thing to remember is that the right wing of politics is a completely legitimate part of the political spectrum and NOT extremist. There cannot be a left without a right and vice versa. In the past, most parties have leaned so far left, that a part of our identity was missing. The conservative side. This balance is needed and is being restored at this moment. This is a good thing. Most media try to immediately lean towards claiming this to be Nationalsocialism (Nazis) but its not. At least not at the approximately 30% population currently in favor of the new party. In general, there is traces of old ideologies in each and every party, e.g. the CDU/CSU as well. These people are not in leading positions and wont dictate direction in any case, neither in the AFD nor in CDU or SPD. Our current government was elected despite being unqualified AND with legal cases against them. This is something completely unfathomable which can only be explained with massive amounts of dumbing down the population as well as migrants with voting rights hoping to keep the borders open for further migration of like minded people until a tipping point was reached which prevents this to be reversed. Here is where the migration problem unfolds! We have already seen where this will lead with massive amounts of migrants calling out for a Sharia law based Khalifat needed in Germany. Interestingly this is the exact opposite of the lefts agenda meaning they are being used to establish a political force entirely outside the german political spectrum which is entirely based on religious ideas, something western societies have moved on from long ago. This is dangerous and needs to be stopped. Like most left agendas going full circle this will also come back to haunt them at some point. (e.g. womens rights and benefits being contradicted by trans rights and benefits which effectively can lower the female quotes and lead to men in womens clothes again dominating natural women). In this case it will leave a lasting effect that is undesirable.
@gerharddeusser9103 Год назад
As of today in August 2023 the AfD has 23 %. Potential estimated at 29 %.
@objetivista686 Год назад
why they became so popular?? Mysteriousssss ... "En masse immigration"??
@user-xz4du3es5p Год назад
Oh no. Scary non-white people. What ever shall we do?
@parrotconservative Год назад
@hamlet557 Год назад
@@user-xz4du3es5p Nice straw man argument. But if you want to make immigrants more likeable how about teach them not to rape?
@mrpain4184 Год назад
Weil man die Auswirkungen der linken Politik der letzten 15 Jahre nicht mehr schön reden kann. Soviel zu deiner Frage.
@RobinLundqvist Год назад
Don't think popular is the right word, most of their voters are probably doing it as a reluctant last attempt at something they want
@memyselfandI90001 Год назад
their program is very good, the only votable one
@Minyeti18 Год назад
​@@memyselfandI90001The only thing the Afd is doing good is pathing their way to being on a watchlist of germanys domestic intelligence service.
@bhson95 Год назад
What's wrong with wanting something normal for the country?
@hjjjoooo4425 Год назад
Ich denke nicht . Genug von der Grün Roten Scheiße
@meursaultroquentin Год назад
​@@bhson95Racism and f'ing workers over is "normal"? (The AfD proposed insanse tax cuts for the rich) So no, they're just idiotic c'nts trying to enrich their mates while riding on a wave of anti-everything sentiments.
@ciandoyle3315 Год назад
you dont need a 9 and a half minute video to see that immigration is a blatantly ignored issue. people are tired of the prevailing "safe" parties constantly ignoring something that people are upset with.
@Minyeti18 Год назад
Problem is many people are upset over stupid things they mainly do not understand just like a toddler can be upset about not receiving candy for breakfast. Many people have issues with migration because german media mostly covers bad stories with migrants being criminal but if you actually look up the statistics, migrants only commit a minority of crimes and if you compare the number of criminal migrants and the overall migrant population of Germany, you are quickly able to see that the criminals are more then a minority but the Afd quickly manages to turn these facts around
@sovietunion7643 Год назад
as an american i must say that it must feel terrible. my american news sites do have problems definitely, and in fact probably have the opposite problem of overblowing certain issues into bigger than they are, but i never feel as if the government is ignoring a topic that is an issue. maybe topics are mis-represented or talked about in a way that doesn't always help but that's just the nature of america being relatively divided as a culture. I do hope things improve but i hope its not in the way of opposite extremes. the last thing anyone needs is a further right wing party to push to the opposite extreme of the current very centrist beurcracy focused mindset and do something drastic like force immigrants out. I try to pray for western europe in the coming century and not in a pitiful way.
@hannes5437 Год назад
I have to say, with all the bs that's thrown around in german media, I went into this video with very low expectations. But this was actually the most neutral commenting on anything conservative I've seen in a long time. There were some things I think are biased, but I'm absolutely ok with putting this on me being an AfD supporter as well as/or me being hyper sensitve about "media" talking about conservative actions from years of hearing nothing but bs. Overall a great video and a very neutral political commentary that I very much appreciate.
@NayibBukelePortugal Год назад
@31337flamer Год назад
stabbings, islam, arabs .. the main reasons.
@phoenixoflight224 Год назад
Then deport the bad ones and keep the good ones ffs. Not every immigrant wants to stab you
@hjjjoooo4425 Год назад
Invaders wo rape und kill
@Bluefire42156 Год назад
Heat pumps arre not just expensive, they are also loud, it sounds like a giant aquarium pump and you don't want to hear that all day
@Oachkatzerl Год назад
There‘s only one right wing party left in Germany and this is the AfD. CDU and FDP have become left wing parties. So if you are a conservative guy there’s only one party left that stands for your goals. And: Left wing isn‘t better than right wing. We need both to find political solutions in the middle.
@Modie Год назад
Tf are you talking about? CDU/CSU and FDP being left wing? Have you listened to what some of their leaders say publicly? How can you even come to the conclusion they are left-wing?
@Oachkatzerl Год назад
@@Modie I am German and lived there for over 50 years… AfD has the same political compass CDU had 20 years ago. Because of that many of former CDU and FDP politicians are now AfD politicians.
@hjjjoooo4425 Год назад
@@Modiethey are far left wing . Why would they open the boarder and let in millions of uneducated immigrants
@Modie Год назад
@@Oachkatzerl No they don't? I am not sure where you have lived but it wasn't Germany apparently because the CDU was in the government when Germany joined the EU and when the Euro zone got implemented. Which was around 20 years ago. How could they have the same compass? Are you even thinking before repeating the same talking points? CDU also supported migrants back in the day as well. Or they were at least not against it. So what are you talking about?
@Oachkatzerl Год назад
@@ModieSpar Dir Dein belangloses Gequatsche Du überheblicher, ahnungsloser Troll. Du zweifelst ernsthaft an, dass ich als Deutscher, der dort gelebt hat die Entwicklung der Parteienlandschaft nicht beurteilen kann? Tut mir Leid meine Zeit mit Dir verplempert zu haben. Glaube weiter, was Du willst.
@keyboardcommando7000 Год назад
Because Germans have common sense and wanna preserve there culture?
@yowifeinmydm1609 Год назад
It’s awkward to think about that great chancellors as Helmut Schmidt or Helmut Kohl were members of the SPD being liberal but yet having common sense in topics such as multiculturalism or national identity. While nowadays SPD seems to be completely left and just pushing their own ideology. I'm half German half Brazilian and do hope there will be a significant change in this country. Our leaders are seemingly trying to ruin the country..
@CD-kg9by Год назад
And the AfD wants to piss on its ashes.
@ViriatoII Год назад
Tem razäo, amigo!
@SoNonWoo Год назад
Well, a review of Merkel’s biggest actions shows that she hardly aligns with center-right CDU. “Politically homeless” was mentioned early in the video. She rendered many of the typical CDU base politically homeless with those two moves. There was really only one place for them to go. And with the Voldemort party illegal, there is only one place for those folks to go. Makes for strange bedfellows. And the current coalition is so politically stupid.
@leafstorm3306 Год назад
Noo? Describing the SPD as completely leftist is absurd
@yowifeinmydm1609 Год назад
@@leafstorm3306 Hm I’m not seeing anything else. I don’t mean left in the old real meaning ( because they would he against muslim ). I mean the new left, everything heterosexual + white + privileged + men is evil and the rest are all victims of them and we have to help all victims. Who allowed Ditib to build mosques in Germany and let Erdogan do heavily Propaganda and spread Hate and Racism. It was Olaf Scholz ( back then Major ). Our interior minister ( supposed to make the nation feel safe ) is so left that she ignores every Murder, every rape, every crime committed by Migrants ( and yes they do them statistically way more then Germans ). And yet she is for leaving the borders open and letting more of this enter the country. All the climate talks.. Wym they aren’t left..
@usmarine2100 Год назад
i mean merkel was actually just terrible
@Planet_Caravan_94 Год назад
As a german, who has been VERY dissapointed with the work by the goverment in the last 25 - 20 Years Im happy a true right leaning party is gainging more and more votes and people begin to wake up.
@domenikvogel8775 Год назад
die sind rechtsextrem und nicht normal rechts
@Planet_Caravan_94 Год назад
@@domenikvogel8775 Für jeden von heute ist rechts gleich rechtsextrem 🤦🏼‍♂️
@dominusnoobus1589 Год назад
@@Planet_Caravan_94typical leftoids, am I right?
@domenikvogel8775 Год назад
@@Planet_Caravan_94 die cdu ist nicht rechtsextrem die afd schon
@Planet_Caravan_94 Год назад
@@domenikvogel8775 Willst du damit sagen die CDU ist heute noch rechts ? 🤣 Als die Pseudo Konservativen noch rechts waren war ich noch im Sack meines alten Herren.
@rodrigoribeiro387 11 месяцев назад
Afd now!!! Germany only for germanic glamorous and brave people!
@saljogja Год назад
The rise of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party can be attributed to a combination of factors, including concerns about immigration, the economy, and dissatisfaction with mainstream political parties. The AfD capitalized on these issues, presenting themselves as a more conservative and nationalist alternative. Their anti-immigrant stance, skepticism of the European Union, and criticism of established political elites resonated with some segments of the population, leading to their increased support and electoral success. It's important to note that political shifts are complex and can't always be attributed to a single cause.
@ahdr8852 Год назад
Liberalism breeds extremism
@l0stbergfred Год назад
As a German, I am actually scared right now
@jorgeckert3162 Год назад
You rather should be scared about what’s happening in France.
@themedbvll1114 Год назад
Is that so? Nothing a noose can't fix
@politicstoday8002 Год назад
That's actually good that there is now an AfD-"Bürgermeister"
@whitetiana3022 Год назад
oh i don't know why. let's take a gander over to the crime statistics of immigrants shall we?
@thibaud1832 Год назад
Migrants from Africa and Asia. Saved you a click.
@vosgressukhoi Год назад
I'm immigrant kid
@vosgressukhoi Год назад
I gotta say a rizz to u
@vosgressukhoi Год назад
But in brotherly way
@captainvanisher988 Год назад
middle east and central asia. I doubt any AfD voter has problems with the Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese or Philipino.
@Zeitgeist2000 Год назад
these guys arent national socialists, dont compare them.
@kldmonre_ Год назад
There is a liberal wing in the AfD that isn't, but there's a far right wing in the party which is comparable to the NSDAP
@Sam-hm2sx Год назад
The Ampel politic puts whole Europe at risk. They will have to answer some qestions pretty soon.
@gunjirox7485 Год назад
what do aou want? a Tribunal? Bullshit. The AfD has no answeres to anything
@smti1985 Год назад
There is no real alternative in Germany but the AFD, if topics like restriction of migration, security, freedom of speech or economy is important to you. All the other parties speak the same: wanting to let everyone inside, not sending away refugees who killed/r*ped someone, want to dictate a specific language (genderism, censorship of "hate-speech"). Also they still want to keep up the high tax on income and make it less attractive for companies to settle here with their high restriction. So if at least another party like the CDU would go back to their roots and become more conservative, or the FDP would keep their promises and lower taxes for high-earning people or make it more attractive for companies to settle here, there would be an alternative,
@wahrheitsbringerin Год назад
The other Partys in Germany sending out people. But they sending out familys where there children goes to high-school. This is a false politic. Correct ist sending out Killers and rapers. The Problem in The German politic is that politicians make handshake photos with "Grey wolves" , turkish nationalists in Germany and many Organisations who members sypathics with the "Muslim Brotherhood". This Organisation are radical. A correct politic is, If The politic works together with "Liberal Muslims" or with "Ex-muslims. But they Work with the Radicals... why?
@Marcel._B Год назад
The AfD has even less of a plan than the current parties. The only thing I have heard them saying "The government is bad, you have been lied to, we hate immigrants". Where exactly do you see a plan for the future in there? Of course not saying anything like the current government us great, but voting for something that brings up not even one specific solution is just unreasonable
@fabianhoffmann7931 Год назад
Well it’s the only party that doesn’t want to destroy Germanys economic future
@ja_u Год назад
? It IS the only party that does. Openly admitting „When Germany is doing bad, it’s good for the AfD“ tells you all you need to know. You don’t like the Ampel? You don’t like CDU? Ok vote for some small party but if you vote AfD don’t be surprised to be known right wing.. it’s not Protestwählen if the party you protest elected is 2nd/3rd in general. That is establishment
@BigMarshmallow1 Год назад
Proves you haven't read their actual program and just fall for cheap rhetoric.
@fruhlingsrolle7303 Год назад
My guy, they want OUT of the Euro, they want OUT of the EU! Look at the Brexit.
@slavianalbanovich9025 Год назад
The last time I spoke to an AfD official I asked him what his position was on: 1) the fact that many jobs will be lost due to artificial intelligence. 2) The fact that nations that do not invest in space research will fall behind. 3) The fact that human societies tend to undergo semi-recursive processes in which previously perceived solutions are continuously changing. Well, for the first two questions he was unable to give me an answer, while for the third he didn't even understand the question, this leads me to think that as a party they have no real idea of ​​the future. It's just an easy false alloy opposition, they are parties that will go into oblivion in mediocrity. Ah obviously they don't even mention the return to nuclear power, demonstrating that they don't even understand shit about energy.
@slavianalbanovich9025 Год назад
@@kal1796 I read their program, cosmic nothingness, they haven't seen the world over 3 years.
@emmettbrown1234 Год назад
The current German government is to blame.
@9Niddhog9 Год назад
No, its just the product of a cultural shift to self-hate and absolution in hardcore globalism, the "conservative" party that opened the floodgates is even more responsible for this clownshow ;)
@Toni-zk9rx Год назад
Germany is starting to rise up. Good for them.
@clubmed3036 Год назад
The Last Time IT woeked Not very well.
@northman4514 Год назад
@@clubmed3036the people were doing great but power hungry dictators wanted to invade and mass kill people
@drazach_7819 Год назад
@@clubmed3036 Germany's millitary is a laughing stock anyway, so nothing to worry about.
@ElfmeterToastie Год назад
I am german afd is nzi party
@Kokujou5 Год назад
wow guys... you know that those kind of videos are one of the leading reasons why the AfD is becoming popuplar? in germany we have them a lot. people speak with everyone, literally everyone about why the AfD is popular, except the AfD and their voters. so yes, of course, there are many reasons. biggest one being that there is no better alternative anymore. because all other parties already prooved their uselessness. but this discrimination of by now 20% of the german population, just branding them, talking about them as they are just some weird phenomena, but not actually talking WITH them and adressing their particular needs, is what makes them associate with the AfD. because they are both oppressed parties. no talk show talks to them, no one wants to have them in their interviews, nothing. so stop your arrogance, if you really want to change something speak with the people and bring germany back to a way where we can defend the rights or the lower class without becoming nazis again, i'd really appreciate that.
@XenusSerathiiIcelon Год назад
That would mean that they need to actually listen to people with different ideas, and established political ideologies and their supporters do not like doing that It's much easier to just call them 'poorly educated', 'unable to adapt to modern society' or 'politically illiterate' and handwave away their existence as if it's just a child's tantrum that will stop if it is ignored long enough
@Kokujou5 Год назад
@@XenusSerathiiIcelon i'm not saying that the AfD is a good party. It's probably not... hearing them talk about migration on every speach they hold is quite frustrating because there are so many other problems that need dealing. education being the most important of them all, and i hear nothing on that front... from no party in no country at all. nobody cares about it. literally nobody. but maybe that's what germany needs to finally wake up. that all the corrupt parties loose all their power and go back where they were at the beginning. I wish we could come up with a law that states that all politicians live for 1 year in complete poverty as the states tolerates it. minimum governmental aid. a small apartment, every additional income being instantly confiscated. For one whole year. no support. i bet everything i have that nobody will make so stupid laws ever again if they experienced what that does to a poor family.
@parrotconservative Год назад
Yet the left fails again
@multivitaminsaft1997 Год назад
"If things are going bad for Germany, things are going good for the AfD." "We have to make sure [...] that things are going bad for Germany." - Christian Lüth media spokesman of AfD 2020 The AfD is not the best alternative! Also the reason they are not as often in talkshows as other parties, is because they are not able to behave like normal human beings. Alice Weidel left the talkshow like a sorehead. You can see that on RU-vid if you want to.
@betelgeux6010 Год назад
@@multivitaminsaft1997 when i compare those quotes to what p.e. the greens or the SPD said in the past... still not close in vitriol by a longshot
@javierinDeutschland4155 Год назад
Refreshing to watch a video about these topics without big words like ultra right or extreme populist etc etc. subscribed.
@1425363878 Год назад
100% agree.
@phiizzurp1200 Год назад
In deutschland einfach kein bericht in dem nicht mehrmals rechtsextremismus und vom Verfassungsschutz beobachtet gesagt wird😂
@hjjjoooo4425 Год назад
@@phiizzurp1200peinlich der Typ von Verfassungsschutz ist Faesers Handlanger
@dariusdaguerre3535 Год назад
It isn't racist to want to put your own people's and your own country's welfare not just first, but _way_ ahead of that of others. Wanting to keep Germany German is _not_ racist, just fucking common sense.
@dualfluidreactor Год назад
I like your sober, factual, un-partisan style!
@skylinesenpai5554 Год назад
As a german i can confirm: The fatherland may not be on the brink of collapse but definitely is in serious trouble regarding immigration, economy etc, etc thanks to our elected government. The tides are slowly starting to turn in Germany because even the last one realized the path our government has choosen for our country is not in the favor of the german people.
@gunjirox7485 Год назад
heil leise
@ksawery8654 Год назад
i still mind blowing to me how you guys voted for socialists in 2023
@NKOTCstuggi Год назад
How could it not?
@MHCSS1 Год назад
How have they not been sued by Nike yet for stealing their logo
@ja_u Год назад
And Amazon
@bhson95 Год назад
Because Nike wants to have opportunity too in case AfD has the upperhand. Politics is a big wall to some logos
@BlondeQtie Год назад
As a German leftist: The traditional parties all suck ass and get nothing done, German people get poorer and poorer, migration has no boundaries and immigrants are not integrated well. I am truly sad that it happens, but I can understand why it happens. People are sooooo fed up with the failure and corruption of the traditional parties. Only a minor part of AfD supporters are actually hard right, most are just fed up and want to show that to the traditional parties… This trend has been going on for at least 15 years strongly. I suppose that the AfD will get stronger and it scares me… The traditional parties need to adopt a few of the AfD points and reduce immigrations massively, otherwise the immigrants will all be killed systematically in 15 years…
@miguelbonifacio9038 Год назад
Ur not german
@BlondeQtie Год назад
@@miguelbonifacio9038 doch bin ich du vogel und „you‘re“ heißt das. „ur“ heißt „deins“ und nicht „du bist“ 🙄 kannst du überhaupt irgendwas?
@images2277 Год назад
"Killed systematically" hahahaah. Maybe they will have to return to their countries. Stop paranoia.
@BlaBla-ho9iy Год назад
​@@images2277what if my country is still in the middle ages era and they will kill me if I criticized anything there and have nowhere else to go ? I don't want to live under a country that can potentially kill me if I showed the way to make it develop, plus NATO countries invaded many 3rd world countries without their permission (till today) and now you cry about people who just want to live without getting killed
@fidei829 6 месяцев назад
They won’t adopt key AfD points because they are too determined in their plan to make Germans a minority in their own country. Mass migration which results in Germans getting killed and r@ped every day is the one thing they can not let go. They might make concessions when it comes to minor things like gender-speech, but migration… never. As long as the slaughtering of innocent Germans continues they are happy. The German government is leading a war against it´s own people and the migrants are it‘s soldiers.
@JButterZJ Год назад
STOP! PLEASE! As a German, and a Non-Voter (i say this to ward off hate against my statement). AFD is right wing yes, but since when is right automatically bad? our liberal party the fdp (liberal is right in germany, opposite of USA) is also right. right doesnt mean bad, left doesnt mean good. it just means different viewpoints and things that are important to them or you. the NPD is our right right wing nazi party and dangerous. IF you imply the AFD is dangerous, please say the same about the Left (Die Linke especially and also now Die Grünen. I like your Videos but its just factually not correct what you are saying and also trying to imply here
@Cal-Valhalla Год назад
Nothing wrong with being right wing. Please save Germany and European culture 🙏
@hjjjoooo4425 Год назад
Go vote for AfD . Ich werde es auch tun . Bevor es zu spät ist
@siriusluminus Год назад
@NoName-nz5xd Год назад
Im german and I just think every other party is just doing everything wrong you can do as a partie, and having no respect for the people of germany
@penfold9540 Год назад
I didn't even need to see the video to answer this. Because the current parties have failed for decades. They have an election system that almost always ends up in a coalition, which means the largest party (normally in the 20-30% of the vote bracket) makes deals with smaller parties such as the green party (5.7% of the vote last time I believe) and that involves cabinet positions and their policies. So a party that has less than 6% of the vote can inflict their policies on the entire country.
@DevlVergil Год назад
What would be your alternative solution though?
@danieldorn9989 Год назад
@@DevlVergil Restricting the amount of policies the party with the low amount of votes can enact
@venexo1434 Год назад
At least it’s still better to whatever the USA has. Imagine having 50% of your country dissatisfied with the leading party.
@HoaxManTheOne Год назад
@@venexo1434 so because the 50% old people in this country were happy with the CDU for 16 years you forget that the other people exist huh?
@venexo1434 Год назад
@@HoaxManTheOne No? My point was that having multiple parties with some degree of power is better than what the U.S.A has. I dislike Right wing parties and would have much prefered better parties. And many times did CDU actually have 50% in the last 16?
@oa7554 Год назад
I'm a Migrant in Germany. I will vote for the AFD
@domeRUFF317 Год назад
Then they will kick you out of Germany in a few years
@FuturismusMediterraneus Год назад
@@domeRUFF317 You have to know the differences between legal immigrants and illegal immigrants mate. If you come to Europe and you break the law you should go back to your country.
@domeRUFF317 Год назад
@@FuturismusMediterraneus haven't said anything about that, you should check what their priorities are. In Germany, the afd is also known for being antidemocratic extremists. But sadly a lot of their voters are also
@captainvanisher988 Год назад
@@domeRUFF317 they may kick the illegal migrants that went there illegally and the migrants that committed crimes and the migrants living off of welfare, but legal migrants willing to assimilate will be fine to stay.
@domeRUFF317 Год назад
@@captainvanisher988 There will be no migrants anymore because every border would be closed. Now please inform yourselves because I'm not here to discuss with anyone of you. When it's so cool to be right extrinsic then go on and see what will happen
@dklimenok Год назад
3:17 Anhalt, not Anholt.
@RealMajora Год назад
It's right there in the name: Alternative. Who would have faith in the established institutions still?
@peterchristian541 Год назад
No one with any sense.
@multivitaminsaft1997 Год назад
Who would have faith in someone who says this: "If things are going bad for Germany, things are going good for the AfD." "We have to make sure [...] that things are going bad for Germany." - Christian Lüth media spokesman of AfD 2020
@vidyagaems4063 Год назад
It doesn't work when you pick the worst of all the alternatives. Establishment sucks, but at least it works. You can always go worse.
@phoenixoflight224 Год назад
@@peterchristian541 I trust the institutions. Sadly I can't vote for the Landtag next year but at least I can make my vote count in the fight against people like you in 2025. Let's hope the people will realise until then that the AfD will fuck our country up beyond repair.
@vornamenachname1069 Год назад
@@multivitaminsaft1997 The first quote is just an observation and isn't judging in any way. And frankly, he is right. The second quote is distorted by the [...]. Please provide me with the full quote because I am German and I know of the first quote but the second quote would be new to be and I think German media would have broadcated him saying this if it were true. And looking at quotes like "Then I want to deliver, no matter what my German voters think" "Because we are fighting a war against Russia" (both by Annalena Baerbock 2022)
@alexmackay7454 Год назад
Because all the other parties are WEF stooges.
@kevinboros7427 Год назад
3:18 It's Saxony - Anhalt, not Saxony - Anholt.
@NayibBukelePortugal Год назад
@terrorista-666- Год назад
​@@NayibBukelePortugalessa 💩 de partido não intressa a ninguém.
@bhson95 Год назад
Yes there is already a comment speaking about this no need a second one. No teachers will mark a fault twice
@Taznak Год назад
Some years ago, I checked out TLDR news for the first time, for their coverage of Brexit. Their coverage was biased in favor of Remain, so I tuned out and stopped paying attention to them. I checked out this video to give them a second chance: it should be a good litmus test. Would they smear the AfD as far right? Would they present the AfD's position fairly, without passing judgment on it? I'm pleased to say they surpassed my expectations. Good job, TLDR team.
@peterschoen7409 10 месяцев назад
America has an issue far right issues and so does Germany but here in UK it hasn't got of the ground
@caiden5855 9 месяцев назад
@deez7636 5 месяцев назад
That's why I love the UK
@88thwheatfielddivision89 Год назад
Nature is healing.
@madlad4687 Год назад
just go to a Public swimming pool in Germany, than you know why people vote right wing.
@darthsidious6670 Год назад
This is based not only in Germany that right-wing parties are becoming increasingly popular, but. There is one thing that makes people angry and that is the whole issue of gender throughout Europe.
@JohnnyPreston6699 Год назад
Far right party=Common sense party
@inbetrieb3965 Год назад
Me as a German I can say that the Afd is NOT as right as it's Show. We have massive problems with migrants like in France in my City I am as a German in the minority because we have mostly muslims here. Our Land is ging downwards out cities look like Turkey 2.0
@karlmall Год назад
Yes, there is a right-wing party in Germany's parliament - like in almost every parliament of EU-countries.
@jessevanhalen6967 Год назад
But it's a controlled opposition. Nothing will change
@semjonbart5371 Год назад
Yes and 1938 there was a fascist dictatorship in Germany- like in many other european countries :)
@McHallel Год назад
@@semjonbart5371 caused by the good west and now again caused by the west. funny right
@captainvanisher988 Год назад
@@semjonbart5371 the Nazis (which are not fascists btw, nazism =! fascism) were modern, relatively progressive and had nationalizing (socialist) economic policies. They were against the church and against individual freedom .
@meursaultroquentin Год назад
​@@captainvanisher988They weren't socialists, the Strasserists were..."dealt" with in the night of the long knives.
@sanchezking6188 Год назад
It has to be noted that the AfD is not a right-wing party. Some of their positions may slightly steer into the political right, but on the whole they are centrist AT BEST. Also, their traditional predecessor, the CDU, has not been a right-wing party even half a century ago, when the people were personally a lot more conservative. Places like Germany (other examples include Italy, France, Scandinavia, Japan, some regions in the US) simply are so leftist that even those furthest to the right are still on or near the left. In fact, Germany has never since at least medieval times been leaning right or ruled by right-wingers, not even during the heavily military-focussed Prussian rule from the 1870s on - and it probably never will.
@markoredano9141 Год назад
The most fair video about the AfD, no salacious "far right" label in the title. REAL journalism. The ONLY issue I might take is that being the least supportive of Ukraine does not necessarily make one "sympathetic towards Russia'.
@murphyhmann2615 Год назад
Einen erbaulichen Stolzmonat an alle Zuseher! 🎉🎉
@Dvořák75-w5g 8 месяцев назад
While I appreciate that this channel avoids sensationalising and politicising these issues like DW does, it really needs to proofread & check its graphics on German topics. These frequent errors like "Saxony-Anholt" or referring to the wrong federal state distract from the information and the credibility of the content.
@michelecastelli7498 Год назад
That's good, if AfD gains power and the same happens in France with Reconquete, then Europe will change. Yes migrants are not the only problem, but if you look closely to what is means to have so many foreigners in your home country in such a small period of time coming from Asia and Africa (see what happened everywhere in Europe after 2015 and especially in Northern Europe) then the demographic issue appears which is linked to labor so to economy and so to society itself and then the bigger picture reveals itself: Europe's downfall.
@rn6312 Год назад
Last time I heard speech like that was in 1930s Germany.
@michelecastelli7498 Год назад
​@@rn6312 Well yours is another not so hidden "whatever I don't like is Nazism" critic and you have to be very old to have heard something in the 30s and be still around these days! By the way we're not living the 30s and that's a blessing since if it would have been the case the economic situation would have been worse then the one occuring now. I don't know if you're European but the situation is really out of control with migrants on so many levels. Sweden has almost 20% share of its population coming from non-Swedish background, strangely enough when this immigration was only from Finland, Russia and rest of Europe it was no big deal. Then as the same progressive government has admitted something drammatically changed with the coming of Syrians, Iraqi, Eritreans and Somalis so that the rate crime spiked and Sweden has been recently described as a "narcostate". Germany welcomed almost 1 milion Syrians since 2015 and they still have the lowest employment rate amongst foreigners, then 300k more Afghans with what happened in 2020 and many thousands from other part of Asia. Different languages, religion, culture, but same problems Scandinavian countries are now trying to face with more stricted rules on immigration, see what Denmark is trying to do in order to avoid and replicate Sweden's mistakes. Here in Italy we used to have less then one million non-Italian at the beginning of this century, mainly from Albania and Romania so from other European countries. Since 2015 they magically became 5 millions, so 4 milions more peole and they're not coming from Europe this time but immigration has reached worrisome numbers from China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Nigeria, Senegal, Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia. In some cities like Prato, 1 out of 5 people living there is Chinese, in Milan 20% of the population is non-Italian, generally speaking more then 1 out of 10 people living in the north is non-Italian. In France is even worse and what's been happing in Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Nice since 2015 is tragically eloquent. Did you know that in London, Leicester and Birmingham White British are a minority and in some London's borough like Newham, Brent, Harrow Britons do not make more then 35% of the population? I feel most Europeans are tired and I hope something big will change in the short time, step by step.
@gaborrajnai6213 Год назад
​@@michelecastelli7498 Honestly if you dont let them in you wont be able to pay for the social welfare system. In 20 years pension system collapse. yeah you could have more babies, but you dont, and a developed country needs workforce. Or your country will become a neoliberal nightmare.
@michelecastelli7498 Год назад
@@gaborrajnai6213 The solution is only the one you mentioned in your comment: to have more babies. Actually we can, the real needs are proper family's planning laws which can incentivate the total fertility to rise at least to 2.1. Take the case of Georgia where the TFR was below replacement level until few years ago and now it's at 2, we need to re-understand the cultural value of family itself which is the core of state fundation: no family no nation. If you think immigrants are the solution fo everything then it is really an ethnical replacement. Germany is the land of Germans as Morocco is for Moroccans and Japan the one of Japanese: this was the normality till the '90s-'00s and it needs to be restaurated as soon as possible.
@CAMSLAYER13 Год назад
Things are uncertain in the world, cost of living is rising. Right wing policys often appear to benefit the country or its people more directly so people gravite towards them when they are worried about thier future. Also the previous gov in Germany did a pretty bad job so there will be counter cultural backlash
@eragonship4929 Год назад
Hot take but neoliberal economics and the ruling party's refusal to actually govern instead seeking "compromise" is what's leading to the current unrest. When your life is getting worse and the government isnt doing what they were elected to do it leads to really bad outcomes
@Occident. Год назад
Its called DEMOCRACY. Get over it!
@jamesj0ker Год назад
Someone did not study german history.
@dominusnoobus1589 Год назад
@@jamesj0kernah there’s nothing wrong about that history
@YallaGoetheTV Год назад
It's a illusion you Schnitzel
@spaghettiking7312 Год назад
Where you have countries with actually functional voting systems (AKA, in Europe), the people seem to keep going far right.
@connor1414 Год назад
Austria, slovakia, Germany
@spaghettiking7312 Год назад
@@connor1414 France, Italy, Spain.
@daandevos122 Год назад
They don't "keep going far right", they keep getting betrayed by the parties who are in the government, and look for alternatives. It's probably mainly due to many of the largest parties being composed of dimwitted people who has never needed to look outside their shallow close circle, and have no idea what people want. Especially the Greens are bad at that, since all they have to sell themselves is tha good story of a climate crisis. But really, they have no competence whatsoever. If there would be capable parties in the government, the far right wouldn't grow all that much. I fear the next elections in Belgium, after our government composed out of liberals, greens, socialists, and admittedly, a few christiandemocrats... Despite both largest parties being Nationalist parties (not that I mind them not being in the government, politics are just too broken at this point to form a functioning government, which plays exactly into their hands, so they keep growing) Sincerely, A frustrated christiandemocrat voter
@pietsnotty8283 Год назад
Where do the voting systems not work? There is mostly a lot of frustration and lack of knowledge which causes a lot of people to vote right.
@spaghettiking7312 Год назад
@@pietsnotty8283 With first past the post, you only have a choice of two parties, moderate left and moderate right. Single-issue, centre or far left or far right parties don't get to participate. In Europe, people's real views are actually represented, because they don't have to dum them down, voting for one or the other megaparty.
@ninoy4914 Год назад
As an American with 2 parties basically resembling german AFD vs big tent with everyone else, you do not want this.
@ruedigernassauer Год назад
Today I receiced visitors for a spacy apartment to let. I had to speak English to all of them -- in Germany. Do you consider that normal? Is English in Germany now the "working language" and German the private dialect? And all visitors had children.
@ruedigernassauer Год назад
@@rn6312 First question: No, German was the "working language" as I didn´t speak theirs. Second question: Nothing and they will learn German at the kindergarten IF there still are enough German speaking children.
@dissapointingopinions4877 Год назад
@@rn6312To the pillory with you for your arrogance. Germans must speak German.
@akritasdigenis4831 Год назад
I'm from Cyprus and many people come here and they don't bother learning our language(Greek) we have the same problem with Germany in my country.
@akritasdigenis4831 Год назад
​@@rn6312no they will not learn German, they just expect everyone else to speak English to them. I have the same problem with foreigners in my country.
@akritasdigenis4831 Год назад
​@@rn6312bruh you're under every comment calling everyone a nazi and you don't even know what nazism means. If someone immigrate to Germany then they should learn German. If I ever moved to Germany I would try to learn German, everyone should try and learn the language of the country they immigrated to.
@sempersuffragium9951 Год назад
I really don't get why it's so hard for the CDU to back policies, which are clearly popular. I thought Merz was going to take the CDU in a more ideologically right direction, but I don't see that happening very much. This shared concensus between all major parties in Germany strikes me as very undemocratic. No wonder people are driven to the only alternative.
@Clownie727 Год назад
Merz want german military in ukraine to fight american proxywar against Russia . Lol. Trust the blackrock puppet for ww3. Whats wrong with you?
@nayjer2576 Год назад
huh? Thats exactly what happens. But the CDU is just repeating what the AfD says --> the AfD wins in popularity and not the CDU. The CDU need's a more right winged politic but without the populism of the AfD.
@sempersuffragium9951 Год назад
@@nayjer2576 My thoughts exactly
@AS-fv5cr Год назад
It’s not “the right”, although there are a few bad apples in that party. Nevertheless, they’re less extremist than the currently reigning Green Party that allows state media to openly refer to some citizens as parasites and rats. The main difference is that the AFD is the only party in Germany that understands the economy, Germany’s comparative economic advantage, and citizens’ concerns about the status quo. Politicians in that party generally either have a good academic track record or hands on real world work experience. Quite the contrast to the current government. Government and media try everything to keep them down and out by pushing them further into the right corner and trying to prohibit them. Heavily supported by the state owned media. In reality, it is the only conservative party left, basically the new CDU. The majority of the population is fed up with established parties’ incompetence and unwillingness to progress wealth and wellbeing. They could easily take 30-40% of votes if it wasn’t stigmatised that much.
@fruhlingsrolle7303 Год назад
The AfD and a good grasp of economy? What on earth made you believe that? Stefan Kotré, the energy political speaker for the AfD, claimed that electricity from nuclear power plants was cheap. The AfD wants to leave the EU. Brexit has shown us what a stupid idea that is. Furthermore, a good academic record is still not worth shit if you allow holocaust deniers to exist in your party.
@feelsimprovedman2188 Год назад
In Germany we say "Nurnoch AfD"
@bissigekatze23 Год назад
AfD 💩 creates hate and agitation🥴
@Kruxst Год назад
Good for Germany
@jackgrove4621 Год назад
the right being concerned about global warming? I must be living in an alternate reality.
@Kuchenmann13YT Год назад
Great Video! Also really neutral unlike a lot of german news stations
@SKY_FATH3R 11 месяцев назад
Das Farbigen werden uns nicht ersetzen!
@miragebarrage9748 Год назад
Right wing, best wing!
@Tai-Lung03 Год назад
Yes it returned, because the past and current elected parties did a poor job in the integration since 2015, by not acting. This lead to the possibility that a partie like the AFD is Abel to collect votes form people how aren't happy with the crime rate of asylum seekers, which of course resulted of the German bureaucracy being unnecessarily complex for foreigners who don't even speak the language.😮‍💨 Furthermore people like the right wing still have Nazi ideals, but due to the governments protection of free speech and the lack of executive force there is proportionaly nothing done against people who refuse to learn from our past.
@pomodorostudyclub Год назад
Good for Germany. Best of Luck to AfD in the next election.
@julianmahler2388 Год назад
Do you delete comments or did my comment not make it through RU-vid's filter?
@Robert-dl7if Год назад
The more right we go in the whole of europe the better for all of us...
@YungBeezer Год назад
I think every European country needs to shift further right. Indigenous Europeans are being replaced.
@sandorszabo2934 Год назад
I Love AfD from Hungary.
@rudolfespinola9231 Год назад
Because of the disastrous policies of the current government!
@EarthSoulsAstrology Год назад
There is nothing wrong with keeping Europe European. Germans are just scared to be called a nazi when there is nothing wrong being traditional
@akritasdigenis4831 Год назад
​@@rn6312Nazi Germany will never come back again so stop using this comment to scare people😂the Germans are just tired of receiving so many illegal immigrants
@akritasdigenis4831 Год назад
@@rn6312 just because few people in the comment section said fascist things doesn't mean that AfD is a fascist government. Most people are probably voting for this government because they don't want anymore illegal immigration in their countries.
@James-he1le Год назад
They never learn. It’s in their blood
@akritasdigenis4831 Год назад
You don't even know what this government is about. You're an npc
@xyanic2496 Год назад
@jmum189 7 месяцев назад
As a Brit we have the same problems here. Our leaders haven`t been acting in our best interests for decades. Good luck to Germany, you need to leave the EU too.
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