Dimple the Dragon
Dimple the Dragon
Dimple the Dragon
Finding new ways to try, climb, and complete video games!
@MoreImbaThanYou 21 час назад
The true irony in Invokers rip off is it being chinese. A chinese cheap copy. Can't even bring myself to joke about it, thats a way too low hanging fruit.
@PixelatedMagikarp 22 часа назад
I personally find dota 2 easier than league it’s why I play it. League is just strangely complicated and mechanically intense for someone who’s new to mobas while dota 2 everything is so much more simple and easy to understand
@kumarprithvimishra2435 23 часа назад
Offlane and soft support, most gigachad roles of the game
@alphanitsuga6499 День назад
In the end of the day LOL copied DotA thats just it. Just because guinsoo worked for DotA allstars for a few months does not give him the authority to copy those heroes designed by other devs who created those for the game called DotA. “Inspired”? Maybe but visuals? Skills? Just put a few sprinkles in it wont make a difference so that it can be called “inspired” its plain as day copy.
@bv3365 День назад
Like Izrael and Palestine
@AnKILLZ День назад
Did anyone ever tell you that you sound exactly like Lando Norris?
@lich6907 День назад
@thereaper1397 День назад
Is Dota 2 harder than mobile legends?
@FharaohMal День назад
As someone who has played some (400 All Pick games + 200 turbo spread across 6 years) DotA after playing League for 12 years, I'm very curious what your rank in League is. Not because I necessarily think your opinion is wrong (although I don't agree with it personally), but because your analysis was so surface level it left me completely in the dark about your grasp of the genre. As a Diamond League player, I found that, except for the support roles (4/5), which are infinitely more complex than, and VERY different from, League's support role, DotA is very easy to learn and pretty simple. With some limited exceptions, the mechanical requirement is significantly reduced, Dota's micro is literally moving multiple characters/illusions which is easier than it originally sounds, while in League you're constantly spacing, juking, dodging skillshots, and the inability to deny actually makes it harder to manage your waves. Kiting is more mechanically intensive, and closing gaps is more difficult in League on a lot of characters because of the lack of turn rates. I think a lot of the skill in DotA comes in game awareness/macro, knowing generally where to be and when, what areas are safe, what items you need before you fight certain heroes, but a lot of the difficulty in learning the game comes from learning what every hero does, all the exceptions to "rules" (what skills pierce BKB for example). I found myself rarely losing lane to mediocre DotA players, often accruing large leads from farming (there's SO MUCH farm available at all times!) but a lot of my game losses would be from just not knowing when to get important defensive items, because I'm so unfamiliar with the CC/purge/dispel/BKB interactions. A lot of (especially low MMR) DotA games can be won purely through farm advantages and stat checking on good carry heroes, while playing around where on the map your team has vision and players. My favorite hero was Faceless Void, because when my ult was down no one on my team would pick bad fights and flame me for not being there, they'd (mostly) let me farm and play to defend. Farming and hitting enemy characters with numbers and vision advantages was something I found very easy, because it's something that translates almost 1:1 from League. If you're not very good at League, I can understand why that would be harder to pick up in DotA, because you have never truly grasped it in the game you came from. Now to be clear, I say that as someone who had a friend who had played DotA for 5 years and could answer my questions in game about what heroes/items did. If you don't have that, it makes sense the game would seem harder, but every game seems harder than a game you've played for 10 years when you only put 5 days into it.
@lordfrago 2 дня назад
As a dota player. I never know there is a tutorial 😅n game before 🤣🤣🤣.
@kukuki5000 2 дня назад
Both 'steal' from each other and it's great. Drow didn't have "arrow valley", LoL was the first to have CD reduction. I love Genshin which is a copy of BotW + waifus. Copy what's great and if possible, make it even better. Carl's still better than Hwei.
@Esko_GG 2 дня назад
7 Months to late... can I still win the RP Card tho?
@keiker2254 2 дня назад
Who cares about which game is harder the REAL point of pride is which community is the most toxic
@DordiHOTS 2 дня назад
Heroes of the storm is an amazing MOBA, still play it to this day. Highly recommend it.
@killermoth583 2 дня назад
you kind of sound like my other fav youtuber elvis the alien
@megalodogge 2 дня назад
Hots is not dead. Average matchmaking is like 20-30 seconds in prime time.
@thanhphonghuynh4997 2 дня назад
Queen of pain playstyle is kinda like leblanc tbh
@jonathanj.3695 2 дня назад
>Name is "Dimple the Dragon" >Chosen character to master: Dragon Knight Coincidence?
@GoldenGodlike 2 дня назад
you starting on dota 2 and not having a good time is me on LOL as a newbie ahahah
@gamebox3263 2 дня назад
Been playing dota 1 for 8 years. then we switch playing LoL, our friend whos a diamond rank let us join with the custom game with diamond players. WE DESROYING THEM SHIT AND WE'RE JUST NEW TO THE GAME.
@pvshka 2 дня назад
Mars probably isn't the best comparison champ because he's one of the examples where Dota actually copied League's character. On launch, the forums were full of "This hero belongs in League of Legends" threads.
@boredgreenOfficial 3 дня назад
DK is not even an option in my Rank...can be easily countered. You just got lucky.
@zucth8447 3 дня назад
Never forget of Vainglory. Best MOBA game of all time. Sadly the 5v5 bring it down to dust.
@ElGrincho8691 3 дня назад
First, in league of noobs you dont need items soooooo ( hit and run ) SECOND you dont play vs players with 10k hs ingame or MORE, league of noobs its more like HERO OF STORM ( dead noob game LOL ) Dota 2 is a littl complex for kids and girls, yo have so many patch, new items, what these items do.....well we harras kids who try dota, because lol players sucks, but any dota 2 player can beat any 10 or 20k hs kids ;)
@saif-gv6gl 3 дня назад
my brother literally said to me to play 100 games of unfair bot before trying rank lol. I skip it after 30 or so and escaped herald really easily
@saif-gv6gl 3 дня назад
bro will be fucked in the ass with the new update lmao
@MasterBaiterOhComeOn 3 дня назад
Now play Lol wr
@otterinahat4731 3 дня назад
lol copies dota, dota copies lol, that's just the way things go
@phuchung7834 3 дня назад
I played both games from the very beginning (Dota 1 and LoL with wtf graphic), even from the Era of HON, and I can confirm that Dota 2 way more complicated and harder than LOL but also more interesting and creative than LOL. I am now currently still playing those two games. Immo in dota2 and challenger in lol for 7-8 seasons till now
@ekhidnis 3 дня назад
Bru you are playing turbo, it ain't a real game but a shitshow
@CantankerousCannon 3 дня назад
I played dota for maybe 15-20 hours, almost 10 years ago? It was during the early days of league, and we were being inundated by mobas, and I was trying to play as many as I could get my hands on, as, while I loved league, I was growing a little tired of it. Dota was perhaps, my least favorite out of all of them that I tried, and I played a couple really janky ones. It's almost certainly very different these days, but I recall getting the feeling that the game was pretty poorly balanced. I do not remember character names at all, but one that I played was the spider lady, who had an ability that laid down a huge area of web. I mean absolutely massive. It gave me movement speed, and slowed my opponents. Oh, and I was completely invisible while in the web. Oh ya, and they lasted the entire game, and I could have as many of them as I wanted. So by 10 minutes in my entire lane was covered in webs, and my opponent literally couldn't leave turret without exploding. Every single time I played her. I don't know if there was counter play in the game, but literally no one I ever played against seemed to know about it. Oh and then one that I played against, I don't remember much about them, but they left a strong emotional impression. All I remember was trying out a new adc like champ for the first time, and then this dude walks just barely into my vision range, and fucking nukes me. Literally had more than 2 times my range, and obscene damage, even at low levels. Like, I couldn't stand in front of, next to, or even behind tower to avoid being safely attacked by him, I literally had to just leave the lane. Ya uhh, maybe one of the worst balanced pvp games I have ever played, in any genre, ever. Because for every hero like those 2, there were 5 who were absolute dogshit trash who would lose to a minion wave. But on a more positive note, Strife was probably my favorite non LOL moba, game had some rough edges, but some really interesting ideas. It was just enough like league to be approachable, and just enough different to actually be refreshing.
@alexfresh8951 3 дня назад
You get punished harder for playing non perfect in league, in my opinion that’s the biggest factor what game is harder
@broseidon1000 3 дня назад
Just scratched the surface 😂. Try invoker or Chen. Also macro at this mmr is like 5th grade times tables where as pro level macro is calculus. Try watching true site or yatoro
@bush3867 3 дня назад
Also there are more lookalikes F.e. veigar and sky mage Mundo and undying Nautilus and tidehunter Kaitlyn and sniper Zed and ember spirit Yone and magnus J.k. Yasuo and anti creep
@jaxonnevermore1394 3 дня назад
You can actually get burst damage with Mars. It’s abit selfish and more of a carry or mid oriented build but you get items like desolater and you will usually one shot 100 to 0
@TheOrcaSquad 3 дня назад
DotA is way more complex and hard than LoL... The more simply example is last hits and denies... The last non existant in LoL... And that's just the first step...
@nikosddfdf1504 3 дня назад
broski playing with bots and having core performance ))
@gorkyusladkyu8937 3 дня назад
Short answer is “yes” Long answer is “yes it is”
@battleriteroyalevietnam8447 3 дня назад
BR and hots fail because they center in team fight. which is why they have to make everyone sturdy with low dmg dealing. to make a longer fight or else it will end too soon. Which in the otherhand, other moba have this very neutral game called laning or positioning. And when fight broke out, some one can die in a mere second. thats where the joy come from. BR royale later solve this problem, give the move+loot phase a neutral phase and when fight broke out its super intense and can end fast, then back to loot + positioning. But stunlock suck. Thats all. And thing is, battlerite is too hard to learn. skill floor is big, skill ceiling is even bigger. only canceling and counter reflex can separate noob and veteran. then other technic from , which attack can negative by counter. blabla. And hots is just too simple.
@Upsilon_Shin 3 дня назад
you wanna make mars something like pantheon? 😂 build deso , 4 divine and a dagger
@Akram73994 3 дня назад
I recently recovered from LoL ranked...so keep this Dota away from me 😂
@slayersballing 3 дня назад
i have alot of fun with a charcter called tiny in dota prtty much you 2 shot em but i like to call him the aoe rampage destoryer aoe and mad i would love to see you play him
@user-cn7nl7dg2x 4 дня назад
i was master in league i played dota for a month like 100 games had 70% wr i will say this macro micro wise dota has way more things to do then league BUT SKILL WISE dota is not even close to league 90% of dota heros are so ez to play only 10% of them are complicated and you have so much roam to make mistakes in dota than league
@agps4418 4 дня назад
as a dota 1 player, i'm just disgusted by how LOL looks 😂
@amirahmadian7328 4 дня назад
bro enjoyed one of the easiest hero's to play in dk :)))) true lol player
@zinglociabatta3205 4 дня назад
I bet if all the people who only play league gave Dota a chance, the league community would be halved and the dota community would skyrocket
@guiguito5505 4 дня назад
This is a badly researched video. League champions are similar, not because they take "inspiration" from one another, but because when league and HoN came out, they were literal ports of dota 1, and something that soured the well forever is that league "devs" actually used their login credentials they had on their dota 1 forum from the time they worked on the game, to literally advertise league inside dota 1 forum, which is not only an extremely asshole move, is borderline illegal. The other part on why this video is badly researched, is that, none of these heroes are the copies everyone was talking about, which is hilarious, once you consider you literally mentioned invoker's copy cat in the video. Also, it's kinda weird to have this conversation in 2024, considering, all the heroes/champions took significant changes to their kits, drow didn't even have volley until a few years back, and league now has more champions than dota 1 had heroes, yes they still copy it, but it's a useless argument nowadays. If you want some examples for characters that are literal copies, try dota's sniper and katyln, blitzcrank and pudge, axe and rammus, ursa and volibear, but look at the release patch, not the updated one, also look into the thematic similarities.
@emubarrrgh2545 4 дня назад
the safe lane is called as such because the creeps meet at the edge of your tower so it is much better to send carry hero's there as they can farm and if threatened immediately run back to safety. because the creeps meet so close to the safe lane tower the enemy in that lane are in a much more forward position and if threatened need to run a long way to safety, often times people will play hero's geared more for the early game so that they can get as much out of the lane as possible and have a better chance of shutting down the enemy carry, called the offlane / deadlane
@user-ku6hb4tm7r 4 дня назад
Try invoker, if dota easy for you
@SSShikari 4 дня назад
For me, LoL is mechanically more, MORE difficult. It's more like some rythm game, like guitar hero or so. Everything is on tips of the fingers. If you miss 1 creep on lane - you are doomed. You can't just go to the jungle and farm some creeps there, because there is your jungler with 4 creep spots per side. It's way harder to survive in lol. If you missed some button in fight - it's an insta death. If you miss your eternally reloadig 15cm flash - you have lost. In dota the mistake penalty is way lower. You almost can't die like in 1-2 seconds which will lead to macro disaster. For me, the best fights in lol when everyone hits all buttons on some baron and noone dies, but run with like 0 hp. It's a pure skill. p.s. im dota 2 enjoyer for about 13 years.