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League of Legends Has A Damage Problem
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@Phantlos 8 часов назад
Bro tanks should not be able to do enough damage to kill a bruiser. Change my mind.
@jaymilo8425 9 часов назад
Like an Akali that builds Heartsteel and becomes unkillable early and yet does a ton of damage
@TsunaXionus 9 часов назад
Tryndamere gains death immunity not invincibility. Though seemingly functionally the same, what makes it different is that he still takes damage but it stops him from going below a health threshold. What it does is extends his ability to stay in a fight, not preventing anything other than his own death. It’s a game of chicken both before he casts it and during the cast. Cast it early and the value of the 5 seconds is reduced, too late and he dies before he can cast it. Then, if you cant kill your opponent quick enough, how much duration is left before he leaves or should he commit and risk dying shortly after. Honestly, he would be better off without it, but do you guys really want his power budget to allow him to gain a different form of sustain and rather than a squishy melee ADC, he ends up as another scrappy skirmisher or a crit based fighter like the wind brothers? I like the fact that the primary skill expression on tryndamere is the ult timing. Having these “unfair” mechanics gives the game a bit more nuance, otherwise every champion will become very samey just using the same recycled mechanics even more so than it already is.
@wafflinxes5224 10 часов назад
Idk why it's so hard for they to JUST FUCKING DELETE RYZE'S ULT AND REPLACE IT
@Ekmek10lira 11 часов назад
Everything said in this video is fax and the reason why I main aatrox now
@calmuellerWAR 11 часов назад
I don’t understand the purpose of renaming the abilities
@joshuafenty5621 12 часов назад
Honestly, if 90% of Yone players weren’t malders and crybabies, his win rate would be SO much higher.
@clayton3545 13 часов назад
Broken abilities, nilahs w, and its the only thing that keeps her viable.
@captainnyan-nyan2005 13 часов назад
Problem with league is that the DPS arent squishy. Make all mages, assassins and MMs into 1HP only
@prismriot4910 13 часов назад
Gonna be real, if tahm Kench Q alone is enough to make you lose against him as a ranger character, you might want to pick a different champion
@OAlexisSamaO 13 часов назад
you are completly right when i pick shaco i see my enemy team if there is valuable important targets that i know i can take down i go AD but if i see a lot of dive in champs like fizz, kayn, irelia, nocturne, rengar, riven, camille, ekko, etc i prefer to go ap and basically be a support anty engage, ap shaco doesnt deal that much dmg but his W is a perfect defense you push and with just 3 or 4 boxes the enemy team will never get to your adc, makes it really easy to retreat too, it also gives decent control in objectives like dragon before it comes out some boxes and the enemy cant engage, and shaco can start a fight with a well timed clone explocion playing as shaco, youir life are full of suffering if you think fighting shaco is bad? imagine playing a champ that is as squishy as sona with a E that deals less dmg than an auto atk a unreliable W that the moment you place it in a fight it goes down, as shaco you have to be extremelly smart with what fights you pick because you cant 1 v 1 anyone even supports can beat a non feed shaco, the strengt of shaco is his Q giving him one of the best ganks and making him extremely hard to kill, but that is also his way to start a fight and hist biggest source of dmg. you need to be ahead in gold to have a chance vs any champ and even then there is champs that you will just never be able to beat. as shaco you need to outsmart your enemy make him kill the clone lure him into a trap bait him, etc.
@rej7320 13 часов назад
y is audio so weird in this video? it's pretty hard to understand what he's saying o.O
@onimazu4102 14 часов назад
" Everything change when the fire nation attack"
@wafflinxes5224 16 часов назад
A great way I thought to rework Cho'Gath is giving him an upgrade mechanic like kha'zix. Whenever he gets 5 stacks, he can get 1 of the below Q stays on the ground for 2 seconds slowing enemies by 20%? who pass through it W has increased in range (100?) E grants a shield based on amount of stacks (let's say 20 per stack + armor/mr scale) You could also just rework Cho completely (but without removing Q or ult)
@mehmedcavas3069 17 часов назад
sylas is also bad designed. not his ulti but his other skills. he has dash, cc, heal, hook, area damage auto attacks, so much options
@vincvids7297 17 часов назад
I'd say let Kennens Q go through Minions and he's great, because you can land your stun with basically on skillshot
@TheArrowofLight 19 часов назад
What about an ap item variation? Keep seeing conversations of people saying that "ap items are too strong and need nerfs". It gets tiring trying to explain why they need to be stronger than ad but always falls on deaf ears :'/
@hectito982 19 часов назад
He said that newer champions can have old WW’s kit in a single ability and…I dont think that’s necessarily a good thing about newer champs. I personally found the game more fun when all champs were simple and broken, for sure, now it is more “entertaining” because every champ has like 5 different levels to each ability, but it used to be fun.
@davidecascapera987 21 час назад
They could change the stats growth of champions making it so that tank gain more armour and magic resistance but with less hp, and do the opposite with bruisers; then items, abilities and/or runes scaling with armor would also be nice to see ~ In the end, i just want the old sunfire cape that activates after every attack... I miss my attack speed cho 😢
@dudlecore7358 21 час назад
i cant take anything he says for real anymore.. when was tryns early ever weak?
@mykl746 21 час назад
If you need a new editor for you AUDIO, DM me xD Cuz the voice is muffled AF and hella boomy
@brucedoezema6886 21 час назад
There should be no fill in ranked. I should be allowed to opt into a longer queue for no fil
@wagz781 23 часа назад
Honestly, from my own experience and seemingly every other tank main that speaks up in the comments, the core problems seems to come back to a few things. 1. Tank items are too easily abused by other characters. It's easy to explain how to fix this one, hard to actually put it in practice. Tanks require a very different mindset from other characters in league. We're not here to carry, we're here to enable our team, and disrupt the enemy team. Damage is the universal means to affect everyone, but so is decreasing the damage our allies take. To be extremely reductionist: Build better items. Maybe bring in a cadre of tank mains to test shit or give feedback that the devs have to listen to if they aren't going to include any tank mains on the team in a meaningful way. 2. Damage is too high. We can't tank if we fucking explode in under three seconds. Lower it. Easy fix, but it's one rito is abhorrent towards. 3. We're too easy to ignore. Either give every tank something in their kit so that they *can't* be ignored, or add tank items that are, themselves, ass, but add actives or auras that have to be dealt with. See blink dagger from dota2. Put taric or kayle ult on an item, give it functionally zero stats. Give us a knight's vow that's just AoE in an actually reasonable range. The major reason abyssal mask isn't even considered is because the range on it is fucking *nothing*. Hell, just give us an item that's a point and click taunt for 2 seconds. If rito wants to commit to their whole "no actives" schtick, then just make them proc on melee auto attack specifically once every 10 seconds or something. I'm probably missing some, but these seem to be the major ones and relatively easy means to fix things. Really it just comes down to rito either doesn't care, or is actively avoiding the problem because it's not easily fixed.
@assiddiq7360 День назад
Between untargetability and invincibility I believe the more unfair would goes to Gwen
@MangaGamify День назад
I know it's late but there's this AP item that reduces your ability damage by 1/3rd but your abilities proc a chainlightning with a short cooldown. I forgot what was it's name tho, it came at the same time as Sundered Sky, etc.
@yurilopes420 День назад
this is pretty much an "overloaded Ws tier list" video lmao Ekko w, gwen W, sion W, all broken ass abilities that take the entire power budget of a champion's abilities
@trafalgarlaw8373 День назад
There's only 2 things I miss. 1) The hilariously bad game design and animation of his ult. He just looked so stupid, and his ult was so braindead. 2) AP warwick mid. You may be wondering "But he only had 1 ap scaling". True, but it was 100% on a 5 second or so cooldown, and would unconditionally heal you for 80% of it. It also had a hilariously high 400 range, so one step forward and you could Q even ranged enemies. Losing trades was impossible starting level 5. Winning lane was inevitable, and after 1-2 qs at lvl 6, you add that base damage to ignite and another q, and it's just over.
@manianeusz8654 День назад
If tanks didn't do damage and were actual tanks this would not be a problem ever.
@Sad-Lesbian День назад
I highly disagree on Taric's ult being so strong at a cost of his basic abilities. Taric basics are still really strong. Aoe stuns, stupid healing, shielding and free defensive stats for both him and an ally, while also reducing his cooldowns with auto attacks. Taric's kit is REALLY strong in general. Not just his ult.
@burnttoast2857 День назад
what about fiona parry?
@AMaleDaG День назад
Fuck you (in game). You want an entirely homogenous game or what? Let niche champions exist if they are not 200 years. Singed, Illaoi, Pyke who ever tf.. all great! Singed is love singed is life.
@seanboglio3605 День назад
It is all really in thw movespeed buffs. They should all SLOW DOWN during it. That's it. And cooldows. These champs should have long CDs and if they can buy AH have even longer to make so they need a plan using their stealth ot go home. The assassin class should NOT be reliable.
@GriffinLKVW День назад
I pick a tank because I want to tank. Not be a tanky fighter.
@crazysans3311 День назад
nerf q dash range by 10 pixels as a placebo maybe
@spe02001 День назад
They removed the hypercarry poppy…
@juanfisi День назад
Tryndamere should be the only champion with immunity, at least he can still take damage and be bursted after it runs out.
@greenracer1232 День назад
Rip lethal tempo
@kav7029 День назад
Tanks got nerfed in every way because assassins had a phase where they built PURE tank items. Sunfire Evelynn, pure tank akali or fizz, etc
@MagnusPendragon День назад
I think the best approach for tank items is to use the same mechanic as the Warmog's passive, were you need a certain ammount of bonus health for the passive to trigger. You could do this to nerf the efficiency these items would have on non tank champions. Then you could do more meaningful passives so the tanks could have more gameplay expression throug items.
@dannet5908 День назад
Armor stat is just cosmetic now cuz of how broken current ADC items are
@Andrea-wr5wd 21 час назад
ikr why build armor when some champs can have 40~50% armor pen + 100 lethality
@IsikPalion День назад
My honest opinion is that the role shouldn’t exist. I played a thousand games of league before it ever existed and the game was a blast to play. Just because pro play developed a high level strategy that worked for them doesn’t mean the game should have been redesigned to force that high level stat on the rest of the player base. Officially recognizing the JG as a full role was the biggest mistake riot ever made and I’ll forever hate them for it. When 90% of your player base doesn’t want to play 1/5th of your game. The answer is to remove the 1/5th not force the 90% into it against their will because “pro players do it so you should have to to”
@zt7621 День назад
I don't think thats much of a good comparison, when you stun them they can do nothing to you and you can still do something to them, in that sense lets remove stuns because how can you counter point and click stuns
@apblolol День назад
I occasionally build bruiser items on tanks or even support items. Mundo benifits alot from a variety of items. Knights vow, locket, steraks gage, anathemas chains, deaths dance
@sheepshoe День назад
Most of them deal damage?
@apblolol День назад
Hearing vars say "no bitch" really caught me lackin
@mekelius День назад
If you swapped drake and herald wouldn't people just put adc&supp top?
@becharac День назад
Yorick. Only yorick.