
Why Store 500 Million Credits in the Middle of Nowhere? 

Generation Tech
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@GenerationTech Год назад
A lot of sharp eyed viewers are noticing the discrepancies between star-fighter prices vs real life fighter prices. So we're going to explain where this is occurring, that video will be up this Sunday 10/23 so subscribe and stay tuned for that
@theothertonydutch Год назад
@paladin danse You can't have a decentralized empire without a capital based on plundering and terror. Unless you're the mongols.
@fangslore9988 Год назад
80 million can supply the rebellion with hundreds of factory fresh T-65 X-wing snub fighters as well as the T-65-b X-wing and other specialized versions if Mon Mothma can move vast sums of credits to the rebellion though unofficial channels which may take a lot of doing
@nofuxgivens2797 Год назад
How often do imperials get to spend their 'money' I would also assume the Empire issues fiat currency. When you can gangster every resource for the Empire you can easily manipulate currency. Evidence is shown post Empire in The Mandalorian during payouts and contract negotiations. While Beskar is valued by Mandos above all for their culture its also one of the most rare and valuable resources. Moff Gideon being in charge of most of the black ops programs was able to sustain Empire Control in his domain through vast holdings of beskar
@fangslore9988 Год назад
@@nofuxgivens2797 well beskar also happens to be crazy expensive because of how hard it is to mine outside of Mandalorian controlled worlds. currently no one has successfully mined it because of the sheer rarity and difficulty to mine. those small beskar tiles would have probably been valued hundreds of millions of credits per tile which shows how much the remnant forces were trying to obtain Grogu
@nofuxgivens2797 Год назад
@@fangslore9988 moff Gideon purged mandalore and it's moon of mandalorians and their beskar. There is no more mining of the ore. In current cannon to my understanding the only beskar available is worn as armor, wielded in weapons and the rest is traded/horded as a precious ore
@Philip-1 Год назад
It mainly comes down to what Vel said in episode 4: "Aldhani has the unfortunate quality of being close to nothing and not very far from everything." "It's the perfect hub for distribution if one were trying to take over the galaxy."
@baronjutter Год назад
Yeah there's a reason why there's random massive distribution hubs and intermodal facilities in seemingly middle of nowhere tiny rural towns, it's all about geography. It's also about land prices and general costs as well.
@jon6309 Год назад
Similar to my home state Hawaii.
@fangslore9988 Год назад
i'd be interesting if the money that was stored there would also be intended to be shipped off to Kuat Drive Yards to pay for the deathstar project since there may be other worlds like it in the sector and its perfect for off the books funds to Kuat Drive Yards to pay for the construction of the death star
@davethepak Год назад
Yeah, this was covered in the show - its not a horde for a project - it is the payroll for a huge area. Sounds like it was in a good place to distribute credits to playces that don't have the necessary banks or other financial infrastructure - troops and officers etc. in an outer rim area etc. No big mystery.
@fangslore9988 Год назад
@@davethepak idk it seems like that 500 mil crdits is gorse underpaying especially since you need to cover the wags of storm troopers and local ISD officers as well as the people in the garrison, storm troopers at Alkenzi would be making 1500 a week so the math doesnt exactly line up
@theblimeypilgrim4492 Год назад
Honestly y'all, that 500 mil is probably just the equivalent of a cash cage at any theater HQ in reality. It's their "at had" discretionary fund to cover unexpected expenses, TDYs, funds transfers, etc.
@baronjutter Год назад
Given the prices of hyperspace capable fighters being only in the hundred thousand range, and massive capital ships in the millions, I don't at all buy the 1 credit = 1 usd conversion. I'd imagine a single credit would be more like 100, or more. Then again just the general balance of relative prices might be so alien to what we're used to. Basic costs of living and personal items seem to be extremely inflated compared to the prices of cutting age spaceships. But this is often a big problem with any sort of fantasy universe, they don't get an economist in to audit the prices listed for things because it's not really the focus of the writing.
@fangslore9988 Год назад
i would say there would have been more then 500 mil there, they only unloaded 2 racks and there maybe 1 or 2 racks and it looked like there was 6 racks on racks per wall, the vault looked small so i would suspect there were other vaullt and as far as we know that base is in the middle of nowhere as Alen said, Kuat Drive Yards deathstar project would be a likely place the money was intending to be sent especially since the empire needed to make sure the credits sent to Kuat Drive Yards could not be traced to the emperor if the project ever became public
@jimbojackson9975 Год назад
Like petty cash.
@fangslore9988 Год назад
@@jimbojackson9975 petty cash is an understatement, 500 million isnt enough to pay for the ground crew, the 37,000 crewmen 9,235 officers and 9,700 storm troopers on board a standard ISD that would be patrolling the system. 500 million is probably a week's wage not a quarterly pay and it would make more sense to keep that kind of money on an ISD not on a planet
@bennygerow Год назад
"It was the quarterly pay for the entire sector"
@Alex-lc1bv Год назад
3:10 Those carts definitley had wheels. You could see them clearly in a couple shots as well as hear them squeaking.
@gorrarota Год назад
hidde the founding of the lethal weapon the emperor was building, the senate never knew the construction of the Death Star not even the rebels who knew about it until it was almost finished, they had the idea of the empire was building something big, that lead us to the events on Rogue One.
@nxcrobutcher Год назад
to be fair on the officer who had a heart attack, its probably less about the manual labor and more about the immense stress knowing his wife and child are currently being held at gunpoint by criminals who have already killed numerous people in front of him
@imperialpatriot6693 Год назад
And his most trusted officer being in on it the entire time.
@cadenvanvalkenburg6718 Год назад
@@imperialpatriot6693 yeah literally everything in his life was collapsing and even if he survived he was going from high hopes for the future to almost certain to be executed
@mathiasbartl903 Год назад
The Empire will remember him.
@theGodfather5870 Год назад
That too, but I legit had to drive a friend to the emergency room who was a Marine for a long while and spent just 3 or 4 years sedentary before having to shift on a dime to intensive farm work. Sedentary life builds clots and plaque in blood, then immediate and hard physical labor shakes it all directly to blockage if not eased into it.
@twilight_lupinesilva4691 Год назад
I doubt he cared about them that much.
@Sweber1983 Год назад
They answered that question in the show: it was the quarterly payroll for the quadrant. Outside of lore, it’s a callback to old western Robert movies where the hero robs the Pinkerton Detective payroll to give back to the farmers and ranchers whose land is being seized by the railroad.
@jenytails Год назад
do they pay their employees with their equivalent of cash? i thought they wouldve had sum sort of electronic payment or currency
@Krusesensei Год назад
soo... they have 10k-20k people on the payroll. The CITY of Singapore has an army of 50k (excluding adminstration etc)
@watcherzero5256 Год назад
@@jenytails It seems to be a combination of both, physical coins with unique numbers that can be used digitally. Probably useful in an interplanetary society that you can transfer money without having to physically move it between star systems while it can also be spent in places that lack the infrastructure for galactic banking. I believe the credit has a chip which stores its value and so you can add or subtract money from the coin if you have a galactic terminal.
@jenytails Год назад
@@watcherzero5256 so that would make them credit cards?
@jenytails Год назад
@Censored Opinions 👍
@Obiwan7100 Год назад
It is mentioned in legends that the Empire spent quintillions on military research and also the richest man in the galaxy who was canonized in the canon named Bohhuan Mutdha has a fortune of hundreds of trillions of credits.
@Krusesensei Год назад
25.000 SD * 50k Crew for each * yearly pay of ~20.000 cr = 25 trillion 80 million is laughable. You can pay 1 StarDestroyer crew for
@papalaz4444244 Год назад
@@Krusesensei This is why interstellar warfare is nearly impossible. How many inhabited worlds are within the Empire? 70 million colonies. If you had seventy million star destroyers that is only one per system. That's why the Death Star could potentially work simply as a threat. The 70 million Star Destroyers would need BILLIONS of trained crew.
@jon6309 Год назад
Not surprising when an economic scale is taken on a galactic level with many planets that host diverse populations that accepts or agrees to an economic unit that measures value in the form of credits. Our population on Earth does not even measure up to the population levels of the Star Wars galaxy. Coruscant alone had a population in the trillions so it’s not difficult for beings to accumulate trillions of credits if they were able to profit one credit from each citizen on Coruscant alone. In fact I wonder how lottery payouts were like in those situations since trillions of beings can participate and chip in to large jackpots.
@jon6309 Год назад
@@Krusesensei it’s possible the money was only used to cover the payrolls of nearby sectors. I agree that the amount is too small to cover the payrolls of the entire Imperial operation.
@Krusesensei Год назад
@@jon6309 you can pay~ 20k people with that money. The CITYSTATE of Singapore has an army of 50k... If cause that money is only for the pay of the neighbouring planets. But.. Also then it's a absurd small amount
@rexlumontad5644 Год назад
Banking Clan: "And we took it personally."
@WolfeSaber9933 Год назад
If they still exist
@yaujj65 Год назад
@@WolfeSaber9933 They do, just under the Imperial jurisdiction. At least in Legends.
@LakesideTrey Год назад
In the clone wars Palpatine Nationalized them
@Doofing_Cookies Год назад
Hell yes
@jamesricker3997 Год назад
The Empire did not want to leave Financial records for pay for that sector They were trying to hide something the size of a small Moon
@austinsmith538 Год назад
Alright to be fair to the imperil guy in charge of the base, the heart attack wasn't just caused by his weight and the work he did. He was under immense stress as the rebels were threatening to kill him and his family, which probably made his chances of a heart attack much worse.
@joserubenrodriguezfuentes Год назад
The Empire never Thought about Digital Cash Blockchain Technology xd :P
@ohkaygoplay Год назад
The pinpoint nature, intimate connection with the characters, the slow burn which lets you gain a history and investment, and tiny details of this show, the writing, the direction choice, and the acting are why I love this show so much. This is one I may go back and watch again.
@jasonh5635 Год назад
It is possible that the navy has its own separate payroll system given its mobility. Maybe this was just for planet side personnel in the sector?
@superdave8248 Год назад
Having served in a forward deployed naval ship, I can honestly say that yes, the ship kept alot of cash on board. I have no idea how much. And yes, this cash was specifically intended for unexpected expenses where cash had to be used in the transaction as well as cashing checks for crew members on board. But this hoard isn't for that purpose. It is most likely an emergency cash reserve.
@lerneanlion Год назад
When you mentioned the phantom armies, Alan, I think that can also be used for other purposes such as exaggerating the rates of the deaths when an attack happened. Can you imagine the Rebels found out of this corruption and exploited by making it looked like a lot of Imperial troops died in one attack to the point that it caused chaos among the Imperial ranks?
@vincenthernandez1646 Год назад
A very interesting idea.
@WardenWolf Год назад
The problem is the Empire had a near complete control on the flow of information. They completely controlled the holonet, which was the sole means of realtime intersystem communication, and only authorized entities were allowed to use it. As a result, the only way for unfiltered news to flow was via word of mouth from visiting ships. Basically, virtually no matter how big a defeat you inflict on the Empire, real or imagined, that information isn't reaching the Imperial troops who are safely sequestered away on starships and bases and only receive the news the Empire wants them to receive. It's virtually impossible to demoralize the Imperial ranks when they are kept completely unaware of losses in most cases. A person may become aware of the loss of a Star Destroyer if they were present for its destruction or someone they personally knew was on it, but otherwise the news would never reach them. Of course, towards the end it became increasingly impossible to hide that they were taking massive losses and losing, but at least up until Endor they were very capable of hiding their defeats.
@lerneanlion Год назад
@@WardenWolf And that is the point. When they heard of these unknown defeats, how much demoralized they will be? Or is it going to ended up fueling them with vengeance instead?
@eddapultstab2078 Год назад
It would be a great avenue for psyops. The empire may control the media and thus the information but reports still need to be made, by picking targets who will over exaggerate damages to get more funding, the rebels can hit them again and aquire the swag. I can totally see an imperial officer reporting falsely that a gozante or two was destroyed and asked for replacements and two old and the additional new ships get swiped because the officer was incompetent and did not resolve the security problem.
@lerneanlion Год назад
@@eddapultstab2078 I agreed. The survivors needed to report what happened. But this also depending on whoever in charge as well. The trick is, however, to keep the leader alive. If the leader died, it will be up to the interim leader to make that report. If the interim leader wanted more money and power, there will be exaggeration for sure. The other option is that the Rebels can disguised themselves as Imperial officers after an attack and falsify the information to scare the heck out of the other Imperials as well.
@MolnarG007 Год назад
It would be logical for me to use digital credit sticks most of the time, if so these gold covered chips would only needed on non imperial worlds and backwater worlds not part of the galactic bank systems, and troops garrisons at those locations. Your thoughts?
@DemiurgeDarkfire Год назад
they literally explain it in the episode. they said aldhani is a distribution point and close enough to other secotors to deliver the credits more quickly
@superdave8248 Год назад
This is Star Wars. You notice how many fighters have restrooms? No, you can travel to Tattooine in the time it takes to watch a movie. Speed in this case isn't a factor.
@TheGamingSyndrom Год назад
@@superdave8248 Yes it is? TIE fighters have no toilets because they are always in operational reach of a base or star destroyer. besides, i think we havent seen any toiletts theres a huge difference traveling with a type 2 or a type 0.5 hyperdrive crossing the galaxy could take days ot even weeks
@fnunez Год назад
As you said, 500M is not that much when you're dealing with entire star systems. It is possible that Aldhani is one of the rim systems and the reason the money is there is just because as small as it is, the Aldhani base is the biggest one in the entire quadrant. The rebel cell must have figured out they just don't have the time needed to steal a lot of money, so they picked Aldhani precisely because it is small and out of the way, making it easier to hit.
@rexlumontad5644 Год назад
500 million credits would give the growing Rebel Alliance a bit of a headstart to buy some weapons, vehicles and equipment along with maintaining basic supply and logistics.
@Obiwan7100 Год назад
With that money it would be possible to buy more than 2,800 A-wings or even 4 Mon Calamari Star Cruisers
@kurtwinter4422 Год назад
You're thinking like a consumer. Vast wealth doesn't get spent to buy things, its a tool to make life more difficult for consumers. Buy the factory the thing you want is made. Shut it down after you get yours.
I feel like it isn't the money, it is the publicity
@garavin Год назад
Yes. Undoubtedly a lot of money to a nascent rebellion, but basically pocket lint for the Empire.
@Y2Kr4SHM4N Год назад
@@kurtwinter4422 Don’t worry, you might just get what you wish for. Agenda 2030. A Great Reset: You’ll own nothing and be (un) happy.)
@danamoore1788 Год назад
Question for Alan. Was that the only vault? Because if it was just one of several, then the amount would be higher and it is disbursing for much more for the fleet.
@johnpk5831 Год назад
When they first talked about a payroll heist, I was thinking something like the Serenity payroll heist not partially robbing Fort Knox.
@garavin Год назад
Me too. That heist had a lot of the same feel as the Serenity episode.
@justindunlap1235 Год назад
Or an old western movie where they are going to rob the train carrying payroll for the army personnel in the area.
@jeffengel2607 Год назад
The commandant's heart attack could have been from stress/terror as much as physical labor. He was under threat of death, and if he didn't die from the rebels, his superiors would treat him so much _worse_. Hell, if he could WILL himself dead at that point, it may've been his happiest plausible ending.
@Don_Dilla Год назад
Almost like he willed a cyanide pill - reminding you of other factions in history 🤯
@christophernemeth421 Год назад
His family was also under threat of being killed as well. Also, the Empire needed bodies to run everything. If the commandant was suffering from a heart condition that could explain why he was assigned to low stress base
@user-po8ri5pq9g Год назад
Lol, that is quite possible
@chrisdobson4597 Год назад
I love generation tech but haven't watched much of the channel recently. Back into watching every video. Andor is saving star wars. Boba Fett and Obi Wan were just awful
@Raygo. Год назад
Great analysis, fascinating and entertaining as always Alan. What strikes me though is how a story can start to fall apart if we look into the internal logic too deeply. I mean I wouldn't have expected a galaxy spanning civilization to be relying on vaults full of metal for a means of representing and exchanging wealth anyway. Even in our own time, hard cash is used less and less. There's places like Fort Knox full of vast amounts of gold to back it all up I suppose, but it's not even conceivable that a band of robbers could pull off a heist there or any similar location.
@darwinskeeper421 Год назад
In spite of all the fancy whiz-bang elements like blasters and starships with some of the fastest interstellar drives in all of science fiction, the Star Wars franchise is full of retro elements. I wouldn't be surprised if the electronic transfer of money and credit/debit cards hasn't made it to the Galaxy Far Far Away. Another possibility is that if this level of banking exists, it may be restricted to the core worlds and that the businesses in the outer and possibly the mid rim aren't able or willing to deal with electronic money. A soldier or officer stationed in Aldhani's sector may need physical money if he or she wants to buy anything.
@Anerisian Год назад
Star Wars is basically set in the 1900s, plus/minus a few decades. It‘s retrofuturistic sci-fantasy, where almost everything is analogical to something that existed in a pulp version of history, including seances with ghost.
@Acekhan201 Год назад
That stuff looked way too light to be metal. A single gold ingot from FK is about 27 lbs. Oh, and FK is the home base for a large portion of America's heavy tank forces, not just the gold repository. A closer American analog to Aldani would probably be Anchorage, Alaska.
@garavin Год назад
@@Acekhan201 Although Imperial Credits are some kind of metal, I don't think the lore ever states what kind. For all we know, it's constructed like a penny-- some lightweight core metal that's clad with something shiny and expensive looking. I suspect that, like most modern paper money or coins, they represent an ability to make good on debts, rather than actual precious metals.
@papalaz4444244 Год назад
Cash is good on any planet with any tech level and anywhere in the galaxy. You don't need a bank account and it's untraceable. How would any bank be able to receive the telemetry of every transaction anywhere in the galaxy, in real time, accurately? It is also open to manipulation and fraud. Cash is universal.
@crueldragon0 Год назад
It’s also possible the rebels knew they’d only be able to take the equivalent of the quarterly pay of the sector. My theory here being that that vault is the liquid cash to buy everything the empire needs in that area including but not limited to just the payroll.
@axelrajr Год назад
I imagine that imperial ships don't need much in the way of cash payroll deliveries so you can probably mostly eliminate them for your estimates. this cash would likely be mainly for the ground facilities and the like that interacted with locals. when i was in the navy, basic needs underway were handled, the only stuff on the ship we needed money for were luxuries (snacks mainly). so for the most part, the ship acted as a closed system with cash just circulating between the stores and vending machines through the cash office and into the ATMs. only time we had volume was for liberty ports and large amounts of local currency and US dollars were brought aboard for those who needed the service.
@tqlla Год назад
Skeen underestimated the value of the sky crystal. its possible he is underestimating the value of the credits too.
@benkentucky4380 Год назад
It makes me wonder why part of the plan wasn't destroying what remains in the vault before leaving.
@SupaSillyThyme Год назад
thinking that aswell, especially when you consider thats like 3 more Star Destroyers, and sure the empire isn't gonna be hit to badly by that, but honestly why let them still have it?
@melancholymaids3032 Год назад
dumping millions of gallons of water down, flash flooding a valley, and killing all the villagers who live down there doesn’t seem worth destroying what is essentially a small outpost, maybe a power station max.
@SupaSillyThyme Год назад
@@melancholymaids3032 dumbass he means the credits
@benkentucky4380 Год назад
@@melancholymaids3032 oh wow, I meant just the vault. Like spike the remaining gold with some industrial chemicals from the base or at least collapse the vault room. Blow up the whole dam, that's ruthless.
@baronjutter Год назад
@@SupaSillyThyme The empire makes the credits. They just mint more, it costs them next to nothing. It could short term disrupt pay in the sector though leading to an uptick in disloyalty and grumbling staff. Destroying the money doesn't actually financially hurt the Empire though since the empire is in control of the money supply.
@enderlionheart4497 Год назад
I may have missed it in the series, but was 500M max capacity? Or was that just what they had on-hand at the time? As like Alan said, 500M on a galactic, or even sector scale really isn't that much at all. No doubt there's policies something like a bank where there needs to be a minimum amount maintained there at all times, and there was a LOT more room in that vault.
@KingCobraLolcow Год назад
They stored it there because no one expected it and it was a hub world where it would be easy to transfer the money.
@dekulruno Год назад
That's what I figured it may be a small world but it happens to be in the middle of the sector... and there's lots of imperials to pay, 500mil isn't that much when you're talking payroll for a corporation with hundreds of thousands of employees in a sector.
@superdave8248 Год назад
On a side note, the clone army went unnoticed for years. And was only discovered by the Jedi by accident. This was trillions of credits spent. And yet this expenditure went completely unnoticed. This was actually an issue I had with that storyline. It would be like Disney leaving off a line item or two on a quarterly report and then expecting the numbers to match at the end.
@L_egi Год назад
hey I Allan, I just want to say how much I love your content (and the entire team to not leave them out)
@johntorreto4485 Год назад
If your base is the prime logistical hub for the entire sector and has 500 million in cash.............. Don't EVER skimp on your security!!!!!! That base better be more fortified than Hoth
@HolyknightVader999 Год назад
Some bastard could buy ten Victory-II-class Star Destroyers with that money.
@MaxwellAerialPhotography Год назад
“Spend the empire’s entire quadrillion dollar defence budget, on fucking my shit.” -Geuce
@BobHerzog1962 Год назад
They tell us in the Episode. It is payroll money. The developers looked at real insurrections and thus at real Empires and occupying forces. Having the monthly / quarterly payroll brought in by a surprisingly little defended vessel and then stored at a surprisingly out of the way and not really well defended base until final distribution is something we see in real history a lot. And it comes down to logistics. You don't want to traffic or store the money in a hot area. But that is where you need your actual presence of military force to be. At the same time mere money is not as critical logistics as ammunition, food and so on. So you store it at a seemingly easy to hold position where no one expects it to be with an "adequate" force to guard it. Add in a vault deemed strong enough to hinder attempts to break in and your assumption of air and space superiority (so no one can escape anyways) and it is actually a sane spot to store the money. Unless someone is crazy enough to steal it in such a way that they can ditch you fighters. But that is impossible so why bother thinking about that.
@indigdoc Год назад
It's a great spot for a Logistics Hub. No one would look for money in such a non-descript place. Philip 6 hours ago It mainly comes down to what Vel said in episode 4: "Aldhani has the unfortunate quality of being close to nothing and not very far from everything." "It's the perfect hub for distribution if one were trying to take over the galaxy." 35 ▼
@Chisszaru Год назад
I wanted to be apart of Andors heist crew. I know Star Wars is a fictional thing, but still. I would help them empty up that entire vault and then join the Rebel Alliance, just because i want to, and because i want to fight
@Chisszaru Год назад
@@captainhydra4291 you're cringe? Good for you, Cringe-worthy shitbag
@dudewaldo4 Год назад
There are evil moneyed institutions in real life
@juliusbelisarius753 Год назад
keep up the good work. love your videos
@abrahamtomahawk Год назад
One of the great things about the location was that they filmed it in the Highlands of Scotland (the Cruachan dam is a real place). As a result, when Vel tells the story of the Aldhani people being cleared to the lowlands, she's pretty directly referring to the real Highland clearances that happened in these areas. I don't know for sure, but there's half a chance that the ruins you see where they are discussing it were where real people who were cleared from the land actually lived.
@dalailambda9420 Год назад
My friend was on the support crew when they were filming up at Loch Awe! It could also be an analogue for when the english moved in and set up garrisons everywhere to repress/control/harass/occasionally massacre everyone (there's actually an old military road about 2km south east of the dam, and all through the Highlands), if the ruins are round and higher up the hills then they're probably just sheilings, not steadings like a tigh dhu
@abrahamtomahawk Год назад
@@dalailambda9420 yeah, sheilings are more likely. I was working up a hill near Loch Awe at the time of filming and could see the Cruachan dam. Couldn't see any TIE fighters though.
@dalailambda9420 Год назад
@@abrahamtomahawk That's cool! My pal said that a leading actor or 2 (I don't know who exactly) were making demands that the A82 and A85 be widened so they could drive their big cars up more easily, diva demand's caught on camera is what I would've liked to see
@abrahamtomahawk Год назад
@@dalailambda9420 Good! Those bloody roads are terrible.
@honkgooster Год назад
I feel that 500 million credits would be better guarded. It still was guarded fine but I still would expect a little better for 500 MILLION. Though now that it was compared to how much people it would pay it doesn’t seem like near as much as before I finished this video.
@nxcrobutcher Год назад
it was pretty well guarded, the crew only managed to succeed because they had a high ranking insider and uniforms, and even then half the crew ended up dead
@Agherosh Год назад
The Empire is too proud and as said by the Rebels themselves, noone would dare do that shit.
@mawortz Год назад
if you thought having a single currency for so many different countries and economies in the EU was hard, imagine having a single currency for hundred of different planets and its not even digital XD
@jalpat2272 Год назад
Well digitalization of money ain't easy things on one planet let alone galaxy and some more independent (backward) planets have their own currency like mon cal and tattooine.
@xxCrapNamexx Год назад
Star Wars doesn't need ugly wookie nfts.
@SupaSillyThyme Год назад
actually it is
@dudewaldo4 Год назад
It's hard to suspend my disbelief honestly, there is no fucking way it wouldn't be primarily digital. Entire payroll for a GALAXY with heavy ass gold bars or whatever they are? Just ridiculous
@imperialpatriot6693 Год назад
Star Wars has been shown to have digital currency but in some places that is not preferable.
@purdunetae2995 Год назад
I would imagine most get paid by "direct deposit" into bank accounts. In low tech level areas I could see them paying some or maybe all of the pay in hard currency. They said this was the pay for the entire sector but that could be partial pay. They could opt to take a portion of their pay in direct deposit so family can access it and the rest in hard currency so they can by local services and items.
@rexlumontad5644 Год назад
1:37 They're going for a walk. A very enthusiastic walk.
@NinjaTyler Год назад
And killing homicidal vampire priests?
@tenn_ore Год назад
The fact that Allen is able to dissect this much information goes to show how deep the world building is. These videos are so awesome, they are one of the things I have on during the workday breaks.
@mgc936 Год назад
Best starwars RU-vid channel by commitment alone
@IsaacKuo Год назад
Jayhold literally says to his son, "You'll make an effort tonight if it kills you." No seriously. He said that. 12 minutes into the episode.
@OnBrandRP Год назад
I think the idea was that since it's in the middle of nowehere with decently high defense, the imperial intelligence probably assumed no one would look for 500 million credits in the literal middle of nowhere.
@Paul-vf2wl Год назад
Being in the middle of nowhere also makes it easy to track any getaway unless you have the cover of a rare atmospheric event to cover your getaway.
@ahsjile7273 Год назад
Love the costumes, wish I had one
@hemaccabe4292 Год назад
They said in the show, it was a good distribution point.
@jayhedgehog452 Год назад
Doing some math, the rebels got between 2-3 racks of credits. This works out to around 80 million. There were 5 bays a side, 2 racks to a bay. Assuming a rough total of ~40 million a rack, this brings as closer to a total of 800 Million credits. Not a massive jump, but that’s still the value of 2 Imperial-I Star Destroyers.
@Cwronaga216 Год назад
One thing I find interesting about the Star Wars universe is that even though the credit is worth about the same as a US dollar everything is considerably cheaper on the higher end. A military-grade Starfighter costs about the same as a high-end Supercar here on Earth but an Imperial Star Destroyer cost less than some of our military-grade Fighters. I think that has a lot to do with the fact that the technology of the Star Wars galaxy has made high-end military-grade Tech so common that it's like owning a sports car so the higher up you go in technological advancement the lower the price Gap gets. Based on prices in the Star Wars universe a single country here on Earth could fund a large portion of the Imperial War Machine. In the Star Wars Universe food and smaller Necessities may be around the same price but the larger more expensive things are actually relatively cheap by comparison making smaller pay for military personnel make decent sense because they don't actually need that much especially since based Necessities would be provided
@isaackim7675 Год назад
You can definitely how they don’t take security seriously enough given to how several of those officers were playing that version of Sabbacc or whatever that card game was
@fangslore9988 Год назад
i agree, the base looked as if they were trying to hide the credits not have it for public distribution which is probably why most of the base was under the water. and the base looked to be a simple garrison on the outside
@kimwelch4652 Год назад
Keep in mind that in a technological society most payments are electronic. Most of the fleet is probably paid by direct deposit into interplanetary banks. The physical credits seem more like the pallets of dollars the US shipped to Iraq during the war. These were used to pay locals, to pay bribes and to pay support costs where no international bank or technological linkages were available (i.e., to deal with backwater economics). It should be noted that a lot of those dollars went missing and unaccounted for. However, most large ships would have a small amount of cash on board to provide local banking for the crew at ports of call where no interplanetary banking communications were available so maybe some of it did go to the fleet in the local sector.
@ianonymous3524 Год назад
Yeah now there’s something they could do in Star Wars phantom armies. Wait were are all these troops you claim to have…. I have no doubt Putin wishes he could force choke some commanders. Another one might be have some imperial buy cheep repulser coils for his speeders, report for top of the line repulsers.
@ChiChiLand299 Год назад
Still believing that credits are probably still worth a lot more than dollars because being such a galactic scale economy $80 million dollars would be barely even noticeable Like compared to the trillions of dollars that the US government spends every year 80 million dollars would barely even be noticeable
@Zilmayjaink Год назад
What if what Luthen said wasn't true and is actually dirty money or something? Maybe money some high rank imperials secretly stole? And that's why it's oddly not greatly guarded and is physical currency behind just some simple metal bars
@fangslore9988 Год назад
its likely he didnt know the segnificance to the credits held on Aldhani. at this point in time they didnt even know that the empire was making a hyperspace capible moon sized battle station that has the ability to destroy planets being built by Kuat Drive Yards
@lnjunJoe Год назад
Be cool if Star Wars made a movie about the empires " room 39 " ( North Korean reference ) and how they got all the money to do what they r doin..
@itsachucky Год назад
I think the rebels were wrong about the vault being the quarterly pay. I think this was a cover for them stocking up resources for the death star project. The empire would need to siphon.off lots of money for that project.
@fangslore9988 Год назад
this is my suspicion too, there's just far too many credits and Aldhani isnt a large system, its mostly backwater with a human population who gave up their tech for a peaceful life for what an imperial garrison? they said that its too far from anything but close to everything which leads me to think Aldhani is just a stoping point for imperial funds, the Aldhani garrison base looks to be specifically built to hide the money rather then act as a secure holding area or to be a pay distribution point
@Philipp3022 Год назад
@@fangslore9988 if its considered its really just the quarterly pay reserves - and the planet like said isnt near anything relevant but also not that far from relevant systems of the sector it was maybe also just a arrogant logistic decision by the empire. a system which nobody suspects but has the most favorable location to relocate the credits for their use without spending a big amount of credits for securtiy for the storage. i dont think some kind of black budget funds is ruled out to be hide there by the empire but if so i dont think palpatine would risk deathstar stuff with this kind of "low" security on such a planet. it would be interesting to know where exactly that planet is located for the deathstar thought and how far it is away from any kyber crystall planets and geonosis (where the first deathstar was built) - but interesting thought anyway
@fangslore9988 Год назад
@@Philipp3022 it makes sense that the funds the empire doesnt wish to be on the books and backwater worlds make sense but it is entirely possible that the funds held there was not the entire fund either, likely they would have waited for follow-up fund shipments. the death star project being funded this way is also logical because the empire needs quadrillions of credits to vanish to fund the death star project. if this was secretly a pay package for the death star project it would be likely they waited for other credit shipments to fill the vault first. that being said we dont know the full extent of the credits in the vault and the quarterly pay thing has not really got anu substantial evidence but it was clear the credits wernt going to be stayiing at the base since they already had a hyperdrive capable transport in the vault room ready to be launched which is sus 500 million credits should have been loaded on an imperial shuttle or an ISD. plus, if the empire was smart, they would blame the credits they made vanish for the death star project look like heists by rebel cells. the secrity also happens to be where it is and the fact they built that section under the water as if to be a hidden part of the base. the empire probably felt that a base in the middle of nowhere (literally a back water garrison) was just too lowkey and insignificant and thus would normally be ignored. the emperor left a lot of vaults and cashes on backwater worlds that were just seemingly so unimportant that they were left alone. most people who enter orbit would find a small garrison and an air base but nothing important to attack. this literally is the emperor's go-to for important things
@Philipp3022 Год назад
@@fangslore9988 like said definitly a interesting thought/theory. that the empire would try to hide the funding in such a way or smiliar makes sense for sure. im looking forward if they built in this world-building direction in some kind that the rebels didnt knew it wasnt some regular cash-vault but a hidden black budget hub (which not even must be the secret death star but maybe even some other secret project) - they finally successfully have very big world building which leaves much space to explore in such directions and that it likely will be told from perspective of a ISB investigation is very cool :D
@fangslore9988 Год назад
@@Philipp3022 i also wouldnt put it past them that a part of the budget and any extra credits the empire would stash away would also be for operation cinder satellites because the emperor is well aware that he may lose and he is a "if i cant have something then no one can" type the military budget is vast and have better means of protecting it then just hiding it in sections of a garrison that you cant see in orbit or from land and sky
@slicerneons3300 Год назад
Those foolish Imps should have used those credits on Gold and Silver. This Comment sponsored by Noble Gold. Leaving it this exposed is almost as wasteful as spending it all on Lootboxes for worthless mobile games. This Comment NOT sponsored by Diablo Immortal.
@Springfield1191 Год назад
Maybe there was a lot more than 500 million credits in that vault. Payroll cash storage policies for governments and banks may vary but there are some that are universal across the board. You forgot to take into account various denominations of credits from lowest to highest. Lower denominations usually tend to be stored in the front of a cash transfer vault and larger denominations sit at the back of the vault. This is meant to reduce the loss if the vault is assaulted and the money stolen. If your thieves load up on what's in the front of the vault then you lose less money than if you store the same denomination across the entire vault. They can't carry it all. And before any commenters sat it; no, you can't go all Fast and Furious 5, and steal the whole vault, walls, door and all. As far as paying your troops, you pay the lower ranks in smaller denominations and pay your higher ups (Generals and Moffs) in the much higher ones. Those first four pallets of credits were just a drop in the bucket compared to how much was really in there. The thieves just didn't walk to the back and look at the denominations that were there. Says a lot about the actual competence of the Empire in comparison to the Rebellion. Dumb rebels took the bags of pennies while the thousand dollar bills were right under their noses had they even bothered to look. So I'd estimate that the contents of the vault ranged at around 2 to 5 billion credits, with a mean realistic countable value at around 3.5 billion.
@chrisplumb4284 Год назад
It's the kind of planet that would've ended up with the prefix 'Ord' in the Republic era - i.e. a useful junction/staging area in hyperspace travel terms and given the status of 'ordnance/logistic/ storage' for other areas -such as Ord Mantell or Ord Pardron.
@Vienna3080 Год назад
In a Galaxy with Quadrillions of people with possibly Septillions of dollars $500mil is next to nothin
@waltermc3906 Год назад
Outpost?.... That was an Armoury, not an outpost.
@SoloTURK11 Год назад
This is like the Fort Knox of the *GALACTIC EMPIRE*
@cmcb7230 Год назад
I find it hard to believe the empire doesn’t have direct deposit for its troops. I joined the USN in 1998 and it was mandatory for us to have DD to get paid.
@Anonymous-bc4dl Год назад
I still dont get why all this money is laying around physically
@northernseeker1822 Год назад
Paying for The Death Star. One of many vaults in the middle of nowhere.
@onrean Год назад
In the real world, banks will often only keep 10% of the cash in their vaults as reserves and have the rest as money loaned out. If that is the case here, these 500 million physical credits could represent 5 billion credits of assets and other loans.
@yvonnesmith6152 Год назад
I’d really love to know why an entire payroll for a whole sector was stored in cash form. Did the Empire not have banking capabilities akin to ours? These quarterly pay hubs certainly would invite heists like that, or as you mentioned, the upper brass skimming off the top. None of these physical credits are traceable?
@sanspeter9925 Год назад
pretty sure digital banking doesn't exist in star wars
@dudewaldo4 Год назад
Ikr it's crazy. Makes no sense except to provide something to be stolen by the main characters. We see people communicate across the galaxy instantly. There is a central authority imposing its power on the entire galaxy which could administrate it. It is inexplicable that digital money would not exist.
@sanspeter9925 Год назад
@@dudewaldo4 We have literally only ever seen physical currency in Star Wars, and it fits the world better that there is not digital currency
@Philipp3022 Год назад
@@sanspeter9925 if i recall correctly they introduced a digital form of currency in Bad Batch in which only imperial credits based on a digitial ID for each citizen would have value and replace republic, separatist and other currencys. doesnt mean that on rural systems physical currency could be still the main thing or the transition wasn't finished. also in the banking clan arc in CW the payment and loans are all digital stored in the banking clan vault. not a sign the currency is digital but its at least digital documented. there are pro/contra for the story writers to introduce such a tool. and if they do they need to balance it somehow because a digital currency is more centralized and therefore harder to steal for rebels which rely on it :p
@sanspeter9925 Год назад
@@Philipp3022 they introduced chain codes, these are *not* a currency, they are a form of ID, people had to get a chain code to convert their physical republic credits to physical imperial credits
@taxibaanyoutube9156 Год назад
makes sences: There is no better security thing than being undected.
Didn't they spend 7 years planning the heist? Not weeks or months
@Benz2533 Год назад
500 million credit can start your own empire some where in the outer rim.
@nottonyhawk123 Год назад
it makes sense that Aldhani is a small sector with only a few garrisons with, I think only 1 ISD with a small support fleet. Conducting a heist on a larger sector would mean a potentially higher payout, but also a much larger Imperial response, potentially getting an Arquittens or larger on your tail. A small sector would mean an easier exit, and by your spreadsheet, the 80 million they made off with can fund a very well equipped cell
@BD-yl5mh Год назад
Considering they don’t even fully empty this vault it makes targeting it make more sense too. There might be vaults 100 times the size elsewhere but they probably have response times faster than 9 minutes. No point breaking into a vault with a higher capacity if you can realistically steal even less of it whilst you’re in there.
@nottonyhawk123 Год назад
@@BD-yl5mh exactly. Going after anything else would be like trying to rob Fort Knox with only a minivan
@fangslore9988 Год назад
with 80 million the rebels can buy 500 T-65 X-wings
@nottonyhawk123 Год назад
@@fangslore9988 yeah, I saw his spreadsheet that he made
@fangslore9988 Год назад
@@nottonyhawk123 i think this is how the rebellion payed for the X-wings
@williamgroves3134 Год назад
because the middle of nowhere is perfect located between the big locations.
@michaeljtownsend123 Год назад
I would think it unlikely the Navy, army and stormtrooper payroll would be lumped together. It's likely that 500 million credits was for imperial army only.
@ryanb9749 Год назад
... it was a new type of tie fighter... wasn't it.
@adamallen7070 10 месяцев назад
Only $500 million? Mate the Us gives double that to every nation that gets attacked by there neighbors.
@adamallen7070 14 дней назад
Good point me from 10 months ago. If only RU-vid didn’t shadow ban me
@uosdwiSrdewoH Год назад
For a show without all the usual trappings of a Star Wars series and with Tony Gilroy specifically saying there will be very little "fan service" in the show it is producing some incredible expansions in Star Wars lore and a seemingly endless number of things to discuss. Really when it all first started you were just supposed to accept that everything was the way it was, no questions. As it's expanded into animation especially where they can show a lot more it's meant they've had to figure out a real world way in which all this stuff functions. Now with Andor taking a really ground level approach to the rebellion and the Empire they've had to answer even more questions I don't think George ever intended on answering. He probably should've kept to his own rule though and not attempted to create an organism that controls the mystical force. Not only does it take away the fantasy element of the force it creates a real issue that I don't know has ever really been looked at. If, as Qui-Gon says, the Midichlorians are the things that determine your level of ability, then why hasn't someone figured out a way to either replicate them so they can be injected into anyone at high enough levels to enable them to use the force or on the flip side come up with a way to neutralize them. It'd make fighting a Jedi a hell of a lot easier if they didn't have the ability to use the force anymore.
@MinedMaker Год назад
Considering the roughly 1=1 conversion rate, it seems really bizzare to me that an x-wing which is essentially a high-tech military fighter would cost only 150k credits. Seems absurdly cheap. Like you could buy a TIE/sk x1 air superiority fighter for 50k which is a couple years wages for a normal grunt soldier. The Saab JAS 39 Gripen which is a cheap modern fighter costs 60mil.
@MinedMaker Год назад
Granted, there is a lot of bloat/admin overhead costs in our liberal society that might not exists in an authoritarian empire, but the disparity is still huge.
@GenerationTech Год назад
we’ll be addressing this in sundays episode
@arctic_haze Год назад
Actually Andor and friends did break in to a local version of Fort Knox, a place so remote and obscure, the imperials believed no one would be actually interested (or stupid enough as Andor noticed) to attack.
@DugrozReports Год назад
The 1 giant question unanswered: WHY DOES THE EMPIRE DO PAYROLL IN A PHYSICAL CURRENCY!!!! Direct deposit anyone???
@Siryphas 6 дней назад
It's also possible that this payroll was simply specifically Imperial Army payroll and Navy and Stormtrooper payroll is paid from their own branches. It would make much more sense that 500,000,000cr is only for one branch in the region.
@NETBU Год назад
usually in star wars anything that's heavy in weight for example crates normally have hover technology for easy movements by droids or species that takes away hard labor. i find it weird that in the last episode so much focus has been put on the imperial guard to manually move the credits to the ships on trolley with wheels..in Star Wars Rebels every piece of heavy labor equipment was utilized by hover technology. I say this to say that these hover technology allows the ease of heavy movement of equipment in this case a lot more credits could have been loaded on the ship also the hover technology also has mag lock (magnetic lock) to stabilize it in one fixed position from being moved during shipment. the way Karis Nemik dies was bullshit writing by the omittal of standard hover tech on every heavy lift machinery that has a mag lock system in place
@andrewwright7555 Год назад
Because it looks cool
@nickmitsialis Год назад
I was sort of hoping they'd get away with more; When I heard they 'nicked' 80 million, I was surprised at the 'smallish' haul they got.
@NinjaTyler Год назад
Yeah for 7 years of planning or whatever it was a shit show with very little gains like such a small outpost they should've dedicated way more rebels to it so they could empty the vault. I thought they were planning an unseen raid get in and out without detection so a smaller score or a complete draining would make sense, this was the best plan they had then no wonder most of them died.
@nickmitsialis Год назад
@@NinjaTyler Well, I was hoping it didn't turn into the Star Wars version of 'Heat', and was more 'Rififi' (or Topkapi): a clever, covert seizing/draining of the assets with an extraction that goes 'a little wrong'.
@XLratTail Год назад
The credits didn't seem overly heavy. Why did transport need to be flung into the air again? Potato-Drive? That bugs me.
@LairdErnst Год назад
It might also just be as simple as Aldhani didn’t have as many opportunities for entertainment, education or just social interaction for their kid as to why the Commandant’s wife kept wanting to leave it. The conscripts would also be feeling the lack of entertainment and opportunities to enjoy their time off away from the garrison.
@adamallen7070 14 дней назад
Coudint it also have been like how Roman towns popped up around forts holding a legions pay? I mean London started that way. A legion guards a fort with its pay and people settle around it, it attracts workers, craftsmen, architects, engineers farmers and artisans. Perhaps this was a cost effective way of supporting growth on the planet
@adamallen7070 14 дней назад
Coudint it also have been like how Roman towns popped up around forts holding a legions pay? I mean London started that way. A legion guards a fort with its pay and people settle around it, it attracts workers, craftsmen, architects, engineers farmers and artisans. Perhaps this was a cost effective way of supporting growth on the planet
@jarrodbright5231 Год назад
The other point I'd raise from this analysis is "how dependent was the Rebel plan on getting the entire 500 million?" You went into analysis of what 80 million could buy; what could 500 million buy for the rebels? Were Luthen and Mon Mothma counting on them being able to access something closer to that amount and will there be consequences of not getting out with the full haul?
@fangslore9988 Год назад
well the rebelion had to fund themselves some how, Incom didnt just donate T-65 X-wings and U-wings to the rebellion because they felt bad for them, the rebellion used stolen funds to buy from Incom, and i'm sure Incom probably cut an exclusivity deal with the rebels cutting the costs for large orders (a bulk package deal if you will) and Incom got a profit from supplying T-65 X-wings, T-65B-X-wings, U-wings, air speeders and other Incom ships as well as probably selling all the parts to modify the ships they supplied in bulk. the Xwings costed around 150k credits and Incom probably supplied 100 X-wings for 250k credits as a package deal for the rebellion along with a regular order of parts and replacement pieces as well as technical manuals for engineers to repair the ships
@Miss_Trillium Год назад
Keep in mind, mon mothma had issues moving just 400,000 credits around. While she likely has access to several million, the 80 million would probably double (or more) whatever the rebels had in their koffers at this time
@fangslore9988 Год назад
@@Miss_Trillium mon mothma may not have that much but she's trying to move credits around to fund the rebellion, they need blasters ships and supply chains to ensure a stable supply of food and other necessities but also other supplies like Tabana gas for blaster fuel cells. the rebellion is only still an infant, and yet to be an alliance
@Miss_Trillium Год назад
@@fangslore9988 oh I know, I more mean that while it really is a negligible loss to the Empire, it would be an incredible gain for the rebels to have 80 mil on hand for those listed things (fighters, food, etc)
@fangslore9988 Год назад
@@Miss_Trillium the rebellion does need a lot of resorces and i hope we get to see rebel leaders negotiate sales with Incom for X-wings and U wings and air speeders
@bensaret Год назад
One of the most significant results of the theft wasn’t just how much the rebellion could fund itself with the money, but also take into account that that money is not going to imperial projects or salaries, so it hits twice against the empire, which I think is awesome. If the rebellion truly wanted to do some damage, they should have left times explosives with the remaining money that they couldn’t take.
@fangslore9988 Год назад
i agree Incom would still need to get a quarterly pay and the rebellion had money they stole and Incom was probably aware of who their cliants are and gave the rebellion an exclusivity deal selling Incom products to the rebellion as long as the rebellion kept paying and the rebels probably payed for their ships in bulk to keep the prices affordable and Incom was smart enough to not ask any questions about how the rebellion got the money for the ships they used. Incom also showed that their star fighters were superior to Kuat Drive Yards standard issue tie fighters by a large margin which would obviously raise their stock prices quite a bit on the galactic market. and the empire missed out when they canceled their deal, their loss lol. Incom star fighters probably are arguably the best in the open market
@AdventureOtaku Год назад
Yeah, I think they payroll is what they tell people. This is hidden money, that is being used for the Death Star.
@ohari1 Год назад
I would posit that since ships can be moved from sector to sector, fleet payroll is separate. "Why was there a mutiny in the Fifth Star Destroyer Group?" "The enlisted men weren't paid, My Lord." "I See. Why didn't Fifth Star Destroyer Group get paid?" "You see, Lord Vader, we sent their payroll to Aldhani but they were re-assigned to Tattooine a week before payday and the cash hasn't caught up with them yet." *Force Choke* "I find your lack of direct deposit disturbing."
@reginaldshort8486 Год назад
$500M credits buys u 32 CR90, 768 Y-Wings/Z-95, 8 Carriers, 5120 Troops along with the fuel, food and medicin to go with it for 6-8 months.
@withacy Год назад
It just doesn’t make sense to me. I’ve worked for the US federal gov for over 20 years, and I’ve never received even a paycheck, let alone lined up with my fellow employees to receive a handful of cash or coins. We had to have direct deposit to be paid. It wasn’t even a choice - same with the company I worked for before that. Not only is it easier to pay a massive military (and civilians) electronically, it also means you don’t have to base your currency on anything physically of value (like the gold standard) - that allows the Empire to “create” money (a.k.a. “Print money) unbacked by gold/treasure- and as THE ultimate power, artificially keep inflation low. Local populations and criminals would prefer (and use) actual currency- but paying Empire Personnel in electronic credits would require them to go to the equivalent of a bank to get physical credits for such unauthorized or unusual activities (legitimate, authorized merchants would take electronic credits, and if you’re on an Empire controlled world, and want to go to something like a street market, you’d go to an authorized bank on that world and withdraw your money in the local currency), and that could be tracked. And I’d think physical credits going to a bank-like facility would go directly there, not be unloaded and stored on some mountain top on a backwater planet. It seems more likely to me, if it isn’t just lazy writing, the money was black-ops, off the books money (perhaps belonging to the ISB?) - but then why report the theft to the public? They could lie and say it was “payroll”, but no one should believe that, especially senators, who know how these things work.
@Spectacular_Insanity Год назад
A lot of Outer Rim planets and sectors barely have a fleet at all. For instance, Bakura (on the edge of Wild Space, barely considered Imperial at all), didn't even have any Star Destroyers. Their strongest ships to fight off the Ssi-ruuk invasion were a Carrack-class light cruiser, 6 Corellian gunships, 3 Marauder-class corvettes, and a handful of patrol craft, along with a wing of TIEs. The Empire didn't have anywhere close to the forces needed to patrol these sectors regularly, much less the needed manpower to police them thoroughly. It's not surprising that crime and corruption were rampant in the Imperial era.
@ShawnHCorey Год назад
I'm surprised they have credits and are not simply transferring money via electronics. That's how most banking is done today. Only about 3% of the world's money is physical. The majority is just bits in computers. If we use the figure of 3% cash, the payroll for the sector would be just under 17 billion credits.
@schwamieboy1 Год назад
It sounds like its location is extremely strategic therefore extremely valuable, add the bank (500 million credits) on top of that and the answer to "Why would so much value be guarded by the weakest units in the empire?" becomes such a more important question than the lame answer given. Its almost as dumb as Obi One saying that those "blast markings indicate the Storm troopers were there because they are so accurate." This reasoning is (so far) lamest part of this series. Having said that I can forgive them. PS: The Empire needs Bitcoin...JS
@HicSvntDracones Год назад
A one to one conversion puts them making $1,000 per month? That isn't a livable salary at all.. the average US soldier earns about $2,900 a month ($35k/year).. Even Grunts, (under E-4)Earn about $2,300 a month with only 2 years of experience in, and that goes up after 4 Years of experience. So seems as though your conversion is off by half at least, if we just look at payroll. Now.. I don't claim to be good at math either and I am not Asian.. so take the accuracy of this as you will
@jdnelms62 Год назад
I'm no economics expert, in fact I failed economics in college, but it seems strange that a government as huge as the Empire's would rely so much on precious metals based currency to fund it's economy. In contrast, the U.S. government went off the gold standard decades ago. The U.S. dollar is based now on our gross domestic output. True, America still has Fort Knox with billions of dollars stored inside, but the U.S. economy is measured in trillions. No doubt, the Empire has hundreds if not thousands of such gold caches, but I doubt they make up more than a fraction of the Empire's wealth.
@Necrotic99 Год назад
The math doesn't make any sense, if you expect a GC is about 1USD, then you would expect the salaries would be somewhat similar. Therefore you are off by a factor of at least 3-4 on your costs. 500M doesn't go far in that case.
@kenknowlton3085 Год назад
The bullion depository is in Hardin County, Kentucky, just outside Radcliff. Great big middle of nowhere. It's far more secure than this vault but seclusion is part of security.
@dudewaldo4 Год назад
I am loving Andor, but I find it absurd that the Empire or Republic would use fucking gold coins as its currency instead of something digital. Even if they have both digital and physical versions, why would you do payroll with physical? Makes no sense except to provide something to burgle.
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