

Gustav Eggerking
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Time remaining 26 Month and 8 Days .-
Calamity upon Calamity will be upon us .-
And ( NO ) Flesh knows what will happen after this !!!!!!!



6 июл 2023




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@walelabutterfly Год назад
Agree completely! Father is getting us ready and cleaning us from the inside out, ever so subtly, but everyday He's showing and teaching us. Eyes to see, ears to hear. Happy Shabuot Sunday the 16, 2023!!! Shalom!
@planus2402 Год назад
@helmutrusselmann479 Год назад
@jeremiahslittlesister9207 Год назад
Oh, How I love to hear from you Br. Gustav!! Your light is BRIGHT .....May His Majesty the Most High Yahuah Bless you and protect you, YOU are special, I KNOW you are being used as a vessel of Righteousness, your spirit and the vibrations I receive when I hear you are very intense, and my spirit as lead me to believe that you will be soon used in a much larger way. I yearn for the day to meet you in person, I send you my Love & Shalom to you my dear Brother of Zion
@michaelficik3600 Год назад
Thank you so much friend/brother and teacher for the very wise message. YAHUAH I can not do anything without the help and guidance of YOUR SET-APART SPIRIT and I am going to need the HELPER, the Rauk HA QaDash more than ever! HALLALUYAH FOREVER and EVER!!!
@YahuahsChosen Год назад
*I have been told we are in tribulation as well good brother. May Yahuah baruk your house my beloved brother. YaDaH 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 YaHUaH!*
@fruitandoilministry2397 Год назад
You are a fascinating person
@YahsSonRedemptionDrawsNigh Год назад
Powerful and Encouraging message brother Gustav! May YAHUAH continue to baruk you and keep you shine His face on you and give you Shalom. All Praises And Esteem Belongs To The Most High YAHUAH Though His Only Brought Forth Ben Yahusha Ha'Mashiach who is coming speedily! Shalom!
@kenman200 Год назад
Shalom Shalom brother Gustav. Blessings and big hug.
@RUTH_BaTH_SHaL_YaHUaH Год назад
A'habah U Shalum Ach.. Tada Raba.. YAHUAH Barak A'tah U'shamar A'tah Mish'pacha.. Amad ( En'dure ) .. Halal'YAHUAH !! YAHUSHA HA'DAREKH YAHUAH !!
@moniqueday3687 Год назад
@molly2534 6 месяцев назад
You said to not eat meat.. I have been sticking to eating biblically clean... Is there more i need to know? Bless you!
@Set-Apart_Mo-Amen Год назад
Shalum Alaykum, Ahky!
@qadashayamofyasharal Год назад
Torah does not forbid meat ahk. Why would you add that to HIS word? Shalum Shalum 💛
@Aeon1019 Год назад
You MUST be born of Spirit for YAH in this season is giving additional Laws to his ELECT. STOP EATING MEAT especially if you are those residing in the realms of the Nephilimic Races ....just as in the days of Menahem [whom the wicked call Noah] even so it STILL IS. Shalum
@qadashayamofyasharal Год назад
@@Aeon1019 The Word Of Yahuah, is it not written, do not believe every spirit but rather test them against the scriptures to know of they be of Yahuah or not. And. Cursee is any many who adds to or takes away from the words of this cepher. Further Yahuah himself gave us clean and unclean meats for a reason. He also gave the eating of meats as instruction to the levitical priests, so HE never changes and why would HE give an unclean command. Why do you assume to know who is born of Ruach and no? We know them by their fruits and the fruits are the fruits of the Ruach, Shalum, Patience, Love, Long Suffering, Forebarenxe, and obedience to HIS Torah (loving instructions). ❤️.
@Aeon1019 Год назад
@@qadashayamofyasharal do you SLAUGHTER the animal yourself? Or are you those who are dependent on heathens to do so for you? Perhaps thus why TMH YAHUAH, HOLY ONE gave them the laws after _they departed OUT_ of The place of their bondage. YAH is the WORD, the cepher cannot save you its simply the foundation that points to MASHIACH who in _Spirit_ expounds the mysteries or else you still remain lost without a cause.
@qadashayamofyasharal Год назад
@@Aeon1019 that makes more sense. Maybe say do not eat anything prepared by heathe and not just dont eat meat. Dont wear anything prepared by heathens. Dont buy or sell anything with heathens. Maybe we can gather in the desert and forgo the scattering. Yet. That was brought by Yahuah due to disobedience to Torah. Shall we now add to or take away from HIS Torah? By no means. You concede and show your error. For I testify unto every man that hears the words of the prophecy of this cepher, 💥If any man shall add unto these things, ALUHYM shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this cepher: And if any man shall take away from the words of the cepher of this prophecy, ALUHYM shall take away his part out of the cepher of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this cepher. CHIZAYON (REVELATION) 22:18-19 את CEPHER By the word of AL every things shall be established and every flasehood will be known.
@maxdavid1688 Год назад
@@qadashayamofyasharal Deut 12:23. Yes you are right, we are absolutely allowed to eat Meat BUT the clean animals (lev 11) need to be slaughtered alife and their blood (life, Ruach) pured out on the ground, while they are awake. Just like the Halal Slaughtering the Muslim and Arab christian are doing and they got that from Noah, Sham, Abraham, Ytschaq, Yaqob and so on. The Ishmaelites and Arabs, especially the Muslim doing it the right Way, no beheading, bolts, electric shocks or such. SO, all clean Animals will be made unclean if not slaughtered the Halal or "Kosher" Way, in the Way of the Most High. Also all clothes we buy has to be washed, which was for me common sense. Buying clean and unclean Animals are fine from the Nations but not selling them Clean Animals. However thats all useless and unprofitable when staying in Babylon, aka America, aka the Hammer of the World OR in all the other lands of our graves, captivity and destruction
@greensage395 Год назад
It is not what you eat that you shall become, it is what eats you! It is for this reason we do not fret when the bird eats the butterfly, or if the cat takes the bird...as that is what shall become of them! Revelation speaks of those Fowls of Heaven who come to eat the Flesh of all men, both Great and Small, Rich or Poor, Free or Bondsmen, and those horses they ride upon (4 Races of Men). A fowl who eats flesh is called a "Raptor", and it is they who Sing that Song called the "Rapture", whereby all are Invited to the Harvest Supper of the Lamb! We were told, where the corpse lie, there too shall the Eagles Gather...as well, Flesh and Blood do not Inherit the Kingdom Above! We should Pray they do not eat their own Children....we are their Children! Truly! They are Angels, and they eat Flesh!
@greensage395 Год назад
Could you imagine when they Arrive that you have no Flesh to give them? I think they will just take it, if it is not offered unto them!
@trevtrueman777 Год назад
Then were small lambs born of those white sheep; who began to open their eyes and to see, crying out to the sheep. The sheep, however, cried not out to them, neither did they hear what they uttered to them; but were deaf, blind, and obdurate in the greatest degrees. CHENUAK (ENOCH) 90:8-9 Obdurate: Stubbornly persistent, generally in wrongdoing; refusing to reform or repent. Alahym אלהים has taught me how to properly transliterate Hebrew, we have been lied to about His name. There is no aleph or ayin (A) between the Yod and the He. He has shown me that the vowels if not placed within a word are within the constenants. For example, so called John transliterated from Hebrew from letters, Yod uau chet nun nun, Yo u che nu n, Yo'uchenun יוחנן, pronounced Yo oo che nun, the "o" in Yod is used here. Then we look at the name Yaqub (Jacob) There IS an Ayin after the Yod, Yod ayin quph bet, Y a qu b, Yaqub יעקב. Bearing that in mind, and using the exact same doctrine we look at the name we have been given, "Yahuah", the same as יוחנן Yo'uchenun has no aleph or ayin after the Yod. Yod he uau he, Yo h ua h, Yohuah! The name "Yahuah" would need an א Alef or an ע Ayin after the י Yod to make it be true, making His name no longer a four letter Hebrew word but five, and would have to be written as יאהוה or יעהוה. Hela lu Yohuah! הל לו יהוה, He lamed lamed uau Yod he uau he, He la l u Yo h ua h. The so called translation Joshua is actually a really good translation for what we believed to be "Yeshua" (salvation) which should be written Yoshua ישוע, Yod shin uau ayin, Yo sh u a. It has been right infront of us the whole time. The proper transliteration for the name of the Son of Nun, יהושע, so called "Joshua" is actually Yohusha which is also the name of our משיחוך Meshiychuk. They have confused things so much. There was more hiding in the Word Joshua than we realised, the o in Yod! Man has confused the Hebrew language with vowel points etc. Putting vowels where they should not be and taking away the vowels that are within the constenants that should be within the words. Also "Yah" is a lunar deity in ancient Egyptian religion. The word simply means "Moon". It is transcribed as Yah, iah, Jah, or Aah. Yohusha said: I will give you what no eye has seen and what no ear has heard and what no hand has touched and what has not entered into the heart of man. BESUAREH OF TA'OM (THOMAS) saying 17. For we are not as many, which corrupt the Word of Alahym: but as of sincerity, but as of Alahym, in the sight of Alahym speak we in Meshiychuk. 2 CORINTHIANS 2:17 Alef lamed he yod mem, A la h y m, Alahym אלהים. Alef lamed uau he, A l ua h, Aluah אלוה. Mem shin yod chet uau kaph, Me shi y ch u k, Meshiychuk משיחוכ. Quph dalet shin, Qu da sh, Qudash קדש. Alef bet resh he mem, A b re he m, Abrehem אברהם. Yod tzade chet quph, Y tza ch q, Ytzachq יצחק, pronounced as Yitzachq and written this way so that the English reader understands how to make the sound of the word. Bet shin uau resh he, Be s ua re h, Besuareh בשורה sounds like Besoreh which is Hebrew for Gospel. Alef dalet nun yod, A da n y, Adany אדני (Master) pronounced and should be written as Adaniy so again, the English reader understands how to make the sound of the word. Yod resh uau shin lamed yod mem, Yo r u shi l y m, Yorushilym ירושלים (Jerusalem). All glory and praise to Yohuah יהוה Alahykm אלהיכם. Alef mem nun, A me n, Amen אמן. And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Adaniy was crucified. REVELATION 11:8 "spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt" They fooled us into worshipping "Yah" ועה iah. the Egyptian moon alahym. Also the so called translation for Meshiychuk (Mess iah). Spiritualy Egypt, ועה, Yah, iah, jah.
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