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@matthewwetherholt1856 Минуту назад
Looks like an Anaconda from the game Elite Dangerous. Neat.
@Jarsia 5 минут назад
If for no other reason than possessing a cloak, a trip through the delta quadrant would be much easier in a Warbird. Plus with a much larger crew and way more space on board, not to mention the efficiency of the singularity core, I expect the Warbird would have an easier time being self sufficient on such a long voyage. Unfortunately, they'd need to be. Warbirds are slower than Galaxy class ships, and therefore much slower than Voyager. Good thing romulans live a long time.
@KallenSC 11 минут назад
Nope plasma torpedoes aren't powerful than quantums....they just work differently ....Plasma is pure heat power, quantums work with quantum physic - which means they little "cheating" normal physic....
@deepdivedylan 17 минут назад
The greystar ship pack is now available exclusively at Quark's Entertainment LLC. Come and negotiate your deal today! Act now and get bonus holonovels with additional back stories.
@deepdivedylan 24 минуты назад
Of course the Romulans defeated the Kazon! They were deemed worthy of assimilation!
@bigdaddychud 25 минут назад
3 warp cores = 3 ZPMS on a Stargate vessel = MOAR POWA
@mikeyboy1234567 25 минут назад
I like the Zhgen He, other than its deflector. If the 'star drive' section extended to a more rounded area, and had a normal deflector she would be a beautiful ship.
@GreystarSTBC 29 минут назад
1 and a half years and counting for the ship packs creation.... As for the lore... well lets just say i've been developing it for nearly a decade at this point in time... The technology used by the main ships is far beyond anything in any scifi series ever... All this will be explained in a future video
@deepdivedylan 29 минут назад
1:36 the USS Zheng He has ablative armor, not plot armor
@MisterMarin 30 минут назад
There's a lost Voyager episode about Rastafarian Vidiians. It's called Dreadlock. Vidiians in that episode speak with a Jamaican accent.
@ram64man 33 минуты назад
graystar add weapon hard points like a pew pew nature to the hexagonal top squares and two on bottom, think os battlestar a fraction more powerful than the normal laser hardpoints
@andybrooks7228 34 минуты назад
The Romulans would just put their cloak up and made their way back. 1: The Romulans don't use the Prime directive so they don't care who they screw over to get ahead. 2:The Romulans will never engage a tactically superior enemy.
@jamesleroy1 36 минут назад
they look cool
@AJUniverse 36 минут назад
4:18 That doesn't narrow it down as much as you think.
@jamesleroy1 37 минут назад
wow they are way too powerful if they can defeat the exile
@AJUniverse 38 минут назад
3:20 Only reason Voyager ever had trouble with the Vidians, when they weren't anchored in place by a quantum duplicate of themselves, was because the show was still pretending to care about torpedo use at that point. A sustained volley of photons would've crippled a Vidian ship based on their actual on-screen performance.
@AJUniverse 41 минуту назад
2:31 The Caretaker took one look at the Cardassians and their tech, said no thanks, and sent them as far away from him as he could.
@douglasmiller1467 43 минуты назад
Very cool.
@crownprincesebastianjohano7069 43 минуты назад
It would be a long trip home for a Warbird. They are slower than Starfleet ships.
@Brasc 46 минут назад
The Romulans - especially a Tal Shiar ship - would have made more deals than Janeway did. For example, they likely would have negotiated a technology sharing deal with the Kazon with the Caretaker's Array and not given a damn about the Ocampa as a whole, though I could see them bringing some on board for study and to utilize their telepathic talents. The arrangement would work up to the point where the Romulans would see it to their advantage to betray the Kazon and make off with the Caretaker's technology and some Ocampa, probably with the help of another Kazon Sect that they negotiate another deal with and continue sowing discord among the Kazon Sects as they go, getting them to battle more among themselves than going after their Warbird.
@unclejimbosflyingcircus3582 50 минут назад
By Grabthar's Hammer, they will be avenged! :)
@TheCormTube 51 минуту назад
What's next a Type 6 shuttle versus an Miranda Class? 🤣
@ArtStaringBlankly Час назад
Doesn't the Romulan ship have a singularity for its power generation? Is it feasible that they simply cloak and use their warp drive at cloaked cruise speed to steadily go back home? Like the Vulcans they live quite a long time. An 80 year journey might not be so bad in their eyes. Probably good way to scope out future conquests. Although if it happened around the time of Voyager, they would eventually return home with their home system destroyed by a supernova. That would be a shitty way to return home after spending 80-100 years under cloak at warp 8 (I remember that episode called Tin Man from TNG said under cloak they can't go very fast without being detected. Warp 8 or something.)
@MisterMarin Час назад
0:58 I believe the word you're looking for is "Starfleet-y". 😉
@justtheaverageone3840 Час назад
4:10 Omg Deadlock. The one episode I watched as a young adult i could never rewatch until very recently. I grew up with stuff like the walking dead in my teens (which I probably really shouldn't have done) but that was by far not as disturbing as that voyager episode was to me. Even tho you don't really see much in terms of gore it is just my imagination that runs wild with that kind of body horror, same with the episode where belana gets split in 2 and one of the vidiians wears the face of one of the victims. The scene were the vidiians broke into sickbay, and you later see the aftermath where they were ripping out the organs of the killed... damn.
@s.patrickmarino7289 Час назад
I think an interesting match up would be the Ferengi against the Vidians. I strongly suspect the Ferengi would win without much of a contest. The Ferengi would quickly contact the Vidians, offer to sell them a large number of Cardassians for harvesting. They would cut a deal that was almost too good to believe. After the Vidians died from the defective body parts, the Ferengi would take their ships.
@s.patrickmarino7289 Час назад
Easy way to remember, port and left both have the same number of letters. Port=left. Another way to remember, starbird and right both have the same number of... never mind. Port is left.
@MSR-1701 Час назад
I always remeber this thanks to an old Calvin and Hobbes cartoon. Coming inside, glaring at each other after a disastrous sled crash, Hobbes jabs his finger at the Dictionary and says "See? SEE? I was Right! Port is *LEFT* , Starboard is *RIGHT* ! 🤣😎
@CaptainPorkBelly Час назад
The AI doesn’t seem to know how to use the Hestia class. It seems to default to using the ventral phasers probably because it doesn’t have real torpedoes. The “torpedoes” it does have aren’t used until you move away more than 25km. Probably the same type of torpedo setup as the quantum torpedoes on Sovereign classes. Womp womp 😑 I’m sure it’d would wipe the floor with the USS Dustbuster if it had a proper setup
@MSR-1701 Час назад
One big AI "hiccup" in BC is not having a "Torpedo System" on the mod. You can have a turret/disruptor point, but if you do not have a torp system, the AI gets confused and does odd things. In the case of the Hestia, there *is* a torp system, named Computer Core. When updating the Hestia for Remastered I ran into this, as it calls for a projectile that wasn't accounted for and needed to be modified for RE compatibility 😅
@joenicholson5609 Час назад
Isn't a small part of the Romulan Star Empire either in the Delta Quadrant or butted up against the Delta Quadrant?
@robinvan1983 Час назад
i think so, and the hirogen edged up to it
@compositesquare Час назад
Put the Husnock Warship against the Scimitar Battleship.
@Ronald006 Час назад
you have heavy plasma torps as well use them lol
@SoundwaveSG1 Час назад
put the Romulans against the Devore, The Malon, The Hirogen, and Species 8472.
@Jay-xr5tm Час назад
How about the NX01 VS the Vulcan ring-ship?
@MSR-1701 Час назад
Hopefully not the 3 Ring Vulcan Ship...😂
@Jay-xr5tm Час назад
@@MSR-1701 Just the regular one; Like the one in "In a Mirror Darkly"
@MSR-1701 58 минут назад
@@Jay-xr5tm Lol, was mentioning in jest, the 3 Ring Vulcan ship is a Future Craft, and would nuke most mods of the NX. For the single Ring Vulcan, I do recall one or two mods, though I wish I could remember the name of the one that I found that was somewhat underpowered, needs some love to get it to 22nd/23rd C Vulcan levels
@Jay-xr5tm 22 минуты назад
@@MSR-1701 What about the T'plana-Hath?
@MSR-1701 2 минуты назад
@@Jay-xr5tm was there a mod for that one? The mod name that comes to mind is the dkyr I think?
@joshua211111 2 часа назад
Soul Wolf would be the ship I'd command
@NoFormalTraining 2 часа назад
Skull Dukat: Attention Bajoran Workers! I had an intense itch, General Picard has resolved that issue for me. Now I feel nothing.
@ThePierreChannel 3 часа назад
Which is stronger, the Scimitar or the armored Voyager?
@Mikerille 3 часа назад
To be honest the attack ships would lose to the Cerritos, it’s a weaker version of the enterprise A (the attack ships) with essentially runabout level shields. The Cerritos would actually likely wreck them. Its shields are post dominion war, with a specific shield regeneration unit, far more shielding to begin with, stronger weapons, etc. since it takes place dominion war and after, it’s a safe bet they’re using type 10 phasers, they would obliterate an attack ship. We know it’s weaker than the titan, however, the titan has quantum torpedoes, so
@ThePierreChannel 3 часа назад
In the movie, eight quantum torpedoes hit the Scimitar, but it didn't even flinch. Was the Scimitar using 25th century technology ???
@Naymy 4 часа назад
I'd argue that the Borg would lose, because they are primarily assimilating organic creatures. When the Borg encountered Species 8472, they were unable to do anything against them initially, as they were unable to assimilate them. I'd argue that would be the same with the Replicators. And while the Borg are unable to assimilate the Replicators (being made of metal and not flesh), the Replicators would be eating away at the Borg and making more of themselves. Replicators are also able to feast on most (if not all) materials, whereas the Borg are limited to Organics. Thinking about it, I think the Replicators would steam roll the Borg in the long run, as they are able to adapt as quickly as the Borg, are able to feast on pretty much everything and are resistant/immune to energy weaponry. Even destroying Replicator ships doesn't save the Borg, as Replicators can survive in space. If the Borg were to bring any over (to study) they would be attacked from within (at least the first few times).
@Mikerille 4 часа назад
Hahaha what is this monstrosity, it looks awesome, tbh though I kinda wish the scimitar ingame actually fired it’s 52 cannons, though I realize no ship would be able to last more than a min against it if it did, though their shields are actually fairly weak, especially compared to its immense firepower
@Katvanished 5 часов назад
balance definitely seems off here, a wraith ship should* wipe out the ent-a easily
@claudedavid1729 5 часов назад
How do you fit twenty torpedoes in a runabout?!
@Moogus 6 часов назад
I want to see a battle between the rocket ship of Flash Gordon and the rocket ship of Flesh Gordan.
@tyro244 6 часов назад
You took out the Captain's Yatch on the salvo.
@msvaughan 7 часов назад
I think Voyager only had 2 Tri-Cobalt Devices onboard at the time
@sharonec5419 8 часов назад
Would love to see you do the Schimter up against the Enterprise and the fleet it was supposed fo meet. See how it does.
@sharonec5419 8 часов назад
I am sorry but to me that Sovereign X is not a Severeign class ship as its about as similar to one as the Nebula class is to a Galaxy class. If the nacelles were at the top of the ship that third one at the bottom then maybe but no not know. Its just not, sorry.
@enterprise-h312 9 часов назад
0:59 Have we ever seen such a guarded Neutral Zone in canon? 25:25 I believe that some text was changed. Including in the episode where Riker is in a holodeck simulation.
@eyebrid 9 часов назад
The Borg have nanobots, Replicators _are_ nanobots with an even higher capacity for adaptation.
@NeilJames1982 10 часов назад
Your culture will adapt to serve as us thats (pause for dramatic effect) PEANUTS