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Stevonnie in Steven Universe Future!
4 года назад
@thesortinghathouses8413 День назад
I want to know more about florate and the other off colors
@thesortinghathouses8413 День назад
I do not think she is a villain
@yung_blastoid757 2 дня назад
Airbenders could literally suck the oxygen from your body
@phonecia6628 3 дня назад
air bending imo is the best element. extremely underrated and has tons of potential
@_datacorrupted-3750 3 дня назад
It's simple really. The show is absolutely garbage. The animation is rushed and has ZERO love put into it. The dialogue is just as bad. Again, it seems like no love and/or passion was put into this. The story is all over the place, and even if it wasn't, it's also BORING. I guarantee you, the only people who would enjoy this. Are people with boring bankrupt lives, who wouldn't recognize creativity if they tried. If people had higher standards, these studios would not put out this kind of trash.
@casbert3000 3 дня назад
well relationship with my dad was rocky like we get along sometimes we fought sometimes i question if he ever cared about me, i wish i could have said i'm Sorry he died as of last month
@TeddySychay 5 дней назад
Man shut yo soul stealing mouth up that’s like 3 people that can do that
@lliNoxill 6 дней назад
Spinel is just like me and finding out Rose abandoned someone made me angry but then I saw how people reacted and hated rose for the totally wrong reasons and then turn their backs and loved the diamonds, made me feel like I couldn’t be angry at what she did anymore. What she did was wrong but we can’t just act like the diamonds weren’t fascist dictators. Stopping the cycle of generational trauma is hard, so obviously pink as rose won’t be perfect she’ll always still have home world and their beliefs in her no matter what. We can’t just crucify her for not being perfect at being a hero. She never wanted to be the hero she just wanted to BE SOMETHING bec she clearly felt as if she was nothing as a diamond. Aswell as getting mad at her for leaving Steven alone to fix her problems when obviously she didn’t have him for that purpose? People bubble her down to be this evil character and it just irks me! I might not like her but I will defend her for who she was and not for who people thought she was
@sokunthyvong4695 7 дней назад
Skywynne in the thumbnail looked like princess daisy 😯
@sokunthyvong4695 7 дней назад
Maybe because of her colors 🤔
@TastyFishTacos 7 дней назад
After korra bending seems to be more about controlling the energy within the elements. Add energy to water it becomes steam, take it away and it becomes ice. Same for lavabending, add energy to earth and it turns to lava
@ThatOneZaidyThatExists 7 дней назад
Keep in mind we saw how powerful Peridot actually is when it comes to levitating metal. If you've played "save the light" (it is canon) You`ve got to seen how heavy the metal stuff she could levitate.
@user-wy9xu4ff5g 8 дней назад
Ozai must've been the most skilled and dangerous Bender in the History of the Franchise besides the bloodbenders, Korra lost to Unalaq while she still had her connection to her past lives, she never actually defeated Kuvira in combat, Kuvira just surrended and the only reason Korra was in the Avatar state against Zaheer was due to the poison. I'm sorry, but the ridiculous fight against Unavaatu doesn't prove anything because again, without Jinora's help she would lose and the whole fight doesn't show Korra's excellency over bending, Ozai was the strongest Firebender in the world, Korra would not win this fight, Aang would not win this fight if it wasn't for the Avatar State.
@AbbeyDowns 9 дней назад
There could be a possibility that the center gem on her chest could be a pearl. It's a flat circle so i could be. I have no idea tho
@AinsleyTheBard 9 дней назад
I'd be comfortable being used by blue diamond 👀
@VVeremoose 9 дней назад
I venture that the Avatar cycle would have broken if Aang had died. There would have been no fourth nation and the balance would have been destroyed forever
@cvzanikos1 10 дней назад
Amazing show!!!! Best depiction of Greek Mythology!!!!
@marielle3929 11 дней назад
I love the Netflix Avatar.
@thalmoragent9344 12 дней назад
I dunno, they should've showed more discrimination against Non-Benders in my opinion. It all fell flat when you realize so much of Korra's world no longer requires bending to work/function nearly as much.
@leafy5634 12 дней назад
We all saw how jasper was with Steven when she found out he was a diamond. She was obsessed with the idea of being controlled of course she came crawling back to lapis
@GamerMage2k-kl4iq 12 дней назад
Didn't Blue Diamond literally mention how their attack was supposed to Wipe out all Gems instead of causing corruption? That means they made that attack with the original intention of destroying the Crystal Gems remaining on earth while the homeworld gems evacuated. The attack not working the way it was intended to was most likely due to either the lack of Pink diamond....or Pink using her Rose Quartz Shieid as Rose to defend herself, Garnet, and Pearl from the original attack, and it caused the attack to be changed somehow.
@Sumbigsmartword 13 дней назад
Damn. You summed up EXACTLY why I love pink diamond.
@starsk1ttles 14 дней назад
i like rewatching old rose quartz pink diamond theories :3 its cute
@mckai4717 14 дней назад
Damn when Steven universe ended so did his career 💀
@wingsoffreedom3589 15 дней назад
Honestly the equalist movement is kinda stupid there isn't any sort of bender classism shown in either series like even in the fire nation ty lee and mai were non gender nobles with privileges completely independant of bending. Secondly a demand for equality is genuinely stupid benders are objectively better than non benders an earth bender construction worker is cheaper and more effective than a non bender with a crane or power tools building a house. A water bender healer is more effective than a surgeon. A fire bender welder is is better than one with a blow torch not to mention lighting bending providing clean energy etc. The genuine daily utility of benders makes equalist arguments comparively asinine. Who you gonna hire an entire crew to dig out a hole and tile it and build you a pool in a few days or an earth bender and water bender to do it in an hour? The world is a better place because of bending, Ba Sing Se had a train system for centuries before modern tech only because of benders. The equalist arguments come down to a child complaining that an adult is better than them. It also doesn't make that much sense world building wise either the philosophy of equality is actually downstream of fire arms flattening the playing field. Before then warrior castes existed in most societies and the time and training it took to be effective with weapons made any notion of some inherent universal equality of mankind as rediculous back then as believing the earth is flat now. With the invention of guns an average guy could be as effective as a samurai or knight which than brought about things like the rights of commoners or the strengthening of english common law and eventually the american constitution. Even gender equality only came about with industrialization because before that demanding equality in a world that relied on literal physical manpower is inherently stupid on its face most women couldn't be loggers, stone masons, or miners, and most still aren't but with office jobs came demands for equality when it was viable. So with that groundwork set on what basis would non benders demand equality or even grow to that size as a movement when all of societies infrastructure relies on bending and the people in the movement would know that? Shock Gloves and electric sticks and chi blocking still require almost navy seal levels of training to be useful those aren't elements that would actually give power to the people as in the common man it's another martial caste of wealthy tech oligarchs the whole movement is BS. It's basically tech Samurai vs Elementalists not muggle bloods against wizards.
@wingsoffreedom3589 15 дней назад
Amon's argument wasn't backed up effectively in the show we never see in either series specific oppressionn against n9n benders and and a gang of fure benders picking on a store vendor for protection moneh isn't an argument since nonbender criminials exist too.
@sleepy_fae 16 дней назад
I saw someone use on of my favorite lines, “How many times did you lock her in here, how many times did you make her cry.”... And its a question I wish my Dad and Step-mom would ask them selves. Like pink, I was isolated all the time, but at the same time expected to be around and show that we were a happy family around everyone. I was forced to depend on them but at the same time if I didn't act like an adult, despite being a child, I was going to be in trouble. My Dad and stepmom would actually switch between Blue and Yellow/White a lot. I say Yellow/White cause it was almost a mix between the two. So seeing how Pink ended up in the show... I couldn't hate her. I couldn't be mad or truly fault her. I could see where she made some wrong decisions however, how can I expect someone to make the best mistakes 100% of the time.. Especially considering her environment where she couldn't grow, couldn't be herself. All her life, beginning to end, she had to fill a role, one she didn't choose and one of her own making. Sometimes I wonder if she ever felt trapped in the end. Trapped in the persona of Rose. She couldn't show her true self... She couldn't find out show she truly was when both sides of her came together as one. And I kind of relate to not know who one truly is. Pink is such a complex character, packaged as someone who left her mistakes to Steven. But if she was only living in the moment, like she always seemed to be, how could she expect her decisions to come back a haunt her child. I think she was just tired at that point. Tired of hiding, tired of the lies and so she made a decision, not the best one but maybe the only one she thought she had left.
@dragonking12646 16 дней назад
Yeah, communism!! Just to clarify, Im just kidding.
@annonymousannonymous9586 16 дней назад
I feel sorry for all the bad things in you're past, and am glad that you can relate so much to an animated series.
@RegularAvatar 16 дней назад
Sokka is an icon for all non-benders. He held his own and remained significant in a war torn world while surrounded by the greatest benders during his time.
@seich-of-lacan-getter514 18 дней назад
I wonder if there are different cuts on era one and two gems? Era 2 peridots may have a more smooth and curved cut rather then sharp and angular cuts, so if one or two of the triangular gems are peridots, i can see them being era 1 peridots rather then era 2 peridots
@seich-of-lacan-getter514 18 дней назад
Oh my goodness, when you think about how many gems make her up, their perceived relationship,, and how slow she talks,, its a perfect representation about how a healthy version of that type of relationship works, taking things slow, communicating, etc!!!!!!!
@localdude2979 19 дней назад
Justin looks like a pimp lmao that coat and hat, that cane, BRO IS A PIMP they knew what they were doing lmao
@notakiwi7151 20 дней назад
I see lavabending as the icebending of the earth element, though it is obviously far harder and rarer. Waterbenders can freeze water to icebend, earthbenders can melt earth to lavabend.
@godbloody5517 20 дней назад
Has no one ever wondered what the fusion of all four diamonds are
@PersephineKore 20 дней назад
I always empathized with Rose when the spinel arc came out. I had to leave my 4 siblings in an abusive home. I had to leave or I would be dead, but i still left them there. I imagine they feel a lot like spinel, abandoned. I saw another video that essentially said "when you escape an abusive situation, you cant always take everyone with you." How would she have realistically taken spinel with her? Just like how i couldnt have realistically taken my siblings with me. Maybe Rose thought about Spinel all of the time. Maybe she didnt. But i bet she did
@user-jw5ue8lg6x 20 дней назад
avatar yanchen created 2 deadly airbending techniques. her scream that could blow people away from her and make them go deaf and possibly die if in an enclosed space. the other one is instantly collapsing the air around someone destroying their lungs and killing them.
@factcheck5017 21 день назад
Im on number 7 and love it. I thought it was the story of hercules when i started it.
@grapeicies 21 день назад
Honestly, I see pink diamond/Rose Quartz’s story in my mom; except I saw my mom’s development in the “right” order. I didn’t discover her “dark” side; I lived it. But even so, I relate way more to Steven. My mom is someone who was incredibly flawed, who lashed out in really ineffective ways, who did the best she could with what she had, and who had a wealth of compassion and love but a pretty baffling lack of self-awareness for how much she meant to the people around her. We struggled together for sure and she had a weird one-sided competition going on with me but that competitive streak meant that when I went to therapy, got better, and started changing our dynamic, she refused to be left behind, went to therapy, and started to help me change the dynamics in our family too lmao. Just like White Diamond, my mom never really stood up to her own mom but when I started challenging my grandma and my mom backed me up, Grandma started adapting her behavior (though not necessarily her beliefs) too. I love Rose and I have so much compassion for her story.
@gachagirlforever9748 22 дня назад
4:08 I wish we got a back story for all the off colors. 8:21 I know the power of padparadsha delayed future vision Edit: I just noticed 6 gems 6 eyes....
@YourHip2374 23 дня назад
What every bender can bend Earth bender : earth, sand, metal, lava Water bender : water, ice, plant, blood Fire bender : fire, lightning, combustion Air bender : air
@user-hi7rn1mn4y 6 дней назад
So true
@gregm599 24 дня назад
Jets my favourite character they could have used him more I was disappointed they killer him off
@maxkogan3785 25 дней назад
I turn off my brain a lot of the times watching shows. And this one still bored me.
@kerinkellynerdcorner 25 дней назад
Sweet Christmas! You finally get into Zeus at 3:08!!!!
@kerinkellynerdcorner 25 дней назад
2:19 minutes in and you STILL have not made your damn point! What about the Blood of Zeus!! Is it worth the watch or not! Come on bro
@ben7260 25 дней назад
There would be no reason to have a book 4 because Aang already knew how to airbend
@user-rb9fy4hm5w 27 дней назад
He wont live up to his 50s because of childhood obesity 😂😂😂😂
@carljohnanfone6457 28 дней назад
I can really relate to this
@Alfie14Torr Месяц назад
I have the believe that im the pink diamond in my family, i separated myself from them to the point that i dont feel part of the family anymore
@minizamorak Месяц назад
fun show with ok animation and very nice art style and amazing music
@dargaard3339 Месяц назад
I saw all 16episodes. the series could end with the end of season 2 and they still made an awesome cartoon.
@Dr.Doomsday19 Месяц назад
the problem is the show asks us to treat Amon like a misguided villain when he is out right the hero of the first season. its not like he showed us that he actually was just manipulating peoples struggle he just wanted equallity.