
Why The BOOK Of ENOCH Matters 

Dr. Michael S. Heiser
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@DRMSH Год назад
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@lw216316 2 года назад
Look! Its a miracle ! Behold, a man who went thru the religious education system and did not get corrupted by it (or stoned to death as a heretic) ! ....glad you made it thru Michael. Thank you for what we learn from your teaching.
@rigavitch 2 года назад
All Glory be to God for keeping Michael safe. I pray for his health!
@Contramundum429 2 года назад
Agree. So many heretics leave the religion system. God keeps people like Michael for the real church
@stankomalceski9677 Год назад
@@Contramundum429 which is the real church?🙏🏼✝️
@LindaRedmond-uk4rm 11 месяцев назад
@greyfi 2 года назад
I'm a 60 year old retired Marine who just re-discovered the Septuagint, Old and New Testaments (KJV) as well as the Books of Enoch. I'm conflicted why Enoch is not in the Canon when his story pre-dates the NT, and almost describes Genesis and Revelation to a tee. It seems his visions are a mirror image of what John writes in Revelation. I'm struggling to comprehend how Enoch's experience is downplayed, or even discounted, when his writings about the fallen angels and the end-of-days are so closely aligned to the old and new Testaments. Am I missing something? If so, please elaborate because I'm losing sleep trying to understand the Truth.
@brando3342 2 года назад
@Ken Verdoliva Read about why it wasn’t included.
@archam777 2 года назад
Its the "book for the final generation". Maybe it wasn't canonized because we weren't suppose to focus on what was written in it, until "the end" It does seem to be more pertinent now, moreso than any other point in history. Also, shows us the face of our enemy more than any other book I can think of.
@LifeWasGood 2 года назад
It's because Free Masons/World Leaders believe in the Seth story and blood line which conflicts with the Nephilim narrative. So that's why. And anyone who believes the Sethite line from Cain and Abel are following the Occult.
@TheNatewl777 2 года назад
@@archam777 you beat me too it. I believe this to absolutely be the case.
@michaelabraham9177 2 года назад
there are inaccuracies, such as Enoch being alive while Noah was, angels building the ark instead of Noah, and etc. For me personally this makes no difference. Even if it's not divinely inspired I believe its accurate myself. It's my personal opinion that even our best professors, rabbis, preachers and etc have been interpreting, re-interpreting, and arguing over all these books for thousands of years. Its too valuable to discount. It may not have the same credibility with scholars, but Peter, jude, and a lot of others who knew Yahshua personally were reading it, and quoting it. That's good enough for me to try to see what they saw in it.
@lionoffireministries 2 года назад
“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” It is a great transaction to give our soul to Jesus ✝️🙏
@colonalklink14 2 года назад
Nobody has ever been saved by giving their life to Christ.
@allwillberevealed777 2 года назад
Your Geezis(Jesus) 🌞 has no power. The end of the sun worshiping MYSTERY RELIGION is nigh.
@lionoffireministries 2 года назад
@@allwillberevealed777 haha it’s growing by the many millions in China alone. Voltaire said the same thing. Now he’s dead and Christianity lives on. Keep dreaming…
@25KENDALL 2 года назад
The book of Enoch says that we have to speak to angels in order to speak to God but the Bible clearly tells us that Jesus is the mediator between us and God through the blood on the cross and faith in that blood.
@MrSirFluffy 2 года назад
@@25KENDALL Maybe this was true before the times of Jesus. The book of Enoch was before Jesus' time. Just like in the Old Testament it showed that people had to make animal sacrifices. However AFTER the appearance of Jesus, that all changed. Through his blood and sacrifice we are saved and our sins have been paid for. From that point forward we are saved through Jesus. So in the times of Enoch they could not use Jesus as the mediator, because he had not appeared yet. Take my views with heaps of salt, I am new to this whole area. I am merely bringing up a point that popped to mind. Just like all of you, I'm after the truth. All that matters though is that TODAY through Jesus we are saved.
@Renee_Crochet 2 года назад
Thank you for all the research you do. your hard work and dedication shows in every episode.
@25KENDALL 2 года назад
The book of Enoch says that we have to speak to angels in order to speak to God but the Bible clearly tells us that Jesus is the mediator between us and God through the blood on the cross and faith in that blood.
@cecilspurlockjr.9421 2 года назад
How you doing brother Heiser ? I hope you're getting back to a 110 % my friend. May GOD bless you n yours and thank you so much for your dedication.
@25KENDALL 2 года назад
The book of Enoch says that we have to speak to angels in order to speak to God but the Bible clearly tells us that Jesus is the mediator between us and God through the blood on the cross and faith in that blood.
@thetruthchannel349 2 года назад
@@25KENDALL *NO, it doesn't. Youre referencing material from the II and III books of Enoch which were forgeries of the middle ages*
@jessielee8511 Год назад
Dr. Heiser, I personally want to thank you for all the hard work you have done for the Christians that are willing to believe the bible is supernatural without having to suspend reality. Most Christians just want the Walt Disney version, with no monsters and all the hard questions kitted up nicely with a very comfortable handle. I love the way you just say what you know in humility with out all the pomp and piety. Thank you, again. Many prayers sent in your behalf.
@prairiemark4084 9 месяцев назад
A question arises when listening to a lecture like this, especially when issues of what is a canonical book are considered. The question is not if the canonical books are inspired. Biblical Christians accept that. But a related question is if any other literature is in someway "God breathed?" The interview touched on the lack of canonical recognition of the book of Enoch in at least the Protestant canon. I seem to remember C.S. Lewis saying something like any literature that is good and edifying and true is in some sense "inspired" by God. Because whatever is good and edifying and helpful comes from God. I think of books like Clement's epistle to the troubled church at Corinth regarding how to handle church schisms and proper celebration of the Eucharist after Paul passed away. I also think of the writings of St Ignatius of Antioch written to various churches shortly before he was martyred by the Romans. These books add a lot to our understanding of the Church in the immediate Post-Apostolic era and were actually read in churches as Scripture until almost the start of the 5th century when these books were not included in the N.T. canon, largely because the authors narrowly missed being actually in the Apostolic era. I wonder if canonical standing is the same as "being inspired." My view would be that these ideas are closely related but somewhat distinct. Is not the book of Enoch recognized as canonical by some of the Orthodox Christians? Addition/edit.....He wrote to Clyde Kilby ; “ If every good and perfect gift comes from the Father of lights , then all true and edifying writings , whether scripture or not , must be in some sense inspired .
@Telorchid 6 месяцев назад
The book of Enoch is canon only in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Clement's epistles and Ignatius's letters are important, but I see the problem there less as canonical inclusion and more as complete ignorance of church history (up to tiny slices of the Reformation?) for many Christians. That's a paucity that won't be solved by canonical inclusion at this point. God can certainly move on people with in the person of the Holy Spirit as regards artistic and literary works (I happen to think Tolkien's work was guided by the Spirit, and I find it impossible not to be enriched by the poems of Ephrem the Syrian, to name two examples) and many other things, however, the larger issue is universal or close-to universal recognition of a work by the entire worshipping community as Holy Scripture, across the history of the church. Guardianship of these texts with this status may be the work of the Spirit in the church. (Which admittedly leaves the issue of deuterocanonical works and their exclusion up for debate.)
@prairiemark4084 6 месяцев назад
@@TelorchidThanks for your comments. There is little if any I can disagree with there.
@zizouxh9946 9 месяцев назад
RIP to this great man. His work and insights will be thoroughly missed
@maidenx2736 2 года назад
Jesus rebukes the Sadducees in Mark 12 for not knowing the Scriptures, referring to Enoch where it describes that the angels are not appointed wives. Seems like Enoch should be canon then.
@vikkijacob3244 2 года назад
Great point!
@rockytopbritt 2 года назад
@The FBI I agree and he also quotes the book of Exodus in that passage using that phrase ""Have you not read ___?". So I think its a stretch to say he was referring to Enoch.
@rockytopbritt 2 года назад
@@maidenx2736 Why should we assume that He is talking about a possible paraphrase of Enoch when He directly quotes Exodus?
@SoferiaNebruin 2 года назад
Jesus did not refer to the Book of Enoch. The Books of Enoch were written after the New Testament was written. It is referred to as a pseudograph - a FAKE narrative written by someone other than who it proclaims to represent. It is pushed heavily today to meet the agenda to make people believe that we are in "the last days." Have they not read, "do not tempt the Lord, thy God"? That was conveyed in the Old Testament and Jesus repeated it in the New Testament. It will not turn out well for those who keep pushing this narrative.
@lilchristuten7568 2 года назад
The sadducees were not asking anything about the angels they were asking about the resurrection and human marriage afterwards. It would make absolutely no sense for Jesus to be talking about the book of enoch when saying that they didn't know the scriptures. He was talking about the fact that they didn't believe in the resurrection of the dead.
@joshuaeverett1314 2 года назад
Does anyone have any news on Dr Heiser's health, if this is a recent upload he looks great. Thank you Lord, we need this man to help bridge the truth to those who want it
@allyahcash3063 2 года назад
I assume this is an older recording because he says "this is why i am doing the commentary". That commentary for Enoch is done. A couple years done.
@25KENDALL 2 года назад
The book of Enoch says that we have to speak to angels in order to speak to God but the Bible clearly tells us that Jesus is the mediator between us and God through the blood on the cross and faith in that blood.
@kingdomconcepts777 2 года назад
@@25KENDALL Hebrews 2 and Acts 7:53 says that messengers spoke to Mosheh concerning Torah. You have to realise that messengers are literally beings made by the Most High on day 1 made them to deliver messages to people. That’s one of their roles. You are taking a verse out of context by claiming mediation. That’s concerning the priesthood. Yes, only the High Priest can mediate between people and the Most High. The Levitical priesthood reflects the heavenly Melchizedek priesthood.
@25KENDALL 2 года назад
@@kingdomconcepts777 I'm a Christian and I read a King James Bible. I do not read Torah.
@kingdomconcepts777 2 года назад
@@25KENDALL Stop the ignorance. There are numerous versions and Torah is traditionally the first five books (Genesis-Deuteronomy) aka Pentateuch. Torah in Hebrew means instruction. Not “x” number of books. You seem to have ignored what I wrote in response your out of context statement. Disregarding Enoch as the first prophet is a mistake equivalent to disregarding Yahusha.
@rigavitch 2 года назад
YAY! I'm so glad they got you on!!!
@mbgrafix 2 года назад
OUTSTANDING! Thank you Dr. Heiser.
@25KENDALL 2 года назад
The book of Enoch says that we have to speak to angels in order to speak to God but the Bible clearly tells us that Jesus is the mediator between us and God through the blood on the cross and faith in that blood.
@mbgrafix 2 года назад
@@25KENDALL Could that be one of the reasons it was not included in the canon?
@SamTipton 2 года назад
@@25KENDALL Could this be reconciled with the fact that Jesus could be the angel of YHWH of the old testament? Remember, angel just means messenger and Jesus certainly was a messenger and much more. He declared the Father and spoke with authority and brought new commandments.
@25KENDALL 2 года назад
@@SamTipton Jesus Christ IS God the Father. He is a part of the Holy Trinity. If you are a Christian, and read the King James Bible (highly recommended due to changing words in new versions) then you will see it in scripture. Jesus was never an angel. He IS THE GREAT I AM, Alpha, Omega Begining and End. If you are not a Bible believing Christian then you will not agree.
@25KENDALL 2 года назад
@@SamTipton in the book of Genesis it states that Jesus Christ was there at the beginning of the world before anything. And who else was at the beginning of the world before anything? God. Genesis 1:7 "LET US" meaning the Trinity formed the world.
@rynor7132 2 года назад
“A book doesn't have to be canonical or inspired to be useful.” As long as you can remember Extra biblical books are not canonical or inspired they can be useful. If you cant remember that then dont read them.
@nattybumppo4151 5 дней назад
Too late
@konstantinoschristou3701 2 года назад
Thank you for all. May you be well.
@MarkJohnson-yn2ol 2 года назад
Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth. Titus:1:14
@scottmarino3197 2 года назад
Thanks for the Straightforward explanation 👍 with your sense of humor!
@25KENDALL 2 года назад
The book of Enoch says that we have to speak to angels in order to speak to God but the Bible clearly tells us that Jesus is the mediator between us and God through the blood on the cross and faith in that blood.
@jamesfahey5686 2 года назад
Interesting discussion Doc!
@timellenberger7104 2 года назад
My Bible the Cepher has the Book of Enoch/Chanok . I have read it and I didn't see any conflict with the other books of scripture. Shalom.
@loudogg73 10 дней назад
I think there is significant overconfidence in early church leaders ability to select a perfect canon. Particularly considering the wide range of canons among the various Christian churches at the time and particularly since nothing in the record indicates some grand revelation from God in the topic.
@abeg7107 2 года назад
The best way to notice a fake is by studying the real thing.
@alexandernorman5337 2 года назад
It's not just Enoch. Isaiah, Daniel, and Micah all point to the Messiah being divine. The dual nature of the Christ is well established in the Old Testament.
@hugoramirez7510 2 года назад
You can connect the dots by word study from strongs concordence to ancient hebrew lexicons. From beginning to end it's about Faith in the most High YHWH in His Word and Obedience to His commandments"Repent" root of word means "turn back". (Revelation 12:17,14:12,22:14) (2 John 1:6,2:3-7) Isaiah 8:20 kjv or nkjv) Ezekiel 36:27) Matthew 19:16-17,4:4) John 15:10,14:15,14:21) But the TRUTH was and is not Popular.
@justinnewsome9574 2 года назад
If we are to dismiss books like Enoch because it's not cannon, we should also dismiss words from God many people claim to have these days that don't align with cannon of scripture.
@zenvultra 10 месяцев назад
@jeremiahwilliams2090 Год назад
Great video, thanks! But honestly, the only thing that is more disturbing than the question he asked: on why a Christian should even care about the book of Enoch, since it was so long ago!? Is the fact that there are a lot of so called Christians that truly think, feel and believe that’s a valid point! Saying such things is like saying well I’m a professional bodybuilder and I want to win first place but tell me again… why do I need to waste my time eating healthy and lift weights!? 😆 I mean at what point are we just going to finally have a speaker/leader who just simply tells the truth and says “well if you have to ask such questions… maybe your not what you think you are!? And it’s time to stop pretending to be something you’re not!!! Just a a thought…
@jades303 5 месяцев назад
Why Enoch matters? He walked with God, he did that correctly, why wouldn't we all want to learn from him, God spared him death because He was so close with Him..
@Nykkynn 2 месяца назад
@diehard2705 2 года назад
Two questions, 1) if I were to buy a book of Enoch to read on my own what should I buy? 2) why is it that Enoch isn’t included in the Christian Bible
@lukewagner8871 2 года назад
1 Peter 1:10-12 KJVS [10] Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: [11] Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow. [12] Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things, which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven; which things the angels desire to look into.
@richardevans8821 2 года назад
Certain people didn't want it canonized for a reason and it had nothing to do with whether it was Holy Spirit inspired or not...and who are WE to say what's Holy Spirit inspired.
@thetruthchannel349 2 года назад
*Exactly. The concept of CANON is ridiculous. I said that in bible College and you'd think I just said 'Praise ye the Devil!'*
@thetruthchannel349 2 года назад
who are WE to say what's Holy Spirit inspired *Well, you should know. If you HAVE the Spirit of God and you are yourself a REGENERATED Spirit having been born OF the Spirit and baptized INTO the Spirit? Ya, you should know. No one should have to tell you. You shouldn't need 'HOLY BIBLE' written in HOLY GOLDEN FONT across a LEATHER COVER. I don't need anyone telling me what is and what isn't from the Spirit. I simply KNOW.*
@annoelzinga791 2 года назад
Michael, Thanks for sharing. QUESTION: Could you say that themes like Satan, hell and demons, which are not found in the biblical OT are all present in the book of Enoch? That would mean a great deal for me, since the lack of those themes in the OT really keep me awake at night, for a longer time now.
@cat-bg3rv 2 года назад
Satan showed up in the garden of Eden. Satan tested Job. The tower of Babel was built by men and inspired by satan (pagan gods). It is the history of good vs. evil throughout the Holy Bible. The book of Enoch sounds very interesting. So is The Unseen Realm by Dr. Heiser. 🙏
@annoelzinga791 2 года назад
@@cat-bg3rv Thank you for a reply. But I disagree with you. The discrepancy between the NT Satan an OT Satan is in his nature. In the NT he is the fallen angel and in the OT he is an angel in service of God. Further more, I would like to point out, that you can’t blame Satan for everything that went wrong or remotely sounds evil in the OT. The fact that it suits Christian theologie, doesn’t mean the authors of the OT meant to say so. If you ask a Rabbi, he answers the same way. A Rabbi would tell you that he doesn’t find heaven, hell, Evil Satan, fallen angel etc in the OT. That’s exactly my problem. Meanwhile Jesus talks a lot about evil Satan and hell and damnation. If you read MH works, you would know that the Hebrew word for snake isn’t just snake. It’s also shining one. It’s used several times in the OT translated as angel. And the Satan in the book of job is serving God as a good angel. The pegan gods in the story of the Tower of Babel can’t be revert to as Satan in my opinion. They are what it is. Just pegan gods, that do nothing supernatural. So as much as I appreciate your input, It doesn’t help a lot.
@lilchristuten7568 2 года назад
@@annoelzinga791 Have you actually read the old testament?
@annoelzinga791 2 года назад
@@lilchristuten7568 yes. Why?
@GET-OUT-OF-LIFE-ALIVE 2 года назад
@@annoelzinga791 you should read it again..you have no idea what you're talking about..
@airplane800 2 года назад
The Bible talks about “clouds” going up and down with people going in and out (Exodus 24:18 - Moses entered the cloud). Clouds do not make those movements described in the Bible, but spaceships do. Jesus ascended in a “cloud” (Acts 1:9). God rides in a “cloud” (Isaiah 19:1, Psalm 104:3). Jesus will come back “with” the “clouds” (Mat 26:64, Rev 1:7). Jesus will come back commanding a fleet of starships. The church will be raptured “in” the “clouds” (I Thess. 4:17). Spaceships will be used to rapture the church. The ancient did not have vocabulary or knowledge to understand what they saw so they called the flying objects “clouds”, “chariots”, and “pillars”, because were the words they had to describe something flying in the sky. The Bible even tells in Psalm 68:17 how many spaceships are in the fleet “The chariots of God are tens of thousands and thousands of thousands” (about 20,000). There is a good research done by Patrick Cooke called “The Great Deception - The Bible UFO Connection” which has the original words describing spaceships. It is all over the Bible. Jesus is real. He is the savior of the world, but He is not seating in a puffy cloud. He is commanding a powerful army, which will take control of our planet and stop all wars. The Jews had contact with beings from another planetary system called The Elohim, commanded by The Most High God. The Elohim had to have a special covenant with humans to be able to save our planet from destruction. They got the agreement with the Jews, but the Jews were not faithful to the agreement so The Most High God sent Jesus to make a new covenant and have legal rights to save our planet from destruction. The Jews made a covenant with beings from another planetary system. Psalm 82:1-6 says that God presides over a great assembly. Something like a federation of planets. If you want to confirm what I am saying just look at a painting made in 1710 by someone that had access to the secret archives of the Vatican. Look at the paint " The Baptism of Christ" by Aert de Gelder. Now that we know more about science, we can understand the descriptions in the Bible. They described high technology but didn't have words to express. When they saw spaceships with strong lights they called "glory”. The "glory" of God was a spaceship with lights. In the interplanetary law the price to save us was innocent blood. That is why Jesus had to die for us. He was fulfilling a legal requirement.
@thetruthchannel349 2 года назад
*'Cloud or Clouds' is referring to the Glory of God.*
@airplane800 2 года назад
@@thetruthchannel349 Glory of God are Spaceships too.
@thetruthchannel349 2 года назад
@@airplane800 *Bless your heart*
@carerforever2118 Год назад
The Ancient Egyptian Pyramids were originally built as altars, to worship the Elohim Extraterrestrials👽 Bible: Isaiah 19:19 In that day shall there be an altar (pyramid) to the Elohim👽 in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar (obelisk) at the border (of the pyramid) thereof to the Elohim👽. That's why the pyramids align with the 3 stars of Orion ⭐⭐⭐. "God" is pagan name, it's from the name Gad, Gad in the bible was a Babylonian God of fortune. Google it! The real Creator YHWH l believe may have been an Extraterrestrial that came to earth thousands of years ago, and according to the Bible's book of Revelation will be back again one day after the evil one known as The Antichrist is revealed. Isaiah 65:11 But ye are they that forsake me the Elohim YHWH, that forget my holy mountain, and prepare a table offering for Gad, the god of fortune. I'm so happy that some Christians have finally added the Hebrew word for "god" and "gods" which is "Elohim" to their Bibles. Berashit (aka Genesis) 1:1 In the beginning ( the) Elohim created the heaven and the earth. Bereshit (aka Genesis) 1:26 Then Elohim said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness👽. Genesis 3:8 Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Elohim YHWH as he was 🚶‍♂️WALKING🚶‍♂️ in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Elohim YHWH among the trees of the garden. Yechezkel (aka Ezekiel ) 1:5 ...within it 🛸 was the form of four living creatures. And this was their appearance: They had the appearance of man ( human) 👽 Yahsuah aka Jesus may have been an Elohim Extraterrestrial, Son of the ET Elohim YHWH 👽 John 10:36 Jesus said "I am the Son of (the) Elohim YHWH" 👽🛸 John 8:14 Jesus " l am not from this world " 🌍✨ John 20:28 And Thomas answered and said unto Jesus, "You are My Lord, and my Elohim"👽. John 20:17 Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended🛸 to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend🛸 unto my Father, and your Father; and to my Elohim, and your Elohim👽. Acts 1:9-10 Now when Jesus had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up🛸, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. They looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up🛸 In our Future... Revelation 21:2 l saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem ( Spaceship🛸), coming down out of heaven from YHWH Elohim 🛸👽 Revelation 21:3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! Elohim YHWH dwelling place🛸 is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and Elohim YHWH himself will be with them and be their Elohim. The truth is finally being revealed! And the truth shall set you free! 🛸👽😁👍
@animallover7072 2 года назад
2 Peter 2:4 and Jude 1:6 doesn’t quote from the book of Enoch. They’re actually quoting from the BOOK of EZEKIEL. Ryan Pitterson does a great job proving this on his RU-vid channel “JUDGMENT OF THE NEPHILIM”. And he has two books named “JUDGMENT OF THE NEPHILIM” and “THE FINAL NEPHILIM”.
@paulspaulette6197 2 года назад
Read enoch and found it fascinating Until I got to some things that are happening in direct conflict with the accepted cannon bible. The quotes attributed in scripture to Enoch in Jude 14, are his Living testimony and NOT the BOOK of Enoch. Jude 14 tells us while he lived on earth, he was a prophet. He had a testimony here.🎚
@LifeWasGood 2 года назад
What was directly conflicted?
@LifeWasGood 2 года назад
@@paulspaulette6197 Ahh, an already debated topic among Christian factions. A rather minor and irrelevant thing considering the weight of words like ... 5. And he translated my spirit into the heaven of heavens, And I saw there as it were a structure built of crystals, And between those crystals tongues of living fire. (Revelation 21:10-11), (Acts 2:3) 6. And my spirit saw the girdle which girt that house of fire, And on its four sides were streams full of living fire, And they girt that house. 7. And round about were Seraphin, Cherubic, and Ophannin: And these are they who sleep not And guard the throne of His glory. (2 Kings 19:15), (Psalm 80:1), (Psalm 99:1), (Isaiah 37:16) 8. And I saw angels who could not be counted, A thousand thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand, Encircling that house. And Michael, and Raphael, and Gabriel, and Phanuel, And the holy angels who are above the heavens, Go in and out of that house. (Revelation 5:11) 9. And they came forth from that house, And Michael and Gabriel, Raphael and Phanuel, And many holy angels without number. 10. And with them the Head of Days, His head white and pure as wool, And His raiment indescribable. (Isaiah 6:1-5), (Daniel 7:9, 13) 11. And I fell on my face, And my whole body became relaxed, And my spirit was transfigured; And I cried with a loud voice, . . . with the spirit of power, And blessed and glorified and extolled. 12. And these blessings which went forth out of my mouth were well pleasing before that Head of Days. 13. And that Head of Days came with Michael and Gabriel, Raphael and Phanuel, thousands and ten thousands of angels without number. 14. And he (i.e. the angel) came to me and greeted me with His voice, and said unto me ‘ This is the Son of Man who is born unto righteousness, And righteousness abides over him, And the righteousness of the Head of Days forsakes him not.’ (Daniel 7:13), (Jeremiah 33:15), (The Book of Enoch 62:1-2) 15. And he said unto me: ‘ He proclaims unto thee peace in the name of the world to come; For from hence has proceeded peace since the creation of the world, And so shall it be unto thee for ever and for ever and ever. 16. And all shall walk in his ways since righteousness never forsaketh him: With him will be their dwelling-places, and with him their heritage, And they shall not be separated from him for ever and ever and ever. (Psalm 85:11-13) 17. And so there shall be length of days with that Son of Man, And the righteous shall have peace and an upright way In the name of the Lord of Spirits for ever and ever.’ (John 14:6), (Isaiah 35:8), (Hebrews 10:19-20), (Jeremiah 50:4-6), (Isaiah 26:3-4, 12), (Isaiah 57:2), (John 14:27), (John 16:33), (Philippians 4:7)
@animallover7072 2 года назад
@@paulspaulette6197 what’s your instagram name ?
@paulspaulette6197 2 года назад
@@LifeWasGood should not be debated.. scripture is clear.. pre AND post BOTH correctly believe the dead in Christ rise first, but how then do you believe in PRE trib rapture when One of the seals OF TRIBULATION (seal 5) are actually THE DEAD IN CHRIST crying out FROM THEIR GRAVES for justice. Jesus gives them their white robes and but tells them to wait til all their felliow servants are also killed...?
@LifeWasGood 2 года назад
@@paulspaulette6197 Considering what I posted is from Enoch Chapter 71:5-17 And this predates Jesus by, lowest, 380 years, (and that's just what survived written, it's obviously orally old like Job) it's clear the Book of Enoch (NOT the Metatron BS) was used for writing in the New Testament, ...and we're told Romans 12:9 "Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good." I don't see the error or evil in the message of the Messiah or the narrative of Enoch. I found it early in my coming out of Atheism to Theism, and the fact The Book of Enoch was preserved in Qumarn Cave 11 aka the Dead Sea Scrolls, along with Isaiah and other key scrolls, shows it was meant to be preserved and found. Perhaps you all don't want to accept the weird supernatural ideas, ironically, but Enoch describes a Black Hole... Before "space" exploration. As for pre or post tribulation, that's super irrelevant. 15 and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.” God incarnated for us as a guidance to humanity for those with eyes to see and ears to hear, and for those that can't wrap their head around Him too. Take care and have a blessed one, blessings to your loved ones, and even so to your enemies.
@lancelewis3368 2 года назад
I don’t get this “ canon” doctrine when it comes to Enoch, either Enoch really said the prophesy Jude accredited to Him or not. So I would have to say a great deal of what we call the book of Enoch was inspired by God. They quote from it the prophecy, prophecy is from God is undeniably inspired by God. The Bible is truth and our primary source , it’s does not mean no other books are inspired by God the Bible Is a collection of Books. Seems parts of Enoch inspired think there is some controversy about 3 rd part being an add on. Nothing should contradict it but Enoch seems to line up with the Bible and last days prophesy as good as Daniel and Ezekiel do.
@25KENDALL 2 года назад
The book of Enoch says that we have to speak to angels in order to speak to God but the Bible clearly tells us that Jesus is the mediator between us and God through the blood on the cross and faith in that blood.
@power279 2 года назад
@@25KENDALL Enoch was before Yesus came into flesh..and it makes sense in his time
@kingdomconcepts777 2 года назад
@@25KENDALL Hebrews 2 and Acts 7:53 says that messengers spoke to Mosheh concerning Torah. You have to realise that messengers are literally beings made by the Most High on day 1 made them to deliver messages to people. That’s one of their roles. You are taking a verse out of context by claiming mediation. That’s concerning the priesthood. Yes, only the High Priest can mediate between people and the Most High. The Levitical priesthood reflects the heavenly Melchizedek priesthood.
@kingdomconcepts777 2 года назад
@@power279 Yes. Some xtians want to make nonsense up and deny the very doctrine in the NT, which is consistent with the ancient Hebrew Bible. Otherwise, the NT has to be completely rejected, which is why Pharisees reject it.
@trentnichols5075 2 года назад
What gets me is that all the new way thinkers accuse early Christians made up most of the New Testament, yet if they run across a stone carving somewhere of a man with the head of a cockroach it’s exactly what the artist saw because they had no imagination before the death of Christ!!
@ZacharyBauerNew2Torah 2 года назад
I disagree and will give you two of many reasons why I think Enoch 1 is inspired. Just like the Bible where we see things in the text that can later be proven scientifically, we see things like that in Enoch that could only have been holy spirit led. 1. Enoch talks about 14 trees that are evergreen trees and today science confirms 14 types of evergreen trees. How could anyone have known that 2200 years ago? 2. Enoch talks about wind in space. And in the early space race, first the Soviets and then the US discovered that in fact solar wind does exists in at least two different forms. How could anyone have known that 2200 years ago? I recorded a series of videos on my channel that I think prove it's inspired. I don't think we should back off of that position with the information we have today.
@kingdomconcepts777 2 года назад
Not to mention the important prophecies. Otherwise, the NT would have to be entirely rejected.
@ApexImportExport 2 года назад
Rockin response, Dr. Heiser with your expression of salt. I enjoy your bias free explanation as in salvation study is essential to seeing God's Glory.
@25KENDALL 2 года назад
The book of Enoch says that we have to speak to angels in order to speak to God but the Bible clearly tells us that Jesus is the mediator between us and God through the blood on the cross and faith in that blood.
@MultiArchangel 2 года назад
The fact that Enoch confirms the teachings of the New Testament concerning Jesus is evidence of it's inspiration and authority. The fact that the church decided not to include it is evidence that the church was not guided by the Holy Spirit. People need to stop listening to teachings of men imposed on the masses under the pretense that those teachings come from God (Yahuah).
@evanssoudain3032 2 года назад
There's some contradiction...why do we have to consider a book that is clearly know as "not inspired" which can probably contains wrong informations about our theology (because it's not inspired) i think the risk is too high.
@kingdomconcepts777 2 года назад
There are contradictions in the NT. So… No bible copy is flawless. Copies do have scribal errors in some places.
@Chanokh 11 месяцев назад
📚 Matthew 12:46‭-‬50 While Yahusha 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏𐤀𐤕 Yahuah was still talking to the crowd, his mother and brothers stood outside, wanting to speak to him. Someone told him, ‘Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to you.’ He replied to him, ‘Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?’ Pointing to his disciples, he said, ‘Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my Father 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 Yahuah in Shamayim is my brother and sister and mother.’ 📚 Matthew 28:1‭-‬10 After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mother Mary went to look at the tomb. There was a violent earthquake, Chanokh Metatron the Angel of Yahusha 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏𐤀𐤕 Yahuah came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men. Chanokh said to the women, ‘Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Yahusha 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏𐤀𐤕 Yahuah, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: “He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.” Now I have told you.’ So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples. Suddenly Yahusha 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏𐤀𐤕 Yahuah met them. ‘Greetings,’ he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshipped him. Then Yahusha 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏𐤀𐤕 Yahuah said to them, ‘Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.’ 📚 John 20:1‭-‬10 1 Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance.(Matthew 28:1‭-‬10) So she came running to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one Jesus loved, and said, ‘They have taken Yahusha 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏𐤀𐤕 Yahuah out of the tomb, and we don’t know where they have put him!’ So Peter and the other disciple started for the tomb. Both were running, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first. He bent over and looked in at the strips of linen lying there but did not go in. Then Simon Peter came along behind him and went straight into the tomb. He saw the strips of linen lying there, as well as the cloth that had been wrapped round Yahusha 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏𐤀𐤕 Yahuah’s head. The cloth was still lying in its place, separate from the linen. Finally the other disciple, who had reached the tomb first, also went inside. He saw and believed. (They still did not understand from Scripture that Jesus had to rise from the dead.) Then the disciples went back to where they were staying. 📚 John 20:11‭-‬18 Now Mary stood outside the tomb crying. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb and saw two angels in white, seated where Yahusha 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏𐤀𐤕 Yahuah’ body had been, one at the head and the other at the foot. They asked her, ‘Woman, why are you crying?’ ‘They have taken Aluahym away,’ she said, ‘and I don’t know where they have put him.’ At this, she turned round and saw Yahusha 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏𐤀𐤕 Yahuah standing there, but she did not realise that it was Yahusha 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏𐤀𐤕 Yahuah. He asked her, ‘Woman, why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?’ THINKING HE WAS THE GARDENER, she said, ‘Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him.’ Yahusha 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏𐤀𐤕 Yahuah said to her, ‘Mary.’ She turned towards him and cried out in Aramaic, ‘Rabboni!’ (which means ‘Teacher’). Yahusha 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏𐤀𐤕 Yahuah said, ‘Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, “I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my Aluahym and your Aluahym.” ’ Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news: ‘I have seen Aluahym!’ And she told them that he had said these things to her.
@karencobleigh1164 Год назад
You are my most favorite 🙏✝️😁⚘🦁👑⛵⚓🕊⚘🦋
@glennfrick7975 2 года назад
Mark 11:21 KJV [21] And Peter calling to remembrance saith unto him, Master, behold, the fig tree which thou cursedst is withered away. Mark 11:20 KJV [20] And in the morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots.
@o12345r70 2 года назад
Religion for Breakfast says that The Book of Enoch was "spinoff literature" and that it was a compilation with the oldest sections of the text probably dating back to 4th-3rd BCE but that the most complete manuscripts date to 15th or 16th centuries written in Ethiopic. Is this true or even pertinent?
@MisterN0b0dy 8 месяцев назад
The book of Enoch declares ENOCH to be the Messiah. There’s a word for that: heresy.
@JustinMathais-bu5vl 4 месяца назад
The book of Enoch never claims that Enoch is the messiah.
@MisterN0b0dy 4 месяца назад
@@JustinMathais-bu5vlI’m afraid that’s a claim made by those who haven’t studied the Bible nor the book of Enoch sufficiently.
@JustinMathais-bu5vl 4 месяца назад
@@MisterN0b0dy I’ve seen plenty of “charismatic” Christians give their assessment of Enoch but it’s highly biased and not accurate. However scholars do not claim that Enoch made the claim himself, or that the book of Enoch ever said such things. I’ve read Enoch many times through, no where does it ever claim Enoch is the messiah. Nor do scholars say that Enoch is claiming to be the messiah. You’re going off hearsay and not actually looking at the texts itself, that’s why it easy to claim (x) because you yourself has not read the text and is simply going off of the word of someone else. I bet you can’t even provide the verses which charismatic Christians have taken out of context.
@MisterN0b0dy 4 месяца назад
@@JustinMathais-bu5vlI’m not sure why you refer to ‘charismatic’ Christians. And I’m not sure which ‘scholars’ you read but having spent decades studying scripture and other extra-canonical texts, I can assure you I know that I’m talking about.
@reasonforge9997 2 года назад
A dictionary of Biblical Hebrew or Greek may not be inspired scripture for it to be useful to those studying inspired scripture.
@livingbranches777 6 месяцев назад
Christians should probably read it. Its awesome and completely matches a Biblical timeline. 3 apostasies- pre flood, pre first coming of Messiah, pre Messianic reign. Ill just say you probably dont want to jump into it unless you have a working knowledge of at least Genesis and the Prophets. Also if uou know he New Testament well, it should be edifying. There are many parallels and allusions in the NT. Wisdom of Solomon is beautiful like that too.
@philipatoz 2 года назад
But because the Book of Enoch was NOT inspired Scripture, we need to be exceptionally careful as to how we let it influence us as we consider known Scripture. Because, as it wasn't inspired, that means it is entirely a book written ONLY by men - which guarantees there are likely untruths, myths, inaccurate speculations, etc. in it.
@CoffeeScribe 2 года назад
@MultiArchangel 2 года назад
The book of jubilees is another prime example. It confirms the deity of Jesus.
@BobHarvey. 2 года назад
I do read Enoch, so far chapters 1 thru 37 which is the Book of Parables section. I will re-read many more times as I find Enoch’s descriptions amazing. But what I wonder is did he write or say those things to mean he physically went up into the levels of heaven and witnessed it, or is he speaking in the spiritual sense? And I believe Jesus was recorded as saying something about Enoch but does anyone know for sure if there’s a passage about that?
@lancelewis3368 2 года назад
I think when Jesus is referencing Son of Man he does it so much because of the book of Enoch possibly
@25KENDALL 2 года назад
The book of Enoch says that we have to speak to angels in order to speak to God but the Bible clearly tells us that Jesus is the mediator between us and God through the blood on the cross and faith in that blood.
@curlyfryactual Год назад
​@@25KENDALL there is a strong connection between The Son (Christ) and The Angel of the Lord. In fact, before his embidiment as man, The Son is called The Angel of the Lord and The Angel of Great Counsel. I don't see a strong case here to call this a contradiction.
@curlyfryactual Год назад
You might ask the same about Revelation. I tend to agree with Pageau's understanding of the prophetic texts-they are heavily symbolic, as matters of the spirit can really only be communicated symbolically; Milton might say as much, too. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-QtmLCK1keFI.html
@LindaRedmond-uk4rm 11 месяцев назад
I believe First Enoch is truth, second Enoch is dubious, and third Enoch is invalid to me. Just sharing that in case that helps anybody.
@bobcat1933 2 года назад
When dr. Heiser says even though it’s not inspired does that mean inspired equals what is accepted as conical and visa versa? That’s what gets at me. I understand that if certain parts don’t line up with scripture that’s a problem. But do they truly not align or do we have a problem as readers with it not aligning with how we read scripture. I’ve read parts but not the whole thing so I don’t have a strong opinion on this but I ask the question.
@JohnCBurzynski 2 года назад
I am sorry but I read about half way through the book of Enoch and it just seems like a poorly written knock off of scripture. I am not saying it has no value, but I prefer to read and study the real thing.
@tuxcollins2718 6 месяцев назад
Enoch is the real thing. Except for two votes it would have been in the Bible!
@wedi-set577 3 месяца назад
It’s canonical in two apostolic older churches
@hugoramirez7510 2 года назад
You connect the spots by word study strongs concordence to ancient hebrew lexicons. From beginning to end it's about Faith in the most High YHWH in His Word and Obedience to His commandments"Repent" root of word means "turn back". (Revelation 12:17,14:12,22:14) (2 John 1:6,2:3-7) Isaiah 8:20 kjv or nkjv) Ezekiel 36:27) Matthew 19:16-17,4:4) John 15:10,14:15,14:21) But the TRUTH was and is not Popular.
@cmorales5 2 года назад
We aren’t OK with the way Pharisees and Catholics worked out the Canon. The fact is Enoch was found in Qumran in 1947.
@rickingraham136 3 месяца назад
There is no link between the Eastern Faith and Western Christianity Start reading from the first page of the first book, till the last page of the last book …. Don’t start in the middle and reinvent the first half to fit your narrative
@HoneyBadger1779 2 года назад
Okay, the first opening 22 seconds and I'm not sure which book of Enoch you read, Edit: (now I see your specifically referring to people who deny what the Bible actually says about Jesus and about the Jewish community. That's fine.) I have both versions, and all I saw reading about the Son of Man , who was with the Lord of spirits and came forth from the Lord of spirits, the Almighty God, The ancient of days, Is clearly being described as a separate entity like a son of man. This was clearly affirming the Hebrew and first century Christian understanding of the only begotten son, John 3:16 Proverbs 30:4 and of the almighty father, El Shaddai and of El Gibor. Adonai and Adoni, Lord and LORD. At certain points in Enoch, I forgot that I was reading Enoch and felt like I was reading through Revelation, the revelation of Jesus given to John given to Jesus from the ancient of days. It's really not complicated and doesn't require any mental gymnastics interpolation interpretation altering of Bible passages and outright taking out of Bible passages and inserting Bible passages to support. It's the simplest doctrine. Immediately on my very first reading of the Bible book I saw why the church and why the rabbis dismiss this book, because it talks about Jesus and reading the passages in context about Jesus. It goes along with the theme of the rest of the Bible which has nothing to do, but the Trinity doctrine of complete unity, omniscence omnipresence and all powerful 3-in-one co-persons. Originally the term Trinity was used to describe three things working in conjunction, not that they were the same by the way.
@25KENDALL 2 года назад
The book of Enoch says that we have to speak to angels in order to speak to God but the Bible clearly tells us that Jesus is the mediator between us and God through the blood on the cross and faith in that blood.
@HoneyBadger1779 2 года назад
@@25KENDALL Not sure which verse or version you're referring to, there are multiple versions. There is first Enoch, there is the Dead Sea scrolls fragmented Enoch there's Ethiopian Enoch. There is a Septuagint Enoch and they are different. For example, my Septuagint version includes details that might seem minor, but could actually be pretty important for demonology and the Ethiopian version leaves out. I never said it should necessarily be considered divinely, inspired or protected text, the Bible canon is not strictly protected either. But, two things. Jesus, the son is mediator between God Almighty and men. This is correct. Enoch predates the covenant under Christ. That's point number one, in addition to point number one. I will say that Jesus in his heavenly form of course predates his coming is a man. But, Sometimes the true meaning of things in these passages is not entirely clear, translated into our language. So I'm going to give you a verse to ponder on some possibilities. It's found in Revelation 5 8. Check it out. The prayers of his people ascend like curls of smoke and are collected in bowls which are held by angelic creatures..... What does angel mean? It means messenger. They are ministering spirits. Do you not remember Gabriel and Daniel?
@stumpintheearth1088 2 года назад
The Book of Life, along with how to be in it, is found in Malachi 3:16. Fear God, keep his commandments and think on his name. Malachi 3:16 KJV - Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and *a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name*
@josephland8876 2 года назад
What show was this on? I'd like to hear the entire interview.
@pamelamccrory7197 2 года назад
@Joseph Land Looks like " Two Christian Dudes ". That is Shaun Tabbet and his channel is with Randy Kay. I LOVE their channel. Randy Kays testimony is such an encouragement as are their guests.
@josephland8876 2 года назад
@@pamelamccrory7197 thanks for the info. I'll definitely check it out. Randy's story is pretty awesome.
@pamelamccrory7197 2 года назад
@@josephland8876 YES...GOD is good, better than we deserve or could imagine.
@josephland8876 2 года назад
@@pamelamccrory7197 I found it. It's actually on Shaun Tabatt's channel the other Podcaster with Randy. Here's the link. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-d7JD5POJi9Y.html
@SOG8014 2 года назад
Book of Enoch shouldn’t be discredited agreed
@ayiosgeorgios5487 Год назад
YAWEH is the +TRUTH+ of the SUNGOD
@xjwcurious 2 года назад
If you want to know what the Jewish people were really thinking about the messiah before Jesus, read the Tanakh. It's all there. Enoch was not considered canon by anyone but the Ethiopian Christians for several good reasons.
@amadisima8145 10 месяцев назад
What the Jewish people were thinking about the Messiah and what the Messiah is perhaps are two different things, and in fact they did not recognise Him. On the other hand, reading Book 1 i can see Enoch gave a pretty accurate picture of the Son of Man.
@edatwood1826 2 года назад
oposite for me.. knew new testiment.. heard of 1st enoch.. read..listened... wow.. i have heard all this before.. that's what they were refering to ...lol..
@DeborahJoshua24 2 года назад
Tell me more about the “Reader’s Commentary” that you mentioned.
@stankomalceski9677 Год назад
Hey doc when you say invented and thrown back in by the church.Which church are you referring to ? .
@ready1fire1aim1 2 года назад
Jehovah was the Avatar used by God during the New Testament to appear to His beloved Son, Jesus Christ. As God is ineffable, unspeakable and inconceivable, He needs an Avatar to manifest himself on Earth, and one of those avatars was Jehovah, perhaps being the closest physical avatar that God has ever used as a vessel. One of the manifestations of God the Father in the New Testament was in the river where the Enlightened One was baptized, when the Holy Ghost appeared flying above the Savior and a mighty Voice was manifested in Heaven saying "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." Another manifestation of God the Father through Jehovah was during the Transfiguration on Mount Tabor, where Jesus revealed His divine identity shining like the Sun and Moses and Elijah appeared with Him and, to the surprise of the apostles, Peter, James and John, a voice came out. in a light in Heaven saying "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him".
@wimdufoort1978 4 месяца назад
Who where the 70 people who decided about canon?
@brendaw.7597 2 года назад
@jonyoung6405 2 года назад
What copy of Enoch do you folks recommend? I’m currently reading the KJV Bible because I stopped trusting the NIV.
@animalcart4128 2 года назад
1. King James Only-Ism: Is The KJV King? ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-J52c9kb70oE.html
@borrowedtruths6955 2 года назад
Jude’s quote (verses 14-15) is not the only quote in the Bible from a non-biblical source. The Apostle Paul quotes Epimenides in Titus 1:12 but that does not mean we should give any additional authority to Epimenides’ writings. The same is true with Jude. Jude quoting from the book of Enoch does not indicate the entire Book of Enoch is inspired, or even true. All it means is that particular verse is true. It is interesting to note that no scholars believe the Book of Enoch to have truly been written by the Enoch in the Bible. Enoch was seven generations from Adam, prior to the Flood (Genesis 5:1-24) We should treat the Book of Enoch (and the other books like it) in the same manner we do the other Apocryphal writings. Some of what the Apocrypha says is true and correct, but at the same time, much of it is false and historically inaccurate. If you read these books, you have to treat them as interesting but fallible historical documents, not as the inspired, authoritative Word of God.
@thetruthchannel349 2 года назад
*Jude v. 14-15 is word for word from I Enoch.*
@thetruthchannel349 2 года назад
"It is interesting to note that no scholars believe the Book of Enoch to have truly been written by the Enoch in the Bible" *I don't think theres a way to strongly state just how much I couldn't care less even if I were dead that 'no scholars believe _______'*
@borrowedtruths6955 2 года назад
@@thetruthchannel349 Two verses do not validate an entire book for which none of the rest of the Scriptures attest. Be deceived if you so desire, many others are.
@thetruthchannel349 2 года назад
@@borrowedtruths6955 *There over 250 scriptures in Enoch that parallel with Biblical texts. Many of these are NT. The Enoch texts date to 250 BC. Thats called Prophecy*
@thetruthchannel349 2 года назад
@@borrowedtruths6955 *Ignorance and devotion to a leather binding with KING JAMES lathed in gold on your part does not denote ignorance or deception on mine.*
@hartfartpoptart 2 года назад
The idea that Enoch is a reliable source of theology if it isn't "inspired" is a bit ridiculous to me. Either it's true, or it isn't. Enoch makes some incredibly bold claims about how the universe works, if it's not from God, it's not much different than a Jewish version of Paradise Lost, and we know how that has gone when we used it as a source of theology.
@WeAreTneKingdom 25 дней назад
If you have not Read the whole bible ide suggest not to dive into Doctrine of Demons cause thats what Enoch is
@babygremlins 2 года назад
Thanks for the video doctor Heiser. You mention that the Lake of Fire is in the Book of Enoch. I've looked in numerous translations and have never found this. Numerous other credentialed scholars have also stated that the lake of fire only appears in the Egyptian Book of the dead And revelation. So apparently they have not been able to find it in the Book of Enoch either. Can you help where do you see this?
@25KENDALL 2 года назад
The book of Enoch says that we have to speak to angels in order to speak to God but the Bible clearly tells us that Jesus is the mediator between us and God through the blood on the cross and faith in that blood.
@kingdomconcepts777 2 года назад
Chapter 23 mentions Gehenna or river of fire. The phrase “lake of fire” is incorrect. It’s “lake which burns with fire and sulphur.” It’s equivalent to Gehenna.
@kingdomconcepts777 2 года назад
@@25KENDALL Hebrews 2 and Acts 7:53 says that messengers spoke to Mosheh concerning Torah. You have to realise that messengers are literally beings made by the Most High on day 1 made them to deliver messages to people. That’s one of their roles. You are taking a verse out of context by claiming mediation. That’s concerning the priesthood. Yes, only the High Priest can mediate between people and the Most High. The Levitical priesthood reflects the heavenly Melchizedek priesthood.
@spitflamez 2 года назад
I saw it before and Sheol also, I have to see if I can find it…
@kingdomconcepts777 2 года назад
@@spitflamez It’s in chapter 22.
@passingthroughthisworld8369 5 месяцев назад
Dr. Heiser, does not quote the book of Enoch to back what is claiming. Should I continue to listen?
@JustinMathais-bu5vl 4 месяца назад
No, you should read Enoch for yourself and compare to scripture. Once you read Enoch you’ll realize the literary themes that exist in the New Testament are largely inspired by what is found in Enoch. Jude quotes Enoch, he quotes a phrase that is ONLY found in the book of Enoch. Jesus quotes a passage from Enoch which talks about how the angels who do not marry in heaven. This is only found in Enoch. Peter quotes a passage about the angels who have been bound in everlasting chains till the day of judgment, this is a quote only found in the book of Enoch. And there is a lot more, there is no denial that Enoch was a major influential texts for the authors of the New Testament.
@josephoreynolds1742 2 года назад
It came over with Noah,and was the first book Written- Enoch invented ink to paper -MOST Likely
@isaacunderhill9120 2 года назад
Christian middle earth? That’s a good one. I been on many a journey there myself
@arcelialagenour1639 2 года назад
These books spoken of in The Word are not in The Bible. That really is confusing. If they are spoke of through the Bible then they should be in there. 🤷‍♀️
@demoncracy4431 2 года назад
"Before Abraham was, I AM"
@demoncracy4431 2 года назад
@@termination9353 hmmm no. Adam fell and God sent His only begotten Son to pay for that sin and be new Adam, perfect man, to redeem old man, without perfect Lamb to pay for sin nobody would be able to enter Heaven, justice must be served- God is just
@demoncracy4431 2 года назад
@@termination9353 what Adam you mean, Sandler? Adam in Eden disobeyed God's order not to eat from the tree, he ate, was cursed by God and expelled from paradise together with Eve, he was promised a path back, Savior, Messiah, Jesus came and made Himself the Door, True Door, only Door, only Way back to Life
@tugatgalut 2 года назад
אני לא מבין למה חנוך אסור במסורת היהודית. נביאים אחרים נעלמו עם חייזרים, למה חנוך אסור. אני פשוט לא מבין את זה. 🙏
@willtherealrustyschacklefo3812 2 года назад
As far as seeking knowledge and understanding Enoch is probably the most important book written, it has nothing to do with salvation but neither does any book of the bible other than the ones written by Paul. The rest is all for further knowledge and understanding of God's word and his world. A of course not the texts we physically possess but the material and stories in Enoch actually date back to even before the Time of Noah. It's really interesting actually, which came first the Christian or the Jew? Lol
@25KENDALL 2 года назад
The book of Enoch says that we have to speak to angels in order to speak to God but the Bible clearly tells us that Jesus is the mediator between us and God through the blood on the cross and faith in that blood.
@willtherealrustyschacklefo3812 2 года назад
@@25KENDALL nowhere does it specifically say that, also Enoch physically travels to God and speaks with him etc. Not to mention Enoch was the first person to ever talk about Jesus
@Gift-Lord 2 года назад
Sons of God were the descendants of Seth, not fallen angels. Book of Enoch is heresy.
@Endtimes24 6 месяцев назад
Sons of God is fallen angels. Bible said sons of God had sex with daughter of men and give birth to giants! Aka nephilims
@JFootin 2 года назад
The NT authors quote Enoch regarding the fallen angels, and it seems to be some detailed factual info. But where Enoch loses me is God showing him every detail of His creation. It is boring and doesn't seem to be useful at all.
@tamhas 2 года назад
I would really like to hear your response to astrotheology and the zodiac coding within the bible
@debo0757 2 года назад
He has an entire teaching on this, look at his web site or Google it,you will find it intriguing
@acezenfu3293 Год назад
Jublee chapter 8
@ericwolf9482 2 года назад
Jesus never made reference to said book. but he did make reference to all the other old Testament books so why include something the Son of God Jesus never made any reference to. It's believed Enoch was written c350 AD.
@thetruthchannel349 2 года назад
"It's believed Enoch was written c350 A" *No, it isnt believed that.*
@nickolasramos6602 2 года назад
Enoch is an amazing book at least the 1st book and I think it is important however I disagree about Enoch was there first. Remember CHRIST JESUS was there in the beginning HE IS THE LIVING WORD, keep in mind HE said ask and you shall receive so I'd be careful when we put too much thought in trying to understand we are supposed to trust not in your own understanding. May our Father in Heaven be with Us 💗
@joshbimthedoctor 2 года назад
Anyone know what the full interview is called?
@Chevelle17 2 года назад
For anyone interested...Skywatchtv has a great deal on 1st Enoch with volume 1 and 2 commentaries by Dr Heiser...$35...thankyou Dr Heiser for all your hard work...keeping you in my prayers.
@yosemitejam 2 года назад
Wonder what his perspective is on the gospel of Thomas?
@matthewdunn7321 2 года назад
Do you have a non corrupted version of the book of Enoch?
@poliannabissoli3846 11 месяцев назад
Could someone help? I've read many times that Jesus/early christians copied the idea behind The Son Of Man from the book of Enoch. In Daniel we see the son of man as having power over kingdons. But in book of Enoch son of man sits beside God and will come upon the clouds the judge humanity. SO Jesus copied mix these two and applied from himself. And this book of enoch prophesied this son of man having 77 generations since Adam. That is why genealogy in Luke is longer then mathews. Basically they copied a lot from this book, are all this true?
@JustinMathais-bu5vl 4 месяца назад
Yes, the biblical authors of the New Testament were largely inspired by the book of Enoch. A good handful of topics that are discussed in the NT are found no where else besides The book of Enoch. Jude quotes Enoch, Peter quotes Enoch, and Jesus quotes Enoch.
@ready1fire1aim1 2 года назад
Yahweh is "the beginning and the end". God is "without beginning and without end". Anyone care the Usurper/Deciever is being worshipped as God?
@reidwright264 2 года назад
Enoch was the scribe before Noah
@georgeoneal78 2 года назад
Never heard of it
@willtherealrustyschacklefo3812 2 года назад
People never think about how Abraham was technically the first Jew, Noah and people like his grandfather Enoch were actually Christians. The term son of man was actually first mentioned by Enoch and he was the first person to speak about Jesus, thousands of years before even Abraham
@jeanalice4732 2 года назад
Abraham could never be the first Jew! They never existed until after Judah was born. Don't be stupid. Jews are named after the land where One tribe remained after the other ten tribes were carried off. These tribes were known as The House of Israel. Many if not most were prophesied to later convert to Christianity... But some have lost tracing of their genetic sources.. but expect to eventually discover it possibly via DNA.
@willtherealrustyschacklefo3812 2 года назад
@@jeanalice4732 the very fact of the Jews existence is because of Abraham. He made the deal with God that founded their faith, he was the first of the Jewish people. Which as you even mentioned includdes alot more than just the physical "nation of Israel" , the Jews were a people long before ever entering into the land promised to Abraham.
@willtherealrustyschacklefo3812 2 года назад
@@jeanalice4732 also Just sayinn, Abraham's sons Issac and.. Jacob (which btw is the one who God named Israel, because of his promise to Abraham) lot was only spared because of a request from Abraham, the God of the Jews, Christians and Muslims is the God of Abraham.
@jeanalice4732 2 года назад
@@willtherealrustyschacklefo3812 A more reasonable definition might be the person/father of those who not only recognize ONE God but the god who was not part of the pantheon of fallen angels who had corrupted His intent for Man. It is not slavery to tradition of men and concocted rules... But a relationship based on trust and love
@willtherealrustyschacklefo3812 2 года назад
@@jeanalice4732 I mean you can spin and twist it anyway you'd like buttt the fact is he was the one who started the Jewish religion, before him was different. But you would still consider people of those times either Jews or Christians
@cyprian2587 2 года назад
All Protestants in the comments arguing about wether it should be canon... who’s stopping you? Lol
@thetruthchannel349 2 года назад
*How is the concept of 'canon' itself Scriptural?*
@thetruthchannel349 2 года назад
*I completely reject the concept or the addiction to the concept of 'CANON.' I find it silly, childish and absurd.*
@bobbyadkins6983 2 года назад
There's scriptures in the old testament that confirms Jesus is God. You don't need the book of Enoch. Isaiah 9:6 for example.
@mogensjensen8281 2 года назад
Interesting! I did know , that Judas had used some from the book of Enoch(Satan, Michael and Moses). Lake of fire and final judgment was ind the the book of Enoch, I didn"t know. BUT what about THE thousand year KINGDOM? Where does that come from?. I pretty sure, that it is not from the old testament.
@rockzalt 2 года назад
A big curiosity I've had is what kind of theological discussions were present during the time of the NT. It's not as if everyone agreed considering how Paul baited the Pharisees and Sadducees into arguing between themselves.
@lilchristuten7568 2 года назад
He didn't bait them they would have argued with each other anyway because of their opposition to each other in the hope of the resurrection, and that is chiefly the reason Paul was on trial, because he preached the resurrected Christ.
@rockzalt 2 года назад
@@lilchristuten7568 Did the idea of provoking two sides into an argument go against your sense of what Christians should behave like?
@rockzalt 2 года назад
@@termination9353 Sources?
@rockzalt 2 года назад
@@termination9353 It would be rather silly to believe that long held 2nd temple theological issues were about TMZ styled relationships. You still haven't provided any real sources other than creating a story of your own.
@rockzalt 2 года назад
​@@termination9353 It's simple. You have no evidence that links John 21:24 with a "Gospel of Jesus was originally one book, written by Lazarus in consultation with the Apostles". I don't know why but your making this stuff up.
@robertdixon8769 2 года назад
It's amazing how these intellectuals can pick apart the Bible and never say the name of Yah still call him God ,he's another false one.who supports the Roman church he's problem a Jesuit undercover.
@metaspacecrownedbytime4579 2 года назад
How is it that The Book of Enoch can not be inspired? If you understand what spirit is it must be.
@thetruthchannel349 2 года назад
*I absolutely see inspired texts in I Enoch. I have no problem saying that. I dont feel the need to be apologetic in saying that. I EMPHATICALLY say that.*
@wearashirt 2 года назад
I actually read reza aslan's Zealot lol
@user-ix1lw3fo5v 2 года назад
Lost sinnees.l8ve that freaking book. They really like false prophecy
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