
Women are dancing in solidarity with Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin.  

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23 авг 2022




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@itachiofthesharingan67 Год назад
Now imagine a white male prime minister, grinding kissing and dancing with a female pop star, while his wife is at home carrying for the kid. Then try to imagine the press actively defending him...
@eveliinahannele Год назад
Kissing? When? And btw that has happened, nobody cared and nobody certainly brought up his kids. But somehow if woman is not with her kids 24/7 she is a bad person?
@Doc-hp5wf Год назад
@@eveliinahannele a guy kissed her on the neck while she is sitting on his lap are u blind ? .
@eveliinahannele Год назад
@@Doc-hp5wf How can you see kissing when her head is in the way? You clearly see what you want to see. I see 2 people dancing slow and him resting his head. And again how is any of this relevant? We don't know anything about her relationships or marriage and it's NOT_OUR_BUSINESS, move on
@hajinka98_ Год назад
Yeah but only if that male prime ministern was leftist.
@suryanag4336 Год назад
@@eveliinahannele your clearly blind
@stevewilliams8590 Год назад
I like how they always leave out she was grinding with multiple men on the dance floor while they nuzzled her neck and she was also sitting on their laps. All while her husband was at home watching their child. Let a married man do that with a woman who is not his wife and see if these women defend that with their dancing.
@cdxst3968 Год назад
Exactly People just take these things at face value without researching on their own Pitiful
@jairesfaustino Год назад
There is no way that would happen. The man would be canceled. That’s it.
@joasok3642 Год назад
@vampcaff Год назад
Maybe he doesn't mind? Some men are confident enough to handle their wife dancing with someone else. Wipe your tears Mr Big Alpha Male.
@prakhargupta3949 Год назад
She might've been around the blocks few times......
@findabh Год назад
This is weird, A country's leader partying like this.
@Frogggisimo Год назад
Show me where it is written that Prime Ministers cannot have fun?
@fadlisuryanto8617 Год назад
​@@Frogggisimo can joe biden kiss teeneger women in party, and people just okay with it ?
@mbid12 Год назад
@@Frogggisimo it’s just low class for a PM that’s all
@tosijjaan Год назад
Like it would be acceptable if they partied like normal Finns (getting just absolutely wasted by drinking 3 bottles of kossu alone at home) but this style of partying is just cringeworthy
@vem9583 Год назад
Most male leaders party with cocaine and prostitutes, no one bats an eye. A woman leader dances with her friends and she’s now the antichrist. Wtf
@travelsphereuk-7090 Год назад
All I see is a wild looking 18 year old college party girl running a country # Finland 😬😂🤦‍♂️
@user-hf8zv7qw4l Год назад
Also lap dancing on men not her husband. Good job Marin. Perfect model for a PM. Strong woman. lol
@abhishektiwari6141 Год назад
Ooo so now u guys gonna decide whats moral or not while same time watching porno at night🤣🤣🤣🤣
@travelsphereuk-7090 Год назад
@@abhishektiwari6141 abishek (Indian name 😂). So ironic a Indian abishek states porno when India is rape capital no.1. 😬. Sorry 🤷‍♂️ 😂
@abhishektiwari6141 Год назад
@@travelsphereuk-7090 🤣🤣🤣 i dont ignore facts so how does it explains wu views on someone partying ??? And brtish talking about rape bro u raped women i. Our country for 200 yrs that too leagally😅🤣🤣🤣 the joke is on you Btw that 18 yr old is running the country better that is not in the conditionf like urs🤣🤣🤣
@xirenx7119 Год назад
Atleast the party girl runs a stable country while the conservatives fked yall in the arse😂
@wiking3520 Год назад
Leftists big 🧠
@realtsarbomba Год назад
Who would've known, pathetic right winger with nothing of a substance to say..
@ab8588 Год назад
Not true
@suryanag4336 Год назад
My respect for Ukraine PM increased after seeing the real joke of a pm. What next? A week long party?
@user-hf8zv7qw4l Год назад
Party Queen Marin. She even caught on a video where she was kissed and hugged by man not her husband. Party Queen and a cheater. 🤮
@mna7308 Год назад
Where's the husband, he's taking care of the child at home.... while other men taking care of her
@glitch933 Год назад
Wtf dude who are you to judge.
@sampohonkala4195 Год назад
By Finnish standards, commenting other people's totally private issues is disguting and really low. I understand the concern of drugs because that would be illegal; however it turned out there was no grounds to suspect that.
@mna7308 Год назад
@@sampohonkala4195 free speech remember can write whatever I want , go to Afghanistan if you don't like it ....
@nolbertogaray4150 Год назад
@sampohonkala4195 Год назад
@@mna7308 You see any contradiction in what you write? I too can write what I want, and I am quite free to do so from where I am, even if I don't like your opinion.
@booqueefeus8591 Год назад
This is the lamest movement
@realtsarbomba Год назад
What's even more lame is that people are judging her for letting loose.
@juzores1 Год назад
Immature woman she should resign.
@dsforstrength4695 Год назад
@@realtsarbomba no you are lame. And lost. Save some money and wash your feet.
@crymeaariver Год назад
@@realtsarbomba unlike your family we don't condone cuckolding as a norm.
@amazingscenes7804 6 месяцев назад
​@@realtsarbombabro are you that dumb to understand that this kind of behaviour is unprofessional for the prime minister of a country and she was also behaving inappropriately with men in that video while she has a husband if a male pm did that then feminists like you would be bashing him for his behaviour and you are defending her you people are pure hypocrites
@Sobkow07 Год назад
Sanna Marin builds up her political career not on her dancing skills, but on the fact that she is completely submissive and subordinate to the politics of the United States.
@K.Marx48 Год назад
Really? I tought that sweden and Finalnd were actual states of the United States, they're not?
@Eetu.h Год назад
The point isn’t can prime minister have fun. The point is what is appropriate behavior for a prime minister. PM is PM 24/7. You left out that she wasn’t on holiday when this happened so she was basically drunk on duty. This kind of neglect of responsibilities is unacceptable especially when our eastern neighbour is at war and could attack us at any moment because of NATO application. She should resign.
@avinashgarlapati7163 Год назад
she had no meetings and such and no work
@Eetu.h Год назад
@@avinashgarlapati7163 yes, but if something bad would have happened, it would have needed her attention
@eveliinahannele Год назад
@@Eetu.h This has already been cleared by HS, we have other authoroties to take the lead before Sanna and if Sanna can't be reached there is always an substitute. So yoj can stop spreading your insane talking point, our country is not going to fall apart if PM is drinking on her freetime, we don't live under dictatorship.
@eveliinahannele Год назад
Why is it unappropriate to dance on your freetime? Should we ban independence day party then or wtf is this insane talking point? Even the president is drinking, should he resign too? She had her workphone and security and was within reach the whole time. And even if she wasn't that wouldn't have mattered either way.
@sampohonkala4195 Год назад
That is silly. Alcohol is served at official receptions which is actual work. The PM has every right to drink while working, let alone during her spare time.
@joonaslehtonen7965 Год назад
There has been a number of prime ministers, mostly men but also few women, who were forced to resign for much smaller things than Sanna. Let me tell few things that Sanna has done inside 12 months: a) went to a bar after she had been exposed to corona and was told to isolate herself for few days b) she also left her phone, which she should carry allways even on free time, on her apartment and missed numerous calls and basicly was mia for 24 hours. Nobody could reach her or knew exactly were she was. This was on her office time. c) numerous times she has stepped on presidents toes, for example "not under my watch" nato comment that she uttered and suddenly made 180 turn on it and tried to say that she had never said that or if she said it, it was misunderstood and she is not opposed to joining nato but she isnt in favor of joining to it(?!?) Soon she said ok, lets join nato. d) she ordered luxury breakfasts for months for her family. Other pm's have too ordered breakfasts but her monthly breakfast bills were like 700-1400€ (~ 900-1700$) when other pm's had monthly bills like 400-600€. e) she went ballistic because press raised an issue of it and said: "Does people really expect me to go prisma (local store chain) to buy food and make it myself?" Yes, pm shouldnt be required to use time on such things but the delivery of that line was poorly thought out. It made her look and think of herself better than everyone else, which is sumthin that she often inadvertantly does time after time. f) She treated reporter very poorly on video, acted very rude towards him. She basicly was like dont speak or look at me unless i speak to you. g) Her numerous bar adventures and leaked drunken photos and questionable videos. Which she never accepts responsibility but allways blames her "friends" who leaked the videos. AS PM YOU SHOULD NEVER ALLOW ANYONE TO TAKE PHOTOS OF YOU THAT YOU DONT WANNA SEE PUBLISHED AND DISPLAYED TO PUBLIC, IF YOU FREELY ALLOW SOMEONE TO FILM YOU, YOU CANT BLAME THEM WHEN THE FOOTAGE IS LEAKED AND PUBLISHED. THEY WILL ALLWAYS LEAK IT BECAUSE OF YOUR STATUS. YOU CANT BE THAT NAIVE AND STUPID! h) She had people brought from bar to her official house but told security that they dont need to sign them in. Violation security protocol, she tried to blame security for that. i) This new scandal. She has been partying days, during her office time not on holiday, when the country is amid energy crisis. She once again broke security protocol by bringing people to her official house and allowing them to take photos there. She cried in front of media and compared herself to Ukrainians who are also suffering. Yes, i kid you not. These are just the ones from last 12 months and i propably forgot atleast two scandals from this list. Alexande Stubb had to resign from pm post after he appeared on Dudesons show on shorts. Yes, he was wearing shorts. Headlines on papers read: Our pm or clown? Because he was on dudesons wearing shorts. Ilkka Kanerva had to resign from foreign minister post because he had send text messages that were flirty in nature to adult women. They were very innocent but flirty messages. Dont remember his name but he had to resign from pm post because he maybe had sumthin to do with postal office scandal. It was never proven or anything but he had to resign. Countless other people that lied a little bit, just like Sanna has lied on every scandal involving her.
@joonaslehtonen7965 Год назад
That Ilkka Kanerva text message scandal didnt involve him sending messages to women who didnt want him to do that. All the women were in on it and some had started it. It wasnt that he had got caught from sexual harassment, he had just got caught from sexting with willing women. If he had been Sanna Marin, he would have blamed the women from leaking it to press and then blame press for not allowing him to have private life and sex life.
@sampohonkala4195 Год назад
You totally fail to understand politics. The parliament can fire any minister any day and needs no reason to decide so. The reason usually is that the damage done is consedered greater than the value of the minister's work. Marin could dance naked in a bar and she would not be fired; her work is too valuable to be lost.
@joonaslehtonen7965 Год назад
@@sampohonkala4195 Yes. She needs to be fired now.
@MB2.0 Год назад
You forgot dancing with olavi uusivirta and getting kissed while her husband was at home
@aleksiheija8170 Год назад
@@MB2.0 At home with their baby I might add. Now imagine the outcry if the PM was a man doing this and his wife was home with a baby
@doomsterr Год назад
As a finn I have lost most of my faith in Sanna Marin as prime minister here. She does not seem to be taking her job of leading an entire nation seriously. Sauli Niinistö our president is a much better candidate for the job.
@ga-zE Год назад
Imagine that genders here were swapped 🤦‍♂️ As a Finn i'm kinda disappointed cause of her and the women's behavior. And don't get me wrong, i'm a woman myself but this is next level
@justynawojcicka5056 Год назад
I see much meile politic in party situation wtf you toking abaut
@christopherkerchner7489 Год назад
Hmm... don't think President Putin would put up with such a loose wife
@user-hf8zv7qw4l Год назад
Yeah, she embarrassed herself and her husband and daughter. If shes really smart, she knows shes a government official, but she unashamedly let her be kissed, touched by other men. She even lap dance to other men while her husband is taking care of their daughter. I pity her daughter and husband. Imagine a 36 yr old PM mother get caught in a video grinding other men. Inappropriate behavior. 🤮
@androyun6302 Год назад
This is something that can never happen in all Asian countries. Asia can be a leader over 50 years old
@vampcaff Год назад
Unprofessional lol have we seen what people consider "professional" in politics? I'd rather have someone like this Prime Minister that is an actual person. She's such a bad ass and won't back down.
@Alfred-lp8vz Год назад
grinding other men sure is badass
@dietzraimonds69 Год назад
I mean she got criticism cuz she let in partying half naked people into the parliament building and have missed several political meetings for private life
@juzores1 Год назад
You are a woman aren't you?
@user-hf8zv7qw4l Год назад
Very professional indeed, 36 yrs old dancing like an teenager, getting kissed and caresses by other men while her husband is at home taking care of their child. Very good model for a woman and a the highest official of a country. Woman empowerment. 😆
@fish9905 Год назад
A badass cause she parties? Her position isn't a Job it's a responsibility to the people, she don't punch a clock it's 24/7 she was in a club when a issue arose in the Baltic Sea she didn't even have a phone with her to be reached and didn't address the situation for 12 hours cause she needs her beauty sleep
@stellaluuk2713 Год назад
What the Prime Minister does on her own time is her business, nothing wrong with a good party.
@markpeterson1399 Год назад
Yeah like do some drugs and launch some missiles while at it to brag to her friends.
@punitjoshi8707 Год назад
It's not a regular 9-5 job, you're a PM for 24X7, Russia won't attack you in your working hours of 9-5, stop with that bs 😂
@tempo5366 Год назад
@@sindykomulainen869 I’m from Germany and I’d be glad if she called Scholz while partying. Maybe that would awaken the man from his lifeless zombie state.
@eveliinahannele Год назад
@@punitjoshi8707She had her work phone and security the whole time, what is your problem? This issue was cleared last weekend by our own national security leader and she did nothing wrong, move on
@sampohonkala4195 Год назад
@@sindykomulainen869 This is about you being jealous of a 16 000€ salary and State residence. Nothing else.
@DiyaDas-ng3be 3 месяца назад
Mom : " Hey, what are you doing ? " Daughter : " Oh nothing just partying with the prime minister of a whole entire country "
@pawkyweasel Год назад
That is one beautiful woman. ✊🏽
@umeshdn3486 Год назад
Such private videos can b used for blackmailing and compromising the security of their country. Leaders must have high standards of morale. But feminists will NEVER understand
@user-hf8zv7qw4l Год назад
Feminists have no morals. Their values are disgusting. Elevation of women only, divorce, no children, don't know how to do household chores, very rude and vulgar, dont know decency and manners, hatred of men, abortion... All things should be in favor of women only without including other concerns.
@donel532 Год назад
anyone with a milligram of self confidence would not be afraid to have others see them at a party
@lylyc8315 Год назад
"Leaders must have high standards of morale." PAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Have you seen male leaders?
@calmedbythewind3453 Год назад
They should all dance to "kudi nu nachne de" song
@fish9905 Год назад
The problem is her Job isn't work or about assignments, she is the countries leader and is on the Job 24/7 , this isn't the first time she was also at a concert while the country was on lockdown
@twocentcoop9683 Год назад
Are they cheating on their husbands to show their support too? Yaknow since she did that on video too
@eveliinahannele Год назад
Cheating? Were? First how is dancing cheating? Second are you her husband? How do you know what their situation or agreements are? Why are you policing someone else's marriage you know nothing about?
@nightsfall3n Год назад
@@eveliinahannele woman ☕ moments
@Doc-hp5wf Год назад
@@eveliinahannele but still she is a pm she has to answer the questions. It's called responsibility and professionalism.
@eveliinahannele Год назад
@@Doc-hp5wf She did answer the questions, nothing happened, end of story, move on.
@kirsikka3752 Год назад
In the support videos people look like the are really having fun. In our prime minister videos there is no fun, no light. There are only lost people with problems trying to have fun. How sad she does not enjoy her family at all. This is not healthy. And the tears was fake cry. The whole speech she gave was manipulative and not taking any accountability of anything, just being victim. The only things she has been able to say sorry is that she is a human and the picture taken of her drunk female half-naked friends kissing in PM's video conference room is inappropriate.
@avinashgarlapati7163 Год назад
bro trump slept with pornstars but as soon as a women cheats on a man its cancel
@user-hf8zv7qw4l Год назад
She will use her gender as a defence of her immaturity, indencency. While her husband is taking care of her daughter, she's being taken cared by other men. 🤮
@francop3407 Год назад
Now it will be more difficult for Sanna Marin in her public and official functions to represent the image of her country.
@debbied9997 Год назад
Heck no! I thought Finland was uptight, but now I know they really are the happiest and funniest people on the planet! You go, girl!
@IndianJone Год назад
Poor women and homeless women are not standing with the PM.
@hacksterultranoobyt8402 Год назад
She looks drunk watch closely
@alana8388 Год назад
She has already admitted that she was drunken. It was a party. Thats quiet normal.
@RealPlatoishere Год назад
How to tell i m a 13 yr old who hasn't seen sunlight for a year without telling anyone
@Vicky-sw5zb Год назад
When a person accepts any responsible role in society, she/he need to set boundary among do's and don'ts.
@alana8388 Год назад
At least she could dance. Other politicians dance horribly in public. I can't see any problem. Except the fact that someone leaked this private Video.
@karl5056 Год назад
Alchol/drug addiction, questionble lifestyle practices, marital infidelity..... FINLANDIA needs Ms Marin's official resignation as PM on the grounds of national security and for the best interests of all Finlandians. This is the hard but correct decision to make. Finlandia must BOTTLE THE ACID, on this HUNTER BIDEN type of scandal sooner opposed to later.
@gpnk7449 Год назад
Are u having a psychosis?
@avinashgarlapati7163 Год назад
sanna marin never took drugs and isnt a alcoholic she litterally got drunk when she had no meetings and she could have a open relationship
@gpnk7449 Год назад
@@avinashgarlapati7163 why are people implying she’s in an open relationship? What info am I missing?
@eveliinahannele Год назад
@@gpnk7449 the info that implying anything about her relationship is stupid and unrelevant. We don't know what goes in their marriage and it's not our business either.
@avinashgarlapati7163 Год назад
@@gpnk7449 their saying not to judge her without knowing her
@anitanavejas8822 5 месяцев назад
@jparcasm Год назад
What the hell is going on in Finnland why are they making their prime minister cry and apologize over having a party with friends
@eveliinahannele Год назад
Elections are coming and haters got nothing else to nitpick, she has done excellent job as a PM
@festerbester7801 Год назад
@@eveliinahannele By doing what exactly? Can you point one thing Marin has done? Inflation is running rampant, Uniper and Fortum are losing billions, while Fortum is losing control of Uniper. All while Marin was at holiday, not even giving report to Finnish people what is happening. Euro is on par with Dollar for the first time, but is there anything about budget how to make ends meet? Fitch ratings even warned Finland about too high loans, and that Finnish loan rating will fall if this continues. All while Finland is taking new loan for next years budget and budget rises to 79.5 billion. Last years for example was 68. Inflation and lower euro also means that interest for all loans double. All this, while tax money becomes harder to collect. Even Euribor is higher than it has been in ten years. While Finnish pension trusts just lost 16 billion in stocks. How is Marin's government planning to fill that one up? More loans? UK and Boris Johnson's government has been tackling rising energy prices, and cost of living crisis for last five months and more if you count insulation campaign and monetary boost to tax payers. What has Marin's government done? They are assembling now. When it is getting colder and colder. Marin's government is reacting. It isn't planning forwards. This could easily be seen when Finnish government were panic buying masks on start of covid-19, and losing millions of taxpayers money for masks that weren't usable and ended up burnt. If that isn't bad enough government was giving conflicting instructions constantly if masks help or not. Making people hesitant to use them. This could have been avoided if they were bought when Health and safety reported lack of protective gear well ahead pandemic. You also point out in one other comment that, and I quote "She had her work phone and security the whole time, what is your problem?" Well this isn't the first time she has gone partying and on that occasion she in fact didn't have her work phone with her.
@festerbester7801 Год назад
@@eveliinahannele And here we are. The last budget meeting is over and the answer to the rising cost of the living crisis that Marin's government gives, is *drumroll* cutting taxes from electricity from 24% to 10%. In effect lowering energy bills by 10 to 50 euros from the overall price. At times when energy bills have doubled and tripled for everyone. This all is taking effect after December, so you better hope you have some savings to pay bills till that. There are talks about further actions, but as per usual Marin hasn't given any statements yet. For example there were talks about extra child payments for poorer homes. And while we are on the subject of child payments have there been any talks about how to remedy low birth rates, and the aging population crisis? Especially now when stocks are low. Perhaps some government backed loan scheme like in Hungary, so starting a family is not financially a burden?
@eveliinahannele Год назад
@@festerbester7801 Väännän nyt Suomeks rautalangasta. Sulla on nyt kaikki puurot ja vellit sekasin. Eli olisko sun mielestä veroja nyt pitäny nostaa vai laskea? Vai laskettiinko liian vähän? Jos veroja pitää laskee eikä velkaa saa ottaa, miten sä ajattelit että tätä yhteiskuntaa rahoitetaan? Pää pois perseestä ihan oikeesti ja mieti vähän nyt. Varsinki kun kyseessä on GLOBAALI ongelma, Marin ei oo kaikkivoipa eikä pysty lopettamaan sotaa tai muuttaan globaalia markkinataloutta, jonka tärkein tehtävä on tuottaa voittoo. Sää kai ymmärrät et myös muutkin kuin kotitaloudet käyttää sähköö esim yritykset joille toi veronalennus on aika huomattava. Ymmärrät kai myös että Suomen energiahuippu alkaa Joulukuusta, joten tottakai tää alkaa joulukuussa. Lapsettomuus ja ikäjakauma ongelma on ollu tiedossa jo monta vuotta ennen Marinia, en nyt tiedä miks Marinin pitäis pystyy ratkoon nää ongelmat varsinki kun tässä on koronan jälkeinen kriisi vieläkin menossa, jos et oo huomannu. Tietää myös et talousasiat ei oo sun ominta alaa jos sä oot huolissas osakkeiden tilanteesta, osakekauppa kun ei millään heijasta oikeeta valtion taloustilannetta
@festerbester7801 Год назад
@@eveliinahannele you say I'm confused, but I think you have missed all the points you decided to reply to. I don't blame you for not touching on the last point about Marin leaving her work phone at home last time. But Marin and her government are responsible for the budget for the last three years. And overspending has been the word for every one of them. Your text implies that there are only two ways for the government to raise funds and they are taxes and dept. And I disagree, Finnish government owns numerous companies and some even make profit for the government. Read not all, some. Minister appointments are, to my knowledge, cabinets responsibility. Why has the minister responsible failed to turn companies to make profit? Also you ask me if in my opinion taxes were lowered too little or too much, and how then would budget needs be met? Well the most obvious answer would be cut spending. As I have stated earlier, Marin's government has overspend on all budget, even needing additional budget on COVID crisis. You also point out that "Do you realise that companies use electricity too?" Well I do realise this. Sadly Marin's government hasn't said anything about additional benefits or plans for companies. For the 10% alv isn't going to offset the immense energy price rise. In addition I personally disagree with spending more in the military. Staggering raise of 756 million in addition to the previous budget is planned. In contrast lowering tax in electricity only lowers government revenue by 300 million. Spending now on the military is another example of Marin's government reacting to the world situation, and not planning ahead. You also point out that I don't understand economics if I worry about stocks. Well maybe so, but what is Marin's government policy for it? Buying more now that they are low? Selling perhaps? Is now a good time for government owned companies to buy subsidiaries? Could dividends be the answer for the uncertain future of Finnish pensions crisis that is waiting to happen? Also those stocks are marked for value x when Finland has taken loans, now when their value is y, Finland's ability to pay their debts is ever lower. You also point out that Marin shouldn't be expected to solve the aging population crisis that has been going on. Perhaps so, but you also seem to say that Marin is a good PM, so is it too much to ask to at least *try to* solve it? What are her cabinets plans for it? Work immigration? But Finland doesn't seem to be a good candidate for companies to base their HQ because of high tax, so where will people work? On the point of electricity tax cut starting at December you proclaim that the peak start then, so of course the cuts start then too. But why not cut it immediately, and lower it even further if need be in December, allowing people to save up emergency money now, when the situation is still uncertain? Btw. I don't think I'm asking impossible, just for the government to do what they are elected to do, that is you know, to govern. Also your openly hostile tone isn't very nice.
@nickeh8083 Год назад
Cacaine is a great drug.
@illuminatiaqi6130 Год назад
lmao who cares what they do their free time
@user-hf8zv7qw4l Год назад
Thats not her free time, her free time is on her vacation and government officials are scrutinized in every aspect of their lives whether its private or not. This woman is cheating with her husband in front of people while being a PM, thw highest official of her country.
@donel532 Год назад
@user-fk9md2il4d Год назад
If it were a guy he would be gone faster than he could blink. Why should it be acceptable for a female politician to behave this way. You represent the people with that comes a degree of responsibility. Otherwise don’t go into Politica simple
@nicholashansen9914 Год назад
She is a head of state!!! Act like it!!!!!!
@lylyc8315 Год назад
The president is the head of state, not the prime-minister.
@sandracassandra9020 Год назад
The day I will be elected as. Prime minister,. ...Are You in for a show or what 😎🔥🔥🔥
@xrayz3207 Год назад
Imagine trump did this and how the situation would be.
@blackmamba5380 Год назад
We are all humans....... what matters is to trust someone when it needs and not be a cheater...
@user-wu1dj5lb9p Год назад
Ты лучшая !
@zanx8010 Год назад
hmm in finland prime ministers epecially mens have quit their job evenless by text message whit a woman can you believe that..
@tmt8268 Год назад
The people who accuse her of being unprofessional are far worse than she is. Like thirsty leeches they will cling to the crumb to feel better about themselves and their own behaviors.
@frednimzowi9852 Год назад
I only know one thing: she's right about the way out of the war is Russia leaving the Ukraine. Compared to this the scandal is not that important.
@jefffranklin2779 10 месяцев назад
❤thank God they are having fun and are very much so human beings, let them live ❤
@htunlin2000 Год назад
Dear Sanna: You remind me of my little granddaughter; intelligent, energetic, kind and graceful. I told her don't worry about people judging you for being your fun-loving self. I told her to "embrace your girl-power" ; and that she too can become a prime-minister one day herself. Like you, she is a leader not a follower. I told her, "your most sacred role" when you become a prime minister -is faithful-custodian of the people's safety-and-welfare ... By diligently avoiding foreign-entanglements, especially with warmongering military alliances with a cult- following; and a bottomless appetite for virtue-signaling and recruiting new members as vassals for its Global Imperial- designs, to expand into new territories for deployment of its nuclear-weapons. . . as a kind of "Revival" for a new Cold-War-era; camouflaged in the virtuous language of "freedom and democracy". Merely a fake and a front to hide its ulterior motive for hegemony. The proud citizens of Finland deserves better. Not a foreign cultist posing as a fake savior. The people of Finland are free to apply any title or pronoun one chooses: EXCEPT "Vassal". Please take care of any unfinished business requiring a course-correction. . . For your last act as prime minister, while remaining in the caretaker-government.
@user-du5fj8sv3z 11 месяцев назад
every political leader also have their personal life
@sallasundell4351 Год назад
@Mendeofc Год назад
Yes... I''m from Finland 🇫🇮
@user-qw6ox8tc8l 7 месяцев назад
In my motherland India, there are woman doctors i think.
@albinbenny2384 Год назад
Well if she wanted to have parties and such, should have just chosen a normal career
@lylyc8315 Год назад
How come? What is a "normal" career? Who defines "normal"?
@nolbertogaray4150 Год назад
Vldimir Putin will dance too ...near your door step calling you out dear.
@user-hf8zv7qw4l Год назад
Pooptin will not take seriously this cheating lap dancing queen Prime Minister.
@TD-yj1uj Год назад
💐🇫🇮 Love Yue Somath beautiful Finlande 🌹☀️ Also PM Sanna Marin 💓 Go on Sanna☀️🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
@devdroid9606 Год назад
Some say she should take a drug test. I say she should show Parliament how to dance like that, because she is the best, compared to all other world leaders.
@RyanZ55 Год назад
She doesn't needs to apologize she did nothing wrong..
@punitjoshi8707 Год назад
Yea, cheating on her husband, while he's looking after their children is surely nothing wrong
@arip7487 Год назад
@@punitjoshi8707 man why r u commenting on every post? of course cheating is not accepted and not justified but stop bringing up that the husband was at home taking care of the kid... he has equal responsibilities... of course as a man u think its okay
@eveliinahannele Год назад
@@punitjoshi8707 who is cheating? How do you know? Are you her husband? If fathers can't handle their own children for one night without their wives, how can we give men any responsibilities or roles as leaders?
@punitjoshi8707 Год назад
@@eveliinahannele bro there's literally a video out in the internet getting viral of her dancing and kissing a guy in a party, what you talking about? Haven't you seen that video? Do you want me to send the link?
@eveliinahannele Год назад
@@punitjoshi8707 Yeah, she was slow dancing with Olavi Uusivirta, I didn't see any kissing just dancing. You obviously see what you want to see. But again, what do you know about her marriage or relationship? Are you her husband? What if they are going through a divorce? Have open relationship? Have agreed this is okay? Who are you to judge a strangers relationship?
@bradash.9309 Год назад
How naive, this is why world leaders should be in there 50s.
@xirenx7119 Год назад
@november6000 9 месяцев назад
she also performed in Putin's private party.
@SheffBundy 9 месяцев назад
I mean at least her kids not recording themselves doin drugs with other ex prime ministers children like my country’s doing 🤡🤡
@lawrenceehrbar8667 7 месяцев назад
Wasn't she supposed to be in lockdown? I thought that was the primary complaint? No masks either?
@nev4524 Год назад
I don't think that the lady needs permission to blow off a little steam now and then. I'm also fairly sure that there are evenings when she's at home and hubby is out with his friends. those of us a bit older may remember a constantly drunk Boris Yeltsin dancing in public. ladies and gentlemen, you got the better deal trust me!!! Edit; better this than being a liar and a thief like the rest of our glorious leaders.
@picklerix6162 10 месяцев назад
Isn’t this the woman who was flirting with Obama a couple years ago?
@samppakoivula9977 Год назад
No not sexist, by default seeing or hearing about any politician party hard or acting foolish...I mean we had now deceased male politician, who got infamous for sexting to women he barely knew. So I think as we do not like politicians, male or female, to gather bad publicity, quit nagging about sexism....
@ralucaolaru2289 Год назад
Hope she can explain her behavior to her kids or kid. Feel sorry for her husband!
@jasonscala5834 Год назад
Failed as a PM and failed as a homemaker
@lars4357 Год назад
I think that the Finish Prime Minister should have a social life as well and this also shows the human side of her in my opinion. If she does not neglect her work then in my opinion everything should be fine. Some people might say being a Prime Minister is a 24/7 job, but everyone needs something to blow of some steam in order to keep morale high (since it can be a though job). Also the opposition has a point as well to ask for a drug test (Luckily she did not have any drugs in her body). Lastely I would like to add that I think the sexism part is not a valid argument in this case. Just because she is a woman does not automatically mean it is sexist if people critize her on this. Eventhough I totally disagree with the people who critize her on partying, i still think it has nothing to do with sexism.
@user-hf8zv7qw4l Год назад
Yeah, she embarrassed herself and her husband and daughter. If shes really smart, she knows shes a government official, but she unashamedly let her be kissed, touched by other men. She even lap dance to other men while her husband is taking care of their daughter. I pity her daughter and husband. Imagine a 36 yr old PM mother get caught in a video grinding other men. Inappropriate behavior. 🤮
@ninahillevistranden4169 9 месяцев назад
Could appreciate her being more private and more professional. 🙈🙈🙈
@avari6167 Год назад
Best prime minister in 20 years 💪 all suport to Sanna 🙏
@skweedom Год назад
The general narrative, which also spread abroad, is that the prime minister's partying is being criticized. But this was not the only issue - if an issue at all to start with -, but rather the sum of many other variables. For example, consider the following aspects 1. Unreasonably naive approach to privacy, given the high political position (a restricted IG profile is still a security risk, as we can clearly see) 2. Careless attitude towards one's own political position (quoting her, 'I'm only a human' -> an average person fooling around wouldn't end up being referred to in the Russian propaganda machine the very next day... as happened in this case) 3. 'Friends' who demonstrably do use drugs (i.e., random pop stars and influencers who have directly hinted about, as well as shared images of their use on social media), hence a legitimate request to take a drug test 4. Once the drug test was done, it was stated the test was taken from a urine sample, which isn't reliable after a few days, unlike a hair sample (at least this could've done right) 5. As a married woman with a child and husband at home, lets an 'unknown' man kiss her neck wildly on the dance floor, for rather long, and won't do anything about it (claimed that he was just talking to her ear, but you can make your mind up by googling up these vids/imgs) 6. Based on the latest videos, the people at the bar were amazed about her exceptionally bad condition ("how cool, that PM is in such shape!", sarcastic comment) 6. Took friends of hers to the official Prime Minister's apartment for an after-party, where the guests would also produce some very questionnable content in the official premises (e.g. two women kissing bare-breasted in some sort of press-room) All of this has solid evidence, and for most part admitted/acknowledged by the PM or her office (obviously objected to any claims regarding drugs ['didn't see anything being used; not to my knowledge'] or the kissing ['I think he was only talking to me']). It's a shame, yet eye-opening, how the story changes when it hits foreign media. Not sure if they're unprofessional or just want to control the narrative. Calling this a sexist treatment against her is simply a falsification of the actual story.
@realtsarbomba Год назад
So *NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER* to suggest she was using drugs, pathetic!
@fish9905 Год назад
Missed a day of work? The prime minister can't call in sick, SMH
@imranabbasi6535 Год назад
Love your dance marin
@laicheewai8264 Год назад
Taking drug test is good and encouraging for public office officials to keep the confidence in the public. But, what's wrong with partying??? Why the people so sexist? She human and hv friends. Her job is only to rule Finland while other ppl may hv other responsibilities, what's the difference? It's also a job?
@carlosdesousa6712 Год назад
👌intelligent response 👏👏
@Sandwich13455 10 месяцев назад
The Psy op didn't work
@THEBOSS-sy3jm Год назад
Choose ur leader with conscience
@Superbates123 Год назад
Awful. No wonder she lost the recent election.
@PapaCharlieist Год назад
Brut now cover why she's getting divorced.
@mahdman3 Год назад
Why are women so hive-minded no matter what?
@RameezMoh-uq4iv Год назад
Fool no one.
@samsungj7coremobilekwt889 Год назад
What problem p.m not feeling only anytime depression
@fbm9001 Год назад
She is a puppet
@NothingMatterz Год назад
God I can't stand the whiny voice of this guy narrating the story.
@jacobsummers1530 Год назад
rubbish it's sexism it it is the complete opposite. Imagine boris johnson or trump dancing on women. Women wanting special treatmen again
@Nick-1992-SRB Год назад
I would love ❤️ to try out Marin she’s attractive in my eyes yummy 🤤
@KimJongunNK Год назад
One word - *hypocrisy* 🙏👎✌️👋 22o7
@thatmovieguy7778 Год назад
Ah yes dancing in solidarity.. thats the most useless shxt ive ever heard 😂
@gonzalesbuttmuncher8491 Год назад
its not sexist at all.. name any other single male president not called out for such a video being leaked
@ab8588 Год назад
@toy2961 Год назад
She didn't do anything wrong.. She is a great Prime Minister of Finland.. I will support her always.. Wish. I was born in Finland.. Because I love Finland.. I love all the European countries.. I love all European peoples. I love European religion and culture. My biggest dream is that I want to spend my all life in European any country..
@Furballcapital Год назад
Actually she did quite a lot. You are not a Finn and you come to write arrogant crap without knowing everything. Greetings from Finn.
@toy2961 Год назад
@@Furballcapital I know everything very well
@toy2961 Год назад
@@Furballcapital you don't know anything
@Furballcapital Год назад
@@toy2961 Okay I'm sorry I'm sorry, that is true. You know more about country of mine since you LOVE it and I have just been born and live in here.
@FantomasXZ7 Год назад
"Caesar's Wife Must Be Above Suspicion."
@belvansingh7875 Год назад
Cia enjoy with her lot of I challenge
@younesm98 Год назад
The cringefest continues
@streetscienceofficial8675 Год назад
She must Drunking more i support Her to have Much Drunkie habit 🤠🤠 In meurica you need to get High and Get along with yoo Bestie yoo
@user-hf8zv7qw4l Год назад
Shes not like you a homeless druggie. Shes a prime minister. Very indecent unprofessional prime minister. Cheating, grinding other men. Yuck.
@RameezMoh-uq4iv Год назад
You coming for me
@rosalinda1965 Год назад
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@diegofranklin4224 Год назад
I just withdrew my profits a week ago, it was so shocking when I withdrew $32,450 knowing I invested $3,000. I wish I could reinvest but, too much bills 😩
@tommythewho6509 Год назад
@devdalling9876 Год назад
Such a strong female leader, reminds me of a lia Thomas or Alana McLaughlin or Rachel Levine. Great to see woman of power
@deadpoolguy283 Год назад
Well, people rightgfully voted this WEF puppet out. Maybe she should have done a good job instead of "Im woman waah!"?
@matthewkeykhosravi1294 Год назад
Loving ❤️ you Sanna Marin. You're my love 💓 ❤️ & the best PM ever. 💋❤️💙💋💋💋💋
@rimzanawshad9360 Год назад
@lucasalvesdeoliveira6995 Год назад
@fish9905 Год назад
@rimzanawshad9360 Год назад
@googleuser6312 Год назад
There is nothing wrong in what she did.
If a dude president had several random women grinding on him his wife stayed at home with their kid it would have been a scandal
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