West Proter
West Proter
West Proter
I'm a KovaaK's player and aim coach looking for the fastest and most efficient ways to improve mechanical aim, and sharing my findings with this channel. To find the best practices for aiming, I talk to the best players I can get in touch with. This includes top players in FPS games, as well as top players in aim trainers. I also look into research on motor learning and try to find the best practices according to science, while also understanding what is going on when you aim in order to find the optimal training techniques. As an aim coach, I've worked with n0ted, DZ ZexRow, IW Anima, Dopai (former rank 1 radiant), and a handful of Radiants and Apex Predators.

I believe the best way to learn is through open discussion, so if you disagree, and want to explain why I'm wrong, react to a video or pull clips and explain why each point is wrong. I won't copyright claim it.
Aim Trainers Don't Work Unless...
14 дней назад
The Secret To Consistent Fast Flicks
21 день назад
How A Glass Mousepad Can Make YOU An Aim God
10 месяцев назад
The Hardest Part Of Aim
Год назад
Flick Faster In 10 MINUTES
Год назад
@agent_sniper_69 6 часов назад
26 000 dpi the best it feels the smoothest for me
@jakedubay4203 20 часов назад
This video was so good until you went into a monitor distance haha. Most competitive FPS games will require you to be closer to your monitor, some pros play like eight inches away. Anything more than two feet is insanity, wont see a guy past 40 meters lol
@TheDjsBass День назад
Well, I have the better precision with something above 400 and below 800, with 800+ DPI I simply don't have precision with the same EDPI, I feel like my aim loses a lot of micro movements, it's not suitable for low/mid sensitivity.
@ethanzink6455 День назад
inner game of tennis w
@owenburgess3117 День назад
what are ur xc/track prs?
@nicholasspezza9449 2 дня назад
so much useless water
@user-po1lj3vu3f 2 дня назад
Absolutely loved the video, great stuff! I've got a question for you, though. Do you have any tips or perhaps previous content that dives into how to correct the habit of picking up the mouse to execute a 180 flick? I've noticed it's become a bit of a bad habit in my own gameplay. Your technique keeps everything smooth and on the pad, while I tend to do the exact opposite. Do you think this unconventional approach has any merit at the top levels of play, or should I start training it out of my system?
@infernoninja5195 3 дня назад
"8 hours of sleep is really important when training" ...dammit
@Jajjajajjajaja 4 дня назад
Question for mnk players when using wasd do you guys use your Pinky for cntrl and shift button on the left?
@hoangdanghuy8048 5 дней назад
Can u make a good aimbeast playlist for valorant player?
@ospuze 6 дней назад
Now, grind that bjj black belt 💪
@WestProter 5 дней назад
Bro I'm 1 year in 200 classes, 1 stripe on my white belt shit takes forever.
@noval0gicMVP 6 дней назад
4:24 is the best advice I have heard. I spent soooo long trying to solve my vertical aiming problem and decided to cut a hole in an old tube sock lmao
@name1393 6 дней назад
whats the conclusion, yes or no?
@WestProter 5 дней назад
Tbh I don't even know.
@truckmuncher8998 7 дней назад
I just recently started playing pc and your content has helped a ton my aim still isn’t great but it’s decent my goal is by the end of the year to have good aim doesn’t have to be exceptional just quite above average is my goal
@truckmuncher8998 7 дней назад
Super light is definitely my dream mouse I got it I love it I’ve learned I really like low friction with the mpc450 mousepad so I’m about to get some jade dots (I play mainly overwatch so I need speed) It’s expensive but the perfect shape for a beginner especially if you have large hands it allows to experiment with any grip style
@Saiiryn 7 дней назад
It feels like this just overcomplicates things for newer players to aim training. just feeds into the slope of overthinking.
@WestProter 4 дня назад
Plenty of the videos on my channel this applies to, I completely agree. This is a basic technique guide that is pretty essential for anyone who wants to actively improve flicks in aim trainers, with references to what better players will do as they improve.
@towshiferabbi8009 7 дней назад
thanks i will become unconscious next time i play valorant
@sfyner 7 дней назад
I agree that in game time is important and game sense but i feel like aim training while focusing helps me focus in game in valorant, my aim feels better but i also make better decisions (I don't know why, after aim training i can play longer without autopiloting) still think you should be playing the game more than the aim trainer if you wanna purely rank up but aim trainers should definitely be a part of your session.
@-GRXNDSCOPER- 7 дней назад
@sfyner 7 дней назад
I mean kinda but the skill ceiling for mechanics is definitely lower then game sense, immortals and plats could have the same aim but one frags way more, it's mainly about how much you play
@-GRXNDSCOPER- 7 дней назад
@smashedU 7 дней назад
you pumped out too many videos and ran out of content xD
@lilith1504 7 дней назад
i'm 1-1-3 LOL glad that i met the real person with finger tip
@WestProter 4 дня назад
Youll be hearing from my lawyer
@TeamBodyBagsGaming 7 дней назад
Controller player here, i sooo badly want to be able to frag out in tarkov PVP but my mouse control is terrible. What could I do to improve in a game with so many random inputs on your crosshair
@sfyner 7 дней назад
Im not a aim coach or good at aiming at all by any means but out of curiosity if you don't mind, is your grip comfortable? How much does your mouse weigh? Have you tried reactive scenarios and mouse control scenarios?
@TeamBodyBagsGaming 7 дней назад
@sfyner grip is comfortable, mouse is pretty light, haven't really done any aim training in years. Most consistent I've ever been was after using Miyagi method in Val for a few weeks.
@Lowgravity56 8 дней назад
Yooooo 3:20 I wonder who were the ABSOLUTE GOATS that made that routine...
@Keg2001 8 дней назад
Hey I know that handsome Goat! Bro started with coaching a hella solid gamer.
@joshualagrave5862 8 дней назад
i dont necessarily agree with the idea that game sense is more important than aim in valorant because I believe that your aim is what decides your game sens. If you have crazy aim u can play much more aggressive and play certain agents where ifu have bad aim u have to play more passive lurky and ratty
@greippuli9166 8 дней назад
Imo in val game sense and movement definitely matter a lot more than aim. Mechanically it's much easier than cs to learn for example, but has a ton of abilities and synergies that actually make the difference in game.
@greippuli9166 7 дней назад
And if you have good aim and just play aggressively at first, it will NOT work in higher ranks, because everyone else will also be closer to the mechanical skill ceiling.
@sfyner 7 дней назад
​​​@@greippuli9166bro the mechanical skill ceiling thing is so true, you could have insane aim in plat but a immortal crouch sprayer will always Mvp over you. yeh but getting a hang of the abilities only takes like 30 hours, actually coordinating with your team with utility and etc is what separates ranked players and pros. But in ranked I think aim is definitely important but not as much as others think like you said, if game sense included crosshair placement then yeh I guess aim isn't too important, if you are going from iron-ascendant, base mechanics are important but running down site like the other guy said wouldn't work because without basic information on where people are and strats people use, you will just die instantly being exposed to multiple angles
@sfyner 7 дней назад
And also with good aim you can still be ratty and lurky, it just depends on which playstyle you like.
@greippuli9166 7 дней назад
@@sfyner 100% agree, Definitely knew that I had to learn more than to just trying to aim when I hit diamond. Learned some basic synergies with my friend and we hit asc in a week
@calmsh0t 8 дней назад
I have 1k hours in aim trainers. Progress is truly slow. Many of these hours were wasted. I felt a boost when I hit Voltaic plat and dia complete. I made it really close to master before quitting voltaic benchmarks. I started doing routines to focus on things I struggle with and felt a nice little boost in my aim lately. But in general, its a slow progress. I'd say even if you use aim trainers, it takes years to really get on a good level. I am at a point where people in lobbies talk about my aim, but it did take several years to get there. Maybe if you have a coach or you are really good at identifying what you need to do in order to improve, you are faster. But don't expect fast results at all.
@XM06 8 дней назад
This is a really good video and honestly I feel like I've had a very similar aim training journey with the main difference being that Ive spent more time playing other games on the side and doing in game practice. Consistently training is way more important than finding the best and most optimal way to train, and realistically I think the formula to good aim is mainly: good sleep -> consistent practice -> proper technique -> in game mechanical practice (if you wanna be good at a game since mechanics are more than just mouse control)
@sfyner 8 дней назад
"only 1k hours, with my 2k hours" Bro is too good 😎 are u better than viscose btw?
@WestProter 8 дней назад
No viscose is 30x better than me, hence the text immediately after saying “this was sarcasm” and the part towards the end where I say that there are a lot of people a lot better than me.
@sfyner 8 дней назад
@@WestProter oh okay was just wondering xd but its strange, shouldnt you be doing much better since you have double the hours? or is it because she focused much more while aim training
@WestProter 7 дней назад
Again as I said in the first 15 seconds and reiterated later on, steam records all time the app is open so any time spent afk, scenario creating and playlist creating is logged and I have made hundreds of playlists. Also, almost all my mnk time is in aim trainers, I’m assuming she’s played many many other games.
@sfyner 7 дней назад
@@WestProter oh 👍 thanks for the information, completely forgot about having many other hours in other games and the fact that you make scenarios :)
@inafaniel 8 дней назад
hit LEM in csgo, immortal 3, master twice in apex (7x 4k and 6x 20 bombs), top 500 zarya ow2; anything past 1k (in my opinion, if you spend 1k hours of ACTUALLY PLAYING AND TRAINING in aim trainers) it will have diminishing returns. gm precision, flicking, & tracking. I think you need to actually play the games, and troubleshoot bad habits in-game to get good at them. interesting video, definitely but I feel like there're so many other things that go into getting a high rank in these games, aside from just 'training your aim'. if you just want to have 'good aim' you could probably just practice precision, tracking, & micro adjustments. Edit: I feel like you need to live life and do other things aside from just 'improve your aim' and that goes for everyone... half of the players need to work on their mental, and their comms, etc. reason I typed all this out is because I don't think it's worth it, spending 2000 hours training aim (as after 1k hours it started to feel redundant for myself, but thats just me) to each their own and goodluck to everyone.
@greippuli9166 7 дней назад
To me aim trainers are just fun. I have around 150 hours in kovaak's from around 3 years and I have seen progress and I guess hit good scores, like top 243 in popcorn, but I don't think it helps that much in game, especially in valorant. But then again, if aim is something that's actually the thing holding someone back, kovaak's is an awesome tool
@mcclapped6699 2 дня назад
Well yeah being a high rank player is all about strong fundamentals
@IdkWhatToCallThisBruh День назад
And one day of playing while tired can fkc up all them hours of training 😂😂😂. Dude I swear there is something seriously wrong with me I play one day while feeling tired on slightly less sleep & now my skills are gone, this has happened so many times in the past and now I see why. It makes sense to be performing worse on THAT ONE DAY that your tired but this bs goes on for weeks sometimes months before I start seeing my skills come back. I get in a fight in game & Im just clueless, miss all my shots & don't even see people who are standing right in front of me wearing bright skins this is nearly a week on since the day I played for 3-4 hours while tired & I've gotten over 10 hours of sleep every night since, skills are still not back. This is unacceptable to me. This is why I don't enjoy anything, such stupid little bs is capable of ruining my entire game. People just tell me Oh jUsT tAkE A bReAk dUdE 🤤 already did & it did nothing to no surprise
@SoapBark 8 дней назад
I've been playing FPS games since around 2002, starting with BF1942 and moving on to competitive CoD1, CoD2, CoD4, and eventually playing CS and Valorant casually. I thought I had good mouse control skills, but after getting into Aimlabs and trying out the ranked Season 3 playlist, I realized my tracking and target-switching skills needed improvement. After grinding for about 100 hours (keep in mind I have played 10K hours of CoD1/CoD2/CoD4 alone according to xfire), I developed reasonably good mouse control and reached rank 524. Even though it doesn't feel like a major accomplishment compared to players like mattyOW, I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my performance in high-tracking games like CoD Warzone, making the game much more enjoyable.
@cyrusthe0ther795 8 дней назад
You have a stance on listening to music?
@WestProter 8 дней назад
If you like it do it if you don’t don’t. Aim training is about focus and music can help or hurt focus depending on the person
@Bigbean2999 8 дней назад
I would recommend playing some afps games but keep in mind its a dying genre of game but it doesn't have as many gimmicks as tac shooters
@Bigbean2999 8 дней назад
2k hours supremacy
@WestProter 8 дней назад
2k hours supremacy
@FortFerdie 8 дней назад
Damn, great video, I found your channel a few months back and I'm improving so fast its insane. I love the dedication you put in and how humble you are! W ❤🎉
@ig7oo 8 дней назад
yoo 1 minute ago
@ibrahimkapadia5704 11 дней назад
Your flick will improve tracking not the tracking will improve flicking
@WestProter 11 дней назад
tracking most definitely can improve flicking abilities, not exclusively but especially in dynamic scenarios.
@k2_officialy52 12 дней назад
Why does no one ever talk about how important your eyes are. They are literally the most important factor when it comes to gameplay. It makes the difference between your focus and aim.
@cryptonz06 13 дней назад
@BobbyOlsen-yz4qe 13 дней назад
This deserves alot more views
@WestProter 13 дней назад
Took a break and now I am punished for it by yt. Just how it goes.
@BobbyOlsen-yz4qe 9 дней назад
@@WestProter only one way forward king! 💪🏻
@shuramixu 13 дней назад
I feel that I use palm claw, it is okay to use it in all games, I feel comfortable
@NitayNostrasifu 14 дней назад
Raw accel is common sense. Being able to relax is the best thing for increasing skill. Killing your arm to flick when you simply don't need to with raw accel makes no sense. Real precision is already based on the wrist anyway and flicking with the arm is far less important for engaging targets more for getting out of trouble at least for me. My classic curve has low sens for tracking and target transition and only goes 2x for flicking to get the hell out of there or if someone behind me. In the end far more worth it than using my arm lol
@M1szS 14 дней назад
"Just practice" Damn bro, how didn't I think of that
@Feel_Ray 14 дней назад
@Feel_Ray 14 дней назад
Ur brain dont work
@chococo1447 14 дней назад
i always watch niko deathmatch stream
@rishu-playz 14 дней назад
it dosent work anymore. it says invaid link pls fix it
@wad5495 15 дней назад
1:10 what is this game? Nevermind i found it. Its Krunker for those who want to know
@EMBPercussion 15 дней назад
@corpzzz2393 15 дней назад
@themertime9758 15 дней назад
good day kind sir