Yankee Arnold Ministries
Yankee Arnold Ministries
Yankee Arnold Ministries
Welcome to Yankee Arnold Ministries! Enjoy sermons with Dr. Ralph "Yankee" Arnold as he clearly declares the gospel message! Make sure to Subscribe for alerts when new videos are uploaded!

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Are you ready? | Dr. Ralph Yankee Arnold |
4 месяца назад
@Bentoto97 День назад
Yankee Arnold. Is swimming part of your hobbies in your life?
@Bentoto97 День назад
Yankee Arnold. Do you swim in your life?
@gregorylatta8159 День назад
Confused believers and the unsaved cannot properly understand grace. That is why we need sound doctrine.
@mousemercury5804 День назад
Good stuff. Amen!
@DirtyD-fg3ge 2 дня назад
Please 🙏 pray for me I have suicidal depression and feel hopeless I need God's intervention
@armorvestrus4119 2 дня назад
This preacher has helped me to understand the gospel better than any other preacher that I have ever heard preach it.❤❤❤
@battlearenatoshinden 2 дня назад
My interpretation of this whole debate. Free Grace people: I hear people talking about works, so I assume they believe works are a requirement for grace. Works based grace people: I hear you talk about salvation by grace alone, so I assume that you want to live a guilt free, sinful life without consequences or guilt. 24/7 sin, sin, sin. Likely how both groups are actually living. Saved by grace and works are the fruit of grace and the holy Spirit. Works=proof(fruit), not a fee requiring payment. This polarizing, in my opinion, is a distraction to divide and weaken the Christian community. I have never met a Christian that thinks grace is a free pass to do whatever you want, nor have I ever met a Christian that thinks they'll lose their salvation if they don't give x amount of money to charity on regular basis. Anyone existing on either extreme would appear to be a fringe number to me.
@Cheryl-te1zs 2 дня назад
One night I woke up and I heard a voice say I am Jesus Christ and it said you are one of my sheep and are forgiven where could it have come from shoulI believe it was Jesus?
@guiltyandforgiven 3 дня назад
Wonderful message! God keep on blessings you, keep going like this!
@user-ec4ys8sd1y 3 дня назад
Hey pastor, do you have a video on Revaluation ch22: 18-19. I believe in eternal security but i dont understand those verses.
@SuperPatrick777 3 дня назад
Could you please explain sheep and the goats parable thanks .
@JohnfromCro7 3 дня назад
Isn't that a free gift to do sins how many times you want? Cause either way you are saved if you belive in Jesus Christ?
@YankeeArnoldMinistries 3 дня назад
Are you now living without committing sins? Tell me exactly how many sins you can commit to prove you were never saved or how many to prove you have now lost it? Don't guess, I want an exact number and the exact sin(s). Yankee
@JohnfromCro7 3 дня назад
@@YankeeArnoldMinistries wow what a great response. I can't answer that cause your question automatically proves me worng Thank you for the response. God bless you
@JohnfromCro7 3 дня назад
@YankeeArnoldMinistries could you please then mabey explain to me the part where Jesus said Depart from me you coursed ones? Who did Jesus meant? Are those people who knew about Jesus but didn't accept Him as their Saviour?
@allysonp2254 3 дня назад
Amen, Pastor Yankee!
@loveroftruth8148 4 дня назад
Lordship salvation doesnt teach works to gain salvation. Its simply "faith without works is dead". Niki minaj says she believes in Jesus, so ur telling me shes going to heaven. Look at her fruits....
@caroldavis8300 4 дня назад
True wisdom, thank you for speaking the truth. GOD BLESS YOU
@user-zp2lv6yj9n 4 дня назад
" Hate speach " Is something made up by the yanks to control people and to bring in worldwide communism .
@kinorynn 4 дня назад
Ive trusted in Christ alone as my Savior
@jasperbates6760 4 дня назад
Amen Yankee. Even so come Lord Jesus Christ! In Jesus name. Amen & Maranatha!
@graftme3168 4 дня назад
Yes. We interpret scripture through the lens of the Gospel. If the Gospel is the power unto salvation, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the foundation we build on, we must build the Word in our lives on the foundation. The Bible says it is the SURE foundation. If you are trying to create a gospel by interpreting scripture, you are building backwards. NOBODY builds their house before laying the proper foundation. Jesus is the Rock that we build on. It is sure, solid, and efficient. The Bible says that if we fall on the Rock, we will be broken, and if the Rock falls on us we will be crushed to pieces. So then, if I build improperly, at least I will fall on the Rock of my salvation. But, if I am building backwards, the Rock will fall on me! Those who build backwards have the foundation hanging over them instead of under them. They are trying to build toward a foundation instead of ON the foundation. Make sense?
@raymondrocco8607 4 дня назад
You do good Deeds like help others, Watch your Tongue, Don't hurt anyone and Try your best not to Sin , Not for Salvation or even be more righteous to God but because It's the right moral thing to do and it can be a testimony to your Faith ! Has nothing to do with Salvation.
@user-eh8is6kc5n 4 дня назад
Thanks Mr. Arnold for your excellent explanation of matters. Regards from Germany
@armorvestrus4119 5 дней назад
I Love this preacher he Makes the Gospel so easy to understand.❤❤❤
@jamesfrazier5148 5 дней назад
Why should I serve God when practicing homosexuals go to heaven. This is such hypocrisy! Jesus clearly said why do you call me Lord Lord and not do what I say. This doctrine of demons right here is leading so many people into hell.
@jamesfrazier5148 5 дней назад
No one can continue to live and practice the sin that God condemns and enter into his kingdom. You're twisting scripture trying to turn this narrow way and Straight Gate into a Broadway and we know that's not true. 28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.15 For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.
@jamesfrazier5148 5 дней назад
NO. Not everyone that believes in Jesus is going to enter into his kingdom 6 Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
@MgtowFreightTrain 6 дней назад
He who plants is nothing and he who Waters is nothing but God who gives the increase. Nobody's going to be throwing crowns at my feet. I've never understood this mentality
@donaldnelson171 6 дней назад
Who will stand in front of Satan if we're all gone. The rapture doctrine was picked up I'm the 1800's. The rapture is a lie
@StarAccount-km1rt 6 дней назад
Well taught Yankee! Calvinists and Muslims are all very polite and friendly until you tell them they follow a Doctrine of Demons. The demonic god of the Muslims is identical to the demon god of the Calvinist! Both gods they follow are Satans bad new gospel.
@erickanter 6 дней назад
I must admit i struggle with salvation being a gift. I choose to believe it even though i do not FEEL like it. I mean my past is buried but keeps digging itself up sometimes.
@user-hj3ny3ji4w 7 дней назад
@TexterEX 7 дней назад
@eddiesandoval8480 7 дней назад
Hallelujah x3 and Amen x2 ❤🎉
@Rundu1987 7 дней назад
Nobody on RU-vid can say they did not have the oportunity to hear the True Gospel. Here it is Thank You Jesus.
@johnlemaitre3612 8 дней назад
Ralph, you are a true man of God!
@jasperbates6760 8 дней назад
Amen Pastor Yankee! Even so come Lord Jesus Christ! In Jesus name. Amen & Maranatha!
@lesthrush468 8 дней назад
The classic mistake of missing rhe benchmark for the rest of the chapter: ‭2 Thessalonians 2:1 NIV‬ [1] Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers and sisters, "THAT DAY" is very clearly defined by the benchmark already set in verse 1: When he comes for us!
@billygoat5468 9 дней назад
@spinthma 9 дней назад
Thank you!!!!!!
@billygoat5468 9 дней назад
@MgtowFreightTrain 10 дней назад
Furthermore in real life all men are not drawn unto Jesus because the same Free Will advocates against what the scripture says will always talk about what about people in Africa or remote places in the world that never hear the gospel what about them? It's hypocrisy
@MgtowFreightTrain 10 дней назад
As Moses lifted up The serpent and the wilderness so the son of man must be lifted up. If I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me. The word men is in italics. What it says is in the actual text if I be lifted up I will draw all unto me and then it goes on to say he was speaking of the manner of the death which he should die. Which was he was burying the sins of the world that's why we have the Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness reference. He became sin for us so if I be lifted up I will draw all unto me is saying he's drawing all judgment all the sin of humanity is drawing all the judgment of God unto himself.
@MgtowFreightTrain 10 дней назад
All that the father gives me will come to me and he that comes to me I will in no wise cast out but raise him up on the last day. Everyone that is meant to be saved will be
@MgtowFreightTrain 10 дней назад
When it says whosoever believeth in him does not mean that Christ died for everybody. That's just stupid logic. It says that God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever BELIEVETH IN HIM should not perish but have everlasting life. Not everybody believes in him and it's quite clear why they don't. Cain did not believe in him and try to offer up his works in spite of God's prescription he did not demonstrate Faith but by faith Abel offered up a better sacrifice than Cain. Paul said Cain who was of that wicked one rose up and slew Abel and wherefore slew he him? Because his brother's deeds were righteous and his were not. Abel did what he did and believe and Cain did what he did in unbelief. It's really simple. Jesus said I lay down my life for the sheep. If you believe what the scripture says that there are tears sowed among the wheat you cannot possibly believe that everyone is all the same. The gospel is life unto life and death unto death. His winnowing fork is in his hand and he is separating the wheat from the chaff. I mean if words mean anything you have to accept all of scripture and knock off this we're all the same and Faith is just a decision that people make. The Bible even says it comes by hearing it's not a choice. It either lands on good soil or it doesn't.
@MgtowFreightTrain 10 дней назад
The problem with all this is that they think that faith comes from dead unbelieving sinners and that is not a gift of God and that you don't have to be drawn or born of God to have it. The dead tell no tales. You have to be made alive and drawn the Bible is clear about that Jesus himself said no one can come unto me except the father who sent me draw him. The Bible is clear and Ephesians that faith is a gift and comes by hearing. He talks about those who were for known of God before the foundation of the world and that his sheep hear his voice. Yet he says to the Pharisees you do not believe because you are not my sheep. He says they don't believe because his word has no place in them. That they are of their father the devil and the desires of their father they will do. There are tears sold among the wheat there are two kingdoms and they are being separated and everyone that is meant to be saved will be and God does it. And yes you persevere in the faith Paul said I have fought the good fight I have kept the faith. The Lord said SimonSatan has demanded permission to sift you as wheat but I have prayed that your faith will not fail and when you are restored go and strength in your brethren. The perseverance is persevering in the faith you don't become apostate and no longer believe that Jesus is the Christ or was resurrected. In other words those that turn atheist never believed. As it is written they went out from us because they were not of us had they been of us they would have remained with us but they went out from us that it might be showed that they are all not of us. If you struggle with assurance you are struggling because you don't see evidence within yourself but the evidence within yourself is the witness within yourself it is the testimony of the Gospel that you believe and if you believe in Christ alone and that God has raised him from the dead you are in a state of grace you have been born again you have the testimony within yourself and it's by that very testimony that you have peace with God you have fellowship with God you have everything through Christ it is not based on your walk because even when you are not sinning you don't fulfill the law you're still a sinner. When you are not sending you are sinning because you think well I'm not out fornicating but you still don't love the Lord your God with all your heart soul mind your strength or love your neighbor with yourself so knock it off abandon the whole thing
@MgtowFreightTrain 10 дней назад
Your salvation and assurance is based on Christ but you don't feel like you're close to God because of your walk? It's just garbage teaching we have all of it through Christ we are joint heirs we are sons
@MgtowFreightTrain 10 дней назад
We have fellowship or peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ you have fellowship the same way you have salvation and dividing them into two things makes people trust in their works makes people trust in their walk and their performance and that's how they don't have insurance this is b******* doctrine
@MgtowFreightTrain 10 дней назад
So the fellowship with God is based on works? No I don't think so. It's through Christ we have peace we are joint heirs we are sons he will never again be angry with us or rebuke us. He may chasing us but we never lose fellowship. We can go to God at any time because we believe in Christ
@watchmanendtimes 10 дней назад
Saved fron.judgnent seat of chrust . Not justification..rewards and chsstiseneht
@armorvestrus4119 11 дней назад
I would want to know about the group of servants that began to beat their fellow servants and why they got cut asunder and appointed their portion with the hypocrites? Can someone answer that for me Yankee may not have time for it?
@cestapravdaazivot 11 дней назад
Yes, I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior.
@HallelujahTravelers 11 дней назад
I pray my mom would see this. Oh how she needs healing. 😢
@SuperPatrick777 8 дней назад
Mother .
@Qui_Gon_Jinn_76 12 дней назад
Jesus making grapejuice is not a miracle. I can make grape juice. He made alcohol, period. If it had been grapejuice the bride and her family would've been laughed out of town, possibly sued.
@YankeeArnoldMinistries 11 дней назад
If you could make grape-juice out of plain water, it would be a miracle also. Try it!!! Yankee
@Qui_Gon_Jinn_76 11 дней назад
@YankeeArnoldMinistries love your ministry. However, the Pharisees accused Jesus of being a wine bibber in Matthew 11:19. If He were not drinking alcohol they would've never made that statement, or it would've certainly been refuted. Jesus transformed the water into fermented wine, period. If it had been grape juice, the bride and her family would have been humiliated. He bypassed the fermentation process, which is why the miracle was so profound. Besides, grape juice NATURALLY ferments on its on in 2 to 3 weeks. It is absurd to think that Christ simply made grape juice, especially since He drank alcohol Himself. Albeit the wine was much more diluted in biblical times, it was still alcohol.
@YankeeArnoldMinistries 11 дней назад
@@Qui_Gon_Jinn_76 You missed the point. Jesus was showing the lack of wisdom they had by condemning John in the previous verse and judging Christ in verse 19. They were wrong on both accounts. Read them again. Yankee If you wish to teach your position, please start your own channel. One more response will bring a block to my channel.
@Qui_Gon_Jinn_76 10 дней назад
@YankeeArnoldMinistries I'm sorry I offended you. You are the greatest influence in my life right now. Because of your wonderful ministry of biblical truth, I have escaped the doctrine of devils which is Calvinism. I was saved 6 years ago and listened to Calvinist preachers until about 2 months ago when I was led to your ministry. I have not doubted my salvation one time since whereas I doubted nearly every day for 6 years while practicing Lordship salvation. You have helped me more than you can ever know. May God bless you and your family and may your reward be great in Heaven.