Aidan Millward
Aidan Millward
Aidan Millward
Hey everybody! Aidan here and thanks for checking out the about section which I'm sure nobody reads. But if you want to know more about me, it's probably better to have a bit of a click through the videos I have here and see what takes your fancy. If you enjoy, then welcome! If you don't, no hard feelings. Can't please everyone...

But if you really want to know, I tell the stories of days gone by from the real world of motorsport, as well as partaking in the virtual world of motorsport as a commentator and attempted contestant.

Thanks for taking the time out of your day to stop by, and hope to hear from you in a comments section soon.
@keithsoonoriginal 4 часа назад
Actually I think that it would be a good thing for F1 if the netflix thing goes pop and it would be good for F1
@duderama6750 5 часов назад
F1's own rules allow for 12 teams. Liberty Mefia is Ticketmaster.
@guessundheit6494 5 часов назад
9:00 Don't be shocked if there's a huge crossover of this channel's viewers and HITC Sevens.
@AngelosDoundis 7 часов назад
I remember a video with Ken Tyrrell saying "read my leaps, he is staying", answering about Alesi leaving the team for the following year. So I doubt Tyrrell took any money from Alesi's move to Ferrari. I admire Tyrrell. Lots of innovation, a well-organized team, and great spirit, with people who have worked there saying it was the best company they have ever worked. Many things could not be seen, because they were back markers, like making the best pit stop times. Also, they used to design and build their own gearboxes, which few teams can do. Great racers, but the business part was missing.
@johnelliott7850 7 часов назад
I remember all the splats against that wall.
@billmcdonald4335 8 часов назад
Sir Lewis was phenomenal on the day. One of the finest wet weather wins, ever. When it comes to wet weather drives, Gilles Villeneuve's performance at the 1981 Canadian GP tops my list - he placed third, but how he did it is legend.
@ukwan 10 часов назад
I remember Alan Shearer's £15m deal breaking the world. 😂
@andyboyviking 12 часов назад
The FIA and F1 just seems like a communist dictatorship now!
@Holanduzo 13 часов назад
12:!6 Id also say as a finest drive Silverstone 95 until he took a bad decision, but before that he was driving perfect, right on the limit and completely determined to outpace SCH, he was superb in his mission.
@nichonr95 13 часов назад
I get your arguments about this but whats sad is ticket prices in both PL and f1 get more and more insane and exclusive. I dont think ill ever afford going to an f1 race since i live in norway i also got travel expenses plus an insane ticketing price
@AidanMillward 10 часов назад
I won’t put money in the premier leagues pockets. Even if Walsall made it there.
@shoryuag 13 часов назад
I think the 2026 Concorde Agreement should remove the cost cap. I don't want any part of F1 raking in enormous sums of money that they're not going to spend. That doesn't help anything or anyone but the owners.
@djh29971 14 часов назад
I've stopped watching F1 for the first time since I started following it in the late 1970's. I feared that F1 would not be the same without Bernie and it is everything for the worse. The Americanisation of F1 with Liberty - who have no respect for its history as they have no understanding of it - has turned the sport into a complete shitshow. F1 is not a sport, it's all about protectionism. Once the public have enough, it won't be easy to get them back - me included.
@theF1oracle 15 часов назад
Any chance a Martin Brundle video ? 65 today & still going strong. (I know it will require alot of research but I think it will be well worth it) Most people only know him as a commentator, but his story is so layered. He went toe to toe with Senna in the lower formula's, won a le mans24, a daytona24, suffered atlease 4 crashes that he had no business walking away from & slipped seamlessly into the commentary box beside the legend that is/was Murray
@matthewwootton801 16 часов назад
I think another thing bringing more people and girls in especially is the pull of social media and seeing the drivers personalities so they can connect more with them
@LaurynasSFM 16 часов назад
Coulthard was a good driver... but not a great one. He was never faster than Mika, Schumi and Kimi.
@Jackal776 16 часов назад
Looking forward to the debut of the new Banchetti team and new team boss, Bichael Banchetti.
@stemartin6671 16 часов назад
F1 has lost its X Factor and is now just another corporate money maker.
@StuntpilootStef 18 часов назад
TL DR F1 is speed running their way into irrelevance
@huntersmith4079 20 часов назад
24 cars is the sweet spot for F1. What happened to small grids looking bad? Like only 20 cars doesn’t look healthyb
@chemiker494 23 часа назад
Yeah in Football and Formula 1 they are complaining about money, but what about Golf an Tennis
@bob-cn4rp 23 часа назад
Ive lived 42 years in Montréal and never saw snow in may.
@laurenmp7486 День назад
Saying there can't be any new teams just makes the whole thing look bad. Part of what makes every racing series work, and what adds interest, is that new people can show up with a new team and get racing. Look at Group C back in the day, manufacturers were basically shoving each other out of the way to get cars on the grid. Course that went off a cliff when F1 started whining that another series can't be bigger than it is. And for those who weren't around back then, yes Group C was at least as big as F1. So the FIA killed it.
@PJBlick День назад
And I keep on thinking that wouldn't it be great if Indycar could swoop back in and hike back up the ladder of importance for open wheeled racing. Then I realize that Indycar has the horrible inability to let people know they even exist. Sure they have such a pretty field of dreams, but if you don't know where it's at and what time they will be playing, how will anyone know to even show up... Tbh, Indycar has it's own little Good Ol' Boys club as well, being how Penske and Ganassi seem to hot-potato pretty much everything in it, but at least they're not blocking new teams, and at least they have an opportunity to succeed. It's like the only places that are doing business the right way in motorsports is Sports Car racing, WEC/IMSA has been the only places they've figured it out. Honestly I could care less about F1, honestly having a sim race on a sim video game is more entertaining to watch. And all the drama BS has long-since gotten old (which Indycar seems to be following F1's footsteps lately).
@GregBrownsWorldORacing День назад
My comment seemed a bit more clever before I typed it.
@DJDouglasWarden День назад
Whatever it takes to keep the Americans out, screw them all they do is turn left anyway, LO.L
@barnigranero5882 День назад
This is completely wrong. 1. Sport should not have "franchises" 2. A sport should never be owned, it should be run by a governing body which is a not for profit organisation. 3. No competitor in a sport should have a say in who enters the sport. That should be up to the governing body. Restricting the grid to 10 teams is an admission that the sport has failed and is no longer a sport. Formula must have 26 cars on the starting grid.
@fizalrahman9644 День назад
How often do you find yourself saying got punted off by verstappen the father did nothing but make enough money to allow his son to become a psycho
@fizalrahman9644 День назад
I don’t like either father or son
@T.E.S.S. День назад
Ironic that you compared Leeds to Red Bull given the recent investment
@gzaos День назад
NR2003 is modder dream simple as that
@Javadamutt День назад
If the teams are locked in then "buying" a team and all it's assets, changing the name over the door is nothing more than a wall papering exercise. It's still generic team number 1/2/3...etc they are buying warts and all in an attempt to compete. Part of the charm of a team entering, having a go, live, die what whatever was you can get behind the plucky underdog. That no longer exists. We will never see another Jordan, March, Layton House etc again. The Ken Tyrell, Colin Chapmans etc are no longer a thing. The cost cap pushing everything together, means an underdog can longer exist. It's all carbon copy operations now. It's not as if the engineers, the giant faceless auto company or giant faceless sponsor are the stars, its the drivers maybe the team principles. Andretti would have been the last of the have a go hero's. People want it not only because more drivers on the grid but they want to see someone come in, in this case an American, a big name American and show what they can do. Like Haas there is no reason that they will go belly up like Manor/Virgin/Murussia, Lotus/Caterham, HRT and even if they did....who cares? The sport has always had a history of teams coming and going, switching hands etc. but we all know the reason for the valuations is the exclusive boys club. When there are 10 entries you can name your price for the buyout because that piece of paper is a scarce commodity. Thing is tho, even if they allow another team or two, be it special invitation or some ridiculous fee or even very very very strict entrance requirements the value for the teams already there would still hold. They can loosen their grip, open the grid up a bit and still have their cake and eat it. I donno tho, the new rules have caused a convergence in teams performance. We don't have the dirty air problem from yesteryear to the same extent. We still have large lumbering cars tho, debate of not engines and DRS that can be solved plus the new issue of over prescriptive, paint by numbers rules in response to overtaking. Race on Sunday, Sling Mud on Monday, Revise the result on Tuesday, Amend the rules on Wednesday, Press conference on Thursday, Free Practice and think up more punishments Friday, Qualify and apply punishments on Saturday rinse and repeat. Drive to survive has added nothing to the sport apart from revisionist history and attempting to create drama out of nothing. After you last few videos I've been checking out the BTCC again and Endurance racing. F1 has improved in some areas but I think it's the drama the strangle hold over the rules that's killing it for me
@huwgrossmith9555 День назад
I think there is another risk of a break away or even new series that might bring back the smaller have a go hero teams.
@huwgrossmith9555 День назад
F1 was ruined when the FIA leant towards the current overly complicated and expensive, largely irrelevant to road cars, engines.
@K24Z3 День назад
Serious questions. Apart from providing entertainment and making Liberty Media, some teams and drivers enormously wealthy, what benefits does Formula One actually provide? Do Liberty Media and the Teams really care about the fans?
@merkury06 День назад
I saw an uncut film of Bandini's crash only a few months ago. Horrible and tragic. I also saw an uncut film of the LeMans disaster, it finally dawned on me that of course there was film of these tragedies, but it had been withheld for decades. Motor racing is a cruel passion. Thank you for your video. RIP Lorenzo Bandini.
@danielhenderson8316 День назад
My issue that I've mentioned before is that if everyone is treated like a franchise, then Red Bull MUST be forced to sell Toro Rosso/AlphaTauri/VCARB. There is no reason one group should control 2 franchises/4 cars while everyone else is restricted to 1 franchise/2 cars.
@MyWifeHatesThisCar День назад
I feel sorry for the MotoGP fans who are going to see a similar level of bullshit from Liberty.
@ianwynne764 День назад
Hello Aidan: I am perfectly fine with you drawing parallels with the Premier League. Have a good day.
@eamonahern7495 День назад
It makes my decision to completely ignore what's going on in formula 1 this year seem like I got out at the right time. Now, even if Andretti does get in (a criterion for me taking an interest in the sport again in the future), I might not watch anyway because the snobbery and elitism that put me off will not have gone away.
@solitaryclusterofneurons598 День назад
Sometimes I fantasise about what F1 could be if they didn't just chase money, and instead made their number one priority the sport? What if effort and support was made to keep Brabham, Jordan, Arrows, (actual) Lotus, Minardi, Tyrrell, Jordan, Ligier/Prost, and lets face it, Williams along with Andretti today, in the sport as opposed just chasing manufacturers, tech companies, and the general lowest common denominator? I'd rather see a grid with those 10 teams plus Ferrari and McLaren than today's grid; y'know, teams run by people who's literal dreams is to win in F1. None of this B-team bullshit.
@amaccama3267 День назад
It's called The Piranha Club for a reason.
@fix0the0spade День назад
The fans getting forced out is already happening. A friend of mine went to Imola, he saw a lot of advertising hoardings and in his own words, "it's like they hated you for buying a ticket," The view his ticket afforded him got him about 150m of track visible. We're going to a Moto GP next year before Liberty ruin that too, possibly Mugello.
@fallenshallrise День назад
I'm so curious about the in person experience. I haven't been in years and while my experience in Montreal was amazing I now hear stories about Monza and Miami and fans having their drinks and food confiscated, and $10 bottles of water, and fans kicked off the circuit, and no freedom to check out different areas of the track during Thursday and Friday when most of the grandstands are empty anyway. In Montreal everyone brough beers in coolers and snacks and sat wherever they wanted during practice. You could still buy merch and food and drinks at the track and the prices were normal for an event. A bit overpriced but not insane. THen after the race they opened the barricades and some people ran to the podium while everyone else walked the track.
@fix0the0spade День назад
@@fallenshallrise He was in the grandtsand on the exit of Variante Alta, from the top of the hill there you should be able to see most of Rivazza, Bassa, Tamburello and Villeneuve, then you lose the cars as they enter Tosa and they come back into view when they come up the hill from Acque Minerali. Except they'd put up massive hoardings that blocked the view of the cars coming up the hill, more hoardings that blocked the view as they went down the hill towards Rivazza and more that blocked the entire view of the other side of the track. The cars came into view as they entered Variant Alta, then were gone again. It was apparently not a very good view.
@tomnewham1269 19 часов назад
I had a look at the ticket prices for the Monaco GP. A few years ago they were expensive but not what I would call unreasonable but for this years race they are what I would call unreasonably expensive. Liberty Media is coming across as using F1 as a cash cow and that cannot be good for the sport.
@esslemonty4588 День назад
Williams do have money. Dorilton are very wealthy. Just can't spend as much as they would like due to the cost cap.
@nitelast День назад
And the internal restructuring
@cosmostrek512 День назад
nobody is going to buy any of the f1 teams. they are only worth the factories and that is it. no team is worth 600 million let alone 1 billion. f1 is a total scam claiming these prices.
@hedlund День назад
"Not quite as important as the treaty of Versailles" That 'quite' is doing an absolute monster of a heavy lift there 😂
@AidanMillward День назад
Sometimes words need a workout. 🏋️
@owenroberts7854 День назад
Wrexham being mentioned by Aidan was not something id thought id hear 🤣
@AidanMillward День назад
It’s the only way any team in league one will end up on TV these days. In league two it’ll be when they play Salford
@ronbelanger4113 День назад
Opinions on the matter are moot. It is also 2 years away.
@AidanMillward День назад
Not really. Since they’re hoping to have it all signed off by the end of next month ready for it all to kick in on 1st January 26
@thegreattreon0177 День назад
So just like here in the United States, something happens that helps the rich get richer and your regular pleebian ass ain't allowed nowhere near the rich folk
@33mazzystar День назад
I’d say a bigger problem is that, as a fan, it’s really hard to root for billionaire’s children. We’re not really seeing the best 20 drivers in the world , we’re seeing the best of the rich kids. Half the grid could easily be replaced by better drivers .
@1PADRAIG День назад
F1 since 1982 hasn't been about the Driver, it's about Engineers and people with a lot of money burning it like Joker in Dark Night
@fallenshallrise День назад
In a way I agree but not just because of rich kids - it's hard to root for drivers who have little or no charisma. Graham Hill seemed aristocratic but you knew he was in the Monaco casino all weekend, drinking and smoking and gambling. And then you had all the playboys on the grid, dating models and partying into the early morning after the race. Being an F1 driver was a globetrotting, rock star lifestyle.
@n8pls543 День назад
@@fallenshallrise Most of the grid literally mocked Hesketh in the 70s for being all those things... so how was everyone like that?
@thesmallerhalf1968 18 часов назад
So how many sons of billionaires are on the grid?
@musculusiv4172 День назад
Car size & weight is a much bigger deal than the engine sound imo. And we can cry about the RB/Merc dominance all day but I'd absolutely hate seing something like BoP rules being introduced
@JohnSmithShields День назад
At times, F1 reminds me of the Ultimate Warrior. Yes, an obscure 90's WWF reference. The build-up, the hype, and the excitement are amazing. Once the bell is rung, well........ The Red Bull dominance has not helped. F1 is a sport almost defined since the 80s with dominant teams, but this feels different somehow. Lando's win in Miami certainly made things a bit more interesting. Charles finally winning the procession at Monaco also helped. F1 does not need to be a spec series. That is what Indycar and F2/3/4 are for. It just needs to be competitive. After that, profit and growth will occur naturally, without a nasty aftertaste in the customer's mouths.
@n8pls543 День назад
It's funny that it feels different, since Red Bull has already lost more races in the first 52 races of their "dominance" than Mercedes did in their first years of dominance, Mercedes had 56 poles in 59 races, and 31 1-2 finishes. So I guess statistically it _is_ different, but just a different direction than everyone might think.