Joshua Fluke
Joshua Fluke
Joshua Fluke
I make videos about life and the realities of the corporate world.
2 месяца назад
2 месяца назад
2 месяца назад
2 месяца назад
Why Young People Should Never Retire
3 месяца назад
3 месяца назад
The Dave Ramsey Show DISASTER
3 месяца назад
4 месяца назад
CEO Demands Return To Office in BIZZARE Video
4 месяца назад
CEO Secretly Visits Employees Parents?!
5 месяцев назад
5 месяцев назад
HR Word Vomit is INFECTING the Workplace
6 месяцев назад
Job Sites Are Secretly Filtering You Out
6 месяцев назад
6 месяцев назад
The Return To Office DISASTER
6 месяцев назад
Finally! A HUGE WIN For Workers!
7 месяцев назад
@bluaurora8635 3 минуты назад
Companies have been cushioning for years by posting fake job ads so they can collect applications. It’s no different.
@Wisdom-Nuggets-Tid-Bits 4 минуты назад
Did he sell his house and move into the RV as the only residence?
@Jorge13457 11 минут назад
It blows my mind people put up with this fucking nonsense.
@JY-yw8zs 27 минут назад
It's called a layoff.....
@Dusto-qz1hz 33 минуты назад
Yes, this is literally I don’t respect your time. I’ll see you when I get to you.
@VinceRMessina 34 минуты назад
--- As a boomer, Josh, I must say that I agree with you 100%. --- it is about time that candidates for employment start treating companies the way companies treat candidates and employees. --- Most companies think nothing about firing or "laying off" an employee without giving a REAL reason except to say that "the company is going in another direction" (when they really AREN'T). However, even before THAT, the loyal employee first finds out about his firing when he arrives at work and realizes that he can't log in to his work account because he has been locked out of the system. --- However, when an employee announces that he will be leaving the company (and even giving the company FOUR weeks notice), suddenly, the employee's manager acts as if the employee has committed a crime. He's not congratulated or given good wishes in his future endeavors. --- However, he is spoken of, in the most unfavorable light, to other employees such that the "Sheep" among the 'employee corral' barely look at or talk to him. *** --- This double standard has got to stop at some point, and I'm glad there are currently workers who have the guts to make this necessary change.
@AlysaAlysaBolissaBananaFannaFe 36 минут назад
Premarital seggs? Firable offense. Peeping through a coworker's window? Honorable behavior. Wut 👀
@drrodopszin 40 минут назад
"Your questions shouldn't be only about what you want, but about how you bring value to the company." ? How does that question look like? "I wanna ask if you're okay about me bringing a lot of value to the company?"
@gbottesini 41 минуту назад
You make me wait all day for a job interview, you're getting an invoice for my wasted time.
@ashvandal5697 43 минуты назад
3pm?!? Lmao. 7am appointment I’d be asking to reschedule by 930 at the latest unless someone answering for the manager has a great excuse.
@irandude1655 46 минут назад
The LinkedIn CEO is bitching at people not working WHILE he is also wasting time arguing with strangers in LinkedIn. What a useless CEO.
@Torvinoid 47 минут назад
Something about talking about review manipulation in glass door then in your sponsorship talking about looking at the reviews on the companies website just feels absolutely hilarious to me lol
@DukeCannon 50 минут назад
Then tried to make me fill out a form, while sitting in an egg chair, with no writing surface
@TheyCallMeK 50 минут назад
dude sounds like a southparrk character
@irandude1655 52 минуты назад
2 desperate workers left that will steal and mess up your company because of how they were treated.
@gregrere-kl9qq 56 минут назад
Just received a payout for unpaid overtime wages from a few years ago from them. May be time for an update video.
@300zxturbo Час назад
What's the issue? That is a genius idea for a job interview. People that don't have patience and can't use their brain are poor workers.
@Qpoueoor Час назад
I don’t have a choice. I like to eat
@HoopsKevinski. Час назад
Because "an *embryo* (they're "people" now) invited 6 people..."? (Saw vid on monitor after shifting focus from phone; saw "embryo" lol).
@MrDaqar Час назад
Some employers sure do miss slavery...
How the hell does "no really it happens, and sometimes it's worse!" get used as an argument for why abusive hiring rituals are admirable?
@nexxterra Час назад
My company hires many remote workers... their performance is what matters, excuses are not as valid if we know they have multiple jobs, but get the job done correctly, I do not care what else is going on...
@seemagrover4228 Час назад
Reviews don't matter they are unknown people as it is? Products are overpriced mostly
@XperimentorEES Час назад
Remember, if the company is 'always hiring' that means they're always loosing people for a reason.
@TheSonyExperience Час назад
Listen that's the woman's choice. It's a poor one in my opinion, but hers nonetheless. Does it deserve praise? I suppose to the people that benefit from her questionable decision. If she wants to come to work, I believe it would be discrimination not to allow her to work. Her choice is her choice. I will say 100% without a doubt that the risk of infection in a dirty restaurant to the baby is very very high. That is my only concern, she can do whatever she wants with her body. The baby on the other hand doesn't have a choice.
@esm1817 Час назад
Two days after giving birth, I can tell you the only grit and determination I have is the grit and determination to examine my inner eyelids. If there was such a mother coming in two days after giving birth, she wasn't thinking about her grit. She was thinking about how not to lose her job because she had those two sweet little things to support. It's sad that anyone would ever have to--or want to--go into work with a two-day old. Either way I find it equally sad.
@fiskblack1737 Час назад
"why no one wants to work anymore" Because I don't voluntary become a slave.
@tommyb6611 Час назад
2:13 they offer 52.000/year Is that what you are left at the end, or you pay taxes out of that? because everything above it is just horse manure, nothing relevant. Plus what you must do for that 52k?! Is this an entry level job without any responsability, where you just hang around all day, doing nothing? 52k would fit for a competitive base salary if it requires any work or being put on blast for various things by the bossman, then is not competitive salary
@superdubdub 2 часа назад
This happened to me when I interviewed at Apple. Made it to a final interview in 2013, but didn’t get it. Tried again and got to a final interview with the same manager as my first interview in 2015. They made me wait over an hour for the manager to show up, but I got the job. Needless to say, hated working there.
@herlegz6969 2 часа назад
Slave masters want slaves. And there are plenty of slaves who worship their demise and their enslavers. It's a pathetic world.
@rustym.shackelford5546 2 часа назад
I didn't get a job because I can't travel to Canada. Read this again.
@aaronhope8366 2 часа назад
This feels very accurate
@heregulmithal7063 2 часа назад
Corporations only want slaves.
@TodaySatan 2 часа назад
Be able to deep throat and get down on all fours, on command!!
@seeleunit2000 2 часа назад
It's not that people "don't want to work", it's that bosses like these, in addition to the lousy pay that hasn't kept up with inflation makes getting or keeping a job impossible.
@sergiuszwinogrodzki6569 2 часа назад
Did I understand this correctly that they don't even want to pay his backpay? Is that even legal?
@VideosdeDomingo 2 часа назад
Test of patience? I think I beat that one on Breath of the Wild...
@BuildingMakingDoing 2 часа назад
This is mind bogglingly insane….
@sergiuszwinogrodzki6569 2 часа назад
I'm wondering how is that shitty company doing now. And Bill, the moron.
@DanTheCox 2 часа назад
I worked for a company that decided to pull this kind of stuff on its staff on one of their sites. They had a quasi monopoly on the type of product they were manufacturing and despite having this monopoly, they alienated most of their talented employees who left. Problems started to pile up, customers became irate and moved their business away. The site closed down and I'm sure the management learned nothing as their were all rewarded with new positions in the corporate structure. Either way, a complete waste.
@TheAmbulatingFerret 2 часа назад
4 people understood time=money, the two remaining candidates are good at sitting around doing nothing. Meanwhile this company is going to wonder why none of their employees ever get anything done because they have the time management skills of a potato.
@fkxfkx 2 часа назад
Does anyone believe this actually happened? First of all there would have been over 100 interviewing.... and no one would have stayed, with 3 coming back later to kick his ass.
@notvenom1152 2 часа назад
So people lost income opportunities for the day because of this jackass? And this is legal...
@heatherfeather1293 2 часа назад
I'm sorry, it's just SICK to brag about being on your computer by the pool while your kids are swimming. Those kids will remember Dad chose work over them. Cats in the Cradle vibes
@nicholasfrazier3636 3 часа назад
600 K listen to this fellow whine. Quit bitching and build a channel of your own
@moneymanjoe9639 3 часа назад
I have come to learn that while I was an "essential worker" 4 years ago, I am now fully expendable.
@objectiveincision3970 3 часа назад
If there was such thing as 'enough' .. then there would be no quiet quitters! Quite Quitting was born when the only reward for task completion was more work with no reward!
@kuanged 3 часа назад
This was an extremely bad employer and not the norm, even among a**holes.
@Wisdom122 3 часа назад
The big elephant in the room is wages. Most jobs pay terrible wages and expect 5* service !! And if people complain - like I did in my work - you are seen as a troublemaker. I did complain about wages to the CEO and he did not like it one bit .. but, I am glad I had the guts to do that....
@woodificould 3 часа назад
What happened to the math in that first one? 6 ppl interviewed. 3 ppl left. They hired the "remaining 2". Did one person just go missing?