
Why NO ONE Plays: Kayle | League of Legends 

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@nicholasmarquez1977 3 года назад
Someone doesn't like teemo. Jeez
@dzigayu4944 3 года назад
(Everyone who plays this game): **Looks away**
@turtlesmeller2943 3 года назад
thats most people
@virlym7345 3 года назад
Teemo always wins the psychological matchup, less so the lane matchup
@tobisans8989 3 года назад
Yes I know him he’s me
@private8384 3 года назад
If you like teemo you're a spawn of satan
@yurias6175 3 года назад
imo her main gimmick is the "never surrender until outscale the enemy and turn the game" but that happens kinda rarely too the point where often either you loose too fast to scale or your team wins early without you having any contribution to it, and that can get very frustrating at times, so that might be a big part of it
@davguev 2 года назад
Kayle main here. Indeed, never surrender gang o/
@polskacesarza5107 3 года назад
as a kayle main this hits about every point besides your team flaming you for not having high champ damage on a 20 min game
@RandomBeardGuy 3 года назад
The jungler blames you for feeding when he doesn't gank you for the whole 20 minutes even if you TH like a damn turtle and the enemy is overextending. Like wtf, you had one job jng did you mute my fucking pings!?!
@mxri2019 3 года назад
@@RandomBeardGuy if I remember right jungler should never Gank weak lanes obviously if it’s a free kill then sure but there’s a lot of times when I’m jungling i find the top laner getting pissed off I’m not ganking when I am farming and already pinged I’m ganking mid. I don’t think it’s the jungler fault to be fair
@RandomBeardGuy 3 года назад
@@mxri2019 oh i understand but here's the thing, i th when im up against a champ that can kill me easily such darius, urgot, fiora, and kled and all i do is farm my lane safely. Most if not all junglers ive been paired with dont help me at all. And then when they are near for a gank they just keep farming even if the enemy is overextending. Its not my fault if the enemy jungler releases herald on top lane at 15-20 minutes into the game I'm a fucking Kayle and i need to scale but i cant cause im being pressured at top lane, i don't and i stress this DON'T FEED. The enemy just has more cc than me and a jungler that might help them anytime i try to push my lane (which i will never do cause I'm bloody squishy)
@suckit4669 3 года назад
@@RandomBeardGuy Damn, you just counted every champ besides kled that can't kill you if you're not a braindmg imbecile, stop thinking you're low elo because your jgl is bad.
@sympunny8636 3 года назад
@@RandomBeardGuy Many of those champions you just mentioned, (particularly kled and darius) can 2vs1 really easily vs weak laners. And kayle is one of the weakest of them all, and not an easy lane to gank. She doesn't have much damage early, and only has one weak slow for cc. It is often very easy for the darius/kled to turn on the jungler and kill them, or just simply walk out while you weakly attack them. It's a really awkward situation, but kayle honestly isn't very easy to gank, even compared to other scaling champs such as veigar/senna, who both have hard cc, plus more damage early on. And then, even worse if the enemy jungler appears as well, to make it a 2vs2, you will lose that in almost all matchups. It's a very high risk play and as jungler particularly early on, you want to go for the easier/lower risk ganks, for example, ganking a malzahar who has ulti, or ganking a tris/naut botlane, easy hard cc, good damage, and excellent follow up. Kayle has none of those things.
@mrgopnik5964 3 года назад
“Magic damage ad carry” yeah, it’s those word combinations that made Riot change their name into marksman
@Aiveq 3 года назад
nah its cuz carry implied whole team needs to carry that snowflake into late game to make it usefull. get a second mid/top champ instead for bot and end at 20 essentially playing 5v4 since opposing "marksman" is so useless at that time
@draketurtle4169 3 года назад
Actually they don’t even consider her a marksman in the shop- she is just a “support”. Yeah the shop is dumb.
@davguev 2 года назад
So... Corki?
@Prebound_ 3 года назад
It's bizarre listening to you describe her weaknesses while watching someone play her masterfully.
@silentbyte196 3 года назад
I personally feel he over exaggerated her weakness, From my experience she has as much carry potential as Yone.
@kennethgrutas2277 3 года назад
i just liked the holy angel aesthetic.
@messageinthebottle1673 3 года назад
Same currently playing wild rift version (phone 📱 version) hoping 🙏 she comes into it.
@walidelmahi9828 3 года назад
Same just started playing her today for this exact reason, but god her early sucks really hard
@messageinthebottle1673 3 года назад
@@walidelmahi9828 According to this video that's the point of her character angelic design, she becomes stronger and aesthetically more pleasing as she levels up. The point of her is to build her up she start very weak and then she becomes very strong late game.
@walidelmahi9828 3 года назад
@@messageinthebottle1673 oh it makes more sense said like that, but still I think her early can still be buffed a bit because it feels really impossible to play
@Niki2620 3 года назад
I picked her up rather late, but once I did I fell in love with her kit. Now she is one of my mains if not my main champion (I`m formally a Nasus main btw, so you did a pretty good job comparing them :d )
@debghoshila 3 года назад
Omg same! Im very new to league, i just shifted from dota. But Kayle just does so much i feel. She is what we call in dota a 'greedy' carry, but goddamn the kind of shit she can do late game, thats not even allowed in dota. I just love everything about the hero. And since im low elo, my opponents usually dont end up presssuring me in lane and i easily survive till level 11 and then its basically gg after nashor's tooh and one more item. I think as i get better, lanes will get harder, but im gonna enjoy the hero rn :p
@akane.sakurada 3 года назад
I agree with this video to the fullest and I mained Kayle for some time. Before all the item changes and level 6-level 11 change, you would find way more proof here. The Kayle Mains Discord was a chaos and everyone played something different with her. Even I played her as a support and maxed W. There was a time we maxed E first and built Muramana, then it went and we were left with not much options so some went back to the old build, some built full AD crit, some built AP burst and some like me just went with support because she worked there and didn't have that many disadvantages in the early game. Then they swapped level 11 power spike with level 6 spike. Things changed, she was very weak for a while to the point that she was undesirable, then finally found her place back. The best thing about Kayle is the feeling of revenge. You suffer for the first minutes, sure. Some top laners like Darius players even get offended and push as far as trying to tower dive and assaulting you on all chat. But in the end they get to suffer and you get to rise. In all the roles she's played, this is the meta and satisfaction we're all going for.
@zoroark522 3 года назад
I used to play Kayle a lot before she was reworked, and then played her a lot after. The mains issues I had were: 1.) Abilities changed for too much AOE Her Q, W, and R all had AOE added to them and it put her into a weird spot of "should I now be in a duo lane or something?". They had their scalings/cooldowns/damage affected to incorporate this change that not a single previous Kayle main wanted. The entire point of playing her was as a hermit in the top lane that bullied the enemy and farmed as much as she could for items to carry. 2.) Ult change Her ult change was such a weird one and a lot of people from the Kayle mains subreddit complained a lot. It changed the ult from a defensive ability that allowed her to carry fights without getting 1 shot to an offensive ability that you would be better off just throwing on an engager. This ties back to the first point, but it pushed more of her focus onto allies instead of the 1v9 machine people should be rewarded with for spending all game farming. 3.) Burst Kayle was almost never a burst champion. If she got to very late game she could burst someone, but that was never the point of Kayle and in my opinion was something I wanted changed with her rework. But no, Riot went full in on burst meta and added yet another rework that just added burst to their kit and chalked it up as a win for them. This has been a pattern with so many champions in the past few years where they just add burst or a dash to try and 'modernize' these champions, but it just waters down the game. Her E/R changes and even her q with the buffer make her such a weird mix of on-hit and just straight up burst that it completely ruined her for me. I don't want to spend 35 minutes farming to one shot a poor adc who did nothing wrong. I want to perfectly "spaceglide" my way across the fight with a ton of attacks and outplay my enemy. 4.) The laning phase This was a bigger issue before with her ranged at 11, but even so it just goes to show how incompetent and clueless Riot actually are. They had no idea what Kayle players liked her for and I highly doubt any Rioter that worked on this played Kayle a single time in their life. Her entire kit was based on bullying the enemy early, very similar to a Teemo, where she would prock E and either AOE enemies when they walk near the wave, or just auto them down. Her playstyle was to force shove waves and bully her enemy into low HP so that even if a gank came, she could kill the enemy or run away. She was one of the best pushers in the game and she had a lot of vulnerability that enemies could abuse, so she was pretty well balanced. I had a bigger list before but I don't remember it anymore because I just gave up on League. They ruined so much and now I have this immense knowledge of useless information with a passion for something that constantly fucks me over.
@dango2917 3 года назад
Same bro, I miss old Kayle the most.
@teunkanters6350 3 года назад
great video! Kayle player here. It'd honestly help a lot if the game just gets a bit slower / if they nerfed the healing on w but instead lower the mana costs
@VarsVerum 3 года назад
I do sort of miss the old school 30-40 minute average games because you wouldn't insta lose a game if you made a mistake. But those games aren't fun to watch on LCS and stuff.
@HunterlynnCook 3 года назад
Kayle is my top pick, I really like how she is a little bit of everything. I also like how she looks, her design is really good. I know that she isn't picked a lot but she holds her own.
@ChronoVix 3 года назад
“why no one plays kayle:” tft players in set 4.5: ummm in what universe
@mrwhit8859 3 года назад
@privatedoorknob7408 3 года назад
Kayle in tft is the whole reason i gave league a shot. Man was i disappointed. But im still playing sadly
@shanstar1051 3 года назад
TFT Players in every set kayle exists tbh
@lapislovesgaming8739 3 года назад
I cant play tft mobile cause i have a phone and not a tablet
@mrwhit8859 3 года назад
@@lapislovesgaming8739 same, it rlly sucks I just want to play tft all the time
@teddykal9838 3 года назад
to simply answer the question. kayle requires every good thing in league. warding,map awareness, mechanics (kiting/when to use your spells),game knowledge,matchup knowledge,farming. most people don't have the time to learn those things
@aidankelly3101 3 года назад
I think the reason I likw Kayle so much is because you can build litterally any rune and it can benifit you depending on the role you're playing. For example Glacial Augment while playing her mid or support can turn out very well.
@unknownherrscher 3 года назад
exactly!! same here i find her very complex and easy to customize and adapt in game, i find her playable in both mid, top and support
@goldenft3208 3 года назад
this is the video I've been waiting for for so long. I first started playing kayle as support in s9 before I even really knew anything about the game and now seeing the rework how it is, it feels like they reworked her out of the role that suited her best. As much as I love the insane scale and carry possibilities, she just doesn't fit in top lane or bot lane, even though those are her only 2 late game roles
@srnadaradmanovic6135 3 года назад
Kayle one trick talking. Why I chose to one trick her is becouse I just feel in love with the champion. Just thinking about the entire theme she has, I really liked it. Her mega scaling play style really appeals to me. Plus... Let's be honest, Kayle is just a champion you either play, or you don't. She is a marksmen in the toplane, but she can actually be your main carry
@kuttythefool6636 3 года назад
I would really like it if her heal could remove CC, but was only 1 target (adjusting the heal, movement speed and cd obviously). It would really make it easier to survive lane and it would be a nice contrast with Morgana's Q, being able to remove it, while being similar with Morgana's E, able to negate/remove CC. Even if it only removed slows, and not stuns, it would be a good change.
@dawidmisztela6683 3 года назад
That actually makes sense
@samunstoray4668 3 года назад
Yeah that would be nice but prob remove a major weakness of her in late game .
@thedarkdragon1437 Год назад
Updated view on kayle would be interesting to see. Kayle is pretty much straight forward to learn. she is microintensive lategame scaler, and with bel veth in the game, we already have a lategame scaler with stronger early than kayle. If you pit belveth and kayle against each other, bel veth beats kayle in every instance of the game. The only exception is the 30-35 minute mark, which is kayles golden spike, if she gets to farm to 16 undisturbed. one thing also missed is that kayle can play agressive against anyone who lacks crowd control or has telegraphed crowd control. however, in that case, she has to use resolve secondary
@jeff-freehoke8012 3 года назад
Kayle can be far more oppressive once a player learns how to kite well and then when people back off you chase them down. Usually for 6-10 levels I focus on hitting champion that are csing and make them choose between getting hit or missing cs. You can end up forcing them out of lane which gives you a nice edge and makes it easier to do it again. For me level 11 is really what I look for - level 11 and core items (rift+berserker greaves+nashors). You then start looking for plays in teamfights or else you go to a side lane and push hard until the whole team comes chasing you. I take ghost and flash and it helps me get away and sometimes you just got to go for the side lane duel. I am a fan of getting zhonas hour glass and sometimes even a guardian angel. In teamfights kayle can flash into the center and ult herself, hit them with e and die using the GA, then when she revives can zhonas and hit another E. This wastes a lot of the enemies time and you also can live through this a lot of the time because the fight will be over. If you don't want to do something that risky then her playstyle ultimately allows her to be threatening and difficult to take down while also being safe pretty much all the time.
@jeff-freehoke8012 3 года назад
PS.. I have played AD and AP and I really prefer the AP playstyle.
@nanashialfarr 3 года назад
the truth about kayle is that she fits perfectly on botlane as an adc. if you duo her with a taric you gonna see hell, because they can basically combo ultimates, because her ult gives taric ult time to activate.
@somasaasaa4850 Год назад
Kayle has a very strong identity the idea of being the strongest and most powerful person in the game. It may not be a popular identity due to the cost to get there but is an identity none the less
@luism2125 3 года назад
I play her a lot and I think her problem is that she is so squishy. Since you build ap there isn't really and option to buy health or armor so your only option is livesteal via riftmaker. This results in you dying so easy in teamfights that you are not super strong in the lategame. I am also often behind in Cs since it's impossible to farm if your opponent just stands in front of his minions and attacks if you try to get them. Because of your lack of resistances you are basically dead if someone manages to get close to you, meaning anyone with a hook or cc.
@Tope92 3 года назад
As someone who plays Kayle every now and then, I think this video missed one point about Kayle's kit. Her ultimate is seriously busted. It's one of the only abilities in this game, that will turn your team mate's bad play, into a good play. Just few days ago, I played a Kayle vs Irelia matchup. The lane went horribly (she got to level 8, while I was still level 5). I still ended up winning the game, by pressing my ultimate on who ever she tried to oneshot. So if someone wants to test Kayle after watching this video, the best tip I can give is stay in the back line, and always ult a teammate who is about to get bursted down. It's almost always better to ult teammate than yourself, since they can use their full kit during the invulnerability.
@flameofmage1099 3 года назад
I think Kayle needs to be tankier. I'm basing this off the Paladin class from Dungeons and Dragon. She is the lol embodiment of the Paladin. If she was a tank she would fit into a tank support/frontline like Leona or Nautilus. Either that or she would become broken. I would like feedback from anyone reading this please. Edit: I've started to play Kayle so I don't stand by this as much.
@matthiasfreaked 3 года назад
As of mid season 11, Kayle is a god that spikes at 2 items (KS and PD) and gets even stronger after. Her abilities dont matter, what matters is that she gets to have 2.0 as at level 11 and can shred anyone in 5 seconds
@fakeigniz13 3 года назад
She's clearly meant to be a hard carry but the meta doesn't really support that idea. Either the jungler babysits till 6 and maybe a little longer, or she just suffers through it all. The melee phase just doesn't serve a purpose aside from capping he early game as an excuse for her ridiculous late game
@YAN6M3IST3R 2 года назад
As a returning player from a 5+ year hiatus, I admit she doesn’t have a clear focus. She is listed as a fighter but her kit lacks hard hitting skills. She has a healing skill but it’s not strong enough. I find success playing kayle as the #3 guy in fights. Close enough to assist allies in damage but far enough to retreat and to help allies retreat as necessary. I’m gonna still main kayle and it’s a struggle to get her to endgame status build. But once she does, she definitely stands a chance against “most” champions (not all).
@Definitely_Someone 3 года назад
You think Kayle isnt played? When was the last time you saw Skarner?
@peonx780 3 года назад
I think Kayle does have an identity she's an Marksman played toplane, but her w and r can target other people in case she does badly. Building AP isn't unheard of for marksmen Kog'maw does it, twitch does it, Kai'sa does it, etc.
@anoriolkoyt 3 года назад
Kayle was my first champ when I started LOL. For me her kit was clear. Melee normally, then ranged for a few seconds. I loved it. Clear and straight forward. The rework ruined her. I had no idea what to do with her. I could never develope a strategy. I stopped playing Kayle, which dissapointed me because she was my first main, and is still my favorite LOL champion in terms of "concept design"
@TheGriffinArts Год назад
Yeah this is extremely accurate, pretty much the entire game before I hit lvl 11 is just "shit shit shit shit fuck stop ganking me fuck fuck shit imma just camp this tower for 5 minutes while I heal shitshitshit" and then shit hits the god damn fan. My favorite strat is watching the top laner get bored as fuck because I'm just dancing around attacks, ankle biting and generally being very easy to kill. Then they leave the top lane to go fuck with mid and the jungler, which leaves the perfect opportunity for me to then farm and push with reckless abandon, making me an uncontrollable bitch on the field.
@youssefahmed3638 3 года назад
As a kayle main i think maybe they can make her as a fighter something like she starts ranged then in 5 stacks she become melee
@lukeerickson8590 3 года назад
Make her ranged level 1, have her start range set at 300, scale down her abilities damage late place true damage back on her spash at lv3 ult. But as mixed magic and true and obviously scaled down. Brings her back to mid game power plus still being good late game. Increase heals cool down early so she can't just easily scale to mid and can fight for it in trades better rather than relying on mistakes
@taleofsonata1 3 года назад
Simple, she has no prio early game, when your jungler needs it the most to secure scuttle crabs. If your jungler isn't ahead none of the lane is.
@leoncoben6983 3 года назад
Unless they engage in vertical jungling taking the bottom half of the map and living with one scuttle to take. That way they can solely focus on the Mid and Bot and not have to waste time going to the other side of the map. Sure you might lose the Rift Heralds but A.) A simple Bot Rotation can fix that and B.) Rift will only give the enemy immediate gold but that's about it. If you and your team are still farming properly that won't be the problem just a loss in map control for a bit while you secure the drakes which have permanent buffs.
@thatoneguy1253 3 года назад
Let me tell you simple and easy her early game tendencies and the fact that you have to hit level 16 to reach the max level of her passive which you may or may not reach in some matches
@VarsVerum 3 года назад
Yep that sums up point 2 in the video.
@divineglory496 3 года назад
I consider myself as a Kayle main(have 130k mastery). The problem with kayle right now is that she doesnt have her old power. Sure the buffs in the early preseason were to big and she was an S+ Tier monster but if you compare full AD or AP Kayle in season 11 to full Ap Kayle in Season 10 you can see a huge difference. In season 10, Kayle was that champion which when lvl 16, she could get a quadra or pento on her own, without any help. If you look at Kayle now, you first of all have so many more counters. Champions like Garen and Darius now have stridebreaker so your ability to kite them is completely gone. And lets say you make it to lvl 16, 4 items. Even then you wont be able to kill 2 champions in a 1v2. The meta right now doesnt favor kayle at all and it is hard to get trhough the laning phase with her. Dont get me wrong, she is still one of the best lategame champs but she isnt as strong as in season 10 as she got way more counters because of stridebreaker and the fastpase games.
@blueicer101 3 года назад
People hate having no agency for 10 levels.
@sillynaur 3 года назад
To the erson that told me to do AD kayle jungle. I hope you're happy.
@KaioStudio 2 года назад
Her style is heavy shield breaker.
@mugenmarshal01 3 года назад
Due to her lane phase, junglers are discouraged to gank in her favor, yet if you get Kayle ahead in your game, there's probably a higher chance of winning that same game. Also players have trust issues with Kayle, a good Kayle will save herself, a great Kayle will save her team. Love the champion even with poor early game, winning with Kayle is always fun.
@ordinalchaos Месяц назад
-Reworked kayle into a late game only champ -Removed the late game
@harshverdhan1338 3 года назад
My top laner bought all magic resistance items I was useless in late game too
@projectsanctuary7944 3 года назад
please make one for BARD
@FrostyPeppercorn 3 года назад
Bard is played Just not in low elo Or not played very well in low elo
@DRUKENHOBO 3 года назад
@@FrostyPeppercorn as someone who plays bard casually its prob because your adc has no clue how to survive without you there.
@jeraora3045 Год назад
when kyle finaly can deal dmg the game already done hahaha
@evanjamesDX 3 года назад
My one friend who plays Kayle disagrees.
@nikolayvladimirov8633 2 года назад
Update, everyone plays Kayle now.
@Tokumastu1 3 года назад
Honestly at this point Riot should just make her range from the start, adjust all the stat numbers to match those of adc and move her into the bot lane. She could work as an adc that builds on-hit magic. In her current state she has no place in the game, especially in snowball metas.
@kl2g84 3 года назад
Skip the disclaimer
@alexiakawa5040 3 года назад
Ok I'm maining kayle now because I don't have a preferred roll either. I'm all over the place and I'm convinced I don't have a playstyle. Kayle for the win right in the feels.
@0mnom519 3 года назад
She is actuallyfun if you wanna play a late game where its neck to neck
@BrunoFrancaA 3 года назад
Coming from a whole life of playing MMOrpgs she was the first champion that caught my eye when I first started playing League, wings, a sword, flying, and this was before rework. Then I actually tried her in game, and boy was I frustrated. She's a champion that basically depends on the enemy team having mercy on you and not perma diving\ganking you, in a 30-35 minutes game she spends about 15 minutes trying to not die, 10 minutes on average strength and about 5-10 minutes actually enjoying the game and killing people. But it's just not rewarding, it's boring.
@molto7783 Год назад
Kayle is what you use to bully new players
@giorgiavillani661 3 года назад
im becoming a Kayle adc main and this appears?
@KodjoAyisi 4 месяца назад
What kayle skin is that at 4:50?
@SoulDevoured 3 года назад
Kayle... The only champion nerfed so hard so early they put it in her lore. "It felt like something was sapping my strength." Lol
@aaronelm146 2 года назад
where is this lore
@SoulDevoured 2 года назад
@@aaronelm146 it was in the journal of justice. Right after a patch to buff Kayle. Volume 1 issue 23.
@leirea_ 2 года назад
Im a new player in lol and after i buy kayle and play it i can see that she is weak at early and more down in late game other than champs
@theemperoryt9527 2 года назад
asol has entered the chat
@SoulDevoured 2 года назад
@@theemperoryt9527 asol was released weak. It does coincide with his lore but afaik they never tried to nerf him and then give lore reasons for the nerf.
@Vlada97my 3 года назад
The problom i have with kayle is that SHE DOESNT FEEL LIKE A CAHMPION UNTILL SHE GETS RANGE TO ATTACK. That feeling was worse when she used to gwt it on lv 11.
@purplereimu9701 3 года назад
I like her just for that actually, the feeling of YOUR POWER RAISING AND RAISING UNTIL ALL YOUR ENEMIES ARE CRUSHED BY YOUR MIGHT AHAHAHAHAAHAH. Oh uh, sorry i got carried away
@sympunny8636 3 года назад
@@purplereimu9701 true, but there are other champions like that with more exciting gameplay like veigar and senna. Both stack but far more actively, either by killing minions/hitting champs such as veigar or by collecting souls from dead minions/monsters/champs like senna. Kayle just needs to be in range for xp...and that's it. Plus both veigar and senna can still do a decent amount early/mid game, they just have some glaring weaknesses. Whereas kayle really struggles to do anything early/mid game, and can normally only get kills/turret plating if the laner majorly messes up. Her kit is also not the most exciting, veigar has skillshots plus a aoe cage stun, while senna has a global ulti and can become ghostlike with her allies. Kayle can auto attack. Her ulti has some interesting gameplay and that's about it, even when you're lvl 16 and op, the gameplay itself is not the most exciting compared to the vast majority of champs. Plus she's a scaling champion sitting in arguably the least impactful role. Often by the time you get your major powerspike the game is decided one way or another, and then the next game begins. Don't get me wrong, people should play who they enjoy, but kayle does feel underwhelming to me anyways.
@goldy741 3 года назад
@@purplereimu9701 I like her wings.
@azureflame125 3 года назад
To this day I can't fathom why they needed to make her a melee champion during her early game. Her skills aren't even that good so you are basically dead weight till you hit level 6. And even then, you still have to wait till 11 to actually become a real threat. Quite honestly, I loved old Kayle so to me she is one of the worst reworked champions (followed by Volibear).
@nonameworm69 3 года назад
I like her meelee...
@Promozi 3 года назад
I picked up Kayle in preseason since she seemed relatively strong, i realized she is just the champ i love and i plan to keep playing her even if she bad after preseason :)
@FrostyPeppercorn 3 года назад
Thats a very good mentality Stick to what you love over whats op Kayle squad
@sublimcher2025 3 года назад
I totally agree and follow that 👍🏼
@Promozi 3 года назад
i play shaco now :)
@FrostyPeppercorn 3 года назад
@@Promozi oh wow backstabbed
@Promozi 3 года назад
@@FrostyPeppercorn haha
@rouge_grenade4824 3 года назад
I had picked Kayle when I first started out on league because I thought she was a healer like mercy oh how wrong i was..
@sliccthedestroyer1881 3 года назад
Teemo farmed me when I was a noob and learning a hard champ.
@diegorodriguez-fl5kp 3 года назад
I thought she was a guy
@MechaG 3 года назад
Before or after the vgu?
@flintstonesoreal5199 3 года назад
@@sliccthedestroyer1881 i don't know why but i went garen (it was my first time) in rankeds and got a teemo as my enemy, lets say i was so afraid of him i litterally stayed under my own tower (im main support with intent to turn main top) just to avoid feeding him. In the end we won but not because of me XD. (he killed me 2 times only)
@hello-gx6oi 3 года назад
Umm yeah she has a heal ability But not a support
@tuongpham7609 3 года назад
Kayle's ulti doesnt last long when you use it, it lasts forever when an enemy use it.
@BreadOnHead 5 месяцев назад
must be secret rito update
@davidkim9898 3 года назад
kaylemains checking in used to be riven main. but i'm 32yo now. my fingers and brain doesn't move as fast as they used to.
@VarsVerum 3 года назад
Arthritis sets in THAT EARLY?!
@TiaguinhoMu 3 года назад
i think that what killed kayle was the cannon minion changes that came up a while ago. now they come double as fast at the 15 min mark, and then at the 20 min or 25 min mark they start coming on every wave. this changes accelerated games to finish a lot faster than they used to because when those marks are reached people start to be able to push to towers and destroy them more easily So games wont last long for her power spike to shine @@VarsVerum
@dylanflynn1895 3 года назад
@@VarsVerum I've had chronic arthritis since I was twelve, it varies person to person
@zzerxes 3 года назад
Nope, but you can develop carpel tunnel syndrome at any age. Make sure you stretch and rotate your wrists often, because PC games REQUIRE pronated hands/arms/wrists due to Keyboard/Mouse form.
@dylanflynn1895 3 года назад
@@zzerxes what do you mean "nope"
@alexandersalazar4736 3 года назад
Nahhh... I miss the old Kayle. There's this times where I feel invincible. Now, you're just a late gamer dude when almost every game ends at 20 to 30 minutes.
@note3neo411 3 года назад
Old kayle was much more better at least for me
@alexandersalazar4736 3 года назад
@@note3neo411 yeah, she's just gonna run you down then you're health is missing and you're dead. I miss her.
@frogradar 2 года назад
she also didn't feel like she needed to late game win. New Kayle is wholly reliant on being level 16 and just... winning. Old Kayle had enough in her kit to farm, burst and attack the enemy enough so that she wasn't fucked early or late. the fact that her old E is just her level 16 auto now is ridiculous.
@davguev 2 года назад
@@frogradar You can start kicking some butts at level 6, no need to wait until level 16. Not only that, there are many melee champions that lose to at level 1 if you if you brought Ignite (good strategy against Irelia, for example), her passive is one of the strongest at that moment.
@corlex4486 3 года назад
Yeah, as you said, her main focus in lane is keeping herself alive.. that's the problem. Even if you succeed, while that's great for you, it's never fun. If you lose lane, it's actual purgatory and if you win, it's still "not fun" because you're just surviving and scaling. The only way the first 20 minutes of the game even *can* get fun is if you get so far ahead that you can actually kill people and do things early on - in which case it is unfun for the enemy team as they will feel like the game is already lost since Kayle will simply scale and win.
@greendaybowser 3 года назад
She can get big early if her jg helps her out or (in the case of mid Kayle) she roams to help allies.
@RandomBeardGuy 3 года назад
@@greendaybowser "IF HER JUNGLE HELPS HER OUT" like wtf jng, the enemy is overextending and your topside and I'm pinging like hell and what do you do? Killing the damn scuttle!!!
@corlex4486 3 года назад
@@greendaybowser Roaming is always risky because you're so weak early on. If you can ever farm properly, your enemy laner is doing something wrong. Lastly, only being able to gain an advantage through help from a jungler is pathetic and shouldn't be necessary.
@unknownherrscher 3 года назад
i do kayle top but i somewhat love doing kayle support though, she's actually a very strong support and is very fun even in early game
@greendaybowser 3 года назад
@@unknownherrscher its fun casually but I wouldn't bring it to ranked or anything.
@JaeshaunDT 3 года назад
i remember the first time i seen a kayle pop off back in season 2. we were pushing mid and got to their 3rd turret. my jaw dropped when she just started raining down death like it was no one's business.
@theleafsbloodyflash 3 года назад
Man, seeing posts like this make me really miss old Kayle
@davguev 2 года назад
@@theleafsbloodyflash Sounds like something that could happen with this iteration of Kayle too.
@harrowingsmite2884 3 года назад
As a Kayle main, I can attest to these problems. I personally play Kayle because she gives an Udyr or Jax vibe; she can do whatever she wants in terms of damage type, and with all these new items its not hard to do literally whatever you want anymore. Safe to say that my style is hybrid champs, therefore Kayle is at the top of my roster no matter what
@Rengarsus 3 года назад
Laughs is kayle midlane main
@infinitedark6158 3 года назад
Kayle is still ineffective in mid lane due to all the assasins and mages, this weakness gets patched slightly once she gets to lv 6 but she is still subject to having a lower damage, her poke is also ineffective and her w’s are not sufficient to get away from damage after the last stages of early game
@trashymorrigan799 3 года назад
Oh no why do you hate yourself
@f0xof907 3 года назад
I play kayle mid lane too, I stuck with her for a bit now and if you play aggressive without actually committing the enemy plays scared and you get a free laning phase and win like crazy
@polskacesarza5107 3 года назад
yeah i play mid lane too
@polskacesarza5107 3 года назад
@@f0xof907 yeah bully them early and they wont come near you, oh how many times i was attacked by their jg
@Kumjira 3 года назад
Kayle is basically a champ for mmo players
@cazimim3375 3 года назад
why do u say that ?
@ohnononowhydidi344 3 года назад
@@cazimim3375 mmo players tend to care more about endgame content than the grind to max level
@VaIinar 3 года назад
@@ohnononowhydidi344 i love how god damn accurate you are lmao
@joaovitorcamargo7165 3 года назад
Lmao that makes so much sense dude
@EdhellenCuar 3 года назад
lmfao this is so true
@radiobrain169 3 года назад
Oh boy I love literally afking until 6 and then perma farming until 11 because a cannon minion can out dps me. What a great design riot
@jasperhilliard6289 3 года назад
its actually kinda fun tho i like it
@cassu6 3 года назад
lol what? sure until lvl 6 you are useless but after that you can already start fucking shit up
@QueenFiggy 3 года назад
Yo, got m7 by taking cull and just freezing the wave just out my turret. Kayle with 100 cs against a darius with 50 cs is scary pre-11
@silentbyte196 3 года назад
This is a gross exaggeration.
@UncleDaniel 3 года назад
You still die vs yi lategame
@KindOldRaven 3 года назад
04:29 ''kicking names and taking ass'' -Vars, 2021
@despair1091 3 года назад
kayle is a high risk and high reward type champion
@samuellinn 3 года назад
@Dimitri kayle is a high and high reward type champion
@nightcorechords5705 3 года назад
More like high risk and average reward since she is no mora than adc in late game
@leonardojaxon 3 года назад
@@nightcorechords5705 i dont think you ever met a REAL kayle. Late game she 1v5
@marvinzimmerman1878 3 года назад
@@nightcorechords5705 an adc that has the same range as a caitlyn late game, who goes invincible for 3 seconds who can buy a zhonyas hourglass and that has true damage? Yeah sure just an adc
@nightcorechords5705 3 года назад
@@marvinzimmerman1878 Caitlyn's range is 650, Kayle has 575 at level 16. Zhonya doesn't help that much and there are much better options. And yes, she used to go 1v5 when she had true damage waves but that was removed.
@bananasplit4391 3 года назад
me, a kayle main: hehe fire swords
@pretendmynameisclever3229 3 года назад
I stopped playing league for like 5 years but I've since gotten back into it, this whole time I didn't even know I had Kayle but I tried her out after watching this and I think I'm going to main her
@tripleD2301 3 года назад
Very bold choice
@samunstoray4668 3 года назад
@@leticiastojanova4283 she isn't hard to play . Knowing runes and item paths for matchups is enough .
@WillValforent 3 года назад
Kayle was absolutely broken on her rework, riot got scared and nerfed her to the ground, that's why "no one plays" her, I still love her though, the is a cool champ and the capacity of protecting your allies is great
@joaopedrocruz6432 3 года назад
She wasn't broken, she was always pretty mediocre specially the higher elo you are. She only became ranged level 11( lots of champions could win the game before it happened) and was picked in pro play one time with moderate impact. She was good in the late game but good luck getting into that state.
@WillValforent 3 года назад
@@joaopedrocruz6432 So, when the 3% played was mediocre? that's still broken, if you need to win before a champ gets a level then it's strong, no need to be good or even decent
@joaopedrocruz6432 3 года назад
@@WillValforent If that is the case you think that all late game champions are good, and that is just dumb in my opinion.
@WillValforent 3 года назад
@@joaopedrocruz6432 i don't know how you get that from what I answered, could you elaborate?
@howepellin 3 года назад
Yeah i can still remember the lvl 16 true damage.
@abrarnoorani8385 3 года назад
Personally, I love my tanks, I love the feeling of waltzing into the enemy while knowing that to a point I can't be brought down but I think I might pickup Kayle for more diversity in my roster
@romeufranciscozouxu3664 3 года назад
I feel like her early game is so bad that her late game, which is not as strong as used to me IMO, is not worth putting ur entire team to play 4 vs 5
@nightcorechords5705 3 года назад
True, you can just pick Kaisa
@leonardojaxon 3 года назад
You are VERY WRONG here. Kayle may be very weak early game, but late game she can 1v5
@ilikechaandiwantsya.7832 3 года назад
@CocoaXtv_ This, its sad that there are people who never experienced old kayle late game, 1v9 ing games effortlessly and actually being a late game threat
@ninjedi6710 2 года назад
@@leonardojaxon so can jinx, vayne, caitlyn, tristana. your point is moot.
@-_--td2hq 2 года назад
@@ninjedi6710 these are all adcs and what’s your point anyway?
@cryofwill1416 3 года назад
I play her as a support since season 4. She has some utility and I you can expand it with the correct items and runes, that's why I lover her so much
@unknownherrscher 3 года назад
SAME! i find her super complex specially when i got comfortable playing her
@sympunny8636 3 года назад
sadly since the rework, she's not great as support simply because being a duo lane messes her up. Her powerspikes are now completely focused on xp, and support is the most xp starved role there is.
@glu9862 2 года назад
I actually love to play Kayle. There would be no place to live for me in League without her. I Always wanted to play 1v1 lane, but i hated laning phase. I never wanted to roam, controlling minion waves is hard, so when I play kayle I dont have to worry about it. If i cant walk up to minions, I cant control the wave, and If i cant roam, I wont. Its chill and relaxing early game cuz Im just soaking exp sitting and chilling on lane. After laning phase Im a thanos and I can stomp plat noobs
@HoneyBanev 2 года назад
yes thats exactly my thoughts, sometimes you get dove and raped but usually you can go afk for two minutes and win the game easily
@soulstalker4624 Год назад
Same, playing adcs in botlane gave me anxiety, but when I discovered Kayle, I found out all the times I played passively as an adc have made me play Kayle's laning phase with calm, letting the enemy push so I can just farm and let my jg get a free kill (Or even I can get the kill)
@Colorless_Reaper 3 года назад
When My champion pool has tons of champions from this series(Why no one plays series) Me:**Chuckles** I'm in danger :) .
@NormalSpeedGamer 3 года назад
All my mains are in this.. kayle, sona, aurelion 😂😂
@jessicablack2346 2 года назад
Kayle main here. I picked her up a while back and she's the only champion I play. Yea, there are probably better champions but I like her, and she seems like she could be amazing as I improve. (Saying that I have an 88% win rate with her and 89% on top lane overall, so I think people underestimate what Kayle can do when played correctly in the early game)
@Ranoth 3 года назад
I feel like Kayle had an identity at some point, being a scaling top lane champion with the ability to push very fast since level one to pressure the opponent under his toxwer, most top laners being melee during that time. it was kind of an all or nothing playstyle as failing to predict the jungler's position could lead to loosing really hard. This pressure came from her E that had little downtime because we used CDR quints & runes + AS runes instead of any defensive runes. Then they removed the runes, so the champion lost all its pressuring ability, the E now having too much downtime. Plus it locked kayle into a single combination of 3 core items, namely Nashor's tooth > Guinsoo's > lich bane in that order because of the E cd being too long to have permanant uptime otherwise. That why they made the E's CD lowering with spell level, it meant however that Kayle had an even longer CD early on than before but you were able not to always build these 3 items. By now Kayle had little to no pressure in lane. Then the rework came, and tbh, I still liked playing Kayle even after she lost the ability to get ahead in lane, because I knew a few levels into the game I could still waveclear really fast & split push to win macro & accelerate massively into my mid game, now with the rework she doesn't even have waveclear until level 11. As a Kayle lover I feel the character has lost what it made it cool to play for me, being to take as much ressource as possible on the map the earlier I can & dominating the lane using wave management instead of searching for kills & making plays. I think Kayle used to be a laner that could win the lane taking advantage of it's range without being a lane bully & then use lane pressure to secure more resources at other places of the map, the champion being a good duelist while also having the potential to carry teamfight (when you could still auto attack for the ult's full duration). This capacity to suck resources very fast allowed her to have an insane mid game, damage skyrocketing with the second item. I late game her lack of range made it hard to play teamfights versus a lot of team compositions, also everyone having dashes & hard CCs now isn't making things easier (thought she has more range than before)
@LiveTwinReaction 3 года назад
After Runes Reforged they adjusted her E cooldown (lower later) so you could get it at the same time as before. 100% uptime with old runes was around lv9 or 10 for your scaling cdr quints to ramp up, and 100% uptime after runes reforged was at level 10 with stinger, codex and transcendence rune. They changed the cdr needed from 37.5% to 30% so that's why it still worked out.
@oracle7552 3 года назад
I love Kaykle and the architype of not having an arch. when im playing kayle or people like gangplank and azir, I feel like I'm playing a higher being than the normal champions. people also dont play them as much/ or against them and i like that.
@rocketgaming6406 3 года назад
She is definitely a pocket pick. It’s really painful to play a bad matchup and you just get bullied into oblivion
@lawrencealcantara 3 года назад
and here i am, support kayle. i think she fits the portector role very well. and if stuff goes south, you have the option to carry yourself!
@FrostyPeppercorn 3 года назад
Honestly she is more of a support than Seraphine and yet she isnt a support and seraphine is?
@lawrencealcantara 3 года назад
@@FrostyPeppercorn the only thing kayle lacks is hard cc but i can trade that away for immortality!
@ahmetmutluay7681 3 года назад
If the enemy top laner know how to play and how manage a wave it is really hard to cs and enemy laner is usually gets bored because you play safe and goes ganks other lines joins fights. It can destroy your team's mental saying what are you not doing as much damage as him or effective.
@aarondepaolo5292 3 года назад
I think Kayle is similar to Nasus in that she falls into a category of champs that force the enemy team to play more aggressively and devote resources to stopping you. If you can survive in lane as Kayle against your laner you are almost guarantee jg and mid lane ganks/roams constantly. If you have a strong early game jg and bot lane, then you can very easily secure most dragons and early towers on the other side of the map. She also forces her lane opponent to overextend to try and deny her cs because going even into Kayle is losing the lane and dooming your team later. She is a strong counter to tanks and juggernauts because of her survivability and kiting, but does terribly into skirmishers. I've only ever built Kayle as burst mage with a nashor's tooth, so I may have missed the 'lack of identity' crisis you mentioned in the video, lol. I think she is a strong counter to a slower team comp, and almost always a last pick as a counter to a tank or juggernaut.
@suzy2462 3 года назад
Honestly started playing league a week ago, and picked up Kayle for 450 blue essence. She was my first champion, and now I main her and honestly like her more passive top lane play style I have it down to a T. I’m still learning more about her but having already gotten lvl 5 mastery on her feels nice after seeing this video
@VarsVerum 3 года назад
Oof another soon-to-be victim of league of legends XD Welcome!
@AhmedAbbas-p5t 3 года назад
wonder if u still play her probably not xd
@VccTn 2 года назад
You still main her?
@samunstoray4668 3 года назад
Kayle : Lvl 1 - meelee minion Lvl 6 - caster minion Lvl 11 - siege minion Lvl 16 - super minion
@Thunder93ita 3 года назад
why no one plays kayle: her power spike is at level 11-16, by that time most games have already a determined outcome
@SoulDevoured 3 года назад
They gave her quite a bit more power by 6. She's still a late game hypercarry but quite a bit less useless early
@eulefan 3 года назад
she can teleport to dragon lvl 6 and be a healing bud
@dell2295 3 года назад
after level 6 kayle becomes a very useful back line peeler, with a good front line the damages she brings and her utility makes her extremely valuable to the team, but early kayle is not for those that area always looking to get into a fight just farm till 6 then poke farm and back line till 11, my games don't usually make it to lvl 16 by then we either win or lose,
@nonamesorry7135 3 года назад
I love playing her, but I can't stand her personality. Whenever she opens her mouth she awakens an urge in me to drop a very heavy brick on her toes. And the way riot made her look... she looks so fragile. And she basically floats around in a bathing suit with some armour I guess.
@OmenLamb 2 года назад
I mean she is a Judicator usually, paladin/royal/authoritative type characters in fiction have a holier-than-thou personality like (Aurelian Sol, Azir, Camille, Kayle, Qiyana) it only makes sense. I think Riot did a good job on her design since it complements her gameplay nicely, immediately when you look at her design it's pretty obvious she's not a (Juggernaught or a Tank) which is good because she's squishy as you said fragile Imagine when Rell came out and you saw her design then Riot revealed her as an (Enchanter) it won't make sense because she's wearing full armour just like (Jarvan, Poppy, Nasus, Leona, Garen, Darius, Senjuani, Mordekaiser) etc. Could Riot have done better? sure but her current design is pretty decent/good, only I don't like about her design is the lack of detail on her wings and the design of the Blade.
@wuj0-themanthemyththelegen856 3 года назад
Just came back to this vid to see why I just lost ranked game with new Dr. Mundo top losing 1/11 to Kayle xd
@huxleyable 3 года назад
I recently started playing Kayle and yeah, her early game is brutal, specially against a Riven or anyone who can quickly close the gap. You have to sit under tower and pretty much just pee yourself until you scale a little more.
@viggydraws95 3 года назад
When I played league, I was a flex player. Kayle was my top lane main. And while every game felt like torture pre 20mins, the feeling of being possibly the most powerful champions on the field late game, is a very awesome feeling. Love the champ!
@UncleDaniel 3 года назад
You cant beat yi 1v1
@Crimsonyte21 3 года назад
@@UncleDaniel Your point is?
@davguev 2 года назад
@@UncleDaniel Almost no ranged champ can, so...
@jeluenhayo2410 3 года назад
Hello there, Vars! I'm a fan of your work since I also like to theorycraft and analyze reasons to why things are the way they are. Most of "Why no one plays" arguements I agree with you on, but in this video I would like to state that your 3-rd point ("Kayle takes too long to ramp up") is much more a primary reason why Kayle is not as popular. She DO have a very clear role, not some "mage-enchanter-aa" but simply an "AA-based hyper carry". Although it's not an official role, but the following characters: Master Yi, Kog Maw, Kayle, Vayne and Jinx; all are enabled more the longer the game goes and all of them focus on melting enemies with auto-attacks as a primary source of damage. Hyper-carries share the same trait of being able to kill the whole team very quickly if given chance to freely AA. So why Kayle and KogMaw are not popular, while Master Yi and Vayne are thriving (and Jinx is just somewhere in between)? Well, Yi is a very simple to learn champion, he has a very low skill ceiling - and, most importantly, if you're a novice player, playing in the novice environment, you WILL melt the whole team once in a while, if got accidently fed. Vayne is on the other side of the spectrum: she's a highly skill-dependent character, but with that comes the level of flashy and cool moves and outplays you can do. Just as Yasuo, Riven and others, Vayne carries an immense individual potential within the right hands. It's extremely rewarding to master her - or at least try to. But Kayle and Kog, while taking the whole game to become team-melting menaces, require actual skill and positioning to be useful even in late game, unlike Yi. And at the same time simply Auto-attacking your enemies to death is not as fun as rolling around and chasing people as Vayne. So it all boils down to your own criteria from other videos: this 2 hyper-carries both require skill and patience to play, and yet feel rather unrewarding even when executed well.
@diegorodriguez-fl5kp 3 года назад
I really am a weirdo half of muy favorite chamos are on this series
@mrosef007 3 года назад
OTP Kayle here aswell since mid s9 early s10. I love your vid, i was like agreeing with every point. Especially about the personnality aspect of her. I do love her because she needs a special mindset to succeed but i miss to see her like a god in my games, i mean she got wings she is sparkly and all she lack the divine judgement in my opinion. About your question on what to change on her that could give her personality. I was thinking about adding a boost of movespeed while ulting, the only thing she can do under ult is walking/running, maybe we could imagine a kayle that could ult herself and go in the middle like an archange that comes to fight then a bit of movespeed to help replace herself then kite. Nota: If it's hard to understand me welp, sorry in french ;) désolé :)
@Josh_Darking 3 года назад
Kayle is probably my favourite champion because i am huge fan of patience. With Kayle i just wait and survive, if i die, i'll know that if they keep it going long enough i can get sweet revenge when i hit level 16. The ecstasy you get when you become the single strongest champion out of nowhere is amazing.
@shadowlinkfire 3 года назад
she fits right into the roll of support... you build ap for the heal and move speeds... and since the attack speed ap item nashers tooth gives a bunch of ap, thats a must have... so you just build lots of ap, and in the late game. that leads the enemy team with a choice... do they try to take out kayle, who late game will destroy them, or do they go for the adc who if they live will also destroy them? just like a full ap lich bane sona... no one expects the damage these champs pump out because they are support. you really did miss that with a slow, a heal, and invulnerability that puts her solidly in support... after all... pyke is a support assassin. kayle is a support battle mage
@diegorodriguez-fl5kp 3 года назад
A lot of kayle problems could be solved if she started ranged and then at lvl 6 she gets the attack speed, she could have a safer early Game and even play her un botlane where her supportive abilities would be very much apreciated like senna but AP
@tdmc6428 3 года назад
The problem is ranged top laners are autistic, even if you beat them it’s a pain in the ass so I feel her not getting range till level 6 is for your opponent, rather than for you
@diegorodriguez-fl5kp 3 года назад
Thats a good point tho, but what if in exange for the range in early we cripple her sustain so she only gets half the healing of she only heals herself or somethimg, just to avoid creating another teemo
@GoldenCrow559 3 года назад
@@diegorodriguez-fl5kp the heal scales with ap she doesnt have in the early game so its already crippled and its one of the most mana costly non ult abilities in the game -_-
@annanonya 3 года назад
i'm a support main, however, i have a pretty decent champ pool in aram. it's what i mainly play now aside from the other game modes. I started playing Kayle a lot in aram because i fell in love with her thematic, and how much easier it is to be relevant in your game. I wish i could play her in summoner's rift but idk that i have the motivation to farm for 25 minutes if even given the chance and hope you can carry your team.
@shriekinambassador5042 Год назад
2 years later kayle is still at the same deadend - worse than she ever was pre rework (gameplay vise visually shes stunning except aether wing)
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