Deborah Lara
Deborah Lara
Deborah Lara
Welcome! I'm Deborah and I'm a Marriage and Family Systems Coach. I believe that conscious relationships are the greatest avenue for personal development in our lives.

On this channel, I teach about a variety of different psychological and spiritual theories and concepts. I share a lot from my own lived experiences and personal journey.

My hope is that the combination of theory and lived experience will offer you support and insight on your own journey! The journey toward becoming our most authentic selves and toward loving others as fully and deeply as possible.

At the end of physical life, most human beings look back and reflect on one thing: Who truly loved me and who did I truly love? Did I give and receive love to the fullest of my capacity?

As such, I believe most of the personal development work we do in our lives should be geared around learning to love and removing our blocks to love!

Check out my website for upcoming courses on psychology topics: www.deborahlara.com
What Is The Root Cause of Enmeshment?
3 года назад
@recommence 2 дня назад
Thank you for your videos! What if man is in his early forties and lives with his mother who is what I believe in her mid seventies? They also have a dog together. To me it feels like he is married to his mother and their dog is their child. He prioritizes having a walk with his dog to seeing me after work and I feel like the last item not only in his day but also sometimes in his week to “check off”. I love his dog and even joined him for many walks in the first month but then this stopped (is that maybe a way of distancing himself so that he and their dog do not get too attached?). He was homeschooled for most of his childhood, which could explain why he is so enmeshed with his mother. His father died around ten years ago. Does living in this age with his mother mean he just cares for her because she is obviously getting fragile or that he is enmeshed? Or is this a mix of the two? Because I know men in their forties who deeply care about their mothers and help them but who do not live with them! We are in the courtship phase, seeing each other for 2.5 months now. But I do not see any development, this week we saw each other only once - I visited him on the shooting set of a commercial he is directing. He told me he does not want to have sex before he feels he is ready for the next stage of a budding relationship, which sounds great in theory. But when after two months of the courtship phase we had (great) sex, what ended up happening is that we started seeing each other less! He calls me every day to say hi, which is better than nothing but I feel like he is incapable of truly letting me into his life and taking the next step. And when he promises to call me, he usually in 90 percent of the cases does not call, which relativizes his every day spontaneous calls. Also he might open a message from me with a question or an emotion and not reply to it. Planning to meet up with him at a certain time is almost impossible with him, it worked only I believe in 30 percent of the cases. Also things he said he wanted to do with me in our free time he ended up not planning😮 and not doing. There was a funny instance on a social event I invited him to where he offered to look for a place for my handbag. How funny was it to see him a few minutes later eating the food at the buffet instead of actually doing what he said he would do 😅 The only nice gentlemanly gestures from his are driving me home (on his mother’s car😂), taking over the bill in the restaurant on the rare occasions we do go out. He is also attractive and emphatic, otherwise I would have already stopped seeing him. I am also in the film industry, working as a quite successful film executive and have tried to support him in different ways be it by introducing him to people or helping him with invites etc. But this is not valued. As mentioned before, he is a director, his mother is a theatre director so she is also involved in his scripts and work… I haven’t met his mother yet. After seeing him for a month, he told me, he suggested to his mother to have a walk with their dog and me and she declined. After one little argument we had about me canceling a few weeks into the courtship phase a date because it ended up being at 9pm and not at 7pm (the initial time we had set), he told me that his mom asked him if he is sure he wants to see me if it already starts “this way”. As if I was to blame for the date to start way too late and being upset about it. Also why is the mother so involved in his dating life?? I would be super curious to read your interpretation of his behavior… Also do you have a recommendation for me what to do next, should I try to see him for more weeks and month to come to look if he changes or is this a dead end? I want to have children within the next two years, I am 38 so I do not want to waste my time :) I feel like he is still in big parts a kid and unlikely to be a stable, reliable partner and father.
@LanceStrange-z9s 3 дня назад
Brown Margaret Walker Edward White Thomas
@Starstorm111 13 дней назад
After 2 years of misunderstanding with my younger sister ( 25 ) where she stopped calling on birthdays, asking any question about me, but still calling me and needing me when something bad was happening in her life.. I told her about it. I’m very independent and did tons of therapy and individuation. I’m loyal but I don’t want anyone in my life giving me their opinion about my choices, behaviors, I don’t want projections, disrespect, etc.. I had all of this and I don’t want. My sister told me she wants me to be more in touch on daily basis and tell her about my problems (???) on daily basis, so she can be there for me, she told me she never saw me truly happy and that makes her sad ( ?? ) - projection , she told me she loves me so much and she wants us to be just happy ( I am happy…) - more projection… I first felt guilty as I was abandoning her. Then I was like: I am not like this, I don’t want a daily basis immersive experience of sisterhood. I don’t want anyone telling me: I don’t see you happy… ( instead of asking and stop projecting ). I don’t want anyone clinging to me in daily baisis to feel we love each other.. we are adults. Nor confuse love and respect, mostly respect with being cold. Respect and education for them is being cold. Immersed in you and opinionated on you with no boundaries … that’s love. (????)
@21cormorants 14 дней назад
Grateful that my parents didn’t enmesh with us TOO strongly… but my sibling, since growing up, has created an enmeshment dynamic with me that I’ve been so oblivious to until I unwittingly crossed a line by setting out my personal boundary. Now I’m seeing things for what they’ve really been more clearly and it’s very troubling… I thought we had these things in common - not that I had to have all the same beliefs as them or be deemed Other, vilified, belittled, spoken down to, dismissed, and blamed. Now we’re onto some hoovering, and I just want to run.
@Starstorm111 13 дней назад
Feel you!! Same here! I was confused and now I want to ruuun
@seankelly1366 17 дней назад
Fantastic videos which provide lots of valuable information..
@lenavoyles526 17 дней назад
This "the more independent children are, the better" is such an outdated model and so unsupported by research. There is very important cutting edge data from research in Self Determination Theory showing that the more "autonomously dependent" children are on their families the better they perform at college and the higher they score for markers of psychological health. Not all closeness is "enmeshment". Healthy interdependence creates the healthiest individuals and the healthiest relationships and is seen in indigenous peoples still living in the sort of tribal structures in which humans evolved for tens of thousands of years. For a deeper understanding of the health of human social systems, I highly recommend Ed Deci's book Why We Do What We Do.
@deborahlara 17 дней назад
@@lenavoyles526 I hear you! Healthy interdependence is key. 💞
@deborahlara 13 дней назад
@@Shadow_Lurker968 This is incredible information and will be doing a deep dive into this. If you can recommend any resources I would greatly appreciate it. 💜
@seankelly1366 17 дней назад
Although I of course may be able to connect directly with the points that you have provided in this video...I, alone realize that although I may actually be somewhat distant from my direct family members, by all means if any given time was directed to me to step up and serve my purpose of divine protection and services as well as support and strength...I would be there at a moments notice...no exceptions whatsoever.
@deborahlara 17 дней назад
@@seankelly1366 I hear you! Beautiful sentiment and choice. 🙏
@littlemisss74 20 дней назад
I am the daughter of an emotionally immature mother, when i challenged her on my childhood she said 'you never went without out' in terms of Christmas presents, school trips, and dance classes. I said 'Mum, where was the love?' She didn't know what to say, I didnt occur to her that we didn't just need material things. When I was a teenager I gave up my dance classes as I had this thought that my mother only loved me to show me off to her friends for my ahcievements in dance. Sure enough, I stopped the dance classes, she stopped talking to me.
@forumicebreaker Месяц назад
@MrBluess1 Месяц назад
When I got better a few family members got much worse. My family system was so toxic I have left it to work on my recovery
@clintonbenjamin5510 Месяц назад
My life's so messed up right now. But your videos might just be the thing that keeps me from going insane.
@Gwendeline Месяц назад
I’m the Aussie threat
@phoenixrising1221 Месяц назад
hi Deborah, how are u? do not give up keep showing up with this wonderful empowering social work, it is a gift sharing natural talents with love & dedication! enjoy Life & your Journey
@justinesalt9140 Месяц назад
Thanks. Other case is when they accept your partner too much. They dont think about them at all and want to be their "friend" as soon as possible.
@phoenixrising1221 2 месяца назад
❤‍🔥🕊🎶 we all come through a Mother's womb & Mother influences our subconscious mind hugely in childhood as we are completely dependent on emotional regulation from her. That's why ancient Astrology is based on Moon sign which represents womb & Mother. There are also karmic (past lives hidden) reasons on being born in emotionally dysfunctional Mother or family. Toughest journeys can create most compassionate Hearts when healed, processed & forgiven 🕊 i am starting a "road to self" (self-differentiation based program) tomorrow to continue my healing journey, thank you for your work!
@deborahlara 2 месяца назад
@@phoenixrising1221 I love this perspective. In the past couple years I’ve been diving deeper into the ancestral psychospiritual (subconconscious) processes that underlie the need and difficulty with self-differentiation. The karmic load is so heavy! But it’s such important work. I’m doing my own inner work during this stage but at someone this channel will speak more to that perspective. 🫶
@phoenixrising1221 2 месяца назад
@@deborahlara healing journeys can be a gift to the world through service-oriented-creations from the Heart ❤‍🔥
@firstlastname84 2 месяца назад
If you point out the Bible verse regarding leave and cleave, they'll say you're twisting it to fit your narrative. I thought I could point this out since we all say we're Christian and go to the same church.
@deborahlara 2 месяца назад
But they’ll certainly point out the ones about honoring thy father and mother.
@firstlastname84 2 месяца назад
@@deborahlara Yes! And the funny thing is I agreed with this verse as well as showing how Jesus scolded the Pharissees when they demanded tithings to the point the adult children chouldn't take care of the parents. Even when I say I have every intention to care and honor parents the leave and cleave was offensive. I think this upsets me the most because I've been slandered as misusing the Word of God.
@deborahlara 2 месяца назад
@@firstlastname84 I hear you. It's difficult because people often filter their belief systems through their current level of spiritual and emotional maturity. But Christ's journey was one of self-differentiation through and through. And self-differentiation is not about abandoning or dishonoring your family. It's about putting the path of God/Christ before all, including your family. Leaving and cleaving is about choosing to follow God. Self-differentiation is about choosing the path of one's inner knowing, which is an internalized way of understanding the process of developing your relationship with God and following the path he's guiding for you. For a small few, that will mean staying physically close to your family your whole life and doing whatever they do and wanting the same things they want for you. For most, however, following God's path will mean a certain type of separation, making different choices for oneself, seeing things differently, and so on. It's a holy process and sometimes we must choose the voice of God over the voice of our family system when those aren't aligned. We do not belong to our family of origin. We belong first to God and to Life. They are but a conduit to birth us into the world and send us out into Life. That's their duty for God. And if they are honoring God's path as well - in the truest and deepest sense - they will be selfless enough to understand that and to deal with their own grief of separation and learn to get their own needs met in order to release you out into Life.
@phoenixrising1221 2 месяца назад
wonderful sharing & work! I am adding this to my existing long-term mindfulness tools I have been using, I am curious how these new ones can + impact on my journey! Thx for your work & book recommendations!
@joanebf 3 месяца назад
Oh my god! I had no idea you are Brazilian! You don't have a br accent. I am Brazilian too and have been benefiting a lot from your videos 💚💛
@kunalshitole3419 3 месяца назад
All the roots of many emotional disorders not specifically pointed out to the single traumatized event but to the ongoing dysfunctional relationship patterns between parents and child.
@theresa7882 3 месяца назад
Thank you ❤
@deborahlara 3 месяца назад
You're welcome! Thanks for watching. 😊
@thisiswhathappenslarry 3 месяца назад
You described this perfectly, im the partner of a man in an enmeshed family..i caught onto it quick because im from an enmeshed/toxic family but i was always very independent (emotionally) so i came out of the fog as soon as i turned 18(my parents decided that my graduation day was the perfect time to tell me they were getting divorced-that should give you a taste of the dysfunction).
@joanebf 3 месяца назад
Amazing! I can really relate with this and I have noticed it is very hard for me when I am the one receiving help. I need to fight against the feeling of being a burden any time I am not able to "handle everything by myself", as if I don't deserve being taken care of or I should be able to take care of myself. It's almost like a feeling of failure. Could you talk about how to overcome this?
@KikiDoesEverything 3 месяца назад
This is so, so incredibly helpful. My partner's family is highly enmeshed and my relationship with his family eventually began to implode. Thankfully, my partner eventually started to get enough distance and perspective from his family such that he was able to begin recognizing the unhealthy patterns that exist within his family system. Unfortunately for me, the grieving and self-actualization process has been very slow and challenging for my partner. I've been effectively no-contact with his family for a year because his father treats me with utter disrespect (likely because I am seen as a threat) and ended up blowing up at me in a very inappropriate, controlling, and condescending manner. For context, my partner ended up following me in a relocation across the country. A year after we moved, his family decided to visit us in our new home state for the first time. Because of how deeply my partner missed his family, and because I know his dad is incredibly difficult (everyone feels the need to walk on eggshells around him), I spent months trying to plan restaurants his family would feel comfortable at (they're vegan and his dad can become pretty explosive towards wait staff if part of his order gets messed up), activities they would feel safe doing (his dad seems highly anxious and has a low tolerance for busy environments), etc. On the last day of their trip, we were hanging out on a garden patio I had reserved (one I spent my own money on to reserve) at a local bar. Now, this bar allows outside food, just not drinks. I had skipped breakfast that morning to drive across town to, at my partner's mom's request, pick up some vegan cupcakes to celebrate my partner's dad's birthday. Because I hadn't had a chance to eat, I picked up some chips and dip (both vegan so I could share and accommodate my partner's family's vegan lifestyle) as a snack to hold me over until a late lunch. As we entered the bar, the bar staff even checked my bags in which my snacks were prominently displayed and cleared us to enter. Even so, once I set the snacks out for everyone to enjoy, my partner's dad immediately blew up to me, ranting about how his mother used to bring her own food to restaurants and how much that experience embarrassed and traumatized him. Finally, in a near-yell, he ordered me to "...put the food in the car where I can't see it or I'll go put it away for you!" At the time, my partner, his sister, and his mom were still so deep in the enmeshed system that they didn't even seem to recognize the inappropriate behavior, thus nobody came to my defense. Because of the enmeshed system and my partner's father's explosive tendencies, I did not feel safe setting a firm, explicit boundary in that moment, especially after seeing everyone else brush the explosive outburst off as if it never happened. Instead, I stormed off, confirmed with the bartender that my snacks were okay, then eventually made my way back to the table and made what probably was a bit of a defiant show as I dug into the snacks while telling everyone that the bartender said it was not an issue. At that point, my partner's father appeared to be tense and seething but didn't say anything further to me. A couple of weeks later, my partner's sister also disclosed that their father typically only has negative things to say about me behind my partner's and my backs. I have barely spoken to my partner's family since the outburst (which was only one of many and the one the broke the camel's back). This last December, his mom asked if she and his dad had done something to upset me and, when my partner said yes and that he'd like to talk about his concerns with them, his mom brushed him off by saying "Never mind, maybe it's best if I don't know." Now that we're one year past this incident, I am anxious for my partner to finally broach the issue; however, he seems to be waiting for something relevant to come up in conversation which I simply don't think will happen since his parents just seem to be acting as if nothing is wrong. My partner has an idea of what he wants to say and he has a lot he wants to discuss regarding his own boundaries that are unrelated to me. Unfortunately, he keeps getting stuck and continues to kick the can down the road because of his massive anxiety around the issue. If you have any tips on how I can support my partner as he continues to grow away from the enmeshed system he was raised in, especially when it comes to taking his recent self-actualization and translating it into boundary-setting discussions with his parents, I'd be very interested to hear your insights. Alternatively, I'd be interested to hear whether you think my temporary no-contact boundary (which I have explicitly communicated to my partner but not to his parents) is a healthy way to handle the situation while my partner still isn't ready to discuss matters with his parents himself. In my circumstance, I've found that I can't even do short, cordial video calls with his family because I do not feel emotionally safe communicating around his father in any capacity.
@grumble_gut 3 месяца назад
Thank you, Deborah. I needed a little bump today!
@deborahlara 3 месяца назад
You are so welcome! 💜
@RickBolt 3 месяца назад
Thank you. Yes a lifetime process. I will keep working. Your videos are great. You are probably not licensed in my state otherwise you would have a new client. 😊
@deborahlara 3 месяца назад
Thanks so much Rick for the support and feedback always! I do coaching that’s independent of state and am taking new clients. Would love to work with you! Reach out at Deborah.Faria90@gmail.com.
@RickBolt 4 месяца назад
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience with me.
@RickBolt 4 месяца назад
Glad to see your are putting out videos. Thank you
@RepentImmediately 4 месяца назад
The way you present is quite good
@brendanthebdog 4 месяца назад
There are definitely consequences of self-differentiation early on in this transactional relationship. The better I did in college the quicker the financial resources started to dry up. Eventually I dropped out because I didn't even have gas money to get to school and ended up selling everything of value I had at pawn shops. Once my spirit was crushed and the panic attacks started happening, financial support returned. I've felt like James Caan in the scene from Misery where he gets hobbled by Cathy Bates most of my life.
@RickBolt 4 месяца назад
Thank you for this video. It hits so close to home. I am the outsider. I have been for decades. It is consistent pattern for all of the children. I wish I could have learned about this much sooner. Even after all of our failures, she is still not aware of this. It has ruined our relationship.
@user-kv4eb8pr3w 4 месяца назад
Great video. Love this perspective that we’re all connected. It far too common for everybody to think of us as individuals when we’re all just part of a bigger system.
@saramichael3837 4 месяца назад
You look incredibly like therapist/Dr Vienna Pharaon. You should look her up. Thank you for this!
@deborahlara 4 месяца назад
That's so funny! Never got that one before. I know and love her work! Thanks for stopping by and watching! <3
@omartrachen6794 4 месяца назад
My problem with them is that i always felt like an outsider to them, invalidating me all the time
@MammaLlama313 4 месяца назад
@deborahlara 4 месяца назад
@peachesandpoets 4 месяца назад
Shh. Makes sense of why I really don't want to ever be responsible for somebody else.
@deborahlara 4 месяца назад
I feel you. So done with it, and yet if I’m not careful I find myself falling back into the patterns. 💜😂
@NiKi-ij2ln 4 месяца назад
Yeah it very weird, like my mother consciously can say sometimes go away live on your own, but subconsciously does not want to let me go. And this is the almost constant thing...like she keeps me in emotional, psychological prison. It is a wounded mother archetype, a dark , dead mother in a sense. She once or more times admited that she cant change, she is over, like her battery is finished, like she is dead in a way. The Moon is about the emotional, the mother...so mother and emotions go together....For me a mother is someone who is really in tune with her emotions. ...And imagine why she had me, because she didnt had the money for abortion. Probably who I am doing this now, saying...because deep down I havent forgiven...I have forgiven in a conscious way, nice way because I want to Look on the bright side, but the more I grow up the more I see the subconscious - the shadow. So I left where she didnt had money for abortion...its funny cause they diddnt had money, it was too much cause I had already 2 sisters and I was too much. Forgiveness kinda comes with understanding, and this is hard to understand. But in a way I do, in simple terms people are living in darkness with no light. With no light.
@NiKi-ij2ln 4 месяца назад
I wonder if this has a connection to the Pluto Moon conjunction, or a Pluto Sun conjunction or a hard aspects between them. Are you maybe into astrology? I was just reading an article about Pluto Moon conjunction that I have. There it says about the emotional neglect etc...wonder if you have it. Loveee😊❤
@NiKi-ij2ln 4 месяца назад
Thank you ❤
@NiKi-ij2ln 4 месяца назад
Videos like this, more precisely people like you make me feel safe, understood and I can start feeling ....feeling the compassion towards myself....
@deborahlara 4 месяца назад
Thank you for sharing that. It gives my work so much meaning to hear that. I know how much pain is involved in this process, I have been unraveling it for many decades myself. And now in my work with my clients, I see a broken world of human relationships and intimacy. At the same time, I remain in hope. Hope that we will heal and evolve as a species, and learn to better care for our own emotional needs with grater maturity and offer a healthy model for generations of the future. 💞
@NiKi-ij2ln 4 месяца назад
I am 25 , live with my mum. Not planning to really get into relationship, cause all of the trauma, etc...cause I seen the dissaster with my parents. So I doubt, confused a lot about that. ...About the emotions, its about that they are not validated by my mother. Its interesting in astrology the Moon represents the emotions and also the mother. So they go together. So a good mother is not someone who takes care of you physically, which kinda my mother was , is all about. Good mother takes care for you physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually - is all a balance, harmony of all this.
@0utgoingintrovert 5 месяцев назад
My mom is a narcissist and tries to do these things to me til this day. Thanks for this content very informative and helpful
@deborahlara 4 месяца назад
This is so tough. And this is usually combined with the lack of an emotionally mature masculine figures. It's a whole processing of unlearning and relearning what should have been learned in the first couple decades of life. It sometimes takes a lifetime to clean this up and find our way. But it's worth it and I hope you find inspiration and motivation on your journey!
@0utgoingintrovert 4 месяца назад
@@deborahlara thank you so much
@stacyoliver3250 5 месяцев назад
Você fala português?pergunto pelo seu nome Gostaria de procurar tratamento em português
@deborahlara 5 месяцев назад
Oi @stacyoliver3250! Sim, sou Brasileira/Americana e ofereço tratamento em Português. Se quiser, me mande um email Deborah.Faria90@gmail.com. Abraços!
@yuliya212 5 месяцев назад
great videos, I have seen most of what you posted on your channel, and I wish you were calling things by their names. No enmeshed family is healthy, regardless of whether they are doing it consciously or not. The enmeshed family dynamic is toxic, especially if one or more member is trying to stir the pot so to speak and self individuate. The manipulative tactics like guilt that you mention are very unhealthy. Toxic is a buzz word, but it suits this narrative, it is toxic. I really enjoy your videos, I just wish they were positioned in a more brutally realistic light of how unhealthy the dynamic is vs how the family doesnt understand or not doing it on purpose. They are grown adults, not understanding is not an excuse. Not being self-aware is not an excuse. Using manipulation to beat a member of the family back into an unhealthy dynamic is not healthy, no matter what light you are presenting it in.
@kathleendingee4645 6 месяцев назад
@Moonwalker951 7 месяцев назад
It‘s worse when you have a sadistic father who enjoys hours of agony and tears of his little son and a mother who plays the loving and saving part but secretely enjoys your pain as well and guilt trips you every time you wanna break out and uses the father as a watch dog. Hell
@NiKi-ij2ln 7 месяцев назад
About the needs, I have this Ceres opposition Moon in natal chart and it talks about this, and a while ago I also realized that it is connected to my sleep also. Cause I dont sleep at night, ..I go like in the morning 😭, so really have trouble with this. And its like on one side I want to go to sleep, and on the other I dont , I want to be awake, and this happened mostly since 2019 , but before I had a big nightmare related to some spirit, which probably was my aborted beother which my mother has before me, but she never told me that he had abortion, and I found out through the dream, nightmare. And I dont know, its complex, . Its hard, really hard ...So yes I was talking about opposing needs, and the illustration was like two people pushing a big rock from hill, cliff from opposing sides. That rock is probably the pain, that needs to go away, but what it means to push it from one side so it can go away.
@NiKi-ij2ln 7 месяцев назад
How i found this video: I was reading about astrology, about Pluto-Moon conjunction that I have, and I copped this "subconsciously dependent on his mother" - in google and the first video was this so watching it now.
@stephencanaan7642 7 месяцев назад
Thanks for the content. Growing up/self differentiating, what are the guidelines to that? I know boundaries is something you have mentioned, giving yourself what your parents didn’t, but what has helped you or helped you help others to do that?
@oceanside13 8 месяцев назад
I have 5 siblings, and our parents are still married. I am tbe oldest, and my psychopath dad was obsessed with me. He sexually abused all of us. My dad made my narcissistic mom jealous of his attention to me, and I became his golden child, and her scapegoat. I became the household Cinderella. Mom could not stand to see me even sit down and read a book -- she would tell me to get up and do chores. Both parents beat all of us kids -- except for the middle girl (3 girls, 3 boys) who has always mom's golden child. At age 33 I startted to remember the sexual abuse from dad. Mom outcast me from the family when she found out I was talking about it with my siblings -- even though I was thinking and saying at the time, that the neighbors did it. I had 2 marriages to narcissistic men, where again, I was the family scapegoat. Then I had a narcissistic, alcoholic boyfriend who became the stalker from hell. I've sworn off dating for the rest of my life, and have been living alone for the past 4 years. Living alone has been hell. I guess I'll start getting more involved in my communities -- both😮 real life, and onlline. I guess my pattern was -- tolerating icky behavior. Now I refuse to engage with icky behavior.