Content Lit with Simon Fay
Content Lit with Simon Fay
Content Lit with Simon Fay
Content Lit is a video essay project with the main aim to examine the best books of the 20th Century. Though I intend to keep the project broad in scope, if there’s any bias in the topic selection, it’s only in that I might gravitate towards subjects that have affected my own work as the author of numerous novels.

As I’ve said before, I’ve never actually used the term, “Lit,” in general conversation, though Urban Dictionary assures me that the term is the perfect descriptor for when “…something is turned up or popping.” While the subject matter on Content Lit can sometimes be serious, it’s always about exploring outstanding books in a fun and engaging manner. The best way to understand what I mean by that is to explore the videos yourself.
The Horror of Shirley Jackson
3 года назад
The Prestige - Movie vs Book
3 года назад
What Does Stephen King Care About?
3 года назад
Can Hard Sci-Fi Be Too Hard?
3 года назад
Whatever Happened to Sugar Cubes?
3 года назад
@jimmyjames2621 11 часов назад
Obviously, nobody would ever accuse Stephen King of being an intellectual.
I thought it was nice to come here to try to shed some light on the story only to be more cornfused by this guys accent and the way he tries to explain it.
@jacquelinejanewashere 6 дней назад
Kubrick himself said the Overlook IS supernatural
@rosalindmartin4469 8 дней назад
Also i read background years ago that his friend, Harper Lee (Mockinbird author), a southern lady and writer, completely assisted Capote in presenting him and arranging meetings with the many folks he used.
@vvhadesvv1999 24 дня назад
It definitely works watching the movie before the book. I'm one of those who usually ends up parroting the typical "book is better" but I find myself jaded by the horrible Stephen King adaptations. But with the Cloud Atlas story, it's absolutely amazing both ways, and I don't think I would have ever enjoyed the novel if the movie was created!
@bobbyokeefe4285 24 дня назад
Ager never claimed that Danny let Jack out,cause he felt sorry for him,he did it in order to lure him into the maze so that he could trap him,I don't know where you got that from?
@hubertvancalenbergh9022 Месяц назад
Never got into Kerouac or Burroughs, but Hubert Selby SPOKE to me.
@moocow7565 Месяц назад
@juanramirez-wk8ty Месяц назад
Great movie but the theory of evolution is a load of crap.
@juanramirez-wk8ty Месяц назад
The author of this video needs to better educate himself on the subject if he does not believe "there is some New World Order running the govt's of the world", at this point there is enough credible documentation by those involved in it themselves to deny a globalist technocratic scheme is at work in the social, economic engineering of the globe. Not only does Clockwork Orange depict the order out of chaos methods used by such controllers along with the desire to implement ever changing methods of mind control to dominate the population but it also depicts the recruitment of thugs and criminals into the corrupt power structure/establishment first with the droogs being police and then Alex himself being accepted into the compromised mid level controller class no doubt in furtherance of more officially sanctioned dirty work.
@juanramirez-wk8ty Месяц назад
King's more recent political social media rants and unhinged bouts of T.D.S. (Trump Derangement Syndrome) sure seem to indicate he has many skeletons in his closet he is desperate to keep from getting exposed should the corrupt crooked establishment that enables, uses and protects famous characters like him ever gets taken down.
@matteste Месяц назад
Liking the use of Legend of Galactic Heroes footage.
@aeonjoey3d Месяц назад
its my favorite book of all time.
@ContentLitwithSimonFay Месяц назад
You've got good taste.
@harryballz4260 Месяц назад
Darth Jar Jar sent me.
@StewartUSAF Месяц назад
I recall someone saying that “Asimov had writer’s block once. It was the worst 15 minutes of his life!” You talk about the use of familiar tropes in Asimov’s descriptions, but these stories are old enough that they are much less familiar when the stories were written.
@TheDrewbe3 Месяц назад
I found myself very interested in the ideas this book presented: The Culture, the Idirans, the war of ideals between them. The philosophical aspects especially were intriguing when it came to the Culture and the war. I wanted more of that. Instead, it felt like an space adventure story with a cast of characters I did not care about. All of the interesting stuff got put in the background and we got an extremely slow-paced story with no real resolution. Okay, they found the mind. Finally. The book ends, and *spoilers* everyone is dead. I keep hearing that the subsequent books are very different, and I will give them a chance, but I think I need a palate cleanser after Phlebas.
@buddyzilla4557 2 месяца назад
1:02:59 - But that's the nature of being a published writer..you aren't doing it as personal expression art or you would self-publish/spread through other means. If you plan to make a living out of it you are making a product and it will need to be conformed accordingly to marketabilty..the difference between an artisan and an artist.
@buddyzilla4557 2 месяца назад
38:12 - There is also some discrepancy on the Grady characters. When Jack is hired, he is told about Grady and his girls who were described to be about two years apart. Later when Jack meets Grady, he is not the caretaker but a serving staff, gives a different first name for himself and his daughters are clearly twins, not staggered in age. This has lead people to hypothesis it goes with the cyclical time/timeless aspect of the hotel with there having been two Gradys. Just like with the belief about Jack, there was a Grady with Twins who acted as a serving staff at the Overlook and committed a suicide murder kf his family. A later incarnation if him would be hired by Jack's boss' own superior as the prior caregiver. This version had a different first name and his girls had an age gap but would be resigned to the same fates as their prior iterations. This also causes us yo question what was different..Jack is alone I'm the photo. Perhaps the irigional version was single and that's why Wendy/Danny escaped. They were never part of the initial event cycle of Jack so they were never actually destined to be killed by him and thus safe the whole time. What a mund fuck that would be right? Despite the seeming danger, their security was always guaranteed without them knowing just because it has always only ever been just Jack who died. Thats why the girls want Danny to Join them. He hasn't already and they want the company even though he can't. These aspects could also be taken as evidence it is all in Jack's mind. He was told the story by the boss but it was a quick account. As Jack is becoming more mentlaly unstable he is manifesting these apparitions from his subconsious but getting the recounted details wrong. Amazing how the same exact detials can be evidence for completely opposite hypthosis contradicting each other.
@buddyzilla4557 2 месяца назад
24:13 -Not to mention it is very different going through something versus witnessing it. I don't feel Shelly's Wendy was not emotionally intellegent. That is really victim blaming and taking a very complex situation to a black and white level. You don't need to be reminded through a million hinting detials or backstory anecdotes to recognize that a relationship like hers and Jack's is complex. I am male. I also have worked in public services with vulnerable minorities as a mandated reporter/confident for many years. I know what kinds of red flags to look for when it comes to abuse. I've helped with that plenty of times. Having then been in a realitionship with someone who turned physically, emotionally and sexually abusive to an extreme over about a quarter a years time being with her, I recognize it is a whole different ballgame. Being honest with yourself about the warning signs, the acts they are committing, their genuine intentions, the likliness of things getting better ect, is not so straitforeward. You can fear the consequences of leaving them, not just from their retaliation but the void you feel it will leave in your lifw. I was best friends with her for a year before we dayed and we had been coworkers. You can want to belive their manipulations and give them the benefit of the doubt even if you know better out of love for them and fear of being to harsh to someone who committed to you. There are many more variables than it seems on the surface that can influence your judgment and response. It's not just a cliche of a woman steritpye but a very real position ANYONE can easily fall into under these kind of circumstances . I did and can only immagine how much worse it would be if i had been with her longer, was married to her and had a kid to think about too. This is not a sexist depiction of a woman but the sad consequence of being in a toxic relationship. It's horror and as real as it is, being in a situation like this van be some of the greatest horror. Knowing on a level you are in a bad spot because of someone you SHOULD trust and be supported by but not being able to fully accept and face that at as a result. I HATE losing people. I already lost my ex long before I acknowlaged it but had such a hard time doing so because it would be such a hard thing to deal with on top of what would I would ahve to face next as the result. It's easier to hope than to embrace that life just sucks so hard in the moment.
@nochannelmusician769 2 месяца назад
@alohm 3 месяца назад
Scout was clear that she was wrong - to think her father was wrong. They are like the thrust and drag of a plane - balance. Atticus argued that we must raise all boats, or risk raising some and sinking others. Scout was thinking that change can happen by fiat - the truth can be found in the between.
@kellypaws 3 месяца назад
Banks was a literary genius. His work is absolutely brilliant. Consider Phlebas is a captivating masterpiece. It isn’t a Space Opera, it defines Space Opera. I met him. I consider that a privilege and his loss a tragedy.
@suluturnip 3 месяца назад
Is there a list of all the sci-fi movies referenced in the video?
@ContentLitwithSimonFay 3 месяца назад
Yessir. Link to the website in the description. They're listed at the bottom of the blog entry, in order of appearance.
@AdarshVardhanSisodiyaa 3 месяца назад
Sir, I would like to have a conversation with you. I am here from threads.
@jamescolpas 3 месяца назад
Thank you. Very enjoyable
@Err_we_gon_again 4 месяца назад
You!@%%^ and thank you
@Lastburn 4 месяца назад
I read it recently and ngl it feels a bit dated, with the recent popularity of more grimdark scifi my first reaction was immediately that these xenos were bad news
@cloudnix 4 месяца назад
bros gonna be the reason i pass on of the hardest classes at my highschool
@jkcost 4 месяца назад
I have to have this book read by tomorrow and I haven't even started so I figured I'd look on RU-vid to try to find a competent video replacement to reading it. This video was an excellent analysis that will definitely prepare me for tomorrow, and it deserves MUCH more popularity. Thank you so much!!!!!!
@garyclouse7234 4 месяца назад
Again you show Weyland!! I quit! You can't do better than stringing video clips together and talking about a story line! Sorry pal!
@garyclouse7234 4 месяца назад
Why are you showing us Alien while talking about Foundation??? Weyland has nothing to do with this story! Do you actually think people who would grasp the Foundation Trilogy wouldn't notice??
@Flomo112 4 месяца назад
This was excellent
@path6641 4 месяца назад
Why didn't you mention The Mule?
@jonharrison9222 5 месяцев назад
By the way it wasn’t true that Burgess cut the last chapter because his American publisher told him to. He had doubts about it from the start and wrote to his English publisher years earlier, asking ‘Is this a piece of morality? Should we cut?’ The brain tumour story wasn’t true and the book took him longer than three weeks even in its early draft form. Burgess didn’t like Kubrick because he was brash and made big money from the film, where Burgess was ripped off over the film rights. And I don’t think many people see the England of the story as a Soviet satellite purely because of the slang spoken by its teens. The government is plainly Tory.
@ContentLitwithSimonFay 5 месяцев назад
Crazy, I didn't find that anywhere when researching for the video. Do you have a source for it?
@nozrep 5 месяцев назад
in 2024, i just discovered Foundation. Great video thank you! Am 38y.o. “millennial”, haha, have always enjoyed science fiction but have always been an occasional enthusiast. Never a “hardcore” trekky nerd or Star Wars nerd. haha. But yah, heard about the foundation TV show a couple years back and did not really think anything of it because I literally had no idea, and, also did not and do not still yet have an Apple TV subscription. Ok Ok. hahaha. So I watch, The Creator movie a couple months ago, a fantastic movie! And somehow, the digital cookies and the algorithm came together to randomly show me a Foundation summary video a couple weeks ago in January, 2024. Not this video. And ok, now I’ve been “binging” Apple TV Foundation clips and actual reviews of the actual books for a couple weeks now and I am pretty excited about it. Still haven’t read the actual books. Still haven’t purchased an Apple TV subscrip. But I am getting more and more excited and tempted to do it! So, again, great video!
@davegentry-pu9xm 5 месяцев назад
What the hell is a "fill - um?" 🙃
@lucaswilliams4476 6 дней назад
Don't give him any curry son
@honestabe1940 5 месяцев назад
Mankind's irrationality is based primarily on his, "Lizard Brain". It's right down there still influenceing our every decision and pumping out hormones! Seldon should have started a program to geneticaly modify our programming and steer our Evolutionary Path. Discuss!
@NotSoSerious69420 4 месяца назад
Taking away that which makes us human seems antithetical to sci-fi as a genre generally.
@YTPremiumWatch 5 месяцев назад
This is excellent!
@markthornton7347 5 месяцев назад
to my mind.....the orange is a color not a fruit......it is a process of spectrum in which what comes before is yellow and after is red....orange is between the cowardly and the violent.....clockwork is the movement between light and darkness.....
@jonharrison9222 5 месяцев назад
@TheAlchemist1089 5 месяцев назад
Not a Christian but - The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord. Proverbs 16:33 Chance is god's choice Chaos is order beyond human perception
@ryleighloughty3307 6 месяцев назад
Memorable movie.
@nightvisiongoggles5929 6 месяцев назад
The story having those short paragraph breaks to highlight the comedy and the specific times and moments- reminded me of the Traflamadorian book that Billy is given to read right after being abducted. With every section being just a moment in time
@ContentLitwithSimonFay 6 месяцев назад
Excellent point!
@MountainDewComacho494 6 месяцев назад
Thanks for showing the Letterman clip. That was a true gem.
@EricKay_Scifi 6 месяцев назад
I really liked Hard SF. Especially when it puts limits on the writing. But, I started writing a hard SF that had some very big constraints, and it was a difficult to make a real novel out of it. . Things like the Martian did have to fudge something to make the plot go, and no one really cared, and people still loved it.
@JeePeeEs 7 месяцев назад
Poo-tee-weet poo-tee-weet
@mohanamukhopadhyay3895 7 месяцев назад
So happy to have come across your earthsea video series. This series is my favourite fabtasy series and I dont understand how more people dont like or talk about it. I know the stories arent like typical fantasy series, especially modern fantasy after Tolkein, but to me earthsea really captures what is at the heart of the fantasy genre - something profound about the nature of our reality, language, gender, wonder.
@ContentLitwithSimonFay 7 месяцев назад
Always glad to meet another Earthsea fan.
@jashcraft88 8 месяцев назад
I really enjoyed this quiet, subversive (almost western) take on a zombie apocalypse. Thanks for the review.
@marpsr 8 месяцев назад
Ballard said his books and stories are the literary equivalent of a surrealist painting. He often mentioned Dali and Tanguy as inspiration.
@marpsr 8 месяцев назад
Don’t expect them to play out like an action-adventure novel. That’s missing the point.
@heleneabergman 8 месяцев назад
Skillful use of videos
@jim-se5xc 8 месяцев назад
His book Matari was better.