Polymathy is the study of many things. On my videos I want to share with you what I find interesting about science, technology, languages, geopolitics, and history. Thanks for subscribing and sharing my videos.
Deciphering the Herculaneum Scrolls 📜 🌋
3 месяца назад
Latin & Greek of the Geologic Timescale
4 месяца назад
The Neuter Gender in Old Italian 🇮🇹
6 месяцев назад
What is Latin's "Sonus Medius" ?
6 месяцев назад
Origin of the Great Lakes: a Geology Field Trip
6 месяцев назад
What America looked like 400 million years ago
8 месяцев назад
Origin of the word "Pizza" 🍕🇮🇹
10 месяцев назад
Was Macedonian a Greek Dialect? 🇬🇷
10 месяцев назад
@georgeantonopoulos545 Час назад
How a country try to steal Greek History! Built your future and let the history to who is belonging!
@nonamenoname2767 2 часа назад
Cual es tu nombre closer to spanish, when they heard nome, they understood 😂 but all latin based languages would understand these
@lux_et_veritas7 3 часа назад
Gratio te ❤❤❤
@SamA-xu9gy 3 часа назад
Jesus does not speak Latin, Jesus' language is Aramaic, which is a dead language . The Bible is written in ancient, dead Greek. Jesus is not God , not the Son of God. Jesus is a man and a prophet I invite you to Islam and to worship the one true, living God. In Islam . God is one, God does not give birth or be born, God does not have anyone like Him, God does not exist and does not reside in His creation.
@SamA-xu9gy 3 часа назад
Jesus does not speak Latin, Jesus' language is Aramaic, which is a dead language . The Bible is written in ancient, dead Greek. Jesus is not God , not the Son of God. Jesus is a man and a prophet I invite you to Islam and to worship the one true, living God. In Islam . God is one, God does not give birth or be born, God does not have anyone like Him, God does not exist and does not reside in His creation.
@cathulhu3772 6 часов назад
How the f i can understand that being a Pole????
@yrua96 7 часов назад
Fascinating how in calabria dialect we call cherries “cerasi”
@Mastica-ItalianoeSiciliano 9 часов назад
Bellissime! Every time you say it ,I smile 😃
@y.gorman6572 9 часов назад
@viktorbaraga4514 9 часов назад
Everything fine, just one correction, which makes the story slightly different. So called Slavs did not migrate to Europe in 7 cent. AD. This is a construct, and the authors were Austrians, berlin and Vatican. Slavic has evolved from the language used in the Balkans ,Vinca Danube civilization 9000 to 3000 BC . It was Vinca script and that is still present in Cyrillic Serbian today using 23 letters from Vinca alphabet. It was Pelasgians, Illyrians living in the Balkans and Peloponesis, Crete etc. The Greeks came to Poloponesus in 500 BC, so one wonders which laguage did the Greeks use. Many theories, but one thing for sure stands. Greek language was copied from the Cyrillic ,hence most of the letters in Greek alphabet are the same as Cyrillic Serbian. This is not a theory I pick up on the go. There are many books written about this, perhaps the latest one ; Mystery of Danube Civilization ,the first European if not global civilization. Its written by Harrald Harmann a German Paleo-linguist, archaeologist . It’s worth reading it.
@BGjovanovski 10 часов назад
im macedonian we are not slavic and we are not greek we are Macedonians we are the lions we are fearless with huge heart
@gunner3449 11 часов назад
Here I am 2 years later trying to cope with the mispronuciations by mentioning no one of ANY Language under a helmet AND while performing a physically demanding task. Swing a heavy Halberd and see how your dialect changes
@wypimentel 11 часов назад
Congrats, you really studied Dr. Argüelles' techinique. About "editing the audio" there is a very quick way of doing it, I don't think I ever commented there on Dr. Argüelles' channel about this: In Audacity you can go to "Effect > Special > Truncate Silence" and just press okay, with the default option there :) If the audio is too fast you can change it "Effect > Change Pitch and Tempo > Change Tempo" and chose a good speed, maybe -5, -7, the Hugo Publisher or Fluent French Audio is very fast... Obviously this is for a beginner, you should get used to the fast speed in the future...
@robertjarman3703 11 часов назад
Given that it is Pride Month and I am obviously an attractive man after whom many Romans would have emulated themselves, I figure I would celebrate by teaching you all the terms in Latin for how to have great sex regardless of where you are on these spectra. In nine months, I'll teach you all about how to raise a baby such that their native language will be Latin. Lesson one: How do we write double entendre in graffiti on the walls of Pompeii before 79 CE?
@kristianjosifoski966 13 часов назад
My Macedonians. Do not argue with haters. Spread our culture. Keep our language alive. Remember our heroes. The world will never love us. Do not take this personally. There is not justice on Earth; only in Heaven.
@williamwilson6499 14 часов назад
The Septuagint was when the Torah/Old Testament was created. There were no Hebrew writings to translate.
@ntfsntfs5282 17 часов назад
There's no need to learn how to write in the target language. That problem has already been solved. Train your brain to recognize audio, and talk a bit. That's enough for most of the tasks you will meet
@gandolfthorstefn1780 18 часов назад
Great video Luke. Your passion shines through again. 👍
@Domoterapeuta 20 часов назад
Just realised: Pira (lat) Pera (it/sp/cat/whatever) Pear (eng) /pi:r/ Poire (fr) Birne (Deutsche) Poma means fruit, but in catalan and french means apple, while Mela is in italian, which is the correct translation. That's why in the Bible we say that the apples were mere unclassified fruits.
@9SMTM6 День назад
As someone coming from a language with 3 genders (german). Nah. It doesn't make things more efficient IMO. I appreciate learning where it came from tho. One thing that's particularly annoying about having genders for nouns: This leads to male and female variants of describing nouns such as pupil - Schüler (m) and Schülerin (f) - or student, and now these days we've got a Gigant discussion about 'gendering' of these words, which officially makes them Schüler*In. So now we've got to use special characters in all kinds of nouns, because that makes things easier. It'd be so much easier had we dropped genders long ago, then there'd be no real or suspected discrimination based on these nouns and thus no drive for this stupid reform. Then also as someone that learned another language with genders, that only had 2 of them. What an annoying concept that makes things harder everywhere. There are many things that make sense historically but without history as a background simply don't make sense, and genders for nouns are certainly among them. It's nice that you appreciate them, but consider that you're a channel that is a fan of learning other languages, so you appreciate a little project. For anyone where learning a language is a tool for something else genders for nouns is simply not helpful. Playing a bit with capitalization, which you mentioned as another example, now that can actually be helpful at times. And it's at least somewhat consistent.
@mmkgny День назад
As always, a fantastic lesson from an outstanding teacher! Will try this technique with languages I'm stagnating on as well as the latest one I've decided to try. Thanks also for crediting and cueing viewers in to the work of Alexander Arguelles. I'll definitely subscribe to his content.
@elhombreconsciente6882 День назад
Dude, you just learned 3 sentences and you say you are speaking a language
@elbestia День назад
Amico, parli la mia lingua da Dio! Complimentissimi!
@aguy3082 День назад
My take is that Church Latin is for all intents and purposes "living Latin" where for all its benefits reconstructed pronunciation is the study of a fossil.
@thomashattey8037 День назад
Best video I've ever seen on the topic! I was a student assistant in the slavic department of our library. We'd get catalogues from Russian and Ukrainian seller Bd you really had to pay Attention to your transliteration when searching online.
@IzzyPea584 День назад
I’m out of breath watching this…
@alom4093 День назад
11:11 *Today's Macedonians* are a mixture of the southernmost Slavic tribes and the ancient Macedonians, just like the mixing of ancestors in the 9th century of the *Holy brothers Cyril and Methodius in the largest Macedonian city of Thessaloniki.* Please stop denying the truth and please stop cultivating racist and fascist thoughts and ideas, similar to Hitler, because genetic research clearly proves that the heresy of the Pure Greek Nation or Pure Macedonian Nation is a lie!
@alom4093 День назад
The national, territorial, commercial, ... and name dispute between greece, (s.) macedonia, albania, bulgaria, serbia, croatia, turkey, ukraina, russia, ... is one more proof, that the orthodox, the catholic`s, the muslims, … are not born again and are fake "believers" ! *The Truth,* *The True Believers* and *The True Church* is *The Lord Jesus* and *His True Apostles* (all of them *Jews* ) and *His True Followers* (Jews and non-Jews), but the Greek, the Roman and other pagan Versions of Christianity - like the Islam - are not the true followers and believers because their members have died much more in political, national and denominational wars with weapon in hand, as *like Jesus without a weapon in hand!* If someone truly is *in Christ, the Messiah,* *he is New Creation!* Here there is no more Jews, no Arabs or Greeks, or Macedonians, or Albanians, or Serbs, or Bulgarians, or Turks, ... no Catholics, no Orthodox, no Protestants, no Muslims, ... no more circumcision, or non-circumcision, ... no more race or class, … but *The ONE SPIRIT of GOD* -> *Christ The Messiah* is *all* and *in all!* www.bibleserver.com/text/ESV/John3,3-8 www.bibleserver.com/text/ESV/Colossians3,11 www.bibleserver.com/text/ESV/Galatians3,28 www.bibleserver.com/text/ESV/Philippians3,17-21 *Wake up for The Pure Truth* and do not allow the wrong "belivers" to lead you astray! *The True GOD (ABBA)* bless you all, in * Yeshua (Jesus) Holy Heart and Name!* Amen
@PRINCESS-zz3wq День назад
This makes sense to me.
@Sim0sama День назад
I'm confidently say that you're helping them through your body languange. We can understand eyes speaking and gestures lol
@viktormk287 День назад
Though I appreciate your effort to explain the situation as objectively as you can, you still lean towards the Greek interpretation of history a lot, which makes your assessment biased. You are teaching ancient greek and everybody would think that those who yell more (always the greeks) are right, therefore I am ok with you being biased, it is understandable. We are born macedonians and we will always be that. Our language is Macedonian, adapted in the UN language chart and actually confirmed by the prespa agreement. You need to understand, calling us "northmacedonians" or calling our country "FYR Macedonia" or calling our language anything else instead of macedonian is as nationalistic, undermining, xenophobic and racist as you can get. So if you want to join that club, please be my guest. But know that you need to explore and to learn much more to be able to get at least reasonably close to the truth. And it is funny, in Macedonia, my country, only a few people claim Alexander spoke a slavic language. However, the greeks pick these kind of a nonsense argumets made by illiterate people and focus on them as if all the country shared that kind of opinion on the language of Alexander, so they can spit on us wherever they find us on the net. And you caught up in their net, unfortunately.
@irondasgr День назад
The answer is obviously not, they can't understand but few things and those mostly based on key words and basic names. The last people he spoke to were nowhere near to be happy interacting with him in the end.
@gandolfthorstefn1780 День назад
11:15 Dictionaries are for those who already know the language. Stupid! Intuitive grammar only. Stupid! Two bad points Language learners should ignore.
@artsempai День назад
Talk about cultural appropriation
@jacobrichards5685 День назад
What media would you recommend for me to do this with Greek?
@MathAdam День назад
I found myself doing something like this during Divine Liturgy at a Ukrainian Church.
@lamrof День назад
They don't even know what language he is speaking.
@elainethompson9057 2 дня назад
I can't believe I was able to translate the first sentence about where he was buried. This is the coolest thing ever Greek is awesome
@papaxsmurf7678 2 дня назад
Wow, after studying for latin for a year and practicing sounds the unaspirated 'k' sound doesn't sound like a 'g' anymore! Crazy how your brain can pick up sounds you didn't know were there.
@Wisdm714 2 дня назад
The Bible Way to Heaven: Dear Jesus, I know that I am a Sinner, I deserve to go to HELL, please forgive me of all my SIN and give me ETERNAL LIFE. I'm not TRUSTING in my WORKS, I'm not TRUSTING in my RELIGION. I'm only TRUSTING in my FAITH and BELIEF in you JESUS CHRIST. Thank you for SAVING ME. Amen: Grace through Faith by Salvation it's the only way. ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED! No matter what!
@buhomorado 2 дня назад
American in French shirt speaks Latin with Italians in Danish park, drives away in Japanese car while cursing at traffic in German.
@scarletkurono2814 2 дня назад
Interesting they never learned the acinent language, but they can understand it from the remaining similarities. (I'm guessing of course I don't speak both these languages) I learned from English history class that ancient Latin is extinct, however, seeing this I think the book was wrong because it lives on in a new form. 😊❤
@knutholt3486 2 дня назад
I am a Norwegian, and I have never regarded Norwegian, Swedish and Danish as separate languages, but as dialects of Scandinavian. Later I learned Italian, and I soon detected that Spanish was fairly similar, but different enough to call them different languages. Now I live in a Spanish speaking area, and perhaps I speak Spanish better than Italian now, but I did not study Spanish from the ground as I did with Italian. The study of Italian was the groundwork for also to adopt Spanish. As I see it Scandinavian, German, Icelandic and English are definitely different languages, more different than Italian and Spanish.
@user-xy6om5hn1u 2 дня назад
The word "slav" , probably from Hebrew "cross" tzlaba" in Arabic "salava "
@miawood4366 2 дня назад
@heitorkrammel2783 2 дня назад
That's a nice arguement, senator. Why wont you back it with a source?
@rena4568 2 дня назад
I don't really know about the older ones, or maybe the ones who studied it in school (I guess), like maybe the couple, but as an average and young Italian I can say that, in my case, I could just understand maybe a word from each question, and from that I could just try and guess what that was about. It's not like we do understand latin, it's just about the few really recognizable words and maybe a little bit of grammar structure
@toivolaoalo9671 2 дня назад
In spanish we mostly use gringo or yanqui to refer to US citizens, but in formal contexts it's estadounidense for sure.
@mntation6329 2 дня назад
read the Quran
@Zhongda95 2 дня назад
Forcing a country to change its name because it correlates with an entire region of your country which is larger than said country itself is not done because of the history of Macedon, but because the people living in the Greek region of Macedonia have every right to be called Macedonian without others misidentifying them as Slavic. In addition, the Prespes agreement was never well accepted in Greece. Rather than forcing North Macedonians to submit, it has been considered a big compromise on the Greek part, since the name "Macedonia" was still kept in the country's name. As you can see though, officially, the Greek government's problem was not that any different nation would "pay hommage" to our own history, but that it would directly appropriate the name of one of its largest and historically, culturally and agriculturally significant regions. This affects the exporting of products and the labels they should use etc, it's more than just bitching about who loves Alexander more.
@escorciamed 2 дня назад
Nice. Maybe you shoudk avoid use so much hand movements trying to explain what yu ar trying to say, so you practice better and you can check another person's nowledge about that specific languaje... But, well done.