New Scott
New Scott
New Scott
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@jackielanestephan8666 6 часов назад
Hmmm...? That's an interesting argument. Surely, clips from the actual movie are just ridiculous in showing how Baldwin truly is. However, it's odd that they want to show off set clips after the fact in order to explain his real behaviors and lack of planning behind the scenes. I'll have to think about this one. I'm not sure if I consider that relevant, or not?
@LeslieMcKerns 9 часов назад
Stop passing on this garbage to the public. You have no knowledge of Slavik Pustovoytov’s life or what he does.
@christinelaws9452 11 часов назад
They don't know its a cult they have been brainwashed for goodness sake I really hope its true that Vik has left the cult like someone commented been following him for many years brilliant dancer nice guy too want to continue seeing his fantastic videos you are one of a kind Vik
@xcvx-lm7zm 22 часа назад
Wtf, Funny, scripted fake fight
@drgunsmith4099 День назад
RCMP are totally inept and not fit for purpose.
@KodiaksDiscovery День назад
Please remember Mr. Kratz is as dirty as dirt!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@KodiaksDiscovery День назад
Charged for false imprisionment ? How about charging Ken Kratz for 18 years for false imprisionment!!!!!!!
@justask9775 День назад
Now the state asking the judge to remove the car from testing ! The key evidence the state wants the courts to bury ! This case nothing more them corruption at the highest level of government. While the courts turn a blind eye to justice and the oath of office. Shame how political arena destroyed the system . To save face and hide their own corruption!!!!!
@darksideofthemoon2348 День назад
@KodiaksDiscovery День назад
Ken Kratz is as dirty as the topsoil.
@michaeljj43 День назад
damn...dick durning is HOT!!!!
@BMA8492 День назад
@BMA8492 День назад
I hope & pray Steven stays in prison.Candace Owens revealed a lot about him & his sick family.
@MariaMar-ev9xd День назад
:))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) That "I'm not a robot"-test is NOT enough!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
@BMA8492 День назад
It's ALL proof, you CANT deny that
@michaeljj43 День назад
MARKO...now that's how you wear a pair of wrestling trunks...thank you!!!
@carrollsanders9376 День назад
How does the state get away, with destroying the wear history of the Firearm?
@soniaboudreau3151 День назад
Thank you for Info! ❤❤❤
@dw-tm8bb 2 дня назад
Its me the guy batman the uhaul driven talking in his cell phone while driven the uhaul all over atl and crying at one point for the kids who never got a chance at life even. I was bout to be a scape goat myself if god didnt open my eyes before each set it my own state was doing againsnt me. Fist it was a lie i was passing shit around, then i spo say was selling drug, to a forged health doc have atl id 16 years old which i dont sleep with underage at all. Then they was doin fake porn of me sexing people to never even met before takenn from real life sex video of me fuckin with out my consent. All my personal files pices nudes sex tapes converstations publiished like a radio people breaking into my locker logging into my iclouds dl guys so they can go fuck on the cool. Fruad all over all my accounts and records tampered with whole world illegally in my personal biz. The cops refuse to leave me alone stalkin me and arresting me each change they get even after i fine back fruad and say im coming in to fill out papperwork they come pick me up for arrest. The just wanna silence me kill me my job and all the lawsuitd i now can sue has to be well over a billion. Wayne didmt kill anyone he was set up to take the fall thats why he still in jail now. The burned the kkk evidance and investagation they had on that shit to blame wayne hell no bitches better know im using waynes case and my own the cover up and frame of us both to reopen twa flight 800 case. Fbi was so rude to me in 2023 when i called them if it was even them she hung up on me she didnt care at all it seemed and didnt wanna do nothing for me. I got the call on tape also along with my own evidance i got of the tamperment of all my evidance and the courts playing along with the mind games proves just how wicked the law can be. No trail for wayne he simple released thats all with some money cause of they raciest fuck up. My bullshit charges or let go to im given money for my money speant on this bullshit and some for me some new ass lol. I mean they can do like before and not listen to me but i got powerful unbeatable points now its no denying that now. By me and waynes case alone it prove twa was indeed shot down and it was a cover up. Dont be mad at me be mad at yself i gave you time to get my new male hoes and my $ you think i was playing hell no. All the things you dont you think ima let you not repair my life no twa was fo sitting their when i been asking you and given simple directions to follow to start to make it right. Who do i think i am no bitchj who you think you are after my sim goes missing you bring up charges almost two years old out of no where and claim you not spying ha. As ,y evidance showed you know before my feb arrest yet you choose to willingly arrest me still over and over again you a dam lie. So now if you dont give in to my demands not only will you pay for my case and waynes. Ima bring up dr richard kimble case and oj simpson case two clear cases that point to other men as prime suspects but kimble was having a affair so you had to fully tornish his image. O j was black with a white woman nicole knew as a white woman what power she held my mother a just stopped minipulation tactic to get me mad at her. Yes my mom was in it to she try to get me mad so id loose it and hit her and tell the fam or the cops look what he did to me my son. i dont hit my moms like thst but minipulation she knows what to do she my momm idk why she did it at all. But once o j imagine was tornished for wifebeater he just as well they said was guilt for nicoles murder. A white man killed them a white serial killer guy. This is like 6 or 7 cases now in what two days ive solved. Please atlanta lousianna alabama texas dont take me as a joke im coming back harder now. Save yourself the pain show me my respect dont roll ya eyes cause you mad im solving cases i gave you enought time. Once you give me my money clothes and hoes lol im doin this for the woman who got kids who get shamed like this and suffer in silence. Its important for them to see me out and about and me to have my fun with my new toys lol. After all lets not lie i know yall been having yall own fun on the cool with my info and watching me sex ect on the cool. You not in a position to not do it im 6 cases up and counting make sho i get who i want and how i want them to. Im batman and 007 and i got a way with words i can make or break you dont forget.
@heathercostello 2 дня назад
Seems like they have a choice stay or. go they are Adult
@soniaboudreau3151 2 дня назад
I. Love a hug lol❤❤❤ from him
@soniaboudreau3151 2 дня назад
@DenisBeda-tb8os 3 дня назад
@christopherbailey24 3 дня назад
There's too much money to be owed if they find out he's innocent. It's why he's serving right now! Of course they set him up.
@loricastillo1384 4 дня назад
Nooo, not Vik! He was my fav back when he was on SYTYCD. And now of course now his dancing videos, especially the ones with Miranda. I hope he's not part of it😮
@MrAnonymous-dt2gi 4 дня назад
Reminds me of the earthquake
@johngenericlastname9781 4 дня назад
Canadian taxes everywhere are out of control, want to fix it, stsrt cutting all the freebies and government leeches off
@brownbabydoll7912 4 дня назад
He’s guilty!
@anthonymusto3537 5 дней назад
Guilty plea!
@anthonymusto3537 5 дней назад
Cause they let them free stupid!
@anthonymusto3537 5 дней назад
Echols is calling theyre bluff he knows they wont test dna cause the released the killers
@BellaNina01 6 дней назад
No way there are 2 rav4s....
@esteralackova6395 6 дней назад
I believe and I know that it is... people will find out the truth and there are others in the cult that I know about
@michaelsorrells3311 7 дней назад
This is not right
@annekhoury4489 7 дней назад
The clear evidence and indicators of guilt against the LYING, CHILD KILLING, West Memphis Three. 1) Zero Alibis--and outright LIES about their alibis. Provable LIES. Innocent people don’t lie. 2) Witness sighting of Echols right near the crime scene in muddy clothes by multiple family members who knew him 3) Mark on Steve Branch matching EXACTLY the diameter (with “x” pin mark) of Echols compass knife found in lake behind Baldwin’s house. Exact type of knife to have been used in mutilation 4) Jessie’s 7-8 known confessions, giving specific details that ONLY someone at the crime scene would know. No coercion bullshit. (False narrative spun by WM 3 PR). Jessie later admits to fabricating some details at this so called “coercion” confession to lessen his involvement because “I was scared”. 5) Jessie specifically mentioning Echols masturbated over one of the victims. 6) Jessie specifically stating that Echols said a SATANIC prayer as the bodies were being submerged 7) Jessie confessing against the advice of his OWN attorney because “I want something done about it” 8) Jessie confessed to Buddy Lucas. Buddy passed polygraph and provides the shoes, matching EXACTLY, what Jessie confessed he gave Lucas 9) Jessie stating Echols took photos of young kids, specifically took photos of Christopher, Michael and Stevie. 10) “We done it, we done it. What are we going to do if someone saw us?”-Jessie’s stating of phone call made with Baldwin...Echols in background. 11) Blue wax evidence...research it 12) Green Fiber evidence...research 13. New shoelaces found on Jason’s boot 14) Jessie’s father’s ex-GF Lee Rush telling police of Jessie’s HYSTERICAL CRYING FITS immediately after the murders 15) Echols’ perjuring himself on witness stand 16) Echols softball game confession 17) Echols confession to Ken Watkins 18) Echols confession to William Jones 19) Misskelley’s confession to sheriff deputies, right after conviction 20) broken whiskey bottle found exactly where Misskelley said he threw it after murders 21) Echols, Baldwin and Misskelley showing NO outrage, proclamations of innocence, meltdowns, crying....nothing after guilty verdicts read. There is ZERO chance that three teenagers, would ALL react that way if innocent. 22) Echols’ Exhibit 500 compiled by HIS Defense attorneys to avoid death penalty. 23) Echols’ ex-GF stating he talked about sacrificing their first child! 24) Echols’ child sacrifice drawing 25) Many kids who knew Echols back then thought ECHOLS was responsible for the murders. 26) Misskelley’s own father ADMITS Jessie could have been there but did not commit the murders 27) After failing his polygraph, Echols tells detectives “I’ll tell you everything” but then talks to mom and then lawyers up 28) Echols’ suicide attempt 29) Echols’ knowledge of details of the crime before they were made public 30) Police visit the trailer home where Echols was living, owned by Pam Hollingsworth. Inside the stench filled trailer home was a framed Compact Disc Case titled Grim Reaper, with “See you in hell” handwritten at the bottom. Hollingsworth said she talked to Damien several times and was afraid of him. “HE SAID THE DEVIL HAD CHOSEN HIM. HE SAID THE DEVIL TELLS ME WHAT TO DO AND I DO IT.” 31)A necklace was found (too late to be included in trial evidence) in Damien’s possession that was covered with blood. Tests proved that the DNA on it was consistent with Damien, Jason and… Stevie Branch. 32)Jessie’s confession to Kim Floresca who gave specific details about the crime that Jessie corroborated with Police. 33) Jason Frazier tells police Damien and Jason "always have the devil-worshipping meetings in those woods." 34) Alvis Clem Bly (in the SAME CULT as Echols) said that when he left the cult, they were discussing the SACRIFICE OF CHILDREN.. “They were trying to pick out, you know wanting to know who we could pick out to do it to ... I was already leaving the cult anyway because they raped that girl. ... This was about a month before the boys got killed. ... They were planning on sacrificing them up here on 50 at that house and leave them there.” 35) Echols volunteered one of the boys was more mutilated than the other. Talked of the water being a demonic type symbolism for a sacrifice and the bodies being submerged gave more power to the Killer. 36)After arrest, Echols writes these: a} “I am the Christ”. b} “Death Can’t Stop Me.” c)”Everyone will pay because everyone is too stupid to open their eyes. This is the final times and I am the new Messiah. Wake up and smell the crud faggets. I don't care whether you're saved or not. Everyone pays the price." 37) Part of Damien and Jason’s alibi was that they were with each other on May 5th...yet, Jason states that it seemed Damien “done it”. But if Jason was part of Damien’s alibi, how could be not say, “No, that’s impossible”? The truth is that none of the three had any alibi and 1000% killed those boys while drunk and as a child sacrifice/thrill kill...all orchestrated by Echols. ...and there’s so much more. They are so pathetically guilty it is a joke.
@flyandshy00 7 дней назад
It's teal. In the morning we have yellow light, in a day time - blue, and in the evening - more of the red tone. It changes.
@davidhouse7189 8 дней назад
Boo sexy muscle boy got knocked out and pinned by the fat girl how very humiliating
@davidhouse7189 8 дней назад
6.04 yes sexy muscle boy is a good guy i agree with what he said
@davidhouse7189 8 дней назад
3.18 poor sexy muscle boy his pecs being chopped hard
@davidhouse7189 8 дней назад
Joey is a sexy muscle boy great body and he is cute love his long hair and black wrestling trunks so hot 🔥🔥🔥
@justask9775 8 дней назад
The only game left to play is to stall . The DNA testing the state knows it would destroy the state case !The coverup runs deep in the political arena. By the most powerful people that run the state. The power of government has no Limits to protect their own ! judges and the high court turn a blind eye to protect the game of money. While this case costing the tax's payer million to bury the truth ! A justice system that is totally out of control with No over sight or accountability! Bring NO justice for anyone !
@rhondamcferon9014 8 дней назад
The Avery blood found in the RAV4, on the dash WAS CLEARLY PLANTED!!!! That whole town is corrupt!!!!
@francescaa8331 9 дней назад
He seems to be taking at least half their income. Dancers often cannot make money later in life so they need to be saving it now not giving it to him.
@tnkn969 10 дней назад
After watching the whole documentary, I can safely say the RCMP is useless!
@soniaboudreau3151 10 дней назад
@Christinab114 10 дней назад
I feel his guilty… however if he is innocent, I hope they can prove it. It’s really sad how many innocent people sit in prison for crimes they didn’t commit of course look at Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey but there are a lot more people in prison that are innocent. it’s sad how many years it takes to be able to prove and free people. And I want a lot of documentaries and it’s great that DNA has been a great help over the past. I don’t know 20 years or so but a lot these cold cases they’re still trying to solve from 30-40 years ago and too many times innocent people are in prison. But yeah, from what I have seen on this case, and a lot has to do his behavior after… I feel like he’s guilty.
@SeanSolomon11287 10 дней назад
Is that Duce from WWE?
@klauslebrecht8114 11 дней назад
I believe Scott most likely did murder his wife but will say that there was a strong lack of any hard forensic evidence outside of circumstantial evidence brought before the court, I agree that if there is a question as to his guilt testing will only be incriminating or exculpatory as it would for Avery or Brendan. Unfortunately the State is very reluctant to just grant those incarcerated a new trial.
@dkakers-wi8cw 11 дней назад
God has had me pray for Vik and has showed me that he is being manipulated 😢😢
@Lawleygagger 11 дней назад
They want to bring back eye witnesses after 22 years? hell I can’t even remember 22 days ago, bunch of nonsense, I lived in Stockton and it was on the news all the time this guy is guilty, unless he’s changed his name to OJ
@user-lr9eg4dw8w 11 дней назад
33:04 كشف ضهر