The Sojourn Audio Drama
The Sojourn Audio Drama
The Sojourn Audio Drama
The Sojourn is an original science fiction audio drama available through audiobook retailers.

The Tantalus Cluster is the fragile cradle of humanity.

Adrift in the divide between galaxies and surrounded by the vast emptiness of the intergalactic void, the Tantalus Cluster is the only home humanity has ever known.

Desperate and facing starvation, humanity’s only hope is a strange nebula that has suddenly appeared beyond the edge of the cluster. It’s shifting clouds may hide a source of salvation for the people of Tantalus, but time is running out.

Starring Larissa Thompson as Captain Cassandra Farren, Emily Serdahl as Director Elizabeth Ancelet, Laura Faye Smith as Tamara Melari, Ben Prendergast as Mathias Croft, Stephen Trafford as Inquisitor Castian Vadric, also featuring Matthew Kaufman as Lieutenant Jasper Ravi, and Lelia Symington as Empress Valendra the Sixth. Written by Daniel Orrett, sound design and audio editing by Kennedy Phillips, music by Sam Redfern.
Axius | Worlds of Tantalus | The Sojourn
5 месяцев назад
Firewatch | Worlds of Tantalus | The Sojourn
7 месяцев назад
@spartanalex9006 20 часов назад
Is that an (even more) stripped down Florencia at the start?
@thenightlyguy7621 День назад
I’ve watched this video an embarrassing number of times, Tantalus will endure is such a good song
@henrykartoffelsalat8578 2 дня назад
"Sevilguard was an idiot". - Give this man a medal.
@mattstorm360 2 дня назад
Centrum: We said we wouldn't help. Never said we wouldn't profit!
@hectorrubio7141 3 дня назад
@thenightlyguy7621 3 дня назад
It’s funny seeing a Florencia class, an already skeletal and stripped down ship become even more skeletal and stripped down like damn dude, you ain’t gonna have anything left to strip much longer
@iamaperson.9471 4 дня назад
Wait, with Marines on board, does it get involved in boarding actions or does the ship somehow deploy them on battlefields?
@iainbaker6916 4 дня назад
I hope in season 2 we find out why the advari are basically humans with grey skin and odd voices, (but different internal anatomy?) and that the reason is decent and relevant. It would be a shame after all the other excellent world building if it turns out that ‘they are aliens that look like humans because reasons’.
@HobbitJack1 5 дней назад
So many people in the comments haven't listened to the whole Season 1... y'all totally should!
@shaftoe195 5 дней назад
This space minefield would have never worked even as a delay... if Advari weren't fighting Centrans.
@sfs2040 5 дней назад
Ah yes so foreboding
@MMZERO9 5 дней назад
I hope the crew of the Guinevere are okay. The natives of Tantalus could be looking at an interstellar war if things really do go south. And given the famine they’re dealing with, another war is the last thing they want/need. And I don’t know if the Empress and Vadric will be able to prevent this.
@koiyujo1543 4 дня назад
me too
@LordCommander-ui2fw 4 дня назад
Yep. Though, on the famine front, there is some good news in that the survivors of the Avalon Expedition were able to bring some food and fresh soil home, so there is a bit of a reprieve. And if the Advari invade, it’s important to note that they’ve got a limited number of Lightships with which to attack, not to mention that they have never faced even ten human warships at once before, and most of them were fast attack ships; only the Shabayev and the Rodrigo could have been considered true capital ships. The CDF with its Ships of the Line alone could outnumber the Advari 10 to 1; assuming that they don’t send a larger force of Lightships to invade. And before anyone else brings up that three Lightships was a large portion of the Advari’s remaining fleet, I know. However, that doesn’t mean that Arvanis can’t have more commissioned for the war effort, especially when one factors in that every Advari soldier who dies in Tantalus means one less civilian to sacrifice in order to meet the Threshold.
@isaackim7675 5 дней назад
Really looking forward to Season Two. Fair winds
@TheSojournHQ 5 дней назад
Get #TheSojourn - The Complete First Season here: www.thesojournaudiodrama.com/
@jgt2598 5 дней назад
SPOILER ALERT Near the end of volume 1, Arvanis reveals that their entire fleet is just a handful of ships. The only reason the Tantulans (?) had so much trouble dealing with them was that they didn't have nuclear weapons with them to compete with the Advari ship's regen capability and energy weapons. Unless Advar/the Wheel decides to spawn them a bunch more ships for an invasion they'd be massively outnumbered, outgunned, and possibly without the ability to regenerate (could be another result of "the wheel's" reality bending ability).
@LordCommander-ui2fw 4 дня назад
First of all, the Lightship’s regeneration is not necessarily dependent upon the Wheel, nor is it dependent for the creation of new ships; self-healing metals and nano bot repairs are a thing, you know, and there could be a shipyard present somewhere. Secondly, while the Advari Lightships are going to be outnumbered, in addition to being larger and more heavily armed than even the Arashi-Sakara, they have the onboard foundaries to produce more Fliers and Missiles which which to act as Force Multipliers in battle. I think this invasion may not be as cut and dry as you think, especially with the economy of Tantalus in shambles after the Frontier War and with the ongoing Great Famine. The CDF and Union Militia aren’t quite as large as they used to be, and I imagine that the Merician State Guard, despite never participating in the war, isn’t in the best shape either. It will likely take all of them working together to stop the Advari advance.
@joshuachapman247 5 дней назад
Sounds like war to me
@bigsarge2085 5 дней назад
@LordCommander-ui2fw 5 дней назад
2:12-Ooh, the chills I got so may chills from those two lines, and what they mean. Methinks a Holy War is on the horizon, and our heroes aboard the Guin will have to move swiftly to warn the Powers that be and stir them to action, or else Tantalus will _burn._
@old-worldghost3451 5 дней назад
If the Advari ever invade the Tantalus Cluster, they'll probably be without the ability to repair their ships so far away from the Wheel/Pulsar
@LordCommander-ui2fw 5 дней назад
Actually, the Lightships seem to be capable of self-repair.
@Hartzilla2007 5 дней назад
Plus how 3 or 4 ships seems to be the bulk of their forces so they would be heavily out numbered in the place everyone kept the big guns.
@jgt2598 5 дней назад
​@@LordCommander-ui2fw I'm not quite sure, that ability was a secret so could definitely be linked to the reality-warping effects of "the wheel".
@LordCommander-ui2fw 5 дней назад
@@Hartzilla2007While I do agree that the Lightships will likely be outnumbered in Tantalus, those fleet numbers may very well fluctuate; it's possible that the Advari are capable of creating more but have had no cause to since the Threshold was put in place. And since those Lightships and their crews are unlikely to return regardless of the outcome of such an invasion...
@LordCommander-ui2fw 5 дней назад
@@jgt2598 It was a secret to the Inquisitors of the Vetris Ardenti, but it may not be to the individuals who actually crew them. I don't think every aspect of the Advari's society wholly relies on the Wheel.
@inquisitorr2606 5 дней назад
And the plot thickens, is this the contemplation for an invasion?
@LordCommander-ui2fw 5 дней назад
It would appear so. Before I provide further elucidation, may I ask what your progress on the Sojourn is? I don't want to Spoil.
@Spartan111MS 5 дней назад
This excerpt is from season 1. Around the middle
@inquisitorr2606 5 дней назад
@@LordCommander-ui2fw unfortunantly ive had to tighten my belt (spare money) for the last few months and have not had the opertunity to begin, but that is going to change next month :)
@theishiopian68 5 дней назад
Chilling. I need to listen to the sojourn again.
@tyrreloneal5178 5 дней назад
I LOVE the way the Advari sound; I'm definitely a sucker for flanged voices! 🥴🥴
@joshuarebennack68 5 дней назад
Question: is there a reason the engine nozzles are always shown as exposed on various Sojourn ships vs. being "built in" with the surrounding hull plates? Or built in a way that from directly ahead or directly astern they would protected? Given the actual physics of space and the in universe lore regarding movement and combat, it would seem prudent to keep your "go places" equipment protected.
@invadervim9037 6 дней назад
I hope that these amazing cinematics mean we'll get an animated show version of The Sojourn someday
@Honkious5824 6 дней назад
Thought it say 'murican instead of Merician for a second, I was thinking to myself 'what warcrimes has the US government escaped blame of via PMCs this time?' Trust me, they do this way more than you'd think.
@Riri_734 8 дней назад
What game is this?
@henrycooper3431 2 дня назад
Not a game but animation for an Audio Drama
@youtubeisapublisher6407 9 дней назад
Very neat! I do like the deliberate reference to age of sail terminology, but it would also be interesting to explore forward movement in technology and tactics. Would there eventually be pre and post-dreadnought battleships with superfiring turrets?
@annonymousrandomfum5880 9 дней назад
What about a shipbreakdown on the S36 Star dancer, I like the fighters realism and design
@kasperswensson3535 10 дней назад
Absolutely love the design of the ship! I have a nerdy question however. If the witdth of the ship is only 54, 25 meters, doesn't that make it to small to create a viable spin gravity environment with a rotating segment within the dish? With a radius that small I calculated that the rotating segment of the ship would need to spin at something like 56 rpm in order to create an acceleration of 1 g at its outermost points (feel free to correct my math, I likely made some errors). I feel like this would create a considreable coriolis effect if nothing else. Also the compartments closer to the center of spin would have almost no gravity at all. Is this adressed some way in universe or is it just a case of don't think about it too hard?