
Women and Biblical Literacy 

UrbanLogia Ministries
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Originally recorded on July 24, 2017



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@elect1407 7 лет назад
Also, it has been my experience that a lot of men will get offended by women who show a deep understanding of the word.
@elmyra.jackson 7 лет назад
Ms. Qarmyn D Richardson My experience as well Sis! I've heard the following from some male pastors: "Aww you're too pretty to have sound biblical knowledge.Go over, sit and look pretty and let the men do the teaching." I smiled and kept speaking what thus saith the Lord!
@UrbanLogiaMinistries 7 лет назад
Ms. Qarmyn D Richardson, I don't get the offended aspect. We preach to people that we expect has done understanding and familiarity with the very texts that we are talking about, many or most of such persons in the audience are women. Ignorance of God's Word is of no benefit to a congregation and when Christian women are fed emotionalism and subjective experientialism from many of these types of ministries that target women, it hurts all of us. We should be encouraging our sisters to be strong in their knowledge of Scripture and systematic theology.
@lavonn188 6 лет назад
Yea but this isn't bout egos or emotions, get that word out! if you properly understand scriptures, it should be taught
@jonamere 5 лет назад
@@lavonn188 Everything we do is about ego. If you have a strong ego you aren't stopped by the sexist men who put you down. I keep talking too!
@kimberlyhampton5332 4 года назад
@@UrbanLogiaMinistries agree completely.
@elect1407 7 лет назад
Great video! Teachers of sound doctrine are definitely necessary. But the only way for us to truly understand the Word is by and through the Holy Spirit. When we read we must pray for understanding.
@elmyra.jackson 7 лет назад
Ms. Qarmyn D Richardson Agree 💯 The Holy Spirit pulled me away from watching what I know now to be false teachers on t.v. and started teaching me the Word and helping me refute popular but erroneous teachings, and I am so thankful He did! I will always be a student of the Word!!
@thedicasandy 3 года назад
Even this discussion was three years ago it is still very relevant today.I love bible discussion ,bible history, interpreting the verses in the correct context and so on,but I have no desire to be a Pastor or any of the five fold ministerial positions. I find it very difficult to get women like myself ,with this passion, maybe it's because of 1corinthian 14:34.
@LadyT325 2 года назад
So glad I came across this video!!! BLESSINGS🕊
@magicpotionoflove 5 лет назад
You are absolutely correct! I have discussions about the Word with my dad and brother all the time because I’ve studied enough to be able to engage. That’s not the same as teaching, as some are interpreting you to say here.
@tinasatisfield1024 5 месяцев назад
Thank you so much Pastor for speaking the truth in love. I had been praying and seeking God to know the disconnect I have with this women's bible study. It is very superficial, there is absolutely no depth. Without fail after every bible study I would be left feeling undernourished spiritually.
@alicetime8117 6 лет назад
OMG, I was praying about this very thing. I felt that God is calling me to teach the bible. Thanks for the Word.
@dr.daisymay7415 6 лет назад
Bless you for this. I agree. I went to. Bethel Theological Seminary. Had exegesis, theology etc., it was hard, but needed to avoid heresy etc., I appreciate what you say, both men and women should get some theological education.
@lavonn188 6 лет назад
I Highllly AGREEE!! I run into this all the time, there is no interest of church history, exegesis, or even history period..
@leearmour4267 5 лет назад
Im trying to find a video with you stating the biblical instruction on ordained women preachers, but I cant find any, and that is a pertinent issue on today....
@donnashirley508 3 года назад
Thank you for this. I will take your advice. So get books you advice & definitely get your materials as well. Thank you for dedication to the service of God 👏👏👏🙏🙏
@UrbanLogiaMinistries 3 года назад
You are so welcome!
@elmyra.jackson 7 лет назад
I'd like to share a great word of wisdom from my mentor and pastor 're: female ministers. He said " always be a feminine woman. Don't ever try to be hard like a man."
@jonamere 5 лет назад
You shouldn't have to try to be feminine or masculine. Rather you should be as God made you. There are times when I am 'feminine' and times when I'm 'masculine.' Times change and the church must change too. Women wear pants to church now and that would have been considered acting 'masculine' just 30 years ago...
@katrinabrown6749 6 лет назад
I agree with you brother. I enjoy exergeting the word, but many women I hang with can't handle it. They don't know the word good enough. They proof-text and repeat what they hear in church. Or say "My pastor teaches...." but don't have a clue for themselves. I've been to about 6 women fellowships/conferences in the past 2 years. All they talk about is abuse, self-esteem, and marriage. And women flock to other women as their "covering", which you know is false. I don't get truly edified in these conferences. It's mostly emotion.
@GigiRocks1969 3 года назад
Katrina, Maybe start an exegetical Bible study for women within your church. Be the change. 🙌🏻✝️🙌🏻
@ruth6407 3 года назад
yes we should know the Word for ourself but doesnt the scripture teach that women are to be quiet in the church? i just want to be obedient. i try and pray for others or speak about my faith/the gospel out in the world, but in the church that is different correct?
@MrMungin81 7 лет назад
My lady is a great pastor
@elmyra.jackson 7 лет назад
Maurice Mungin Awww, you are a real man Sir! God bless you and your lovely wife!
@worldoutreachministries2644 6 лет назад
Your lady is out of order. Women are not to be pastor's. You have to have a male organ to be a pastor. Bro Harrison, ministers
@jonamere 5 лет назад
@@worldoutreachministries2644 Male organ? Can you tell me where you read that in scripture? Did you know that the Holy Spirit and Wisdom are female in the OT when translated from Hebrew? Christ said, "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing. Luke 13:34. Christ compares himself to a mother! That's scripture.
@elmyra.jackson 7 лет назад
Watchmen Nee is someone I recommend.
@beecool2984 7 лет назад
@bibleinterpreter5530 6 лет назад
Romans 1:20, For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse. Question: In the creation of the human body, does the seed of the sperm cell instruct the egg into a body? To those who have done the research, it is obvious that the sperm cell is the instructor of the egg to produce its' body, not the egg instructing the sperm cell. Why is this important to know, because as it is in natural creation so it is in the creation of a spiritual body. Every seed has the instructions to produce its' body. This is called the testimony of said- seed, because the testament is only in the seed, not in that in which it is sown. The word testament -means witness.The egg has not the witness of the man, because it only reflects the woman.The church is the body that Christ, the spiritual sperm cell of God is to develop and is equal to the egg. Think: The body is not to develop the head. If man is the head of the woman then how is she able to develop his head. This would be equal to the egg trying to develop the sperm cell and thus leaving the natural use of the woman into that which is against nature, as stated in Romans 1:26. How can a woman develop God's body, the church, this would be against nature and equal to a woman with a woman. Being that the church is a spiritual woman she needs a spiritual man. As it is in nature, so it is in the spirit. If any man be willingly ignorant, let him be ignorant. Romans 1:22, Professing themselves to be wise, they became FOOLS......
@jonamere 5 лет назад
Huh? You don't know much about biology and you logic is lacking. Women live longer than men and by your logic God loves us more so we should run the home, the church and the world. Well maybe you are right! You are talented...you managed to bash women and gay people in the same post... One more reason women need to be biblically literate...so that heresy isn't presented as fact.
@elmyra.jackson 7 лет назад
I agree! Please move away from Joyce Meyer!! I used to listen to her and read her books until the Holy Spirit began show me her error including false teachings about money!
@onlyoldnavy 6 лет назад
Miss Elmyra Women are to be silent in church
@elmyra.jackson 6 лет назад
onlyoldnavy He/she stated anonymously! I encourage you to stop repeating what someone else taught you and go study ITimothy2:11 for yourself!! In RIGHTLY interpreting and applying Scripture CONTEXT is key.
@ericwilliams9190 5 лет назад
I remember when she used to be fiery. She would have those glasses on while waving her arm lol. She was intense! I think I would've liked her better now that im older.
@jonamere 5 лет назад
In the first 3:30 minutes there is a problem. If you don't come to this discussion with the viewpoint that Christ saw women as equal to men and anything other view isn't biblical. There is no man living or dead except Christ that is better than any other woman or man just because of their gender. The ground is level at the foot of the cross. I am also concerned with the fact that a man is speaking about women's biblical literacy without women present. Isn't that the problem? I want to challenge this person when he says that women are less biblically literate than men. Since more women attend church and do more work at church than men I think he is out of touch with how much time women spend reading and studying their Bibles. If he is only discussing the Bible in groups of men then doesn't that make him sexist? Why does he let that happen?
@pee_dot_scott 6 лет назад
A genuine question I have is this. According to scripture, can women preach in church?
@jonamere 5 лет назад
Of course. Their were female deacons in the NT and female prophets in the OT. Women funded and traveled with Christ and set up house churches. Men who tell women that it isn't biblical that they lead, preach, teach in the church are self serving and uneducated. Women have left the church in droves because of sexist male leadership and it is part of the reason for the decline in church attendance.
@jonamere 4 года назад
​@DRE YASHAREL The Bible doesn't tell me not to cheat on my taxes or end slavery (in fact it is silent on slavery) but I know that those things are wrong. Gal There is no longer Jew Greek, there is no longer slave free, there is no longer and ; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus. I think you have to ask yourself why you are trying to limit women and girls. How do you benefit from that position?
@taebrown384 4 месяца назад
No! Men and women are equal in value, however we have different roles especially in marriage and the church.
@mvspeaklife 5 лет назад
Amen! If a Woman can CARRY THE WORD for 9 months she can most surely DELIVER, UNPACK, and TEACH the Written Word of the Lord! Jesus clears the way by saying, “It’s neither male note female, Jew or Greek, etc.” He gave some to be teachers, pastors, prophets etc., Holy Spirit within is the Spirit of the Living God who dwells in us and gives us the revelational knowledge of the written Word as we study to show ourselves approved. So many of us women have been abused, neglected and rejected which cause for a crowd approach when it comes to massive prayer meetings and gatherings but that does t eliminate the effectiveness of such prayer circles and gathers even God said, “SEND FOR THE WAILING WOMEN!” 🙌🏽 I so appreciate the entire body of Christ as we are all needed and share our gifts with one another and serve as a blessing to a dying world in need of our light! We are the city sitting on a hill and the world is dark let them be drawn to Christ and not us! Jesus taught so plainly that thousands followed him by foot! Oh If we just read Jesus Christ public ministry alone you will be blessed and have a perfect model of how to live this short human life! He loves you and desires to experience your love in return! Be blessed
@elmyra.jackson 7 лет назад
I've had male pastors, ministers etc become extremely hostile toward me when I attempt to add to a theological discussion.
@UrbanLogiaMinistries 7 лет назад
Miss Elmyra this is shameful. The love for, study of, discussion of and application of Scripture is NOT a male enterprise and ALL believers should be encouraged to take hold of God Word for all it's worth and engage biblically and theologically with others, especially other believers. Theological discussion is no more a male enterprise than it is a pastoral enterprise.
@elmyra.jackson 7 лет назад
Damon Richardson Ministries We know this to be true Brother, however in the south especially, so many hold to the traditions of men rather than the Word of God!
@jonamere 5 лет назад
Me too and while it stopped me when I was younger it doesn't any more.
@kimberlyhampton5332 4 года назад
@scorchedearth824 2 года назад
My only issue is nothing wrong with women adding to scripture discussions but women preaching from behind the pulpit the BIBLE teaches about that there is a difference
@katrinabrown6749 6 лет назад
"What it means to me" is all over the Body of Christ and the world in general. It is a sign of the times. 2 Tim 3:2 says that in the last days "men shall be lovers of their own selves". This explains why people eisegete (interpret the Word through one's experiences.) When we do this, we are proving we are in love with ourselves more than we love God and His truth. We have to be humble to rightly divide the word of God.
@_Deese 4 года назад
Amen, Pastor Damon til we [all] come into the [unity of the faith] of the Son of God. Sad thing is many that teach on several subjects don’t have a comprehension of basic foundational fundamentals. Also, I thought Joyce Meyers was under TD Jakes who are of the oneness persuasion.
@jonamere 4 года назад
If you really want to read the Bible and use your mind and not dogma to understand what it says about women you might try: yalebiblestudy.org/courses/women-in-the-bible/
@rebeccamerzius 2 года назад
Wow you have blessed me so much through this channel. I hold a Masters in Christian Ministry Studies and I’m currently doctoral. The Lord has a great purpose for women and it’s time we exegete Scripture as we should.
@BDPNupe 5 лет назад
Brother I love you but you KNOW the truth: 1 Corinthians 14:34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. Sisters have been beaten to death with this. This turns when we INVITE them to the conversation. If we don't they will not grow in the manner that they could, begin continue to follow heretics or leave the faith altogether.
@jonamere 5 лет назад
28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28. 11 Deaconesses, in the same way, must be sober-minded women, not slanderers, but in every way temperate and trustworthy. 1 Tim 3:11. We can quote scripture all day but when you advocate a point of view that empowers you and disempowers another then you are self-serving and not God-serving.
@jonamere 4 года назад
​@DRE YASHAREL I have attended alot of churches and not one has had an apostle or prophet in the biblical meaning of the word. I have attended alot of churches who were led by men and those men taught that they were ordained by God to tell me what to believe and to lead the church in every way. I left those churches because the men who led them were self-serving. the Bible also says women should cover their heads in church and it is ok to own slaves but I do neither. You can't cherry pick Bible verses that suit your positions. You sound like you are power hungry and not a servant-leader.
@onlyoldnavy 6 лет назад
Women are to be silent in church bottom line. This is coming from a 34 year old woman.
@elmyra.jackson 6 лет назад
onlyoldnavy Please take your little anonymous 34 year old self to study before you attempt to correct grown women!!
@jonamere 5 лет назад
Women who don't support women are a disappointment to me. You wouldn't have the ability to own property or work or vote or wear pants or not need your husband's permission for many freedoms that men take for granted if it wasn't for women and a few good men standing up in previous generations and changing the world.
@Saint.questions Год назад
but not outside....
@HebrewsvJohnv 3 года назад
Damkn, do you have a teaching on whether women can be pastors?
@reginaearly5575 6 лет назад
I agree with you about those women conferences because I'm tired of seeing women crying. Women feel that men make them feel less than they are in church but women have to obey God and pray against those spirits of oppression that attacks them by doing what God has called them to do.
@elmyra.jackson 7 лет назад
For me Brother, the feelings of fear stem from being rejected because I am called to the role of pastor! The Lord has not positioned me yet because HE is still getting me prepared!!
@GiaGirlism 6 лет назад
Miss Elmyra will you only pastor women?
@dunamis67 6 лет назад
Miss Elmyra are you able , from the SCRIPTURE justify/validate you As a woman being a PASTOR ?
@elmyra.jackson 6 лет назад
bryan hayes I have no need to justify God's call on my life to some one who does not study Scripture in CONTEXT!!
@jonamere 5 лет назад
@@elmyra.jackson Brilliant response!!! 62 years ago my mother told her small town Baptist pastor that she would not 'love, honor and obey' any man but she would 'love, honor and cherish' my father and that is what she has done. My mother told her pastor that she would only 'obey' God!
@jonamere 5 лет назад
@@GiaGirlism Why would she be prejudiced against men? They deserve to hear from a woman just as much as women do.
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