Introducing The Next Generation of Heiser
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Ancient Cosmologies & The Book of Enoch
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What Is The Mark of The Beast???
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Important Biblical Insights on Atonement
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Marty takes on Heiser and the Unseen Realm
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Better Biblical Questions with MARTY SOLOMON
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@hc5327 4 часа назад
The snake was Lucifer.
@immortalinchrist 4 часа назад
I just left the episcopal church. I had a woman minister. I do not like the LGBTQ ideology in the church because of the children especially. I came into Christ in the privacy of my own home calling out to Jesus and one of the deepest paint of my life. I started reading the Bible. I was very liberal feminist. It took a lot of deprogramming, but I literally have given my life to God and now I’m in southern Baptist theological seminary, which is like the oldest seminary in the country to be a Bible teacher for children. I have tons of miracles in a lot of Holy Spirit because I’m alone, and I am celibate. It took me months to actually get to a church and my friend I grew up with because I was kind of liberal told me about the episcopal church. Initially, it was a cool experience, although it almost felt sort of like a Catholic Church compared to my dad’s Baptist Church in my hometown Athens, Georgia. In some ways, I liked the ritualistic aspect of it because I have been very pagan. In my journey are used to live in SF in the Castro. I’ve also had a transgender Landloard who is extremely psycho, because transgender people have to be on drugs for the rest of their life. Last summer I started talking to her about how I didn’t like the gender ideology with the children and I didn’t think it was right with the church. She could not handle talking to me about it and it was weird and it made me feel like it was very unprofessional because she couldn’t handle the fact that I didn’t agree with the LGBTQ in the church because the Bible says that it’s not right with God. Why do you wanna change the Bible. In the book of Ecclesiastes king Solomon states there’s nothing new under the sun. I know you guys are into all the supernatural stuff from the back in the day but you never know like we could be reliving something that we’ve already lived OK like seriously. God is a father and he made it very Pacific. The reason why he wanted men to run the church is because women are more vulnerable and we’re more susceptible to the devil. Ensure it’s not like we can do it but it’s just gonna be harder for us because we’re really emotional and we’re really empathic and sometimes that spiritual discernment can cause havoc just like what happened when we accidentally ate the fruit OK? The devil hates women more than men OK so if the devil wants to destroy the world, he’s gonna go after a woman like he did in the beginning of humanity. The devil went after the woman, because he wanted to pervert the seed of humanity. Because Eve had to reveal ability to reproduce, and then somehow came was Satan‘s spawn, and there’s literally like some other bloodline here because of that and that’s why Jesus Christ came and that’s why God’s really certain in the Pacific that you should not change the Bible and you shouldn’t have women be ministers, and what I’ve noticed is the women ministers or run in the churches for the old people generally but the other issue I believe with having women ministers running a church is the carnality aspect. Men cannot control their dicks. It’s just how it is and if there’s a woman speaking the gospel, it might be harder for them to listen to them and I’m just saying it’s how it is I believe it’s a man’s world we came from a father. I’m cool with that. I used to be a liberal feminist. I had such a hard time in my career I live really had so much tribulation. I was chasing the goddess and all this crap OK in this age which is off from Satan, and Satan, was the original feminist you know it’s just how it is I don’t care I’m here to speak. The truth women are the seed bears men are supposed to go out in Work and Women are supposed to raise the babies and take care of their homes and you know what the women that do that I can guarantee you or happier than the women that are trying to be with a man are supposed to be. So I got baptized a couple months after I tried to talk to my episcopal minister about that whole the transgender thing. We had to wait for the bishop to get for a visit in the file to do the baptism for some reason. I had also done a different baptism, but I was joining the church. when the bishop came to baptize me, the service was beautiful but afterwords we had a whole talk. Her whole focus was how she let transgender people in the church, and she brought all these transgender people to Christ, and all I could sit there and think was what the I just got baptized and they’re talking about transgender people in the church because the other minister knows that I don’t think that’s right and I felt so uncomfortable and that was just a total display OK of why women should not be ministers cause this is BAD for children! So then it’s been awkward since last fall and I’ve been searching for other churches, and then I decided to go to the southern Baptist seminary because I realize that they don’t change the gospel and there’s no woke academia where things have changed over time so they’re just focusing on the gospels and the scripture like the Spirit of God wants us to. A couple weeks ago. I had been in search for another church and had joined a online church. We were still going to the episcopal church on the 8 AM service. Literally there’s like five people there and OK there’s no gay people in the church it’s not like I’m homophobic I just don’t believe I know they have transgender people running their churches and like they have gay people running their churches and I think it’s an abomination to God OK and so the deeper I go with the Bible, I’m like no this is not OK. And I could not believe they told me they had a fucking chariot in the pride parade, and it was the first time being in the pride parade in here in California and I was done and I will never go back to that church for the rest of my life. God hates pride, and the only reason why that type of ideology is allowed in the church is because of women being ministers I can guarantee you it’s BS gods a father I’m sorry women should teach Bible study to children. Maybe they can be preachers a part of the church but they should not be running a body of church. I mean I literally want to write the episcopal church and tell him my experience to be like this was nuts like transgender people have to be on drugs for the rest of their life and they’re pushing this ideology on children because Satan is trying to sterilize society OK so I’m just here as an anti-feminist anti-woman minister saying gods, a father and I don’t change the Bible I’m a true southern Baptist, and I know I got my citizenship in heaven, I can feel my glorified body connected to the heavens, is my true faith of Jesus Christ and I know that Yahwah loves that. I do not change his words because it causes havoc and it’s literally the last two verses in the Bible.
@loveyourenemy7796 4 часа назад
Pastors who preach the rapture will have a lot of disappointed people who will fall away because they were betrayed.
@DirtBallPaul 6 часов назад
WHAT??? It was put into bible about 100 a.d. oh really! Thats what billy said! Which completely proves to me he is no scholar!! Just like Christ said referring to :; blind leading the BLIND. ( because they claim that they see, proves their sin remains!)
@DirtBallPaul 6 часов назад
@DirtBallPaul 6 часов назад
Totally agree with you guys,about Billy Carson, when he publicly denounced orthodox christianity. I stopped listening to him or any body else that comes against sacred scriptur😅e. God has proved HIMSELF TO ME, HE. IS THE ULTIMATE AUTHORITY, SO HE MUST AUTHORIZE HIMSELF. AND HE DID, BY RAISING JESUS CHRIST FROM THE DEAD, THIS IS INCONTROVERTIBLE
@irefusebeastmark4728 7 часов назад
this is total heresy from carmen and supporters
@ringthembells143 8 минут назад
@MadeleineKuhl 7 часов назад
I get caught in being fully aware of my brain being stupid. I have faith in Yahweh I have faith he is right I have glee in how I can be obsessed with biology and learn from evolution but trust the Bible with no doubt. It’s the fact I Love it and just like biochemistry with atoms configurations I I’m all in before English grammer catches up or debate without crying.
@deniecebarker3391 8 часов назад
What is the tattoo on your left forearm?
@ThembaMaselane 8 часов назад
Genesis 1-2:God created Adam first =Headship God created Eve for Adam =Headship Eve was presented to Adam=Headship. Eve is Named by Adam =Headshp.
@shadrackjames 13 часов назад
Kind of off topic from this and not sure if you have covered this elsewhere, but I’m curious on your take on this would be, would you say what is in acts 15:29 is also just for a specific group Christian’s based on the culture at the time or do you see that binding in all Christian’s still to this day? It’s a bit different to the topic in this video but I have heard some people use similar lines of reasoning expressed in the women can teach today argument to come to that conclusion. Just curious thanks again for your channel!
@Terrylb285 13 часов назад
Both Adam and Eve were given a command in the garden of Eden go multiply be fruitful subdue and RULE over creation. Through their disobedience as a TEAM they contaminated the Garden of Eden with now two fallen sinful creatures. They lost their assigned positions and were expelled out of Eden. We are not in Eden anymore .Here we have both male and female without a sinful nature showing God They are not up to the task.
@MB777-qr2xv 16 часов назад
I am NOT saying whether there is or is not eternal punishment in Hell, but here is WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: Revelation 14:9-11 says, "If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, he also will drink the wine of God’s wrath...and he will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever, and they have NO REST, day or night." If they were annihilated out of existence, then the statement "no rest day or night" makes no sense. Revelation 20:10 says, "And the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast and the false prophet were, and they will be TORMENTED day and night FOREVER and ever. . .Then Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if ANYONE"S name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire." By the way, the word torment is translated from the Greek word Basanismos, and it means to torture. It absolutely does NOT mean to annihilate and put out of existence. Luke 16:22-24 “The time came when the beggar died, and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried. 23 In Hades, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. 24 So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.” Notice the rich man is NOT annihilated but rather in torment in flames. He can feel pain, he can see, he can have a rational conversation. How does this in any metaphorical sense point to annihilation?
@TommyStahr 16 часов назад
Romans 13:10 says, "Love does NO HARM TO A NEIGHBOR"! Anti-gay and anti-choice are ANTI-CHRIST lies! 1946themovie proves the Bible is not anti-gay.
@MAx-zp8bi 16 часов назад
Keep bringing more great teaching #1👍👍👍👍
@ringthembells143 16 часов назад
Thank you 🔔✔️✌️
@TommyStahr 17 часов назад
Mackie looks jacked in that picture! I always tell people that 1John3:23 sums up Christianity. Sadly, because of mistranslations & shit teaching, the church doesn't love their gay neighbors (see 1946themovie). If we just love God and our neighbors, Jesus said we'll live. Luke 10:28. Bigotry and idolatry of the image of the Beast killed Christianity. Rev 13:11-16 is America. Two horns are right-wing Christians and Catholics. The Image is right in front of you. Compare Exodus 13:16, Rev 13:16 & Matt 5:29. What you fill your head with and give your time, money and strength proves who your God is. It's Jesus or the Beast. The world is the Beast.
@terrymoore3799 17 часов назад
Anyone, what was the “good” non-8track Genesis commentary alluded to around the 40 minute mark?
@ringthembells143 17 часов назад
I think he was saying that any commentary produced before the 1980s is like an 8 track. Meaning before we got the context of the dead Sea scrolls we were limited in the scope of our contextual understanding. Now after that our commentaries are much more multifaceted or superior to the 8 track so to speak
@R.MarkReasonerJr. 13 часов назад
I was saying any commentary published before Amar Annus' 2010 article, "On the Origin of Watchers: A Comparative Study of the Antediluvian Wisdom in Mesopotamian and Jewish Traditions" in Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 19(4):277-320, is an 8-track tape, (For specifically the Genesis 6 passage) because Annus findings thoroughly provide background evidence for the Apkallu stories in Cuneiform literature as the cultural context of the watchers story in Genesis 6.
@R.MarkReasonerJr. 13 часов назад
For a short article on it, see pages 52-55 of "The Bible Unfiltered: Approaching Scripture on its Own Terms."
@leilanionmaui 18 часов назад
I really enjoyed the message. What a good teacher. We must put our trust in the Lord!
@ringthembells143 18 часов назад
Amen 🔔✔️✌️
@marshalllucky7020 20 часов назад
He was an agreeable person and suffered the downside….caring enough for others that he didn’t want to rattle their cage. Personally, I like cage rattling. So, I’ll say it: The Doctrine of “the Rapture” and the literalism approach to scripture is dumb. Take scripture literally, but that means consider context and type of literature. Further; Dispensationalism is the doctrine of demons. It has produced a failed church in American society and the culture and politics we see now are the down stream results. Our lord is in heaven, ascended to the throne in physical body, he will return as he ascended at the seventh trumpet, he will rule his kingdom on a renewed heaven and earth..our hope is in our resurrection. Until then, we have the great commission to advance (not fail). We are building his kingdom not polishing brass on a sinking ship. So, get your boots on and get to work; Love God and Love Your Neighbor. AND act like our Father runs this place….he does…it’s his kingdom.
@tylerbarrett6652 20 часов назад
Yeah... I think we get too entrenched into the idea of "day"... we didn't have the sun to mark out the day until what... ? day 3? I think it was Chuck Missler who put forward the idea that the word for "day" in the very beginning would have meant something like his first infusion or shift (as in dayshift/nightshift - the first period of working and effort - right? And how do we know that it was a 24-hour day precisely when there was not yet the lamps in the heavens to denote these periods of time? So I'm thinking we might not want to bet the farm on it or marry it... you know?
@davidkeever721 20 часов назад
Future mankind will find all the Disney ,marvel toys and think we worshipped them 🤣😅 they will be half right. I think all of history is like this
@Scantbracelet 20 часов назад
I don’t understand how cosmic geography can be true if the Tower of Babel wasn’t a real event.
@ronoxley4138 21 час назад
Slavery was a different issue in many ways during the early church than it is perceived now because of the slavery in America & England. The slavery in America & England was terribly sinful, that’s not so about most slavery in the early church.
@ringthembells143 21 час назад
Enslaving another human in any form in any capacity at any time in the entire history of the world is WRONG
@ronoxley4138 21 час назад
@@ringthembells143 do you understand the various types of slavery (servitude) that are discussed in the OT & NT? Like I’ve already said, the slavery that we know of in modern times is evil. To insert our modern understanding into scripture pollutes what scripture is saying.
@ringthembells143 19 часов назад
@@ronoxley4138 Again…Enslaving another human in any form in any capacity at any time in the entire history of the world is WRONG See the Garden of Eden 👌
@ronoxley4138 16 часов назад
@@ringthembells143 Again, cause I don’t think you’re understanding my point; I’m not saying slavery is good, my point is that God never said to not have slaves or to free all slaves in the OT or NT. We must interpret those scriptures as they were understood by the original audience before we can understand their meaning to us today, which doesn’t mean they promote the right of people to enslave others. It wasn’t a bad thing, as Nijay Gupta states. It was how society worked from the OT thru NT times. That being said, how do you explain this inspired word from God to His chosen people? Lev 25:44-46 (ESV): 44 As for your male and female slaves whom you may have: you may buy male and female slaves from among the nations that are around you. 45 You may also buy from among the strangers who sojourn with you and their clans that are with you, who have been born in your land, and they may be your property. 46 You may bequeath them to your sons after you to inherit as a possession forever. You may make slaves of them, but over your brothers the people of Israel you shall not rule, one over another ruthlessly.
@LyleCooper 22 часа назад
"I'm not doing to split them..." Then you are ignoring the TIMING given in scriptures. How can you NOT divide an event that happens BEFORE the 70th week with an event that will happen AFTER the 70th week? It is impossible they are the same event. God will not warp time.
@LyleCooper 22 часа назад
"Joiners" versus "dividers..." Do the scriptures, correctly understood, give us a choice of whether we believe in TWO comings or only one? No, the scriptures clearly point to TWO MORE COMINGS when rightly divided and correctly understood.
@LyleCooper 22 часа назад
1 Cor. 15:22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. 23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming. 24 Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. Paul is only outlining events: Paul is giving us the correct ORDER or chronology. Jesus was the first man to get His resurrection body. Later, with MANY events in-between, at Paul's rapture (just before the start of the Day of the Lord) the church will receive their resurrection bodies at Christ's coming to the air (no mention of a touchdown, and scripture shows us that He returns to heaven at this time). Then, (after the entire 70th week, and after the entire 1000 year reign, and after the great white throne judgment and final resurrection (second death resurrection) Jesus will deliver up the kingdom to His Father. Paul is giving ORDER or sequence, not a detailed report.
@LyleCooper 22 часа назад
"How would a resurrected body meet his or her spirit in the air and in the clouds: how would they SEE this spirit." It will be the human spirits finding their bodies, for the soul will be with the spirit. Simple: the spirit will know where their body was buried and will be waiting in the air for their body to resurrect. Remember, spirits know even as they are known. They will be able to SEE their resurrection body and KNOW it is theirs.
@LyleCooper 22 часа назад
"Resurrection happens after the second coming..." Yes, there will be a resurrection for the Old Testament saints, PLUS those who will be martyred during the days of great tribulation, but this resurrection will be "on the last day" (John 6) or the final 24 hours of the 70th week - the same day the 7th bowl is poured out that will END the Week. Jesus does not return on that last day. The marriage and supper will take place in heaven then. He will not return until AFTER the marriage and supper. However, the resurrection of the dead in Christ at the rapture will take place over seven years before this final resurrection for the righteous, Paul is clear that his rapture event will take place before the start of the Day of the Lord, which John shows us will take place at the opening of the 6th seal. All the events of Revelation chapters 7 through 18 will and must take place before Christ returns to set up His kingdom. That will be over seven years.
@LyleCooper 22 часа назад
"In the air" metaphorically? No, because he also said in the clouds. if we allowed a beginning reader to read this, they would take it literally. If someone comes UP out of a literal grave (which is underground) that "up" is going to be in the air where clouds are seen. Paul does not tell us what direction Jesus will take after we are gathered to Him in the clouds, but other scriptures do. When we consider Paul's TIMING: just before wrath, and just before Daniel's 70th Week, we must then consider WHERE Jesus will be DURING the 70th week - and the answer is clear: He is in heaven for the entire Week, and at the marriage and supper after the Week. That tells us that Jesus' direction after the gathering will be back to heaven, and John 14 confirms this.
@JeffPelletierGWIPtoday 22 часа назад
I’m interested to know how the conversation with NT Wright affected your understanding. Dr. Wright added a great deal to what Dr. Heiser says and they do not conflict. They complement well.
@LyleCooper 22 часа назад
There is no question about it, classic pre-tribulation rapture theory has holes in it, and Tim Lehaye did not correct these errors. First, Rev. 4:1 is NOT about the rapture. It is John being caught up, probably around 95 AD. Second, the 70th week or "tribulation" does NOT begin at the first seal, it begins at the seventh seal. The rapture, according to Paul, will come just before God's wrath, so just before the 6th seal. The first seal, taking IN CONTEXT (right after Jesus ascended and sent the Holy Spirit down, is the church, with the Gospel. The opening of the first seal made it LEGAL for Jesus to send out the church into the devil's world.
@LyleCooper 22 часа назад
"Revelation 3:10" Pre-tribulation rapturism does not need this verse. Paul was given a special dispensation for the Gentile church of today, and Paul alone got the revelation of the rapture of the Gentile church. It is a Pauline doctrine specifically for the Gentiles. If we read Paul, He said (In his famous rapture passage of 1 Thes. 4 & 5, that God would set no appointments for us with His wrath, and in the first chapter where God said He would deliver us from His wrath. It just makes good sense: if Paul was the only man who received the revelation of a dispensation for the Gentiles, giving to HIM for the Gentiles, then we should discover truths of he rapture from Paul's epistles, not from the gospels.
@LyleCooper 22 часа назад
It is generally an American thing..." This is due to the great awakening where so many in North America were born again, while the church was dying out in Europe, and had not expanded much in the rest of the world. More Americans began to study the Word of God and less Europeans, because the church was shrinking there.
@zachhorvath4409 22 часа назад
I haven't played video games, at least for more than an hr while being owner.. anyway your background music sounds like a SuperNintendoish RPG that is the R rated backstory of an cinemax action porno...
@LyleCooper 22 часа назад
"Happens mainly in American Evangelicalism..." Someone once said to me that pre-tribulation rapturism is an American phenomenon. I immediately got on a social gathering website and sent 50 messages to 50 different people who put "Christian" on their profiles. My first question was if they believed and the rapture of the church, and second, if they did believe in the rapture, did they believe it would be pre-trib. It turned out that 49 out of the 50 believed in a pre-trib rapture. I then asked them WHY they thought the rapture would come before the tribulation, and their unanimous answer was that it was in the Bible." I was blessed to teach in an underground church in China for six months. I can assure you, they too believe in a pre-tribulation rapture. WHY do people around the world believe in a pre-tribulation rapture? It is simple: it is what the Bible teaches us when read with no preconceptions. What many people miss is that after giving the Jews ample time to believe that Jesus was their Messiah after He rose from the dead, God put blindness in part upon the Jews, sent Paul to the Gentiles, and began a special dispensation for the new Gentile church. It just makes good sense, and it is scriptural, that God will END Paul's special dispensation for the Gentiles at the pre-tribulation rapture, and then begin His end-time game: the Day of the Lord for the nations and the 70th Week of Daniel to finish up the Jewish age. The rapture will end Paul's dispensation for the Gentiles, then the 7th bowl will end the final seven years for the Jews, and then the millennial reign will begin.
@LyleCooper 23 часа назад
"Escaping earth to inherit heaven..." No, this is not the truth of the rapture. Heaven will be only a temporary place while God's wrath is being poured out on earth. Heaven will be emptied and all the saints, Old and New covenants together, will return WITH CHRIST as He comes to set up His early Kingdom. We see a picture of that kingdom in Rev. 20:4.
@LyleCooper 23 часа назад
"Heaven and earth together" is the ENDGAME. There is going to be much water under the bridge before that endgame becomes reality. For example, Paul's special dispensation for the Gentile church of today must first end, which in other words will be the end of the church age, and it will end at the rapture of the Gentile church of today. A moment later and God will begin the Day of the Lord or as John wrote it, the Day of His wrath. Paul is clear that we are not destined to live on earth while God is angry with earth dwellers who despise Him. What better temporary place could God choose to place His church during those seven years filled with God's wrath then "heaven" where Jesus said He would go and build homes for us. We will return WITH HIM at His Armageddon coming.
@markvanoyen4137 23 часа назад
@roonski2048 23 часа назад
Sounds like something CS Lewis would say. Very much in line with The Great Divorce.
@alanmaling 23 часа назад
❤who are the Palestinian
@edwardtalbot5556 День назад
..let the wicked be wicked and the righteous be righteous...live and let live...
@jackfrost2978 День назад
There will come a time when there will either be very few rolls. That time is not now. The male / female paradigm. Is a view of the relationship of God to humanity. Jesus to humanity. Should we tell God we will not submit to him? Should we tell Jesus. Thank you for the sacrifice, but I'm my own person and I follow only me? The dynamics and expectations between husband and wife are not the same. The head is not the heart, and the heart is not the head. Both are important, yet different. The apostles were not split 50/50 men and women. Is the title of the next episode. "Did God really say?"
@dannymccarty344 22 часа назад
I think his whole ministry is based on "did God really say"? It worked on Eve, right?
@ellencooney5563 День назад
1 Timothy 3:5 (KJV) 5 (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)
@kylestephens4133 17 часов назад
Yeah, why is that passage ignored constantly?
@cpjosh8226 День назад
Argument from silence. The same assignment they make about homosexuality.
@ringthembells143 22 часа назад
God is not silent in the Garden of Eden. Make and female both made priests equally to rule and reign in the image of God✔️✌️🔔