Far From Eden
Far From Eden
Far From Eden
Подписаться 18 тыс.
Formerly Feminism On Trial
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I call out the many problems that feminism. Not third wave, not second wave… the whole tidal wave. Women need to hear the truth and someone needs to stick up for men.
@maxdeusphallus8974 6 часов назад
Sodom and Gomorrah. I used to think, "Nah, not EVERYONE could be that wicked" - sounded like bs, now I see it with my own eyes.
@maxdeusphallus8974 6 часов назад
We realize it's a trap lady.
@richardhessian4725 6 часов назад
If you are not offering to contribute some very tangible help in establishing an enduring partnership, then you are not worth marrying. I dated 25 years in Los Angeles, and didn't meet a single woman who even remotely qualified. All I heard was what I was expected to do for them. So I moved to the Philippines and found someone who DID qualify as wife material ,within a year. Don't waste your time and money dating in the U.S.
@dxer22000 6 часов назад
the problem is that women see marriage as a fairytale. Its not. Its just everyday life. Its boring. Just like everyday, we get up to go to work.
@martinkoklingacik6624 6 часов назад
Tjere is no love the women just call it men is horny. Women just want to be with men is sho got benefits from him. Women generaly doesn t want to take care about somebody else because theay are selfish and if he can t privide anymore they just move on for other male who can do it. Its just very sad reality
@asianbandit4054 6 часов назад
28M, 3 on a good day, 5ft 9, asian with a baby face. Have been staved, homeless and broke with nothing. But I sitting on over 5 million in family saving. My grandad, my dad and me. I will not disrespect their hard work by losing it to a 304.
@Darren-su2gm 6 часов назад
Who do you think decieved and tricked Eve to bit that fruit?😈the devil
@Jocuri.Blog.Romania 6 часов назад
Red Pill has partial origin in Pick Up Artist movement. PUA had coined some good concepts like friend zone that lead some men in not investing time and resources in women that give nothing. The problem was that this original movement was, in general, a scam led by narcissists and psychopaths (subclinical but still sick). They had trapped schizoid and autistic people to pay for training in the field of getting women... most of them computer programmers and they had failed. They now hate women... But they had decoded the nature of some human interactions. Now manosfere is dissociating from these red pills guys because they are going in extremes. What is the point in talking so much against women? If you understand in the first place that you must avoid legal problems related to marriage and the stupidity of giving resources to bad people (men and women) and expecting something in return, why do you stay years in these movements? You had learned what must be learned and you must take care about your life, not becoming vengefull. MGTOW is different. It is about men doing something for themselves. Fail with relationships? No problem: fishing, hobbies, sports, entrepreneurship etc. Life is not about only women. Schizoids and autistic covert narcissists from red pill are a threat for manosfere. The same problem is with borderline and psychopathic women who had taken control over feminist women and now, feminism is not about equality but power. Source Sam Vaknin. Sick people had corrupted all domains of activism, not only the activism related relationships. Also Vaknin had said that a specific type of narcissist (covert communal borderline narcissist) is now a threat to humanity. This type of woman is emulating psychopathic men and promoting psychopathic values to women. It is a clash between psychopathic style of malign psychopathic narcissists followed by covert narcissists (in the side of men activism) and covert borderline narcissists (in the side of women activism). The problem is that relatively healthy people take side behind these leaders. Passport bross will be also hijacked by sick people the same way that the MeToo movement was hijacked by borderline women who had played the victim role.
@Jocuri.Blog.Romania 6 часов назад
More related to the video: these college girls were fooled and the development of attachment style for relationships was compromised. Emotional intimate connection in adolescence (with or without physical interaction) will be the base for normal healthy interaction between men and women. If this fails, it will be difficult to have healthy relationships. I understand that a woman might be fooled by one or two narcisists or psychopaths but you must learn that if you are a complete human being (not a psychopath) you need a deep interaction... not something casual. The source for this information is the youtube channel of Sam Vaknin. Men are also affected by casual intimate physical interactions (in a lower degree but still affected). Some of the nonpsychopatic men who had joined the pickup artist communities were severely damaged.
@InformativeSatire-qp8vz 6 часов назад
You know what's better than a truck stop job? Living at home, of course.
@jeffreypullis696 6 часов назад
@jeffreypullis696 6 часов назад
@jeffreypullis696 6 часов назад
Women have more than 2 ideas of men! Yep! Bad boys, studs, jocks, vs. Good guys, friends!
@jeffreypullis696 6 часов назад
@jeffreypullis696 6 часов назад
The Bachelor! Looks! Tall, dark, muscles, handsome, money!
@MarkFrost-zc5ne 7 часов назад
you can't ask the woman out they would just tell u off im done with woman especially American women
@Hotpocketmountiandew 7 часов назад
This doesnt feel right without a wheel of morality like on animaniacs. Wheel of morality. Turn, turn, turn. Tell us the lesson that we should learn. Wheel of Morality #6 Moral 5: If you can't say something nice, you're probably at the iceskapades.
@bobbyscalchi4013 7 часов назад
I get into my philosophical moods. I want to sincerely ask all women this just to see what answers I get? Im actually writing this from my ex wifes and MIL's trailer tonight while neither are present and I am with my son as I have a flood of memories come over me of what was, what is, who was, and who is. What is a wife? Is she a role? A duty? A commitment? An act of love? Respect? A part to play? A position? A demeanor? Just an act? A partner? A lover? A friend? A considerate and Godly and righteous woman? A grateful willful and reciprocal reliable loving servant with humility and grace? Maybe a little more of some and a little less of others? Look I know we are all not perfect, we make mistakes, we are socially or spiritually conditioned. We ignore truth around us and in ourselves. But I really have to ask myself this? At what point do we start/stop becoming and relegating being a wife or husband and for what extrinsic or intrinsic reasons? Whether selfishly or selflessly motivated or a little bit of both?
@nadie2795 7 часов назад
The TradWife only needs validation from her man. If you need everybody to know how 'wonderful you are' you aren't worth the attention. You're husband doesn't get on a phone showing off. You want drama/trauma. Men want peace.
@marcusrawlinson5024 7 часов назад
They're not terrible jobs, they may be dangerous if you don't know what you're doing, they may be hard but what's the problem with hard work, they may dirty but you'll really enjoy that shower when you knock off. Being an important part of a team or working to maintain something vitally important or making something that will improve someone's life or make them safe is intensely satisfying and is very misunderstood in the modern world. Doing these jobs well takes a degree of skill and intelligence that would surprise many people and to demean those that do them is a sure sign of ignorance.
@tomix3568 8 часов назад
Something else that we have to see is that for men, (committed) marriage IS settling. So the highest category of men will not have to make that choice. Marriage benefits women, primarily, as they are the ones who usually want children, and to raise them in a stable home. An ideal situation for men is when they have multiple women who are in love with him, all fawning for his attention. It's not an ethical thing for a man to do, and usually good men do end up in marriage. But as what as what a man naturally wants, it's that. In that way, I think men may be simpler to figure out and make more sense, but it doesn't mean the have any moral high ground
@darryllzwiers7257 8 часов назад
I've been with my wife since 1996. Im one of the lucky ones. I've watched plenty of people around me suffer. I fully appreciate my good fortune.
@OptimusPrime-m8z 8 часов назад
Whether feminine or masculine... women will take any position that motivates a man to open his wallet. Its just a wide spectrum of "success strategies" that they employ. If she is a boss babe then she gets the beta bux who she doesn't respect. If she is the trad wife she gets the conservative king who provides for his lazy queen who sits at home and absorbs the benefits. And all manner of options in between. But the truth is she is SELLING herself to somebody. Women aren't acquiring men. MEN are the ones who have to evaluate a woman and make the decision if the value she brings is enough to pay the cost of putting a ring on it. And that makes all women prostitutes unless they have a father GIVE them away in marriage. When you give a woman a choice, on a certain level it becomes transactional... and it doesn't matter how many customers you have... 1 or a million... it's still an exchange. And its not marriage. Its selling yourself for a price. Its bartering. And its why men enjoy hookers because they are honest about the price. Wives agree to one price but then down the road they change the cost of ownership.... in reality its costs a man EVERYTHING to be married.... and frankly, men just dont want to pay the cost anymore. Even if you don't get divorced. It still costs a man EVERYTHING to have a wife. Even if you don't get divorced... its still happy wife happy life.... you're a slave. Juice just isn't worth the squeeze.
@scottmcdonald5237 8 часов назад
@fan-i-am 8 часов назад
Unconditional love only goes so far. Yes love is shown by doing, but even God withdraws his support for person/people if they go beyond boundaries.
@billwalton4571 8 часов назад
If I were Candice Owens husband, I would have told her to apologise to the show she was on. Whether she was right or wrong i dont know the details but its common etiquette to forgive and not harbour such grudges. She is good in what she says, but no way would I want to be married to her, she is way too argumentative and is not the submissive type.
@mykewilliamsdorsey2727 8 часов назад
I was a public school teacher in the 90s. Yes teen sex dropped in that decade and continued into the 2000s. Abortions dropped considerably as well. As a gen Xer I have gen Z adult children. Gen Z was protected much more than gen X. That is one reason gen Z had far less teen sex.
@tomix3568 8 часов назад
I think the part that's made the galaxy thing so difficult for men now vs before is that women's galaxies are heavily informed by social media, and a lot of it is negative (disqualifying features like the whole "ick" thing) I'd almost call it a universe at this point in that millions of women are just riffing on social media about what disqualifies a man from being "high value", and other women are listening and agreeing.
@billwalton4571 8 часов назад
They have no character at all, thats why they have to go vacationing and do whatever activities are trending because they have nothing going on on the inside.
@Pet-rf6rh 8 часов назад
In Australia feminism has always always been on the forefront, eg Germaine Greer and now we have a ministry for men because men are so evil and toxic and men need to kneel down before our female counterparts.
@dreamingmusic3299 8 часов назад
Oh HELL no. F that.
@jans724 8 часов назад
Watched this and that guy is right. We want peace. Being single is such a great life, peaceful and it creates so much freedom to focus on work, hobbies, nature, music, hiking, exercising..., and also possibility to invest and build finances. All this would be wrecked by a woman. I'm a single dad and has been single for many years and intend it to stay that way!
@albertoharistoy4546 8 часов назад
Por woman
@Savvynomad225 8 часов назад
Most women ignore most men. Women all dream of a certain man and it’s not the majority of men
@thomasvest7111 8 часов назад
Her commentary is music to a man's ears. And guys, don't you wish every woman was as sweet, humble, and grounded as Erin? How is she not married? She must be cloistered somewhere where she can't be found. . .
@jackdeniston6150 8 часов назад
Absolutely a western problem, especially English spealing.
@stephenhardstaff6971 8 часов назад
I as a man love to cook for others,ofc I enjoy yhe meal too but I love the n hope the others love the meal to
@russellwood8750 8 часов назад
I’m at generation X-Men what were parents? Do you mean the people we saw for a little bit of time at holidays and stuff?
@dottenday 8 часов назад
Ick. That loud, obnoxious, masculine woman at 19:00 or so. What a POS. Arrogant. Imagine coming home to her every night, and her barking at you when she's had a bad day, and demanding you do this or that. No way. Not for me. I also despise women who use foul language like she does. It is so unbecoming of a lady. It turns me off when women say F this and F that and F F F over and over. Men say it, but I think it's overused with men. However, men are different. A woman loses all of her charm and mystique when she uses bad language like that. I don't take any woman seriously when she uses language like that.
@RLstavista 8 часов назад
Wow when you mentioned that you don't go for bad boys and guys with criminal histories etc. my instant thought was it was her father who taught her that... and within 0.5s you say it's because of your dad. This outlines why fathers are so crucial to the life of a girl growing up, and why black communities are in a dark spiral that's difficult to get out of because it's often single mom's running the show.
@user-yg5fi8wm5n 9 часов назад
Forget about women in America . The law don't change NORMAL people ! But only crazy .
@okey5189 9 часов назад
@SebasHCG 9 часов назад
what a clown world of sh8t !
@Trec88 9 часов назад
they are also ashamed of what they have done t their own bodies, because they know at the end of the day no matter how much they were lied to they are ultimately accountable for their own actions. so it's easier to pretend they are doing the right thing
@RLstavista 9 часов назад
My brother once married a girl. I told my then ex-fiance that he could do better. And her first response was "What do you mean? Like he could've picked a girl with a better career?". What I obviously meant in my eyes was that he could've chosen a better looking girl, but since my ex at the time was kinda prim and proper and sensitive I didn't want to just say it out loud that I meant she was ugly, and was also afraid of being called "vain" and what not. This goes back to men in modern day society being DEMONIZED for their own natural preferences. Next time I'm just not gonna give a shit and say it out right. And if you don't like my directness, then Fck off. Sick of overly sensitive bches.
@wrongplanet1957 9 часов назад
Feminists are birth control of the kharzarian mafia of the new world order of babalon all feom the beginning they fear over population by smart people and under population of slaves
@hmgc-slhq137 9 часов назад
Bring back the fairness doctorine act, and moderates in government, and watch 60 percent of the problems disappear......we are experiencing the effects of loosing those 2 things.
@kylehorner8782 9 часов назад
Here w0men are NOT allowed to take their husband's name when married! W0men can and DO extract alimony from men they only dated briefly!!!
@tetedur377 9 часов назад
At the heart of the matter is feminism. You can't say the supreme pizza word or your comments get yanked. You know, as in "white supreme pizza." So you have to use euphemisms for a lot of things. But basically, f'inism = supreme pizza. The hard core f'inists will tell you, if you can catch them in the right mood. If you haunt the substacks, you can come across gynocentry and words of that nature. Basically, they think they ought to rule the world. The problem is that a) they really have no plan, other than to undermine traditional standards, values, and mores, and watch the whole thing collapse; which leads to b) they have no plan as to 1) how to run the post-collapse world, and 2) how to fend off the barbarians who did not collapse, and who aren't buying into feminism. Part of their problem is a) they can't beat us up, but much bigger than that is b) most women are, if not outright lazy, always looking for the softer, easier life. In other words, they don't/won't do the difficult, dangerous, dirty jobs. From having been in the military, the civilian world as a variety of blue collar jobs from lawn maintenance to dishwasher to cook to auto mechanic, even when women enter the work force, they won't work if they can get a man to do their work for them. Ask a male nurse some time. So even if they can get the entire "patriarchal" system - that is primarily built around making women's lives safer, easier, and more stable - to collapse, they still need men to do the difficult, dangerous, dirty jobs. Because with very, very few exceptions, women can't and/or won't. Witness any "survival" series TV show. And we haven't talked about the fact that women in general are not good decision makers. So there's that, too.
@kylehorner8782 9 часов назад
W0men demanded this hollow world so be MERCILOUS to them 24/7!!!!
@frolicsomgaiety 9 часов назад
Andrew Huberman ISN’T GOOD LOOKING? What are you smoking lady
@slopsec2358 10 часов назад
Modern 'white' woman, aren't. I stopped dating them 24 years ago.