Crappy Childhood Fairy
Crappy Childhood Fairy
Crappy Childhood Fairy
My name is Anna Runkle: I teach people to recognize and heal the symptoms of Complex PTSD (CPTSD). Because my work is focused on overcoming childhood abuse and neglect, you'll sometimes hear me use the term "Childhood PTSD."

I'm not a doctor or therapist. I’m someone who grew up with several alcoholics in the family, and all the dynamics that tend to go with that -- poverty, neglect, violence, and an environment of chronic, deep stress. In adulthood, the telltale signs of Childhood PTSD were all there -- health problems, depression and anxiety, relationship struggles -- but traditional therapies never seemed to help.

When I found what DID help, my whole life changed. For more than 29 years I’ve been teaching a program that anyone can use, whether or not they have access to professional help. I focus first on healing dysregulation, and then on changing the self-defeating behaviors that are so common for those of us traumatized as kids. I'm glad you're here!
9 часов назад
@THEFORT89. 6 минут назад
Just take it easy man! Life goes on man. Fuck it just be kool kind and clear - The dude abides man! 😎
@peaceforyou-ag 13 минут назад
The challenging part for me is that I wasn't anything like this in the past yet all this behavior cropped up in me, it broke my heart. 😟
@THEFORT89. 16 минут назад
There a difference from being alone and lonely but the worst is being with someone that makes you feel alone
@THEFORT89. 22 минуты назад
define alcoholism drinking at 9 am all day long going to bars wildly being crazy or just having a few beers on your days off. Chill and go to bed
@annewilliamson4831 31 минуту назад
Your honesty in presenting your personal experience while also sharing expert knowledge is very helpful. thank you.
@THEFORT89. 33 минуты назад
sounds like somebody not looking for a lover or partner or husband but A replacement for daddy or just money.
@THEFORT89. 36 минут назад
If the energy and time you have or put in isint acknowledged or put forth back fuck it move on man! 8 billon people on the planet. Fuck it life goes on man! Also state you ground right off the bat
@THEFORT89. 48 минут назад
Also there is all that but if people don’t like you. You will never changed there mind no matter what and you can’t force people to like you and or hang with you. Just the way it is. That mentality is what is gonna destroy the human race. In the technology age everybody keeps to themselves even some family members. If we live in a big trio groupe it be very different. It sucks to say but a natural disaster or worse (lose of electricity and the internet) is only gonna bring us back together to work together again. We have been close to a whole emotionaly since 9/11 we haven’t been close to a whole since the revolutionary war. The native Americans know what’s up
@jzachery 55 минут назад
I don't think I've done it enough times.
@stephm5877 Час назад
I'm so grateful for you. Thank you for fighting so hard to overcome your past and for dedicating so much time and spending so much effort to help us. 💜
@vindhyapoosham2340 Час назад
My only self defeating problem is relationships related... Carrying on to stick to wrong people.. Rest I am good at everything ofcourse not perfect but definitely good and fine to a good extent... ✨
@stephm5877 Час назад
I noticed that as soon as I felt rested and healthier, I would suddenly crave things that would affect me negatively, like caffeine and it would feel like a treat, but would then throw me off for a while. I thought I was treating myself, but was sabotaging myself and trying to seek comfort because feeling good was so foreign to me. Now I still try to think more about "treats" and "rewards." Kind of sad reality to want to escape from feeling healthy.
@PartyScars._1988 2 часа назад
I feel guilty or stupid when I cry!! Also I don't have people i feel care enough and I feel like im being dramatic...so that, amplifies my emotions and heightens my stress level!! Then I feel paranoid!! Then I shut down!!
@DavidBausch 2 часа назад
Scientologist analysis and mind control caused harm to some people, accidentally self hypnosis trying to learn meditation, religious brain washing, sorcery, drugs but there is this timeless person not affected by the chemistry of life, translated into waves by the complex structure of DNA and chromosomes, expanding and contracting creating a wave pattern in the bio electromagnetic quantum field like finger prints of our consciousness
@Anonymous-gn3ly 3 часа назад
My mom was diagnosed with BPD. I believed I could control my emotions. I also could get my mom to laugh. I remember the first time she sang to me Gene Autry’s “You are My Sunshine…” I also knew the evil my dad to her, so when she would come home from work and chase me around the house with a butcher knife, I knew that if I stayed calm and told her I loved her, she would calm down, go to bed in her room, and go back to work in the morning. She always said she knew I would one day abandon her, so I made sure I never did. I kept her house clean, did the maintenance, washed her dishes, and cleaned up her fridge. But did I really help her? No, I don’t think I did. However, when I rubbed her feet and brought back the circulation when she was in hospice, her last words were, “Thanks, that helps a lot!”
@annissacotter9975 3 часа назад
Thank you for being you and being transparent and educational. I'm 56, and always had mental health issues but just recently got diagnosed. I'm happy about that but I didn't know what to do about it. Now I'm binge watching your videos being thankful taking notes and even crying a little here and there. Thank you❤
@CrappyChildhoodFairy 3 часа назад
Aw. Welcome.
@Anonymous-gn3ly 3 часа назад
Yes, calumny! I moved across the country, but my family still won’t leave me alone. They keep calling my employers to tell them bizarre things, especially that I am an imposter with a fake identity. It started when I was three and my dad was diagnosed with Capgras syndrome and ASPD specified as psychopathy. He said the John Birch Society sent me to spy on him, and that I was a Nazi-at age three. Over time, he has bought out the family to believe I am an imposter, a Nazi, gay, and the latest, a derangedTrump lover. DNA proof that I am part of the family causes them to blow up in anger and hatred. Sometimes, my dad and older sister claim they are investigators. Once they created a list of fifty fictitious names as witnesses, added random photos of me walking in public or standing outside at home, and wrote up a hundred pages of word-salad. They found one police officer willing to file their “report.” No one seemed to read it. But it took seventy days in solitary to be cleared. No apology from anyone. Cleared, “exonerated,” and the “report” was destroyed, but the damage to me was permanent and a beginning for a new, bizarre campaign. The calumny from my family to others includes everything you listed, but there is never a way to address it. For example, when I was seven, my dad took my sister (his “girlfriend,” I walked in on that) and me from my mother in the middle of the night. (She had sole custody.) At his new house in Bel Air, he had his new wife, a school teacher, force me to strip. She took all my clothes away and locked me alone in an empty bedroom. Then he had his new stepdaughter bring me half a tuna sandwich once a day, and stare at my body, and apologize. (They also laughed that I was “getting tuna,” ha ha, as if a seven year would know what that meant.) Then my dad called my school with bizarre, nasty comments about me. The first time, they told him to stop, but he kept having someone call until the time when my teacher, who knew the situation, was in the hospital and could not defend me. People say I am patient, calm, and saintly. Employers who have been contacted by family say something like, “We really like you personally, but we are ending your employment.” No prior warning. If I say nothing, they assume they are right in what they did. If I politely try to negotiate, they refuse to look at any documentation, then lose their temper or break into fake laughter.
@wolfpack7871 3 часа назад
It doesn’t feel that way
@maulenaspencer4906 3 часа назад
Oh my gosh, THANK YOU for saying about the clumsiness. I wondered if it was from my age (I'm in my 70s). Most of these therapists push Eastern religion, and I'm trying to figure out if any of this info is legit or some kind of Buddhist religion thing. I guess as a Christian I can listen until they start telling me to align my "chakras" or sit in the lotus position
@tome3454 4 часа назад
Halfway through this video and I've checked every symptom. I'm afraid to continue 😢
@catboxcleaner3532 5 часов назад
“Both the blabber and the blabee…” 😅
@phoebewhite2233 5 часов назад
I’m in a similar situation but I like the good stuff I get out of it… or I’d rather not go without…but the bad stuff is bad
@DavidBausch 5 часов назад
Not only did I write, i wore a voice recorder all day to see what I sounded like and what exactly did I say surprised me and started to understand the internal dialogue in my head and what I thought I said is not what I meant or who I thought I was
@karadair9221 6 часов назад
"Negative hamster wheel thinking" YES!! I try to journal every morning and occasionally randomly go back through what I wrote, say, a few months ago. This morning I stumbled on an artwork I scribbled called Heart Break. Basically I drew a heart with a big red jag down the middle and lots of different sized blood drips leaking out. Within each drip I wrote a hurt I'd suffered at the hands of my adoptive mother. Then all around the edges of the heart I wrote what she did and/or said that inflicted the hurt. The visual representation of abuse and resulting injury really helped to shift my stuck thinking. I'd done pages of angry, tearful writing before it surfaced, but when it did... Wowza!! I gave my "little" self a huge hug and love just poured from me 💜 I use a purple heart here because I feel like I've battled in more than enough personal war to earn one. The difference is I'm alive and healing, not deceased and remembered 💜
@Pizzahutbaby 6 часов назад
I just feel like i dont know how to react, then i react wrong and not how others expected, so i end up feeling shame because im excluded from things😅. Had a bad background, and im probably on the spectrum somewhere. Acting how others want me to is just confusing, i wish people would be more accepting of others flaws.
@rachealeledan4626 6 часов назад
You can not actually fix or save anyone ,I shared the same story.
@maaikecallan 6 часов назад
Thanks for sharing so many real & relatable situs., personal life experiences. Your vulnerability/transparency and 'non clinical jargon' is totally refreshing & truly helpful! For me, this is one of the most effective vids of yours that I have viewed so far.
@ritaparker478 6 часов назад
It is so hard for me to get moving. I used to have more energy but since I've started Trauma Therapy (somatic) it has become harder. I never noticed how much fear I've been carrying. Have been pushing myself to get out and face some places and people that are triggers for the pain I hold. I'm getting better, I understand myself better than I have for years so I'm hoping this too shall pass. Thanks for making these wonderful video's, they really help because I feel understood and supported.
@aubriellemorgan 6 часов назад
People are not our enemy. We have to remember that. Everyone is coming into their situation with us with their own issues and demons. Im talking to myself too… “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6‬:‭12‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬
@ALTheFreeMan 7 часов назад
Now that I’m almost 3 years sober, I’ve noticed that I can’t stop ruminating. In my younger days when I was drinking and partying, I never thought about my past, I didn’t even know what trauma was. I’m pretty sure I was self-medicating and didn’t realize it. But, now that I’m sober and more educated on C-PTSD, it’s like my mind is constantly analyzing the past and trying to put all the broken pieces together, but it’s just a vicious cycle, I keep going down the same roads and coming up with the same conclusions.
@danip6648 7 часов назад
I was very triggered at a work meeting today. One very rough around the edges lady that has much seniority was rude to me and even tried to control how I spoke when it was my turn. She was rude and arrogant. I defended myself but remained gentle. I simply stated what I was attempting to share. I have been treated roughly and mocked and ostracized often by groups of women and I have to admit I feel anxious around groups of women because of it. However, now being older I have enough experience to not take all the blame on myself and am able to recognisse insecure or bossy women who need to prove themselves as better than others. I am however fed up of this type of disrespect and will opt for remaining silent in that types of people's presence. Lots of back stabbing and two faced people in the work place nowadays. I am glad I am so near retirement!
@donaldcarpenter3342 7 часов назад
I’ve got to set my boundaries when I first meet someone. My problem is I set them, but people push me over. I have a hard time thinking they don’t know that about me already. But I guess I’ve got to make them with everyone
@slayera3583 7 часов назад
I find your voice to be very calming, and I listen to your message and it resonates. Thank you for telling this story.
@wallacemoore2398 8 часов назад
Being alone is so much easier than having to be around people. In the military i spent time around people all the time, it got very old and frustrating!
@Alisha-nl9qh 8 часов назад
I want to share this video with him but I don't think he would actually watch it
@danzman101 8 часов назад
I've only just stumbled on this channel, to be honest. I've been feeling really lonely lately. A feeling I've felt most of my life. For some reason, I typed in 'loneliness' into youtube..and this was one of the feeds. Maybe I should take the plunge..I don't know!? I've gone down a million dead ends with this stuff. Maybe I'll try!!!
@mrs.rogers7582 8 часов назад
I was traumatized by a family member before I could speak. I grew up rewired. You can't undo it. It's your being.
@jenniferb7708 8 часов назад
I really struggle with this. My family don't want to be around me anymore. 😢
@lighthousemassageSA 8 часов назад
OOF. This one packed a big ole punch. 🥊
@Pljesevica7 9 часов назад
All this overlaps with ASD, excluding dishonesty. Wonder if you addressed comorbidity of CPTSD and ASD in your past videos and how to address them in therapy , combined or separate ? Thanks!
@veljabgd2032 9 часов назад
Since I found about you two, I keep getting better and better.
@a9fc 9 часов назад
I used to be the 'dream big, might as well' guy. Now, I'm like, not gonna happen anyway, what's the point.
@LisaLGruman 9 часов назад
Thank you for sharing this. Very long list. Can check yes to (too) many. Hope to benefit from what I've heard and not feel more stuck.
@yulfaweisulf4588 9 часов назад
I'm highly compassionate and empathic. I"ve experienced enough, so thanks. But when fire burns, don't keep sticking your hand in it. Humans .. there is something wrong with most of them. I'll go it alone. Be well.
@jenrai9469 10 часов назад
Where are the questions? Am I missing link
@FLshmBS 10 часов назад
Homo homini lupus est
@GetBackDown 11 часов назад
My biggest mistake during my custody battle was talking too much about it to the wrong people. Always hoping for someone to have a clue. A couple did. The rest I should have demoted to "coffee friends."
@GetBackDown 11 часов назад
I know what they can do with their bookmark.
@GetBackDown 11 часов назад
Took a while to figure this one out. Society does a great of teaching children that cops and other government agencies are supposed to do their jobs. Alas, they do not. You are on your own. Bow down to noone.
@GetBackDown 11 часов назад
Never vague. Ever. Severe trauma dictates specific needs. And don't apologize for it.