Stephanie Lyn Coaching
Stephanie Lyn Coaching
Stephanie Lyn Coaching
Stephanie is a Life Coach who will not only teach you the fundamentals of self-development, but she will also give you the tools to heal and overcome what you have been through in your life.

Stephanie also has a podcast called Heal, Survive, Thrive, where she breaks down many self-development and relationship topics in simplistic ways. Her philosophy is that mental health does not have to be complicated.

Her powerful messages have allowed her to coach people all around the world, creating a thriving coaching practice. Her online courses make it easy to learn what her private clients gain from her teachings to help you become both mentally and emotionally healthy.

3 Things All Men Want in a Relationship
Месяц назад
The Narcissistic Relationship Cycle
Месяц назад
STOP the Addiction to Ruminating!
2 месяца назад
Enforcing Boundaries! What to do and say
2 месяца назад
Narcissist Rebound Relationships
2 месяца назад
The ONLY thing to PRACTICE! | #mentalhealth
2 месяца назад
Ladies...remember this! Fellas, listen up!
3 месяца назад
Struggling to let go 😔
3 месяца назад
New Changes! Life, Relationship, Self-Care
3 месяца назад
Are You Wasting Your Time????
4 месяца назад
Dating in my 20’s and 30’s!
4 месяца назад
Don’t Force It and Make a Mistake!
4 месяца назад
4 месяца назад
Dreaming about Your Narcissistic EX! 😔
5 месяцев назад
Signs You're STILL Unhealed
5 месяцев назад
@Dcmaddog12 19 часов назад
Just left a covert narc of 2 years. Broke up with me 5 times I walked twice she chased. Last time she wanted me out so I moved out. Haven’t spoke in 3 weeks thank god. I never chased or contacted. I blew up when I moved my shit out tho. Told her off.
@butterflypathchristiancoach 20 часов назад
Great to listen to this, i want to be able to be a better listener and improve the way how i communicate. I feel sometimes i am not owning my feelings and coming from a place of hurt that isn't helpful.
@thedominator211 21 час назад
And the only difference is mine was a prostitute and I just found out who was my neighbor next door and I was supposedly dating her for 2 years top that and she moved away 5 hours from here and still hoovering me
@thedominator211 21 час назад
Damn you're right on
@user-zv6rx7pm9m 21 час назад
@crazyralph3585 22 часа назад
Thank you for making this video. YOU ARE ONE OF MY FAVORITE SELF-HELP SPEAKERS...I AM HAPPY BEING SINGLE. In my opinoon, modern men should follow my example by staying SINGLE and becoming STERILE. I have no wife, no kids, no pets, and no regrets. I have reached the peak of SELF-ACTUALIZATION. But lest you think I'm crazy (like my name suggests), PLEASE CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: FACTS - 50% of all marriages end in divorce. - 80% of all divorces are initiated by women. - Only 10% of divorced fathers get primary custody of their children (thanks to the family court system). - Child Support = $600/month (often more). - Vasectomy = $600/once (often less). - There are over 7 billion people in the world, most of whom are impoverished and/or spiritually misguided (Do we really need to make any more?). - More vasectomies = fewer abortions. - Many women don't treat men the way that they want men to treat them (i.e. these women don't live by the "Golden Rule"). - Many women keep double standards. They place demands and expectations on men that they don't want men to place on them. - In a divorce, men can expect to lose at least half of everything they own, and have worked for. - Many divorced fathers have to fight like hell in order to stay connected to their children (thanks to evil, selfish, cruel, hateful, vindictive ex-wives). - Nowadays, each year more men are victims of domestic violence than women. Males: 4.2 million; Females: 3.5 million. This doesn't even include the emotional abuse that women inflict on men. - If they commit adultery, or abuse their husbands, wives are rarely held accountable for the evil that they do. - After divorce, many men experience severe depression, and sometimes suicide. CONCLUSIONS - If you are a man, then GET A VASECTOMY and STAY SINGLE. It is the most intelligent, logical, rational, responsible, and healthy decision that a man can make. The belief that says, "If you meet the right woman, everything will work out fine", is BOGUS. So forget all the sentimental hogwash about getting married and having children. - This DOESN'T mean that we should hate women. On the contrary, we should love women. And as men, we should treat women the same way that we want women to treat us in return; and we should not place and demands or expectations on women that we don't want women to place on us. - This DOESN'T mean that we should avoid making female friends; avoid romantic relations; avoid intimacy; avoid being in love, or avoid having a steady sweetheart. - It only means that we should avoid reproduction, marriage, and cohabitation.
@crazyralph3585 22 часа назад
Your video and many others like it has encouraged me to take action. I am calling for a type of MEN'S LIBERATION MOVEMENT. To get on board, you must do 3 things: GET A VASECTOMY. If you are 18 or over, then get this done as soon as possible. This way you can enjoy being intimate with a woman without the fear of pregnancy. STAY SINGLE. If you are not married, or cohabitating, then stand your ground and stay as you are. REJECT ALL DOUBLE STANDARDS, GENDER STEREOTYPES, and GENDER ROLE EXPECTATIONS that are placed on men, and refuse to live by them. Remember, as men, we are only LEGALLY required to obey one gender role expectation, registering with Selective Service (military draft registration) I have decided to call this movement "OPERATION INDIAN OUTLAW" (named after a song by Tim McGraw). My challenge to all men is: Do you have the strength and the courage to join me and get on board with this movement? I pray that God helps you to do so.
@oksanabuchananiregressiveh8097 22 часа назад
Exactly what you say 100% I lived through he did when I refused to listen to him, do what he wants me to do and when I started talking to his relatives and telling them all about the real situation.
@pinktrillness 22 часа назад
No contact for two months. The mirroring is and narcissist rage is hilarious. Glad that I escaped. I met a nice Man who has been wonderful to me.
@elipotter369 22 часа назад
I quit an art class group that i had really loved because the teacher let a jealous student harass me far too often. I didn't tell them that was the reason i left. I also have to contend with a very controlling person on a group where i live - she's constantly lying and manipulating. I recently blocked her number, so now i have peace of mind without her using me as she doesn't have any closer friends. She crossed the line once too often, I'm done. She can put it in writing by email if she wants to talk to me. Jealousy is only one of her issues.
@ladyv5655 День назад
I never saw it as punishment, even though they might think so. It was a gift. I preferred that my mother ignore me, because when she wasn't ignoring me, she was either screaming like a lunatic or saying the meanest things she could think of. And an ex bf gave me the silent treatment for a week after I confronted him about lying to me. On the second day of it, I realized that I felt happier and more relaxed without him around and decided to end that relationship.
@Noname-bq4qc День назад
Is that all you talk about???
@smoothcriminal482 День назад
Thanks 😊
@Jackmcars12 День назад
He deliberately tried hurting me with two posts on TikTok & IG, then tried marrying his hidden fiancé on my birthday.
@TheSilentMystic День назад
My mother tried to kill me as a baby. This was revealed many years later. My upbringing was filled with trauma and abuse. It sent me in a whirlwind that lasted many years. But I realized the teachings of Christ. To forgive your enemies. Forgiveness is releasing the grievances within myself so I can let go of the burdens and traumas I am holding onto. Grievances only make us attached to the abuser. But when you forgive, each time a little bit, you start to let go of the shackles that bind you to that narcissistic abuse relationship. The irony is, until you forgive, the narcissist seems to get away with everything. Once you forgive, miracles start happening…
@audioeins День назад
thank you, Steph. This is one of the most comforting videos i have seen on this matter, and somehow today, it really had an extra positive comforting effect, especially appearing as a little unexpected surprise on my video stream :) speaking of comforting, that cozy looking knit sweater is great. I like the cable knit / rib knit columns and neckline and turtle neck, with the intersectional what seems to be a double or spaced rib knit pattern of some kind, all of which has a nice lil color fleck situation happening throughout :) the lighter neutral color really compliments the striking dynamism of your eyes, brow, hair :)
@tenzimoscato6378 День назад
Let’s pretend that bad behavior never happened is a common tactic. “Let’s not hold on to the past.” Don’t fall for it.
@Trudi-br2rs День назад
I had to leave my person due to the anger (verbal/physical), controlling, manipulative behaviors. It was an on/off 2.5 year relationship (engagement). I have days/times where I keep thinking... "did I do the right thing?" I know in MY GUT I did the right thing..... but how can you turn off the love?
@Aragorn1989 День назад
She got the heavies
@caralee2617 День назад
Being with my ex narc for the past 8 yrs. made me observe this very pattern. I think they wanted to feel very important in a way that is disturbing. Instead of building trust with their intimate partners, they destroy the trust that they built with you (in that case lying when they tried to put you in their pedestal). Once they have a committed partner, they can’t stand being loved authentically by one person. Instead they go on and prey on other women that is susceptible to their love bombing. My ex narc was a compulsive pursuer in a relationship. He would go back and forth to the women he were involved before or try to meet women in complicated situation so that going public isn’t an option while having you as their main supply. In the end they destroy the very person that loved them. They are like toddlers testing your love for them. Showing and telling them you love them isn’t enough, they will cheat on your face to make you feel inadequate even if you are more than they deserve. They want to test your love for them so they keep hurting you and when you have enough of their abuse, you leave. Then they tell you, ‘you never loved me because you abandon me’. Well in fact it’s their actions and narcissistic behavior that made you leave or in other cases they discard you and will give silly reasons of the discard. Mine would use, ‘she’s crazy’, ‘she’s a nega-star’, ‘she insults me’, ‘she cheated on me’ et al. So with this pattern of infidelities and emotional abuse (who knows what else) it’s better to walk away. I did walk away and is now rebuilding my life with our daughter. We are struggling financially because I’m not earning enough to provide for my daughter but now we get to laugh and bring with us sunshine every day. No lies, no abuse and no fake love. We only live once, forgive yourself and move forward but never forget the lesson that narc abuse taught you. That is to respect yourself to walk away from what’s hurting and destroying you. That you deserve a life of solitude, happiness and love. Hugs*** :) Additionally I hired a private detective Metaspyhub@gmail. com. Once I knew what the narc was up to, it got easier to get over that lying, cheating, sack of doo doo, loser. I didn’t need closure from the narc, I paid for it. Best money I EVER spent!
@chriscornman221 День назад
excellent video and delivery Stephanie! Thank you
@user-hh4er7mv7l День назад
Let's face it, narcissists are very sick in the head!!! I asked this narcissist that was giving me a ride to town in his big truck, why do you allways try to control me and manipulate me? He snapped and flew off the handle and started calling me a c....... Su......r!!!! Then he trys to grab my hair and hit me. I'm a very good fighter, but he learned that the hard way. I broke his nose and knocked out his front tooth. He backed away and told me to get out. He never bothered me ever again. He sees me and starts running away from me!!!! 🥊🥊💪💪👍👍🤨😠😠😠
@Seth_Samson День назад
my mother is Narc ... it is great that after 40 years i finaly know that .... i cant block here but now i have some knolage how to regain some of my senity ...
@TheWrenad День назад
Yup, mine called the cops and got me thrown out of my house and claimed DV
@TheWrenad День назад
So much anger
@David-nu6kw День назад
Seems like it's going to take forever to get this wound from my chest and brain
@annaburns2865 День назад
It’s hard to take like a day or two break from my husband. I know people think it’s weird, and it’s like a separation, but it’s to prevent divorce. I’m living the weirdest life right now. It doesn’t matter. People always say that God is all you need, and it’s so true, because all those people have left me. It feels like a lazy excuse on their part, and maybe it is. But I know that God won’t betray me like everyone else has.
@princessdianaox День назад
Damn, I'm afraid this has been a pattern in my relationships and it's the only way I know how to deal with emotional pain. How do I heal myself so I'm not codependent/ narcissistic? I don't want to keep putting myself and others through this.
@misaghkhosravi4541 День назад
@misaghkhosravi4541 День назад
@misaghkhosravi4541 День назад
@misaghkhosravi4541 День назад
@misaghkhosravi4541 День назад
@misaghkhosravi4541 День назад
@Esraa890Elmbark День назад
It's not toxic it is toxic and dangerous! They will just try to saye or nothing 😂😂😂😂😂😂 omg !! Manipulation manipulation manipulation manipulation! They don't know what's mean to leave people alone we have money we have reputation we have everything you need so you need us ! They areeee the most dangerous people and they should be locked in the prison! Or health centre! They don't understand no mean no no no
@Esraa890Elmbark День назад
Me or nothing! Evil and dangerous people! They will use family finical problems anything on your life but not them and how they are toxic and dangerous to people life !
@laura-2 День назад
When dealing with narcissism, you should know that it’s not personal. “It isn’t personal” is one of those cliches used to cushion all kinds of bad actions taken by people who need an out for being immoral, but in this case it actually gets near the truth. Narcissists don’t know how to love or be a friend; they can’t afford to spare the energy to learn, because they’re always in a state of high emergency, cataloging potential threats and redoubling their defenses. When they claim to love you, it means nothing. They may even think they mean it, but they don’t understand the concept - they can’t feel it. They never attach to you or anyone else. Other people are paper cut-outs to the narcissist, like those cardboard figures of celebrities you pose next to for a selfie. Narcissist value their own children only as mirrors of themselves. When they destabilize you or attack you, it means nothing. They are stuck in an endless conversation with themselves, in which you are an inanimate object, to be assigned their own faults and used as a surrogate punching bag for their hatred of themselves. When they toss you out, it’s no more meaningful than a junkie tossing away a needle; when they try to reel you back in, it only means that they tired of the new drug and need a hit of the old. None of this is personal. They’re too terrified to have personal relationships, opting instead for extraction of admiration from a subservient partner whose range of action they strictly constrain. This is not personal. None of it. The narcissist does not know who you are - it doesn’t know how to know other people. Like the vampire or the chainsaw-wielding creature in the horror film, it’s from another world, bereft of the concept of human connection. Moreover, People wonder why they end up hurt, seriously hurt, and even killed for their own actions. Cheating is a choice and there’s simply a lot of ignorance in the process.... Thank you so much for helping me out Metaspyhub@gmail. com. Your advice and services helped me so much. You are a lifesaver !!! The information you gave me about my cheating partner when you gave me access to his phone was everything I needed to get,.. thank you very much..
@r3sfernjbb День назад
Some people manipulate just to have fun. They are truly like toddlers.
@Kerrylm1984 День назад
This is one of the most informative videos I've found...I'm stuck in a trauma bond and my friends and family are getting frustrated with me which is making me feel worse and almost start being more secretive and distant because I don't want to let them down by still being with this person. I know we're no good but it feels like there's some kind of invisible thread that needs severing..😢
@TheMrdoc26 День назад
It’s really odd to listen and see that the former relationship…that person is described here. I mean the whole thing. Exact to the tee!!! It’s weird. Always jabbing insults criticizing. Then say they didn’t. I am not kidding. At first I was so blown away at what was just said…my response, after the first time and a a few more I said… ok I am sorry I will do better. Year or maybe more it became… your not sorry You just got caught!!! This thing went from Moms mom to mom to daughter then my oldest got this thing in them where they destroy people at a whim. Never say anything like … it hurt me… Thanks again
@audioeins День назад
Hi :) i literally fell asleep with the phone in my hand last night when typing a comment saying a bunch of complimentary things to you on an extra especially good post of yours (which i wont do now because the context on this post is not what it was in the other, but smart, articulate, clear, thorough, direct practical, realistic, were some of the words used to describe you. but on this post, aside from you always being such a positive motivating pep person, sometimes i look at how beautiful you are, and i wonder if you are real, or an AI bot, or maybe a full face / healthy pretty hair filter that someone has on whenever they are on screen. your eyes especially, seem so big and beautiful, and alm ost like they were created by disney artists, but then i think, 'you know what? Steph, the potential AI bot / beautiful face hair filter beauty is slaying positive / motivational information and posts, would it matter that maybe she is not real? :) in any case, thank you for the positive motivational encouragement :)
@TheMrdoc26 День назад
Any and every time I said anything sounding like my feelings or what happened a few minutes ago is auto response….you think it’s always about you!!! So I quit saying anything. Thanks Stephanie. Would love to tell you a story and you could write a book or case study as part of a book
@Bat_Boy День назад
A mental narrative. You are in a movie theater. On the right, is your shadow self. On the left is your mentor/friend self. You want to SHRINK your shadow self, (by taking a hard look at him), wrap him up, be vigilant over him, while largely ignoring him. You will play things on the screen, and your mentor will say, "dont look at that. Is that helping?" Put an arm around you, and talk postive, uplifting things. "Im always here for you. You are doing great. You dont have keep replaying that negative movie. I believe in you". The REAL self will emerge, that has been surpressed for so long.
@user-kk8vc9ck3t День назад
Women, bare none, have the best intuition out there? It seems to me that a lot of women have a genius for picking the bad eggs.
@RuthKing-oh4ov День назад
I visited a place today that I love. Not because of the memories I have w/my co-parent there from years ago, but because I loved the place the first time I saw it. Tonight, as I moved through the other half of my day, I felt anxiety creeping in. A coffee shop that I thought would always be there is closing this Sunday, which made me want to cry. Something about the ending of things I suppose broke me silently. It's been about 2 months since my co-parent and I stopped trying, and it was impossible to create a healthy relationship w/him. We tried on and off for about 2 years after our split. Hearing your videos helps. I'm rediscovering my path @41. I'm excited, happy, and sad.
@lachifa День назад
You are the greatest I’ve ever heard!! Thanks so much ,, I just felt you were talking directly to me 🥰!! I’ll be around , no doubt about it ! Thanks! 🙏🏼
@m6rcii День назад
when you talked about seeing them move on and “be happy” while you’re miserable and struggling .. wow. but you’re so right in that putting in the work, feeling that pain and sitting in the discomfort in order to break the cycle IS the hard way, but also the right way. thank you for this
@trulysensitive5620 2 дня назад
I should have know this 360 months ago. Lord have mercy on Wendy and Peter.
@cynthiascott3422 2 дня назад
Very helpful info 🎉 thank you so much.