Rewatch Ryan
Rewatch Ryan
Rewatch Ryan
Rewatch Ryan discusses his film & television lifestyle through reviews, watchalongs, and the Watch Diary podcast.
@ken-adams 37 минут назад
You were saying if this was an American movie the police would act different , but that's not an accurate analogy , the more accurate analogy is a group of American 20 years old college or university students going on a vacation to mexico and then something like this happens. The locals and people in Mexico know this place is dangerous and to be vety careful , its a popular point where people take their lives and lots of accidents happen , so the first reaction of a slightly corrupt foreign police would be that you guys murdered somebody and made it look like an accident , coz everywhere its written its dangerous and stay away and yet you chose to go there still .
@ken-adams 28 минут назад
They say right before someone dies , their life flashes in their mind bringing back memories from old to new in the form of a show reel , that's kinda what the sub conscious mind of Subhash was experiencing and it's not exactly like a dream . He's been unconscious and in insane amount of pain , and probably has no idea or memory of what happened and where he is , so an immediate flight or fight response to a bunch of lights on your face and hands trying to tie your body up in ropes would be to attack ! Not to mention the adrenaline rush and hormones the mind might be in trying to cope from the traumatic experience and pain . It's highly likely he's completely disoriented and hallucinations or delusions and can't think properly. That's what the filmmakers tried to convey with that scene you found to be odd and confusing .
@ken-adams 20 минут назад
And regarding American movies that are popular in India are ones like post 90s or 2000s , when televisions became more accessible and channels like HBO and Star movies were available in India. So stuff like movies of Steven Spielberg , James Cameron , Rambo , Rocky , terminator , avatar , matrix , aliens , men in black , ( star wars not so much coz they were earlier and still quite confusing which is the actual one coz there's a lot of different versions at this point ) , Jurassic park , god father , Christopher Nolan movies , fast and furious , marvel and DC movies etc .
@ken-adams 20 минут назад
And regarding American movies that are popular in India are ones like post 90s or 2000s , when televisions became more accessible and channels like HBO and Star movies and cartoon network etc were available in India. So stuff like movies of Steven Spielberg , James Cameron , Rambo , Rocky , terminator , avatar , matrix , aliens , men in black , ( star wars not so much coz they were earlier and still quite confusing which is the actual one coz there's a lot of different versions at this point ) , Jurassic park , god father , Christopher Nolan movies , fast and furious , marvel and DC movies etc to name a few right out the top of my mind
@kindofanmol 5 часов назад
What a month for Indian cinema!
@RahulMishra-nj6bw 9 часов назад
Watch avesham It's fantastic
@duskinsion 6 часов назад
It's not probably that good but Maharaja is ...
@doki1146 11 часов назад
There are reports that say the John Wick director wants to remake this movie in Hollywood
@rewatchryan 11 часов назад
@@doki1146 Yes
@Thekrisavalon 14 часов назад
Lionsgate just optioned the rights for an American version of Kill with John Wick director Chad Stahelski producing
@rewatchryan 14 часов назад
Yes! We discussed it on Movie Mode.
@timothy_james_lee 14 часов назад
I was not expecting a spit-take for Pearl. But we got one.
@the0peratoR 23 часа назад
Man that MTN Dew ad making me thirsty is the best thing about this article
@rewatchryan 23 часа назад
@@the0peratoR Glad I didn’t take them out then!
@Matthew_KNGP1N День назад
I completely agree with her OG Star wars fans did ruin Star wars this year 😂 and year before cuz all they do is whine like little girls on Twitter and RU-vid Rants 💯 complaining that the new shows are not like the books or they're not canon or they don't match the old movies honestly Star war OG fans aka the grown man 😂 they all need to grow up and get a set for once in their life and if you're going to complain about a show maybe you shouldn't call yourself a Star wars fan if you can't learn to like what's new that's coming from OG Star wars fan to all the whiny OGS star fan fans y'all have become a Cancer
@robbiefarris2497 День назад
you tube can go fuck its self:D
@MartinValens-w7k День назад
star wars theory, geeks and gamers, nerdrotic et cetera make a living off complaining about star wars in bad faith. they nitpick anything they can to feed their anti-woke audience and keep the cash piling. what they're really doing is waging an idealogical war with disney as a company. so yeah it is fair game to blame the fans who fall for these grifters and spread their forced outrage online -- making actual fans miserable. sure there are people who don't like every show and every movie but they do it without being toxic online.the article wasn't talking about them. it really is disappointing to hear that you've been red pilled or close to it
@rewatchryan День назад
Congratulations on joining RU-vid today. Hope this was the first video you commented on.
@kevinmarques7716 День назад
Sorry but the problem is the fans. You're allowed to like or dislike whatever you want but Star Wars fans are the very definition of toxic. God forbid you say you like a modern Star Wars movie or show and you get all these idiots claiming to be "real" Star Wars fans attacking you by saying your taste is shit etc. All this from ppl who think the originsl Trilogy is the greatest thing ever and sorry, it's not even close to being worthy of the praise it gets. I watched New Hope for the first time when i was 16 so i wasn't a little kid. I saw it for what it was. It was boring as shit. I will never understand how Star Wars fans can't comprehend that something you watched as practically a baby is not the quality you remember it as once you're an adult. That's like a Power Rangers fan saying it's a masterpiece just because they loves it as a kid. That's ridiculous. So as someone who couldn't care less about most Star Wars stuff, it is absolutely the fans that turn ppl off from ever taking part in anything to do with the franchise. And when it comes to ppl saying the new characters in the modern movies and shows suck, i can't take them seriously when they think nothing characters from the original trilogy like Boba Fett, Wedge Antilles, Admiral Akbar, and Mon Mothma are so amazing. They got expanded on in books that had nothing to do with George Lucas. They were absolutely nothing in the movies. Ppl will shit all over modern Star Wars for things that have always been in the franchise. They go in already hating it. That's what this fanbase is. They're truly sad. They've lost the right to be listened to.
@the0peratoR 23 часа назад
@@kevinmarques7716 bro do you really think anyone is gonna read this past the first sentence? This series means so much to so many people but now they've destroyed it and your opinion is jus as invalid as mine. And the problem isn't the fans, it's people like you, who aren't fans jus fake bitches
@rewatchryan 20 часов назад
I agree with most of what you said, but still arrive at my conclusion. Just because we believe Star Wars to be not that great doesn’t mean that the studio obviously has a problem making content. And the fact that the media and studio blaming fans will never help the issue when it all starts with the content.
@rewatchryan 20 часов назад
You could have just made your point. No need for name calling.
@kevinmarques7716 11 часов назад
The name calling is for the toxic fans that I and Collider were exclusively talking about. They are absolutely idiots. There are actual SW fans that hate what the fanbase have become and deliberately mute anything to do with SW on twitter because they're too afraid to bring up anything they like out of fear these assholes will come ruin any discussion. There was a hashtah a bit ago from the actual real Star Wars fans who wanted to counteract the constant vitriol from the losers that spew constant hate. So they were just spreading all the love of anything SW that they felt like. Old, new, movies, TV, books, etc. It was nice to see. That is what SW fans should be. Nowhere did they attack ppl for disagreeing or send hate to anyone. They showed why they love the franchise. All these idiots that you apparently feel like defending, even tho that article is specifically about the toxic ones, only ever talk about hating Star Wars. They never send any love even to the originsl Trilogy unless it's coupled with something they hate about new stuff. So again, these "fans" you're defending don't deserve you defending them. They are entitled awful ppl just like the Snyder Bros who would attack anyone who hated those shitty movies too. All fandoms are toxic. That's a given. There's no need to stick up for any of them.
@kevinmarques7716 11 часов назад
​@rewatchryan but that's just it. The hate starts way before the content even comes out. All it took was ppl seeing a black person and an Asian man as main cast members of The Acolyte for these ppl to start saying it sucked cuz "woke" cuz that's all these ppl complain about anyway. So you can absolutely dislike the content based on the actual show. But you are blatantly ignoring thst so much of the hate starts before anything even is aired. So your point is moot
@HELLO_BHAYYA 2 дня назад
I suggest to watch bimbisara
@Patrick-wl6pw 2 дня назад
It bait I took break from star War
@rewatchryan 2 дня назад
@ddearing 2 дня назад
.....It can be both, can it? I'll preface it by saying I'm a bit of an outsider when it comes to Star Wars. I enjoy going to the movies, playing a few of the video games, and watching a few shows. I know the in's and out's of the overall narrative, but it's not something I obsess over on a daily basis. As an outsider, I see that while I've enjoyed most of the new movies, some quite a bit, that they don't have that lasting impact for the fans. But at the same time, I see the discourse from fans from time to time whenever anything comes out they don't like and think, "Well, that seems a bit excessive," or "Man, it's almost as if you were WAITING to hate this thing." I've always said that I'm glad I'm not a Star Wars fan, because I get to enjoy it for what it is, and not have the obsession, maybe even worry?, about every little frame or plot point of every program being the way I want it to be.
@rewatchryan 2 дня назад
I’m like this with Star Trek. I was a big fan of the JJ Abrams trilogy, and was confused for awhile as to why the Trekkers rejected them. Admittedly, I didn’t understand how they “weren’t Star Trek.” I didn’t know they were disingenuous and made by fraudulent creators. With that said, I learned over time that my enjoyment of those films didn’t necessarily mean that the franchise wasn’t in shambles. It was in shambles if the fans of the franchise weren’t accepting of them because the studios and filmmakers didn’t respect the material. There will be people who enjoy Star Wars casually no matter what. But that doesn’t mean the franchise isn’t in trouble objectively.
@PlantBasedDaddy 2 дня назад
its crazy how both collider and screen junkies YT channels went into the gutter over the last couple years.
@rewatchryan 2 дня назад
How amazing is it that Collider’s main channel is just Collider Ladies Night now lol
@DanielThe27th 2 дня назад
I completely agree with your line of reasoning. Star Wars: Rogue One is genuinely one of my favorite films ever, not just Star Wars films. It had a phenomenal story and I wasn't being force fed any agenda, just a really raw and good story with amazing characters. But Disney will just ruin characters (Han Solo) or fumble characters (Kenobi) and then blame me for not liking it? That's some insane gaslighting, and it all starts with Kathleen Kennedy and her and Disney's agenda. If I as the fan don't like what you make, I'm not the problem.
@rewatchryan 2 дня назад
Absolutely. It’s not complicated. The last thing we want is for them to be lazy and assume that we’re just going to accept anything and everything they make. We just ask that they care, and blaming/not listening to fans isn’t caring.
@premvishwakarma5947 2 дня назад
I love this movie❤❤
@ThugBeats07 3 дня назад
Next plz react to KGF chapter 1&2 reaction you will really love the scale, Cinematography in this movie
@shamrao8159 3 дня назад
Actually avatar, yuga, amrita are sanskrit word and that word used in avatar movie and sanskrit is ancient indian language
@debashishm8960 4 дня назад
The Mahabharata happened and then ended with the good side led by lord Krishna won and other side lost. At the end of the Mahabharata there are 7 guys who are immortal who are told to live on till lord Vishnu is born again for the tenth avatar in the next yuga , namely Kalki ( the child in Deepika's womb ). All these 7 immortals will come and join in this final war and help lord Vishnu / Kalki in his battle to triumph over all evil. So you will see six more 8 ft height men joining during the course of these movies . There is a reason why they are 8 ft . The scriptures say that the four yugas are cyclical. The first yuga known as sat yuga is the absolute best where almost everyone is righteous, perfect, kind, and godly good qualities and lives a good happy healthy life. Hence they are of much greater height build and strength . As each new yuga comes the goodness and godly qualities keep reducing in society and also people's height .... Hence by end of Kali yuga society is almost just evil and men most stunted in heights ... Now I think out of cinematic liberty they have taken liberty of bringing back another hero from Mahabharat age known as Karna. Prabhas is the reincarnation of karna . That staff used by Ashwatthama was originally the bow of karna . So when reincarnated karna touched the staff, it recognised him and hence the power came and so did the memories. Karna was Arjunas stepbrother but fought from evil side even if he had a lot of good qualities and is still loved ( there are a million boys named karna even today in India !! ) so perhaps they want to show redemption arc for karna and hence this cinematic liberty . ALSO : they have shown that other bow that in the end Kali picks up ; that was Arjunas bow. The only weapon that could have defeated arjunas bow called gandheev was karnas bow . So I guess since gandheev is in evil hands now , karnas bow needs to stand against it to defeat it ! 😊 ONE last context u should have is the main villain Kali , on whom this yuga is based. Kali is basically the non physical embodiment of evil that is immortal since it got a drop of amrut long long back and henc Kali can never be dead . He basically takes over and controls important peoples mind and body over time and converts them to extreme evil humans with great great power . Hence lord Vishnu then has to come down and defeat him and banish Kali again . That's lots of context . Should be enough to cover for now .... Hahaha. Have fun !
@Mundarapilly 4 дня назад
FYI : The Actor mentioned in that Song that is played throughout the Movie, Kanmani Anbodu Kathalan..., is Kamal Hassan. He plays Supreme Yaskin in Kalki.
@sunnyy6295 4 дня назад
I think that's a cliff hanger for next part as we know that character from Mahabharat but he attained salvation like everyone in that battlefield. So, Director might explain in next part.
@soomigautam9886 5 дней назад
I need to watch this
@codenerd7823 5 дней назад
Lesson from the strory:- being young, ignorant and stupid can give you a free ride to devil's kitchen
@shelly_lee 6 дней назад
the reason why everyone figured out to stay quiet so soon was because the military told them. the military had captured a few of these creatures and did tests on them. during the tests the military figured out that the creatures could not swim, are blind, and very sensitive to sound. now of course the military wanted to weaponize the creatures cause that is what the military does but nature always finds a way, right? so the creatures called to the mother ship to bring in re-enforcements and hell started to break loose. the only thing the military could do was warn the citizens about the creatures. c'est tout
@rewatchryan 5 дней назад
Our main point is that we were disappointed we didn’t actually get to see that idea unfold on screen, considering that’s what the entire premise of the franchise hinges on.
@KraigA082 5 дней назад
When is that explained in the movie
@shelly_lee 5 дней назад
@@KraigA082 it's not, i have an active imagination.🤣
@kgsovereign2987 6 дней назад
the stick Aswathama holding is not just a stick its the weapon of Karna (prabhas past life), so Aswathama says in a scene that only when Karna Holds the stick the material and powers will activate and during the last battle when the stick falls in Prabhas hands the Past Karna Concious comes back, Director literally spoon fed these scenes how can you not get it??
@kgsovereign2987 6 дней назад
bro u r not just bald but dumb too, how can you say the past is just bahubali like and not purposeful ? the whole movie runs for that sole cause that was said on past, I know u guys have no idea of Mahabarat, thats why director inserted those bits of mahabarat to show you the purpose of this film
@MrKiran206 6 дней назад
Great analysis.. Keep it ip
@moraramu3340 6 дней назад
@moraramu3340 6 дней назад
@SwarDkl 6 дней назад
Please react/review to KGF Chapter 1 and KGF chapter 2 .
@SwarDkl 6 дней назад
Please react/review to KGF Chapter 1 and KGF chapter 2.
@rewatchryan 6 дней назад
@@SwarDkl I will be soon on the Reboot Ryan channel! You can find the link in my description if you’d like to subscribe.
@SwarDkl 6 дней назад
Please react/review to KGF Chapter 1 and KGF chapter 2
@shivamkumarkatiyar2018 6 дней назад
Prabhas's character is reincarnation of the KARNA from MAHABHARAT (which this movie is made as a sequel of) , in the flash black sequence they were (ASHWATTHAMA and pradhas ) friends and they were fighting from the same side.
@soomigautam9886 6 дней назад
Listened to your whole podcast on Kalki,glad to see you guys excited for it. I would like to recommend both of you to watch 'Brahmastra : Part 1 Shiva', it's also inspired/based on hindu mythology (not direct fictional sequal like Kalki),but very ambitious & also sets up a cinematic universe on Ancient God's Weapons.Lore of the story has a lot of potential to be Big & Better, I'm excited for this franchise & would love to hear your discussion about this movie. You guys can also react to the trailer before reviewing : ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-V5jVntRVl-0.html
@soomigautam9886 7 дней назад
Listened to your whole podcast on Kalki,glad to see you guys excited for it. I would like to recommend both of you to watch 'Brahmastra : Part 1 Shiva', it's also inspired/based on hindu mythology (not direct fictional sequal like Kalki),but very ambitious & also sets up a cinematic universe on Ancient God's Weapons.Lore of the story has a lot of potential to be Big & Better, I'm excited for this franchise & would love to hear your discussion about this movie. You guys can also react to the trailer before reviewing : ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-V5jVntRVl-0.html
@gayatri555 7 дней назад
8:55 it is a problem with the movie. You are supposed to understand it if you know the Mahabharata but still director needed to hint at it before. They should have explained better. Should have done foreshadowing. Bahubal part two is still superior to rrr and kalki and everything else.
@gayatri555 7 дней назад
Let me explain... .. .. .... Wait its too much to explain.. i cant
@Dwrkprnt 7 дней назад
The usual question for viewers: Why isn't there a grate covering the pit. The fact is that there are 100s of pits like that once you enter the cave. Guna cave is dangerous because most of those pits get covered by dry leaves and mud due to rain. It is very difficult to keep track of all the pits. The director of the movie had said in an interview that even during the span of 6 months while shooting the terrain inside the cave completely changed and was almost unrecognisable. The task of spotting all the pits and covering them itself is a very dangerous task and authorities here think that it is better to close off the whole place completely.
@Harshiahaha 7 дней назад
20:40 I think the thing is India has 1.4 Billion people and there are many different industries. With different industries there come many actors and stars etc. So there ought be some huge fans for every star in India but they are just a portion of the normal movie going audience here. Not just Prabhas, SRK, Amir khan, Amithabh Bachchan, Rajinikanth, Kamal Haasan, Mohanlal are some examples of huge movie stars.
@creepy_assassin6234 7 дней назад
"get over it" bruh really? id be surprised if you had any real friends.
@creepy_assassin6234 7 дней назад
HOLY F this guy is an absolute idiot. I cant
@jyotinanoma6227 7 дней назад
Movie inspired from hindu history you don't know how deep its it , the history and the future is epic , it's understandable thet you don't get half or it because of history
@abhishekmahanti5320 7 дней назад
It’s a cultural thing. People who have grown up in India & know about the Mahabharata will understand it. Prabhas plays a re-incarnated version of Karna a warrior from the past.
@priyankapravinrajan274 7 дней назад
I get your point with the fall but it was actually accurate cause if it was a 120+ feet straight fall the would impact would cause him to die but if u see he didnt fall directly his fall was broken many times and there where a lot of leaves which softened his fall. The real dude had severe inguries but made it.
@rajendraacharya9081 7 дней назад
Mahabharat Karn (Prabhas)
@dagnabbit6187 7 дней назад
I really feel for your generations lack of critical acumen and scholarship.
@Reddy315 7 дней назад
The makers and cast of Kalki did a San Diego Comic Con panel last summer in 2023 to raise awareness for this movie, now fans of this movie upon its release are now trying to persuade the makers to come back to SDCC again next month to discuss this movie again and possibly drop spoilers/hints for part 2
@puppypower2226 7 дней назад
Guys, I appreciate the review and based on review I am gonna watch this movie. Try checking Lunchbox movie and do the review. Just FYI is normal slice of life movie and also Kantara, its based on a deity of the forest.