Proxy Hammer
Proxy Hammer
Proxy Hammer
Welcome to Proxy Hammer! A channel dedicated to Craftworld Eldar strategies, guides, and breakdowns in the Warhammer 40K tabletop game. I have been playing the Craftworld Eldar for about 20 years and I can tell you, the first 5 of those were spent getting beat down by almost every other army out there... The Craftworld Eldar are a hard faction to learn and play, but they are one of the most rewarding factions to master. My goal for this channel is to help new and veteran Craftworld Eldar players alike up their game and build a community of support! Thanks for watching and supporting everyone!
@FrescoTheDog 17 часов назад
I'm curious what you would change in this list with how Pariah Nexus is switching things up? I think it is fun to include all three of the Triumvirate, but that is a huge point sink, especially the Yncarne!
@ProxyHammer1 16 часов назад
I’m personally hit or miss on the Yncarne I think it’s a good unit but very weak to mortal wound bombs 💣 you need to use it carefully or risk getting hit hard
@lordilluminati5836 День назад
Last saturday I played a crusade game vs guard. My autarch was attached to storm guardians and they kicked massive arse. Stikied my home objective, went to center then phantasm behind a ruin after my oponent positioned half his force to take them out. They then shot and charged the enemy warlord and took him out along a whole guard squad I have a walock with them too and he made everysave against and entire volley of lasguns.
@lordilluminati5836 День назад
Guardian defenders with a farseer did good too. Started them in cover and used LFR so they took a lot of fire with very few casualties. Moped up a steel legion squad and messed up some vehicles. Its unfair how much better shuriken catapults are compared to lasguns
@ProxyHammer1 19 часов назад
@@lordilluminati5836 Yes true but we are the superior species after all 😂
@ProxyHammer1 19 часов назад
@@lordilluminati5836 that is so awesome! Love Storm guardians!
@glacierrr4743 День назад
As someone that runs 3*10 Spiders in my list, it's great to see another spider-forward list. They've always been my favourite aspect. And the Lynx is a cracking tank. It's interesting to see what else is in this list, might pinch some ideas (thought no Ynnari/Harlequins for me).
@ProxyHammer1 День назад
Dude that is awesome! 😎 I love spiders too and hopefully 🙏 they will get new models soon!
@glacierrr4743 День назад
@@ProxyHammer1 As someone with 45 of them, I'm happy if they're the last to get models (I will 100% buy 45 more as soon as they come out).
@ProxyHammer1 19 часов назад
@@glacierrr4743 nice! 45!!!
@TristanPetersener-vo9lm 2 дня назад
Clark Melissa Robinson Barbara Garcia Sandra
@rain6353 2 дня назад
Lmao, I love now when I google images an aspect I always see/know when your thumbnails are there. Kind of a fun game really. Edit: Oh... Now that I think of it, guess it kinda shows how little we got as Spelves, huh... .-.
@ProxyHammer1 2 дня назад
Haha 🤣 I know sometimes I see my own thumbnails and I’m like… god damn Eldar art is under represented
@ericclark2296 3 дня назад
Not sure how wraithguard shoot three times in a round?
@ProxyHammer1 3 дня назад
Shoot normally, their ability, and Overwatch 😉
@MetalCooking666 4 дня назад
I really loved my dark reapers but I think they got massively over-nerfed because of how broken they were in 8th and the start of 9th (with the 8th codex). All they needed was to have the ability to fire and fade back into transports removed. Moving back into ruins is fair enough as otherwise they’re just too squishy. The way they are now, I just don’t think their guns do enough damage and they’re too expensive
@ProxyHammer1 2 дня назад
Ya it would be nice to have a pseudo battle focus for them! Hoping for the return of BF in the codex 🙏
@woodyeagle821 4 дня назад
i'm about halfway through making one. i'm doodoo at painting lol but it'll be a threat either way!! thanks for the sweet video. i was thinking about running the ass man and avengers to hold down my hold objective, 4 gaurdian defenders to clog up the titans feet keep it out of melee, illic to pop off any librarians and then an autarch+warlock with one of the defenders near the feet to keep deep strike threats from being able to get in there. haven't put it on the field yet but i'm excited.
@ProxyHammer1 4 дня назад
I highly recommend using g the Farseer and Farseer Skyrunner combo. It makes the Titan hit really hard and be insanely durable!
@CliveRadleys-s5m 5 дней назад
Anderson Carol Moore Timothy Gonzalez Scott
@evantewkesbury1902 5 дней назад
8:18 hold on how does the d canon give the enemy -1 to hit???? Thanks
@ProxyHammer1 5 дней назад
It’s the ability of the Support Weapon itself! Just doesn’t work against vehicles or monsters
@evantewkesbury1902 5 дней назад
Oooh never ran those before. Maybe I need to pick some up 🤔. Thx
@ProxyHammer1 5 дней назад
@@evantewkesbury1902 Ya dude my pleasure they are pretty good!
@FrenchLich 5 дней назад
Would you say the Wraithbrick and the Avatar are exclusive "OR", or if properly supported with enough scorers this duo has a place without risk of being outflanked ?
@ProxyHammer1 5 дней назад
I think you can definitely use both in a list but you will have to use other tools to make sure your army can deal with staging units that the avatar and wraithguard can’t get to. Warp spiders and windriders are good answers but also Quins and scorpions coming out of falcons as they have a big threat range
@FrenchLich 5 дней назад
@@ProxyHammer1 Given how awkard it is in 10th to get melee units to charge from a transport, do you setup your Falcon as an ambusher or you just drive it forward to its death T1 so its payload can go into action right at T2 ?
@ProxyHammer1 5 дней назад
@@FrenchLich I stage my Falcons behind ruin walls then dump out my units 3”, move them 7-8”, then charge usually from behind a wall to deny Overwatch again 😉
@nicholaschapogas5296 5 дней назад
This is my list lovingly called "Wraith Bros" 1 Autarch wayleaper 2 farseer on bike 2 spiritseers 2 10 man Wraithgaurd bricks 2 Warithlords 1 wraithknight Short and sweet lol. You wont score points for crap, but everything else will die
@ProxyHammer1 5 дней назад
Lmfao I love this!! You have to paint the Wraithlords up like Mario and Luigi 😂
@clidefrog2 5 дней назад
Our win rate is like 43% and nothing in our army is "OP". I and many others would likely appreciate less click baity titles.
@ProxyHammer1 5 дней назад
If you haven’t caught on I pretty much call any unit that is strong “OP” for dramatic effect. I do this to try to engage the community and generate interest in the unit. However you bring up a good point and I’ll consider changing to wording in my titles to better describe what I’m talking about.
@maxmagnus377 5 дней назад
To be fair, we're more at like a 47,5% last I checked across Pariah Nexus. It seems recently the pros have caught on to how to make Aeldari work quite well, especially considering that we started pariah nexus barely scraping by a 45% winrate, and some of the very top performing lists do actually have the wraith brick.
@ProxyHammer1 5 дней назад
@@maxmagnus377 Ya we are doing a lot better now that players have readjusted
@Freak69Show 5 дней назад
​@@ProxyHammer1Negative... I personally love!!!
@JawaBob 5 дней назад
Great recommendations, though i have struggled to find an Eldritch Omens half for my army. I suspect it's become too scarce for a value box at this point.
@ProxyHammer1 5 дней назад
www.ebay.com/itm/285749153553?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=MJw-eK7qSZW&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=5r3goj6fqbg&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY If you message some of the sellers and offer 20% off the asking price often they will give it to you. The link above is a good example I messaged this guy offering 180$ and he said he would do it. Maybe you can get the same deal
@JawaBob 5 дней назад
@ProxyHammer1 Appreciate the link, but $180 is not a good deal when the MSRP for the Eldar half is $135. I'd rather not play extra for chaos models I probably won't be able to sell 🫤 Already made that mistake with a Dominion box.
@ProxyHammer1 5 дней назад
@@JawaBob Quite a few chaos players in our Discord that might buy the models 😉
@fishersofmen4727 5 дней назад
Just dropped too much money on a new Ynnari army, so I'm a little excited, honestly I only wanted scourges and reavers out of the Drukhari range, but hey why not just buy a whole Drukhari combat patrol for the fun... 😂😂😪😪RIP my wallet
@ProxyHammer1 5 дней назад
lol 😆 don’t we all!! I just bought one myself as well it’s a great deal!
@FrescoTheDog 5 дней назад
I enjoy using 5 in my Corsair heavy list, I usually leave them in reserve to pummel a side that needs clearing before moving them towards the midboard. 455 points just seemed too heavy an investment but I also lean more thematic then not.
@ProxyHammer1 5 дней назад
That’s a great use for them! Pirate Wraiths 😉 they might be in Davy jones but by Isha their love of the mon keigh booty just won’t quit!
@nickthenoodle9206 5 дней назад
5000 would be a blast.
@ProxyHammer1 5 дней назад
Would love to play a 5k Eldar alliance game with other Eldar players in the battle to end all battles
@Hanke86 5 дней назад
I've used Wraithguard brick with a Spiritseer and supported by a Farseer Skyrunner in my previous 3 games and it's like playing on easy mode. Next list I've decided to leave them out to make it more of a challenge 😂
@ProxyHammer1 5 дней назад
I totally feel you if your opponent doesn’t have an answer it just slaps hard
@0MaxK0 6 дней назад
Ive been looking at the wraithguard brick and im still a little nervous taking them into singles events. Seems like an auto loss vs Magnus (who is now more popular than ever) but looks great into most other match ups
@ProxyHammer1 6 дней назад
Dude honestly there is nothing you can do against Magnus. Thousand sons are OP and have been for a while in 10th Magnus needs a big point increase and honestly I think the cabal point system is broken and needs tuning
@tootmiim 6 дней назад
I love this unit as an Iyanden player but one time against a Astra Militarum player i lost 10 of them T1 due to his manticores so now i avoid them and prefer the wraithblades :(
@ProxyHammer1 6 дней назад
Manticores are nowhere as good as before, with fortune and cover you should survive even against 3 mants
@TAZEROXFORD 5 дней назад
That’s just bad luck, indirect fire is not nearly as strong as it was before
@tootmiim 5 дней назад
Yes it was before the nerf
@ProxyHammer1 5 дней назад
@@tootmiim Manticores were busted pre nerfs honestly
@gillesmelet1044 6 дней назад
Soon 5K ✌️
@ProxyHammer1 6 дней назад
Hoping I can reach it by the end of October!!
@Gladerunner2113 6 дней назад
Finally got a Spiritseer second hand, though I'm waiting on the Codex before figuring out what to build 10x Wraiths as.
@ProxyHammer1 6 дней назад
Good idea! Just play them armless for now I would say!
@Kutip 6 дней назад
Not sure if this is for everyone, but I magnetized the shit out of the kit when I got them and can switch between all 4 loadouts at will. It's been a while since I did that, so I can't really remember how painful it was (likely very, because there are a LOT of parts and magnets), but present me is loving it 😅
@williamanthony7224 5 дней назад
Just build a mix of what you think looks good and just tell people what it is before you put it on the table?
@johncapson248 5 дней назад
I magnetized mine so I can do any variety of them.
@ProxyHammer1 5 дней назад
@@johncapson248 Nice that’s definitely the way to go!
@Kutip 6 дней назад
Since I just recently started to actually play the game, I only ran 5 in smaller games from 500 to 1500 points. Didn't work well, until I added the Spiritseer. Then they became MVP 😄 Almost felt like a crutch at that point...
@ProxyHammer1 6 дней назад
Ya they really need the spiritseer! I actually hope the codex makes them more independent
@0MaxK0 6 дней назад
Yep, once your opponents start being able to precision out the spiritseer then things get much harder
@ProxyHammer1 5 дней назад
@@0MaxK0 That’s why you keep the solitaire around 😉 Heroic Intervention into precision absolutely destroys your opponent’s ability to kill the spiritseer
@0MaxK0 5 дней назад
@@ProxyHammer1 you'd think so but those 3 wounds the solitaire up for a grenade/tank shock. He has been so unendingly disappointing in every game I've started to actively avoid the dataslate
@ProxyHammer1 5 дней назад
@@0MaxK0 I keep him behind a wall for that exact purpose and if I must phantasm him to the other side I will do so to keep in in the fight, he is purely about positioning around walls and ruins
@davidfeline5850 6 дней назад
I have seen another channel (AoW) talking about running the Avatar, the Yvraine Harlequin and the Wraithguard bricks in the same list. Wondered what your thoughts were on that?
@danielsneap1520 6 дней назад
Saw that yesterday and I’m also curious
@ProxyHammer1 6 дней назад
I saw that as well and my personal take on it in theory is that it would have a lot of trouble controlling more than 1 mid board objective while also Being able to reliably score secondary. The other scoring elements of the list are very lacking. Wraithguard can be largely ignored while the rest of the army is deleted. It succeeds in making it pretty much impossible to control all three mid board objs but I honestly think that the avatar can be swapped out for more mobile elements to score secondary and deal ranged damage
@ProxyHammer1 6 дней назад
I can definitely try and make a video about it
@davidfeline5850 6 дней назад
@@ProxyHammer1 Thanks Proxy, it's a very interesting twist on a high resilience, elite list. It also doesn't care too much about the terrain density as wraiths and Quin's can just walk through it.
@ProxyHammer1 6 дней назад
@@davidfeline5850 Very true! Interesting concept indeed!
@Wybrand418 6 дней назад
Hey proxy, are you aware that a bunch of aeldari kits are "sold out online" in Asia pacific? I noticed it a few days ago but haven't seen anyone talk about it. Only the big wraith knights are left from forge world.
@warp5p1d3r6 6 дней назад
when the codex comes all the forgeworld could potentially get benched.
@ProxyHammer1 6 дней назад
Ya I think that’s a sure fire indicator that all those units are going to legends 🫤
@ProxyHammer1 6 дней назад
Yep most likely 😔
@connorpurdum827 6 дней назад
Love the content!
@connorpurdum827 6 дней назад
Always makes me so excited to play space elves
@ProxyHammer1 6 дней назад
😎😉 dude thank you for thinking so! I love the Eldar they are by far the best faction in the game!
@ProxyHammer1 6 дней назад
@olms1 6 дней назад
Videos are better and better, maps help a lot to understand, thank you
@ProxyHammer1 6 дней назад
My pleasure!!
@lordilluminati5836 6 дней назад
Can you make a video on wraithblades? Is it good to run 5x blades with a spiritseer in a wave serpent?
@ProxyHammer1 6 дней назад
I’ll definitely cover wraithblades again! Ty for the reminder!
@polstierna4251 6 дней назад
Hey! I’m thinking about that combo too! And also, could storm guardians with a warlock just sprinting their hearts out with quicken be a good combo? Maybe put an Autarch with them so they can benefit from more lethality and superlative strategist so they can phantasm or feigned retreat as they wish?
@ProxyHammer1 5 дней назад
@@polstierna4251 Superlative strategist is currently not working RAW but I definitely think Storm Guardians are good I run them in most of my lists and sometimes with a warlock if I have a spare 45pts and they do great!
@SanDan3rdDan 6 дней назад
Of course, never doubt
@ProxyHammer1 6 дней назад
They go hard 😉
@Lekamaukka 6 дней назад
Monster Slayer is like killing blow, only works on 6 when rolling to wound. No Armor / regen save, but ward save allowed.
@ProxyHammer1 6 дней назад
Ok good to know maybe I misread that! Still very powerful!
@EvaJulie-f7x 6 дней назад
Thompson Jeffrey Wilson Mary Wilson Jessica
@ProxyHammer1 6 дней назад
@Hanke86 6 дней назад
Can't wait! Has anyone else noticed that in a Drukhari army, if you have Harlequins in your army. You get Strands of Fate. It's in the Army Rules on the 40k app and in Selection Rules on Battlescribe. So do Quins get Fate Dice?! Because that would be fucking epic if they do
@ProxyHammer1 6 дней назад
Yes they do still have it but cannot use it in a Druhkari army because you never roll fate dice 🎲 in a druhkari force and have no ability to generate them
@Hanke86 6 дней назад
@@ProxyHammer1 thanks for clearing that up. Thought I'd found some broken loop hole there for a minute 😂
@ProxyHammer1 5 дней назад
@@Hanke86 Haha no problem for sure!! 😆
@terrywinterton 7 дней назад
I'd be happy to see warp spider and shining spears phoenix lords
@ProxyHammer1 7 дней назад
@@terrywinterton that would be absolutely awesome 😎
@nickthenoodle9206 8 дней назад
This video inspired me to use Skathach Wraithknight against Imp Guard. In a vehicle meta, it was awesome.
@ProxyHammer1 8 дней назад
The Skathach is absolutely awesome! Inferno lances are so strong!
@nickthenoodle9206 8 дней назад
@@ProxyHammer1 It turned out that it was the easiest battle to date verses Imp G.
@ProxyHammer1 8 дней назад
@@nickthenoodle9206 That T12 with fortune also really makes it hard for imp tanks to kill it if it gets the first strike
@nickthenoodle9206 8 дней назад
@@ProxyHammer1 I don't use footseers at present.
@ProxyHammer1 8 дней назад
@@nickthenoodle9206 Guided that bad boy up? Or just raw dogged in there like a beast? 😎
@lordilluminati5836 8 дней назад
Is the hemlock good at fighting chaos space marines? They use leadership for their army rule and it should be betterat MEQing than the crimson hunter
@ProxyHammer1 8 дней назад
well, you have to take into account 2 things 1.) It can use its ability out of reserve because its only 9" range 2.) it has BS 4+ with an average of 7 attacks which is worse than the CH that can also get 7 shots with the Starcannon and Pulse Laser with BS 3+ and has bonuses vs fly It's a good idea to use it against LD based army abilities but without being able to have the range for it to affect units as soon as it comes in on the board its not very useful :/
@lordilluminati5836 8 дней назад
@@ProxyHammer1if you are going 2nd you could rapid ingress it on your edge of the board so that on your turn it flies right into the middle or wherever their squads are. I do agree that it is weaker than the CH. They really need to give it more attacks or more damage or a big points reduction
@ProxyHammer1 8 дней назад
@@lordilluminati5836 True you could, but your opponent can still shoot it out of the sky because of the way flyers work everything will be able to see it 🫤 idk maybe there is something I’m missing about it but I just dont know I hope they give it a meaningful buff in the codex
@lordilluminati5836 8 дней назад
@@ProxyHammer1 me too. Maybe it could be good in a wraithost detachment since it has a wraith construct keyword. I have used it once in a casual game and because it has a big base and canot be charged I ended up blocking an attack from a big block of hormagaunts, but you could do the same with the CH
@ProxyHammer1 8 дней назад
@@lordilluminati5836 Yes true it does have the big base but remember that models can move right through it because it’s a flyer as long as they have the movement to move completely through
@Vungiel 8 дней назад
I am happy. My wallet is not
@ProxyHammer1 8 дней назад
@@Vungiel Lol for sure! 😂
@CoryCollects 9 дней назад
Can't wait to see what new models GW will release with the new codex! Personally, I would love to see a model for Drastanta, the Shining Spears Phoenix Lord. Speaking about waiting before buying specific miniatures, I’d suggest holding off and seeing what happens with the remaining Forge World/15+ resin kits, because I’ve noticed that a lot of them are already sold out online, and who knows how many others will disappear forever. What a shame. Great content as always, Proxy!
@ProxyHammer1 9 дней назад
@@CoryCollects Absolutely! I think people should really hold off on those FW units as well sadly 🥺 The Shining Spear PL would be absolutely fantastic as well I’m hoping for one of those!
@malekith13 9 дней назад
Can't wait for that codex and i hope we won't have to use drukhari that much... we may tell ourself " yeah we have a 48% win " but that's mostly thanks to drukhari units :/ Let's hope they would redo all the aspects warriors and phénix lord but looks like a dream, and if possible having the phénix lord for warp spider and shining spears ! I want a codex with detachment with a true harlequin rule and one centered around aspect warrior ( biel-tan player here ^^ ).
@ProxyHammer1 9 дней назад
@@malekith13 Absolutely let’s hope for that it’s what GW owes the community after all it’s been 20+ years with no Warp Spiders
@clidefrog2 10 дней назад
It's going to be awful.
@ProxyHammer1 10 дней назад
Interesting. What makes you think that?
@clidefrog2 9 дней назад
Because of 10th index. They are gonna pre nerf everything. Guaranteed its an awful codex.​@ProxyHammer1
@ProxyHammer1 9 дней назад
@@clidefrog2 That remains to be seen honestly. Truthfully from what I’ve seen the codexes are a bit more powerful on release lately regardless of how the meta looks.
@DonksGrooves 10 дней назад
It's all a ruse. They said "more well rounded". It isn't going to be any of the traditional stuff...it's going to be the slicing orbs of zandros and nothing else. They are never updating warp spiders...that was probably a bet made in the early 90s and written into their corporate bylaws!
@ProxyHammer1 10 дней назад
Lmfao 😂
@LoftOfTheUniverse 10 дней назад
Bro what about shadow specters
@ProxyHammer1 10 дней назад
Those are definitely going to legends 😔
@LoftOfTheUniverse 10 дней назад
@@ProxyHammer1 foot autarch did too though
@ProxyHammer1 10 дней назад
@@LoftOfTheUniverse You mean Autarch on bike?
@joshuadixon979 7 дней назад
Think. there is a way gor the community to push back against them being moved to legends? Ill fight for that unit😅
@LoftOfTheUniverse 7 дней назад
@@ProxyHammer1 before foot autarch got remade it was legends with bonesinger
@LoftOfTheUniverse 10 дней назад
Do you really think GW is gonna drop 5 unique/ named characters in 1 release? Doesn't seem like their style in terms of making money or in release style. 5 $45 indivudal named chars in this economy won't sell well they'll be competing amongst themselves.
@ProxyHammer1 10 дней назад
@LoftOfTheUniverse 10 дней назад
@@ProxyHammer1 huh?
@ProxyHammer1 10 дней назад
@@LoftOfTheUniverse Ya I mean we probably won’t get all of the PL’s at once but honestly if we don’t get them now when will we? I just feel it’s been a long time coming. I doubt they will be all in the same army box but I predict a few of them will be.
@LoftOfTheUniverse 10 дней назад
@@ProxyHammer1 exactly I doubt Karandras will be in this wave. Whatever doesn't pop up in 2025 will probably be in 2026 or later.... when will we get Illic?
@ProxyHammer1 10 дней назад
@@LoftOfTheUniverse I think illic will be going to legends imho
@GTXanatos13 10 дней назад
Looking forward to plastic aspects. I still don't have the new scorpions, mostly because I don't think I need 10 new ones with the 5 I already have.
@ProxyHammer1 10 дней назад
Fair point on the scorpions, the old ones honestly look good enough imho 😎
@anselme9493 10 дней назад
Had 6, have 16 now
@ProxyHammer1 10 дней назад
@@anselme9493 😉😎 I’m about to get more myself
@darkelf2040 10 дней назад
If he's roadmap is a new edition every 3 years and 10 is 2 years old now I think it's pretty safe to say that it's near the end of the edition
@ProxyHammer1 10 дней назад
10th will be 1 1/2 years old in January so we will probably get half of the edition to work with the codex
@FrescoTheDog 10 дней назад
I would agree that I am tired of Battle Host. It feels weird to play mostly harlequins or mostly Ynnari and the rules be the same as if I went heavy Craftworld. I’m excited for new sculpts though, I want to play a thematic aspect warrior list but hate resin with a fiery passion!
@ProxyHammer1 10 дней назад
The finecast is awful 😣 will be happy to have plastic aspects
@de4no_the_dino348 10 дней назад
As awful as some of the resin models are to work with I think it will be nice to have some of the retro miniatures before they are gone forever.
@ProxyHammer1 10 дней назад
Yes that’s fair too for collectors!
@keyanklupacs6333 10 дней назад
Personally doubt new dire avengers but they would be a cool include. If they did the BARE MINIMUM and gave us the three updated aspects I'd still be happy.
@ProxyHammer1 10 дней назад
That’s honestly what I’m really hoping for!
@supermercado6848 10 дней назад
But what about clowns!!!! Such garbage they are no longer their own thing..
@andybandyb 10 дней назад
@ProxyHammer1 10 дней назад
Swoops!!! 😉
@jeanlamarc8563 10 дней назад
Deatj korps of krieg and aeldari. Woah. It would almost tempt me buying back miniatures for another army
@ProxyHammer1 10 дней назад
@@jeanlamarc8563 It’s going to be a great release!!