
Why Some of us Struggle to Enjoy Gaming 

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This is a bit of a personal video for me because it's an issue I struggle with a lot. I know it's an overdone topic on youtube but I wanted to add to the pile of videos on the subject to see if maybe I could reach an answer in the process.
Sorry for the couple of moments with audio glitches, my microphone is on its way out so I did the best I could. I'll work on it some more for next video!
I hope my take on the subject helps at least some of you out - or heck, that some of you can help me out with new ideas I haven't considered yet.
I also apologize if I mispronounced anything, I'm not a native speaker :')
Catch me on twitch: / prismer
Catch me on twitter for news on other videos and random musings: / przmer
#videoessay #gaming #burnout




7 июл 2023




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@KingOfNebbishes 11 месяцев назад
I mean, I'm in my 50's and I still haven't grown up, but I struggle to play games. I think a large part of it is that games have gotten longer and longer. When I was playing RTS's and turn based strategy games, you could sit down and finish a game in a few hours. Now I play Paradox games, and while they're great, games can take 50 or more hours to finish with no clear breaks or time to slow down. Multiplayer games are even worse, because now unlocking things in a game is tied to a money investment as WELL as a time investment, which makes me feel forced to grind if I want to get my perceived value out of them. I don't want my game to be a job, or else it starts to feel like a job, and I'm never excited by going to work. Now that I think about it, a second part of it is not having close friends around to hang with, which makes everything easier. Time flew when I was playing Everquest in my 20's, not because my perception of time was different, but because I was always talking to a friend in the game. Now I game in silence, with no one around, and I feel disconnected. Most games don't have a friend component anymore, even the multiplayer ones, because communities in the big multiplayer games are sinkholes of toxicity. I wish I had a solution, because I'm tired.
@prezmer 11 месяцев назад
Paradox games are in a league of their own. I've always wanted to get into them but failed at every attempt. I even gained stellaris for free from a contest of theirs, and ended up bouncing off hard. Perhaps one day I'll manage to play them as much as you do! Regarding friends and multiplayer games... I wish I had an answer to give you, mate... I really do. But I'm still looking for it myself, which is part of the reason why I made this video. I'm still in my late 20s and I already feel like I just don't have the energy for huge friend groups, and the one I had that often gamed together moved on to other things. As a consequence I just never play anything online, except with my girlfriend in co-op games. But if I do find a solution, a way for us to not feel isolated, I'll come back to this very comment and let you know. Thank you so much for sharing your experience with me!
@cosmicsvids 5 месяцев назад
@@prezmer I think the problem Is story if im not interested in the story of a game then there's less movation to beat it. This is why i prefer linear games as they are usually way more story based then open world. I prefer games that are like a book you keep playing to find out what happens not just to beat the game. The more story that's in a game the more i enjoy it. I was getting bored of pokemon because now basically nothing happens in the story they shoved it all in the end that's just a big downside of open world.
@Sumikrios 11 месяцев назад
For me personally, "I grew up" is about half of it. As I got older and played more games at some point, games became less about just having a good time but rather trying to be the best or the strongest. I'd give anything to go back to the bo1/bo2 days. Another thing is friends. I have gone from having 8-10 people in a vc every day to 1 or 2 every other week, as time goes on its inevitable that people you once knew will go off to college or get a grueling job that leaves them too exhausted to get on and talk or in some unfortunate cases, experience tragedies or medical problems leaving them unable to get on anymore. My advice at the end of the day is to not prioritize games over life and to just stop looking for an experience you had a decade or more ago and make a new experience instead.
@prezmer 11 месяцев назад
Yeah, that's a great advice. A lot of us fall into the trap of trying to recapture whatever feelings and experiences we had a decade or so ago because, to us, it was a better, perhaps simpler, time. And it's true: as you said, I, too, would love to return to those bo1/2 days. But what few realize (and I often forget too, so your comment was very valuable to me) is that our lives are forever changing, and we can't go back to those times because we are intrinsically not the same people as we were back then. So the best is, indeed, to "let go" and just build something new. Thank you for the thoughtful comment!
@lerdog 5 месяцев назад
This vid really spoke to me. Thank you!
@donjonmaister 11 месяцев назад
6:17 Hit the nail in the coffin. This is the exact reason why I don't play video games as much anymore.
@prezmer 11 месяцев назад
I'm sorry to hear that... it's really sad that we live in a society where we feel guilty for not always doing something productive (even though technically speaking, relaxing helps our productivity). And getting over this problem is... not easy, to say the least.
@hereforthelolz327 11 месяцев назад
tbh one of the biggest issues i saw with modern gaming was always a mix of 2 things. 1 being game studios releasing things wayyyyy before they are ever ready to be played by the general public. and 2 increasingly toxic multiplayer communities. used to be a time if a player was better then you you either got your game up and turned the tables to get better or you just leave it. now you got DDOS attacks and even mfers that will actually attempt to hack your account all because they got their booty clapped. no one wants to play games when those become the norm for a persons options unless they decide to buy older game titles.
@prezmer 11 месяцев назад
Yeah, fair points. I often hear people say they put off playing new titles because it's just going to have a discounted definitive edition in a couple of years. And in some cases (cyberpunk, no man's sky...) early adopters almost feel like glorified beta testers due to the glitches. And don't even get me started on the hack stuff - that "wiggle that killed tarkov" video was depressing to watch as it showcases really well how widespread this issue can be. Nowadays I, too, avoid multiplayer titles... which is a shame considering how much fun I used to have with them back in the day.
@cosmicsvids 5 месяцев назад
@@prezmer That and games are too long nowdays when i was playing botw it felt like i was just wasting time and not making any progress.
@boomdoom2596 11 месяцев назад
I had spent a couple of months doing exactly that, doom scrolling on Reddit lol, (ngl kinda feel called out lol,) TL;DR My method is to cross off games based on why I don’t wanna play em atm (such as what your in/not-in the mood for), then choose one out of your now shortened list and try to force yourself in there. If after playing for roughly an hour you feel no joy try switching up the game, (heck, switch up the console even, pull out your old PSVITA and hide under your blanket for nostalgia or Xbox360 Kinect and get a little pump going.) Although it’s weird trying to force yourself to have fun it works personally and may work for you, who knows? It certainly wouldn’t hurt to try. I’ve found if I just take 10 minutes to go through my list of available games and tick them off based on reasons I don’t want to play em atm, it gets me a little more excited to play whatever I choose. And if I’m not enjoying my self, either 1. I need to force my self to stay there cuz we haven’t gotten to that “enjoyable stage” yet, or 2. I chose the wrong game for my current mood and need to go back to my list, (also friends are of course a factor, but that’s different for everyone, so I’m gonna ignore that for now.) But in the end I find if I force myself to enjoy and try to immerse myself I eventually start to enjoy the game again and may even look forward to playing it next time. For instance I bought “outer worlds”, and yeah, I’m aware they’re made by the same company, but, it just seemed like I was restarting a game of fallout, bland, already done into the ground (personal opinion there, I’m an avid FO76 player. Not saying the franchise sucks or anything). But I forced myself and picked it up anyway about a month ago and have been enjoying it in small doses. I have the cartridge in my switch till I finish it at least so I’m more enticed to open it up and when I do, I either remember whatever whackadoodle thing I was doing and try to continue that or just follow the quest instructions. Doing either eventually sucks me in and I end up having a pretty good time. Sorry for the long rabble I just typed, just wanting to try and help anyone who may need it. Hope you yourself had a relaxing weekend.
@prezmer 11 месяцев назад
Those are actually solid tips, thank you! I've tried organizing games into a "want to play eventually" pile but that didn't get me anywhere. Never thought about going through it and eliminating stuff based on my current mood though, that seems like a great idea! I might also just dig up my GBA after reading your comment, I love the idea of hiding under my blanket for nostalgia hehe. As for forcing myself, that's the one thing I try every so often but it's a struggle. Somehow I just forget how to even do that, like my body fights me with all its might, you know? At this point I genuinely think it's a bit of what I said in the video, life circumstances making me feel guilty about having fun. But I'm about to change my life circumstances too so who knows, maybe that issue will be fixed that way! Never apologize for writing a lot
@simplysmiley4670 11 месяцев назад
Yup. Pretty much. Forcing myself to play the games I had left untouched in my steam library or on the shelf did help me find at the very least _some_ fun. And in few cases it helped me learn to love some games I hated before, like Darkest Dungeon, which I had left untouched in my steam library for a looong time and only recently started playing it because I had nothing better to do, only to find out it was actually a pretty damn good game.
@prezmer 11 месяцев назад
@@simplysmiley4670 Can you believe Dark Souls was like that for me? Hah. I tried to get into it 3 times over the years and could not for the life of me figure out why people loved it so much. Then some 5 years back I tried one last time because why not and it just clicked. I love the soulsborne games now. Funny how things work isn't it?
@thelegendofxander 11 месяцев назад
The worst thing about the content creation aspect of it is when I have a cool idea for an essay or something like that, when I finally get to the editing stage my brain just slides right off it. Editing can be fun sometimes but so much of it is a fuckin SLOG.
@prezmer 11 месяцев назад
I feel you... but honestly the editing just bothers me due to how long it takes. The main thing that actually stops me is the script, which is weird because I really enjoy writing. I guess something just stops me from actually STARTING the whole process, you know? And I keep doubting every word I've written down and wondering if I'm actually saying something significant. While editing can be boring at least it doesn't make me freeze in fear of screwing up ): Even this video took massive willpower to actually publish, as I just had to ignore this nagging feeling that all I had to say was pointless
@Moonsong227 3 месяца назад
When I think about my backlog, not just of games but of hobbies, I think about how I've reframed everything as "i have the rest of my life to enjoy this thing, and it will technically never stop being relevant once it exists". In that way, I'm excited that I have so many things to fill my life with going forward so I'm not thinking I only enjoyed the world or met people or met new things when I was young. That being said, I've built this mindset as a direct result of streaming/binging/twitter culture. I didn't like how all the talk about a subject happened for one week, all at once, and not even very analytically. I'm not very vulnerable to fomo about random pop culture things that didn't interest me in the first place, and I don't want to become vulnerable to it later. But now games are in that category of 'everyone will be talking about it on twitter/at work so if I don't devour this thing now I'll never have socializing'. I think it very much doesn't help. Getting one new game a year to make a holiday special and make that game special is more than enough for me to chew through, and a game is never 'done' to me. But if you don't get and play the 70$ game NOW you won't get any cool side material or mindless chatting with other people. :/
@Moonsong227 3 месяца назад
Gaming feels lonely in the playthrough and yet required to socialize, like watching the newest marvel Thing
@prezmer 3 месяца назад
@@Moonsong227 Fully agree with all you said. One example I want to highlight is games that have multiplayer aspects to them - most are only active when the game comes out. Take too long to get into it, and good luck finding other players. And I'm not even just talking about standard multiplayer modes either, I'm talking co-op and modes incorporated into the game too. Watch_Dogs for example, for as many faults as the series has, brought me a great experience in invading people's worlds and playing hide and seek. If I were to start now, I'm pretty sure I'd not be able to find people, or be invaded myself. Missing out on cool in game content, or even as you said outside discussion, is what gets me. And you're right, it really doesn't help the fomo.
@simplysmiley4670 11 месяцев назад
Doesn't really help that fresh releases feel like unbaked slop thrown out of the oven to please investors rather then something made to be enjoyed by the players. Slap a perfectly tested and tip top microtransactions store into the game and you got yourself a modern triple A standard, or what feels like it. These aren't games anymore (mostly), but products made to rank up the profits of some company. There's rarely ever any real passion put into a game or care to make the game at the very least _work._ Dusting off older games that were lying somewhere in your attic to go for a trip down the memory lane can help, sometimes, but sometimes makes things worse as the games you remembered being fun, just aren't anymore. Then there's ocean of indie games, some of which is trash, some of which is amazing, some of which is just _meh._
@prezmer 11 месяцев назад
I've held off on buying Diablo 4, a game which I was actually excited for (a rare feeling nowadays), precisely due to the microtransaction bs. A 70 dollar game with a battle pass that you have to re-buy every few months? Pass. Waiting to see if we can at least earn the currency required for the next pass within our current one to even consider buying the game again. And yeah, confronting your nostalgia is a double edged sword. Sometimes you relive those glory days you had as a kid/teen and sometimes you just... find out you had terrible taste and walk away feeling even worse lmao. Nowadays, indie games really are mostly where it's at... provided you curate your picks well. Recently have enjoyed Dave the Diver, and looking at Noob - The Factionless!
@foxplays_ 11 месяцев назад
Where you will be in 5 years? Castle Przmer in Brazil
@prezmer 11 месяцев назад
@roastedchicken7254 11 месяцев назад
I miss the call of duty days ;_;
@prezmer 11 месяцев назад
RIGHT?! Every so often I buy the newest COD but it just feels so... pointless, I guess? It's not even that I'm bad at the game, I'm still alright as I never stopped FPS-ing. It just doesn't feel the same as it did back then in the black ops/OG modern warfare days. Conversely though, teens nowadays probably will have the same nostalgia I currently have 10 years from now, except for the COD titles I currently struggle to enjoy. It's obvious that our age and life impacts our experiences (not just with gaming, but with everything), but it's still quite crazy to see real examples of that.
@MichaelDavila72 11 месяцев назад
Theirs not enough time to enjoy a game anymore. And if you dont have ac u usuay just lay there miserable. Unless you have all the time and ac ur prolly just jaded
@prezmer 11 месяцев назад
Hahahah I wish I had all the time. I genuinely don't think 24 hours in a day is enough anymore
@cosmicsvids 5 месяцев назад
@@prezmer problem is games are too long nowadays which is why i prefer shorter games you can beat in like 20 hours with out speed running them. Then just move on to another game then playing the same game for over 100 hours and getting bored of it. This is why i liked the ds had shorter and simpler games you can beat in like 20 hours.
@Labyrinth6000 11 месяцев назад
I truly think the reason why is because you're not managing your own life right by chronically procrastinating on your responsibilities (job, family, bills, health, etc), in other words, it's more your fault and not the games themselves. Video games are not meant to fix the problems in your life that are constantly making you miserable because at the end of the day, when you finish gaming, you still have those responsibilities you been pushed back that are still there. There are TONS of games that do not have microtransactions that are still plenty fun already on their own and more on the players mentality on how they feel playing them. How do you explain some bad games that are still enjoyed by memers as well as great games that some people still feel empty playing them. Too many people are looking forward to the endless hype of that ONE game that will "change the world", "be the next Skyrim", or "fix my life problems" from developers that cannot possibly meet these high expectations, only to be completely disappointed with the results. Personally, I have 340 games in my Steam library and I usually like to focus on a handful of games to finish at a time, but even than, focusing on only those handful of games makes it feel more like a chore to game rather than fun. Play OTHER games you havent played in awhile, it worked with me!
@prezmer 11 месяцев назад
Exactly. That's why I didn't actually provide much help in the video, and specifically mentioned the problem might just be with us. It varies from person to person of course, but for me, it's absolutely a case of being unhappy with life, being unable to do as much as expected of me in a toxic work environment, then guilt tripping myself over attempting to have fun when I'm "failing" my responsibilities (even if it's too much for any one person to handle to begin with, in some cases). This is also why starting youtube helped me in the sense that gaming became a responsibility too, and thus I didn't feel guilty for focusing on it. It's a really backwards logic that only works on a perceived flawed life but ah well. This is why this subject is so tough. If the problem is with your life, how can anyone else tell you how to effectively tackle it? There are tons of hints, sure, and they may work... but I feel like the root of the problem needs to be faced, else any fixes will be temporary. This is why I chose to make this video, even though so many videos on the subject already exist. I felt like I had to add this to the discussion, because it's not being said enough. Also could not agree more on hoping for a game to be THE ONE to distract you, fix your problems, etc. In fact, this extends beyond gaming. We're all hoping for that magical solution to save us when we fail to realize we're supposed to be saving ourselves. I'm glad you managed to abandon this trap and go to your other games though! I'm in that process myself. I used to be great at it (as you can see from the many random indie games I showcased in this channel) but more and more I started being plagued by this issue I raised in the video. I can confirm though yours is a great idea. There's a lot of stuff out there that will make you feel all sorts of things, so it's pointless to wait for THE ONE.
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