Company of the Cat
Company of the Cat
Company of the Cat
ASOIAF Theories & Analysis. Master of Prophecies and Dreams. Deep dive into the magic system, history, myths, and legends of the universe. Videos with theories and analysis of different stories from TWOIAF as well as the real, mythical, and fictional events that inspired them.

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Profile pic: Mine
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@desert-storm-borncharlie11 День назад
Are Gods Real in ASOIAF? The few outliers are things like the Targaryen dreamers. While I admit it's hard to draw the connection to gods existing from Daenys or Aegon, we have to ask ourselves, who sent them the dreams? Did they just dream them of their own sub-conscience? Or, were they received from a deity/God? I'm not sure if dreams are associated with the God speaking to us, but it would fit in terms of an abstract concept without physical manifestation. On the other hand, we might say a Greenseer, or those who can practice the magic are Gods in their own right and are the ones providing the visions/dreams to these individuals. Now admittedly, Daenys alone wouldn't have really made the case that Gods exist as one single family escaping the Doom isn't necessarily attributable to a God, but I do have to ask myself, why the Dream of Aegon that's now basically become canon? He seems to understand it's specific to Westeros. If indeed they are to end the Long Night, it's not explicit proof that gods exist, but it doesn't make logical sense for this dream to just materialize or appear out of nowhere and somehow yet, still be so important. Now it certainly can be said that the religion or Rh'llor, which was probably founded during the first long night, if not after is certainly keen on the Long Night and claims their god embodies fire and life, but how does he communicate, if ever, with his followers? I'm not sure if we're aware of what religion, if any, Aegon followed before he conquered the 7k. We know he was crowned by the HS of the Faith, but then from whom did his dream come from? The 7 aspects of the faith's god, or whatever personification we wanna call it? I think it'd be neat if it was through dreams that the Gods 'speak' to us and in-turn we still have some interpreting of our own to do, which always leaves room for the whole thing getting messy! That leaves magic an abstract force as well as the gods, real, yet not necessarily overt or so powerful that our heroes and heroines aren't even needed. They're more deities than Gods I think mayhaps.
@silverprincess2642 2 дня назад
Don't have anything to add. Just showing one of my 3 favorite ASOIAF girls some support ❤
@CompanyOfTheCat 2 дня назад
@maggyfrog 2 дня назад
martin talked about how aegon might have foreseen the looming danger in the north. it wasn't visenya. he promoted fire and blood with this theory. not visenya or rhaenys.
@mrmu7ammed1 3 дня назад
What if Jon is resurrected he loses the memory of Arya, Dondarion had the same side effects
@euCelsoX 3 дня назад
Jon is only a trueborn Targaryen in the show bc the writers needed to make Daenerys mad and by making Jon the “true” heir they would’ve accomplish that.
@CompanyOfTheCat 3 дня назад
pretty much
@bigcardboardbox88 4 дня назад
finally, an actual person reading
@nikharagrawal5808 4 дня назад
this makes ALL the sense in the world, honestly god, this should be one of your most popular videos. Love your work, as always <3 I also think that your title undersells this video -- you are also answering why the weirwoods are red-leafed.
@CompanyOfTheCat 4 дня назад
Aww, thank you so much💞 Glad you like the video! It's true I have issues with what titles to use on most of my videos😂, but I am thinking on making a full Weirwoods/Greenseers 1h+ video, kinda like my Andal invasion(s) one to put everything together, this one included. Thanks for watching!!
@kekero540 4 дня назад
I love the idea that Dragonbinder doesn’t bind dragons, but humans, as Preston Jacob’s puts forth (idk the earlier instances). We see in the Kingsmoot everyone is weirdly ok with Euron. Despite him being a kinslayer, despite him being a heretic, despite everything he has done to warrant hatred. It fits into the fact that Valyrians already had dragons, why would they need a horn? What they needed was a way to control their unfathomably large slave population.
@shetlandapache949 5 дней назад
Pre-listen take: tyrion is tywins only child and cersei and jaime are tragayan bastards fathering false kings Will reply after listening
@shetlandapache949 5 дней назад
Post-listen: still think tyrion is tywins son but i do really like some of the themes identified if he were a targaryan. It seems likely to me that the twins were conceived during the liberties taken at the bedding, but i dont see a great reason for tyrions virth not being of tywins loins. That said, while cersei is a dragon in all but name, jaimes dreams do seem to indicate tywin was his father. I am certainly more open to tyrion being a dragon after my listen.
@CompanyOfTheCat 5 дней назад
For me, Tyrion is a very weird case of a dropped storyline tbh. I would prefer if all the children were Twyin's tbh, but I am fairly certain that George had in mind to make Tyrion into o Targaryen when the series began. AGOT is full of weird comments and instances of Tyrion, but in later novels, all these "He could feel how the bones liked the fire" were dropped and are something that we won't really get answers either. About the Twins I will also make a video most likely because this is a theory I don't like personally, I actually think is the theory that gives Tywin's shitty parenting and cruelty a pass, bc all the negative qualities are because of a guy the twins hardly knew when their father also had these tendencies. Marrying his first cousin that looked like him, Lannisters are above the rest mentality and we should stick together, burning and sucking left and right, even Jon Con commented on what Twyin would do at the stony sept and it was "He would have *burned* every living creature in it. Plus, after the World Book, the timeline doesn't fit for the twins to be Aerys', which is probably the best counter-argument IMO. The difference is so big that neither the "George is bad at maths" can fix it. Aerys allegedly assaulted Joanna at the beginning (some even say during the wedding night) of her marriage with Tywin, which is why Rhaella dismissed Joanna from the position in the first place, this took place in 263 AC. In the world book, it is stated that Joanna was in King's Landing and left very soon after her wedding, and she remained for years in Casterly Rock. If her dismissal was very shortly after their wedding in 263, as all sources claim, we are talking about 263 max early 264 and the twins were born in 266. The timeline is all over the place. On the other hand, Joanna was in KL in 272 for the first time in years and stayed there for quite some time with Tywin, where we learn how crude he was towards her and how Aerys allegedly assaulted her once again, with Aerys keeping them in the palace when they wanted to leave. And in 273 she gave birth to Tyrion. That was a whole essay, sorry about that xD. Thanks for watching💞
@shetlandapache949 5 дней назад
@CompanyOfTheCat wow the timeline is super helpful as i never read the worldbook. My only question on that would be how long is a westerosi year is it the same length as an earth year? I assume it is, but there is no reason it should be with the screwed up orbit of planetos. That being said, i am now more convinced the twins are tywins, but how does cersei get explained. Just randomly insane?
@shetlandapache949 5 дней назад
My problem with the crown rikkon plan is why not go after bran and his better claim instead?
@CompanyOfTheCat 5 дней назад
I think they stuck with Rickon mostly because they knew where he went. They were aware because of Wex that both Bran and Rickon were alive, but Wex followed Rickon and Osha and knew they would go to Skagos, thus he told Wyman, but he was split from Bran fairly quickly so he had no idea where he, Hodor, Meera, and Jojen went.
@federicoxcc4966 5 дней назад
I'm a bit rusty over the books. I don't remember what Is Bravos position about Daenerys
@CompanyOfTheCat 5 дней назад
We don't know exactly what is their position with Daenerys, but we can easily assume they would not have any issue if not actually teaming with her if needed. Braavos had always very decent relationships with the Targaryens in Westeros (only when they stolen eggs situation happened there were small mentions that were quickly resolved) even when they had dragons. They also were ok with Arianne and Viserys getting betrothed there. Considering that the main issue Dany has is slavery and one of the people she really would have an issue with is obviously Illyrio who not only is a slaver but is also actively trying to betray her and the free city of Pentos where her first comment is: *They were slaves, a gift from one of the magister's many Dothraki friends. There was no slavery in the free city of Pentos. Nonetheless, they were slaves.* And how Braavos for over two centuries had issues and wars against Pentos fairly often, so they could stop slavery and slave trading in the city, easily I can see them making an agreement with Daenerys. Even more, since they already try to support people who will repay the Westerosi debt to the Iron Bank.
@Persie_Azimson 7 дней назад
Where are you from? You have a strange accent
@CompanyOfTheCat 7 дней назад
@sinthoras1917 8 дней назад
Re-watching cos I need to listen to something to fall asleep to now apparently
@sinthoras1917 8 дней назад
Just a more 'civilized' form of human sacrifice
@CompanyOfTheCat 8 дней назад
Royal blood as well.
@thecrippledone3325 9 дней назад
Θα αναγνώριζα αυτήν την προφορά οπουδήποτε 😂 good stuff keep it up 👍🏼
@CompanyOfTheCat 9 дней назад
E ναι δε τη λες και προφορά Οξφόρδης😂
@jonhauge-evaldsson783 9 дней назад
Reminds me of Garth the Green. Brings fertility to both land and women. Tales of blood sacrifice. Dies in autumn and reborn in the spring.
@SillySealStories 9 дней назад
Girl, you are on fire these days!
@drunkengrumkin1315 9 дней назад
Beautiful theory.
@Karsielatee 9 дней назад
Damn, they went from kings to practically nobodys, the Lannisters are ruthless
@Shade_Dragon 9 дней назад
couldnt daario be one of saera targaryens children? theres nothing saying she didnt have a passel of them, her parents certainly did, and she moved around continents a lot, as did her clientele. she liked seaports, and was wealthy enough to afford to raise children with expensive tastes. she also woulve taught the kid the value of hiding ones identity, as she hid her valyrian origins under a septas garb, hiding her hair.
@CompanyOfTheCat 9 дней назад
Child, definitely not. Saera was wildin' 200 years before the current timeline, she died somewhere around 100AC as far as we know, and we are on 300AC now. If it's a grand-grand-grand child of hers, the point is pretty much the same, the guy might have some dragonblood.
@Shade_Dragon 9 дней назад
@@CompanyOfTheCat fair enough! Ty
@Pesardedioses8 9 дней назад
I loved it
@Djynni 10 дней назад
Interesting idea. I think there is truth to your idea.
@harukasuzuhara8491 10 дней назад
25:05 these HOARES are outta control!
@LSK1 10 дней назад
@LSK1 10 дней назад
@CompanyOfTheCat 9 дней назад
Yasou ki esena!
@jonhauge-evaldsson783 11 дней назад
One of many clues that the greenseers can raise the dead as well!
@CompanyOfTheCat 11 дней назад
Pretty sure whoever can do magic can resurrect the dead. So far we have, fire and and green wights sooo...
@fayperce 11 дней назад
Andals said "Oh hell nOoOoO"
@SillySealStories 11 дней назад
understandably so xD
@DreamWalker-113 11 дней назад
When the corpses start to talk the Old Tongue
@CompanyOfTheCat 11 дней назад
As you can see, I have some shorts in mind, and I'm uploading them one after another 😂
@gerrys374 11 дней назад
They're fun and you talk about the nichest things
@johnbuxton4484 10 дней назад
Please keep them coming, they are always concise and intriguing
@CompanyOfTheCat 10 дней назад
I wll try, but I cannot promice a lot because the <1' is killing me 😂
@johnbuxton4484 10 дней назад
@@CompanyOfTheCat ahh do what you can! 😂 We appreciate you regardless
@TheStoneTargaryen 11 дней назад
Great video! :)