Heather Thom Counselling
Heather Thom Counselling
Heather Thom Counselling
Pop culture and media offer us valuable insights into various aspects of life, including romantic relationships, family interactions, and coping with grief, depression, and adversity, among other psychological themes. Registered Professional Counsellor Heather Thom examines popular shows and movies while connecting them to our lives using counselling and psychology theories. This channel analyzes some of the best (and worst!) examples of entertainment and how it applies to real life. Her mission is to help people recognize how the media we consume impacts our psychology, relationships, and understanding of the world.

Heather Thom is a Registered Professional Counsellor and Certified Life Coach with a BA in Psychology and Counselling. She specializes in relationships, breakups, and wellness for 10+ years.

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Learn more information and how to work with me at heatherthom.com/
@margokirk534 День назад
I needed to hear this. Now I understand. Thank you!
@afinaltouchcandytables804 8 дней назад
What happens when you have kids with this person.
@gregshanor669 13 дней назад
Ok. Have a great question, as a person who has a physical disability I’m not really able too work a lot . Ryle on disability as my primary income ( which isn’t a lot especially in our society today) While most people may understand, but I’ve found that the majority of people around me look down upon me because I’m not working….. even though I’ve tried in the past but because of my disability I’m not able to work. My question is why do people look down upon me, not respect me , devalue me because of me not working, that includes family members and females who I know and don’t know ( as an example: my last job I had was in the healthcare field, when I said I’m not working because I’ve two bad knees. I noticed her attitude and demeanor drastically changed from it’s great that we’re in the same field…… to OH…….. sorry that happened enjoy your life hopefully you find what you’re looking for. Bye. ( was her mannerisms and attitude)? That’s not the 1st time that situation happened to me….. plus I’m a single parent too because don’t work( as a disabled person I make far less money than anyone else in my family) like everyone does in my family I get looked down on and devalued especially when they say that, especially around my son who does see me struggling with things …. But my other family members who he’s around and who he does alot of things with they’re trying to influence him to see me lazy , not wanting to work or anything or have better life that they feel I should have equal to their own lives. They expect me to work like they do but my body because of my physical disability won’t allow me too it’s not that I’m lazy or have no motivation. How my physical disability affects my daily life is oftentimes Y I can’t work like everyone else “ most everyone I know works at a physical type of job, they can’t seem to understand Why I can’t do the same work that they can do when I tell them Y they don’t want to believe me when I say the reason why?….. it’s an argument I’ve had with them since I was a kid. With all of this stuff not only is my body broken……But my self esteem and self worth and respect is also broken because of their Conditional expectations and acceptance. Which I’ve seen in our society is this. A person s self worth, respect identity is tied into their job status and their ability to provide an adequate acceptable income…….. if he can’t do that then he’s looked down upon treated very badly in our society Can you explain why that is because I don’t understand why that is in our society
@Confessions089 15 дней назад
Or their criminals and looking to use you as collateral damage or something along the lines of that.
@utooober2008 16 дней назад
Great points
@bearbear4389 16 дней назад
''As Good as it Gets" seems like a good movie to review, especially the restaurant scene where he insults her son.
@flowersforme375 17 дней назад
Your ex is grieving a loss. Also, it can be hard to go from talking everyday to not at all. Be kind.
@sgilmour47 Месяц назад
Christine is a raging narcissist
@Soakingroom Месяц назад
Damian always gaslit Gigi and never took accountability for any misunderstandings
@saramarie42900 Месяц назад
The half up pony makes Kate seem so unkempt but if her hair was just down and natural she would knock everyone off their feet. Her figure and natural beauty is insane. I hate this movie for downplaying the absolute stunning natural beauty that is Kate winslet
@saramarie42900 Месяц назад
Kate winslet in the ultra right half pony is insanely unflattering to her. When her hair is just down she looks awesome. They tried so hard to make an attractive woman unattractive it’s insulting.
@levity90 Месяц назад
Love= BPD; Joe= NPD
@MaricaAmbrosius Месяц назад
I think Lorelai didn't deliberately hide the engagement for so long. When she was about to tell Emily, Emily said something snide or critical. Lorelai couldn't bring herself to say it then, and maybehadn't gotten over that moment before she had another chance. Sookie must have thought she told her because she was operating off old information. Lorelai isn't great at updating people on stuff, or at least she seems to consder her emotional life her own personal business.
@qazmko22 Месяц назад
Paris is a terrible person.
@Chi_Nurse Месяц назад
It just occurred to me that Paris is the only person I can think of in Rory’s life that doesn’t think she is “perfect” or “special”. Paris is honest with Rory when she is an ass and will actually tell her.
@reallysmartcomedy Месяц назад
Beck in season 1 was very basic and ordinary (nothing to obsess over). Love was … batshit. But that actress is so talented and attractive I was almost rooting for her to kill Joe and season 4 be all about her.
@christelstipp7271 Месяц назад
I have not responded to any Linked In request, Gmail communication, he is blocked on all of my social network platforms, as well as on Whatsapp for more than 12 years now. I live in a different country as well, yet he somehow got hold of my work email address and I received an email from him this morning, letting me know that his grandmother passed away. My anxiety is through the roof now and what is upsetting me the most is where did he get my work email address from, since I do not make that public at all. Furthermore, why is he still contacting me. He is married so why can't he just leave me ALONE!
@tiffanypersaud3518 Месяц назад
Was waiting for someone to put technical explanations to things for this film in ways that were easy to understand, thanks! ❤
@HeatherThomCounselling Месяц назад
Glad it was helpful! :)
@thomasb.smithjr.8401 Месяц назад
An ex who won't leave you alone is like a eunuch who doesn't know they've been fired. 😖
@WilfreCoach 2 месяца назад
Hey noticed you didn't actually define both terms. You talked about there diferences in credentials, ethical and regulated praxis which I found really helpful, and at the end It's about "authority" in a broader sense... But I will love to know what's your tae in the role and functions of both and why are you a coach and a counsellor and not just one of them?
@monikalazic-selic8509 2 месяца назад
I m afraid to ignore him...
@Aya.k151 2 месяца назад
Btw Amber was a poor bitch before marrying barrnet😏
@arr204 2 месяца назад
My ex texts me a couple times a year to say hi. Means absolutely nothing. I just stopped responding. Just stupid at this point.
@SpencerSmith-gp7xd 2 месяца назад
@seth_fitzgerald 2 месяца назад
I have a question for everyone who watched the series, my question is did she love Joe for him or did she love the idea and fantasy of him and her together? Did Joe gaslight her or was Love always gonna kill him to stop him from leaving? So in S2 when we meet love for the first time she immediately gets attached to Joe right away and it only takes Joe two or three episodes to get attached to her but when she reveals that she is just like him he attempts to run away. In S3 we see the difference between Joe and Love Joe doesn’t want to kill people, but he will only do it either in self-defense or to keep himself from being exposed and love is very impulsive and emotionally driven we see them drifting away from each other to other people, but Love attempts to make it work out of emotional connection and Joe only married her for Henry.
@Bognerman14 2 месяца назад
I'd like to know why the couples from Japan Love is Blind, showed no affection to one another!? Is that a Japanese thing to not be affectionate? No kissing, making out, hugging, massaging, no talk of sex or anything!? So strange. And the women in this season seemed very controlling and manipulative. Why is that?
@melawieeinapfel8594 3 месяца назад
Ladies, I share a simple but great trick with you: I installed a fake email address of my father and send an email as my father to guys and an Ex I don't wish to be contacted. Once they got the email from another man they left me alone.
@carlel121 3 месяца назад
Yes! He always want to know about my life I decided not to give him much information why?
@carlel121 3 месяца назад
I start believing that most men are narcisists, they don’t want to be only with you but also they don’t want you to forget him, I know there are some women out there with the same trait. But in general is more common in men.
@carlel121 3 месяца назад
Why men get so obsessed with women? Most of the time they are the ones running away from us, and they are the first one coming back, why? And I know everybody will say because you give him sex, not I don’t give him anything, but he continues contacting me, sometimes I don’t even respond and he insists, I still have feelings for him he does not know because I won’t tell him, but what is this? I can’t live with or without you? I really want to ignore him forever and I just can’t!
@gedankeistkunst7535 3 месяца назад
Amber gots to go...she is fake and have a very high opinion of herself, i dont know why, get your life straight...shittttt. Lauren, you are beatiful in everyway, Diamond you are a very strong, real REAL women, love your attitude!!!
@chadingerson6354 3 месяца назад
What attracted them at the start ? Probably thought they where hot and have been blind sided until the novity of banging all the time has worn off . Pretty obvious.
@TheBntheNard 3 месяца назад
Thank you for point out what it takes to be diagnosed with NPD. My ex-husband was diagnosed many years ago and I hate how much people throw this around. The say that it's okay to say he's not attracted to her, but the minute he does, he's considered shallow. I don't think that's fair. I don't think Deepti is attractive at all, but she is very nice. That's not always enough for people. My ex is actually more attractive than me and his narcism needed that. Which is why I don't think Shale checks enough boxes.
@autumnarcher 3 месяца назад
The pic of Tuxedo Mask in the tux cape, lol
@JasmineBella 3 месяца назад
I watch selling sunset often and my therapist said to be careful not to adopt their behaviors in real life. Love these videos!!
@johnsantos507 3 месяца назад
I know Ming Lee is trying to make her daughter Mei Mei to be a perfect daughter and turning her into Ming Lee. But in real life, none of us has to be like our parents and become perfect son or daughter. We don't born to be perfect. We were born to be ourselves. Also, I like Jin. He's a good man and a good father. But Mei Mei's mother has no right to turn Mei Mei to be like Ming Lee all because of Ming Lee's mother Grandma Wu taught her years ago. I get why Ming Lee and her family thinks that Red Panda are dangerous and they want to get rid of it because Wu and Ming Lee were fighting over Jin years ago. I mean Jin wasn't wrong about the scene were he talks to his daughter Mei Mei: "People have all kinds of sides to them, Mei Mei. And some sides are messy. The point isn't to push the bad stuff away, it's to make room for it, live with it." Jin Lee has 2 sides within him as one. Red Panda is Yin🖤 and human is Yang🤍. Without light or darkness, there is no balance.
@LoiselsPhotography 3 месяца назад
Thanks. This helped me with making my short film.
@Ked7032 3 месяца назад
The words coming out of Amber’s mouth are making no sense how is she gonna tell LC move on cuz mark has yet she still holding a grudge on Jessica for something that happens years ago she is such a hypocrite
@mbalisithole1984 4 месяца назад
The last thing I expected when I saw Motomi’s dad after she hyped him up like she did was a fedora wearing, jazz music on Sundays playing looking man 😂
@kimmyddlyons 4 месяца назад
Psychological support Healing with Patience And listend Giving us an amazing lesson 2024 Time to break that generation Circle Acceptance Empathie Beiing different & Unique is A gift not a Weekness 2024... It's more than time to break The Wheel....
@educationsystem3504 4 месяца назад
I m this
@liveesunflower 4 месяца назад
Love Quinn supremacy
@petabulmer3317 4 месяца назад
I think that in the end, Rory should probably have ended up with Jess. They were good together.
@petabulmer3317 4 месяца назад
I love the beginning of this relationship so much! They were good together untol he became so needy and jealous...
@petabulmer3317 4 месяца назад
I love how Dean treats Rory in this episode, ignoring Madeline the way he did. But there is the first example of why I don't like Tristan so much. Also, I was s--ually assaulted in high school. If a bit does that, he does not like you. At all.
@petabulmer3317 4 месяца назад
I really liked them together..
@petabulmer3317 4 месяца назад
I was sorry that Lorelai and Max couldn't work out. They were sweet together.
@petabulmer3317 4 месяца назад
In another episode, I believe that Lorelai says "I don't know how to tell you things, Mom". I find it sad that they are such different characters. But every so often, their love for each other is shown instead of shown. That is a positive...
@affaawww 4 месяца назад
Love was perfect for him, a real soulmate, but he screwed it all up
@petabulmer3317 4 месяца назад
This isn't the first time that Tristan has gotten in Dean's face, and i hate his smugness every time he does it! I do realise that it's because he is so insecure, but still!! Grr! Tristan is so annoying!