For me, Star Trek has played an important role in my life. I love the prospects of the future and what the 24th century really could be like? |I think things like Star Wars and Babylonian 5 are based to solidly on War, where as with Star Trek, you never really know what is coming with each episode. So with that said, watch the vids and Live Long & Prosper!
A tribute to Mr. Spock
9 лет назад
A ship called Voyager
9 лет назад
Enterprise-D Crash
9 лет назад
U.S.S. Galaxy (NCC 70637)
9 лет назад
Where my heart will take me
9 лет назад
Star Trek Vs. Star Wars: The end
9 лет назад
Star Trek: The Next Generation remix
10 лет назад
Enterprise D Crash
10 лет назад
Star Trek Vs. Star Wars 2, Trailer
10 лет назад
Star Trek Vs. Star Wars
10 лет назад
Star Trek monolouge
10 лет назад
Ships in Starfleet
10 лет назад
Best of Starfleet's ships
10 лет назад
Star Trek Generations: Ending
10 лет назад
Starships named USS Enterprise
10 лет назад
@AshuraH 8 дней назад
You know, when I was younger watching this scene, I had no idea about the Nebula-class, so I totally thought they were hauling away the Enterprise's saucer section. Maybe I wasn't too far off :P
@Anth230 17 дней назад
1:31 The random steel truss/pole etc. that we have seen on countless TV shows and movies which are used for various things. the production design team just threw in there randomly onto the wood command arch as debris....😂😂....
@edarkly 17 дней назад
Is it ever explained why Riker and Picard are wearing 2 different style uniforms? Even though they're both serving on the same ship?
@nekbiodieselworks 18 дней назад
I was hoping that true to this, Riker would take command of the enterprise after Picard season 3
@JB48632pointfour 19 дней назад
Love this music
@ashish714 Месяц назад
Picard changes his uniform at least twice in this picture, from the TV-series version, to the movie-version, back to the TV-series version! It's MAD!
@Timepiece80 2 месяца назад
I'm frequently comparing this movie to TFA. Both movies are the seventh in their own series and both of them killed off a main character. Neverthless I think it is much better than TFA, at least Generations is not woke. And TFA is a fucking abomination just like the other two.
@manuel_k791 2 месяца назад
He should have searched for his flute too.
@jamesgarner8262 2 месяца назад
(Meanwhile back at the wrecken and destroyed ENTERPRISE-D, Picard and Riker are 👀 looking for Picard’s family photo album 💿 book 📕) Riker: (talking to Picard) Is this it? (Riker founds the family album 💿 book 📕) Picard: (answers to Riker) Yes 👍. Yes 👍. That’s it, Number One ☝🏽. Thank you 🙏. (Picard picks up ⬆️ his family photo album 💿 book 📕; Riker looks around the destroyed ENTERPRISE-D) Riker: I’m gonna miss this ship 🚢. She went before her time. (Orchestral music 🎼 score playing) Picard: Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives; but I rather believe that time is a companion to goes with us on a journey; reminds us to cherish every moment. Guess they’ll never 👎 come again. (Picard 👀 looks at his family 🫂 album book 📕) What we leave behind is not 👎 as important as how we lived. (Turns and looks at Riker) After all, Number One ☝🏽, we’re only mortal. Riker: Speak 🗣️ for yourself, sir. I plan to live forever ♾️.
@glbm555 2 месяца назад
"In life there are no ending points, there are Beginning points." --Gerardo L. Berrios-Martinez
@bryantbillips4064 2 месяца назад
Picard's whole speech referred to not just seven years of tng but also the passing of the torch from the original series to the next generation
@TheJustUsLeague 3 месяца назад
🤔Riker says "I plan to live forever", because he knows he still has part of " Q " power inside him from that episode.
@Tylerpierre99 3 месяца назад
I think there's some debate as to why and how Geordie could and would have rebuilt the Enterprise D, and rightly so. I think one of the biggest hurdles fans and viewers alike have about the rebuild is that we are more of less approaching the issue from our own views of current day thinking. If the biggest ship, say the Royal Caribbean Icon of the Seas was stricken so badly and wouldn't sail again, we usually wouldn't question the fact that they'd scrap ship and either build another or count their losses and balance the financial books etc. But, the Federation doesn't operate via money or insurance. If it did, the Enterprise D would have been scrapped (what's left of it) and the components and raw materials would pretty much be melted down to try ans offset the financial losses or perhaps reused for a new ship. Though building such a huge ship from the ground up is very expensive and risky. The Federation rightly removed the saucer and any components from Veridian 3 as part of the Prime Directive, but a case can, be made to keep the Saucer section for posterity or simply redundant parts as needed. Although the Federation doesn't use money or operate in a capitalist society as we do, they wouldn't be above keeping spare parts around as that's simply a wise thing to have laying around in a crisis, if needed. Remember the FED had come off the back of the Dominion War, the Borg and the destruction of Romulus, leaving the Alpha and Beta Quadrants more politically unstable. So, keeping working parts around is just good practice than stripping it down for basic resources, only to have to rebuild a new ship. Resources, as in, metals, composites and unknown to us materials they often use are plentiful in their basic form. The Federation is a post-scarcity society. If they need food, elements or basic components, they simply fabricate or replicate them using a plentiful supply of energy. More complex components and parts will initially be replicated from a pattern, but will, still need to be built into more complex systems. Thr point I make is, the federation isn't scarce of ships, so they likely didn't object too much when Geordie or whomever made the case to store the remains of the Enterprise D in a figurative warehouse or museum. After all, it's an iconic flagship and is well regarded in the publics eye and in naval tradition the name and ship holds some high esteem. I think the series makes it appear that Geordie and only Geordie himself worked on rebuilding the Ship. He was mostly likely the main guy who built the case to restore it and having been it's cheif engineer for many years, was one of the most qualified to do so. What, the series seemed to omit, was that there was likely a small or sizable team working in it either through commission from Star fleet or the branch of the historical society that curates and keeps the old ships for Star fleet in the interest of the public to see, enjoy and study. Starflower probably happily agreed for the Historical Division (or whatever name it has) to take temporary lease or borrow the ship for their collection and work to restore it to its original status. Geordie, being respected, decorated and experienced was probably only a few people with influence to put together such a large project and secure parts and sections of other ships such as the USA Syracuse for the drive section. I a post scarcity society, it's important to understand that money, resource and logistics are really a constraint on such a large project, only time, and perhaps some manpower (personnel). Today, we would like to restore a massive ship, and in many parts of the world, historical societies, charities and groups have managed to bring back, restore or completely replicate old ships, engines and artefacts from the past. But money is a deciding factor, as well as personnel and most importantly time. 29 years is not too short a time to restore the crashed remains of the Enterprise. It's only half a ship and it was never really designed to be relaunched into service again. So the specifications may, not have been entirely up to Star fleet code when it comes to top of the line. A point they state pretty much in the series. But we are suspicious that such a mammoth project would be undertaken based on our own understanding. In a world where food, clothing, heating, medicine, supplies and water are free to all citizens, it leaves its people to pursue other projects above the day to day struggle to earn money to have the aforementioned things. People in the Federation don't work for money. They work for the betterment of society as a whole and a ship with as much a rich and well regarding name of the enterprise would be a privilege to work on, and restore for the enjoyment of generations to come.
@seanwebb605 2 месяца назад
You are insane. The saucer section was destroyed. It is implausible that anyone would reconstruct it for any reason at all.
@kurtb8474 3 месяца назад
Enterprise A, B, C, D,... how far into the alphabet did they plan to go? What happens when they get to Z? So far, 3 out of 5 Enterprises didn't ''bring them home'' as 136-year-old Bones McCoy said it would.
@Flightdevildoc 3 месяца назад
This is one of my most favorites quotes as it encompasses so many issues in life, what we do and don't, the choices we made, our level of ethics, doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do, the positive difference made on other people's lives, and much more, not the materials things that are, many times, emphasized in our society. Back in college, my philosophy professor, late Dr. J Delaney (a WWII Medal of Honor) once told us that the ultimate goal of our existence is to leave this world a little of bit better than it was before. It encouraged me disconnect from the technological rat race, and enjoy life's moments to their fullest, laugh, dancing, learn, explore, etc., either w/ loved ones, friends even strangers. Movies and Programs like this, unfortunately are not made anymore, what a shame, indeed.
@mikewestwood567 4 месяца назад
The bridge module was replaceable as shown in Star Trek TNG Technical manual and as the bridge reverted to the pre refit state that’s probably what Geordie did.
@thewinner7382 4 месяца назад
In the dvd commentary Moore and Braga said they hated this ending because watching three random ships warp off made no sense.
@ShaunStephens777 5 месяцев назад
I’m glad that the enterprise D returned in Star Trek Picard.
@davidh7088 6 месяцев назад
While not a great film, I always feel like this is a nice transition between the series and the movies. Its somewhere inbetween and has a timeless quality.
@arcticninja_887 6 месяцев назад
"I realized what I missed the most, The carpet" Geordi did a good job pushing the refresh button on the D
@zackthebongripper7274 6 месяцев назад
Important detail I did not see anyone posted here: Picard discards the priceless "A Kurlan Naiskos" (S6-E20) and takes his family album instead.
@seanwebb605 4 месяца назад
Oh I noticed that in the first viewing of this film. It completed an important character arch for Jean Luc. He didn't want to command a ship with children onboard. His experiences with The Inner Light and his return home and reconnection with his family and nephew on Earth after having been assimilated by the Borg, his experiences with Wesley Crusher and others onboard and in the Nexus changed him. Now they were doing away with the entire experiment of a ship out in deep space along with families and children. But he was only retrieving his personal belongings in this scene. Another crew very well could have been coming to collect any other valuable or historical items later.
@mattboesch8907 6 месяцев назад
So we know worf ended up on DS9 but what the hell were the other members of the Core Seven doing during the year when the Enterprise-E was being built?
@seanwebb605 4 месяца назад
Following the loss of a ship a court martial is held. Both Picard and Riker would have gone through a lengthy process. We're also to believe that the ship was already being built with another name and commander in mind. Picard and many of his officers then completed the shake down and early trials before going into service.
@bigsteve8921 7 месяцев назад
"Speak for yourself sir. I plan to live forever." My mom would always say that. R.I.P. Mom
@florianglassel2062 8 месяцев назад
Die Enterprise E muss zurück komme..das geilste Schiff aller Zeiten 😉😉😉
@xStarblazer 8 месяцев назад
It always will bug me I’m going to be long dead before we ever reach a position to even half match this technology. I can’t even imagine the shift in mankind if it was ever possible. Then again it’s possible we never even reach light speed, let alone break it, so my future ancestors will still suffer the same fate seeing as it’s 4 years at light speed just to the nearest star apart from the sun. Or if we haven’t experienced an extinction level event or Nuked ourselves by then. Optimism.
@kainigwon5433 8 месяцев назад
I look forward to Riker living forever. But.... in order to see that, I'll have to live longer than him. Oh well. Such is life.
@seanwebb605 4 месяца назад
Time travel.
@andrewmontgomery5621 9 месяцев назад
I actually given both the Miranda class and the Oberth class names. The Miranda class starship is the USS Ark Royal after the two Royal Navy carriers HMS Ark Royal and the Oberth class is the USS Gagarin after the Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.
@roobear78 8 месяцев назад
sorry dude the ships were already named, they were saratoga and pegasus! At least the models were they sold them at a christies auction sometime in 2000s. They were the original models used for movies and shows before it all went digital and have had many names over the years. your names are cool but gagarin already exists,its a class of starship in its own right a battlecruiser in star trek online and other works
@garybaxter1332 9 месяцев назад
Rather see the enterprise b!
@garybaxter1332 9 месяцев назад
Bring back kirk!!
@jonathanward7320 9 месяцев назад
Riker plans to live forever but literally turned that chance down when he decided not to be a Q
@RideAcrossTheRiver 9 месяцев назад
Everyone goes on about Picard's lines, but in the theatre, Riker's line was the most impressive.
@girl1213 9 месяцев назад
He'll command E and he and Riker help give "birth" to G. And D will rise again for one last adventure before she'll "live forever" to remind people how much it pays to remember the past even when all those who lived it are gone.
@Clonest 9 месяцев назад
I always thought the "Farragut" class ship they were beaming aboard at the end was the ship carrying the saucer section away into subspace to be used in some sort of refit that never was. Course years later Picard season 3 proved thats probably what they ended up doing some time later anyway when Geordi needed something to do :P
@seanwebb605 4 месяца назад
That entire story is bogus. Just look at the rubble that remains of the saucer section. We're suppose to believe that they removed it from the planet and then much later LaForge rebuilt it in a garage like an old Chevy.
@Clonest 4 месяца назад
@@seanwebb605 It probably would've made more since if they explained some point that not all the decks and rooms were finished being rebuilt, just the windows, turbolifts and hallways leading to the bridge. Then have the entire hull plating on the outside refitted to look new. Which would be pretty meta given entire plot of that Picard finale was one big nostalgic excuse to bring back as many ships they could without actually using them for fights and the fact different hardcore fans at conventions been trying to gather the props to restore the bridge itself for years.
@seanwebb605 4 месяца назад
@@Clonest Since? Then? They give the impression on screen that the entire saucer section had been restored. Otherwise why show all of the lights on from the various windows and show the clean carpeting? Apparently it also only requires three or four people to operate and nobody needs to be in engineering. A fleet couldn't hold back a Borg cube in some scenarios, but a barely operational ship that by then was antiquated could do it with a doctor, therapist, android and a museum director.
@Clonest 4 месяца назад
@@seanwebb605 i mean i'm not disagreeing with you, even i thought the ridiculous new impulse speed and faster "manuevering turns" that Data was able to pull off in Picards new CGI action shots vs the borg that they showed us with the new Enterprise - D were bit over the top and made it seem as of the studio forget how much the ship is supposed to even weigh compared to something like the Defiant. That's why I assume it must've been missing half it's decks.
@seanwebb605 4 месяца назад
@@Clonest I can't believe that people really ate it up.
@ImoFlo 9 месяцев назад
Noticed the different uniforms? VOY vs TNG era.
@jackcunningham5689 10 месяцев назад
My version, not just number one and I, my beautiful brunette wife, and kids inlaws nephew and niece, and i am saying some how i doubt this will be the last ship to carry the name Cunninghamprize, and my Dad is alive again, and we all are up for new adventures too. Me and the whole family and best friends aboard a new Star Ship Enterprise as well.
@galaxywitchking7062 10 месяцев назад
To live forever
@ForceMaximus84 10 месяцев назад
I’m not sure if anyone else noticed, but the final shot has both a Miranda-class ship alongside a Nebula-class ship. Kind of a two generations moment.
@tamuren1397 10 месяцев назад
The last time, you say? Picard is calling!
@AClosedMind 11 месяцев назад
Anyone else notice it was the Farragut that picked them up? That was Kirk's first command before taking over the Enterprise
@seanwebb605 4 месяца назад
Name, but not the actual ship from Kirk's time.
@dukoth6552 11 месяцев назад
"speak for yourself, sir, I plan to live forever" tell me thats not the most Riker moment in the franchise
@rossdawgsbrokenspirit9038 10 месяцев назад
@itsatry 3 месяца назад
What a fantastic line! In fact the music used during this scene is titled ‘To live forever’.
@andrewnlarsen Месяц назад
Riker was also in a sense channeling David Xanatos of Gargoyles
@terryprideaux 11 месяцев назад
Like the Phoenix, it came back from the ashes, to save earth once again. Thank god for the prime directive.
@stephenchen856 11 месяцев назад
Love this quote!
@CtrlWQ 11 месяцев назад
Thank you. It was a beautiful ending to a storied past. I dared to boldly go ... Captains! ❤
@floridaboz1 11 месяцев назад
Posted 9 years of go.. How would of ever thought we would see her again.
@startrekiscool_123 11 месяцев назад
@gc7820 Год назад
Last time we’d see her until Geordi restored her to her full glory, was the last time we’d ever though we’d see her too. Glad to be wrong!
@seanwebb605 4 месяца назад
Total crap. Look at the saucer section. It is rubble. As if they really removed all of the remains and LaForge rebuilt it later in a garage like an old Chevy. Not at all plausible. Far too gone. A waste of time, energy and resources and not practical. That was entirely fan service and a producer/director that just wasn't that bridge set for the finale.
@MarcoScetta Год назад
"After all, she's allways taken good care of us"
@vitesse_arnhem Год назад
Opposite uniforms LOL
@bobbyruffin4336 Год назад
I'm gonna miss captain Kirk. Captain vacad is a good captain too. This is good movies for both of them
@andrewmontgomery5621 Год назад
I actally gave both the Miranda class and the Oberth class starships names. The Miranda class the USS Ark Royal after a long line of Royal Navy ships including two aircraft carriers and the Oberth class the USS Gargrin after the famous Russian Cosmonaut Yuri Gargin.