That Nukem Guy
That Nukem Guy
That Nukem Guy
Guy who plays Doom and various other games. Focus on laid-back chill vibes and enjoying the games I'm playing.
Unlocking the TRUE Potential of GBA Doom
14 дней назад
What If... Super Mario 64 in Doom 2
14 дней назад
Exploring the Doom Mod Section
Месяц назад
Classic Doom on Nintendo DS
Месяц назад
Reflecting on The End of Xbox 360
Месяц назад
Appreciating Leaderboards in Xbox 360 Doom
2 месяца назад
@MechanicalRabbits 28 минут назад
I don't know why they used such bland sounding samples for the SNES soundtrack. Games like Megaman X 1-3 on the SNES show what it's soundchip was capable of when making rock/metal music, it could've sounded much cooler with samples like that.
@TheVdub1980 3 часа назад
It's the same game except it runs in a 32 bit environment.
@icanhasfreecat 4 часа назад
Doom Legacy was the way to go for me back then.
@baronofdoom 6 часов назад
If it hasn't been done, someone should make a Victorian London Doom mod. I want to see some pinky demons wearing felt top hats.
@wadmodderschalton5763 6 часов назад
The Saturn version of Doom feels like you're playing a poor PAL to NTSC conversion. Mainly because of the performance issues.
@emmettturner9452 9 часов назад
If GBA were 240p then it would look better than the 200p DOS version. It’s actually a slightly wide 160p.
@emmettturner9452 9 часов назад
Fun fact: The GBA and GameCube both have the exact same D-Pad. Also, can’t you use a GBA as a controller for the GB Player with GB Interface?
@ThatNukemGuy 9 часов назад
You can but it's a bit of a pain
@discoron77 13 часов назад
I switched between DOS and Doom 95 but preferred DOS.
@lionocyborg6030 18 часов назад
1:20 My god, no wonder this mod was banned for politics: Doomguy drinks Tenants!
@mandead 20 часов назад
My favourite DOOM version is probably XBLA.
@gamervet4760 23 часа назад
My first experience with Doom was on PC, the 32X, the GBA, and PS1. I played the PS1 the most and beat it several times. I had a whole notebook full of codes for the game. The only quark I noticed is when the sound effects wouldn't activate. Well, that and the tank controls. I thought we'd get a PS2 port with analog support. It's a shame I had to wait almoat 20 years to actually get another port with analog support. Still, I can't argue with the results. Saving anywhere changes how I play the game from the code days. I do miss the spooky soundtrack and creepy sound effects. I still get that with Doom 64.
@johneygd День назад
An amezing port of allthose different versions of doom. But i expected it to be possible because of doom 1 & doom 2 being officially released on that platform.
@brucetungsten5714 День назад
Unfortuntely the HUD and font in Saturn Doom do look atrocious. I remember playing it many years ago on a friends system and while bad, Doom is still cool in its worse incarnations.
@TRex-fu7bt День назад
I think the green blood on the GBA would be to give the game a Teen ESRB rating.
@bigbad75_YT День назад
Bethesda are Sus as fuck for banning this WAD
@elaynet382 День назад
The bottom line is the best way to experience the original Doom is on PC. Every console port (pre-xbox) had to cut aspects of the game to get an acceptable frame rate and/or fit within limited cartridge constraints, and playing any FPS with a console controller is just never going to be as nice as mouse and keyboard. The colored lighting in the PSX port was a nice touch, but didn't make up for the rest of the substandard experience.
@nifftbatuff676 День назад
Dosbox version wins! 😂😂😂
@alleycatjack4562 День назад
I commend you for committing to saying Margaret Thatcher 666 times in this video. You, sir, are a legend.
"with Microsoft keen to usurp DOS as the PC gaming destination.." wait til you find out what the MS in MS-DOS stands for
@RetroRich91 День назад
I swear I has this but everyone told me "no it's jusy doom1"
@ExileHeretic День назад
Strange how PSX Doom uses all Doom 64 sound effects.
@hatsuneelissu5924 День назад
31:33 So could it be possible to beat the 8 second WR? or does that version not count?
@draigoentertaiment7457 День назад
Hexen and Heretic on GBA???
@roberto1519 День назад
It's a bit funny, in a strange way, the remarks on UAC labs, the death animations being a bit more gory, specially comparing how lame it is to what Brutal DOOM brought to the table. I mean, it's as violent and gory as it can be, and the creator isn't involved in anything out of the ordinary, as far as I can tell.
@ba-bass День назад
Kinda ruined the 32X by shooting.
@TheGoofy-Mouse День назад
Better then the Doom port
@molivil День назад
Hi! Enemies looking shorter is not because DirectX renders them any different. It's because of the chosen resolution. Of the choices in the launcher, only 320x200 and 640x400 maintain true-to-original aspect ratio of the image. The other choices will make enemies and items look shorter due to wrong aspect ratio.
@roberto1519 День назад
For a rushed release, the 32X version was good for its day, but impressive is the Resurrection version released by fans a few years ago, which received many updates since then. Now, imagine if what we have now was released at that time. It still wouldn't save the addon, but it would blow all other console versions, including the PS release, which is quite good, but its levels were based off of the Jaguar version and not really faithful to the original, being a bit flat in comparison. I can't help but feel that of all console ports, the only one who actually tried its best is the SNES release. Being an 'impossible port', it's amazing what it achieved for a console that no one expected to have such a game, while the Jaguar, 32X, Saturn, 3DO and even the PS1 could have done so much more, if the developers knew how to harness their true potential. The SNES beat all of those in this regard. The 3DO and Saturn versions are a joke, the latter even received a much more demanding game, Quake, that runs and plays so much better than this port of DOOM. Also, the 32X adds quite a lot of power to the Mega Drive, it doesn't have much to offer as far as video capabilities go, apart from improved colors and it actually makes 2D side scrolling games run slower than the base hardware, due to SEGA's Frankensteining the base hardware. Still, both SH2 CPUs of the addon are quite powerful and they're the same (albeit with slower clocks) the Saturn would use. The truth is that these consoles, meaning, the 3DO, Jaguar and 32X never reached their true potential, as all their games were rushed and developers didn't have time to mature their skills and get to know then new hardware.
@Cloudywithachanceofcaulk День назад
Love Doom 64! ❤
@noahboat580 День назад
So bethesda's not fine with this mod ragging on Thatcher but Fallout London is? How british
@MyNewSoundtrack День назад
Did you overclock the PS1 emulator? I remember that version running at like 15fps lol
@ThatNukemGuy День назад
Ultimate Doom on PS1 runs pretty great. It's the Doom 2 part which struggles
@MyNewSoundtrack День назад
@@ThatNukemGuy ohhh I see! I'm gonna try to replay it sometime soon, I'm super curious now
@roberto1519 День назад
Windows 95 is probably the most influential OS there is, and DOOM was also a huge hit, which influenced, and pushed the sales of new hardware, which would be expanded with Quake. Now, I didn't have a PC, nor the original DOOM, but these two together sound like a powerful combo. My brother and I played the SNES version at the time and we had a blast, it's a downgraded version, but also one that shouldn't exist, and it's better than the 3DO and Saturn releases, which are much more powerful and should run DOOM with ease, given the right circumstances. Back to what I was saying, Windows 95+DOOM, great combination.
@21stcenturyrambo16 День назад
Is it me or is the shotgun shooting faster in some of these versions?
@ThatNukemGuy День назад
The Saturn one very much so. I had to triple check with real hardware videos if that was a thing and it was.
@V3ntilator День назад
I played Doom MS-DOS mostly in 1993 with others over local LAN. Anyways. This launcher were good for it's time.
@Spyd77 День назад
The Kex port has too many graphic glitches. I don't understand why they didn't use GZDooM, it's the best way to experience any DooM game.
@KartKing4ever День назад
Doom 95 is how I first played Doom as well. I think I found an exe of it somewhere and downloaded it.
@rotbuxe2301 2 дня назад
The PSX version is awesome and there is a PC port on Doomworld
@VinskiTakahashi 2 дня назад
I remember playing Doom 95 with my family at the time we didn't have much things. Just remembering opening up windows xp and seeing the cover and everything in launcher as i was fighting my own family. That was so much fun
@Skyrilla 2 дня назад
The new Wolfenstein games are overtly political and blatantly far-left propaganda lol. So why they would deem this mod which is blatantly far-left and anarchic a bannable offense, no idea. Anyway you can still play the mod, it's just not on their ''official listing'' which is BS anyway, mods are never official. The mod kind of sucks tho, as it is far-left propaganda lol.
@amnril 2 дня назад
For me, PS doom was the best version from the 90’s and its music was far better than the PC version because it fitted the mood of the game.
@user-qd8yy9lc4g 2 дня назад
All hangars explored No planes found
@accidentcellar6307 2 дня назад
3:35 An A to B comparison between the two different pitches would be good here.
@balss248 2 дня назад
Unf if thatchers dead
@bland9876 2 дня назад
I didn't even know you could shoot switches in Doom for a long time. I thought it was weird that that's the only way to do it in Quake.
@VGamingJunkieVT 2 дня назад
It's kind of sad that the 32x version actually seems to perform a lot better than the Saturn version. Maybe it's because they didn't have time to optimize the Saturn version as well, and the 32x version IS lower res with only front facing sprites, but that's probably preferable.
@VictoryNotVengeance 2 дня назад
My introduction to Doom was the PS1 version and it, by far, is my favorite. The custom music soundtrack and unique ambient lighting is absolutely phenomenal. Both of these aspects are awe-inspiring. Take level 21 (Mt. Erebus) as an example. The blazing flames on the horizon, coupled with the EERIEST OST track I’ve ever heard (sounds like babies crying amidst a deep dark and moody underscore) had me shitting my pants as a 14 yr old in 1995. Only downside to the PS1 version was no Archviles! As for the SNES and 32X versions, I bought those just as a novelty, just to experience them and give em a try. Kudos to the SNES for trying. Seriously. SNES version’s best aspects: red cartridge, and offers imo the best soundtrack of the original OST. 32X version is probably my favorite 32X game, albeit impossible to circle strafe, but still a valiant effort, given it’s basically a Genesis game with a few bells and whistles.
@juanchol21 2 дня назад
if you unzip the sky may be exe you get the wad and the deh files, this is not a joke :)
@JoLiKMC 2 дня назад
I did this, one time, but on a very limited scope. I compared the DOS version to the Super NES version. Playing them back-to-back made me realize just what a really amazing port that version is. Also. _Ultimate Doom_ wasn't released on the '90s consoles. That was just plain ol' _Doom._ (;
@bazboo1284 2 дня назад
Thought I was going crazy a few years back, as I remembered there was a chaingunner behind the stage in the second room, but there's no chainguners in this level, realised I was playing the PSX version
@bazboo1284 2 дня назад
@GTXDash 2 дня назад
2:05 Yeah, I made a video about the story of many of the interesting ports as well as the original DOS version during its 30th. I specifically got a hold of the original 1993 release to show people what Doom actually looked and played like at release, because there were some differences than the DOSBox version that you can get from Steam.