Sam & Tristan
Sam & Tristan
Sam & Tristan
Hang out with us, Sam and Tristan, while we watch shows and movies for the first time. Let us know what we should check out next!
@thomasrocker3684 4 часа назад
How long does it take for the world to repopulate again? a few decades ... in the grand scale of time, Thanos didn't change anything.
@dyegorodriguez2126 4 часа назад
"Captain America doesn't stay down" Loved that one.
@hebber1961 4 часа назад
Man, you're too goofy.
@CedricBassman 5 часов назад
It's insane how we went from Infinity War & Endgame to "Let's not call literal, by textbook definition Terrorists, Terrorists!" crazy. Also for everyone saying Sam held a great Speech, he really didn't. He pulled up to people faced with an impossible Situation (4 Billion people vanishing one day, re-appearing 5 years latter out of the blue) Basically the whole Planet collapsing twice in 5 years. And all he says is "You need to do better." without giving *ANY* pointers as to how they could. Anyone can do that, i can do that. Does that make me a great Captain America? Hell no. Because they can't. The whole World collapsed by 4 Billion people vanishing and then 5 years later those 4 Billion came back onto a Planet that doesn't have the resources or infrastructure to support that many people. Rationing things is gonna happen, people suffering is gonna happen for the time being, there is literally nothing anybody can do about it, unless they can pull some magical resources out of their butts.
@peterkoester7358 6 часов назад
It is very common in comics canon for a mantle to be passed on to a different character. In the comics there have been at least 4 Captain Americas (Steve, Bucky, John Walker, and Sam Wilson). There is a new version of Iron Man (not Tony Stark) in the comics. There are younger versions of Hulk, Hawkeye, and other versions of the Avengers. There is already a new Black Widow in the MCU. The hero names get passed on though not always the same character and background.
@franciscoR. 6 часов назад
I might know why people are saying that “Thanos has always been right”, there is a Marvel movie you guys haven’t watched yet that take us to somewhat understand that concept.
@neospock5034 3 часа назад
Not really, Thanos explained his motives fully in Infinity War and Endgame. Later movies show an even bigger picture but don't change anything as far as his reasoning and actions were concerned. There wasn't any secret "oh that's REALLY what Thanos was trying to do" revelation. There's more stuff going on than Thanos was personally aware of or cared about. His concern was simply that life- all life- if left unchecked would grow beyond the ability of its environment to support. He wasn't concerned only with intelligent life, or any specific planet. His snap didn't only eliminate sentient life forms who could theoretcially learn from the experience and become less greedy or selfish, it wiped out half of plant and animal life too, across the entire universe.
@jbimc023 7 часов назад
WTF? Is it me or Tristan looks a lot like Zlatan Ibrahimovic? 👀
@RainyDays2099 7 часов назад
How many people are we gonna kill? Famous last words
@gc5763 8 часов назад
Thanos wasn't right. But Magneto was. And comics have always touched on real world social and political issues. It's in fact how Marvel comics started and has been intertwined all throughout over the last century. Also, other mantles are being passed on. You just haven't gotten there yet - with the exception of Black Widow. Don't forget about Yelena.
@CedricBassman 5 часов назад
So Thanos, who wanted to tackle overpopulation and resource drain, wasn't right. But Magneto, who basically became the second coming of Hitler, was right? Damn.
@dyegorodriguez2126 4 часа назад
Thanos was right. 100%. Period.
@neospock5034 3 часа назад
@@dyegorodriguez2126 Thanos was completely wrong. His moral failure aside, what he believed to be true wasn't. And his snap wasn't an effective long-term solution- just a delay for less than 100 years (probably closer to 60) before the same situation would exisr again.
@carladavis1473 8 часов назад
Guys there were Many Captain America's in the comics. Also many black panthers, and black widows and spidermans. There are pretty much sticking to the canon with these changes. People have argued over the years of who was their favorite Capt, or spiderman etc... it's falcons turn now and if marvel continues s another captain will appear. I remember people lost their sh!t when shuri was black panther well she was in the comics for awhile. And she was actually far more vicious than Tchalla. Thank you for your reaction. Fyi, you have a lunatic in the comments section. Beware.
@neospock5034 3 часа назад
Yeah while they were other Captain Americas and Black Panthers in comic book history, none of them are iconic characters, people think of as THE character like Steve Rogers and T'Challa are. Just like other people have been Batman, but Bruce Wayne is the one people think of as THE character. But yeah, both Sam and Bucky were Captain America for awhile in the comics, and there was also a guy in the 1950s while Steve was presumed KIA. And of course Isaiah, who was an urban legend in the comics. He was never officially recognized by the US government, his entire career was kept secret. The big problem with MCU Shuri was that her character/personality as portrayed by Letitia Wright was nothing like the comic book characte who temporarily assumed the mantle. It wasn't the actress' fault- the writers created the movie character to play a fundamentally different role and Chadwick Boseman's sudden passing was a huge blow.
@JerryAlmonte 9 часов назад
16:00 she knows how to “disarm” you 😭😭😭😭
@reggiebrown9508 9 часов назад
Captain America Winter Soldier was full on politics. And if haven't read Captain America comic's it gets political thru the decades.
@carladavis1473 9 часов назад
I mean that makes sense, since it's Captain AMERICA 🇺🇸 Politics actually make sense for that character
@brandonmiracle9810 9 часов назад
"Thanos was right" people are silly. Even if he was solving a valid problem, why snap to remove half the people rather than snap to create double the resources? Also the way that population growth works... you'd have to snap again every 150 years or whatever to keep reducing the population.
@pmichaelreed103 9 часов назад
On the ending, I immediately said what you did, the Winter Soldier is no more, he should bethe White Wolf. Bucky was the face of terrorism, so he could never be Captain America, but he did change. The big moment for Bucky was at the end of the prior episode. Zemo assumed he will always be the Winter Soldier, and he'd kill Zemo, but he didn't do it. He used his will and proved Zemo wrong.
@bryce253 10 часов назад
"Sprinkling a little of real world stuff in there." **blinking**...what exactly have you been watching since you started watching the MCU because it wasn't the MCU. 😂😂
@gc5763 8 часов назад
Because it was more on the topic of race - black people in particular, this time.
@Scott-hc8om 10 часов назад
Your assumption about a second season is correct. This is the prelude to the next Captain America movie.
@SmokinDroFrayser 10 часов назад
The old man used to play a superhero back in the day M.A.N.T.A.S. and he is the Martian Manhunter in DC
@willracer1jz 10 часов назад
32:14 because of Covid-19 and the writers' strike all MCU movies and tv show got delayed. There's only one MCU movie coming out in 2024, but I won't spoil the name of it.
@patricke0n 11 часов назад
U.S. Agent. John Walker. G-man for the government. Most tragic character of my comic book childhood. And im 47yo. Look his story up online if ya wanna see his story, because itll never get put into the MCU.
@carladavis1473 9 часов назад
Thanks for sharing this. I don't know anything about him. I'll look him up
@patricke0n 8 часов назад
@@carladavis1473 come back and tell me what ya think once ya get to the end of him and his parents storyline.
@57kwest 11 часов назад
Velveeta cheese 😂 😂 😂
@Destyn2b 7 часов назад
She is me. 😂 I have to use word association too.
@fortunatus1 11 часов назад
Thanos was not right. He destroys half of all life because of scarcity of resources, right? Lets ignore the fact that nature regulates itself with the predator-prey relationship and ask yourself: What do people eat? We eat other forms of life. Sure you've killed half the people but you've also destroyed half the food supply (and half the other resources plants and animals provide like clothes, medicines, etc). You're in the same exact place as where you started with regard to resources. And this is ignoring what destroying half of all oxygen producing plants will do to the atmosphere, the water system, the ecology. Basically, this was a writer screw-up. All they had to do was make it "Intelligent Life" instead of just Life. Plus, Thanos could have used the stones to create an entire galaxy filled with resource rich planets and no people, if he wanted to.
@neospock5034 7 часов назад
Yeah people sadly ignore the obvious logical failings of what Thanos could accomplish with a one-time snap. Let alone other options available which would have worked better.
@CedricBassman 5 часов назад
"Plus, Thanos could have used the stones to create an entire galaxy filled with resource rich planets and no people, if he wanted to." Yeah except the Stones still need to obey the laws of thermodynamics. You can't create matter out of nothing. Also, introducing more resources to a gross overpopulation not only just delays the problem, but accelerates it and makes it a hundred times worse in the end. "Lets ignore the fact that nature regulates itself with the predator-prey relationship" Lets ignore the fact that this doesn't work for Humanity for a couple thousand years by now.
@fortunatus1 5 часов назад
@@CedricBassman That's why I said "intelligent life" is the solution to thanos's logic problem. And there's definitely material that can be altered. In our own solar system, there are several moons of Jupiter and Saturn that could be made into such. The asteroid belt or Venus or Mars could be remade into habitable worlds. Our galaxy is filled with such planets, moons, etc that Thanos could tranform.
@CedricBassman 5 часов назад
@@fortunatus1 Yeah the Intelligent Life would've fixed the Problem. Again, providing a overpopulated Species with even more resources only makes the Problem worse. This experiment was already done with Rats and ended in basically Extinction. And before you say "but we're smarter than rats." No, no we are not. We live a world of complete excess and wasting of resources. More resources won't fix the Problem when we live in a World where people start crying about "muh Freedom!" when you ask them to show a little restraint or consideration for their surroundings.
@neospock5034 4 часа назад
@@CedricBassman the stones are not bound by the laws of thermodynamics (magic freely breaks the laws of this physical universe) but that isn't a problem anyway. Thanos could have transformed unoccupied planets devoid of life into resource-rich agricultural planets able to sustain entire solar systems for thousands of years. He could have created permanent wormholes/portals between areas that were resource poor and those with abnundance. He could have altered the biology of any species, reducing or eliminating their need to consume as much. He could have changed the gestation periods for reproduction. And what he did (simply reducing the population by half) bought less than 100 years of time. The Earth's population doubled from 4 billion to 8 billion in less than 50 year. So with a one-time snap he's only kicking the can down the road a little.
@rickykozak58 11 часов назад
This isn’t my favourite marvel show. Not even my second favourite. But man that ending scene with Isaiah really gets me every time. It’s about the nicest thing you could do for someone. Immortalizing them. Great great show
@Saje3D 11 часов назад
Also should probably remember Steve caught Arnim Zola right after Zola had engineered Bucky’s ‘death.’ Zola wasn’t even BRUISED. He had as much motivation as Walker did to do worse than simply capture him.
@neospock5034 7 часов назад
True, that's a clear statement about Steve's character. He'd be just as angry over Bucky's death, but it was less personal... Zola didn't personally kick him from the train, Bucky just died trying to capture him.
@pormantu 11 часов назад
The original story, about a “virus” had to be cut due to “current” events🤔
@Saje3D 11 часов назад
The first episode starts with one of the best aerial action scenes I’ve ever seen. But, yeah. Kind of boring.
@StillbornGravity 11 часов назад
this show is meh. but u should still see it.
@rickykozak58 11 часов назад
First half is meh, second half is pretty excellent in my opinion. It’s worth watching just for the last episode honestly. The emotional ending is fantastic. It’s a show that progressively gets better. But if you get turned off by episode 1 and 2 I’d understand
@deependrapratapsingh7649 12 часов назад
Fun fact - in comics, captain America's mother's name was also sara as falcon's sister.
@georgeh2299 12 часов назад
You're going to love the Loki Series,
@krazkeelo9032 12 часов назад
@sam & Tristan....there are, A LOT! Of characters that picked up the mantle of either, dead, or retired characters. Falcon was actually Captain America, and so was Bucky
@Spaghetti42o 12 часов назад
484th viewer were
@AnthonyJonathanYT 12 часов назад
25:50 Damn, I know exactly what Tristan was thinking. So sad people can’t say what they actually think.
@mlbrady61 11 часов назад
Well you’re on a platform. Say what you want to say. No one stopping you.
@krazkeelo9032 12 часов назад
You're missing the point Tristan. The senators have already made up their minds in removing people from property they were able to get during the blip, now those people are being thrown out. Now they should live on the streets, when they had no idea of these people were coming back? Another thing, why are the senators still well off? You're telling me, no government official was blipped, and came back to reclaim the property they once owned before the blip, that wouldn't have any play in the governments decision??
@MattPerk7 12 часов назад
Since you guys brought it up, I suppose it's not a spoiler to say that the next Captain America movie is in post-production and will be coming to theaters in 2025
@AnthonyJonathanYT 12 часов назад
MCU played the race card so hard with Isaiah’s character. Cringe!
@MarleyMarr2008 12 часов назад
Wow, a white person feeling "cringy" when race is mentioned. Shocker 😮😂
@AnthonyJonathanYT 12 часов назад
@@MarleyMarr2008 I’m not white my guy!
@mlbrady61 12 часов назад
Damn bro, is your life that fragile that a tv show disturbs you like this? Growing up in the 70’s/80’s as a black kid, I watched everything from Dukes of Hazzard (Confederate flag on display every week) to the Bionic Man, shows i adored. Why is it such a problem to enjoy diverse stories? Legitimate question.
@rickykozak58 11 часов назад
Having black characters is “pulling the race card” now. Cool. Good to know.
@carladavis1473 9 часов назад
​@@mlbrady61exactly. I grew up watching all those shows too with no complaints bit people have a fit over black characters and the injection on some real sh!t
@amansinghrajput9445 12 часов назад
Pls u dont have to react to any movies and shows of Marvel phase-4&5 They all are waste of time they all are trash like shehulk ms marvel even movies like quantumania and love and thunder..after falcon and winter sholdire...u just watch deadpool ans Wolverine without seeing deadpool 1&2 this summer then wait for Avengers 5..ppl will be so upset if u will waste ur time in watching all irrelevant shows and movies just to understand some references in AVENGERS 5 and main movies..
@c-mc 12 часов назад
@joevaldez4889 12 часов назад
Lol, you're a waste of comment.
@murilo10619murilo 12 часов назад
@JackAndP 12 часов назад
Shut up bro.
@rickykozak58 11 часов назад
Dude what? Who’s gonna be upset about that? Oh, that’s right. Literally only you.
@FelixArizmendi555 12 часов назад
The truth is that although many do not accept it, Sam was chosen correctly by Steve Rogers, he was not looking for a great soldier to be the next Captain America, he just needed a good man to carry that mantle and seeing him dressed as the Captain was very special. 😎😎at the time. I also loved the evolution of Bucky and how he told the truth to Mr. Nakajima was very sad🥺🥺, to close perfectly John Walker showed that within all the bad things he did in the series he was only fulfilling his role and following orders like any great soldier HE IS NOT A BAD PERSON, he just wasn't the right one to carry that mantle.😎
@KeiGeorge 12 часов назад
I am not watching your videos recently 'cs you're watching what I'ven't watched.
@c-mc 12 часов назад
Sam and Joaquin Torres' story continue in Captain America: Brave New World coming on February 14, 2025, and Bucky and John Walker a.k.a. US Agent are in Thunderbolts which comes out May 5, 2025
@AstroAvenger 11 часов назад
Just insane how long it took to get a follow up to this show, no wonder everyone is losing interest in the MCU.
@yourfriendlymrvllkr 10 часов назад
@@AstroAvenger Everyone keeps saying that, but we haven't noticed from the statistics that anyone is losing interest in the MCU. Sure, some projects didn't have the traffic we'd like, but none of them were failures. However, some projects were created in miserable conditions, when there was not as much supervision over them as there should have been. But we believe in brighter future which will came this month.
@jerryward3311 10 часов назад
​@AstroAvenger there was a pandemic, a writers and directors strikes that have delayed a bunch of things, besides a shake up with Marvel behind the scenes.
@italomateus6775 13 часов назад
Next is Loki Season 1, this one is amazing
@rickykozak58 11 часов назад
Both seasons of Loki are Top Top tier projects.
@ejmtv3 22 часа назад
Sorry but im annoyed at Tristan. He's confused most of the time lol.
@Heychampion День назад
If you’d stop talking so much guy on the right you’d get answers. People want to see you react to top scenes. Not talk and guess over them and then not show them all the way through if at all.
@christopherholley8164 День назад
The red guy as you call him is Vision .
@arthurdeniham7934 День назад
If Tristan lived in the world of superpeople, he would be in jail in less than a week by punching the current Captain American and stealing his shield that is GOVERNMENT PROPERTY.
@juanfajardo1295 День назад
When you guys get to Multiverse of Madness I highly recommend reading on Wanda’s comic book history otherwise you guys will be more confused.
@juanfajardo1295 День назад
Also for more context in the comics Agatha has been a mentor to Wanda. She trained her in magic
@juanfajardo1295 День назад
I’m kinda late but for context the Nexus anti-depressant commercial is an Easter egg/foreshadowing to how Wanda is a nexus being. In the comics Nexus beings are very rare and have the ability to affect probability and the future. They are also keystones to the stability of the multiverse. The “nexus” term will come back again in Loki
@maeverickmind День назад
Penultimate episodes are usually the calm before the storm, before shit goes down in the finale. It’s great to seal in the character or arc they’ve been building. This was not addressed but both Steve & Buck made the co-decision to give Sam the mantle. Except they’re from the early 1900s, so in their limited time in this era of the modern world, they have no idea what it would mean for a black man to hold the shield. Sam is a good man, he is perfect as Cap.
@johnwalkeristhatdude3018 2 дня назад
He didn’t need the serum to throw the shield like the weakling steve
@johnwalkeristhatdude3018 2 дня назад
I’m sorry but the Captain America is a fake title the American govt came up with and it’s their title to give out. Unlike stolen valor Steve John Walker actually to West Point graduated and became an army officer. He earned the rank of Captain led special forces groups and hostage rescue and he didn’t need performance enhancing drugs to get three medals of honor.
@smartboygaming4733 2 дня назад
Pls reaction on daredevil series and venom and old spider man movies it helps in "spider man no way home" . And daredevil series help further series like Hawkeye and she hulk