Welcome to my RU-vid channel!
I am a professional speaker, family physician, and mental health expert. As a lead physician at one of British Columbia’s largest youth health centres, much of my career is focused on those struggling with their mental health.
My channel aims to create mental health awareness and provide resources that allow you to take better care of your emotional well-being.
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Speak to "That Part" of the Individual
28 дней назад
Like A Crystal Glass
28 дней назад
Have you heard of "Social Confetti"?
28 дней назад
Sure You Like Me...But Why?
Месяц назад
Grab That Toothpick And Start Poking
Месяц назад
Just One Thing
Месяц назад
Breaking up is hard to do...
Месяц назад
Being Present Takes Practice
Месяц назад
Sometimes It's Hard to Go First
Месяц назад
Like a Snow Globe
Месяц назад
Where Are Your Blindspots?
Месяц назад
Sometimes it is hard to go first..
2 месяца назад
Going Back to "That Place"
2 месяца назад
Have You Heard of the "Nanosecond Effect"?
2 месяца назад
Just Watch Me
2 месяца назад
The "My" Of The Storm
2 месяца назад
A Not So Fond Memory From High School
2 месяца назад
A Video That Was Hard to Make
2 месяца назад
@whereswaldo5740 17 часов назад
How rude is to not tell the person you are in the room with that you are verbally texting someone? Then start to make a verbal message and when you respond because you think they are talking to you they are upset with you because you messed up their text. Kra zee person.
@bradchoksi3056 12 дней назад
Psychological hacks usually don’t work after few times. It because your mind quickly adapts to it and doesn’t play the game anymore for yourself. You will still anchor to the real timelines than fake ones. If you do on others, they will eventually figure out you are lying and it would cause problems for you as they would not trust even when you say the real timeline
@andrewfelker4793 12 дней назад
Have you seen the #SeanConnery pseudonymer movie #MedicineMan? Indian holidays exist. Native South American people might celebrate holidays too. IMO, cognitive dissonance wins on #ArborDay. Which Indian holiday facilitates British GroupThink?
@Busulman 13 дней назад
@sulatlalaki 13 дней назад
You should NEVER tell people what you're trying to achieve (goals) before you achieve them. On a psychological level, your brain "believes" you've already reached the goal or accomplishment, and you are MUCH more likely to fizzle out and NOT achieve. Keep your goals and aspirations to yourself! It will also be much less humiliating if you don't achieve that goal and you didn't announce to a bunch of people, "I'm working on achieving ____" and then DON'T!!!
@Dr_Larken 15 дней назад
Always be articulate, it makes a huge difference!
@SharvWld 15 дней назад
Thanks Dr for your knowledge sharing...it is a new perspective for me....I think we focus some much on IQ but lack to have same fair understanding to improve EQ & AQ ....it was an eye opener...✨✨✨✨
@GregoryTheGr8ster 18 дней назад
I like how you end on a high note.
@dmcmanus07 19 дней назад
Im hearing procrastination, tunnel vison and reverse psy all at play 🤔 lol.. utilize your time wisely ...however that looks for you 👈
@blackdogsheep5631 19 дней назад
I was always taught if you are early, you are on time. If you are on time, you are late and it you are late without letting someone know that you are going to be late - If you can't give someone the simplest of respect, what does that tell someone about you.
@andrewfelker4793 19 дней назад
Buy 14 randomly selected apples from among 6 varieties. Combinatorics are critical maths for understanding #HelloKitty issues. #MagazineHistory starts with police surveillance. #HouseMD seizure topics in season 5 led up to #LiveLongAndProsper. 🐈
@andrewfelker4793 19 дней назад
Do you know any source material for reading on psychological scapegoat theories? Stem cell biologist #JamesAThomson might have once wondered why removing the "J" from J Edgar Thomson could bring light to the sin optics of steel manufacturing. How could you bring light to the sin optics of psychiatric practices and the state of Connecticut? In the context of PPOCD, did #JenniferDulos ever wonder "Connect, I cut?"
@Satishstar143 21 день назад
Making video in Hindi for viral and more acknowledge person understanding for Indians
@Satishstar143 21 день назад
Looking like rihitik Roshan sister
@GregoryTheGr8ster 21 день назад
When I went back to skool many years ago as a grown-a$$ adult, I actually made some friends in my classmates. I could not believe it! I have been and always will be completely lonely. Anyways, we created a group page on Facebook, mainly for helping each other with our classwork; but we also used it for sharing jokes and personal anecdotes. I joined Facebook just to be a part of this group. When our classes were over, I continued to communicate with my friends through Facebook. I was astonished how quickly they lost interest in communicating with me. We seemed like such rock-solid friends when were in class together; but, alas, friendship has a brief half-life. Oh well. I deleted my Facebook presence once I was down to just one last friend who responded to my messages and comments.
@andrewfelker4793 23 дня назад
I am now concerned that #AmyFleming of #HeartlandTV is a descendant of #JohnGFleming. Thank you for the enlightened #Northwestern hypothesis. #PaulLBoley #LawLibrary. Big Ten😅 Let's just hope that only #HouseMD is #StrangerThanFiction. Intuitive controls? #WhatAboutBob #BabySteps. Infer wisely. #AuthorsDontReadMinds
@FirstnameLastname-uo9mw 23 дня назад
I’m sorry your beautiful necklace was totally distracting me. Could you please tell where it is from? It looks like a beautiful sunflower 🌻
@atishkhandare5205 24 дня назад
Thanks 🙏
@helalahmadsharifi5095 25 дней назад
@ShaunBest 26 дней назад
Already found my answer it seems she isn't available. 😊
@ShaunBest 26 дней назад
My nanosecond is a picosecond. Although I just found a video of Dr Shahana my picosecond wants to know if she is single?
@IronMan-nu3rb 27 дней назад
I think OCD originates from Fear of Unknown or from Anxiety or some kind of trigger. At least for me this is the case. I have an impulse to go back 1 step almost daily while going somewhere. This urge come to me to take a step or two back and then move ahead. Another one is to touch some objects. If I don't wanna do all these...a voice in my head says...this or that bad things will happen to me or my family members. I am soooo tired from all these. I try to do these while no one is around me...but few people have seen me doing it and they think I have some kind of mental problem. I just can't continue like this. I am thinking to end my life...I mean I m exploring this option...not sure about it yet. Can these things be cured or I need to end myself.
@keyurahuja3277 22 дня назад
Ending your life is not the solution. Your life has immense value, and there are people who care about you and want to see you well. With the right help and strategies, you can find relief and live a fulfilling life. When you feel the urge to perform a compulsion or are overwhelmed by anxious thoughts, try to gently bring your attention back to the present moment. Focus on your breathing, on the sensations in your body, or on what you can observe around you right now. This practice can help ground you and may reduce the power of the compulsions over time. Check out "The Power Of Now" by Eckhart Tolle for further help. Hope this helps!
@DannyBoy443 28 дней назад
I started to get a little anxious because I feel pressure to stay interested and then respond w/ something I think they'd like lol. Not great and I need to work on that.
@lettybastien4624 Месяц назад
Late folks are selfish buttholes.
@DonVintaggio Месяц назад
Are you aware that a nanosecond is 0.000000001 of a second? Now that you are, maybe you should call your "effect" a millisecond effect don't you think? I mean, as a dr you'd want to address things as precise as you can, and having an error of million times in your appreciation of time does not look good at all.
@EarlThomasTheVOICE Месяц назад
I am fully impressed with Dr Shahana's Speaker's Reel. Mental Health is vital & her understanding & presentation was outstanding.
@anandpeter6223 Месяц назад
@bobagorof Месяц назад
So the Nanosecond Effect is the choice one makes whether to engage with someone or not? Where does the Nanosecond come in? Why has this choice been given this particular name?
@Glashutte1111 Месяц назад
You are Indian woman. I wouldn't recommend anyone to believe and listen to her.
@MamaMudskipper Месяц назад
🙄 So basically you're saying to lie to your Children to save yourself from.. whatever 🙄 you people 🙄
@DivineLightPaladin Месяц назад
I don't understand your angle here. This could indeed be a helpful tactic to wrangle symptoms of ADHD while also learning to respect other's time and manage schedules properly. All of which can improve the lives of children with or without ADHD who grow up to become adults one day. All of which every single person that cares for themselves or others needs to learn. I don't see how it's lying, it's setting a time boundary which helps regulate and learn time flow and responsibility as well as respect for ones own time and others. Saying you have 5 minutes to get ready isn't a lie, it's a challenge. Can we beat the clock? Us ADHD people love it! It helps give structure to making sure time is well spent and awareness of it is being built. All good things.
@josephfinnegan151 Месяц назад
Like Your Biceps Doc, Love to have a Friendly Armwrestle with Your Impressive Muscles 💪
@tizzlekizzle Месяц назад
Therapists avoid feelings like the plague. If you want a therapist to pay attention to you for a few seconds, just wave a $100 bill.
@andrewfelker4793 Месяц назад
The best part of waking up is Maxwell in my cup and in my oven. Who exactly created Starbucks, and why would marshmallow music eat Billie Eilish for dinner? Maxwell might fail in his quest to create more Earth bucks. #BeAnActuary
@HamiltonSmith4 Месяц назад
Mine was (is in many areas) just the opposite. Only if I hide my best and truth would I be liked (or even survive). Great video.
@restezlameme Месяц назад
As someone with serious time blindness, I would honestly love it if someone did this for me. My entire family is like this, and though I've spent years trying to unlearn it, it still happens sometimes and I hate it. Being tricked into getting somewhere early isn't bad if it works!
@WOLFSENT1 Месяц назад
Soccer is a complete waste of time and money….Just buy him a dress…
@DivineLightPaladin Месяц назад
What's the point of this comment? Seems unnecessary and mean
@glennhubbard5008 Месяц назад
I am not sure. I skipped to the end when you started talking.
@Gk2003m Месяц назад
I do my utmost to be disinterested in these things unless I am already close with the person. And then I listen intently, and forget. Because people will ask, and anything told to me in confidence needs to remain in confidence. It’s no one else’s business. The person telling me does not need me to ‘know’ what they’ve said. They just need me to listen in that moment.
@carlessola343 Месяц назад
None of the above: modern women store it forever to use it against you when she loses any logic discussion, that is, in all of them
@MusclesNOTtattoos Месяц назад
Millennials were the first generation I noticed really effected by the modern war on speech and words. They simply cant form astute or insightful conversations. Most people under 40 nowadays just talk verbal garbage mostly regurgitated from social media or something a friend said. Its also very common now for 40s and under to take something someone said in confidence and instantly repeat it as gossip to as many people as possible. We live in an age of drones and npc's. Leave em well alone.
@Indicesengineering Месяц назад
You’re such an amazing WOMAN
@HappyMomma412 Месяц назад
Thank you so much for your videos! You are personable, knowledgeable, and wise. Blessings to you and your loved ones. 🦋💜🙏🏾
@paddric9346 Месяц назад
I've actually heard this word a lot lately. And I'm convinced that people don't seem to understand what a nanosecond is. 😂
@lupaswolfshead9971 Месяц назад
Yawn woman teaching other women how to fake empathy when a man opens up to them . Nothing to see here just narcissists teaching their fellow females better abusive tactics to use on the men in their lives.
@scottjenkins4613 Месяц назад
Don't forget the bigger issue, and don't ignore root cause analysis. Or you might just be enabling bigger problems down the road. Why was it so important for your son to try on soooo many combinations of soccer gear? Why do his shin guards matter? He has a legit, deep answer to many questions like this that caused the scenario you described. You might be surprised by his answers if you can get the truth. Beyond Parkinson's Law and general procrastination, what is it about preparing for a public engagement that causes this? Try to find out.
@joeylawn36111 Месяц назад
Simply regarding the name: "Nanosecond" is 1/1 billionth of a second. Light, the fastest thing in the universe, only travels one foot in a nanosecond - that's how short that time is. I would argue that there's nothing that a human body can do that quick. This is just a FWIW comment - your advice comments however, are spot on.
@sulatlalaki Месяц назад
This is why people need deadlines and timelines and calendars. Elon Musk once said if you have to move out in 3 days, you'll take 3 days; but if you have to in 3 hours you'll move out in 3 hours. Sometimes, even a lot of the times, you perform better when you're under pressure and up against the clock or that deadline.
@sulatlalaki Месяц назад
I taught both of my kids ever since they were very young that if there is only one attribute that you can establish or develop in life let that attribute be compassion. You never know what's going on in someone's life and so you should give everyone the benefit of the doubt even if they might NOT be elderly.
@judipierry549 Месяц назад
A long winded explanation of a nanosecond I’ve ever heard! Also the longest and hardest way to explain, “Pay attention when someone is pouring their heart out.” ❤️