
Why I Don’t Give AF About Your Medical Status -- reacting to horrific comments 

Lex Morningstar
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20 окт 2024




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@lena1122 3 года назад
OMG! Totally agree with you! Thank you for sharing this ♥️🙏
@stevesayewich8594 3 года назад
I appreciate your opinions Lexi. That is why I follow you. Using the fact that you think critically and can express yourself in terms of the Myers Briggs, I can relate as an INFP. Keep up your good and needed work.
@marleyofficialmedia 2 года назад
RESPECT sister!!!! I am with you.
@amberpixie8550 3 года назад
I think division n stress n aggression lowers immunity so more than anything
@gellicbecca5191 3 года назад
I'm in Australia, it's crazy this whole thing and desperation
@aVeganMaya 3 года назад
I respect your opinion, and I of course think that we should question authorities and all that. BUT, we need to be careful when questioning science, because what you say about the scientific method is correct, but where you get your sources from is of the highest importance. The scientific method relies on scientists' research, and not all people have access to the data and scientific papers, and not all people have the sufficient background knowledge to understand those, even if they gain access to it. It's the same issue we see with climate change deniers, and with globalisation and the internet. They're very dangerous and complex situations, that can end up costing humanity at the worst case (mostly climate change, covid is definitely not going to wipe us all out, but a new pandemic could!).
@smartgenes1 3 года назад
Science is also limited to physical materialism though and the human being is so much more than that.
@NJ-wb1cz 3 года назад
@@smartgenes1 that's why science doesn't say which spiritual belief is best for you, but does say what to do with physical material safety, be it plane construction, building construction, properly fixing your broken legs, or dealing with new viruses. And sure, some people want priests to bless their car or apartment, some also carry spiritual tokens for good luck or some sort of spiritual safety, but this doesn't remove the need for an actual physical material safety created by science
@trevoravery9270 2 года назад
The Science Cultists.
@Belovedservant 3 года назад
My nurse friend got it because they told her she won’t be able to work and it’s her career, felt so sorry for her 😭
@gellicbecca5191 3 года назад
Thank you love this and shared
@Lexmorningstarnz 3 года назад
Thanks so much. I appreciate it
@friedrichkummel7963 3 года назад
Its INFP Time, we know our inner shadows and can help others to face there own inside not outside... dont give up.
@theisaiahcc 3 года назад
It’s not just this issue. There’s a certain group of people that hold what they consider to be acceptable, tolerant beliefs. Beliefs that are of ultimate moral virtue. Any deviation is a violent offense, that harms everyone else. If you disagree, you are either stupid or malevolent. You can’t possibly be a reasonable person holding an opinion so reprehensible. Therefore, it is justifiable to dehumanize you, since you’re already so far removed from a decent human being. I’ve lost so many friends over the years to this thought process. I’ve been made out to be a bad person for my opinions.
@KingsMom831 3 года назад
I’m glad you have your own opinion , not that my opinion matters. I’m just saying I value & respect a person who can think criticaly, decide for themselves, to question things that don’t sound, seem or feel right.
@NJ-wb1cz 3 года назад
Yeah, some people did violent protests against vaccination, people have been killed for asking someone to wear a mask, attacked for administering vaccines. That's just not how democratic societies work - if you disagree with the policies of your gorvernment you vote them out. People in democratic aren't entitled to getting the policies that they personally want, if that was the case every democratic nation would've been completely gridlocked unable to do anything
@CW-jw3el 3 года назад
See... I wanted to get my vaccine (I'm in Canada). No one mandated it for me. No one told me I had to wear a mask or lockdown because I understood the consequences for myself and others by not doing these things. I think there is a misunderstanding about the other side as well- or in any case, my side. I looked at what was happening around the world and understood what part I needed to play to keep myself, my family and the greater community as safe as possible. No one told me what to think- I masked up before anyone told me to... etc. What I want to know is... if not the vaccine, if not masking, if not lockdown... then what is our responsibility to ourselves and others? What do we do to mitigate the pandemic. Any and all anti-vaxxers, anti lockdown, anti masks etc... I have yet to hear a reasonable alternative to end this. Not even 1. People have rights, we all have the right to live without fear that someone coughing on us doesn't end our life, or our parent's life etc. What I can say to people who chose not to get vaccinated... when this is finally over- everything you think you're losing right now, you'll get back. I don't think the mandates will last longer than the pandemic
@theisaiahcc 3 года назад
@@CW-jw3el “Everything you’re losing right now, you’ll get back.” I think that’s a particularly naive thought. For example, here in the US absentee and mail-in ballots were a temporary fix to meet the needs of voters unwilling to risk their health to vote. Now, some states have made it a permanent fixture in their voting process. Just to say that things instated temporarily are often never repealed. The responsibility to ourselves is to take our own personal risk assessment and move forward according to that judgement. Consult your doctor and then do what you think is right. We can all agree the vaccine is great at preventing hospitalization and death. Therefore, you can protect yourself if you get the vaccine. Following that logic, if you’re protected, why do you care if your neighbor is vaccinated or not? You shouldn’t need to worry unless you’re someone who can’t get vaccinated. And people who can’t get vaccinated have always had to take precautions to protect their own health because there’s never been 100% vaccination rate within a population. The masks don’t work unless you have N95 masks. The holes between the fibers of cloth are too large and allow particles through. If they did work, I still wouldn’t wear one. Because anyone who wants the vaccine can get it today and protect themselves. And if they don’t want to get it, they chose to take the risk. It’s none of my business. The pandemic was over when the vaccines became widely available. The vaccination rate among the older more vulnerable populations is very high. And lots of us have natural immunity from previous infection. I’m done pretending that we’re in the same place we were before we knew anything about covid or had the vaccines.
@CW-jw3el 3 года назад
@@theisaiahcc well... I definitely cannot say I agree with you. Further to your right comment, and then bringing up your election... your election was filled with chaos and misinformation and you have like what.... ? 67 percent of Republicans feeling their election was stolen and all this rhetoric about mail in voting. Probably the wrong example to bring up. Too many arguments could be made about that. We just had an election here with a ton of mail in voting. I personally voted in person because... adhd and I procrastinated filling out my mail in ballot info. But it took me less than 10 minutes to vote, from going into the door to exiting the door. I heard in some areas in the US, there are multiple hour lines, in the freaking hot sun and now in some states it is illegal to give people in line water??? Ok, but continue on about why mail in ballots are wrong. Non N95 masks mitigate spread, not eliminate it. It is better than no mask but not perfect. There is plenty of evidence to support this. Natural immunity does not last very long and might not protect against variants. I have known multiple people who have been infected twice (before vaccines). Vaccine immunity also wanes over time- this isn't over until it is far more under control than it is (worldwide) There are still immunocompromized folks out there- some of whom either can't get the vaccine, or will not get a high level of protection because of it. What about them? Thanks for your comment, but I am still waiting on a reasonable alternative to end this
@beardedrancher 3 года назад
Way to speak out in an educated and I formed way. Good job, my friend.
@beaudupre191 3 года назад
Thank you Lex. The world is pulling for Australia and New Zealand. God wins.
@crystaljean522 3 года назад
Wow Lex, you just beautifully accomplishd a tight-rope walk across a very volatile topic, well done! 💙💜🤎 Couldn't agree with you more. I feel strongly about not getting the jab but I don't put down, think less of or dehumanize people who, for their own reasons, decide to. I'm not ok with people being forced to or loosing their livelihood or ability to take care of their family because of a personal health decision, however. I've lost people in my life because of my views but that was their decision, not mine, I believe in freedom of thought, voice and choice. I'm really sorry you have been in lockdown so long, I'm in Ontario, Canada and things are getting worse not better here. A lot of people losing or leaving their jobs because of mandates and un-jabbed aren't allowed in many indoor public spaces(sports, dining, entertainment, gyms, etc.). Whichever side you're on, the measures are extreme and human rights are being eroded right in front of our very eyes. I don't think there's any denying that. Censorship is mind control. Much love💙💜🤎
@Robidu1973 3 года назад
And exactly this is the crux with all of it: In order for a society to properly function, a certain amount of *trust* is needed. Once that is gone, chaos is going to erupt. Now, if what's going on right now is a telltale sign, we haven't even begun to see the worst of it. It looks like an ochlocracy in the offing.
@NJ-wb1cz 3 года назад
It's only a personal health decision if you don't plan on seeing anyone ever again. If you are contacting people you are imposing your decision on them and making them deal with potential consequences of your decision. The only way they can protect themselves from your decisions and your fear of the vaccine is to avoid you completely, and that just can't be a basis for healthy society. People want to live their lives without someone else's viruses infecting them and killing them due to a decision another person made, so the governments try protect their citizens rights to live to the best of their abilities
@crystaljean522 3 года назад
@@NJ-wb1cz I have no fear, you are putting words into my mouth. I have done indepth research and am personal friends with, medical doctors, nurses, chiropractors, naturopathic doctors, who have done their due diligence of research, as well, who do not recommend or will be getting this unproven, no long term trial vaccine for themselves or their families. The deaths from this virus, that has destroyed our economy, mental health status(globally), family & friend relations, led to countless suicides, divorces, marital battery incidents, are equal to the yearly flu deaths. Also, makers of the vaccine don't claim that it prevents infection or spread, it only lessons the symptoms. So if you think it's rational to cut off or segregate family, friends or anyone, really, because they don't trust non-long-term tested vaccines, don't trust intrusive governmen measures, don't feel it necessary, don't like being pressured into personal health decisions, it seems like you're living in fear, not me. I have genuine love for you and everyone on this planet, I hope we all come through this stronger, wiser and more loving to all of our fellow human beings.
@NJ-wb1cz 3 года назад
@@crystaljean522 so you made yourself afraid of a vaccine after reading a bunch of stuff online and consulting "naturopathic doctors", which is like consulting dentist about heart disease. And thus prefer to perpetuate actually real deaths from the virus, which as you've pointed out lead to destruction of economies, broken families, suicides, etc. Really, what kind of position that even is?
@nisalimethma433 3 года назад
@@NJ-wb1cz well said
@NeoNine10 3 года назад
Yup, lost a friend over it. Basically over just posting the numbers of those who got the bug and died with it from the news on TV and him questioning the numbers, where those stats came from and falsely thinking i’m doing it with the intention of spreading fear or not realising. But then forgetting that i’m not a know it all and being sarcy enough to question if i’m training to become a news reporter, when all i was doing was just innocently sharing what’s been said on the news to social media, acknowledging in my head that maybe everyone should wear masks more and sharing the numbers will help with that, and to express my concern at the number of cases. 🙄 I respect your stance though. I think it’s ok to think critically to a point but not so much that you don’t take into consideration the thoughts and feelings of the person your questioning of why they may take the stance they do. And most of the time, it’s just not worth falling out with someone over. I’m not anti-poke but the fact is, all of us are different so all of us are going to react differently to the bug, same with having the poke. But we operate our society like as if everyone is the same, projecting one belief over another that ‘i am more right than you’ and “just because i suffered few symptoms having the poke, you will be fine and should have it too” and so you get divisive outcomes such as these. 😕
@Robidu1973 3 года назад
The problem is, you are going to find any sorts of unhealthy behaviors in any kind of crisis. If people then don't educate themselves about that particular subject, the outcome is obvious ("social" media isn't a reliable source of information, because all too often the viewpoints tend to be severely skewed, and there's also too much nonsense to be had), especially when taking into account that fear is the primary driver behind irrational behavior. Also keep in mind that crises tend to evoke fear - and that it's especially narcissists who are driven by fear - that could be an explanation why there's such a severe uptick in this kind of behavior.
@safi6749 3 года назад
I respect your stance
@AngusDanu 3 года назад
Well said!
@johnhatch220 2 года назад
if it was just about trying to prove someone wrong I could 'almost' understand (is it really so critical that everyone agree w/ you or be 'ostracized' ??? ), but when it comes to shaming someone for making a PERSONAL decision based on their best understanding w/ the information they have at the time, ... in my view that is insufferable from either side, .. the people driving this don't care about the validity (or lack thereof) of anyone's position, they want the division so they can use the chaos to get people to accept a totalitarian corporatocracy. BTW I found it quite interesting that Gramps (I say w/ respect) mentioned the Hopei prophecies, .. I am in the USA living in Arizona, ... best wishes, .. but might be a good idea to buckle up, I think it's about to become a bumpy ride 😒
@jasonankin744 3 года назад
Looks like you're the warrior now Lex ⚔✊
@KxNOxUTA 3 года назад
What really hit me hard, was the fears in spiritual groups of effects possibly caused (I'm paraphrasing) on non X ppl by X ppl. The really shocking part not being if there are effects of energetic type or not. It was this renewed realisation that I'm one of those - as it appears - few people around concentrating on unity and extending acceptance both ways. And somehow I look at both sides dumbfounded, as they're pretty much the same while both shouting blamr at the other. And I stand in the middle understanding both and seeing what unites everyone and being really speechless how large masses of people seem to miss the point. Which is the potential within the challenging situation. And I guess, that when I hear spiritual non X ppl be that way, it's more shocking for me, since that's the very people usually aware of the concepts of unity. I always have to think how there appears to be a church somewhere in Russia with a stairway painting. With ppl ascending in spiritual growth and sometimes tumble down. With people on the highest step stumbling down over spiritual entitlement itself. And what I'm saying is, that I understand people suffering effects of the C and some suffering spiritual effects from the X. Why must any of that be ultimately true or false? What if in some situations it applies and in others not? And in either case, blaming a person for doing something that was not interested of them to be harmful. Most people took their decisions in good intent. What's so impossible about accommodating each other? Protection to those who want and require it. Of physical or spiritual kind. It can be solved physically and spiritually respectively. But somehow community isn't worth two-sided respect! Which - by the way - also applies to things like establishment etc.. Everyone is just trying as good as they can within their settings. Actual malice is not as widely spread as we keep accusing the world/each other of. If it's me, even having two areas plus a third mixed area for those who prefer that. Even that would be no issue as long as everyone maintains respect for different needs. The amount of energy we lose over blame games instead of agreeing on actual solutions. Even parting each other in disagreement wouldn't be as disruptive if it happened in deep respect of us needing different things - as different people - and that not being ill intended but just human condition everyday life. I'm very tired of things being blown out of proportion on all sides. At the same time, I do not lose sight of how very difficult it is to handle fears healthily. It's not bad, that the situation magnifies what has been the case all along. I am sad we couldn't address these things better in times of peace and quiet. But again, different ppl, different needs. I embrace that. We're all paying the price either way.
@celestialmorpho 3 года назад
divide and conquer. it’s scary to me. and i’m curious what people who can’t get it so. there are no exemptions. a woman got randomly assaulted at a post office for the the other parties “safety” makes no sense. and about the marriage thing i do think it’s small. it’s been politicized and i hate it so much.
@KingsMom831 3 года назад
👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼Well Said!
@queencityking6145 3 года назад
I guess out of the loop, what is with the clicking noise? Is that a way to break the algorithm, to avoid demonizing or something similar? Curious
@LetThereBeLight1111 3 года назад
I refuse to be vaxxed, but I don’t shame the people in my own family who have chosen to be. Everyone has the choice to decide what they do with their body. I completely disagree with government interference with mandates, and lockdowns etc. the world is becoming more extreme by the minute, and I want no parts of that
@NM-yv7mr 3 года назад
Lex, I appreciate your thoughtful take and your bravery on speaking out about this on a social platform. I found your channel through your forgotten women with ADHD video, and it's partly thanks to that video that I'm on the waitlist to be assessed. Just know, that I deeply appreciate your contributions. This video makes me feel not so alone in my views. Take care and much love to you and your family during these hard times. ❤
@magic13christispage 3 года назад
I live in Greece and it feels like you've described the situation here exactly as it is - now that's how similar people are worldwide, that's the proof 😀😜 I don't know why anyone can be bothered by what another person does to their own body. We should be concerned about things that involuntarily affect us or other beings in a negative way (wars, hunger, violence, sex trafficking etc - pandemic included), especially beings that cannot have a word in the situation (anything that has to do with animals and children), but an adult's choice on their own - and not anyone else's - body is their own to make. So, you want to feel safe and do the vaccine and hang out with people that have done the same as well? Go ahead. You want to feel safe and not do the vaccine, and only hang out with people that do the same? Again, go ahead. Why should it be taken any further from that? Why division, hatred, bullying or anything like that? I honestly cannot understand this whole thing (too much Fe or Te imposing on the world I guess?? 😁😁 I know it's not for laughs though.) Thank you for your video Lex, it was morning here when you uploaded it (and I watched it), and it made a good start for my day 😊😊 I agree with you 100%. As you say, open dialogue between humans. That's what we are missing and what we need the most I think. May you and everyone stay strong and take care! ❤
@NJ-wb1cz 3 года назад
Coivd is transmitted by air. If you get it you are infecting others without permission and massively limiting their freedoms, including their freedom to exist, so by minimizing your risk you're minimizing the risk for others. Your decisions affect health of other people around you. If you're living in total isolation and never come in contact with anyone then people wouldn't care
@officialWWM 3 года назад
Are you in Auckland?
@SweetStuffOnMonarchLane 3 года назад
Where to begin... Well, I work in healthcare and live in America, so that is where I'm coming from... This whole thing was mishandled from the get-go and made political instead of coming from the stance of "let's work on this together, be patriotic and help our fellow man, and knock this thing out." If that were the case, I'm betting the vaccination rates would be much higher in the U.S., but because they are so low (40% in the county I work in!), creating this medical and financial never-ending nightmare, this is what has caused all the talk of mandates. Let me just say that I don't believe in mandates for vaccines... it's your body, your choice. I do, however, believe that the decision should be made informatively and with FACTS, as in, what are the experts advising or what does your doctor think? Not what your buddy on Facebook says, or what someone who's trying to SELL you a magic cure says, or even what the far right or far left "news" channel you watch editorializes about it. In America, we used to have only three news channels: ABC, CBS, and NBC. Everyone got pretty much the same news told to us by JOURNALISTS who investigated stories and whose careers were on the line if they messed up any facts (and still are). These shows were, and are, on for a half hour per night, not all day. They gave us the facts they uncovered, and we came to our own opinions based on those facts. Then came FOX whose owner (Rupert Murdoch) is a far right ultra conservative and he set out to influence America and change opinions to that of his own. And it's working. He bought up small news stations and then told them what to say. They put a spin on every story to make anything conservative look great, and anything liberal look evil. They have even gone so far as to change a liberal guest's facial appearance through photoshopping to make them look evil or older. He also owns "news"papers. These people are not journalists, but rather personalities that editorialize every news headline into what THEY want you to hear/believe. They are brainwashing people, plain and simple. The Epoch Times, One America News, and Newsmax are among other examples. Some will cry, "but CNN and MSNBC are just as bad in the other (liberal) direction!" Yes, they are liberal leaning, but I don't believe they've gone to the extent or gotten into trouble like FOX has. FOX has absolutely divided America and caused death due to their misinformation about covid. And don't even get me started on Facebook and the rampant lies and conspiracies thrown about on that platform... Regardless, this is what leads me to my first point: please do research on whatever/wherever you get your news/information. Really listen critically... are they telling you FACTS or OPINIONS? Are they leaving out parts (facts) of the story to sway you one way or the other? Who owns it and what agenda do they have? I am also of the opinion that countries that do not want to see us succeed are major players in spreading lies about the vaccine (and political figures) and are working tirelessly to divide us using all social media platforms, including this one, because divided we WILL fall, I believe. We can agree to disagree, but it has gone WAY past that, at least here in the U.S. You talk about respecting each other's opinions, but it is getting harder and harder for those of us in healthcare to respect patients that have no TRUE medical or religious reason not to get the vaccine, then show up expecting us to take care of them, while other patients die of other conditions waiting for an open hospital bed where they can receive care; beds that are taken up by something that could have been prevented by a simple vaccine... FACT. How are those non-vaccinated covid patients respecting us and those other patients? Seems pretty arrogant, selfish, and disrespectful to me. They are using up a HUGE amount of resources (personnel and material) and money which could have been prevented. They are causing the price hikes in everything we ALL buy, including health insurance. I can't help but lose respect for these people that are causing so much misery, death and financial hardship. I work VERY hard to keep myself from getting covid so that I can spend time with my father in law, who has emphysema, COPD, and recently beat lung cancer, while we have a family member who has had covid at least once (and, after being diagnosed, walked around the grocery store, not respecting anyone there) and refuses to be vaccinated. He will not be invited to Thanksgiving or Christmas by me or my mother in law.
@wimsylogic65 2 года назад
Maybe hospitals wouldn't be so as overwhelmed if there wasn't mandates causing healthcare workers to quit or lose their jobs.
@SweetStuffOnMonarchLane 2 года назад
@@wimsylogic65 People working in hospitals became overwhelmed because of the NUMBER of patients coming in and the inability to handle them all, due to THEM not being vaccinated and overwhelming the healthcare system. Workers were leaving way before the mandates!! If someone goes into the healthcare field, they know they will have to get vaccines, especially when there's a PANDEMIC going on! We had to get them in school! Just like the military... if you go into the military, you're going to get a bunch of vaccines, even more so than healthcare workers. It's a part of the job, and we do it to protect ourselves and the people we are helping. After seeing what covid does to people, I personally couldn't wait to get the vaccine and we finally felt there was a light at the end of the tunnel, but for the reasons I stated above, it still drags on. We have medical and religious exemptions at our hospital, and some took advantage of that. I only know of one person that lost their job due to not being vaccinated... I know of way more that left due to stress. Unless you've worked it, you have NO idea what it does to your body, your home, your loved ones, and your personal life. Regardless, my POINT was that it was handled wrong from the get-go and many people learned too late that the information they got about covid and the vaccines were lies and MISinformation. I can't tell you the number of people that were/are in the hospital with covid, crying that they wished they would have gotten vaccinated... well we wished they would have too! I'm talking about how information is presented to the public, and the effect that has on people's ATTITUDE and willingness to come together vs. splitting the divide further apart. For example, Dr. Fauci is the unequivocal expert on infectious diseases, no one knows more than he does, but people would rather believe crap on Facebook instead of him because of the lies that have been spread about him. If the far right media and lie-spreading facebook would not have been allowed to spread misinformation, our vaccine numbers would be way higher and that would equal less people being hospitalized and less people dying, and that's a fact. Those businesses should be ashamed of what they've done. Maybe they should be made to pay for all the heartache and financial burden they've put on us!
@PamsPrettyPlants 3 года назад
I think asking people that are un vaxxed to not attend a family gathering is pretty reasonable, actually. People are dying, Kim. You don’t have to be a monster to people but how absurd to expect to be able to gather in a group without a shot in a panorama. Are you sure the worst part about this whole thing is the divide? I think it’s all the dead people. 🥴
@Robidu1973 3 года назад
The major problem is that there are people who are claiming this, then there are those who are claiming that. Unforunately the ones who are screaming the loudest are heard first, and for some reason people tend to believe them more than someone who actually has expertise and is stating things matter-of-factly. I can only guess as to why, but I do know that I don't like the result.
@DianaIsabel929 3 года назад
I’m with you Pam. Not sure what this extreme divide thing I hear from a strange amount of New Zealanders 🤷🏼‍♀️but being in the US, many of us have opted not to gather in order to be safe. Some family members have opted not to be “poked” as she puts it, but they also haven’t imposed themselves on other family members (or others in society) by insisting on traveling and gathering anyway. This pandemic is a big deal. The fact that it’s become divisive seems understandable to me. I’ve seen other Kiwis compare this divide to US segregation or the holocaust. I disagree with government going to those extreme amounts of persecution and find that comparison really insensitive at best. But what about the divides in families over big issues like the systematic persecution of others. Wouldn’t that be a natural thing to get a divorce over? So why downplay the intensity over this? Seems a little vapid and naive if you ask me... but I’ve digressed. Anyway - thanks for being the one comment that made me feel sane. I’ve unsubscribed.
@lauren8627 3 года назад
Because NZ and Australia have been shielded from many deaths so we just don't get it. But in December the shit will hit the fan in Australia. We already have ambulance ramping in every state in Australia so our underfunded hospital system is going to be very obviously fucked.
@wimsylogic65 2 года назад
Why do they have to be Vaxed in order to be with people. There's people who gained immunity through natural. And then there are people who are also just not sick. You could get tested before meeting with your family. Getting The shot, Does not neutralize the virus. Vaccinated people can still Infect others. Since getting the shot does not neutralize the virus It only helps that person from possibly having worse symptoms, At the very least Natural immunity should be taken into account.
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