
Wolff Responds: Capitalism's Awful Solutions to its Crises 

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Responding to the statistic from the Pew Research Center survey that 42% of American households report that their income in December of 2020 was lower than before the Covid crisis hit in February and March, Prof Wolff argues that true recovery for the majority of people won’t be possible in a capitalist system. He says the conservative tactic is to shift the cost of getting back on track onto the working class. Liberal alternative isn’t that different, mostly softening the blow to the working class while continuing to leave the private capitalists to decide to revive the economy.
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24 дек 2020




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@Joee1530 3 года назад
Reject capitalism embrace socialism.
@justice_was_taken 3 года назад
It’s what jesus would do
@alexpodolsky8980 3 года назад
Reject capitalism - embrace co-ops. That what is socialism or communism (community) means now.
@1lorijb 3 года назад
Get a job and take responsibility for your sorry nasty set!!!!
@biouyb5828 3 года назад
@newwavesyndicate3985 3 года назад
@@alexpodolsky8980 Co-ops are capitalism. Hell, a market socialist system is even worse than capitalism is now! Real Socialism does not base itself on the markets!
@jp3576 3 года назад
The mafia calls it a “shake down.”
@patrickvankeuren9082 3 года назад
Capitalism calls it "market competition". I call it fascism.
@AcmePotatoPackingPocatello 3 года назад
People say UNIONS create a lazy society. When I was growing up in the 1960s I did not see that. At all. My union labor neighbors had well tended homes and yards. Many had hobbies that were beneficial to society. Like 5 acres of strawberries, with an untended roadside stand. The other neighbor a beekeeper, sold honey. 1960s and 70s over 1 in 3 workers were part of organized labor. UNION protected, relaxed, confident, paid well, full healthcare. No copay. No deductable. Small businesses did very well. Small stores, grocery, clothing, bakeries, hardware, farm supplies, hunting&fishing, were icons in my town, having been in families since the late 1930s. All big grocery stores were union. All manufacturing was union Welders, carpenters, plumbers, ALL unionized. Agriculture was decentralized. We had a small meatpacking plant, 2 canneries summer employment for kids & college students & moms. There were 3 dairies within 2 miles of my place...family dairy. They milked 100 cows a day. Grass fed cows, clean barns, clean fields, clean milk. Darigold milk cartoons filled in small cheese and milk factory down the road in the next town. Kids in my school rich and poor treated as equals. Thee only kids that were poor, was because of alcoholic parents. I was one of those kids. Yet the power of a solid neighborhood, solid school system, and a union job saved my ass when I graduated high school in 1971. I bought a house at 22. Sold it bought another with 80 acres in 1977. Raised crops and grass fed beef as a hobby, worked fulltime in a Sawmill. Then Reaganism of the 1980s. My wife's grinding wheel company took 250 jobs to Taiwan in 1987. The rototiller manufacturing company next door shuttered its newly rebuilt plant and took 300 union jobs to Japan in 1989. Reagan broke the IWA union and by 1992 over 120,000 lost union wage protection. Get this....$ 9 dollars an hour is what we lost adjusted for inflation from 1990 to 2018. And healthcare went from free for workers to $ 1200.00 dollar deductible- per family member. No union no senority protection. ..I saw a lot of good men arbitrarily fired. I witnessed the rise of predatory bosses first hand. I watched men become brownosers. Brownosers are the EPIDEMIC. u.s. today is faded glory. Just a cesspool to the billionaires
@lynnwood7205 3 года назад
The Correspondence between the IWA and Reagan was posted on the union bulletin board at the VA hospital I was in at that time. Reagan led them down the path and betrayed them, his purpose, only to communicate to the business class, that the Federal Government was getting out of the workers' rights business.
@AcmePotatoPackingPocatello 3 года назад
@@lynnwood7205 ....thanks. Interesting story. I saw both union & nonunion sawmills. I worked it my entire life. The difference in men then, unionized, and now, no union, is something similar to H.P. Lovecraft horror, in that a predatory work environment is toxic. Divorce, pain meds abuse, brownosers, slothful appearance, LCD thinking, and rampant materialism, subjugated a sense of community. Ethereally like moisture evaporating off a warm road.
@AcmePotatoPackingPocatello 3 года назад
@Ayan Majumdar Ya, since WW2 u.s. has elected bizarre Presidents. Sadly, and for that I have personal regret. Propaganda is an insidious tool. When used on a trusting population.
@lynnwood7205 3 года назад
@@AcmePotatoPackingPocatello Yes. You may want to view Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert of the Keiser Report RT, economist Michael Hudson & journalist Chris Hedges, forecaster Gerald Celente, journalist Nomi Prins to understand further how our nation has been stolen from the many of us and how all the communities we were part of, whether we wanted to be part of or not, have been destroyed Bitcoin is seen by many as a rising force capable of checking the excesses of fiat and this current economic structure. As Gore Vidal quipped in about 1996, the Corporatists control Congress, it is the Party of Property of two wings, the Democratic, the Republican, but only one party, of property. The present structure of the economy does not function for most of the residents and citizens of this nation. Take care.
@lynnwood7205 3 года назад
@Ayan Majumdar Sadly, you are correct.
@articulatechav2668 3 года назад
Christmas day and listening to a critique of capitalism... as it should be. Have a good one those who do 🌲
@Objectivityiskey 3 года назад
Capitalism? Where do you live? If you live somewhere where they practice Capitalism I want to move there!
@pipster1891 3 года назад
@@Objectivityiskey I doubt you need to move.
@spiceinsights 3 года назад
Same to you 🎄
@Objectivityiskey 3 года назад
@@pipster1891 So where is this Capitalist country you speak of? America sure isn't practicing Capitalism, just look at the deficit spending, and Government imposed economic lockdowns. Is that what you are calling Capitalism these days? It's more like Socialistic Fascism.
@jefekeefsosa4998 3 года назад
@@Objectivityiskey amazing how everything you just said is wrong
@oldsesalt8496 3 года назад
Their income is less this December. And their taxes will be higher in April since the meager middle class tax cuts expire. Thank you so very much Tinyhands, etal.
@leinahtanb4885 3 года назад
The "Tinyhands" of both democrats and republicans?
@Recuper8 3 года назад
On the verge of Collapse
@lynnwood7205 3 года назад
Well you know as was mentioned by Gerald Celente, the fellow whose birthday this day celebrates, he was crucified after throwing the money changers out of the temple. Well back to my Gospel of Prosperity to learn how he got it so wrong.
@pauldusa 3 года назад
Yes it's shameful. I feel forward will be much worse. I'm retired 65 in Pa. Feel sorry for children of the world . greed by the Elite. Yes that's the tren. Fire Sale every 7 yrs
@slowmoe1686 3 года назад
I'm expecting 2021 to have just as many job losses. The employment economy is basically hemorrhaging. Hopefully you' and any family you may have are able to stay safe in this coming year.
@johnsimons9088 3 года назад
For sure, it's the children whose development is stunted that will be disadvantaged in a number of ways going forward.
@artrock8175 3 года назад
Dr. Wolff, Thank you for being a "beacon of hope" for those who've lost everything through no fault of their own. Your ideas are slowly gaining momentum with the masses as the leaders of this country show how little they truly care. In a time where the wealth of the world should be stepping up to the plate to help their communities in need, they are using their wealth to buy up the resources (businesses, homes, land, etc) the poor and the middle class just lost with the intent to sell everything back at horrendously inflated prices (what I consider to be predatory investing). Also, I find it quite ironic that those who are urging the people to go back to work for the sake of the economy are hiding like cockroaches in their multi-million dollar mansions. These are the same people who do NOT support stimulus relief checks for the people, cry about "printing money" (unless it's for them), and are the first in line to beg for the government for corporate welfare checks. Money and "the economy" shouldn't be 1st priority over human life. If things don't change for the benefit of ALL soon, it will only be a matter of time before the people organize to create change without the politicians being a part of it.
@MrPedur 3 года назад
Hi mr. Wolff. Here in these uncertain times, you must be thanked for your great commitment to the truth. You and your loved ones are wished a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from a fan in Denmark.
@ablam8 3 года назад
The Americans think they live in the land of milk and honey. Oh, come to America, you can become rich. They have generally sold themselves a dream.
@sun1st 3 года назад
No it was but that's was 30 - 40 years ago. BUT Y not now. It's kama... It's work strangely.... So many been killed, millions of babies, young n old have their life shorten. Soul many soul not RIP. Crying for revenge.. You know who cause their life shorten?
@BishopRealTalk98 3 года назад
Only in a fairy tale you can go somewhere and automatically become rich.
@helengarrett6378 3 года назад
Ready today for a new system. This one has repeatedly ruined my life and now is ruining my children's lives. We never get ahead.
@jackflack9004 3 года назад
Maybe you should change your habits. I don't know you, but every poor person I have ever met had a least one bad habit, ie alcohol, drugs, gambling,.... If you smoke your ARE teaching your kids to smoke.
@dsmitty5569 3 года назад
Happy Holidays!
@LauraVee63 3 года назад
Happy Holidays, Richard! Thank you for your video this morning....Getting ready for work on this Christmas Day..I love the information you provide. What do you think about Americans going on a general strike?
@dianebonneau2350 3 года назад
1 out of 3 returning to their companies saw a cut in wages and hours❄️
@josephregallis3394 3 года назад
When there is a downturn in the economy, we should cut the pay of Congress and the President as well, then we'll see how they like Capitalism!
@juligrlee556 3 года назад
I really appreciate your positive thinking about how to improve the situation. Nonetheless, we still need a government that will make cooperatives possible. Until then we will deja vu the suffering over and over again. As long as we can keep the uneducated or under educated subjugated, nothing will change. The weak link is our schools and the anti-intellectual attitude of many young people. I know way too many people who hate school, learning, studying and those who are successful in schools. Too bad many of our schools only make success possible for school athletes.
@markmahan7725 3 года назад
You are the government. Stop looking for "government" to change things. Use the collective that is the government. Of which you are 1 of many. Don't look to others for a solution. Be the solution maker. That is what I do. I believe thought and thinking is the only job or work that counts. And I have given my thoughts and thinking and do not want anything for it. By posting videos on You Tube. Which I can no longer do. And not because I don't want to. Check out Mark Mahan, the human connection. You will see and hear what my solution proposals are. I speak to renewable energy, for climate break down. I speak to basic coverage for basic needs. I speak to how to bring change non violently. But also what not doing so will bring violent revolution. I speak about real medical solutions which we hear there are no solutions to. I speak of my dreams and aspiration. But can't do with the system we have in place. And how I am but 1 in millions who can not do as we want. But my overriding message is that the real power is us COLLECTIVELY. Not money or financial institutions or even governments, BUT US COLLECTIVELY. I have said this over and over. Put legs and arms on a dollar bill and tell it to build or come up with something. How do you think that will pan out? It won't!
@Porelcaminitoyotellevare 3 года назад
Thank you Mr. Wolf for this gift in Christmas
@woody7652 3 года назад
Happy Christmas Comrades! ✊
@eottoe2001 3 года назад
Mitch is dyed in the wool Southerner and his loyalty is to the plantation owners. Slavery and low paid workers for them is great thing. That is why they embrace von MIses and Hayek. They are birds of a feather.
@franciscofrancesco7844 3 года назад
Extraordinary Economics class on the mechanisms of the capitalism! Brilliant, as usual. Thank you, Professor Wolff.
@crisshakuryahfee 3 года назад
My understanding Capitalism are trying to bring back the jobs from China to America at a lower wage in due time. All in while the middle class and poor Class are suffering due to the coronavirus. Don’t let a good devastation go to Waste. It will be two classes of people poor class and the 1%
@RobertTempleton64 3 года назад
Note: it is already two classes.
@dlg5485 3 года назад
Prof Wolff breakin' it down with crystal clarity, as always.
@richdiana3663 3 года назад
Limits to Growth is destroying capitalism. Degrowth is our future.
@coolcat1684 3 года назад
During the Great Depression the Roosevelt administration provided work programs and assistance to help the people ...
@nthperson 3 года назад
There are solutions and there are crisis interventions. Allowing the federal government to create money out of thin air and spend it on needed infrastructure replacement and improvements, while also providing higher and longer-lasting unemployment benefits will address the crisis without increasing public debt. There is risk of inflation but only once the rate of unemployment falls to a much lower level. Systemic reforms deal with ending those aspects of our laws, our tax structure and other policies that reward rent-seeking over the production of goods and services. Edward J. Dodson, Director School of Cooperative Individualism www.cooperative-individualism.org
@4Zeus20 3 года назад
@frankreynolds4413 3 года назад
Didn’t buy gifts this year, wanna break from this sickness
@cliffordmaxwell9802 3 года назад
Stay healthy Prof Wolff we are going to need your keen intellect! Coming out the other side of this capitalism epic fail crash after crash economy and global viral pandemic deadly combination assault on the working class and as always the poor. which by the way is expanding in number by an alarming rate! It does not feel right to wish everyone Happy Holidays when we know so many are suffering It just feels more like we are going through the motions definitely not festive at all!
@bargdaffy1535 3 года назад
I just found out today that you taught David Pakman! Excellent job Professor.
@patricialongo5746 3 года назад
Where's my Free Market solution to inequality? Where's my Free Market solutions to poverty and pollution? Waiting seems futile.
@barbaralui4668 3 года назад
Merry Christmas!
@edc3743 3 года назад
AT THE 54:48secmark IN FRANK CAPRA's *It's a Wonderful Life* [which, after having seen this film for over 60 years now, i consider to be the GREATEST CRITIQUE OF CAPITALISM BY AN AMERICAN ever done] in a shot of Jimmy Stewart and Thomas Mitchell in the main office on a wall in the close distance between the two is a picture of Peter Bailey (played by Samuel N Hinds) and underneath that picture is a little framed motto type thing==THE MOTTO SAYS "All you can take with you is that which you've given away" LET THAT SINK IN, friend. LET THAT SINK IN...then you'll recognize one of many reasons why the FBI was after Capra and this film for portraying Potter "too evil", the film and Capra were "Communist". ****CAPITALISM TAKES EVERYTHING****, LEAVING ONLY SUICIDAL AND OMNICIDAL DESTRUCTION BEHIND. It can do nothing other than that. IT SUCCEEDS BECAUSE *ALL HUMANS* DO THAT. Not much time left. Like the Redford film title of a few years ago: ALL IS LOST.
@19Ronin95 3 года назад
Such inspiring final words. Thank you!
@coolcat1684 3 года назад
Dr Wolf you speak with compassion and knowledge...again
@radoliz2 3 года назад
Beautiful Sweater Love your program Merry Christmas
@Inpreesme 3 года назад
Thank you
@daniel2064 3 года назад
could work in Canada.....USA ....no chance..,,at least not now or near future
@psikeyhackr6914 3 года назад
The proponents of Capitalism, Communism and Socialism have not advocated mandatory accounting in the schools since the 50s. Is that too difficult a concept for any of them. What is NDP? What has happened to the depreciation of automobiles since Sputnik?
@BryanPeabody 3 года назад
Spot on. Great video!
@steveflor9942 3 года назад
Just a side note: Computer equipment depreciates very quickly. Solely because it is obsolete very quickly.
@anthonytwohill9726 3 года назад
You sound like an accountant.
@earlviney5212 3 года назад
Lower pay that is what the end game
@BBBarua 3 года назад
We, the people, got to spend less in general. Marketing and false promotion of sales stuff are eating poor Americans alive. "Buy buy buy......" is not a way of life, and it creates a more significant gap in inequality.
@volta2aire 3 года назад
Dickens wanted Scrooge to be redeemed. "Scrooge is transformed into a kinder, gentler man." That was a work of fiction.
@gaynor505 3 года назад
Upon reflection on your commentary today, I see the following weaknesses: 1.... even if you buy equipment from failed businesses, you still have to store and resell. Is there really that much money to be made, when you factor in moving said equipment, storing it, advertising it for resale, etc....????.... 2....... Who will occupy the tsunami of vacated business spaces.......????....... pre-pandemic there were an increasing number of empty spaces in Malls etc......3....... If wages decrease then what happens to the sectors of the Economy based on tourism, durable goods, Travel and Leisure....?????...... Wealthy investors and owners in these areas will, in turn, wind up going out of business. The whole rotten deck of cards are falling like dominoes....The non-human world is exacting it's Revenge upon us. Long overdue. And this is only the prelude.The American Empire is DOA. I welcome your responding to the foregoing.
@tonydebruyne257 3 года назад
It’s very easy to be negative and criticize and much more difficult to lead with viable alternatives, which requires creative constructive thinking.
@jackflack9004 3 года назад
People have been experimenting with socialism for hundreds of years. How many more times do you want to try? Or a better question how many more dead bodies is enough?
@dougprobert5378 3 года назад
Good old corporate greed, tired of low wages.
@williamblack4097 3 года назад
Very well stated and true.
@Guitarpima 3 года назад
Find out how much you pay to work. Add everything up. Buildings, vehicles, employees, inventory, and all the rest. Chances are, you pay four times your salary to work. I know someone who makes $50,000 a year and if his company were a worker co-op, he would make over $250,000 a year. Dr. Wolff always uses an exampell of making $20 an hour but the company will make $22. Giving the company a profit of two dollars. This is not how it works. As you can tell, corporations want all of your money. Either way, I learned all I did from Dr. Wolff. Thank you.
@russingram8101 3 года назад
The fact of the matter is that capitalism can exist with *very few actual capitalists*. From Engels: "If the crises demonstrate the incapacity of the bourgeoisie for managing any longer modern productive forces, the transformation of the great establishments for production and distribution into joint-stock companies, trusts, and State property, show how unnecessary the bourgeoisie are for that purpose. All the social functions of the capitalist has no further social function than that of pocketing dividends, tearing off coupons, and gambling on the Stock Exchange, where the different capitalists despoil one another of their capital. At first, the capitalistic mode of production forces out the workers. Now, it forces out the capitalists, and reduces them, just as it reduced the workers, to the ranks of the surplus-population, although not immediately into those of the industrial reserve army. But, the transformation - either into joint-stock companies and trusts, or into State-ownership - does not do away with the capitalistic nature of the productive forces. In the joint-stock companies and trusts, this is obvious. And the modern State, again, is only the organization that bourgeois society takes on in order to support the external conditions of the capitalist mode of production against the encroachments as well of the workers as of individual capitalists. **The modern state, no matter what its form, is essentially a capitalist machine - the state of the capitalists, the ideal personification of the total national capital. The more it proceeds to the taking over of productive forces, the more does it actually become the national capitalist, the more citizens does it exploit. The workers remain wage-workers - proletarians. The capitalist relation is not done away with. It is, rather, brought to a head.** But, brought to a head, it topples over. State-ownership of the productive forces is not the solution of the conflict, but concealed within it are the technical conditions that form the elements of that solution." www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1880/soc-utop/ch03.htm I think figures like Richard Wolff have a role to play in determining this State capitalist outcome in America providing it some intellectual weaponry. I do not think his solutions amount to socialism, even though I believe he sincerely believes so. I a
@russingram8101 3 года назад
Capitalism is general and universal production for exchange.
@cocoablini 3 года назад
The only economic element allowed to "deflate" is labor costs. God forbid apple stock deflates, or oil, or whatever. But labor? It's great!
@TTTzzzz 3 года назад
I don't mind people having a certain wealth, but why screw people to achieve it. Everybody should share. Workers do the work, the rich only own.
@cocoablini 3 года назад
I think merit is fine to reward...but the US system is not bad because of capitalism. It's bad because criminal class manages the monetary system and government allowed this to happen. The deathknell was the removal of the depression era safeguards by Clintonites and GOP. The concept of capitalism is not inherently bad, BUT the concept of Democracy allows for incompetence and corruption elect leadership. People are too stupid to deserve the vote. Obama, Trump, Bush, Clinton, Biden. Mediocrity on parade
@TTTzzzz 3 года назад
@@cocoablini I kind of agree. Pure Capitalism is bad because it focuses on short term profits. Workers rights are disregarded. Their pay is as low as possible. CEO pay is as high as possible. You think that Democracy is incompetent and corrupt and that voters are too stupid to vote. I agree. Will you tell me what system you prefer? I would really like to know.
@longanddeadly 3 года назад
Do you have solutions which dont violate natural law? Do you even understand natural law? *“The vision of the anointed begins with entirely different premises. Here it is not the innate limitations of human beings, or the inherent limitations of resources, which create unhappiness but the fact that social institutions and social policies are not as wisely crafted as the anointed would have crafted them.”* ― Thomas Sowell, The Vision of the Anointed: Self-congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy
@Gigika313 3 года назад
@erstwhilegrubstake 3 года назад
@deeplorable8988 3 года назад
I hear ya, but, using your own metrics the cycle is ~ 10 yrs, not 4-7yrs.
@jgalt308 3 года назад
That is only true if everything is a crash and only applies after 1939. (the four to seven year claim) When words cease to have meaning one can create whatever fantasy one desires... There used to be a time when those who were "persecuted" simply wanted to be left alone. Now, no matter how small or fringe, they want to shove your face in it, and they expect "government" to assist them to do so...one might consider that "democracy" then, is NOT a solution to "anything"...
@crispycritter9163 3 года назад
I call this "Serfing USA"
@harryfare4396 3 года назад
2:05 the American proletariat would become so desperate that they will go to work for a lower wage... Why? Worker wages worldwide tend to even out so the United States in a capitalistic profit motive way is getting closer to the wages of Chinese proletariat
@markmahan7725 3 года назад
Very well said. And the distinction is spot on. Both do wars because it is a stop gap on running out of exploitative practices domestically. As well as an opportunity to spread the pain and destruction on a global scale. While reaping profits at the same time. An all inclusive agenda to make a global population desperate. Which always make profit for them domestically as well. Come at the most vulnerable from all sides. Which is why military spending is out of control. For a dominate military is vital to profits for the few and disaster for the many.
@jameylewis8121 3 года назад
loud background noises are distracting.
@jonathansourdough8809 3 года назад
I totally agree with everything you said. I would love to hear how socialism would solve the problem if something such as a recession were to happen though. Please don't take this as a "prove your way works" question. My perspective is more so "all I have known my whole life is capitalism and I want to be able to think differently. But I just can't imagine how it all comes together, since this is all i know." (It would be great to have some ammunition to fight the "prove your way works" type of people too though.)
@uptick888 3 года назад
That’s just it Americans don’t know ..read about all the other developed countries for a starter..
@joeows6537 3 года назад
I was un-Subscribed, so check your status people. I was also un-subscribed from several channels in the last several weeks. What's up with that?
@justice_was_taken 3 года назад
Hitting subscribe does not give you notifications when new videos are posted. You also have to hit the bell icon
@joeows6537 3 года назад
@@justice_was_taken I did that a long time ago... Somehow, I was unsubscribed, I was also unsubscribed from the Jimmy Dore Show as well as Greyzone...
@justice_was_taken 3 года назад
@@joeows6537 probably some fuckery from YTs part then. That’s to be expected. Literally not even the people that made these algorithms that run this site could tell you how they work
@joeows6537 3 года назад
@@justice_was_taken "Manafacturing Dissent" (sic) lol
@joeows6537 3 года назад
@@justice_was_taken I am sure in no time, they will have an Issue with your "Fuck" moniker as well! By un-subscribing, it is an attempt to control media and information, some real CoIntelPro shit... not good and against the First Amendment! "Free Speech & Freedom of the Press".
@patmahinie5728 3 года назад
Doesn't that mean that 58% of Americans household incomes were higher in December of 2020 before the covid crisis hit in February and March? Isn't that a good thing?
@lloydmoore982 3 года назад
It will take some strong socialist policy to get America out of this present mess,after that things should never be the same again..forget capitalism or socialism,put heart,heads,&hands together find a balance.
@MRdotMIND 3 года назад
1922-91.. USSR.. what happened? Why did it fail? Why will it work in the US? Why is our quality of life so high in the US with all these billionaires "taking" our money?
@cocoablini 3 года назад
Maybe Mr. Wolff can define the differences between Republican Corp Capitalism and Democrat Plutocracy and tell us which is going to be better for Socialists like him. Answer:Neither.
@zinaj9437 3 года назад
With enough social supports, capitalism could work. It would be like the health insurance companies if we moved to Medicare For All or some other universal health care system. The health insurance companies could exist on the fringe, providing services not covered by the universal health care plan. Capitalism would exist in the same manner, with limitations and closer monitoring.
@zofiajaneczek184 3 года назад
A servant or slave IS NOT grateful to any master, not in any system! Especially if that master created the mess, set up the system for failure for the have nots. Exactly, we CAN DO better than the current crap system in place!
@burnindownthehouse 3 года назад
This man speaks the truth.
@bobsmith175 3 года назад
First and foremost, you gotta think about what causes recessions. They are caused by government intervention. For example, people are out of work today because the government intervened and said that businesses need to close so that the virus doesn't spread. You gotta think twice before proposing even more government intervention to a problem caused by government intervention. Secondly, let employers and employees negotiate their wages. If Employer A is too stingy with the pay, there's Employer B down the street who will pay more to the employee, leaving Employer A to make a decision: either increase wages to attract needed employees, or go bankrupt by let Employer B take all the employees
@jackflack9004 3 года назад
Your second point would require people to be responsible and have self control. I don't think Pr. Wolff's fans have either.
@greendayluva1 3 года назад
Still no solutions offered!
@nthperson 3 года назад
There are solutions and there are crisis interventions. Allowing the federal government to create money out of thin air and spend it on needed infrastructure replacement and improvements, while also providing higher and longer-lasting unemployment benefits will address the crisis without increasing public debt. There is risk of inflation but only once the rate of unemployment falls to a much lower level. Systemic reforms deal with ending those aspects of our laws, our tax structure and other policies that reward rent-seeking over the production of goods and services. Edward J. Dodson, Director School of Cooperative Individualism www.cooperative-individualism.org
@alioxinfree 3 года назад
Democratic Socialism. Democratize work. Basic necessities are human rights: food, shelter, clean air/water, education, healthcare, childcare, eldercare, transportation, communications.
@lynnwood7205 3 года назад
Let's see. Oh I know, let us loan federally guaranteed money at negative interest rates to enable private equity firms to acquire all those idle assets still owned by those shut down. This is called a Capitalist solution under the "creative destruction" clause. We have got to get those assets working again. It is unfortunate so many just do not save enough to weather rainy days you know. Well the financiers and money lenders and credit card companies will just have to raise the rates and institute new fees to cover the costs of loss and economic recovery. Ain't American Capitalism Grand!
@GD1_3 3 года назад
Its time to show them why they need to afraid REVOLT!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH
@kennethbryan9953 3 года назад
What solutions for you , professor propose?
@georgefurman4371 3 года назад
Americans love every holiday to see the Dickens story of Scrooge but never learn the lesson. The wealthy as well. As time pass the wealthy gets worst. Now is the Grinch but this time he is orange.
@jamesgarage4327 3 года назад
Richard, what is your solution? That one can decide what should be made? Government decided production. Capitalism works better than government cronies deciding. We need more taxes on inheritance. Your father’s wealth, does not give you a status in society.
@bradleyp3655 3 года назад
And that is why every person who has a personal wealth over 5 million US dollars should be in jail for crimes against humanity.
@stellaallbright4750 3 года назад
What made you set the limit for personal wealth *SO HIGH* ?!
@Gigika313 3 года назад
Damn here I was thinking it should be 100 mil, 👍🏼
@clarestucki5151 3 года назад
Yeah, by all means, punish the most successful/productive people, because you're so ignorant you think they got rich by being 'greedy'. The problem with that reasoning is that we're ALL equally 'greedy', but some of us are greedy AND smart, and some of us are greedy and DUMB. I'm guessing your in that latter group, right?
@gertrudewest4535 3 года назад
Anyone over 150,000. The upper middle classes are the worse. The bourgeois classes have always been the enemy of the people.
@coopw101 3 года назад
If you got a minimum wage then there should be a maximum wage. 12 mill a year should be livable. If you can't live on a million a month then society should put you out of your misery. Merry Christmas Mr Wolff and crew.
@martinjones8861 3 года назад
Before Reagan and Thatcher we almost had it
@DavidSanchez-vx4bv 3 года назад
Yes! We can do better than Capitalism... however, it seems to be the objective conditions are not present yet. We need to be prepare when this happens...
@francisdavis1271 3 года назад
I always find these analyses too simplistic: The economy is a complex, dynamic and organic system. Does our practice of capitalism have flaws? Absolutely. No creation of humanity is "perfect". However everyone proclaiming they have an answer to such a complex system... is ridiculous
@uptick888 3 года назад
@sovereignindividual2625 3 года назад
It's still illegal
@jameskrug9938 3 года назад
I wish people would quit using that word "capitalism"! Capitalism died decades ago. I remember as a young man in the '50s and '60s, we had spending choices due to competition, INCLUDING JOBS. Today most everything is equally unaffordable no matter where you look, ESPECIALLY JOBS. Why don't we just call it Monopolyism, BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT IT IS, for jobs, services, and products!
@tonydfixertonydfixer9113 3 года назад
The mentality you speak of. What it does for the economy, GDP is not helpful.
@nicholasblakiston6297 3 года назад
Would be very happy to have conversation with you or any other Marxist to defend capitalism but haven't found a single taker who doesn't disappear after a few exchanges yet.
@nthperson 3 года назад
The economic system we have is not really capitalism at all. It is an evolved form of landlordism that rewards rent-seeking over the production of goods and services. There is no better analysis of the difference than that provided by Henry George in the late 1800s.
@nicholasblakiston6297 3 года назад
@@nthperson There are many economic distortions within our economy due to various government and central bank policies. Capitalism refers to the private ownership of property and if a single entity sets the rules governing property for the entire society, that single entity should be considered the true owner, for ownership implies decision making capability.
@nthperson 3 года назад
@@nicholasblakiston6297 The rules governing the ownership and use of property have a long history, evolving as relations between people have changed and as the technologies for producing wealth have evolved. The problem as I see it is that existing laws have allowed the redistribution of wealth from producers to non-producing rentier interests. Then, to someone counter the consequences, governments in the social democracies impose taxes on almost all assets and all activities without consideration of whether incomes are earned or not. Take, for example, what are called "capital gains," taxed at rates lower than on wages and salaries on the assertion that this is good for investment in the economy. In fact, actual capital goods do not increase in value over time; they depreciate. Thus, was is being rewarded are gains from speculation, monopoly privilege and rent-seeking.
@nicholasblakiston6297 3 года назад
@@nthperson Capital gains refers to the appreciation of securities such as stock value. A stock value can increase over time as a company figures out ways to become more profitable and develops its intangible assets such as brand name and customer list. So it's not unreasonable that capital assets should appreciate in value. Existing laws have certainly redistributed income in many unfortunate ways, primarily by favoring special interests while hurting society as a whole. Generally, the benefit goes to whoever is financially supporting the politicians. All taxation is harmful because politicians are less trustworthy than private parties to direct their resources intelligently, and because taxation decreases the rewards for doing labor, regardless of whether someone is taxed on their wages or their business profits.
@nthperson 3 года назад
@@nicholasblakiston6297 Yes. Shares of stock do increase in value. Whether this has any relation to what a given firm is doing is subject to debate. The stock market is a giant gambling casino, the value of shares based on herd mentality. Values can increase or decrease daily or even hourly based on rumor or the decision by major money managers to buy or sell a stock. Gains from this type of speculation certainly deserve to be taxed at or above the rate of taxation imposed on wages and salaries. Not all taxation is harmful. In terms used in economists, the taxation of rents imposes no dead weight loss on economic output. Rents are unearned to individual and private entities and are, therefore, the appropriates source of public revenue. No less an advocate of markets than Milton Friedman called for the taxation of rents from land.
@VotingDemocat 3 года назад
@joshsimpson10 3 года назад
So many platitudes coming out of this guy's mouth. "Intellectual"
@samgale6536 3 года назад
Platitudes? Elaborate please.
@joshsimpson10 3 года назад
@@samgale6536 begins at :47
@samgale6536 3 года назад
@@joshsimpson10 I’m assuming you’re either bored with or irritated by what he is saying starting at the 47 second point. If so, I can’t say I feel the same way. Not sure why it would be boring since, unfortunately within the US, the analysis he is providing is practically forbidden within dominant/polite circles of society. It is simply not common. It is well outside of status quo opinion. Also, I wouldn’t characterize his words as “platitudes”. If one wants platitudes then look no further than most any speech coming from one of the factions of the dominant political party.
@joshsimpson10 3 года назад
@@samgale6536 lol "bored" is the wrong term. His analysis is garbage. Government forces businesses to shutdown. There is nothing free market about that. Under a centrally planned economy or a "democratized workplace" as this guy likes to call it, having never produced anything outside of books and words, you get shutdowns. Typical collectivist ideologue who has a following. Not to mention he looks strikingly like jobba the hut.
@samgale6536 3 года назад
@@joshsimpson10Ah yes, the fabled free market. If the free market is the thing adhered to by American business owners then you must be appalled by the decision made by them to replace expensive American labor with cheaper labor elsewhere in the globe (e.g. Mexico, China). That resulted in massive job loss and the shutdown of businesses that did not adopt the same practice. Can I assume you support this sort of business shutdown since it was not Government directed? Dr. Wolf offers the analysis that we can likely expect business owners in the near term to be extracting lower wages from an increasing pool of job seekers. Seems like a pretty reasonable assessment. Not hard to imagine that business owners would seek to lower their labor costs. It’s like free market 101. Do you really find that to be “garbage” analysis? Also, you appear to imply that employee say in workplace decisions inevitably results in business shutdowns. Is there really no alternative to top-down, unaccountable decision making for the vast majority? Interesting to consider that for the working majority I’m sure it would be preferable to have some say over management’s proposal to replace current employees with cheaper and more flexible labor elsewhere. I, for one, would start to question the purported superiority of a free market ideology that insists the only way the company I work for can remain viable is if my job is given to a highly oppressed, and therefore cheaper, counterpart elsewhere. And perhaps those making that decision in isolation are in fact looking out for their own best interest (career/compensation advancement). Not hard to imagine.
@stellaallbright4750 3 года назад
VOLUME, Prof Wolff, VOLUME!!! Your video is nearly inaudible!!!
@theelectricant98 3 года назад
No it's you
@douglasphillips5870 3 года назад
Richard Wolff explains this in straight forward, common sense terms.
@shawnfrey 3 года назад
Sell that expensive car for all it's worth. Buy a good used car with no payment. I've done it for 28 years.
@shawnfrey 3 года назад
Let the system rot!
@briantrek 3 года назад
He is advertising a Patreon, interesting
@BishopRealTalk98 3 года назад
In the last 200 years free market capitalism has raised income growth adjustable to inflation 40x for production workers, and 16x for unskilled laborers. Where Richard is wrong, he describes crony capitalism, and says "See, Capitalism has failed you" but crony Capitalism isn't capitalism. But why does crony capitalism exist? It exists because of unchecked overreaching power the government has took from the people, his solution? Give government even more power. Absolute power corrupts absolutely isn't just a cute saying. Capitalism isnt perfect it does creates inequality, but humans are inherently unequal, and in a free society you'll see income inequality. But capitalism also creates wealth, your system just creates inequality. He's stuck on billionaires being the problem, the US federal governments spends all of Jeff Bezos money every WEEK, if you some how confiscated 100% of the wealth of every billionaire in America it pays for the US government for only 8 months, then what? Every decade our governments prints out more money in existence and your stuck on some Bezos and Walton family shit... adorable. The pie isn't finite, its been expanded exponentially, and people like Richard are still obsessed on the size of the slices. The incentive principle that has been embedded into human genetics that has driven us for 300 million years is completely lost on him. Richard is a dude who made up his mind 50 years ago, and is too headstrong to admit he was wrong despite mountains of historical evidence, economic logic and human nature to prove him wrong. It's not an easy thing to admit you were wrong your whole life. He's stuck in a 1960s worm loop, every day is ground hog day for him trying to prove Communism is the way of the future. His livelihood depends on it.
@luisrobles8209 3 года назад
Was the Federal Reserve created illegally?
@nthperson 3 года назад
The issue is two-fold: (1) Was the Federal Reserve Act constitutional? (2) Was the vote to approve the Act legal? The issue seems to be the fact that many legislators were not present for the vote. The House of Representatives passed the Federal Reserve Act by a vote of 298 to 60. The Senate also passed the measure 43 to 25. The size of the House was 435 beginning in the first session of 1913. So, it seems that when the vote was taken quite a few representatives were not in Washington.
@correspondencecommittee5746 3 года назад
Your answer lies on Jekyll Island.
@allyssontube 3 года назад
Much Mcconnell is not that articulate.
@longanddeadly 3 года назад
“*The great virtue of a free market system is that it does not care what color people are; it does not care what their religion is; it only cares whether they can produce something you want to buy. It is the most effective system we have discovered to enable people who hate one another to deal with one another and help one another.*” ― Milton Friedman
@barberwinning 3 года назад
Is there a way to file a suit and force congress to resign unless they pass m4a, 15$ hour, and forgive student debt? And defund congress
@cocofirst3967 3 года назад
Indians and most pale skin people has an inherent failure to understand Prof Wolff's economic lecture. Period.
@patricialongo5746 3 года назад
And yet my pale faced square head never failed me-. I get Proff Wolff just fine. I bet the other pale faces can, too. Still, they're largely ownership happy, and it's sad.
@JohnChampagne 3 года назад
A solution to the problem of poverty is to share natural wealth (or a monetary representation of natural wealth) to all people. A solution to the problem of environmental degradation is to make markets honest, so that impacts on the environment are represented in prices. Prices will represent capital, labor AND environmental costs. Profits will go preferentially to industries that produce value for people at the least cost to the larger community of life and to future generations of humans. Why do economists who raise concern about poverty and economic stress NOT mention the idea of sharing natural wealth? Where are the economists who call for honest markets? Biological Model for Politics and Economics: gaiabrain.blogspot.com/2010/03/biological-model-for-politics-and.html
@Jazzmarcel 3 года назад
What to you get when you mix a holly weird zombie apocalypse movie, psychopathic eugenics, racism, and a group of scared oligarchs?.............COVID-19-84!
@deathstarwontsaveyou9892 3 года назад
Just thought I would stop by the special ed channel. All these sheep following capitalist Richard Wolffs teachings. Wolff is the greatest capitalist alive, owns a business, youtube channel, and is a teacher. The income must be nice, I guess hard work pays off 🤷‍♂️
@aintdatsnipes177 3 года назад
sound sucks RW
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