Inside Games
Inside Games
Inside Games
Bruce and Lawrence are back to deliver gaming news in a new, legally distinct show!

Drunk PC Gaming Show
21 день назад
Drunk Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Showcase
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Drunk Xbox Showcase
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Drunk Summer Game Fest Full Show
21 день назад
Drunk Summer Game Fest!
21 день назад
Is Star Citizen a Scam? - Inside Gamescast
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Helldivers 2 Beats Sony - Inside Games
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Stellar Blade is Too Sexy - Inside Games
2 месяца назад
Everyone Loves Fallout - Inside Games
2 месяца назад
Stop Buying Microtransactions - Inside Gamescast
2 месяца назад
The Xbox Brand is Dying - Inside Games
2 месяца назад
Starfield Rushed the Ending - Inside Games
3 месяца назад
@akbmfm 9 часов назад
In an era of increasing tolerance and acceptance of things that were once regarded as abnormal, so too does it conflate with nihilism. The more these things churn up involving prolific figures, the more desensitized the general masses will become. We are entering a time where we act ravenous about things on social platforms, but in reality, many people couldn't be more nonchalant about things like this. I want to hold out hope that things won't be like this, and that maybe I am just a pessimist. I truly don't know. What do you community members think? I am genuinely looking for insightful feedback.
@prauwnsauce 9 часов назад
Kept being a Groom even after the wedding.
@robovike 16 часов назад
awwww did you do something wrong AGAIN????????
@wimpynz 16 часов назад
I wonder if part of this taking so long to come out is the strict NDA's that were in place as part of the settlement. It seems like Twitch might have been privy to information "in plain text" that they shouldn't have. In this instance I'm glad it caught someone being scum of the earth, but there's obviously something else going on here that it was able to be kept under wraps for so long and it feels like breach of privacy (or else why wouldn't twitch drop him without payout of his contract?). Maybe my smooth brain is missing something here.
@robovike 16 часов назад
Loss of family, loss of paternity, loss of revenue, loss of future revenue, loss of trust, loss of friends, loss of colleagues, loss of sponsorships or endorsements, loss of general credibility, loss of all that could have been, because someone wanted some naughty ish on the Internet. Not the worst part, but a bad part, is that he probably figured it all was coming down in this fashion and did nothing about it because he is Dr. Disrespect. And he figured he could get away with it, as he had for years, as he was allowed to do. And who helped him? Twitch and RU-vid. I don't say he doesn't deserve what he got, but what he got was a soft open for his egregious actions that had taken place for years with no repercussions. Don't underestimate me, it's all his fault and he did it to himself, even after having a "save" in cheating on his wife. I feel grossly stupid for buying his dumb and not well written "book." I wish I never heard of him and I wish he never went down this path to screw so many people over with his con game, particularly his family. The guy seemed genuinely funny and friendly and charismatic but then I guess that's part of the problem.I feel the worst for his poor daughter and wife. This greedy narcissistic fool. What an asshole.How was I so deceived?
@declansandford8875 20 часов назад
Oh my, surely a rebrand with the new name BBYTN and Give Kassem his full Alien News Section Weekly
@xxxmina День назад
In the end, I've had experiences in Star Citizens that i will never have in any other game. It's really fun with the most powerful PC and internet. You also need friends because the multicrew stuff is allot more fun than single player. The game is fun, you also do learn how to avoid bugs.... a guide to help you start the game will save you allot of headache ...
@xxxmina День назад
Lol, The worst issue of Star Citizen is because they have soo much money and time at this point that they do everything the HARD and EXPENSIVE WAY. A broke developer will find cheap and clever ways to solve problems. Star Citizen always has to do things the hard way, the long way. there are no simple solutions to things. If they start to do things the simple way, they would be allot furthur along.
@xxxmina День назад
One last thing, I have a i9 13900ks with 3090TI and a 2gig fiber connection. I have 95% less issues and bugs than most players. The elevators never bug out. The amount of bugs people get seem to be related to how fast they can stream/load the game as you travel across . I really experience very little bugs vs most people i watch stream.
@xxxmina День назад
Anyway, SC you gotta compare it to DCS and Microsoft Flight Sim. It gives you a much better Space Sim than those games give you jet/plane sims. I get to enjoy flying my ships in enviroments that are no match to anything in DCS or Microsoft Flight Sim or Elite or any other game. its 1 of a kind sim experience. Its also a improving FPS sim and EVA FPS .
@xxxmina День назад
Star Citizen is a SPACE SIM ... one of a kind... the closest you get to it is EVE online (sorta) and Elite Dangerous and No Man Sky . Except all those games have restrictions in realism. Eve has no actual ship flying, Elite's more about exploring space than flying different ships , No man's sky has janky controls (no hotas) and is feels cheap after a while.
@ginolatino91 День назад
im thinking about all people giving him money... a bunch of money... unbelievable 😮
@hairybutnotlarry8418 День назад
cute bastards
@hairybutnotlarry8418 День назад
So so so happy tp see you guys back
@ericduncan5542 День назад
Lawrence is looking good and rocking that haircut.
@IanMikrut День назад
Believe all Woman? That's the craziest thing I've Amber Heard You all will say everyone is guilty until proven innocent, Except the Jeffery Epstein Clients, The People who raped children trapped in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
@kaybob1480 День назад
Bro. Leaning??? He meant grooming! The audacity of this dude with this attitude like we are POSwhen he's the pos.
@willmate5105 День назад
I love and fully respect your take on this incident, coming out and facing the effects of something like this as a victim is seriously underestimated and unconsidered by majority of people, thank you
Let’s face it he looks a bit suspect what grown ass man dresses like that? Very noncey
@WhatsCS День назад
The OG GOATS of gaming news
@VR4nic День назад
Lol yikes… I was only a mater of time.
@pwnsorter День назад
I'd like to think he isn't proud of his wrong doings and wanted his previous work termination to be kept confidential like a normal job would. But he kept talking shit about Twitch in public after all, atleast he some what admitted to his wrong doings as it was coming out though.
@lokealexander 2 дня назад
Bruce and Lawrence for president. I truly appreciate your channel, openness and sincere humanity more than anything else on this platform. You are truly the goats of gaming news and entertainment!
@TheWayloski 2 дня назад
I used to enjoy Doc’s content, but no more after all this has come out. Gross. 🤮
@Willsimp4tacos 2 дня назад
Wonder how old the minor was
@pandabearangry 2 дня назад
I mean there is a bar but it's far lower than it should be but remember that Ryan Haywood tried to come back and got slammed hard by everyone and had to give up so i guess the bar is having pictures leak of the person with multiple minors and nudes sent to those minors
@jimmy8653 2 дня назад
Dr disrespect should also be charged criminally for dressing like that , also he looks like a pedo it’s sad
@ShinobiKingYT 2 дня назад
Well his name is Dr. Disrespect 😂😂
@McMasher 2 дня назад
Dr disrespect the age of consent
@sunnyleatham 2 дня назад
Blasted AK there. Fair play Bruce. This is why we love you x
@johnny-smith 2 дня назад
Feel really dumb supporting Dr Disrespect before he admitted it but don't regret doing so because there was never any proof besides one upset Twitch staff, who had plenty of motivation to hate the guy. But I stand by the decision because it's not like I could have predicted the emergence of future evidence. Definitely don't support him now
@OsmiumBuckshot 2 дня назад
Damn, thank you for pointing out why the original funhaus went away. One horny jackass.
@Seth______ 2 дня назад
Appreciate you guys doing a piece on this and giving your based thoughts on the matter. Always sucks to hear of more public figures being outed as predators, especially people who you thought were genuine and respectable. The things that happened at "that one place" with "coworker" will always hit home for me as I enjoyed content from at since my early teens. Glad to see you guys pulled out of that time and were able to make inside games!
@gustavoalvarado5427 2 дня назад
1 horny jackass 😂😂😂 golden
@elchapo90 2 дня назад
Mature take guys, kudos. The Dr. D Subreddit is on fire right now. The comments are outrageous.
@Zer-ty5gx 2 дня назад
His mustache gave off that vibe way before this outcome
@APTheis 2 дня назад
Did Ryan Haywood ever snake his way back on the internet? I get that the two situations aren't one-to-one, but still. Hopefully this dude gets shut-down at every turn.
@r0cketm00se3 2 дня назад
SC: "Don't boot it up alone, you have no direction and don't know where to go." "It's so open-ended it's daunting" 9/10 ED: "Elite just didn't give me any direction." 4/10 SC: "The player base is just so starved for content they'll do anything, even play a shooter that's full of lag." 8/10 (really solid) ED: "A mile wide and an inch deep." 2/10 SC: "You don't even know what to do, cause the keyboard icons all look the same." "The UI just got really improved (it was garbage before)" 7/10 ED: "The controls just aren't really intuitive. It's hard to learn." 3/10 SC: "Literally anytime we try to do a quest of any sorts the game glitches out and we randomly blow up and have to do it all over again." 7.5/10 The longer this game goes on, the more its fans demonstrate to the American Psychological Association the effects of long term stockholm syndrome and the human potential for gaslighting yourself.
@VoxParanoia 2 дня назад
Respect, dudes.
@justinhernandez9847 3 дня назад
The Doc is not in
@MrYTGuy1 3 дня назад
well they did choose to work with Dr disrespect... an already known d-bag. and supposedly this was a well known secret and yet none of them knew about it. maybe they didn't do anything wrong, but they can't really be surprised. he built a career out of pushing boundaries and breaking rules. unless they really were that ignorant about who they were working with. in which case why were they working with him. sometimes people do things that are surprising and out of what everyone thought was their character. but other times you see it coming from a mile away. dr disrespect was a walking, talking time bomb of controversy. and there was plenty of evidence to kind of know that already. I think any reasonable person would know not to hitch their wagon to that pony
@markittystuff 3 дня назад
I'm sure Bruce and Lawrence would want it on record a bit more context why people were disputing Codie's claims at first cause he teased dropping the info in an earlier post about something about if we meet this many bodies for an event hell break out the truth. I think by now I'm sure everyone feels confident in Doc's shameful yet prideful incident was fact and have now just a sour taste in their mouth that the whistle-blower has that on his record instead of just coming forward outright. This was just a disclaimer for initially why people were disputing his claims before Doc came out himself to do anything but deny them.
@dennett316 3 дня назад
All the companies that worked with him, gave him money, they were all fine with his filming in an E3 bathroom, with his transphobic comments, with all his previous bullshit. RU-vid also heard these rumours and still allowed him to have a heavily monetised platform on their service where he could continue to reach legions of child fans. Nobody comes out of this looking good...not Nick Mercs (also a disgusting transphobe), not Disrespect, not Twitch for paying the guy off, not RU-vid. Nobody. His bigotry was fine so long as he made them money.
@PotatRoboCop 3 дня назад
He just wanted to meet up for some cupcakes
@get5killch3cked 3 дня назад
Bandwagon jumper, don't talk about things before they get covered, just wait a week to talk about something that's already turned blue and started to smell
@Weeload 3 дня назад
Oh. Bruce and Lawrence. Damn I had a blast when you were in FH.
@isahardin 3 дня назад
Not to mention all the edits in his post 😮Guy didn’t know that’s public ??
@tftdubclub4696 3 дня назад
Average 49ers fan
@xikaryo6735 3 дня назад
Suddenly it all makes sense why DrDisrespect said he hates Kendrick and prefers Drake. Yikes. The creepy mustache and mullet should have been a dead giveaway with this guy, especially after cheating on his wife multiple times and also receiving peep shows from a young trans model too.
@polishtoby 3 дня назад
You don't owe any sort of explanation to us complete strangers on the internet, but the fact that you talked about your own first-hand experience makes me respect you both even more. None of us need to know every little detail that transpired and people just need to accept that. Are we curious to know more? Sure, but everyone's life will go on and hopefully people will stop pestering you about it. Easier said than done of course, but in an effort to hopefully alleviate any existing guilt, don't let this weigh so heavily on you. You're genuinely good people, and I'm happy to have been a follower of you both since the Inside Gaming days.