
Why Mon Mothma's Daughter is Important to Andor 

Star Wars Explained
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@poenpotzu2865 2 года назад
What I like about this familial conflict is the duty to the people vs duty to family. Especially when politics gets involved familial matters get more tricky.
@officernealy 2 года назад
Call me a villain, but I kinda hope Lieda Mothma never really patches her relationship with Mon. For one, the idea that Mon puts the good of the galaxy over her family life makes her all the more compelling of a character and second, I imagine a child growing up in luxury under imperial rule would come to be pretty comfortable and complacent with her surroundings. That doesn't mean that I want her to become ISB or a Stormtrooper, but I think it'd be a pretty interesting story choice.
@stevebreedlove9760 2 года назад
I think Paren has been revealed already to care more about his privilege and status than anything happening outside their elite circle. art imitates life.
@pangaeawriter8766 2 года назад
My prediction: When Mon Mothma makes her public condemnation of Palpatine, there are two likely outcomes. 1) Perrin and Lieda are forced to publicly denounce her as a traitor and sever all ties. 2) The Empire may execute Perrin and Lieda since they can't get to Mon.
@whome8444 2 года назад
So dark-but yes. I think they are going to denouced her. More hurtful… then they died to tie up loose ends.
@TheMaxRebo 2 года назад
I wonder if something happens to them (or, specifically Lieda) first - and that becomes the last straw for Mon prompting her to speak out ... like she has nothing else, personally, to lose
@lcflngn 2 года назад
Oh man, any of these outcomes is pretty awful, but yeah she’s going to have to go…
@wanyekest6969 2 года назад
this show is so raw, the potential is crazy
@federov100 2 года назад
Mothma is smart, she will have planned an exit for her daughter-
@chibodee1187 2 года назад
Mon's relationship with her daughter tugged on my heartstrings so hard, knowing the relationship she'll have with Leia, making that bond all the more impactful.
@lcflngn 2 года назад
Good point. Getting very worried for both women now…
@johng6350 Год назад
Isn't Mon and Leia's relationship pure Legends at this point?
@EyeStorrm Год назад
​@@johng6350 No, the Organas have close relationship with Mon in the novel "Leia, Princess of Alderaan". She's also Leia's mentor in politics.
@conorb7094 2 года назад
I agree Mon Mothma's family is a great reveal that raises the stakes, and I'm very curious what will happen to Perrin and Lieda. Maybe she'll have to abandon them to help found the Rebel Alliance.
@samuelstephen8147 2 года назад
They probably abandoned her, she wanted them to join her but they refused.
@runningthemeta5570 2 года назад
I was sufficiently surprised to find out that Mothma had a kid. I just always assumed that, yes she could be married, but I didn’t think she was the kind of person that had a child. Edit: why do I feel like I’m being called out for not knowing Mothma had a kid, and originally thinking she didn’t seem like the person to have kids?
@runningthemeta5570 2 года назад
@@emilianomartorell3587 I know that, but Mothma, at least to me didn’t seem like the kind of person to have kids.
@Lazarus1095 2 года назад
Actually, it makes a great deal of sense. In US politics, one of the very easiest and most frequent gateways into elected office is the local school board election. While you don't technically have to be a parent to get elected, most are. Even if she didn't get started with her local PTA, Mom Mothma probably grew up in a culture in which being a parent was seen as a precondition to being a good politician. Hell, even Palpatine and Darth Vader were parents!
@runningthemeta5570 2 года назад
@@sithhunter126 I never said I was a big fan. I don’t consume a lot of Star Wars media outside of movies and shows. I’ve only read the aftermath trilogy, the Ahsoka novel, and the first issue of the Darth Vader comic. So forgive me for being surprised that she had a kid and a “Oh yeah she does have that” when her husband showed up.
@samuelstephen8147 2 года назад
@@runningthemeta5570 They clearly didn't follow her into the Rebellion, otherwise Phoenix Squadron would have saved them as well.
@mattt233 2 года назад
My guess is she loses her family which probably sends her over the edge and is the last straw. I'm not saying the Empire kills them but probably imprison them at least, especially after she publicly makes her speech forming the Alliance. If they aren't already gone by then they definitely are after that.
@CaptainPikeachu 2 года назад
I don’t even find Leida to be bratty tbh, her upset seems to come from a genuine place of resentment that her mother is not there. Her comments indicate that this is not the first time they’ve had this conversation, which means this is a repeated pattern. Situations like this always indicate a more serious issue of possible emotional neglect. I understand Mon Mothma has a lot on her shoulders and so many things to do, but saving the galaxy does have a price and that might mean she can’t be the perfect mother that she might wish. And that might hurt her daughter even if she didn’t mean to. I think Leida is justified in feeling like she’s being used. And I seriously doubt that Leida is blind to the resentment that exists between her parents which would provide not exactly a good environment for a child to emotionally develop. What I love about this is that it shows Mon Mothma to be a realistic person. She’s not just this marble stone of saintly heroics and virtue. She can be a great leader but also a not so great mother. It’s okay for her to be both.
@Bounsingonbongos1 2 года назад
I found her daughter to be quite a bit more sympathetic than the husband. From what I understand, she feels used as a peice of social and political finery, to be brought out when Mon wants, which from her perspective (not knowing about how she is unknowingly helping Mon keep her cover), seems very cynical of Mon.
@neofulcrum5013 2 года назад
Ah the teenage phase. Always fun times for a parent. Though if something happened to her, I’d imagine that is what would put Mon Mothma over the edge.
@kittenMixture 2 года назад
This might be a bit random, and might be a little too much "Everything Connected", but any thought to the young "Karis Nemik" of the Aldhani rebels being Mon Mothmas Son? Feels roughly the same age as the daughter (or close enough that siblings make sense), off fighting a war, writing a manifesto that feels a bit intellectual (something I can see a senator's son doing) and could (like the message you mention in the video) get back to his mother the same way as the recording you allude to? It could be an influence that gives Mon Mothma some steel to fight in a stronger fashion?
@isaacegglestone5526 2 года назад
You might be on to something there. Yeah it feels like she must have someone who is on her side or she wouldn’t have continued.
@Ken-1313 2 года назад
Damn what a deep cut! Had no idea she had a daughter in Legends or Visionaries. And yes I love the dimsension it gives her with her crappy husband and grumpy daughter. God this show is amazing.
@federov100 2 года назад
Mon Mothma’s relationship with her daughter is relatable to mothers of teens everywhere.
@juancabardo21 2 года назад
When Star Wars gets real:
@harleysu5644 2 года назад
Also relatable to teens with neglectful parents
@enadegheeghaghe6369 2 года назад
@@harleysu5644 you don't have to be a neglectful parent for your teenage daughter to behave like that. LOL
@Tom-jj1hg Год назад
Even in a galaxy far far away, you couldn't escape teenager-parent feud
@1993MovieMan Год назад
My mom had a similar situation with my big sis at one point favoring her deadbeat dad over her even though he remarried a German woman who hated her guts, the main difference being all three were pretty liberal by `60s,`70s and `80s standards at least. It wasn`t until decades later my mom and dad got together in AA.
@neonspecter2730 2 года назад
I'm pretty sure it's going to turn out that her husband and daughter are distant because Mon has been unwittingly distant towards them, focussing so much on politics and the rebellion.
@Girder3 2 года назад
Ditto. I think it's a much more compelling story idea t ohave Mon Mothma, who was always kind of an ethereal background character to have the character flaw that she failed in her home life due to being so focused on the big picture stuff. Having her family just be the bad guys in the situation would be a disservice to the series' excellent writing.
@imissnewspapers 2 года назад
Here is a bit of Trivia from West End Games: In this episode, Captain Tigo asks Imperial Security Bureau Lieutenant Supervisor Blevin to be made a Prefect of Ferrix. Prefects were part of West End Games Imperial administrative arm. Grand Moff’s held sway over multiple priory Sectors (OverSectors), and under them, Moffs were in command of Sectors, though at times a Moff would also a Governor of a planet they were fond of or were of particular import. Under Sector Moffs were System Governors, with multiple Governors under a Moff. The least important planets had Imperial Prefects. As an example, Tattooine had a prefect. Captain Tigo asking to be a Prefect is such a deep lore dive.
@claudekaneiii2283 2 года назад
Mon Mothma’s home life is probably my favorite stuff so far, so personal and compelling without any action whatsoever. Also Mollie looks exactly like the actress for Mon Mothma and should definitely cosplay as her! She’d probably get stopped for autographs at a con lol
@samaccardi 2 года назад
I saw somewhere Tony Gillroy mentioned that Mothma and her husband were married at 16 on Chandrilla in what could be considered an arranged marriage? I can see how that plays into their dynamic in the show.
@dimitrisraptopoulos1158 Год назад
How about this: what if Mothma’s husband is with the Rebellion? What if he doesn’t want her to know so that he does not get her In trouble? What if her daughter knows that about her dad and both of them don’t want Mon Mothma involved because of her high position in the Senate? Her husband is throwing parties so that he can keep his friends close and his enemies closer as the adage goes. Her daughter seems to like her father and she also seems anti-imperial. She is probably cold to her mom because she considers that she could do more from her position of power and she doesn’t. Why do I care anyhow? Love the show anyway…Saw Gerrera Rules!!!!
@seanahmed9079 2 года назад
Genevieve Orielly has the dual ability to reveal so much yet so little at the same time
@gasaholic47 2 года назад
The mark of a great actor: Knowing what tools to use, and when to use them.
@BRocks4thwall 2 года назад
There’s no way the emperor or Vader wouldn’t exploit the existence of her child(ren) after she comes out publicly against the empire/emperor. Sadly, this likely means her daughter will die OR be hidden away or something. But, given the way the weight of the character’s’ commitments are being portrayed thus far, likely the former and not the latter.
@tjsinva 2 года назад
There's a lot of misdirection at work in this series. I believe there are some unexpected character surprises ahead.
@williaml. 2 года назад
It surprised me that mon had a family, really cool to see new sides to old characters Stellan's character is fantastic too btw
@AirplaneDoctor_ 2 года назад
No child likes being second place in their parents list of priorities, don't blame the kid at all for not wanting to be used as a prop by her mother.
@ML0694 2 года назад
Yeah, I'm on the kid's side. The husband is a jerk, but it truly does seem like Mon Mothma just wanted to be seen taking her child to school. I like it. Flawed heroes are much more realistic. Not saying she didn't do some great things. This just makes her more interesting.
@DarkraiNewmoon 2 года назад
@@darrengordon-hill Arranged marriage in her teens.
@lillysora 2 года назад
Maybe the daughter is meant to be a juxtaposition to Leia, they can’t all be Leia’s.
@ormapa1206 2 года назад
It was really interesting. Hopefully she changes.
@jasonmcmillan9554 Год назад
Mon Mothma is one of the bravest characters on SW, I never appreciated her courage so much until Andor. What a legend.
@gasaholic47 2 года назад
There’s also something about Lieda : She is (effectively) an only child of privilege. That carries with it a whole other set of dynamics that adds to those you mentioned. We know Mothma can see the larger picture of how the Empire is hurting the galaxy as a whole, but can Lieda do it? Is her immaturity because of her age, or because of her social status?
@stevebreedlove9760 2 года назад
she kinda sided with her dad who clearly cares more about status
@gasaholic47 2 года назад
@@stevebreedlove9760 As of now, yeah. I'm talking about in the future. When it becomes clear that her mom is going to go with the rebellion, how will she respond?
@CaptainPikeachu 2 года назад
@@stevebreedlove9760 but if her father is the person who’s more at home and spend more time with her, how is the child supposed to feel besides being closer to her father?
@gasaholic47 2 года назад
@@darrengordon-hill Yeah.....which brand of meth have you been smoking?
@SamBarge1 Год назад
I think Perrin is a rebel operative and Mon doesn't know it. I mean, that'd be a cool twist. I think Leida is more of a rebel than she thinks her mom is.
@zshakur 2 года назад
It's ironic, the very dissolution of the Senate is what helped embolden the Rebellion. Think about it, Mothma could do little as a Senator, but no longer in that position, her and Bail Organa were able to do SO much more without being so heavily surveilled.
@ausmac5287 2 года назад
Jedi clothing styles have sure hung around, havent they. Mon Mothma's daughter's outfit would fit right in at the Jedi Temple, right down to the two Padawan braids. Would be interested to know what the symbol on her out robe is.
@StuartLugsden 2 года назад
I really hope they make Jobin Mothma canon at some point.
@dtinagliastudios 2 года назад
FACPOV was a great opportunity for that :/
@StuartLugsden 2 года назад
@@dtinagliastudios theres still a chance
@juancabardo21 2 года назад
Ah yes, the teenager vs mom phase, very relatable for moms around the world
@Gogettor 2 года назад
It’s super accurate. Only child of a wealthy political family, and a teenager? Makes a lot of sense. Would love to see some kind of arc from teenage to maturity / maybe having to choose between Mon/ the rebels and his dad?
@TheThreebucks Год назад
I think Leida’s possible betrothal/marriage to the organized crime boss’s son could serve to protect her in the wake of Mon’s speech.
@atr1845 Год назад
I love the parallels between Mon Mothma's sacrifice as a mother and Maarva's sacrifice, they're so different but ultimately they're both making the most loving choices they can under impossible circumstances. I love them both.
@KillyBesel 2 года назад
This show is setting the new standard for Star Wars television content in my opinion. Mandalorian has some work to do to reclaim the throne in my mind, monster of the week isn't going to work again.
@AzaleaLala Год назад
I suspect there is a rebel movement among the younger generation and that Lieda is part of that or will be. And I think the boy she was introduced to is part of the same group Lieda and her girlfriends are part of. Wasn't he wearing the same clothes that Lieda was wearing in an earlier episode. Anyway, guesses. I don't think Lieda is bratty. She is uninformed about what her Mother is really doing and her Dad just lets her do whatever because he doesn't care.
@JamesClarkToxic 2 года назад
The moment I saw she had a daughter, I was scared for her. I think she'll die because of something the empire does (not killed on purpose). This will help motivate Mon to come out against the empire.
@l33t9r0u93 2 года назад
2:45 ...and "Apathy is death worse than death, because at least a rotting corpse feeds the beasts and insects"
@tysonas1 2 года назад
According to that comic, since her brother mentions Leida, this means she's alive during the Battle of Hoth, which is what 3-4 ABY,
@jamespescatore7786 2 года назад
Mon Mothma's daughter will probably end up in the imperial youth group after taking a vow against her mother.
@ValenteOchoaJr 2 года назад
Question; Do you think that Nemik is Mon Mothmas son Jobin who is also using an alias to protect his family?
@IsaacKuo Год назад
Mon Mothma's daughter is going to film her angrily saying "Where is Palpatine? I want to punch him out. And then I'll go to jail. And I'll be happy."
Of course she’s overwhelmed in Andor. She’s living a double life. She has no ally’s. People stomp on her work efforts in the senate. She’s being followed and watched by ISB. And when she gets home, she has no love there either from Perrin or Lieda. It’s also a time period where you’re either an ally to the Empire or you get murdered so you have to play it smart to not get caught. That sort of thing leaves you overwhelmed and the fact that Mon is still playing for the rebels as hard as she is just proves so much to the work she’s already done. Of course she’s not the Mon Mothma we know yet. Tony and his team know what they’re doing. They’re building a hero with her just like they turned Cassian from an indifferent street boy into a hardened and traumatized rebel ready to burn the empire to the ground in just twelve episodes in a powerful and effective manner.
@andrecarpenter2432 2 года назад
I love how the show criticizes perrin’s apathy and apolitical attitude
@joannadaniels8356 Год назад
He really reminds me of some of the husbands I have seen women leaders with.
@mathieubyron2038 2 года назад
Question!!! What if it's Mon Mothma's own family who rats her out to the imperial authorities? I can see them potentially repairing the relationship with her daughter (not her husband). OR they go the complete opposite way and double down on the family discord. For example (the empire offers the husband and her daughter a comfortable life if they come forward with damning information about Mon Mothma
@stjamirr 2 года назад
Dude, I totally disagree with the statement that Mon Mothma was a "statue" in Return of the Jedi. Listen to the way she says the line "many Bothans died to bring us this information...". Very emotional; very pained. She's struggling with the cost of the information they provided and if it was worth it. Ultimately, she decided "the time for our attack has come" which honors those sacrifices. I've always liked her character and been wanting to know more. I was so happy to see her if only briefly in Revenge of the Sith (love those deleted scenes) and Rebels. In Andor, she's finally getting the development she's always deserved since that memorable appearance in Return of the Jedi.
@StarWarsExplained 2 года назад
Not a statue in acting or personality. She was a statue as in like a symbol and larger than life figure. We didn’t get a chance to know she really was.
@ronaldsmith6829 Год назад
I find the whole structure of the Republic and later Empire interesting. It reminds me a great deal of the Roman Empire and how it evolved into a dictatorship. I look at Mon Mothma's family and wonder if hers was an arranged marriage. It seems that the Republic has an Aristocratic organization to it. There is definitely a haves and have-nots thing going on. Even with the Senate and Republic, there seems to be a structure of Elites running everything. The Common people are obviously subjects, even thought they throw the Citizen label around. Particularly when the Siths take over and impose the Empire.
@BaraoBaroni 2 года назад
@theUselessProfessor 2 года назад
Mon Mothma's conversation with her daughter made me think of the fantastic show, Veep, and the lives of politicians and their families
@darrenkaminsky7618 Год назад
Star Wars, like any good saga, is a multi-generational family story. Today's reveal that Mon Mothma had a daughter is tomorrow's reveal that the daughter has significance. Or more likely, will be retconned in a prequel to have significance. In that vein something I was struck by, is Leida's physical resemblance to Lieutenant Kaydel Connix played by Carrie Fisher's actual daughter, Billie Lourd. The actress playing Leida is 16. If Leida is also 16, she would be 21 at the time of the Battle of Yavin, and 55 at the time of the First Order War, exactly the right age to be the mother of Connix who is played by the 23 year old Lourd in The Force Awakens. With Leia and Mon Mothma dead at the end of The Rise of Skywalker, someone needs to inherit the New Republic...
@joannadaniels8356 Год назад
Or this kid could be Rey's mother, eventually.
@andrewhood7249 2 года назад
I feel like she's going to pull some Sansa Stark bullshit....
@gorrarota 2 года назад
poor Mothma... sacrificed her family relationship for the cause, at least we know her sacrife had a positive end and that she may found that family in the rebelion and a doughter with Leia.
@bryanferreira9577 2 года назад
Rather than simply a photo op, what if Mon Mothma had to "meet a guy about a thing" as she drops Leida off at school or whatever, and Leida's refusal to go is upending those carefully-laid plans? Also, I fully expected one of them-- Perrin or Leida-- to dime Mon Mothma out to the ISB.
@Chris-lc5vf 2 года назад
I guess what happens is that we are seeing Mon Mothma's oppression under the empire before she let's go and goes full Rebel with her more simple haircut and outfit
@KingsBard Год назад
Lieda out here looking like Shyamalan's Katara
@RedHeadKevin 2 года назад
I wonder if the Empire will arrest/kidnap or kill Perrin and/or Lieda. That could be something that crystallizes Mon's hatred for the Empire.
@joannadaniels8356 Год назад
Or Lieda turns in her family.
@aliciaaltair Год назад
I think Mothma is going to realize very soon that her daughter will be safer if Mothma appears to bail on them BEFORE she publicly bails on the empire. That will be some interesting character development all around.
@davidrichardson7221 Год назад
I predict she will be a love interest for Syril...😊
@gabriel.skywalker44 2 года назад
Very Interesting
@umainebearman 2 года назад
It would be a shame if something horribly tragic and painful happened to the husband and daughter.....no it wouldn't.
@kevenpinder7025 Год назад
Isn't it about time for mom and dad to start screening marriage candidates for Leida?
@xyzpdq1122 Год назад
In a somewhat similar case, Sansa Stark began as a tweener brat and ended up becoming a poised leader.
@jeffreycarman2185 2 года назад
There is a line from Kenobi from a Organa family member about ignoring or being indifferent about to the travails of others in the galaxy, as long as the rich and powerful get their pockets lined.
@agentw8728 2 года назад
My guess is she’s here now to set up an arc in Season 2 taking place concurrently to Rebels Season 3 Episode 18 where Cassian will have to protect her (any maybe Perrin) after Mon Mothma’s declaration against the Empire.
@DreamcastAesthetic 2 года назад
It really surprised me a kid showed up especially after how insufferable her husband seemed. I hope Perrin stops feeding his daughter obvious lies about her mother its a interesting point in a greatly woven story
@ironfist7789 2 года назад
The empire will take care of that possibly
@isaaclavoie 2 года назад
I'm not picking up on obvious lies, maybe I missed something? My read on the relationship isn't *as* damning for Perrin but hear me out, he does seem like a douche. I think like lots and lots of married couple they are growing apart over time. It makes sense to me that Mon has to hide her rebel dealings, creating a bit of wall between herself and her covert activities. Hiding stuff from your spouse causes friction and not often will couples do the hard work to talk through things. I'm willing to bet Mon's position as Senator causes home life issue too - its demanding! all the scheduling, fundraisers, publicity demands, etc - which is why I think her daughter sees her mom's efforts disingenuous. Seems like Perrin shares that discomfort with Mon's professional ambitions and is being unsupportive of her career. Not great husband moves, but honestly everyone's a hero in their own story and most people don't take time or energy to understand someone else's prospective. He's not blameless IMO but its understandable why there is friction - its not as simple as Perrin's a jerk and the kid is ignorant. Anyhoo This show is so dang good, that I'm even having this level of conversation about a character is new ground for star wars.
@primevil110872 2 года назад
Ive always liked the character of Mon Mothma. Seeing a back story to her life is so intriguing. The actress playing her here is fantastic. The camera loves her . I'm glued to the TV whenever she's on screen. I can't wait to see her turn on ole prune face. And the officer that went back to his mother......there's something with this guy that I find fascinating. His mother on the other hand is kind of a weirdo.
@t.miranda176 Год назад
Can we talk about Mon’s fashion choices for a minute? I love the evolution of her style from young and over the top in episode III to this ultra rich sensual congresswoman in Andor to the elegant simplicity from Rogue One and episode VI. It makes me wonder when does the change happen. Why does she go from wearing such exquisite designs to sober caftans? Is there a meaning behind those caftans? Are those the clothings of a widow in her culture? Did she have to get rid of her old clothings to make herself believable among the Rebels?
@joannadaniels8356 Год назад
Andor era fashion mimics the 1929-39; A New Hope: WWII with all of the rationing of even shoes. A galatic civil war is going to interrupt the supply chain lines for luxuries and basics alike.
@weezerwookie Год назад
She refers to her mother as Mama Th'ma
@pau259 2 года назад
ok but maybe don't call "bratty" a girl that feels like she is being neglected?
@luis_zuniga 2 года назад
I hope we get to see her son too.
@GreenLightMe Год назад
well i thought he might be mentioned by now, he could show up towards the end of the season and we FIND out he was AWAY at MILITARY ACADEMY for the past year and that's where he was. Could explain his absence. I think the show will make her DAUGHTER the only child she has though.
@kylesmith8383 2 года назад
I was thinking that Mon might have been so upset about not doing this school event, and tried to force it might have been because she was supposed to meet with someone about secret business and needed the cover of this event to do that
@Tmindful182 Месяц назад
To be fair… she’s put her daughter & family in mortal danger…. Throwing a dinner party with someone your spouse doesnt like for political reasons isnt even the same sport as your actions having a high likelihood of getting your shared child executed. Shes my favorite character but this woe is me…she’s the good guy hes the bad guy thing isnt a fair characterization if you empathize with both characters.
@colleybri8912 9 месяцев назад
I like to think that Leida’s future father-in-law will come to some sort of deal with Mon to ensure the girl’s safety before Mon makes the public denunciation speech… I can totally sympathise with throwing Perrin under a bus as she does in episode 12 as he is a loathsome scumbag. But her daughter is just a pretty typical bratty teen who certainly doesn’t deserve to suffer. She has two contrasting but appalling parents. The implied arranged marriage is horrific enough, even if the girl wants this for the moment. I’m sure that Mon is thinking back to her own experience. This actually echoes a line from Romeo and Juliet when Paris is trying to persuade her father to let him marry the 13-year-old… Paris: Younger than she are happily mothers made.” Juliet’s father: “And too soon marred are those so early made.” I’m not sure about the brother - the girl gives off serious only-child vibes to me. Anyway - great vid.
@whome8444 2 года назад
I love to seeing this stuff in Stars Wars. It makes me love the original series more.
@Blazecap 2 года назад
Absolutely adore these deep references.
@The_blindpizzaguy1300 2 года назад
I have really tried hard to like this series I keep watching it and watching it hoping that we’ll get some thing. But why don’t I care about Cassian‘s character? Why is it that a side character story is more interesting then the plot that we are supposed to be caring about? I know that most of the Star Wars fandom loves the series and idolize is it because it’s not your standard Star Wars let me I’m finding it to be nothing but star boring. I should really care about the main character in the plot but somehow I don’t I would actually much rather see this series as Monmothma’s story instead.
@Noone-of-your-Business Год назад
She takes the quick and easy path that promises more rewards, not wanting to invest any work; in other words: she is choosing the Dark Side. Oh, hang on - that's not Lieda - that's Rey!
@primevil110872 Год назад
The Empire is going to kill both her daughter and husband in retaliation of some action she going to take in denouncing the Emperor and the Gorman massacre. Neither have a story arc so they're "off" to see the wizard.
@deejay3507 Год назад
This was my favourite Andor storyline. It was cool to see a storyline in the capital and the origin of an established [female] political rebel. I imagine Mon is not home a lot for her daughter, but there’s something I just don’t like about her daughter: snotty, spoiled, entitled, and a religious student who subscribes to Chandrilan customs of marrying as a child. I think this disappointed Mon too.
@Ayhem1408 2 года назад
Dang ..
@1993MovieMan Год назад
To be fair, it is somewhat implied that despite her strained relationship with her mother Leida does have some of Mon`s conscience and heart for the underprivileged of the galaxy as shown by her remark about feeling guilty for drinking the remains of innocent creatures so it`s not like Leida`s a total brainwashed Imperial brat as it`s implied many of her friends and teachers are .And Perrin doesn`t really seem to care whether he deals with ex-Imperials to settle his debts or not but his behavior is motivated more by a mix of apathy,greed and cynical survivor`s bias than any malice towards Mon, I think Perrin does deep down care about Mon as shown by his visceral reaction to her accusation of him backsliding into his gambling addiction. He just doesn`t like her politics.
@patrickschardt7724 Год назад
Knowing the empire and Mothma’s public condemnation, her family is not safe but particularly her daughter. The empire I’ll use her as a pawn to try to get to Mothma
@fulcrum6760 Год назад
I wouldn’t be surprised if she becomes the main villain for Rey’s movie. She gives off young Delores Umbridge vibes.
@LMoreno621 Год назад
Mon Mothma’s daughter will run away next season with a space pirate. They will elope and she will marry him and have his babies. She will be homely unlike her senator mother mom mothma. Leida will live below the poverty line and hiding at the lower levels of Coruscant from Palpatine.
@aspieanarchist5439 Год назад
I also think Leida`s Chandrilan braids and Anakin`s padawan braids looking so similar is no coincidence as both are characters who although of different times in the Star Wars galaxy, are split between light and dark without being conscious of that fact at first.
@chasx7062 Год назад
Who thinks she hates Mon, because the daughter is actually a Rebellion supporter???
@cheezy9143 2 года назад
Mom mothma
@WCworkhorse Год назад
Mon Mothma might be the good leader but she is the least effective. She disagreed with Luthen’s methods but whose ways are working? She disagreed with Jyn but who was right? She might be a “good” leader but her results are bad.
@greyman003 Год назад
I hope they develop the character and the mother daughter relationship. I doubt they will have time in the context of the bigger story. Potentially the daughter gets married and moves away.
@spritelybird Год назад
Mon Mothma is being handed her hat and she is not sure she wants to be all in. Would you? She's rich and privileged. Ideals are easy. Living your ideals is not that great if your ideal is savior.
@maeve4686 Год назад
I think she is really going to turn out to be a rebel. Typical teen, hates Mom as she's never home for her & manipulates Dad to get what she wants.
@Bruno_Felipe 2 года назад
Who could tell that Mon is a mom.
@schroder1972utrecht 2 года назад
I guess lyta dies at the hand of the empire leaving Mon no choice but to publicly renounce the empire and put all rebel cells together into an Army/Navy
@ImTheReverse 2 года назад
I can’t wait until Mon and Perrin get a divorce so we can finally meet Manny Bothans.
@sirrickardjameses Год назад
her mother isn't around much, of course she is bitter. Rightfully so i might add. Kids need both of their parents.
@ogerpinata1703 Год назад
I can't stand that girl...she is absolutely annoying. (No matter her quality as a character)
@KrazyKryptonian 2 года назад
Isn’t that title kind of spoilerish? Not everyone knew about her having kids.
@freedomfirst5557 Год назад
She is obviously important since by episode 10 she keeps appearing.
@Runningcheetah1 2 года назад
The title was “clickbaitish.” I’ll stick to that Star Wars analyst guy.
@kineuhansen8629 2 года назад
now i just wonder where her family are post empire
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