
Why Purgatory Must Exist - Explaining the Faith 

Divine Mercy
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Why must Purgatory Exist? From both Scripture and Sacred Tradition, the Church teaches that we must be cleared of any remaining moral debt to God. Father Chris explains this final healing and sanctification of the soul on its journey into the Heart of Divine Love.
Find out why does purgatory exist in this Episode of Explaining the Faith.
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23 сен 2024




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@whiskymountain69 Год назад
My father committed suicide 5yrs ago this June. I had fallen away from my faith. But saying goodbye to him in the hospital mortuary. I knew he would be in the lower levels of Purgatory for a very long time . I knew if I didn't offer prayers for him he would have no chance of ever getting out. I started praying the Devine office daily for the repose of his soul. It has brought me comfort, and back to my Cathoilic faith. God bless you all.
@DivineMercy_Official Год назад
I am very sorry to hear that Tommy and God bless you and him.... keeping you both in prayer. thank you for staying with your faith
@StephenDiConzo Год назад
I am sorry for the passing of your father in which it is difficult to try to understand.
@cassandrafernandez7449 10 месяцев назад
If pray the divine mercy chapter for my daughter name Cassandra Fernandez passed away on 30 September please pray for my daughter sou she suicide l
@albertafarmer8638 15 дней назад
So sad but JESUS said "It is finished"! Purgatory does not exist in the Bible, it's an invention of the evil Vatican, the whore of Babylon. Read the Bible for yourself: the saved people will go to heaven with JESUS, the lost into hell and later into the Lake of Fire. Listen to real theologians like Dr. John Ankerberg and check out the Jack Chick Gospel Tracts!
@kimberwittebort7950 4 года назад
Father ...wow.... I am a new Catholic...My confirmation was three weeks ago. These teachings have OPENED my eyes even more. I wish all priest would tell it like it REALLY is...THANK YOU...
@DivineMercy_Official 4 года назад
Thank you Kim.... appreciate it and please keep listening!
@blueskysunnyday6239 3 года назад
Congratulations on being confirmed. Welcome home!
@chomperthefirst533 3 года назад
Oh I am so happy for you Kimber! You are in for a wonderful journey -‘from glory to glory’ !
@esthervm5203 3 года назад
Thank you Fr Chris, Oh how I wish my catechism teachers, and catechists have given us such an amazing catechesis when I was younger. It would hv saved so many souls from wandering away from the Church. I hope there is a chance for us to spread this catechesis and may many many more souls be saved. Amen.
@SonyaErika 3 года назад
Welcome to the church and God bless you🙏🙏🙏
@margaretlucero6338 20 дней назад
🕎Thank you Fr Chris Thank you Heavenly Almighty Father for your kindness and love. Mother Mary pray for those most needy Jesus is enough 💙🌹🕊️
@ziesha.marie11 11 месяцев назад
I love how our blessed Mum is standing by you and praying an protecting you!
@carolzappa1804 10 месяцев назад
Did you happen to see the video when Fr. Alar was having Eucharistic Adoration in San Francisco? Our "Mum" was standing right in front of the Monstrance, and a woman who was taking pictures throughout adoration captured our Lady's True reflection in the Monstrance! She was adoring her Son right along with everyone there. Stunning! 🙏🕊❤✝️⛪🥰
@ianng88 3 года назад
Hi all! Just a friendly Protestant passing by (sorry just had to use the term for fun lol). Haven’t watched the whole thing yet but I just wanna say I just love it when people pursue and work out their faith! This is wonderful stuff to work through and it’s good for any of our biases to be challenged. I love Catholics dearly and I know there are tons of misconceptions! I pray constantly for wisdom, love, patience, unity and understanding as we pursue God together! :)
@DivineMercy_Official 3 года назад
God bless you en and welcome! We are glad you are here.... and know you are in our prayers too. Thank you for keeping an open mind to Christ. God bless you.
@trinityangel1406 2 года назад
Amen🙏🏼. Peace be with you🕊.
@maryloucoursen2636 2 года назад
Thank you so much and may the Spirit of the Lord Bless you. I moved to an area where the local people think all Catholics are satanist and was used to more enlightened people like you quite a shock. As we have always been taught lead by example⚓️💕
@christinefitts-concepcion7609 2 года назад
Amen! May we continue to grow in love and pursue God and his truth. 🙏🏻❤️
@relentlessrhythm2774 2 года назад
I'm happy you are here with an open mind and open heart ❤
@mickitrujillo2943 2 года назад
I feel bad that it has taken me to 74 years old to learn all of this. Thank you to Divine Mercy for all these lessons and thank you Father Alar for your teaching.
@veronicaadiema2553 Год назад
Thanks alot for this teaching 🙏 My mother died in 2014, a devout Catholic. This year I dreamt that she is walking and has walked along journey such that her back bone is bent and she is using a walking stick. Infront of her was an extra bright light with a huge male personality holding the hand of a child. Both were in brilliant white gowns. I then woke up in distress immediately and said to myself "my mother is not yet in heaven, what a long journey?"🙌 May the Almighty God have mercy on her soul.
@avmonsan2928 4 года назад
You’ve explained this very well. My family watched this last night. I have four kids: 17, 15, 13, and 11. They got scared during the St Mary Magdalene’s vision of Purgatory. Geez, I got scared too but that was an awakening! When you mentioned “attachment to this world”, my kids were like “oh no Im attached to my phone!” 😂 It made sense when you explained about Plenary Indulgences like that boy who broke the window with his baseball and still have to pay for the broken window with his allowance. My kids liked that. Then the longing for God by wanting to have that ice cream but cant have it. That was really good!! We all clapped/screamed with joy when you mentioned the 33 Days Morning Glory because yesterday was our 28th Day. Yay!! 😁 We also pray the Rosary and the Chaplet daily. My husband and I have been observing the Feast of Divine Mercy for the past 12 years. My kids grew up praying and singing the Chaplet but your explanation on Purgatory solidify what Ive been teaching them about God’s mercy and how to avoid Purgatory. Now normally, it’s challenging for my kids to pray the Rosary. They love singing/praying the Chaplet but the Rosary is a challenge. After your video, I didn’t sense any resistance from them! They offered each Rosary decade for the souls in Purgatory! I was so happy!! 😁 Thank you for your teaching Fr Chris! Next week I will show them your video on Angels. God bless you and your ministry. 🙏
@DivineMercy_Official 4 года назад
Wow, AV.... thank you for sharing that and most of all, thank you for being good parents! We need more parents like you - sharing the faith with their children. God bless your family.
@avmonsan2928 4 года назад
Divine Mercy Fr Chris, you mentioned Illumination of Conscience and 3 Days of Darkness in one of your teachings. Can you do more teaching on this? My family has been preparing since June for these two events. My family read The Warning by Watkins and the messages of God,the Father to Fr Michel Rodrigue. We follow messages of the Seers on the countdowntothekingdom.com website. We have watched the videos of Mark Mallett and Daniel Connor on the 7 Seals/Timeline. We have been going to Confession twice a month since May. We have consecrated our home and land with the exorcised/blessed water and salt. We have beeswax blessed candles. We also have 90 day supply of food. Anything else?
@lldlila 2 года назад
Sounds like you are doing a great job teaching your children in the faith. God Bless you all.
@FinneganBub Год назад
You’re post warmed my heart! God bless your wonderful family!!!!
@phylliskustra5392 Год назад
I love that you are teaching us.
@DivineMercy_Official 4 года назад
Please watch to the end.... the ending has something called "Great Exchange" and that is the most amazing concept.
@michaelbelmontes4046 4 года назад
Holy Mackerel, Fr Chris, that was Aaaammmazing!!! Once again thank you so much! Blessings to you all from San Francisco, Ca!
@mistybuttercup110 4 года назад
YES WE WILL & I ALWAYS HAVE TO PLAY IT 2-3 x all week long so IT WILL SINK IN!!!!!
@mistybuttercup110 4 года назад
Michael Belmontes LOL 😂 YES IT WAS!!!!!👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
@mistybuttercup110 4 года назад
I use my Bluetooth speakers 🔊 at home so I can hear you even in the midst of my Saturday household chores.....
@jimselimos4863 4 года назад
Thank you, for explaining these Beliefs to us, Father.
@dasan9178 3 года назад
Can’t say how much I appreciate this information. Even though I’ve been a Catholic for well over 30 years, I’ve never been sure about Purgatory. As a convert from the Baptist church, I didn’t grow up with it, nor was it covered in RCIA other than to say it exists. I didn’t realize how little I knew until finding this series recently. Now I can’t get enough! There aren’t enough hours in a day. Literally! I’ve been up all night listening to Explaining the Faith videos, and not for the first time either. They’re that interesting!
@DivineMercy_Official 3 года назад
Thank you so much G Dasan for taking the time and effort to join us. God bless you for responding to God's grace to go deeper in your faith.
@dasan9178 3 года назад
@@rolandovelasquez135 Purgatory DOES make sense. It’s an integral part of what I call a Holiness ecosystem created by God to bring us to a state of eventual perfect holiness in Christ. As such, it’s not only an essential element of his love and mercy, but also the final fulfillment of Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf and the triumph of God’s Will. Good parents don’t tell their children, “I love you so much that regardless of how badly you treat me, how badly you treat others, how badly you choose to live or what terrible things you decide to do, I’m going to always reward you.” Parents with an attitude like that generally raise spoiled, selfish children who are as much a danger to themselves as others. It’s why parents who love their children have expectations of their character, attitude and behavior. Hard though it is, it’s why good parents have even kicked their own children out and told them they can’t come back until/unless they change. When the consequences drive those children to return full of remorse, good parents welcome them back with open arms and give them another chance…hoping they’ve learned enough to not repeat the mistake. Should our Father in Heaven who loves us far more than our earthly parents do or expect less? Does it make sense to say that after God sent his own beloved Son to pay the ultimate price (which involved unimaginable suffering and death), it’s now ok for us to be sorry for our sins JUST THE ONE TIME and be forever assured of our place in Heaven after…no matter how badly we behave after that point? As a Baptist, I saw a lot of confused people get “saved” repeatedly because following their first salvation experience, they fell into sin. To understand what’s going on, we need to define some terms: salvation, redemption, justification, sanctification and forgiveness. First, salvation is a process, not a one-time event. God created us to be free. The angels made their choice once and are forever bound to that decision. Unlike the angels, we are free to choose for or against Jesus at any point of our lives. There are people who deliberately walk away from Jesus, and there are others who drift away. One CAN become a Christian one year, decide the next year to abandon Christ, and then repent of that decision and return to Christ. Becoming a Christian doesn’t result in slavery to Jesus. We are ALWAYS free to choose to live under the umbrella of God’s Grace or walk away from it. Redemption is the salvation of humanity by Jesus with his life, suffering, death and resurrection. The word redeem means to free or buy back. If not for redemption, we would all still be condemned to eternal separation from God. Why? The cost of Adam and Eve’s disobedience to God was eternal separation from God … not just for themselves but for all humanity (their descendants). In paying the price for that disobedience, Jesus bought back our opportunity for a place in Heaven with God. Forgiveness is the actual pardon or remission of sin. The sins that are forgiven aren’t covered up but removed completely, restoring the individual to a state of Grace. We enter the process of salvation with Justification. Justification is a change in state or condition. One who was a child of Adam and Eve enters into a state of Grace with God through the sacrament of Baptism and continues to grow in grace through the sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession). With Baptism, past sin is forgiven and we are made heirs to eternal salvation in God’s Kingdom. With Reconciliation/Confession, we are made right with God again after straying. Instead of coming forward multiple times seeking salvation, we confess our sins, do penance and are made right again with God so we can return to a state of Grace, and continue growing in faith and holiness. This leads us to Sanctification, which refers to being made Holy. People who have entered a state of Grace through baptism, and continue growing in it through Reconciliation/Confession, also have other means of growing in holiness. These include receiving the Eucharist, prayer, fasting, and studying the Faith. All of these things help people grow. Where does Purgatory fit in? First you need to understand that God in his great wisdom created an entire Holiness Ecosystem every bit as complex as the ecosystem of nature. You also need to understand his motivation: he LOVES us so much that he wants us all to spend eternity with him. Purgatory is simply one part of this system. The sacrifice of Jesus removed the penalty for our sins, but not our capacity to sin. We continue to have choices as Christians. We even retain the ability to choose to reject Jesus. So, unless one has lived a very pious life and engaged in frequent confession, especially just prior to death, Purgatory is a near certainty. We go there to be purified because no soul can enter Heaven still stained by the effects of sin. What is it? It’s simply a place of purification, a place where the remaining stains of our sins on Earth (the ones for which we failed to seek forgiveness) are removed. It’s painful because seeing ourselves as God sees us is painful. As the flame of his love washes over us burning away the last vestiges of sin, that pain eventually changes to an unmatched sense of joy, peace and understanding. That’s why Purgatory is part of God’s mercy. Instead of condemning us for unconfessed sins, God provides a way to wash us completely clean of them. It’s not that God sees us as pure through the filter of Jesus’ blood, but that because of Jesus’ sacrifice, all Christians are eventually truly cleansed of every last trace of sin. We not only are given plentiful opportunities to cleanse ourselves of sin while we live, but also are fully cleansed after death prior to entering Heaven. It didn’t make sense to me until I saw it in the context of an ecosystem created by God to bring us to true repentance and through this, perfect holiness. Why? Because we are the children of God and he loves us. As children, we have much to learn and grow. Purgatory is the final step in that growth.
@mariefontaine1500 2 года назад
I am learning so much with these sessions and I've been Catholic all my life. Think it is informative to all
@StephenDiConzo Год назад
@dasan9178 Purgatory is non existent! We need to read our Bibles which contains infallible truth and does not reveal such a place.
@StephenDiConzo Год назад
@dasan9178 God's grace and mercy is revealed in His son Jesus who joyfully endured the cross to save us from our sins and not based on any good works lest any man boast. Salvation in Jesus is a free gift that must be accepted for a soul to enter heaven.
@davisabaoag953 10 месяцев назад
I just prayed the prayer from st faustina for souls in purgatory. “Lord, you see how terribly….!!!” Now I feel deep holiness. I felt god called me to do this because of your homily yesterday and this talk. Because of you, my soul is now burning brighter. ❤️🙏🏼
@wisegalny7604 Месяц назад
Thank you Fr. Alar 🕊⚘🌻
@engracianuylan5647 2 года назад
Proud to be Catholic! God bless you always ,Fr.Chris Alar!
@patrickpala5642 4 месяца назад
Thankfull to God for his Grace of being born Catholic.
@doccopper8982 4 года назад
WOW! That was a great lecture! I went to Catholic School & go to church weekly but I am amazed by how much I learn from these videos. Thank you for putting together these great lessons for us all to learn from. Your offering your own personal memories of lost friends and your own challenges really brings these points home. Thank you!!
@DivineMercy_Official 4 года назад
Thank you Doc and God bless you .
@albaumgartner8673 2 года назад
@@DivineMercy_Official thank you for the knowledge of all the graces available for us which answers how we can Trust in God as He asks Thank you for all this hope!!!
@carolynsotala9264 2 года назад
xox try y y
@janicecrose376 4 года назад
Fr Chris, I was very happy when you said that the holy souls in purgatory have "Joy, but they need alot of help"! God is sooo Good and Merciful!🙏
@crocecicio5783 3 года назад
Thank you Father. I. Learn so much from your program it makes my faith. Stronger and my love in God the most important. Thing in my life I am a seniour citizen. And never to old to learn exciting news of my faith and the mercy of Almighty God ...keep up your great Work God bless you
@franciscaaurelio7531 3 года назад
@ninakelly1413 3 года назад
@JH-em8qq 3 года назад
Glory to God. AMEN
@juliettekadjo395 3 года назад
Thank you very much Father ❤️❤️😘
@relentlessrhythm2774 2 года назад
I'm a recent convert and being able to offer up my pain for my deceased relatives makes sense of suffering. I believe it's a spiritual instinct to believe in Purgatory. When I was baptized at 11 years old, I prayed that God would allow deceased souls into heaven. I quit doing this when someone told me this was a waste of time.
@aborgeshonorato Год назад
This night , I was reflecting on my flaws, vices, bias and failures, and also I was thinking how many people we let down during our lives. I am happy that purgatory is there. I deserve it.. I kind of think that this Earth is the beginning of that, I have seen so much pain and suffering, but those who suffer have the most beautiful heart.
@dasan9178 3 года назад
Our God is so amazing! He created an entire intricately interwoven ecosystem of holiness for sanctifying and purifying souls. Through it, we grow in holiness and learn how to live more completely in Jesus. I can’t believe I went through so much of my life without seeing this.
@bonnyanibueze7917 3 года назад
@bonnyanibueze7917 3 года назад
@maryloucoursen2636 2 года назад
@patricaatkatsh5268 3 года назад
I really needed to hear the faith I was taught again instead of " modernist swill"! I can't begin to find words to thank you enough, Father, for being so easy to find and so true to The Trinity, the True Faith, to your vocation! God bless you always.
@wcwong3868 4 года назад
Thank you for telling us about purgatory. God bless you, Fr. Chris.
@purgatorean 4 года назад
All I can say is that I hope that the courage and the fervor that this Holy Priest, Fr. Chris Alar, exemplifies for Our Holy Faith is contagious.
@carolineochoa3204 3 года назад
This is a GREAT, GREAT & POWERFUL SERMON on PURGATORY!!!!!!! Thank you VERY MUCH Fr. Chris Alar.
@paulhe1195 Год назад
I've watched a few of Father Chris videos, and I am learning so much more from him in one hour on youtube, then I did getting baptized and going through 8 long years in CCD Classes until confirmation. Thank you Father Chris!!!!
@DivineMercy_Official Год назад
Thank you Paul for being open to God's grace in in learning about your faith!
@deborahmckinley4732 4 года назад
Yes I do pray for my relatives and friends at Mass.
@maryann1109 3 года назад
Your talk is needed of every catholic...Thank you very much for all the enlightenment...stay safe....your friend from Philippines..
@DivineMercy_Official 3 года назад
Thank you .... God bless you and all in the Philippines :)
@wcwong3868 4 года назад
Dear Lord, have mercy on all souls in purgatory.
@johannalograsso9056 2 года назад
Fr Chris Alar, I have learned so much from you, and continuing to learn from you. You are always in my prayers. God Bless you abundantly 🙏❤
@DivineMercy_Official 2 года назад
The church didn't sell indulgences. A couple of rogue priests did. It has never been church teaching to do so. God bless ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-bWtgG7kOIPA.html
@vickyumali6139 2 года назад
I went to a catholic school here in the Philippines and this was how it was explained to us on the existence of purgatory. We believe heaven and hell exists, but to be able to enter heaven, we should be immaculately sinless. Meaning we should have not committed sin, even the sin of thoughts. So for the souls that have died but not sinful enough to be brought to hell, purgatory exist. Its like we our souls are being compared to a white clothe. If there is a stain (which represents sin), but can be removed, purgatory is like a tub with water and detergent in which that clothe will be sumerged for a certain period of time to remove the stain ( or sin) and thats the time we can enter heaven. It shows also the mercy of the Lord that even in our death, He is still a merciful God. But of course we still have to leave a life according to God's teaching 🙏❤
@brentonswan100 Год назад
Jesus makes us immaculately sinless. When He died for us and paid the price. Purgatory makes the sacrifice of Jesus insufficient. This can not be. This is blasphemy. When Jesus said it is finished, What do you think he meant .
@Chrishd1 11 месяцев назад
⁠@@silenthero2795 How can somebody believing in Christ and that sin is still bad and punishable make his sacrifice pointless?
@Chrishd1 11 месяцев назад
@@brentonswan100 Why does Paul say their still being sanctified then, And He who has begun a good work in you will [continue to] perfect and complete it until the day of Christ Jesus
@DivineMercy_Official 11 месяцев назад
Then why does St Paul say he must complete what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ in 1st Corinthians. Purgatory is not about forgiveness of sins, so you don't understand this doctrine. Purgatory is about purification from attachments that Paul says we cannot have if want to enter heaven.
@DivineMercy_Official 11 месяцев назад
Scripture says nothing with even slightest stain will enter heaven. I don't know too many people, including myself, who fit that category. Do you? The Bible says we must be purified and prepared to see God so you can only hope Purgatory exists or we are in trouble. Jesus forgives our sins like a good father who forgives his son for breaking the window, but a good father also disciplines the son out of love. To let him walk away w/o any responsibility is not love but false mercy and not the way of God. The Bible warns extensively that we need to break our inordinate attachments and only be attached to God to enter heaven. How many people can say that? That is why Purgatory is a purification and a result of God’s mercy. Purgatory is in the bible: 1Cor3: 11-15 (purified by fire) and Matt 5:26 (pay the last penny). Please see passages such as 2 Maccabees 12:41-46 (this book was in the original canon until it was removed by Martin Luther), 2 Timothy 1:18, Matthew 12:32, Luke 16:19-16:26, Luke 23:43, 1 Corinthians 3:11-3:15 and Hebrews 12:29 as support for prayer for purgatorial souls who are believed to be within an active interim state for the dead. If you are Christian, you believe in the Trinity, but the word "Trinity" doesn't appear in the Bible. Then why do you believe in it, which you must if you are a Christian? God bless.
@olimpiamendez3981 Год назад
Thank you for reminding the living that we can help our dear departed through prayers especially the Holy Mass where Jesus is offering our prayers to the FATHER. We pray more evangelizers like you will be inspired by GOD, the need of the present crisis.
@thePrussian 2 года назад
Thank you Father Chris! You have cleared something up for me. About 10 years ago, I had an experience which I thought was Hell, but fits more with Purgatory. It definitely turned me right ‘round! I’m here to tell you, Purgatory was turrible! I don’t want to know what Hell is like. God Bless and Deus Vult!
@isabelmorales3184 Год назад
Yes we were created with Heaven our destination 10 commandments. 7 deadly sins
@lillybarcelo5 4 года назад
Father Chris is the best teacher! I have learned so much from him.
@DivineMercy_Official 4 года назад
Thank you Lilly and God bless you. You're in our prayers :)
@edgardocalma105 4 года назад
Thank you Fr. Chris. YOU ARE OF GREAT HELP TO US. God bless.
@DivineMercy_Official 4 года назад
You are very welcome
@saraboyle290 3 года назад
Thank you so much! Iam a returning catholic and learning much through your videos. So sorry I ever left.
@DivineMercy_Official 3 года назад
Welcome back Sara! God bless you.... never too late :)
@jyotsanamurmu1122 3 года назад
Thank you father there are so many things which I did not know about purgatory which I can offer everything for the souls even my daily cross thank you father for opening my eyes may the good Lord keep you in good health please pray for me .
@amparoreyes8432 3 года назад
Amen. Thanks Fr. Chris for enlightening us about Purgatory. I'm happy and blessed to be a Catholic. May the souls of our beloved dead and the faithful departed through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Lord Jesus, King of Mercy, I trust in You!
@rhope3019 4 года назад
I learned we should pray for ppl who have pasted away. I sometimes have dreams of loved ones who aren’t here then I say they must need my prayers. So it confirms my feelings
@gloriamendoza9818 3 года назад
@markcardoza6006 2 месяца назад
Amazing work! Thank God for lessons like this!!
@Deus_Vult7 Год назад
What a beautiful day it is that I enroll in the Marian helpers online on the first Friday from the sacred heart of Jesus.
@DivineMercy_Official Год назад
@wengutierrez1013 7 месяцев назад
Thank you father Chris, I love you with the love of the Lord Jesus Christ, God bless you always
@patrickpottinger3250 4 года назад
That was a big slice of humble pie. Thank you father, I really needed that.
@DivineMercy_Official 4 года назад
Yes, Patrick, me too!
@ruthschulz8395 3 года назад
I sure learned a lot. I especially liked the directive of the “ Great Exchange. Dear God help us all to put to use all we have learned.
@MaryJaneMurphyGonzales 5 месяцев назад
I am a convert since 1985 and I never received instruction on any of these things in RCIA. Thanks to Fr. Chris I am learning from these talks and reading the Catechism for the first time! I am so appreciative that I have found my way to learn so much more about my faith. Thank you a thousand times!!
@prayingtherosaryJM Год назад
Sometimes things don't go the way you expect, because what awaits you is God's best ❤️❤️❤️
@annieguro4897 4 года назад
Thank you very much Father! This video helps me understand a lot about Purgatory.. Keep safe Father and God bless us all🙏🌹
@DivineMercy_Official 4 года назад
Thank you Annie, we appreciate it. Thank you for tuning in.... prayers for you.
@SoonersMommy 4 года назад
Thank you, Father Chris, for all these excellent talks. I really enjoy them. They are extremely informative. Your congregation has devoted yourselves to a beautiful purpose.
@DivineMercy_Official 4 года назад
You are very welcome
@rsmyth75 3 года назад
@EpoRose1 Год назад
My 6th grade teacher, a nun, said to say 6 Hail Marys, 6 Our Fathers, and 6 Glory Be’s for a soul to be released from Purgatory. I’m not sure if that exact formula really releases a soul each time, but I’ve said these prayers practically every night since then, about 30 years.
@jenniegenovese1483 4 года назад
Thank you God bless you
@saragarddiner9244 3 года назад
Thank you again Fr Chris . I now understand Purgatory much better, I am a new catholic and I really enjoy your talks, I love the straight forward way that you talk. Sara Gardiner x
@DivineMercy_Official 3 года назад
That's great Sara.... thank you for taking the time to go deeper in your faith and for being with us. God bless.
@francoantonioquiminales2729 3 года назад
2 Macc. 12:45 And also in that he perceived that there was great favour laid up for those that died godly, it was an holy and good thought. Whereupon he made a reconciliation for the dead, that they might be delivered from sin.
@erlinapascua1345 Год назад
Father Gabriel, we will miss you! Safe travels, and may you have success in your Priestly Ministry in the Philippines! Enjoy the hospitality of the Filipinos! God bless you, always! 🙏🙏🙏
@maryloucoursen2636 2 года назад
This was wonderful! And you overcame all obstacles to tell us the depth of our Faith. I am 74 and was taught by the Sisters of Mercy for 12 years in Baltimore, MD so I knew a lot of the information but I definitely needed a refresher. I will try again for Spiritual Discipline so many of my better habits have gone astray after I had covid. We are never too old to learn and begin new ways to improve our spiritual life. It is a conscious effort all our lives to be closer to Our Lord. God Bless and I will keep you and the good Fathers of your community in my prayers ⚓️💕✝️
@DivineMercy_Official 2 года назад
Thank you and God bless you Mary Lou
@marygracealvarez7797 Год назад
God Bless Fr. Chris and your Mom through you God shows me to hope more for His greatness.😢 Hoping God will answer my prayers to heal all the sick people and forgive all our sins.🙏🙏🙏God Bless us all especially Fr Chris Alar who always give the light of heaven.⭐
@DivineMercy_Official Год назад
@ColleenW2019 3 года назад
Wow! I am blown away! Thank you so much for this. One of the best talks ever. God bless you, Fr Alar.
@DivineMercy_Official 3 года назад
God bless you and thank you for practicing your faith and praying for the Holy Souls....
@donnieincebu9132 Год назад
St Gertrude the Great please pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory say St Gertrude Chaplet to release 50000 souls from purgatory AMEN AMEN AMEN
@museluvr 4 года назад
I love the purgatory prayer at 1:23:37. Posted it upon a fellow RU-vidr who does the Rosary ... I love this prayer. Thank you Fr Chris for having shared this with us.
@DivineMercy_Official 4 года назад
Thank you and God bless.
@davisabaoag953 10 месяцев назад
Me too. Just prayed it today and felt the Holy Spirit because of this prayer. I just released someone from purgatory.
@breemakrius3344 4 года назад
Praise the Lord for this teachings. Thank you for this Fr Chris 🙏
@teresita2518 2 года назад
Fr. Chris thank you so much of your inspiring talk about knowing the faith. It's very a remarkable sharing for me to think deeply how to long God and avoiding to commit sins.
@worthwhilediscussion 4 года назад
Thank you so much Father for all this extremely important and vital information for us Christians. God Bless you Father Chris.
@DivineMercy_Official 4 года назад
Thank you and God bless you.
@worthwhilediscussion 4 года назад
@@DivineMercy_Official Thank you, Father.
@ahzokatano0611 4 года назад
@mob3p1c 4 года назад
jh ferrell know -> *no :)
@DivineMercy_Official 4 года назад
Thank you :)
@reginaobi2966 10 месяцев назад
Marian Fathers I enjoy your programs. I am Catholic. Please include me in your prayers, all my children, entire family, youths and the whole world for Divine Mercy, longevity forgiveness healings restorations, protections, favours and blessings through the gracious intercessions of Blessed Lady, in Jesus Mighty name Amen!
@DivineMercy_Official 10 месяцев назад
@blujeans9462 4 года назад
Wow! This is amazing.... even though I am a senior, Catholic born - I never knew most of this! I imagine you have saved years of purgatory for thousands of people with this, Fr. Thank you - you will be in my prayers.
@DivineMercy_Official 4 года назад
Thank you for watching and God bless you
@carolzappa1804 10 месяцев назад
I am really so grateful for your "explaining the faith" videos. I've done alot of reading and have been involved in some Church groups and online discussion and debate forums; and here i can say that what i have learned from you affirms all i have learned from the Catholic Church's Catechism and Early Church Fathers, as well as some writings of the Saint's, Pope's and some awesome Catholic theologians and apologists as well! I also appreciate that you know the arguments some Non-Catholics present; and how you kindly and firmly refute these falsehoods. Please don't apologize for "going over the time". Hearing the truth NEVER goes too long, or gets old, boring and/or tired. Thanks for helping us gain a better understanding, and become strong Catholics who come to the knowledge of truth and stand firm in the One, True and Authentic and 2000 year old Christian Faith that has been handed down to us by Christ and His faithful and obedient Apostles and their divinely ordained successors. God Bless you Fr. Alar...keep fighting the good fight!🙏🕊❤✝️⛪🥰
@DivineMercy_Official 10 месяцев назад
Thank you and God bless you
@mistybuttercup110 4 года назад
THANK YOU SO MUCH for this wonderful meaningful presentation Father Chris! HAVE A WONDERFUL & PEACEFUL FEAST DAY TO ALL! Don’t forget to bring flowers 💐 to your local Churches ⛪️🕊for MOTHER MARY...... 💙💐💐💐- she always has a Statue outside....... SHE WILL LOVE ❤️ IT!!!!!! 😊😊😊💙📿💙
@sac1303 3 месяца назад
Many thanks for yet another educational talk, Father. God bless you, too.
@DivineMercy_Official 3 месяца назад
Thanks for listening
@bethbelchez9148 3 года назад
Thank you Fr. Chris for your time. God bless you🙏🙏🙏😇
@DivineMercy_Official 3 года назад
Thanks for listening Beth and God bless you
@dorothymccrory9561 7 месяцев назад
Wow learning so much more awesome father Chris
@milagrosamistoso9086 4 года назад
Thanks Fr.Chris,it is helping my faith with your teaching.
@DivineMercy_Official 4 года назад
@hailmary9948 4 года назад
God keep blessing. Guiding and protecting you infinitely dearest Father Chris! Thank you so much for all you are doing for The Church Militant 🙏🕊❤🕊🙏
@stormssunday8564 2 года назад
Thank you so much Fr. Chris. I now have a reference to look to when I forget & I will pass this video on to my friends & loved ones. May God continue to bless you & yours. In Jesus name I pray🙏🏼🕊✝️❣️
@DivineMercy_Official 2 года назад
Thank you for sharing and God bless you
@florenadulla9739 4 года назад
Thanks so much Fr. Chris very clear and heavy but I will rely in GOD'S Mercy. and Compassion through the Prayers of our Blessed Mother and Saints
@DivineMercy_Official 4 года назад
Yes, of course. This teaching is to provide assistance to others, however, who are lacking in trust in anyway and are still in need of purification.
@laurafriend3808 4 года назад
Thank you Fr Chris!!!
@CathedralDoc73 2 года назад
Father Chris, we need our parishes to teach like this once a week. If we did this, there wouldn't be as many ignorant cradle Catholics.. The ignorance makes them susceptible to convert to protestantism once they are learning at those churches who most have a Bible study before or after the service. I hear people bring this up and the Catholic answer is, "well we have RCIA". We need RCIA but we also need this stuff regularly. The statistics of Catholics believing things that are wrong is staggering. What could be the harm in doing what you're doing in every parish? Thank you for your work! I'm becoming a better Catholic with every talk.
@DivineMercy_Official 2 года назад
@nenettegarcia2003 4 года назад
As always a very good presentation of Purgatory. Will share this to ppl, I myself will listen once more, good apologetics. Let’s ready not our own self only but loved ones. God bless you Fr Chris & all MIC, we’re praying for this ministry to give glory to God, salvation of souls & honor the Blessed Virgin Mary. Holy & blessed Assumption of the BVM.
@DivineMercy_Official 4 года назад
Thank you for sharing it... appreciate it.
@victoriabanaag7432 4 года назад
Just yesterday on face book there was an attack on us Catholics for believing in existence of purgatory.It says it is demonic belief.From listening to you I can explain to them clearly why it is not a demonic belief of us catholics but a truth.Thank you for giving us a clearer understanding of purgatory
@loreforone924 2 года назад
My whole life I read the King James Version. The Protestants do not have the books of the Maccabees: any wonder why the confusion on Purgatory? This catechism is very enlightening, Thank God ❤️
@ronaldeglewski3073 Год назад
The very early KJV in 1600 AD have the 7 books and I thing were taken out in the 1800 AD.
@catherineembalsado262 3 года назад
Than you Fr Chris, I learned a lot from this talk and now I know and understand more about All Saints Day, All Souls Day, All Hollows Eve, and Purgatory, especially Spiritual Transfer to help the Poor Souls in Purgatory. God Bless You Always Fr Chris Alar 😇🙏🏻. You and All Clergy are always in my prayers.
@DivineMercy_Official 3 года назад
Thank you for watching Catherine and God bless .... keeping praying for the Holy Sous.
@jerrym.3083 2 года назад
If your loved ones who had passed had a hard life, pray for their souls. The dead can hear our thoughts and prayers about them.
@ramanieweerasinghe1391 4 года назад
Thank you Fr Chris. May God bless you always.
@DivineMercy_Official 4 года назад
Thank you too
@annadefina3257 3 года назад
I’ve been watching these talks and I have to say I’ve learned so much, God bless!!
@starbright158 4 года назад
Father Chris you are a good teacher, Bless you
@DivineMercy_Official 4 года назад
Thank you and God bless.
@cedesparducho4223 4 года назад
Thank you Fr, Chris ,,what a beautiful message for salvation of souls in purgatory,,God bless you,,
@DivineMercy_Official 4 года назад
Thanks for listening
@joaocamara9200 2 года назад
Thank you so much Father Chris for clarification…
@dorothymccrory9561 10 месяцев назад
Thank you so much father Chris✝️🙏
@kathyesslinger5736 4 года назад
Thank you Father Chris; I finally finished watching this video . I can't wait to watch it again. The content is fascinating .
@DivineMercy_Official 4 года назад
Thank you for watching Kathy and please join us each Saturday at 11am EST for a new talk each week. God bless.
@connieomillion8148 3 года назад
@@DivineMercy_Official Thankyou Father Chris for your instructions & clarifications of our Catholic Faith. I am a convert of about ten years now. I attended two RCIAs before my Heart was ready to join the Catholic Faith - Our Faith is complex. I watch the 9am Mass livestream from the Divine Mercy Sanctuary here in S. CA, 6am our time many days. The Sat. Talks are really educating me about our Faith - You are an excellent teacher. Praise Be Jesús Christ Now & Forever - Nurse Constance 💕
@DivineMercy_Official 3 года назад
@@connieomillion8148 Awesome Connie, keep up the good work :)
@anneharris8937 4 года назад
Hi Father and I am praying thank you for this talk its helped me so much understanding this .
@DivineMercy_Official 4 года назад
Glad it was helpful!
@annecoll5140 4 года назад
The only hope for this Earth is Jesus and the Divine Mercy.
@stellagarcia7857 4 года назад
Thank you, Fr. Chris. This was so informative. Will pray more fervently.
@dianapeake9742 4 года назад
Thanks for the teaching of purgatory. I listened to it twice and will listen again. I'm a convert.
@DivineMercy_Official 4 года назад
Prayers 4u Diana
@SK-du2nh 3 года назад
I am also a convert 8 years ago. So thankful to be a Catholic on so many levels! I'm so happy I found your channel Father Alar.
@TheVCRTimeMachine 2 года назад
“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7 I don’t have to pay for any of my faults and sins. Jesus paid for all of it! This teaching seems to suggest that Jesus’ death was not enough. As appealing as Catholicism is to me, this one teaching is what keeps me from becoming Catholic. I have been studying this and studying and watching every video I can on the topic and I just can’t get on board with a teaching that seems to minimize the sacrifice of Christ as not quite enough.
@DivineMercy_Official 2 года назад
Thank you and we appreciate your comment but unfortunately you have quite a misunderstanding of what Catholic teaching is. Nobody puts more emphasis on the one sacrifice of Christ than the Catholic faith. That is actually what the Catholic Mass is all about. And we are not recreating the sacrifice... we are present at Calvary as Christ made the one sacrifice.... that is what the Greek word anamnesis means and is taught by the Catholic Church. God bless you and keeping you in prayer.
@sharoncurulla9803 4 года назад
Wow! God bless YOU, Father - tremendous insights! Thank you!
@immaculatelum5102 2 года назад
God bless your ministry father sir, God bless you
@mmonicavaldez9236 4 года назад
Using your words Father Chris, powerful stuff! Thank you and God Bless YOU!
@DivineMercy_Official 4 года назад
Lol.... yes, I do say that often because our Faith is so powerful! :)
@pennypiper7382 4 года назад
Best explanation on purgatory. Thank you Father,👍❤️🙏
@DivineMercy_Official 4 года назад
@@pennypiper7382 Thank you Penny and God bless you :)
@youtubegirl149 4 года назад
I thank Jesus for purgatory, but I pray that I bypass it!! 😇
@marciawelch7936 3 года назад
@@rosemaryjones9464 @a
@sunshine-xy3nr 4 года назад
Fr. Cris, i do believe in Purgatory because St. Faustina explained about it when Jesus took her spirit in Heaven, Purgatory and hell. It is true about purgatory.
@DivineMercy_Official 4 года назад
Yes, it is Catholic Church teaching. God bless.
@genevievebarcenasmatahumramile 2 года назад
Thank you father, this opened my eyes. My husband died 4 months ago bec of covid. I always pray for his soul father. Pls help me to pray his soul. He was not able to go to confession. Pls give me light on this.
@DivineMercy_Official 2 года назад
Prayers for him
@genevievebarcenasmatahumramile 2 года назад
@@DivineMercy_Official thank youvery much. I appreciate it.
@jerrym.3083 2 года назад
Our passed loved ones can hear our prayers.
@gloriamaddock8 3 года назад
Awww. I’m only now watching your dissertation on purgatory. What an inspiration to get myself to confession. I went to Catholic school and had forgotten much of what I learned or didn’t learn. Thank you. God bless. Look forward to seeing you in heaven one day!!
@DivineMercy_Official 3 года назад
Wow that is awesome Gloria. God bless you for responding to God's grace!
@ladangharimau5712 Год назад
Father Chris Alar thank you for your insight and inspiration in details for: Why Purgatory Must Exist.
@mariafefuentes2580 4 года назад
Thanks Father Cris, God bless🙏
@karengallie9783 Год назад
Thank ypu Father
@AnnOminis 4 года назад
Thank you Father Alar. You are such an amazing teacher. I look forward to all of your talks and I do share them and recommend them to my loved ones. The part about Halloween was awesome. I was always confused about that. My mother passed away on Halloween in 1996. I dont think its creepy anymore, but it was quite special. I need to get busy praying for her soul and my other loved ones. Thank you so much. God bless you!
@DivineMercy_Official 4 года назад
Thank you so much Francine... God bless you too and thank you for sharing these talks.
@evakijek5756 2 года назад
My mother as well died on Halloween 🎃 🙏🏻 hate Halloween
@teresalutaung5764 10 месяцев назад
❤Amen.Thank you Fr.
@gloria2589 4 года назад
Thank you for this blessing.
@dorothymccrory9561 7 месяцев назад
Adding to that this is when especially when I’m watching the podcast of the Priest, such as issue when listening to the operations and in church and adding to that, it’s an awesome feeling because I was always told when this happens it’s because I have the Holy Spirit with me❤
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