
Why I left the church 

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Комментарии : 7 тыс.   
@brucesaxton3625 Год назад
You didn't leave "THE" church. You left "that" church. You and I are in "THE" Church. Thanks for all you do and the honesty you bring. You Rock!
@Heimbach1966 Год назад
THE church is cucked by Jews.
@dallaspowell2457 Год назад
Thank you, God Bless
@brianmcgrath5977 Год назад
I think we forget our lord lives in Heaven.Not Rome or Saltlake city or where ever. Of course he lives everywhere but Heaven is head office.
@arturodelagarza9028 Год назад
@Heimbach1966 Год назад
@@brianmcgrath5977 Cuck
@Tuckparty 2 года назад
A well regulated Construction Crew, being necessary to the security of your leaky roof, the right of the people to keep and bear Hammers, shall not be infringed.
@I-love._.you-117 2 года назад
I choked on my drink while watching that part of the video. I can relate 1000 percent
@konnorkuznetsov1035 2 года назад
A few good *"construction workers"* can solve many problems.
@wheatdevon 2 года назад
“Sic semper evello mortem tyrannis” (“Thus always I bring death to tyrants.") When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it. Frédéric Bastiat “Those who are capable of tyranny are capable of perjury to sustain it.” “...only those who have the will and the power to shoot down their fellow men, are the real rulers in this, as in all other (so-called) civilized countries; for by no others will civilized men be robbed, or enslaved.” ― Lysander Spooner, No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority "So these villains, who call themselves governments, well understand that their power rests primarily upon stolen money. With money they can hire soldiers, and with soldiers extort money. And, when their authority is denied, the first use they always make of money, is to hire soldiers to kill or subdue all who refuse them more money." -Lysander Spooner. (1870) -The payment of taxes, being compulsory, of course furnishes no evidence that any one voluntarily supports the Constitution. It is true that the theory of our Constitution is, that all taxes are paid voluntarily; that our government is a mutual insurance company, voluntarily entered into by the people with each other; that each man makes a free and purely voluntary contract with all others who are parties to the Constitution, to pay so much money for so much protection, the same as he does with any other insurance company; and that he is just as free not to be protected, and not to pay any tax, as he is to pay a tax, and be protected. But this theory of our government is wholly different from the practical fact. The fact is that the government, like a highwayman, says to a man: Your money, or your life. And many, if not most, taxes are paid under the compulsion of that threat. The government does not, indeed, waylay a man in a lonely place, spring upon him from the road side, and, holding a pistol to his head, proceed to rifle his pockets. But the robbery is none the less a robbery on that account; and it is far more dastardly and shameful. The highwayman takes solely upon himself the responsibility, danger, and crime of his own act. He does not pretend that he has any rightful claim to your money, or that he intends to use it for your own benefit. He does not pretend to be anything but a robber. He has not acquired impudence enough to profess to be merely a “protector,” and that he takes men’s money against their will, merely to enable him to “protect” those infatuated travellers, who feel perfectly able to protect themselves, or do not appreciate his peculiar system of protection. He is too sensible a man to make such professions as these. Furthermore, having taken your money, he leaves you, as you wish him to do. He does not persist in following you on the road, against your will; assuming to be your rightful “sovereign,” on account of the “protection” he affords you. He does not keep “protecting” you, by commanding you to bow down and serve him; by requiring you to do this, and forbidding you to do that; by robbing you of more money as often as he finds it for his interest or pleasure to do so; and by branding you as a rebel, a traitor, and an enemy to your country, and shooting you down without mercy, if you dispute his authority, or resist his demands. He is too much of a gentleman to be guilty of such impostures, and insults, and villanies as these. In short, he does not, in addition to robbing you, attempt to make you either his dupe or his slave. The proceedings of those robbers and murderers, who call themselves “the government,” are directly the opposite of these of the single highwayman. In the first place, they do not, like him, make themselves individually known; or, consequently, take upon themselves personally the responsibility of their acts. On the contrary, they secretly (by secret ballot) designate some one of their number to commit the robbery in their behalf, while they keep themselves practically concealed. They say to the person thus designated: Go to A- B-, and say to him that “the government” has need of money to meet the expenses of protecting him and his property. If he presumes to say that he has never contracted with us to protect him, and that he wants none of our protection, say to him that that is our business, and not his; that we choose to protect him, whether he desires us to do so or not; and that we demand pay, too, for protecting him. If he dares to inquire who the individuals are, who have thus taken upon themselves the title of “the government,” and who assume to protect him, and demand payment of him, without his having ever made any contract with them, say to him that that, too, is our business, and not his; that we do not choose to make ourselves individually known to him; that we have secretly (by secret ballot) appointed you our agent to give him notice of our demands, and, if he complies with them, to give him, in our name, a receipt that will protect him against any similar demand for the present year. If he refuses to comply, seize and sell enough of his property to pay not only our demands, but all your own expenses and trouble beside. If he resists the seizure of his property, call upon the bystanders to help you (doubtless some of them will prove to be members of our band). If, in defending his property, he should kill any of our band who are assisting you, capture him at all hazards; charge him (in one of our courts) with murder, convict him, and hang him. If he should call upon his neighbors, or any others who, like him, may be disposed to resist our demands, and they should come in large numbers to his assistance, cry out that they are all rebels and traitors; that “our country” is in danger; call upon the commander of our hired murderers; tell him to quell the rebellion and “save the country,” cost what it may. Tell him to kill all who resist, though they should be hundreds of thousands; and thus strike terror into all others similarly disposed. See that the work of murder is thoroughly done, that we may have no further trouble of this kind hereafter. When these traitors shall have thus been taught our strength and our determination, they will be good loyal citizens for many years, and pay their taxes without a why or a wherefore. It is under such compulsion as this that taxes, so called, are paid. And how much proof the payment of taxes affords, that the people consent to support “the government,” it needs no further argument to show.
@666t 2 года назад
If only, rather than wishing for a new civil war, being civil
@Tuckparty 2 года назад
No one is wishing for a civil war. I don't want to have to fight my fellow citizens - that is the worst scenario. As our central government cracks and groans under its own weight, we can no longer ensure our inalienable rights will be honored and protected. Fortunately, our union has 50 states and I can live in the one that aligns with me ideologically. Same goes for my town, neighborhood. I have no issue being civil, but it does make me raise an eyebrow when people call for my silence and/or disarmament based on my opinion of what America should be. I’m not going out there forcing that idea on them. However, given the opportunity, they would force it onto me.
@sealteamryx6758 Год назад
I think it takes a good amount of courage and bravery to talk about things like this. A lot of people would be embarrassed and ashamed to talk about stuff like this so props to him for doin it and anybody else who does ✊️
@frankcompagnone8550 Год назад
Amen sir
@mastershan87 Год назад
Nah... my story is almost the same... there is nothing to be embarrassed about.
@EyesOnIlia Год назад
Agreed, he's a brave dude.
@RobReinhart 11 месяцев назад
I left the Pentecostal Church back in 2014. Ever since then, my financial status, my social status, mental health improved a lot. If people shun you or cut you off for leaving the church, they were never your friends, never cared about you in the first place.
@CorbTheCoinBoi 11 месяцев назад
I am in constant torment about leaving the church. I disagreed with many things about the way business was conducted within the church. It seemed everyone meant well but at the same time it felt two faced. I grew up in a Pentecostal church and loved it but as I grew older I left it for my own reasons and each time i have tried to find that again it did not feel the same.
@ulrikerudel6859 11 месяцев назад
thats exactly the mean tricks pretty much all cults use. pressure into the group bc they depend on it.´or at least they were pressured in it. You are absolutely right.
@bjornegan6421 9 месяцев назад
If you are not part of a local assembly of believers, you are disobeying God. Hebrews 10:23 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, 25 not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day drawing near. The very next verse begins one of the most terrifying warnings in Scripture. Further, God established the roles of Elders and Deacons, and of Pastors/Shepherds. He also gave commands on church discipline, on gathering, such as what we are to do when we gather, and the public reading of Scripture. And even further, 1 John shows that one evidence of having been saved is a love for the brothers, for believers. If we would rather avoid believers and associate with unbelievers, that is sin, and perhaps we are not saved, as that is an evidence given of one who has been saved. And if we justify avoiding believers, or 'churches' as many have stated, because of their faults, we are the one at more fault. I made the excuses before, I found all the problems with the others, I even felt justified in doing so, and I was sinning very heinously, in many aspects. And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord; always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father; and being subject to one another in the fear of Christ.
@pimpinaintdeadho 7 месяцев назад
Just came across this. What made you decide to leave?
@TimpBizkit 6 месяцев назад
Does God shun you for leaving Him, or try and get you back?
@cathleenvance4441 2 года назад
I have been a Registered Nurse since 1977 and at that time I was working in Labor and Delivery in a large hospital in the South. We had a lovely couple come to us for delivery of their first baby. The lady was in labor and we went through all the preliminaries getting her ready to have her first child. Her labor was quite difficult but the baby was born, a little girl, and all seemed to be well until the doctor tried to remove the placenta. It would not let go and come out. He continued to try and get it to release and in his efforts to remove it he tugged removing a large piece of her uterus. He quickly determined that the placenta had grown through the wall of the uterus (a very serious condition called "placenta accreta" and there was no such thing as ultra sound back then and no way to determine if she had that condition. She began to hemorrhage. The lady's husband was immediately notified and papers were prepared to administer blood and do an emergency hysterectomy. He was told that his wife was in a critical situation and we needed to give her blood immediately. HE WOULD NOT SIGN FOR ANY BLOOD PRODUCTS which at that time it was discovered that they were Jehovah's Witnesses. The doctor was frantic and we had to move this lady to ICU immediately and begin administering as much regular IV solution as we could safely to try and keep the blood volume up as much as we could while administration talked to this husband trying to make him see the dire emergency his wife was in. I will never forget this as long as I live but that doctor grabbed this husband by both lapels as he all but slammed him against the wall lifting his feet up off the floor as he screamed at this man, "I tell you your wife is going to DIE if you don't let me give her blood" those were his exact words and the man still would NOT give consent for blood. The doctor tried to get a court order as fast as he could but sadly this lady who had just given birth to her first and only child, DIED because of a man made interpretation of the Bible that says you can't be given blood products. I was one of the nurses in that delivery room and witnessed this debauchery. Everyone was affected by this for quite some time. After this tragedy the doctor added a new question to his office forms to be filled out for new patients, it said, "Are you a Jehovah's Witness" If you answered yes to that question, he said he was sorry but you would have to find another doctor to deliver your baby. All this took place in the 70's and I don't know if you could do that in this day and age what with all the crying discrimination or this, that and the other but he did it back then. I was there. I saw it. I know this is a long chapter here but I just wanted to tell you about my first hand experience with a Jehovah's Witness that cost a sweet young lady her life. I have no idea what happened to that husband and his motherless child but the sight of that doctor trying to save this poor lady was something so profound I have never forgotten it.
@sevenproxies4255 Год назад
This is why "religious freedom" is a mistake. Some religions or religious interpretations should be outright banned by society, no matter how hard the religious minorities might cry about it.
@johnnyboy13642 Год назад
That's so messed up. A "subjective" believe is more important than a "life" in this case. Even worse that the child will grow up without a parent because their own father decided their beliefs were more important than this poor child having a mother. Ouch!
@allenhollenbach4692 Год назад
I knew a guy, relatively young. Needed a minor surgery and passed because of this belief
@jamiegibson1010 Год назад
How can anyone who has a strong faith in God and the bible not think they could be committing what is akin to killing someone because of an interpretation of a small part of the bible? That man should be locked up.
@pacman_pol_pl_polska Год назад
@@jamiegibson1010 Jehovas are brainwashed cultists. Deadly heresy.
@zerozero9085 2 года назад
It seems like we have parallel experiences. I was raised a JW, left at 18 and my "existence" erased from family, friends and church. I became a follower of Christ and forgave.
@misskim2058 2 года назад
If anyone comes along trying to claim they have an organization that is “the one true church”...just ask them to prove they EVERY member of their organization follows what Jesus taught and does so TO THE EXCLUSION OF EVEROYNE else on earth. They can’t do it. Their organizations are of the kingdom of man. God’s Kingdom is not of this world. And it doesn’t have buildings other than the physical bodies of his children, which are His true temple(s). Jesus changed all that. They’re also trying to live by the old covenant, which is telling Jesus they don’t amd won’t accept what he did for them. They’re either all-in for him, or they’re like the ones who want to come follow him...later. He said it can’t be both ways.
@robs4517 2 года назад
Miss Kim: Your statement is confusing. You are asking everyone who is in an organized religion to prove everyone they associate with is perfect and excludes everyone else? Please clarify.
@adamthestimator 2 года назад
I'm glad you didn't run away from Christ because of the JWs. Sounds like He had you all along. God bless you Zero Zero.
@jacquelinerodenbush6691 2 года назад
I was also raised a JW. It soured me on religion altogether, and I'll never join another church. I don't trust anyone who thinks they are able to stand in front of a crowd of people and speak for God.
@bradcharlton9362 2 года назад
@@jacquelinerodenbush6691 I agree wholeheartedly regarding never joining another church. I was also raised as a JW, BTW. If I was asked by the government to pick a religion that I would choose to most closely associate myself with, it would be either Taoism or Buddhism. Their teachings are more pure than Christianity, in my very strong opinion.
@clarkfamilyoutdoors7417 Год назад
This woke me up. I am the friend everyone calls for help, nobody is reliable to return the favor. In the last few years I have adapted the lone wolf mentality. This gave me a new perspective, and I appreciate you for making this video.
@jpjp3873 Год назад
That’s how that usually works. Nobody ever calls me unless they need something.
@nothanks9503 Год назад
Cringe people are busy lead by example be the change you want to see
@TheDJOblivion Год назад
I wish I had a friend group comprised of people like you, like me, imagine how much we'd get done. Instead of constantly being asked for favors that go unpaid, we could put our heads, resources, and work ethic to accomplishing real, substantial goals.
@someonewhoknows1891 8 месяцев назад
The days of treat people the way you want to be treated, has gone by the wayside. I am a generous, there to help friends, kind of friend. While some reciprocate a bit, I’ve never had but one friend who really treats me the same that I treat her.
@clarkfamilyoutdoors7417 8 месяцев назад
@@TheDJOblivion Yes indeed
@1mdadrian 2 года назад
We moved across the county last year right as the insanity started. God led us to an incredible church. It isn’t large, but they have a true Christian community. We let them know that we wouldn’t make it to a service in time due the snow drifts. We didn’t even ask, but several men showed up with a couple plows and together cleared our drive in about half an hour. So thankful to have found a group of people that we fit right in with.
@philcastaneda2693 2 года назад
Thank you
@Seek_Him 2 года назад
That's great, where did you move to?
@TimRoyalPastortim 2 года назад
Love hearing stories like that... That's the Church
@standunitedorfall1863 2 года назад
@@PicturesofTravel We cannot give ourselves salvation from our sins, and short comings. Only God can provide that. Prayers to the God of creation asking Him to heal, or deliver does work. Who are you to say that it can't. Oh you of little faith.
@sharoncrawford7192 2 года назад
You are blessed.
@voxfan7403 2 года назад
"Thou shalt not associate with anyone who is not a member of our church." How non-Christian!
@fishhuntadventure 2 года назад
Christian is: “I become all things to all men so that some might be saved” “it is not the well who need a doctor but the sick” “love your neighbor as yourself” “prepare for the coming of the bridegroom”
@paulp4452 2 года назад
Yes, exactly the opposite of what jesus did!!
@jackian3311 2 года назад
9 Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. 10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take them into your house or welcome them. 11 Anyone who welcomes them shares in their wicked work.
@willytrouble88 2 года назад
The LDS way….
@gsgidney 2 года назад
Obviously, that's not a Christian way of doing things, and to even remotely associate that with "church" is ludicrous. A "church", by definition isn't someone who just decided to start one in his living room, it's a "called out assembly of born again baptized believers who's head and founder is Jesus Christ" Not some guy in the 1800s who just decided to start one. Not some woman who mysteriously began speaking in tongues. Not some man who decided to remove all instruments from worship. Not some music program that focuses on performance in the level of a concert that is more interested in "making it's members feel good'. Not some guy who found "mystical tablets" Not some organization who's "boss" sits on a throne in Italy and tells the world what to do. Not some place where people act crazy and roll around on the ground. Not some place to pray someone out of hell. Not some building without windows. Not some organization that has printed periodicals that dictate new teachings directly from god (lower case 'g' intended). Not some group that can't tell the difference between a lower case "s" and an upper case "S" when it comes to testing the "spirits" and "spiritual" gifts... Not testing the "Spirits"
@saltyyankee5149 Год назад
Sir, your experience and wisdom is helping develop my mind and lead me to prepare. 25 years of distance from my upbringing with chainsaws and gardens, and I'm trying to rekindle that skillset my parents and grandparents taught. It's not easy remembering what you used to know, and your channel is helping both remind me of what I ignored from my parents and teach me things they never shared..
@tauruschorus Год назад
Today was the first day I was suggested a full video if yours. Meanwhile, I have appreciated many of your shorts for months now. It amazes me that I came for the axe sharpening shorts, and now will stay for the poignant, philosophical content that truly strikes a chord with me. It’s kinda humbling to discover someone voicing feelings you have had in the past. God bless.
@towndrunkjr.5420 Год назад
I'm pretty sure that my father grew up in the same church. He has a scarily similar story to yours. Left the church, went off the rails, came back to reality, and now lives off grid in a self sufficient and sustainable way.
@user-xz5be9fc1x Год назад
What church was it🤔
@towndrunkjr.5420 Год назад
world wide church of god
@toriless Год назад
I am on the grid but in a self sufficient and sustainable way. Afterall, RU-vid is ON the grid.
@nathanielruiz7380 Год назад
Are you referring to the Johova's witnesses?
@davecurtis1468 2 года назад
Thanks for sharing, I left the Jehovah’s Witnesses 30 years ago and still have parents and brothers and sisters that will not speak to me because I left the church. I had a similar experience.
@Aaron-ru6ld 2 года назад
Shame that in peoples attempts to be one with god we do ungodly things.
@leveraction3 2 года назад
I too did this, and so did other family members, but my older sister still remains, but we do speak to each other, but I reminded her she was still my sister I also reminded her that our great-grandmother was Amish and what happened to her when she left, let that not happen to our family,
@dave1096 2 года назад
and no doubt you are a kind and gentle person that would stop to help or care for anyone at anytime regardless
@greatwhitenorth762 2 года назад
You assume he's talking about Jehovah's Witnesses. Sounds more to me like he's describing the Mormons.
@Aaron-ru6ld 2 года назад
@@greatwhitenorth762 He didn't specify for a reason. So people wouldnt be fighting about religion in the comments. Stop speculating.
@jsims563 Год назад
These are the type of thoughts that good men have at night, while the rest of the family is fast asleep. Allies like you're looking for can be the most valuable thing in the world, for each other. Hard to find though.
@JONCOOK61420 Год назад
I would love to be apart of this community
@fredlebhart1393 Год назад
@dlivengood59 Год назад
My daughter in- law grew up and was raised in this religion and when she disagreed with it and questioned it she was removed and her family and friends shun her to this very day.
@Somethin_Slix Год назад
May I ask what religion that is? I'm only about 3 minutes into the video but I get the feeling he won't name them.
@dlivengood59 Год назад
@@Somethin_Slix he's referring to the Jehovas witness belief.
@Somethin_Slix Год назад
@@dlivengood59 thank you, sir.
@jasonmalinosky7186 Год назад
1:47 mark he says "rule #2, no Drs, no hospitals, nothing. That means having the elders set your broken bones". I don't know what group he's referring to but it's 100% not the Jehovah's Witnesses. They go to Drs just like the rest of us
@neilbraun11 Год назад
@@Somethin_Slix it sounds like the Exclusive Brethren or Plymouth Brethren Christians but they use hospitals today. Maybe they didn't back in the day. Hard to say
@bradleycunha7549 Год назад
Just seeing this video now. I needed this now more than ever. May God bless you and your family and the world.
@cmccoy19 2 года назад
East coast guy here (pray for me) ,there seems to be an awakening happening which is long overdue. Thank you Cody for helping others see it. Another You Tuber “Warrior Poet Society” posted a similar message today. Keep up the fight.
@stevez3041 2 года назад
I love warrior poet society! I missed that video was it on the free you tube channel?
@cmccoy19 2 года назад
@@stevez3041 yes “ I think it was called how suffering can save us all”
@timtimtimmay4654 2 года назад
The most difficult of finding a friend group is finding trustworthy, dependable people equipped mentally, physically, and spiritually in today's environment of filth and self centeredness.
@TheWestlandgirl 2 года назад
Has to be centered on God
@azurplex 2 года назад
Out if a group of twelve "like-minded" people, one would be very fortunate indeed to find three who would actually give that full measure to each other in the toughest circumstances.
@glenmo1 2 года назад
You're absolutely correct I have had a few of my closest Best Friends turn on me betray me and try to cheat me... People that I would have trusted with my life at one time.... Those people are completely cut off from me now I will never even talk to them after what they've done to me and betrayed me. Sad... Despite this I have made new friends and have learned to trust some of my new friends
@JamesCouch777 2 года назад
It's very hard to find a true friend, one that you can trust.
@ambilaevus7607 2 года назад
@@glenmo1 I've had the same happen and it smarts. Seems like the crazy 70's started people just not being stable to the point of trustworthy.
@wholesystems Год назад
This is great Cody.. so great. I haven’t tuned in in a long time but I wish you the best and appreciate seeing how your path has evolved. Much love to you guys.. Ben
@maztuckwell Год назад
Ben, you are a Legend. Thank You for all that you do brother
@wholesystems Год назад
@@maztuckwell Aw thanks!
@CarDocBabaPhilipo 8 месяцев назад
Coming from the perspective of almost 50 years as a pastor, 17 of those as a missionary in Uganda and now the only male missionary in a town of 100k people, thank you Cody... Carry on and know that you are making a difference for Christ :)!
@johncarlola 2 года назад
"I didn't want to bring embarrassment to my parents, then I realized they'll never watch my videos" But seriously, thank you for your candor.
@nadogrl 2 года назад
@@oROBBIEo - He didn’t say that. Why be rude?
@karlrovey Год назад
@@oROBBIEo He said he originally intended on not making this video while they were alive, but changed his mind.
@billyredding2039 2 года назад
You didn't quit the church , you quit the building
@robber576 2 года назад
I said it in another videotopic, you dont need all these men-made things and ideas to believe, you dont even need a bible, its all thought up and out by men, not god.
@mikepalmer1253 2 года назад
Great way of putting it…..
@margiedenavarre7919 2 года назад
He did quit the church, the particular group he belonged to. He did not leave the Church, the elect of God (Romans 9), the invisible group of all believers by faith in the atonement of Jesus Christ. This group is made of individuals throughout the world, in many Bible-believing denominations, each relying on Gods grace for their salvation, provided in the death of Christ.
@tmo4330 2 года назад
@@robber576 You sound like you have been brainwashed! Who told you "you don't even need a Bible?"
@daveyespo 2 года назад
@waynestrickland3870 Год назад
As a former Jehovah’s Witness, I appreciate this.
@SpankyMcSwagNutz Год назад
@BeeCJ Год назад
@bigben1711 Год назад
Same here.
@thedailyhawker8726 Год назад
How many of us here are exjw?
@benzanato Год назад
As do i
@MrTquinn1031 Год назад
Liked him from the moment I started watching Wranglers tar, just a few months ago. At first, I liked the cool interesting and/or rare tools. But after watching more and more and getting to learn more about him, I truly appreciate, and am so grateful for, his support of real masculinity in a world that now likes to blur the lines between the sexes. He has views I don't agree with, but i agree with him on most of the issues he's discussed. He's a true American, and has a right to his own opinions and perspectives. Glad I found him. Keep the Faith bro!
@Somethin_Slix Год назад
Wrangler Star
@fernandoscrenci4874 Год назад
Best Words I ever heard about A man !! It speaks volumes !!
@karenmcbride1264 Год назад
Thankyou Sir. It is so uplifting to hear you speak of our Lord and as a Man.
@semiprolific774 Год назад
@@Somethin_Slix Wrang Lers Tar
@bard3405 Год назад
@bluewater454 2 года назад
This story pulled on a thread. When my wife divorced me 13 years ago I looked for help from the people in my church that I had worked for and with for 20 years. I was ignored and shunned. At one point I had wanted to commit myself to full time ministry. I walked away from it all and never looked back. I could not trust the people who I thought were my brothers and sisters when the chips were down. It was a hard thing to discover. Been alone for most of the last 13 years, until I got remarried recently. Think maybe it’s time to start looking again for people I can rely on. They are hard to find.
@redmackay1388 Год назад
they are out there - just have your BS detector and we will find each other.
@sheena661 Год назад
I can relate to your story. I followed the church and did all I was supposed to do. I wanted to be a missionary and so did my soon to be husband. After we got married his true colors showed and we got divorced. I was told I was not a good witness and was not allowed to do missionary work. I felt like I had a big D on my forehead and everyone who saw me knew I was divorced.
@lyubomyrlohin6843 Год назад
There is a variety of radical Protestant groups in the U.S. They were the force that built this country. Each group has its own beliefs on how to be worthy of being saved by the God while also building their community and prospering in what historically was an incredibly difficult environment. Your story makes me think that perhaps your group believed that seeking support is a sign of weakness that would destroy the community if everybody gave in to it. My counter-suggestion to Wranglestar would be to be the man capable withstanding the fight with the world while also finding and establishing a group of similar men.
@francisnorthwood7862 Год назад
Stay strong brother
Hate to break it to ya but you cannot rely on anyone. Don’t make the same mistake again. Keep your guard up!
@miraclefarm1927 2 года назад
WOW! I believe you put into words what a lot of us have been feeling and not quite knowing what to do and now it's time to start. Will be sharing this video with our boy's ministry to get us all on the same page.
@codymoore6746 Год назад
I'm deeply envious of your wisdom and motivation to put yourself out there and build your own sir. You're a lucky man if you're that confident there's enough like-minded people in your community willing to hear your call to take a step back here in the real world, I' no doubt would be digging my boots in right next to you, and one day may have too down the road 👍
@user-vg9gi9bv1x Год назад
Right now there are at least 3 feds trying to get into your inner circle.
@theshedweller4465 Год назад
I grew up as the blacksheep in my family and community group. Always put down and told I wouldn't amount to anything to the point that when I was old enough and allowed to mature I left that life behind. I had to learn to love myself and explore what I had been denied on and way off track sometimes and those negatives have made me who I am today. I have survived....I'm married with great kids and am setting up my own business after 30 years in the steel industry and my wife and kids futures are secure. This has helped me realise how fortunate I am. Thanks.
@conthehermit1 Год назад
How did you overcome the lack of love? What allowed yourself to love yourself and learn how to open up to others? I may not know you but I’m a young guy with a wife and recently lost my home. I have no family that is around just seems like it’s me against the world sometimes. Thanks for listening
@MegaDysart Год назад
@@conthehermit1 stoicism has the answer. Not as a dogma but just as a helpful way to be able to view and understand and accept your circumstances from a place that isn't overly critical and emotional. I'm in a similar spot and it's been helpful as hell.
@wecu4dk 2 года назад
One translation of the word "meek" as used in the Bible is "one who has a sword but keeps it sheathed". Strong but with the power of discernment.
@scotteskridge7460 2 года назад
self control would have been a much better translation... I've been explaining this to people for decades :/
@venicemitchell1407 2 года назад
Well said!!!
@twstephanie50 2 года назад
@@scotteskridge7460 the ACTUAL definition "Power under control". Not a different definition then what you said.
@scotteskridge7460 2 года назад
@@twstephanie50 ok I'll go with that :) it's not like my ancient Greek is up to debating an actual translation. But all that to say meek was a poor translation
@Shellshellzee 2 года назад
Wow.. never heard it like that. That sounds pretty accurate
@yazeeit6183 Год назад
Thank you for this, I wish I had you as a friend and neighbor, there aren't many people like you in my country.
@jefffuhr2393 Год назад
In this video, *I learned* a lot about you, *AND* I learned a lot about me. Longtime subscriber. Thank you Cody.
@safetysandals 2 года назад
Your experience reminded me of something I read recently: "A religion that inflicts torture on those who do not adhere to it is not a religion" - Saint Crispina.
@mckaygerard 2 года назад
That would be Saint Crispina of the Catholic Church?
@safetysandals 2 года назад
@@mckaygerard Yes
@badgermacleod2037 2 года назад
That sounds resonable.
@anoopg7006 2 года назад
Unfortunately, reason is not appreciated in a "true religion" - "True believers" disconnect their head from heart before entering church..
@mach2223 Год назад
@@mckaygerard Ironic
@willieclark2256 2 года назад
Disconnection/ shunning/ disfellowship is one of the few sure signs of a cult. I'm thankful for your story. Thank you.
@davidgoliath1515 2 года назад
the Bible outlines church discipline, right?
@chrish.9279 2 года назад
@@davidgoliath1515 the Bible, originally, written with GODS word, never had an institution as a representative of GOD. People do not need to go into a building made by man, to be close to GOD. Nor do we follow mans rules and laws, only GODs.
@LoveableDingus 2 года назад
@@chrish.9279 That's not what he said, at all. He was saying the Bible outlines church discipline. Those are God's rules. (Matthew 18; 1 Corinthians 5:9-13; 2 Corinthians 2:7-8)
@GregoryJByrne 2 года назад
Us &Them Gentiles Tribalism was the Old Covenant. Jesus made a New Covenant with Humanity there is no Them Gentiles just US. Slave is equal to master. Unfortunately personally for myself in these the END TIMES, I'm having trouble finding a church that follows the New Covenant.
@lucass.4786 2 года назад
I don't believe what you say is true... the purpose is to keep the followers focused on the word of God and sounds like they followed teachings from the Old Testiment. Something about its better to stab your eyes out than be tempted to sin 🤷‍♂️
@timothyporras3720 8 месяцев назад
Your the big brother , all young men need today. God Bless You!!!
@maverickpaladin4155 Год назад
Love this video! I just found your channel and been enjoying your videos. It's great to find like-minded brethren, even if they're half a country away.
@bboggz4427 2 года назад
Been following you since 2013 and I’ve never failed to watch every video, you’ve inspired me to be like you and I’ve never been more motivated to be self sufficient, I can’t even begin to thank you for all the hard work you’ve put into this channel and all your videos. And I know you keep us in your thoughts and prayers and for that I thank you more and more for being that father figure and role model for some of the younger viewers and I needed. I started watching your videos when I was 14, 7 years later and I’ve began to realize the path you took is one I would like to pursue; in the aspects of homesteading and being self reliant. I hope I can one day be in the same shoes as you and I’ll always look up to you in ways that’s helped me mentally get through tough times. Thanks Mr. W!
@TheWestlandgirl 2 года назад
With that attitude you most certainly will achieve your goals.
@bezarker68 2 года назад
I started watching your videos after your "I quit drinking video" popped up on my feed, it helped me with my struggles and I am in better health now. Keep making your videos.
@bruhbun Год назад
Video title: "Why I left the church..." 2 minutes in: "I will not be saying why I left the church"
@shawjt82 2 года назад
I'm not sure how long I've been following your channel, a few years I believe. I'll be honest, I haven't always agreed with everything you have said, and there were a few times where I didn't want to watch your videos for a while, but I never stirred up trouble in the comments, and I never hit the unfollow button. During that time I was suffering through the worst battle with PTSD that I had ever faced. I stuck around because even though you may have said something I didn't like, you've also stood up and apologized every single time that you knew you had made an error in judgement. And now you're here, putting out a video telling us exactly who you are and where you're from because you know it could be of benefit to someone else. Well done brother, any minor differences are set aside in my book. You Sir are a good man, and I think I'll stick around a while longer 🤝
@wrench31e22 2 года назад
Just so you know, October seems to be the worst for me with PTSD. Hang in there brother, it gets better.
@shawjt82 2 года назад
@@wrench31e22 Forgive yourself brother, He already has. Let go of the past, understand that you can't beat it on your own, and accept that you, like us all, are a sinner in need of a Saviour. The truth shall set you free brother. He saved my life and delivered me from my demons, and now I'm a happy, healthy, present father and husband. God gave me my life back, and all I had to do was accept His help. It's really that simple 🙏
@Arimethius2 2 года назад
@melsworld3264 2 года назад
@@wrench31e22 Sending prayers to you also...
@melsworld3264 2 года назад
Prayers coming your way...
@albertomedina9924 2 года назад
I want to tell you that I think you are an inspiration. I am a native New yorker that has been watching you for many years but recently subscribed. My life has been tied to the church as a kid because my mother wanted it that way. I have been contemplating homesteading in another state recently and am not part of the church for many years. This video in so close to my heart.
@mickeywilliford6304 Год назад
I’ve always been a fan of you and your videos. But this video seals it for me. Thanks for all your clean, educational content and the wisdom you bring with it.
@drm8220 7 месяцев назад
You have a tremendous platform of influence. It takes a rallying cry. The voice of one crying in the wilderness. I have just come upon your videos and have enjoyed the content and been challenged by them as well. That said, I believe that you have reached like-minded men, seeker and leaders, who would be willing to join together in their local communities as a brotherhood that is tightly networked throughout the nation. If you haven't already heard this, and I'm sure you probably have, maybe its time to begin holding events to bring these folks together.
@traleryde3209 2 года назад
I’m glad i clicked on this video. I have been pondering this “lone wolf” problem a lot lately, and it was good for me to hear your view and experience on the subject.
@noahm44 2 года назад
Follow Jesus and come together in fellowship. It's commanded ❤️
@waamp6984 2 года назад
A lone wolf can do a lot of damage... but there is a reason why the sheepdog exists.
@treelover1050 2 года назад
@mimz1555 2 года назад
@@noahm44 But Christ did NOT institute a highly organized church, He left a little group of believers and the Holy Spirit, who broke bread with their evening meal together. They practised baptism, healing and preaching and were missionary in outlook, VERY MISSIONARY. They practised godliness-adding to their faith and virtue. They also provided for the widows in need. They do not appear to have had set services like so many modern churches.
@semilivesixstringstrumist5595 2 года назад
@@treelover1050 What part of covid makes any sense??? Open your eyes. It is order from chaos. Who does that? Jesuits and Free Masons do that. They are Satanic. Have you ever read or studide Germ Theory?? No evidence that a virus causes illness! Rockefeller started virus illness! It is Pseudo Science. That means its never been proven. Jesus man, Why do people believe what they are told and never look into it themselves???
@Haikss 2 года назад
I learned more from this video than all of your tool videos. Agreeing about having a group and not going to shut down churches with masks. You too are feeling in Spirit that something big is going to happen. Theres no time to waste - whatever can be done today we must do. God bless your soul man and huge respect for reading the Bible.
@normaortega4654 Год назад
Thank you for sharing your testimony! I'm sharing with my husband. We are currently working on building our community. Tfs!
@michaelengland8807 Год назад
We'll stay in touch. We're possibly going to northern Utah from Houston, tx, and you're a wealth of information. Stay strong my brother.
@travisfite6725 2 года назад
This has been on my heart lately. We moved approximately a year ago and are only 90 or so miles from my group but I feel a closer one needs to be established. Not the first time He has used you Cody, thank you.
@DNBingo 2 года назад
I was raised on a farm where our neighbors and we all helped each other in time of need. Not all 'best buddies' but definitely support for each other when necessary. I don't see much of that in the city as most look to 'the government' for all of that. That said, I do have a very few neighbors that can be relied upon.
@Mac-bs3ww 2 года назад
Well said!
@robertjanko6709 2 года назад
You dont have to be friends, but real neighbours help each other. Not only, when it comes to borrow some sugar. Thats the way it has to be (in my opinion). Greets from germany
@robs4517 2 года назад
DNBingo: what you said explains the difference between people who internalize accountability and those who do not I.e. the rest of the world. This is the at the heart of small towns.
@thefutureisnowoldman7653 Год назад
People that help get hurt in cities so it leads to everyone being distant and untrusting . Justifiably so
@carlnewby5963 Год назад
Awesome word and testimony! We all should work hard to surround ourselves with brothers in Christ.
@nfldrider Год назад
Shout out from Newfoundland Canada from a huge fan. Love your content and messages. Keep up the great work!!!
@patc9102 2 года назад
Lately I have been earing people talk about the hope that Christ brings. I think what is needed is the courage God brings
@1mdadrian 2 года назад
Totally agree. Just brought this up in our prayer group. There are many generations who have been brought up just speaking on fluffy topics and they paint Christ as a loving, peaceful shepherd of men. They don’t really talk about the courage, tenacity, fight, devotion, group sufficiency, and communities that they built.
@patc9102 2 года назад
@@1mdadrian in this world in which we have come to idolize false idols, for example big tech and the thought that only they are right. It takes lots of courage to denounce them. Thought fighting does take courage I would argue it takes even more to speak to your opponents. Something the opposite side does not want to do. Thats why they censor. Pure lack of courage!
@johninjax3536 2 года назад
2 Timothy 1:7
@flyingdutchman1352 2 года назад
Child molesters go to church every week. Some even work there! The cops are out arresting the victims who are now drug addicts.
@chrisc9611 2 года назад
The heart of man makes idols. Some idols are about our ethnicity or culture, others can be about creating a utopia here on earth. These idols are shared by leftists and conservatives alike. God desires that we worship Him in truth, forgetting these idols and responding to His truth in faith. When we consider His truths more important than the dangers presented by following them, then that is courage. Courage is born from faith. But be careful not to use God as a way to get our country back.
@primoed77 2 года назад
Nothing but inspiration! I didn't think I could gain more respect for you than you've earned until now, but low and behold! You've amazed me in ways I can not explain. Just.... THANK YOU!
@noellbishop4560 Год назад
I have been watching your videos and was wondering more of who you were. This video came up on my feed and it really impressed me. I agree with what you have said and I too have implemented the things that you were talking about. Keep up the good work and I will continue to follow you.
@aaronbechtel389 Год назад
must have been about unconditional love eh?
@twoowls4469 7 месяцев назад
Fantastic message. I've been following your channel since the very early days and have seen you progress and struggles. Stay strong, Brother.
@lgdelvalle 2 года назад
Well said Cody. I've always stated that better to go into combat with five good men than a mob of a 100. Semper FI
@theburnsy887 2 года назад
I just heard a variation of this quote on the JOCKO podcast! Wise words man
@NeverGiveup-go7og 2 года назад
@trepplee Год назад
The fact you waited for them to pass and then made this tells me you have a heart of gold whether you go to church or not. Rare today...
@rhodieranger2874 Год назад
Wow, I discovered this guy about two weeks ago. This is the channel I’ve been looking for over the last 5 years or so. Everything about this video, to cutting wood. Keep it up man.
@shortbus Год назад
I appreciate your honesty sir! People should help each other like that those church people even without going to a church.
@bravofighter 2 года назад
Well said, Cody! My close friends and our families have been living this mindset for years. Just this past week, one of ours emerged from the illness with nothing after two months without work, and voiced a need. We all showed up for him and helped him through with resources and love. It means something! When I had a tree drop in the backyard, my buddy was there within hours helping me limb up the tops and start dragging them to the curb.
@muggyc1612 2 года назад
When churches began shutting down due to fear of pestilence, it was easy to see who had control over those churches. God doesn't operate through fear. We should fear nothing - if we are living in Christ. Shame on those churches, and thank you for sharing your revelation from the Spirit.
@denasharpe2393 2 года назад
Continued Blessings...
@switchtoodysee.ytsmells458 2 года назад
Left the church you were born into, and Still a man of God. Great words brother🙌🏼
@rdear Год назад
Yeah but he still seems to hold similar beliefs that would be the seeds for the controlling dogmatic behavior that made him leave his church in the first place.
@switchtoodysee.ytsmells458 Год назад
@@rdear as in, hes still religious??....
@rdear Год назад
@@switchtoodysee.ytsmells458 No. It's good that he still has God in his life. I'm referring to him still having very specific beliefs about the roles men and women have in his community and his take on wearing masks. He actually said to leave your church if they asked you to wear a mask. That's nuts.
@switchtoodysee.ytsmells458 Год назад
Nothing has
@4570Govt Год назад
@@rdear Masks DO NOT work regarding covid. Hand washing is more effective. A face muzzle makes it more difficult to breathe, they're woefully leaky, and they are simply a visual sign of being a "good little follower".
@klyyoung2728 Год назад
Thank you for sharing your story, Cody. I have always watched you content but have never seen this video. I was in a similar situation leaving a church that I helped built. Sometimes your faith is actually stronger if you are you able to walk the path yourself and find God on your own. I pray that God continues to work in your life and bless you & your family.
@mikehuffaker3593 Год назад
Needed to hear a lot of this today. Thank you Cody.
@TKCL 2 года назад
This actually makes a lot of sense as to who you are. I've always been able to tell you had a different upbringing. Your raising has a lot to do with the person you become later in life. I'm not judging, good or bad it's helped make you the man you are today. Thanks for sharing!
@munched55 2 года назад
Explaining your history answered a lot of questions I had about you. Thank you for opening up. Your analogies of a group working together with radios and similar "nails" was not lost on me either. 😎 These small and like-minded groups you refer to are of particular interest to other groups and institutions that have already shown they don't have your best interests at heart and presently are making a concerted effort to infiltrate. Be wary of any and all newcomers at the very least. God bless you, your family and friends and God bless 🇺🇸.
@rossadams3077 Год назад
Thank you WranglerStar. I enjoy your videos. Keep a good thought.
@mrlive305 Год назад
Shout out to everyone who got the sublime messages, and stories
@connorhfishing213 2 года назад
The fact that a guy like this has a RU-vid channel with almost 2 million subscribers is really wild, you wouldn’t expect a youtuber to be like this
@connorhfishing213 2 года назад
@@wishicouldspel you just don’t think of a guy like him when you think of a youtuber
@edzkos59 2 года назад
The people that created this country you this day would come and told us what to do
@connorhfishing213 2 года назад
@@wishicouldspel dude I like his videos I was just saying it’s a different type of channel
@edzkos59 2 года назад
It was written for times like this they knew the time would come. It is perfectly clear to me ,where is the confusion United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Such language has created considerable debate regarding the Amendment's intended scope.
@ziontrumpet3343 2 года назад
@@connorhfishing213 the fact that RU-vid allowed it to grow this much should be a major red flag.
@bradleyelacombe 2 года назад
To be honest I scoffed at the title. This was really worth the watch though, thank you. I'm happy you were able to pull yourself up and make the best of what you could. I'm in similar boat, I left my community in late 2019, and moved almost as far way as I could while staying in the country. it's rough building a life back up after something like that. I appreciate your insights, and I am working towards a similar goal. I wish you the best in your ventures, God bless.
@danielchandler4764 Год назад
My parents were raised in a very similar church, no hospitals or Healthcare because that was not considered putting you faith in God to help you. They were fortunate enough to be able to see through it and come to their own understanding of salvation through the Bible before I was born, but I have so much family that I have never met and do not even know due to the church not allowing a relationship.
@Drety6 Год назад
Hey man cheers, it makes us part of who we are and we carry the teaching onto the next gen
@evilhairlessmonkey7700 2 года назад
Most churches are now more concerned with income generation.
@scooterp7009 2 года назад
So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭3:16-17‬ ‭KJV‬‬
@alanbradford3130 2 года назад
Opinion based on no data. Incorrect, in my experience dealing with lots of different churches through being part of the leadership of a state wide home schooling org. Most are NOT concerned with income generation. There are a few notable exceptions. The exception does not prove the rule, this is a fallacious argument.
@evilhairlessmonkey7700 2 года назад
@@scooterp7009 I am basically almost an atheist and nihilist at this point. I only find perfection in nature, forests, deserts, woods, oceans. Those things that are not created by man. If there is a God. He did a great job with creation and now mankind just destroys creation and makes up rules for convenience and profit. If churches truly were concerned they would cancel their 503.3C tax exemption and go back to speaking the truth and I would give them respect again.
@worstworkshop 2 года назад
Maybe so and maybe not. Lots of women are no good too. But I never swore off the good ones (one) for the sake of the bad.
@zakbrinkhoff324 2 года назад
Not the lds church
@gmcg8775 2 года назад
I’m still active duty military (10 years and counting). I am increasingly uncomfortable with our trajectory. I love seeing Americans banding together. I back you and your god-given right to do so. Good luck to you, I’m fortunate to have several like-minded men in my life and we talk about this topic often.
@joeh4295 2 года назад
Hang tough brother. I'm retired AF '92-2012. The culture of the military always changes depending on who's in the WH. It's tough now as it always was with liberals in control. It will change.
@LegacyFarmandHomestead 2 года назад
Stay in. Stand up. They're trying to get the good men to leave. Dont.
@brycemcclure2401 2 года назад
scary to think i go to basic in a couple days and when i come out what the world is gonna be like
@flycrew 2 года назад
Hang on there. We need people on the inside.
@thetroyjacobson 2 года назад
@@brycemcclure2401my son finished basic/AIT about 6 months ago. He went national guard so once he was done with AIT he started collage. He is thinking about going full time. I was regular Army for 4 years and about 6 years in the guard. It changes yearly depending on who’s in office, hang in there… we need young men like you more than ever in history right now. If not for your type, America will fall! Drive on soldier!!!
@MrSurvivorBoy Год назад
Neighbour from afar, thanks for the encouragement and sound thoughts. We do need support groups too stand strong.
@michaelafuchs1268 2 года назад
Thank you for sharing! I can relate with you having been so cradled and protected in a community and then finding yourself out in the cold world, cut off. It is a hard lesson, but just like you, i slowly learned to integrate into society. In the end, we can be grateful for such a special life experience. Really appreciate your thoughts on community connections. We need other people, like-minded supporting friends around us. Stay blessed.
@timberwolf9651 2 года назад
I left a similar situation in a different “church”. Much that you stated was exactly the same. Thank you for sharing your truth, your story and trusting that some of us out hear will not only appreciate it but find the advice beneficial. What a great testimony to the life you have created and the person you have become.
@mydearriley 2 года назад
By the "pestilence," does this guy mean Covid-19?
@barryhand8221 Год назад
Brave conversation. I applaud you speaking your truth. One more reason I respect you. We might not pray the same, we might not vote the same, but I have immense respect for your content you produce and you.
God bless you Brother. I listened carefully to your testimony and agree wholeheartedly 🙏
@bekaddisontechnologies4292 Год назад
My name is Adam Keefe from Massachusetts. Thank you so much for your honesty. Time's are tough enough without us berating one another..I come from technology background. It's close to impossible to survive now. Thank you again.
@Sharonokin Год назад
Впечатляющая речь. Странно осозновать, что на другой стороне планеты есть люди со светлыми убеждениями, чистыми мыслями и сильной волей. Бог в помошь, и пусть в твоих руках не уменьшится сил.
@JohnCoffins Год назад
Unity 🤝
@interjectrobot Год назад
There are good people everywhere.
@darylhudson777 Год назад
People are people that can do evil or they can do good. People choose and those choices can have long-lasting effects. People can also rethink their bad choices and teach others do not make those bad choices but rather good choices. Bad things do happen to good people and good things happen to bad people. Good and bad are the adjectives in front of the noun people and they can switch but the people are still people. It is good to see people from the other side of the planet noticing the similarity of people everywhere. God bless you.
@jrglock34 Год назад
AMEN! 🙏🏽
@mumbairay Год назад
@Eternal-Security 2 года назад
Amen! The church I go to never stopped gathering, never mandated dress codes or seating arrangements, and never even stopped door to door evangelizing.
@northjerseykevin409 Год назад
I’ve been watching your videos on and of since you started. This was probably your best video. I can relate to most of the things you’ve said. Well done
@jasonzacharias2150 Год назад
Sorry to hear about your cousin... May God bless and keep your family in this world and the next!
@Shamustodd1 2 года назад
My wife is an escapee of the kingdom hall that works at the local hospital. When she worked in the E.R. she admitted so many young people who were shunned by their friends and family. Shunning often leads to suicide at least in our area.
@joshturner5165 2 года назад
Appreciate you sharing your story up to the current moment. Thanks for the encouragement. We are in it together.
@bigdaddy7670 Год назад
Thanks for sharing your background. I know that could not have been easy. You seem like a very capable, intelligent man. I believe you are right, you had a good life experience coming from where you did. It helped make you the man you are today.
@joeybobbie1 9 месяцев назад
Hi Wrangler, Those were some very Wise Words. I think you are exactly right about the Storm that’s coming. I choose to be in Gods Army, and Stand for what’s Right. I wish I lived closer to you. I would Love to be in the same Group of like minded Friends. God Bless you and your Family also. 👍👍❤️
@jamesperrault6242 2 года назад
I’m not sure what RU-vid algorithms brought me to this video but here I am. Very nice to meet you on my end. Not that I’m anyone to bestow anything on anyone however, I’m proud of you as a human being. Thank you for sharing yourself and your story. It’s inspiring. Good for you and good for me for finding you. Sending love your way
@cjreed9443 2 года назад
You don't know me as I don't you same as we don't the man speaking in this video and yet you took the very words right out of my intended comment. I will leave this reply at this... I feel exact same way. Kool. 👍🙏❤️🙏🇺🇲
@MushroomStampGalactica 2 года назад
Outstanding comment. My thoughts exactly.
@steveanderson1947 2 года назад
I appreciate your wisdom in this video! It's good to hear those with similar experiences thinking the same thoughts about how to cope with our crazy culture these days. I will especially be putting effort to connect with 12 like minded men (and hopefully more) to gather together when a need arises. And out here in the Northwest it’s all the more needed! God bless you and your family and for your honest openness!
@SoulQuJo Год назад
Thanks for sharing this, i appreciate the perspective.
@edwardgabriel5281 Год назад
In The USA, we march to the drumbeat we hear. There are 300 million people here, and our interaction educates us. Free agency is our most valued possession. There are forces in this world that attempts to steer us in its' direction. We may have to fight for the choice we make or we may be overcome against our will. Life is interesting, exciting, educational and oft times sad. The future is for you to deal with..
@spjr99 Год назад
well said
@susansmith493 2 года назад
You sound like my husband. You speak on the same issues and have similar ideas. He's a remarkable man. Luckily, we have two grown sons exactly like him. In the absence of the sort of group to which you refer (which would be ideal), my husband knows he can count on our sons, and they on him. I know your viewers are mostly men, but the fact is, you provide a plethora of insight into the mind of great men. It behooves women to listen and learn.
@TheWestlandgirl 2 года назад
I as Woman agree wholeheartedly. The mind of a great Man is worth pledging a life to in a complete Union.
@HarveyWysong 2 года назад
To Susan Smith and DL Haye -- Your husbands and children are blessed indeed. There are men in this country that would cut off an arm to have wives like you.
@andreadagenais9255 2 года назад
Susan smith you and I need to be friends. You have used two of my favorite words in this comment. Plethora and behoove! Please contact me
@TheWayWalker 2 года назад
ABSOLUTELY 💯 % agree!! I have learned much from him on the mindset of a Godly man.
@margietucker1719 2 года назад
@@HarveyWysong It's sad that so many men and women, can't find that rare gem that would be perfect for them. Great minded people are scarce amid a sea of mediocrity. Most just go ahead and "settle"from among the pool of who is nearby and available--and end up unequally yoked.
@theward1244 2 года назад
Many who leave a "cult" have been so religiously abused that it keeps them repelled from any faith. I more than happy that you have a strong faith in God. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
@georgepatton7301 2 года назад
I can relate to that a lot.
@Gangrel442003 2 года назад
One of the most insidious ways Satan can use to sour the hearts of men towards God, is the mishandling of the word of God...
@ParadigmBlaster 2 года назад
You ain't just "whistling Dixie" bubba... Mystery Religion Luciferian Organizations are designed to main and destroy hearts and souls...
@Crxpert1 3 месяца назад
Beautiful video. Thank you for sharing.
@planet4change Год назад
Excellent presentation. Intraspection is the best therapy. We all live and learn as we go. Everybody suffers collectively but most struggle individually
@bbikermama 2 года назад
Wow. Churches are like people, they have different personalities. Just because one is bad doesn’t mean they’re all bad. May you find a Godly church that speaks the Truth.
@indianaoutdoors4379 2 года назад
Unfortunately its pretty easy to find people that jave bad church experiences. The churches may not always be bad but mishandling of things can easily make people feel like outsiders. Like my church never reaching out to me when my parents divorced. I was 12 and had no way to get to church and my parents were looked down on so they quite attending. My youth pastor had my contact information bit never picked the phone up or sent me an email. Was the church a bad church? No bit their handling of it has made me uncomfortable in most churches for the past 15 years. My faith in God is strong. My faith in the church as we know it is week. And thats why a large ammount of younger people may retain their faith but ultimately leave the church.
@AshDowe1 2 года назад
Truth 😅
@johntheo4729 2 года назад
Churches are made up of imperfect people = None will be perfect. Just find one that preaches the truth and do your best to be a blessing.
@GravityGamingCo 2 года назад
Once people realize that "church" meaning the building is SECOND to knowing God for yourself; a true freedom is found. 1. Relationship with Jesus 2. going to Church if lead to by God himself.
@Hookahitter 2 года назад
It may not be the churches, could it be the message or the book/which book that message comes from?
@krissyramsey3934 2 года назад
From a 60 y/o divorced Christian lady, preparing to begin my new life as a homesteader, that was very helpful. I was touched by your heavan-sent wisdom, encouragement, your deep knowledge and your faith. God bless you and your wife as build yournew life together. I look forward to seeing your progress over rhe next few months and years. - Krissy (Colorado)
@mentalcompassno1 2 года назад
We are looking now for the right community to make this same leap. The hardest part is finding the place - the first step
@susanjordan2130 2 года назад
Krissy, wish we were closer proximity wise, I would join your effort. But I can't leave my children in this area. God bless you💖
@RichieD_21 2 года назад
If you need a young 30 year old man who's good with his hands to help around the house lmk, im looking for a sugar mama
@lisagoff1503 2 года назад
Krissy, Let's get acquainted? Christian widow lady in similar circumstances to yours. Perhaps we could be mutually beneficial to each other?
@Cynthia-sm5uj 2 года назад
Krissy. I just returned to country living 2 years ago. I am working alone to start the homestead. My husband is in TX. Im in NY . I am managing with the strength of God. I pray we both find our local support group of like minded souls.
@thomasdeom2386 Год назад
We've all heard "read between the lines". Some people speak volumes if your only listening.
@Dieiamgi Год назад
I feel the same way about what the churches did Here in alberta canada we had pastors put in jail, churches confiscated ect. Not any churches standing up to defend, only mocking and justifying this persecution of their own.
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